Oshawa Daily Times, 22 Jun 1929, p. 12

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' Da caine BH wr CO Cr Ml HN AER a debe ug ld i dy 8 RT il dA ' AE ' THE OSHAWA DAILY TIMES, SATURDAY, JUNE 22,1928 3 i pL VAC AAAS A Wh A BARBARA y WEBB" 4 ' 2 [4 | ' d i | | | { f | ETALMENT TRIBTY FIVE' © | Me mens sind ' found Ber sitting on a Jow chair be- ow 4 Yih pg ¢ 3bé Harbor of New 4 Hebe | Kiss ber or to wait for some signa! [Mody day in Fede (00 RE di 10. her wishes Ll ," Bo-so sald. Some fellows » Jerry answered, from Minepla, '©And by. the lord Hargy, there's ps o" Pred sald 1hughlng, "Look | unedrst "her, wide as she is long and al- 'bunch of | long time before "answering, 'I t 'hifden. bebind 8 rh bet | #ent it:pecause T no longer want to marry you." rigan Beauty roses. s one proud colored woman." H seemed hours before they ex- "zhn ed handclasps. Connie kept i 's arm in her own, 'shaken hands very quletly 'With Jarry and Fred, leaying the noisier Jer welcome to Chloe, who wept open- pow-wow, as Clayton and I used to worried." pulled "her code pocket. were pad." : She had | Teally"in "love with some one else -=you don't really care, "The GOLDEN GIRL » down presently sud othe Jog fire, She was alone, # hesitated wondering Waviner to + glt down, Jerry, Let's make.s' were kids. . You look About this," he «cable from * hfs "Iam, Connie, . "0b, come, Jerry, admit that you "I won't admit anything until I why you sent it." Constance stared- at the fire a "Why not, Constance?" JBecanss I've found that fiam ) do you, ry?" Wy 'But T thought you didn't believe nin No, 1 When I'm happy, Mr, Jerry, *17ust [long Aime ago. Jy. and kept wiping the tears away Br large handkerchief Jor fear ould spoil her new coat, pt Sorry to see us back, Chloe?' Clayton, You jderey asked, ain't, igoves a good cry." ji" A general 1augh relieved the ten- "Sion that had fallen upon them, |had done Mhrough the ceremonies that tol} Jerry, © : t faithfully, nttasts taut Ct ay {n this manner |that T didn't care for you at all, large handkerchief was d she asked Fred for one nround the flying tield and around 'AE her {Wail the i's08ked an Teen it, Chloe, souvenir." oF will, Mr, Fred, i "At Yant they Wile fren, Sad: insisted on taking he sip her for the night. Clay-|in the shape it was, tan was staying with them, and hfs iT wolféftous manner when Tie wad with 1 sure will," Constance puzzled So-so, "If Jerry hadn't acted as though everything were the same between J n, himself and Constance I'd think she | gone if Tred wanted to, had a dad case on Clayton," So-0 reflected, "Meantime Conatance Wid to Jerry, {Coma down to the 1ib<| for yourself. rary when you've cleared up, want to talk te you." ; I But 7 always cries |er, and he fell in love with me a Lannie | and teld me of the terrible chance them all called in love," "I didn't for a long time, Jerry. I might as well tell you that it's know we've bee friends for 'years, grew up togeth- But I wouldn't ls ten to him and I had romantic ideas about marrying' a poor man who things--~that was you, ** "Then after you left T realized It was~the glamour around you the Wonderful things you were go- dng té/do in the Golden Girl, I realized all this after So-s0 came you were taking with Fred's heart 1 wag only have to be postponed, not concermed at all with your safety." "It wouldn't have made any dif- ference if I had known, I'd have "You're generous, Jerry, I think '| you would have gone but I owed you at Jeast the chance to decide I took a fearful re- I | sponsibility in sending you off with out even mn warning, Just after you ( agreed to the adjournment of the Ta) I case indefinitely, ne i de The case was an action for } i ' ' ita Melbourne, Australia, | ~="Lot them {LET THEM FIGHT Suggested 'During Action In|agement of a Melbourne company. Australian Civil .. Court fight," ; June 21,|agred that he was to be employed suggested | by the company until his death or i Justice Wasley, In the I'ivst Civil | total incapacity and after his death ' Court here recently when counsel | his" dependents were to draw §20 | for both parties in an action sail |a week so long as they held cer- they bulleyed a settlement could be effected if an adjournment were granted for a few hours, Later op howver,- after the trial had pro- ceeded several hours, the judge $10,000 . damages for - alleged wrongful dismissal from the man- The plaintiff pleaded that he had been engaged as manager by the defendant company at a salary of $60 a week and commissiun on sales, and subsequently it had: heen Trritated at the idea the trip 'might |' telephoned to say good-by '1 woke up, I didn't even dress but drove tothe field with s coat on over my' pajamas, YOu were gone. Then 1 went to gét Bo-#o to try to tind in plan' of stepping you and when 1 learned what she had done-- the risk she had taken then I saw how seltigh 8nd vain I'was, Oh! I felt Hike a worm, And it was in this trouble, the most terrible I was ever in,ithat I turned to Clay- ton, / "Jerry, all 'that day and al] the next night, and until we got the fish of 'your landing in Rio, Clay- ton stayed with me, Neither of us slept, 1 don't believe we ate a bite, it's all like a bad dream, And thep came the glorious news that you had made it. Clayton tells me I acted Tike a mad "woman--and I was crazy, Jerry; Crazy with Joy." Jerry reached out his hand and she put hers In ft, '80 then you cabled me the good {news that I was a free agent once more---suppose I had cared, really cared for you." "I knew you didn't, that way. 1 knew it, Jerry, and I wanted you tn feel free to accept the gift that 80-50 had to offer you." "I didn't accept it, them, Con stance. 'But. I'm going to." Constance squeezed his "Good old Connie," There was a tap at the door snd to Gonnle's "come", Clayton enter- ed, "Let go of my girl's hand," he sald to Jerry with a smile, "Hold {it yourself then," Jerry sald laughing, "Everything's jake, Clayton, and I'm here to congratul. ate you on having the best girl in the world except one." "He means 80-80," Constance sald, going to Clayton and leaping against him, "That's all right with me," Clay- ton sald good naturedly. "Go find her, Jerry, she's In her room, second to the right at the top of the stajrs," Constance directed. "By and by--I want to see your father first, Constance." "Father? He's in his room I'm sure you can go right up." Jerry left hastily. -- hand, the agreement had been wrong fully terminated and he has not been paid any commission. The defence: was that no such agreement had been made, FOUR MOTORISTS INJURED Chatham, June 22.~Four people were injured when a light touring car crashed into a ditch on the provincial highway . just west of the city when the driver swerved suddenly to avold-a collision with a horse and buggy. The motorists were Mr, and Mrs, Dewey Couture of 212 Norway street, Berlin, and Mr, and Mrs, Andraw Manguy of Cudell street of the same city. The men. wera badly 'bruised, The women were taln shares in the company, but 'admitted to St. Joseph's hospital. Ontario | 'og ATE dhs Ey * Yt ER H \ LY Ab 1 "» RL ? % NDP gm -------- ty ' »xopucrT or i elbow-room. Engine' of 68 3 bid Sid, R -com cyli 3 "head . : ic Blancer 3 "You've seen Oakland Six, of course. You know somethi originality . . individuality. HEX BS To (RIE e pressive Carin its Class + IN'SIZE AND everything the and quality. does it with a make you in such y proportioned wide, restful' seats, and head.room *, . Oakland is buil even at. of its it's the in all ics Ro J Dh TE of Blo ©. 7 'PERFORMANCE ib oa FINE Fil an style . . engineering Lda 8 Pn Pe ii +o the Oakland +8ix 'actually belongs in class of automobile far above the one in which its price places it . +i" Check. Oakland's 117.inch Wheel- Its colorful Bodies by Fisher, Up- holstery, trimming, fitments . . very essence of style You can't get tired driving Oakland Six. It'does everything easily . . dash you're irit that ing part ormance. «Only a car of Odkland Size, built a t . . could hold the read 0 smoothly, and ride so easily, speeds, There's no question about it. When obi seen and driven Oakland you most impressive car 4-DOOR SEDAN Pho D SI GENERAL MOTORS OF CANADA, Olympic Series LIMITED OA2a tat otor Sales Ltd. tian: ool Shincoe St. S., Osbiawa yd BETTER BECAUSE IT'S CANADIAN CE OF INTEREST. TO CANARY STORES AND BREEDERS hy Broek's ho 'edi tlm, 3 Chl n Ly Fa : LE of . retsll 3 ansries po rds in Can. rd tores; also of rel 7 reeders of other cage ads, 0 All Bird Stores and any Breeders who are interest. ed in being listed in this popular book, which cis- culates in thousands of homes all over the Do- minion, should send in their Ramos and addresses immediately to the pub- lishers below, Nicholson & Brock, Ltd. 128 George St., Toronto 2 SOUTH AFRICA'S TRIBUTE TO MARTY Late Toronto Public School Inspector Died In Africa Toronto, June 22-Tribute to the work and the worth of the late Dr. Aletta I, Marty, Toronto public school inspector on exchange to the Transvaal, South Africa, who died there on May 10, is contained in a letter to Chief Inspector D. D. Mos- hier from four inspectors of the Transvaal, The letter follows: "During the months, since August, 1928, that Dr, Marty has been work- ing side by side with us in the Reef areca we have had ample opportunity for noting with admiration her many excellent qualities, Possessed of a great fund of sound common sense, she has shown hersclf enthusiastic and efficient in the discharge of her du- ties, keenly interested in her study of the system of education in vogue in our land, and wisely temperate in her expression of her views on edu- cation generally, "Where we saw things in our sys- tem to admire she ungrudgingly gave praise; where she considered that her home system was better she stated her opinjon in discreet ad 'moderate language, calculated to command re- spect and disarm any fecling of re- sentment. It has thus been a real pleasure to work with one who has shown in every way a model of what a colleague should be. We looked for- ward with regret to her approaching departure to her homeland at the ex- piration of the term of service for which she was seconded, We felt hap- pily confident that her report on our system to Ker home authorities would be in every respect an enlightened, a fair and a just one, "This feeling .of regret has been deepened into very real sorrow that that onc so specially gifted and quali- fied to uphold the cause of education should have had her promising car- eer thus early curtailed and that it will not be for her to make the re. port that she was so anxious to make of her sojourn in the Transvaal, "We have reason to trust that she found her stay among us a pleasant one and we carncstly hope that it will be some small consolation' in their sense of loss for the education authorities in Canada to know that their accredited representative ac- quitted herself in every way in a manner that wou the highest respect of all with whom she came in con- tact and the deepest regret for her unexpected and untimely death, (Signed) A. M. Robb, F, W, Mills, P. F, Kloppers, E. E. Yates." Moscow despatch says the Rus. sian government... has everything under its control, Yeh, except Rus. sla.--Border Cities Star, 'Brazil grape growers report that their crops ar erotting on the vines for lack of a market. What that country needs is prohibition, «--- Rochester Democrat. 8" BEAL) FLAVOR Neilson's Ice Cream All the luscious flavors of aweet crushed fruits, skillfully blended with rich cream and fine cane sugar combine te give you Neilson's Cream. It's as wholesome and healthful as it tastes. Oorder from us for tonite's dinner. a KARN'S DIAMOND. BUYERS TAKE SHOVELS FULL Not allowed to Choose Stones Supplies f Pretoria, South Africa, June 21. --~-A small, neat packet bearing the Union 'Government seal and tied with tape arrived here from Cape Town recently, It contains several beautiful pure white several beautiful pure white dy Namaqualand 'diamonds of consid- erable value, 'purchased by M. Vanderkar, manager of the United African Diamonds, Ltd, Pretoria, The stones were seht from Cape Town through a bank and after certain formalities, which included a visit to the authorities in the company of a member of the Transvaal Diamond Detective De- partment, Mr. Vanderkar brought the stones to his factory, This parcel of State diamonds Is the first to arrive in Pretoria, The stones were of different cave ats,, flawless, and at first glance looked as though they had al- ready been cut, Describing how he bought them, Mr. Vanderkar said he had scen Namaqualand diamonds worth many hundreds of thousands of dollars on the top floor of a bhufld- ing in Adderley street, Cape Town, treasure house until he had ans- wered questions through a small window, as though he were a mem- ber of some secret society. Inside, diamonds of various sizes were displayed On white paper, and Mr, Vanderkar explain- ed the 'valué of the parcel he in- tended buying. A shovel was yn- ceremoniously pushed Into the stones and drawn out. By adopting this means, the government shows no preference to any buyer of its diamonds. Within 20 minutes the whole transaction was concluded, sald Mr, Vanderkar, and the authorities and the bank saw to the safe de- livery. After théy have been these Namaqualand diamonds will im- mediately be s hipped to the United States, Europe and India, None will be sold in South Africa. Requests for high-class stones are received ceaselessly by dia- present the demand seems to be mond cutters in South Africa. At greater than the supply. Mr. Van- derkar thinks that the stones from the State mines will satisfy all overseas buyers, TOM MIX'S VALET 1S UNDER ARREST Charge of Theft of Cash and Securities is Laid Portsmouth, NH, June A 22.--Cai Frydendahl, Tom Mix's valet, was un- der arrest on a larceny charge here ursday in connection with the re- ported theft of money and securities representing $79,100 from the movie star, Suggestions, that the alleged rob- bery might be a publicity stunt, de- signed to bolster Mix's earnings in the circus with which he is now tra- velling, were discounted by Police Chief George Ducker, "I believe the money and valuables actually were taken, as reported," the chief said. He admitted, however, that his department had not been able 10 locate any of the supposedly missing property, Frydendahl, a Dane, is about 30 years old, He has been Mix's valet for the last five years, police said. GIRL, KNOCKED DOWN Toronto, June 22,--Five-year- old Mary Jennings lies unconscious in the Hospital for Sick Children, the result of a motor accident near her home at 208 Macdonell avenue, early last evening. pital atendants xpect her recovery, but the fracture of the skull which the child sustained when knocked down is regarded as serious. The girl was playing on the sidewalk with other children, For some reason she darted out into the roadway between two parked cars. A car driven by Edwin Mur- ray, Lynd avenue, was travelling north and before the driver could avert the accident the girl was al- 'most under the wheels and the front fender knocked her to the ground. The unconscious girl was given medical attention by Dr. D. Rob- ertson and then was rushed to the hospital, , P.C. Taylor investigated but did not hold the driver who stated that he did not see the girl until his car was almost on her, More cups to the tang to the taste. so popular, Every package guaranteed. d, more flavor in the cup, more; at's what makes Red Rose T¢ es |: A RED ROSE TE Ais good ted' RED ROSE ORANGE PEKOE gi. Hos- |. \ Unexcelled in quality; a real pleasure anywhere. is extra good -- -- A, CRP ESCO SEP TP I DOMI eavy Service H TIRES r Trucks and otor Coaches is built up ply upon ply of shock-resisting fabric. Between these plies is a specially compounded heat-resis the carcass into an inseparable mass. Its massive tread is scientifically designed to give free running without suction or noise, and to provide maxi. mum traction and braking qualities. Its rugged side- walls are heavily ribbed to take care of or curb scuffing. Dominion Heavy Service Tires are economical because of their freedom from Tr trouble as well as their exceptionally long life. ting rubber which welds jabs and rut = The New Endurance -- Combines Cor. King & Centre Streets. J TIRE FAMILY The Royal Master--The world's finest tire. Not one in a thousand will ever puncture. Not one in five thousand will blow out under two years of service. The New Royal Cord--Entirely re- designed to meet present-day motoring conditions. The finest tire you can buy at regular prices. sound mater- ials and workmanshi; Dominion Heavy Service -- The economy tire for trucks and buses. NION TIRE DEPOT OSHAWA : : :.W. H. Rodd, Tire & Battery Service - considerably di tire for ------e wire. WE DELIVER

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