Oshawa Daily Times, 14 Jun 1929, p. 14

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AGE FOURTEEN Aa SACI kT EL CIR REE MORE HYDRO POWER IN DARLINGTON SAYS. COMMISSION (Continued from Page 3) the land taken off of her property at Lot 7, for usc of highway. Wallace Miller, the present owner of the south half of said Lot No. 7, now desires to build a new fence on the west side of the ifow existing highway and in con- sideration of the payment to him of $100 by the Township, he agrees to sign an agreement giving Council full rights for all time to the use of all the land taken from his land at Lot 7 for the use of a roadway and requesting council to co-operate with him in hay- ing a line drawn up on the west side of roadway which would prove satis- factory to both parties. Council de- cided "to accept the offer, provided that a, satisfactory line for the new new fence could be agreed on and the agreement could be registered at South half of Lot 7, now owned by Wallace Miller. Court of Revision Council having resolved itself into a Court of Revision and Appeal and having taken the oath of Office, the following appeals were dealt with:i-- Frank Abernetly claimed 'the assessment on his land was too high. Assessment was reduced on the land from $2,400 to $2,000. : Wesley Cawker, claimed his assess- ment on land was too high compared with similar property nearby. Assess- ment reduced $100. Moses Lymer, complained as to the assessment for a dog and as he did not own one the dog assessment was struck off. Harold Macklin claimed that his assessment was too high. Assessment was confirmed. Alfred and Elmer Prescott com- plained that their assessment was too high on the land and the assessment was reduced by $200. Charles Stephenson complained that his assessment was too high. Assess- ment confirmed. Business of the Court having been completed, Regular order of Business of Council was again taken up. George A. Stephen made request to sent the South half of road allow- ances between Lots 4 and 5 and Lots 5 and 7, Concession 4. Request was granted, the rent being placed at $2 per year. Training School Camp Dr. Reaman, on behalf of the Boy's Training School who propose erect- ing a camp near the Lakeshore and desiring to have the Roadway be- tween Lots 13 and 14 opened up in order to have a roadway to their Camp, made request of Council to have use of their power grader and offered to pay all expenses for oper- ating same and to have road gravelled after being graded. Request granted. James Curtis, S.A.O. presented his PII) Ca EWI WY Cn aa Le * * o C.P.R. TIME TABLE. Effective April 29, 1929, (Standard Time) Going West Daily. Daily. Daily except Sunday, Daily. 5.45 am. 6.23 a.m. A40 a.m, 35 pom. 34 pom. 10.05 a.m, 2.04 p.m, Daily. 8,03 p.m. Daily except Sunday. 11.10 p:m. Daily. 12.03 a.m. Daily. . 'All times shown above are times Irains depart from Oshawa Station, CANADIAN NATIONAL RAILWAYS . Effective April 28, 1929, (Standard Time) Eastbound Daily except Sunday, Sunday only, Daily. Daily except Sunday. Daily except Sunday. Daily except Sunday. aily. Daily except Saturday. Daily. Daily. Westbound Daily. Daily. Daily except Sunday. Daily. Daily except Sunday. . Daily except Sunday. . Daily. . Sunday only. .m, Daily except Sunday. . Daily except Sunday. Whitby, Oshawa, Bowmanville BUS LINE WEEK DAY SCHEDULE (Effective on and after April 28, 1929.) (Daylight Saving Time) eri Wee 'ost . Arrive 'Whitby TEEESD BSDDDTIEEE E8233 Bzpassgasg PNNARORIAA RTT omN=0anm BRD Qh h aiming S8RL BPABIILIGHU Arrive Hospital 10.50 a.m, 1245 p.m. SBuasR! 4.35 p.m, 6.45 p.m, &: BREpERzaEa; 10.55 p.m, Ex ng SOA 858358 PETTY PEEL? 23s ] HY PUTO PEsmasEy 38BE333B35228 i 8 DNs LEE Sana E3288 11.00 am, 1.00 pm, & ° g2ERE j= 4.35 p.m, 6.50 p.m, Bhase PRIN D S83583 PPPPPTT 8 a8 =e a 85. 85% o BR B: 3 a 11 11.00 pm. 11.10 Time marked Whitby Hospital. SUNDAY AND HOLIDAY SCHEDULE Going W busses to 0. 2. 2. 4. 6. 8.45 11.00 p.m. TL15 pim Time marked are Whitby. Hospital. Special Busses For All Occasions Reasonable Rates and Careful Drivers 1. A. GARTON, Proprietor Bowmanville--Phone 412 or 346 PI 28 Oshawa Waiting Room, 10 Prince St.-- report for month of April which was approved. Road Supt. presented vouchers No. (11, 12, 13 and 14 as follows; Salary, etc. $134.73; machinery and repairs, $1,475.80; road material, $530.91; road maintenance, $440.37. New Pound Fees A By-law was passed for the ap- pointment of Thos. H. Richards as Weed Inspector, also a by-law as to line fences and fence viewers and a by-law as to pounds and pound- keepers, the poundage fees in the future to be 50 cents for a Horse. Cattle, 25 cents each; Swine, 50 cents each; Sheep, 20 cents each and Poul- try, 10 cents each. Treasurer acknowledged receipt of $357.75 from L. T. Pascoe for Taxes, 1928; D. Hooper Tyrone, $2.00 for a tree and Treasurer of Township of Clarke $347.82 for Deb. No. 5 and coupons for School Section No. 23 Clarke and Section No. 1 Darlington, Orders were drawn on Treasurer as follows: 4 T. H. Richards, Salary, etc, $134.73; T. H. Richards, Road Maintenance, 440.37; T. H. Richards, Road Material $530.91; T. H. Richards, Machinery and Repairs $1,475.80; Mrs. R. Hath- erly, milk, Mrs. N. Savage, (Charity) $3.10; T. M. Slemon, Supplies, R. A. Pettitt (Charity) $9.84; C. D. Hodg- son, Supplies, Mrs. Savage, (Charity) $10.47; S. A. Northcott, sheep inspec- tion, $1.80; A. W. Annis, sheep in- spection, $4.00; J. D. Hogarth, equal- izing union school sections, $8.00; Silas D. Souch, sheep damages, 2 lambs, $14.00. K. A. Winterburn, sheep damages 1 Ewe and Lamb, $18.00! Fred Smith, sheep damage, 1 sheep, $20.00; F. G. Smith, Bonus killing dog worrying sheep, $5.00; Workmen's Comp. Board Insurance, Cement Bridge Workers, $12.34; L. L. MacNachtan, 50 per cent mainten- ence of Matilda Smith, Bowmanville Hospital, 94.50; F. G. Kerslake, Work in Park, $15.70; Fred G. Smith, Adv. T.8.S.S. No. 13, $100.00; J. J. Smith, Ady. T.S.S.S. No. 19, $100.00; Sid T. Hoan, Adv. T.S.S.S. No. 10, $325.00; A. W. Annis, Adv. T.S.S.S. No. 18, $400,00; Eileen Simpson, Deb. No. 3, S.S. No. 16, $711.27; Bank of Mon- treal, Deb. No. 5 and Coupons S. S. No. 1. 1086.94. Council adjourned to Saturday, July 6, at the hour of 1 o'clock p.m. W. R. Allin, Clerk. AGITATION FOR SPORTS, SEAGRAVE Suggestion Is Made That Baseball Team Be Formed Seagrave, June 11,--The month- ly meeting of the Quadrata Girls' Club was held at the home of Miss Irene Spafford on Wednesday evening, June 5th, where a pleas- ant evening was sper'. After roll call and usual business was over, refreshments were served by the hostess. J. Atkiis of Toronto was the guest of his sister, Mrs, H. Eagle- son on Sunday last. Mr. and Mrs. Aubrey Moon and little daughter spent the week- end with the former's parents, Mr. and Mrs. W. Moon. Mr. and Mrs. J. Shunk visited relatives in Blackstock on Sunday and were accompanied by Mr. and Mrs. R. Pollock tnd family of Ux- Pe ey elt Bres. 7 he LEADING JEWELER { Estab'ished 1886 \ 12 Simcoe St. South ---- AER 18 Simece Strest South Machinery Repairing NOTHING TOO LARGE NOTHING TOO SMALL Adanac Machine Shop 161 King St. W. Phone 1214 DIAMONDS Burns' Jewelry Store Corner King and Prince Cash Diamonds! Bassett's On Oshawa's Main Corner THE OSHAWA DAILY TIMES, FRIDAY, JUNE 14, 1929 bridge. Mr. and Mrs. J. Maclean and family paid a visit with friends in Cannington on Monday, Mr. and Mrs. ¥. Billingham and family, of Toronto, were the guests of Mr. and Mrs. E. Butt over the \ ~ck-end. Mr. and Mrs. J. Harding and family spent Sunday at Nestleton with friends. Mrs. J. Mark is confined to her bed and under the doctor's care again. Mr. and Mrs, W, Stevens and daughter of Oshawa visited at the home of Mr, and Mrs. C. W. Clarke on Monday. Mr. and Mrs. Geo. Clements and daughters spent Sunday at Purple Hill with friends. Rev. Mr. and Mrs, Milton San- derson and son, Mr. and Mrs. Stylish Shoes I. COLLIS & SONS Ji King st. _--) W. A. HARE | OPTOMETRIST 23Y, Simcoe St. North Hundreds of people wear utmost comfort Hare's Faultless Lenses PHONE 22 For Your Drug Needs THOMPSON'S 10 Simcoe St. S.--We Deliver Hamilton of Bircheliff, Ont., paid a visit to the home of Mr. and Mrs, H. Wanamaker on Tuesday. A number of the W.M.S. ladies motored to Wilfred, Ont., where they aitended the W.M.S. Con- vention on Tuesday afternoon, Now that summer has arrived and 'seeding practically wound up there is an agitation to get some- thing going in the line of or- ganized sport in ®he country cen- tres. To those who enjoy watching or playing good baseball, which has thrills second only to hockey, it seems like a real '"'come down" to have to revert to the soft var- iety of ball, such as is played every day However, when players are scarce a soft ball team might be easier to master and there are plenty of teams who would be glad to exchange games. The sug- gestion is made that a good game be arranged for Monday afternoon, June 24, Miss Tene Spaffard went to Peterhoro on Saturday evening, where she is writing on the ex- aminations for a first class certifi- cate. The school children are en- joying the holidays. The home of Mr. and Mrs, H. Topping, Oshawa was the scene of a double wedding on Saturday last when Miss Mary Bryant of Oshawa became the bride of Arthur Bry- ant, Oshawa, and Miss Ethel Bryant of Greenbank, became the bride of Mr. Stanley Nottingham of Raglan, Dev. R. A. Whattam officiated in the presence of a few intimate friends and relatives, They have the best wishes of their Seagrave friends for their future happiness. > The Annual Anniversary at Sea- grave Sunday School will be held on Sunday, June 23 and 24. The speaker for both services will be Rev. J. U. Robbins of Bowman- ville, a former pastor. Special music will be given by the choir and Sunday School. The children will sing at the morning service. cus Day JURY & LOVELL Drug Store Same Price as at Grounds On Monday there will be a supper served from 5.30 o'clock until all are served. At 8 o'clock a program will be given by the Douglas brothers of Toronto. Miss Marion Eagleson, Miss Ruth Clements and Frank Harding are fo be congratulated on pass- ing their music examinations in Whitby last week. The friends of A. Bryant were sorry to hear of his recent car ac- cident near Oshawa on Thursday evening last, Dr. and Mrs. F. Broad of Lind- say, Mr. and Mrs. 8. Woolridge, of Little Britain at the home of Mr. and Mrs. S.J. Wooldridge on Sunday, Mr. and Mrs. W. Sanderson and two children, Olga and Murray of Enniskillen, Mr. and Mrs. R, Byers of Blackstock spent Sunday at the home of Mr, and Mrs, H. Wana- maker. R. Owls of Port Perry visited friends on Sunday and took his former place in the choir on Sun- day evening. E. Blight and friends of Toronto spent the week-end at their sum- mer home here. : Mr. and Mrs. O. Stone accom- panied by the latter's mother spent the week-end in Toronto with rela- tives, Mrs. J. Wanamaker and grand daughter, Miss Lina Irwin visited relatives on Scugog Island over the week-end. - OSHAWA PASTOR TO CONDUGT SERVICE AT MAPLE GROVE Rev. W. P. Fletcher Will Speak at Anniversary on Sunday Maple Grove, June 12.--Sunday school was held in the morning on Sunday, June 9, and the church service in the afternoon was with- drawn on account of Ebenezer au- niversary. City of OSHAWA TAXES An extension of time to Saturday, June 15th, has been made for payment without penalty of the first instalment of the 1929 taxes. After that date, a penalty of 5% in accordance with City By-law No. 1925 will positively be enforced, and the Tax Collector will proceed to collect from delinquents. Mumicipal Offices May 30th 1929 R. A. BLACKBURN ih City Treasurer. Maple Grove anniversary will be held next Sunday and Monday, June 16 and 17. The services on Sunday will be held in the enclos- ed shed at 2 o'clock and 7 o'clock, standard time. The speaker for the afternoon will be Rev. W. P. Fletcher, Oshawa. Rev. Mr, Sisco, Port Hope, will have charge of the evening service. The regular monthly meeting of the Mission Band was held in the school on I'riday afternoon, a spe- cial feature of the meeting was a true missionary story, told by Mrs. Ewart Everson, Oshawa. Ernie Laird, Toronto, spent Sun- day with his parents, Mr. and Mrg A, Laird. 3 Miss Vera Baker, Solina, visit ed her sister, Mrs. L. C. Snowden, Miss Vera Power spent the weeks end with her parents, Mr. and Mrs, Truman Power, ; Mr. and Mrs. Ray Snowden, To« ronto, visited her parents, Mr. and Mrs. R. R. Stevens, on Tuesday, It appears that Mme. Schwimmer if a women without a country. In view of her state of mind, as revealed in formal statements, we can't quite seq what she would want with one.~De« troit Free Press. ----- ELLA CINDERS--No Poaching TEETER EE Yes, eur WHOLL KISS THE BRIDESMAID 2 IS THERE A GENTLEMAN IN THE AUDIENCE 2 -- ee THERE'S DINTY'S WIFE-BUT WHAT 1S BY GOLLY- | MLST DEE SL ® 1929, Int'l Foature Service, Ine, Great Britate rights reserved. [Mv DEAR BOY- My WIFE COT THAT DOG IN GERMANY- HES A POLICE DOG" I'VE SEEN LOTS OF POLICE 006 - NOT ANY LIKE HIM = WHAT KIND OF A POLICE DOC 1S HE? | SECRET BUT SERVICE! i THEIR HOMES IN THE TREE-TOPS IN Bf 18 SOME OUT-OF -THE-WAY PLACES § il OF THE WORLD, TOMMY. HUT IN EAST CENTRAL AFRICA ~ TREE DWELLINGS = COMMON ON THE 3} NEW GUINEA COAST Jin THE TROPICAL FORESTS OF CENTRAL AFRICA REAL TREE-TOP HOUSES ARE FOUND. SOME OF THE TREE HOMES LOOK LIKE HUGE BIRDS NESTS FROM A DISTANCE. _, Th YSABEL, OVE OF THE SOLOMON ISLANDS HUTS HAVE BEEN SEEN IN TREES THAT ARE MORE THAN! 150 FEET HIGH. OME OF THE NEY! GUINEA HATIVES HAVE SUCH TROUBLESOME NEIGHBORS THAT THEY LIVE I TREE HOUSES 50 ARRRYGED TAT YIHEN THEY GO UPSTAIRS THEY CAN PULL THE STAIRS UP AFTER THEM. @ 1929, King Features Sysdieats, lnc, Great Britain rights reserved WHY DO YOU THINK THE PEOPLE THAT LIVE IN TREE HOUSES { DON'T BELIEVE IN SANTA CLAUS ©. 'CAUSE THEY HAVEN'T ANY CHIMNEYS ON THEIR HOUSES. Men's Fine Boots Special $2.49 Dominion Clothing Store 68 King St. W. Phone 2141 EYESIGHT SPECIALIST Author of: The Eyes in Modern Life Optometry Feature Service Your Eyes and Health Eye Care and Eye Strain Disney Block 07 1516--Phens--1516 WHEN | GOT HOME 1 FELL ASLEEP AND DIDN'T WAKE UP UNTIL IT WAS ME THE ONY WAY TO SQUARE MoURSEL IS To CHANGE VACATIONS WITH I'LL GO NEYT WEEK AND You DON'T LET 'THAT WORRY You- \'LL Go RIGHT IN AND RATHER TARE "YOUR. 00D BETTER NOT INTERF! TELL "THE BOSS YouD|| WITH THE PLANS, pug 3 LL Boss' NAELL, THAT'S FINE OF MAC- | ATO OFFER TO /A CHANGE VACATION "TIMES WITH "TILL\E - YS , {

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