Oshawa Daily Times, 12 Jun 1929, p. 9

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THE OSHAWA DAILY TIMES, WEDNESDAY, JUNE 12, 1929 PAGE NINE SEE RESIGNATION OF GOVERNMENT] Opposing Parties Solidly United Against Saskatch- ewan Ministry RESOLUTION ADOPTED 12.--Conserva- Regina, June tive, Progressive and Independent candidates-elect, representing 2 substantial majority of Saskatche- wan's next legislature, have called upon Premier James G. Gardiner, Liberal premier, to resign. A state- ment from Premier Gardiner, in- dicating his intentions, is to be re- leased on Thursday or Friday fol- lowifig the publication of official returns, it is expected. Resolutions asking resignation of the Gardiner government which as one of a succession of Liberal governments had held power since Saskatchewan became a province in 1905, were passed at meeting of members today. Progressives and Independents held a joint session in view of their possession of bal- ance of power following the elec- tion last Thursday. As a result of the move of the combined opposition candidates, the resignation of Premier Gar- diner i§ looked on as certain to be made in 'his official pronounce- ment Thursday or Friday. In all probability it is forecast the Lib- 'eral leader will call on the lieu- tenant-governor to name Dr. J. T. M. Anderson, Conservative chief, as the mext premier. Though Con- servatives are outnumbered by the Liberals 26 to 25, the remaining candidates have lined up as a body under the Conservative banner. Opinion of Thirty-five The resolutions: passed at to- day's meeting express the opinion 'of 35 of the candidates-elect to the next 'legislature--25 Conserva- tives and 10 Independents and Progressives. A total of 26 Liberals have been AHRENBERG With Lis two companions in Sweden's first transatlantic flight, were forced down on the coast of Iceland. He is waiting for repairs to enable him to con- tinue his flight from Stockholm to New York. CAPT. ALBIN elected but two deferred elections in Ile a la Crosse and Cumberland, are necessary before the entire personnel of the next house will be known, Though separate meelings were held the resolutions passed were worded identically, with exception of the 'name of the candidates' political affiliation. Combined, the resolutions read as follows: "Whereas, the Conservative (Progressive and . Independents) members-elect were elected in the recent provincial election in the recent provincial election as op- ponents of the present Gardiner government; and, whereas, in our opinion the electors of Saskatche- wan have voiced decisively their condemnation of the present Gar- diner administration; we, the Con- servative (Progressive and Inde- pendent) members-elect of the provincial legislature call upon Premier Gardiner and his govern- ment to resign immediately. ness house It pays though at | You can't teach an old dog new tricks nor is it possible for one busi- short space of time, when previous- ly its transactions have not been all that they should have been. This business was started on the basis of square products on standard grades These were and are the best habits and will maintain as long as the busi- ness maintains, : whose habits are right habits always have been right, even price appears a little more, you know you are getting what you pay for. (Oshawa Lumber COMPANY, LIMITED 25 Ritson Road North TELEPHONE 2821-2820 Habit to change its habits in any lumber only, dealing in you to buy from a firm and whose first blush, at times, the PREMIER KING DENIES REPORTED WASHINGTON VISIT Knows Nothing Officially of His Visit to White House (By Canadian Press Leased Wire) Ottawa, Ont., June 12--Premier W. L. Mackenzie King, in the House of Commons this morning, denied any official knowledge of a report thet he might be asked to attend a possible disarmament conference at Washington to be at- tended by Mr. Ramsay Macdonald, the new Prime Minister of Great Britain, and President Herbert Hoover of the United States, The question was brought up in the House yesterday morning during the absence of the Prime Minister by E. J. Garland (U.f.A. Bow River) who enquired in respect to the report which had been publish- ed under a London, Eng., date line. "I may say that my information is restricted to the report that my hon. friends has seen in the news- papers," Premier King stated in denying official knowledge of the article, ONE OF GUBA'S OUTSTANDING MEN Born on a Humble Farm, Rose To Be Presi- dent Havana, Cuba, June 11.--Gener- al Gerardo Machado y Morales, who begins his second term as president of Cuba a few days ago, 'has become one of Cuba's out- standing leaders, not only opliti- cally, but in its business and mil- itary life. . He was born in an humble farm house at Santa Clara in 1872 and went to school there. At the age of 20 he condccted his own tobac- co growing and marketing busi- ness, abandoning it at the age of 23 to take up arms to fight tor Cuba's freedom, At the conclusion of the revolu- tion of 1898 he was 26 years old, and a general in the Cuban army. He was unanimously elected may- or of his home town and later, un- der President Jose M. Gomez, became inspector general 'of the Cuban army. The same president made him secretary of the inter- for in 1910. He became president of Cuba first in 1925 on a platform of ec- onomic reform, civil development, betterment of the educational sys- tem and with the battle cry, "a pie"--"on foot". He was re- elected last year to serve a second term, There was no opposition, Trusty Escapes Kingston. -- Patrick O'Shea a trusty at the county jail serving three months for intoxication, made his escape while engaged in cleaning up the court house. O'Shea spent the greater part of the winter in jail on charges of intoxication. Start your motoring economy at the black and white pumps! ' Use Cities Service Oils and Gasolene Cities Service Oils and Gasolene assure you utmost motoring pleasure for every motoring dollar... because Cities Service controls every step of pro- duction from oil fields to service stations . . . because it safeguards the quality along every step of the way 'at 0 f your car. with the most rigid tests known to science... because Cities Service itself uses these oils and gasolene in the operation of its power plants and transportation systems . . . representing millions of times the energy CITIES SERVICE OIL CO., LIMITED Cities Service Oils & Gasolene RUPERT A. Newly commercial representative of wealth of Australia to Canada, appointed the Common- HAYNES w Park Lodge. route to Toronto, make his headquarters. ith his wife and sons at Jasper Mr. Haynes is en where he will URGE EXPENDITURE ON THE NORTHLAND Liberal Leader Says Ontario Settlers Unfairly Treated by Government Timmins, June 12.--Greater ex- penditures on the development of New Ontario were promised by W. E. N. Sinclair, K.C.,, M.P.P,, Lib- eral leader, in an address deliver- ed yesterday at a meeting of set- tlers at Porquis Junction, Redemp- tion of the promise was, of course, conditional upon the Liberal party being returned to power. The touring Liberal party stop- ped at Porquois enroute here from Cochrane. They held the meeting while they awaited the train which rung down the shore line to Tim- ming from the main line of the T. and N. O. The meeting was at- tended by about 100 settlers, many of them French Canadians, whe cheered the speakers lustily. Urging again that there should be a survey of the needs of New Ontario before any further de- velopment grants were made, Mr. Sinclair declared that the sacri- fices of settlers clearing the north land should be met by equal sac- ritice on the part of the govern- ment. He renewed his criticism of the present government making $5,000,000 grants for northern development, without, he said, showing where the money was spent. He characterized the premier as '""boasting" of the revenues derived by the province fromm, New Ontario; "If the premier is boasting of the revenue from New Ontario," said the Liberal leader, 'have not the people of New Ontario the right to ask that more of that revenue be spent on them?" The government, he said, should give the north better-equipped schools, better educational facili- ties and better roads. "That is what the government should do," he continued, 'but are they doing it?" Are they giving you people your due for the hard work you are doing here. Instead of boasiing of revenue going into the govern- ment coffers, they might better be telling you pepole that they will hasten development so that your conditions will become better and better as time goes on. NEW MARTIN MYSTIC RITES . SHOWN IN FILM "The Charlatan," an Expose of Fakir's Lure for Women Disappearing cabinets, crystal balls and all the Intriguing par- aphernalia of the fortune-telling seer are familiar to millions, and yet each individual mystic and his every individual "prop" has a unique fascinating appeal. The personality of the mystic is initself 'intriguing, wrapped as he invariably is in the seeming inscru- tability of his profession. And about such a personality revolves the compelling mystery of "The Charlatan," the Universal feature production which will be seen at the New Martin Theatre on Thurs- day. Besides the thrilling realm of the fakir, the picture, which was made from the New York stage success of the same name, flashes into the circle of high society and in and out of the lives of the beau- tiful women who come te 'thé soothsayer for information and guidance concerning forbi in ro- mances by which they are held captive. FOR RENT Furnished Apartments Apply W. Shackleton Phone 2989) JUDGE J. H. SCOTT Of Perth was unanimously elect- ed president of the Ontario Edu- cational Association to fill the vacancy caused by the death of W. LIL Chisholm. WANT AGE LOWERED IN ADOLESGENT ACT Urban Trustees Suggest Amendment to Include 14 Year-old Children Brockville, June 12.--Delegates dttending annual meeting of the Urban School Trustees' Association of Ontario spent yesterday after- noon as guests of the municipas ity of Brockville on a motor boat cruise of the Thousand Islands and last evening the secretaries in at- | tendance held a round table con- ference with W. J. C. "Allen, Kingston, as chairman, while members of local home and school council and clubs gathered at a meeting which was addressed by Mrs. W. D. Morris, Peterboro, president of the Ontario federation of home and school councils and clubs: Mrs, Gordon Kerr, president of the Windsor home and school gouncil and club, and Mrs. John Rose London, who » are delegates to the convention. The following. have been. ap-. pointed members of the nominat- ing committee of the association: Dr. R. 8S. Burns, Hamilton; T, N. Edwards, Toronto; Mrs. W. R. Morris, Peterboro; R. G. McKay, Owen Sound, and John Muir, Niagara Falls, while the resolu- tions committee is composed of A. McFarlane, Hamilton; Mrs. John Rose, London; A. W. Barnes, St. Thomas; Rev. Dr. T. H. Ibbott, Welland, and Lorne Fowler, Sud- bury. Following presentation of the report of the costs of education committee yesterday, considerable discussion took place, and all but three of the recommendations were adopted. Committee Report The report of the committee recommends some means to in- form parents and pupils of tue widely-different kinds / of educa- tion offered by the secondary school systems. At present, with the exception of Toronto, where the attendance is about equally divided, there are about from 3 to 5 pupils attending the academic schools to every pupil attending the technical or commercial schools, and the committee be- lieves that these figures should be reversed. The report suggests the advisability of amending the adol- escent school attendance act so as to provide that boys and girls, af- ter passing the age of 14, must be either at school or in some suit- ablg employment. It is felt, the report states, that if a boy passed 16 years of age, unless he has been attending a technical school it is very hard to get him to take up any trade where apprenticeship is necessary or desirable." Other recommendations were: That some means should be tak- en to utilize our school buildings and equipment to a greater extent Model J.R.operaleswith arnazing SILE NCE 395 INSTALLED COMPLETE Fess Model "JR." ispos tively unrivalle. SILENT O] for PERATION. Itis also as EFFICIENT as foreign built machines selling in Canada at up FESS OIL BURNERS OF CANADA LIMITED TORONTO = WINNIPEG - MONTREAL BRANCHES FROM COAST TO COAST FESS [=== Lash 4 units witha Automatic OIL HEATING DON'T BUY COAL until you have seen the new Fess Models and have heard our interesting proposition. Miller & Libby 23 Celina St., Oshawa than is being done at present. This may be accomplished by adopting the rotary system where practi- cable. That fifth form classes be form- ed or established in the public | schools, thus materially reducing the cost. That we do not deem it advis- able to admit public school pupils to the vocational schools until they have obtained their senior fourth standing. aE EE SR RS A RT Se Tr Ww BE M AIL ORDERS-- Add 17¢ for postage. All orders must be mailed by Saturday. 'Genuine FRENCH Buy this $3.00 Bottle of Wonderful Perfume For The World's Most Popviir Perfume comes to you from the wonderful flower ut up both Sunny France and is Lk Gift Package. Ideal for and gift giving. DIRECT FROM FRANCE come such wonderful prod: we are sacrificing our profits that you may w 'We _cannot by all means, It's a won 5 love them. ucts Ee eee a re Lucky Manufacturer Has Allowed Us to Continue Our _ Special Factory Introductory Offer THURSDAY, FRIDAY AND SATURDAY The Greatest Manufacturer's Advertising Toilet Goods Sale in History A Marvellous New Perfume by Maison Andrae after Saturday night. Narcissus Get This Exquisite $2.00 Box Face Powder gardens Ta a beautiral use a $5.00 Value for 98- Narcissu. exquisite, Shs tratis strongly to take rom a. MAIL ORDERS--AdA 17¢ for postage. All orders THIS OFFER GOOD ONLY AT must be mailed by Saturday night. for gos, Tot free 10 love these toilet t advantage of this wonderful offer. dies wo Souls Limit of t the modern ladies. Never standing the expen throughout the world three sales to a customer, De Luxe Face Powder like the . ach the Supe ach t master = complexion. : odor of a 58 . oo AN know and Come ah POSITIVELY price after Sat NONE of these products sold at this urday. y T. B. MITCHELL 9 Simcoe St. N, KARN"S DRUG STORE Phone 378 26 King St. E. Phone 49 MANUFACTURER'S INTRODUCTORY OFFER! Bring This Certificate and 98 ¢ #0 our store and receive a beautiful $5.00 gift package consisting of $3.00 size Exquisite Narcissus Perfume and $3.00 box of Narcissus De Luxe Exquisite Face Powder. You save $4.02 Please 4 out ame and address on the bck of this certificate. Eitia Sfmt Jocks 12 i te CINE Shr coun thes Cues SARE 4 sais 2nd we are th Hdlemousrs

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