THE OSHAWA DAILY TIMES, SATURDAY, JUNE 8, 1929 a LE Opening Ladies League Games On New Diamond Monday " Fri., June 28---Chevs. at' Buicks. , weighed 19. ' a good battle for two rounds, then , Fidel launched at him. © last two rounds 'La La Barba's famous left hook. | goubttul ¢ Pinto in six rounds. is now a level, well rolled plot of ball with the exception of one field the Rotary Club offered the pro- "perty off Center Street if it could Program Includes Parade, Speeches, and Two Short Exhibition Games -- |. Buicks vs. Chevs, Whitby, vs. Malleable--New Park is Now Complete Behind Rotary Park Everything is in readiness to start the ball rolling, soaring in the Oshawa Ladies' Softball league and the opening games and cere- monies will take place on Monday evening. .Owing to the lack of a fitting place to play the league moguls have had to hold up the opening of the ladies' league now they are able to start their schedule, which has been drafted out and the first games to bc played will be part of the opening program on Monday evening, when the Chevs. and bu- icks hook up in an exhibition tilt, and the Whitby ladies and Mallea- ble will do the same. The new diamond is situated on the flats behind Rotary Park and ground, that will give the heavy hitters plenty of room to swat the where a ground rule will have to be made. After experiencing much diffi- culty in the finding a place to play, be put into shape. The Gene€ral Motors, Limited, offered to level the ground for the ladies' use only. Their offer was readily accepted, and after much preparation the ground was put in good playing condition and back stops erected behind the home plate, which faces the south-west. This ground gives the spectators every chance to sve the ball games from an advantage- ous position, as there is a little hill that runs along the third base line that will' accommodate the crowd that will throng this new park to witness these girls do their stuff on the field. The league will have on the opening program many officials from the Toronto body of the Ont. Softball Assoc. along with the 'Mayor and officials of General Motors and Rotary Club who will make the formal dedication of the diamond and the players of all the teams. This crowd, with the aadi- tion of a band to supply the music, will meet at the Y. M. C. A, on Monday evening at 6.30, where they will proceed in parade form to the diamond. After the open- ing speeches the two short exhibi- tion tilts will supply the attraction for the large crowd that will attend this the long awaited opening of the Ladies' Softball League in Osh- awa. The Schedule:i-- Wed., June 12--Whitby at Buicks. Fri., June 14--Chevs, at Malleable. Wed, June 19--Chevs. at Whitby. Fri, June 21--Buicks at Malleable. Wed., June 25--Whitby at Mal'ble. Wed., July:2--Buicks at Whitby. Fri., July 5--Malleable at Chevs. Wed., July 9--Whitby at Chevs. Fri., July 12--Malleable at Buicks. Wed., July 16--Mal'ble at Whitby. I'ri., July 19--Buicks at Chevs, TIMES DEFEATS ST. GREGORY'S Probably the longest game of the season and with the most runs at- tached to it was that of the game between the Oshawa Daily Times and St. Gregorys last evening at the Motor City Stadium, King Street west, The Growing Newspa- per took the elongated game by the handy score of 26 to 18. Everybody got hits and. nearly everyone had. one or more errors as the two teams slammed the of- ferings of the pitchers as foot as they were served up. Magill in the Box for the Times pitched nice ball at all times but was given poor support in the field, and the most of the eighteen. runs were ac- ountable by errors of wild over- throws. His mates supported him at the bat, however, and banged merrily away at the pitching of Hubbell for the Saints. Biggely re- lieved the worried Doc in the sev- enth inning and held the Paper boys for one inning, after which they got to him and banged in seve en runs in the first of the ninth. The Saints got in one real good batting rally in the fifth inning and had the Times' players chasing the pill while they were scoring seven counts. This was the most valuable inning fer the Saints. Score by innings: -- Times ........ 46550070 7-386 St. Gregory's 420051310--18 Batteries--Magill and Kitchen, Hubbell, Biggely and Knight. FIDEL LE BARBA WINS 'DECISION OVER TOMMY PAUL Buffalo, June 8, -- Fidel La Barba, former flyweight champion, weighing 121%, defeated Tommy Paul, 'Buffalo bantam, in a fast six' round bout here last night. Paul Paul gave La Barba began to fade before the wicked left hooks and continuous assault In the Barba had Tommy in retreat and did his best work, while Paul lashed out with a righthand that was no match for Pablo Blaneo, Cuban, won a decision . from Charlie Pinto weigh- ed 11 9 and Blanco 120. Lou Mag- nolia of New York was referee, "Toronto How They Stand "INTERNATIONAL LEAGUE Won Lost Rochester ........ 29 15 Baltimore ........ PC £659 Reading .. Newark ... Montreal .. Buffalo Jersey City FRIDAY"S SCORES Toronto ........ 7. Montreal Newark ........ 7 Jersey City .. Rochester ......10 Buffalo Reading 11 Baltimore .... AMERICAN LEAGUE Philadelphia ...... St.Louis ....... ." New York ......s Detroit ......... Cleveland ee Washington .. Chicago ....... een Boston FRIDAY'S SCORES Cleveland 7 New York ... 15 Philadelphia . 17 Washington .. Three games played. NATIONAL LEAGUE Pittsburg Chicago St. Louis J... New York Philadelphia Boston Cincinnati ".. Brooklyn FRIDAY'S SCORES 6 Boston ...... 11 Brooklyn ..... xCincinnati ..,. 7 Philadelphia . x--11 innings, New York Intermediate and Junior Dates Toronto, June. 8. -- Following schedules for the Toronto Minor league and local intermediate and junior. 0O.A.L.A. groups were an- nounced by Convener Walker Ste- venson last night. Intermediate Group B June 15. -- Maitlands at Oak- wood. June 15.--Oshawa at Oakville. - June 19.--~Maitlands at Osha- wa, : June 27.~Oskwood at Mait. lands. July 1.--~Oakville at Oshawa July 6.--Oshawa at Oakwood. July 10, -- Oshawa at Mait- lands. July 11.--Oakwood at Oak- ville. July 17. -- Oakwood at Osha- wa, July 20.--Oakville at wood. July 26.--Oakville at Mait- lands. Aug. 10.--~Maitlands at Oak. ville. Junior Group No. 1 June 12.--Oshawa v. Weston. June 13.--Torontos v. Mait- lands. June 14.--Mimico v. Bramp- ton. June 19.--Brampton vs. rontos. June 20.--~Weston v. Mimico. June 21.--Maitlands v. Osha- wa. June 26.--Weston v. Toron- tos, Maitlands v. Bramp- ton. June 27.--Oshawa v. Mimico. July 1.--Torontos v. Brampe- ton. h July 4.--Maitlands v. Mimi. co; Torontos v. Oshawa. July 6.--~Brampton v. Weston. July 8.--Mimico v. Maitlands. July 10.--~Mintico v. Torontos. July 11.--Weston v. Mait- lands. July 12.--~Oshawa v. Bramp- ton, July 15, -- Oshawa v. Mait. lands. July 17.--~Weston v. ton. | July 18.--Toronto v. Mimico. July 19.--Brampton v. Osha- esr = 8 St. Louis ... Oak- To- Brampe wa, July 24.--Mimico v. Weston, Maitlands v. Towontos. July 26.--Weston v. Oshawa. July 20.--Torontos v. Weston. Aug. 1.--Brampton v. Mimico. Aug. 2. -- Maitlands v. Wes. ton. Aug. 5.--Oshawa v. Toronto. July 8. -- Brampton v, Mait- lands, Aug. 12.--Mimico v. Oshawa. Plays-offs -- Teams finishing in second and third position to play home and home games; goals to count and the winner to meet team finishing in first position, best two out of three games, MUSCULAR HEART TROULBE KEEPS RUTH OUT OF GAME iNew York, June 8, -- From a maze of conflicting reports as to the condition of Babe Ruth emerg- ed last night a statement to tue Yankee (club from Dr. Edward A. King that the home run Hitter has "muscular heart trouble," but is not geriously sick. The mighty man of baseball has been out of the ' line-up' ov the Yapkes since last Saturday with a congested lung and 'a cold, He is expected to return to the game in TITS ONE TIME '- Yoo couLD PASTE A FELL AMD GET THE DECISION eX) ow Yo T0 Kit 5 ¢' I) / Zz 8 mm iil GUE OPENING ON NEW FIELD | RIS How was, HS £os oi EST, Kn OGHED. COLD AS Ld ~ ~YEaH BoT. U Have C HIM 70 DO IT. THE NORTA. PoLE a Fd TTT Jl RAIA IF. ue sTRKK HK LOW THAT WOU! 0 MAKE (TEVEN yer How Tin \ A T iT OVER ) Ain Toh 'There is only one way to win a fight in someone else's backyard and that is to knock him cold, and that goes for a great many cities and towns that are centres for the fistic, game. The more men thua the home talent lick the better tue town likes visitors. In this respect Chicago is well ahead of the others and they have these laurels so hign in the air that it would take flying fish to even see 'em, : Never was there there a cleaner or better scrapped than Malcolm Mathieson and during his recent visit to Chicago he was at his best and showed ft. Mathieson weighed . in for tahe bout at Chicago with a disiadvan- tage of both height and reach. De- spite these handicaps, he battled his opponent the full journey and never backed up on the job once, Imagine the surprise of the fans when the decision was given to the junior flyweight champion of the United States COUNTY LEAGUE SCHEDULE Monday, May 27 Duco Boys, 6; Whitby, 10. Pickering, 3, Beaches Oshawa, 4. N. Oshawa, 13; Brooklin, 14, Port Perry vs, Thornton's C, Friday, May 31 Whitby, 6; Pickering 6. 0. Buicks, 0; N. Oshawa, 11, Brooklin, 6; Duco Boys, 19. Thornton's C, 14; Port Perry 13. June 3 Pickering vs. Thornton's C, Port Perry vs. Brooklin. N. Oshawa, 10; Whitby, 7. Duco Boys, 24; O. Beaches, 7. June 7 Thornton's C. vs. Duco- Boys. O. Beaches vs. Pickering, Whitby vs. Port Perry. Brooklin, vs. N. Oshawa. June 10 Pickering vs. Whitby, Port Perry vs. O. Beaches, N. Oshawa vs. Thornton's C. Duco Boys vs. Brooklin, June 17 Whitby.-vs. Duco Boys. O. Beaches vs. Brooklin. Thornton's C. vs. Pickering. N..Oshawa vs. Port Perry. June 21 Duco Boys vs. Thornton's C. Port Perry vs. Whitby. Pickering vs. N. Oshawa, Brooklin vs, O. Beaches. June 24 Pickering vs. Duco Boys, Whitby vs. Brooklin, O. Beaches vs. Port Perry. Thornton's C. vs." N. Oshawa. June 28 Duco Boys vs. Port Perry, Brooklin vs. Pickering. N. Oshawa vs. O. Beaches, Whitby vs. Thornton's C, July 2 Port Perry vs. N. Oshawa, Pickering vs. Brooklin. O. Beaches vs, Duco Boys, Thornton's. C. vs. Whitby, July § Duco Boys vs. Pickering. Brooklin vs. Port Perry. Whitby vs. N. Oshawa. Thornton's C. vs. O. Beaches, July 8 Port Perry vs. Pickering. | N. Oshawa vs. Duco Boys, 0. 'Beaches vs. Whithy. Brooklin vs. Thornton's C. : July 11 Pickering vs. Port Perry. Duco Boys vs. N. Oshawa. Whitby vs. O. Beaches. Thornton's .C. vs. Brooklin, July 15 N. Oshawa vs. Pickering. Port Perry vs. Duco Boys. O. Beaches vs. Thornton's C, - Brooklin vs. Whitby, : July 19 Duco Boys'vs. Whitby. Pickering vs. O. Beaches, N. Oshawa vs. Brooklin. Port Perry vs. Thornton's C. July 22 Whitby vs. Port Perry, O. Beaches vs. N. Oshawa, Brooklin vs. Pickering. Thornton's C. vs. Duco Boys, July 26 Port Perry vs..O. Beaches, N. Oshawa vs. Tharnton's C, Pickering vs. Whitby. Duco Boys vs. Bréoklin, July 29 O. Beaches vs. Duco Boys, Thornton's C. vs. Rickering Whitby vs. N. Oshawa. Brookhin vs. Port Perry. . Aug. 2 Duco Boys vs. Port Perry, Pickering vs. N. Oshawa, Whitby vs. Brooklin, Thornton's C. vs: O. Beaches : Aug. § Port Perry vs. Pickering. N. Oshawa vs, Duco Boys. O. Beaches vs.- Whitby. Brooklin vs, Thornton's C : Aug. 9 Pickering vs. Duco Boys. * Port Perry vs. N. Oshawa. Thornton's C. vs. Whitby, Brooklin vs. O. Béaches. i The Oshawa Duco Boys play all their home games at Alexandra front or trailing behind. senior rated' Maitlands, in a serious way. gram is nearly every kin an's Park last night, se League. Lacrds on hand to cheer your team along. ing season, If they have any girl, man or bo some interesting sporting activities a The King Street Juniors were forced to 17 to 16 win from the Ukrainian A.C, SPORT SNAPSHOTS Once again in the General Motors 'of Oshawa have come to the aid of athletic in Oshawa and this time their assistance has much to do with the success of ladies' softball in this city. *The ladies were having no small amount of trouble in finding a place to play their games when the Rotary Club offered the ground behind their park on Centre Street if this could be fixed up suitable to play on.: The Motors offered to do the levelling of the park, so on Monday, thanks to the Rotary Club of Oshawa and the General. Motors in. Canada, the girls will have the lid pried off officially, after which the games can go merrily on and the four teams will have some place to get their revenge by means of humbling their rival in league games. . The players in the ladies' loop, the officials of the league and the fans that are interested in girls' baseball, all owe these two organizations, the Rotary Club and the General Motors a hearty vote of thanks for their generosity and work in connection with the finding of the missing diamond. - Another vote of thanks that is due is that of a hearty one for Mr. G. R. Holden, of 14); King street east, of watches to be given to-the two girls in the league with the highest bat- ting and fielding averages at the end of the season's play. These watches have been chosen and will soon be on view in Felt's jewellery store window on King street east. The donating of these prizes will. tend to make the players try harder on all put outs and at bat, whether the team .is far in Mr. Holden has offered prizes At the opening night, some of the people that will be taking part in the ceremonies will be Miss Mabel Rae, Secretary of the 'Ontario Ladies' Softball Association, along with other members of the Association. Mayor I. B. Mitchell will be present representing the City, G. D.:Conant will be representing the Rotary Club and will take an active part in the opening. Mr, H. Wo Nicoll of General Motors will act as M, of €, The intermediate lacrosse schedule is now drawn up and though these teams have been waiting for some time they have been using the time in the proper manner, by practicing whenever they could, and they are now rounded into a well trained team that will take a lot of beating by even the These intermediates now that they know when they are booked to play will be harder at work than ever, and their next" practice will 'be held on Monday evening and every player is expected out prepared to get to work The first big picnic to be held at the Lakeview Park comes to town this afternoon when the Canadian General Electric Company of Peterboro will be here in full strength to enjoy the invigorating air that the park on the lake provides. They will have a full program of sports and con' this pro- d of race and contest that could 'be' imagined. y athletes in their crowd-there will be t the lake this afternoon and evening. go an extra' inning to take a in their first league struggle at Cow- Judging from the turnout last night at Alexandra Park, Oshawa should be proud of their home brew lacrosse talent; We are pleased to note the public will have the chance to see these boys battle on Tuesday night at the opening game of the City Juvenile The Tod's and Weston Bread are going to start it off in earnest, The game is called for 7.15 Tuesday evening. These two juvenile teams are sure two smart looking teams and the public will see some fine lacrosse so keep Tuesday 'evening open. and be So be on hand at the opening game. After leading the Malleables for five innings the Buick ladies weakened in their exhibition game last night and the Iron girls came to the fore to win 'the tilt with only a small margin to boast about, the score was 14 to 9, for the "raisins eaters". The homer of Hazel MacDonald and the three base hits of Isa MacDonald and Aggie Blair were the main features in the sensational rally that caught the leading Buicks, A flock of put outs by Helen McLean on first was outstanding in the way in which this girl accepted every chance without. making errors. also was part of a smart double play by McDonald to Larson to MacLean that had a hand in the spelling of the word defeat for the Buicks, She The Buicks will follow along the lines of the Motors that they are named after and will likely change their name to Marquettes for the com- CHICAGO GETS THIRD Chicago, June 8.--Chicago made a clean sweep of the three game teries with Brooklyn by winning 11 to 2 here yesterday. Charley Root held the Robins to four hns while the Cubs 'pounded Dudley, Johnny Moore, rookie outfieled for the Cubs, led the Chicago at- tack with a home, run and three singles in four times' at bat.: Har. vey Hendrick's home run in the sixth' with Babe Herman 'on 'base accounted for. Brooklyn's runs. Herman got three of the four Park. : The Oshawa Beaches play all "about a week or ten days," '1 their home games at the Lake, Brooklya hits, . . Johnny Morrison and Moore for 12. FLIVVERS SCORE WINNING RUN Cincinnati, June 8.--Hurst's wild throw with a double play in signt permitted Ford to score from sece ond and gave the Reds. a 7 to 6 victory over Philadelphia here. yes- terday in 11 innings. The visitors had the game sewed up until the eighth when the Reds rallied, scor- ed three runs and tied the' count. McGraw walked Ford in the elev anth, Sukeforth' singled, Ford go- ing to second, and then : Hurst threw wild to second on Kolp's in- 'tield 'tap, Ford scoring the winning run, Hurst 'hit a 'homer in the sixth with' one on. _; i <i -- Standing _-- ly - Thornton's Corners .. Duco Boys North Oshawa Whitby Brooklin Oshawa Beaches .... Pickering Port Perry ,.. OO m=NN~ = 2 fd tk bt bk © O=OOMOOD sevens Concerning Cross Checks "Poots' White and "Smoke" Fox, two players that are expected to account for goals this afternoon when the General Motors senior la- crosse squad goes to Brampton for their first game with the strong Excelsiors, Lacrosse games today are: Senior St. Catharines vs. Torontos, Oshawa vs. Brampton. ITutermediate Fergus at Brantford Georgetown at Kitchener. Today's senior games will split up the senior standing. Torontos and St. Catharines, who meet at Ulster Stadium, have both yet to break into the win column, and at present jointly occupy the cellar position, while the result of the contest. between Oshawa and Brampton in the Centre Road town will give the winner temporary leadership. For today's game Herbie Mat- thews will have Doc Virtue, jas. year with St. Simon's, on the To- ronto line-up. Whether there will be any additions to the home, {| teams, where a little scoring strength is badly needed, depends upon whethe er Angus McKinnon returns from Montreal in time and if Max Mec» Gregor decides to take another flipg at the game. Tim O'Rourke and Vie Rundle, both with Toren- tos last year, will also make ther debut today. McDonald, St. Cathe arines' kid goalkeeper, who put up such a great display in Brampton last week, will be with the Athlet- f|ice, and Ty Silk, the Weston Veter- an, will lead a determined busch of youths onto the sward of Ulster Stadium, The Ogshawa-Brampton game pro- mises much in the way of excellent lacrosse. Brampton, with the addi- tions of Zimmer and the Kingdous, has become a powerful aggregation, and while they will be favorites to beat last year's champions, there is little to choose between 'the Brampton has a little more punch on the attack and more experience in the reld, but Oshawa has the steadiest defence division. When two teams line up on the one field such as these two there is bound to be an active afternoon. LEAFS WIN FROM ROYALS Toronto, June 8.--Phil Page had a disturbing first inning yesterday, but it wasn't as disturbing as some he has had since joining the Leafs and he pitched out a most convine- ing victory over the Montreal Roy- als in the third game of the series at the waterfront enclosure, The score was 7 to 3. : But shy Phil, aided and abetted by Nolen Richardson, played .a ra- ther shabby trick on Elam VanGil- der, erstwhile team mate at Detroit. Phil not only outpitched Van by a wide margin but he swung a mean bat for his own cause, and that of the Leafs Page's hat opened a two rum charge in the second inning and it drove over a run in the sixth. Rich. ardson doubled a pair of tallies home in the second and his single in the first set in motion the 'at- tack "that resulttd in one bhelng scored, CHEVROLET COACH 1928 Chevrolet Coach, only driven very small mileage, looks and runs like a new car, stock No, 662 Sale Price . WHIPPET SEDAN Whippet Sedan, 6 Cylinder * Model, 1927 year, in 1st class condition. Stock No. $575 486. OK Sale Price. , CHEV. CABRIOLET Chevrolet Cabriolet, 1927 mo- del, one of those snappy look- ing cars that is equipped with a rumble seat. Stock $ 47 5 No. 468, OK sale price BUICK SEDAN 1 Buick Sedan, 1927 Model, motor has just been overhauled Dizkies relutd: two new tires tock No, 474, OK $850 Sale Price .. WHITBY veal CHEV. SEDAN . Chevrolet Sedan, 1929, driven less than 1000 miles, with a new guar- antee, if you want to save $100.00 see this one. Stock No. 670. 0 K Sale Price Chev. Dump Truck Chevrolet Dump Truck, refinished springs, re- painted. This is a truck that is ready to go to work, Stock No. §57. 1928 model, with four wheeled brakes, 2x6 tires on rear, $65 BUICK COACH Buick Coach, 1928 model, in splendid condition, if you are looking for a real buy in a used car don't fail to see this 0 K Sale $635 Price. .... evi. OAKLAND COACH Oakland Coach, 1927 , motor and clutch just over- hauled, una like a mew car. Stock No. Number 511, = 5%. $695 LIMITED OSHAWA AUTHORIZED CHEVROLET Sale Price sve s OK Sale Price CHEV, ROADSTER Chevrolet Roadster, 1928 mo= del, this car has been driven small mileage, has just been refinished in very attractive color in duco. Ask for stock Number 622. Sale Price , OAKLAND SEDAN Oakland Sedan, del, has been driven very small mileage, looks runs like a new car. Stock 1928 mo- and OK $995 'Ontario Motor Sales BOWMANVILLE DEALER