PAGE EIGHTEEN THE OSHAWA DAILY TIMES, SATURDAY, JUNE 8, 1929 ANDERSON PAVES WAY T0 VICTORY Ottawa Believes Saskatch- ewan Success Points to Dominion Triumph Ottawa, June 8~The Liberal gov- ernment in Saskatchewan has been defeatedq, but the Conservatives have not won a decisive victory and must depend on their allies, Progressives and Independents, to form an admin- istration. As the nine Progressives and Independents were all elected ov- er government candidates and in the main by Conservative support, this will not. be impossible to accomplish, At the worst, when the results are complete, including the deferred elec- tions returns, the combined strength of the opponents of the government should be 35 as -against 28 govern- ment supporters, While this is a nar- row margin, it means the overthrow of the Liberal government after 24 years' rule, and the smashing of the most notorious election machine in Canada, present or past, Surprise to Both Parties Conservative members here did not expect the defeat of the government, but hoped to-increase thc opposition representation, Until Tuesday Lib- eral members, particularly those from Saskatchewan, scoffed at the idea the Saskatchewan fhachine could be smashed. On Wednesday there was a change in the government outlook and the federal Liberal members were in a panic. Today they are gloomy and dismayed and do not conceal their fears for the {future of their party. No doubt the smashing of the Sas- katchewan machine will exercise a big influence in the next federal el- cction, 'detrimental to the Saskatche- wan Liberals and beneficial to the op- ponents of. the government, whether Conservative or Progressive. It was the machine and not either the per- sonality of the candidates or the po- licy of their party that mainly contri- buted to the success of the federal Liberal party in that province, The machine disappears with the provin- cial government and there will be no Liberal organization left. Progressive members from Saskatchewan predict that at the next federal election Lib- erals cannot expect more than five supporters from. their province, Fhey concede Regina, Moose Jaw, Melfort, Saskatoon, Qu'Apelle, Long Lake, As- siniboia, North Battleford and Ma- ple Creek to Conservatives and claim from seven to nine for themselves, In Hon. C. A. Dunning's constitu- ency of; Regina the Conservative ma- jority was 4,500: and in the other fed- eral seats of Moose Jaw 1000, Sas- katoon 2000. Assiniboia 400, Qu'Ap- pelle 1,000 with smaller Conservative majorities in a number of other fed- eral constituencies. In only three federal constituencies, Prince Albert, umboldt and Saltcoats, have the Liberals substantial majorities, It has always been maintained that the Conservatives could not with con- fidence hope for a federal victory in the Dominion until they smashed the Saskatchewan machine. As Quebecis to the Liberal party in the east, so was Saskatchewan in the west, With Saskatchewan gone, the Liberal par- ty ceases to be national and becomes a Quelies party, There is not a Lib- eral administration left in the west, and but Quebec and Prince Edward Island in the east. Quebec domination of the federal Liberal party played a part in the undoing of the Saskat- chewan provincial Liberal There is also the same reaction Alberta and Manitoba. Dr. Anderson, if called upon . to form a government in Saskatchewan, will include in it representatives of the Progressives and Independents. It will be without federal affiliation and will not participate in federal contests or issues, but it will destroy the notorious Liberal machine, and that is all the federal Conservatives and Progresives desire, His govern- ment will make the public schools non-sectarian and will at once de- mand the restoration of the natural resources on terms as generous as those to be accorded Manitoba. SIX MONTHS' HOIST GIVEN WOMEN'S BILL Women Are Barred Separate Domicile--Logan Would Aid Deserted Wives e-- Ottawa, June 8.--Six months' hoist was given in the senate yesterday to the proposed legislation to grant sep- arate domicile to married women for purposes of divorce, The decision was carried on a vote of 18 to 12. Sir Allan Aylesworth, continuing his speech begun yesterday, said the bill proposed to make a radical chan- ge in what had always been the law as to the domicile or home of any man and woman who entered into matrimonial union. By this bill for the purposes of divorce there could be two separate and independent dom- iciles of the spouces. It proposed al- so. to confer upon the courts of the province in which the domicile of the woman had been chosen the jurisdic- tion to decree divorce, jurisdiction not only over the woman who had chosen that domicile but also over her hus- band, who very possibly had never in his life lived within the territorial jurisdiction of the court to which pasty. mn started taking Do faces and found it very good. and women have attested 50¢ Two Boxes Brought Him Speedy Relief New Brunswick Lady Gave Husband Dodd's Kidney Pills "We have used Dodd's Kidney Pills for years for Kidney Troubles and Lame Back," writes Mrs, Charlie E, Smith, who resides' at Florenceville, N.B, "My husband got cold in his back and was very neatly laid up. He dd's Kidney Pills and when he had used two boxes, the Lameness had dis- appeared. I have also used Dodd's Antiseptic Healing Ointment on my children's chapped For over.a third of a century, grateful men to the merits ol Dodd's Kidney Pills. Others have found relief from Kidney Ailments--why not you ? 'At All Dealers, or by Mail from The Dodds Medicine Co. Ltd., Toronto 2, Ont. pi national wrecked at the local airport yester- day. passenger escaped. A boy, Clarence Alexander A woman's rings are her one changeless Sdusagent, fve wears them unceasingly, Em. bodying so much po. Roi they should be chosen with every thought for beauty, style, significance, wearin apitiey, ad worth, Trau lossom assure all of these and more. May we show them to you? Priced from $12 upwards. TRAUB Orange Blossom Engagrmont ond adding Rings his wife applied. This seemed to him an extraordinary proposition, and a serics inroad upon all the principles which were supposed to underlay the jurisdiction of Canadian courts, Etraordinary reasons, he said, were advanced in support of this propo- sal. It was put as a matter of equal- ity of the sexes, It gave the woman authority to hunt from onc prov- ince of Canada to another for a court in which her husband might never have been in any way sub- jected to its jurisdiction, that she could find the means of getting a divorce from him. The substance of the whole essence of the enactment proposed was that a deserted married woman, in order to get a divorce, might acquire a domicile wherever she pleased to go. | PLANES COLLIDE AT HAMILTON Several Injured--Others Es- cape When Machine Crashes Hamilton, June 8.--Crashing 20 eet above the ground as they were ircling the field to make a land- ng, planes operated by Capt Fred 'hayler of Toronto, test pilot of the Jo Haviland Airplane corporation of Canada, apd Capt. J. D. Parkin- son of Montreal, pilot of the Inter- Airways, limilted, were Both men were injured. A of 49 Melbourne street Improved Leaming White Cap Early Bailey Golden Glow Wisconsin No. 7 16 CELINA ST. | We have a complete line of the | Best Varieties of Fodder and Cob Corn Now In Stock North Dakota Longfellow : Compton's Early Rennie's xxx Giant Eureka White COOPER SMITH Co. PHONE 8 a chance Cleanse them regularly--as you would in It's good common sense to keep your elimin. ative organs clean and active. . But do a com- plete job . work hard + « include your kidneys. They your entire blood-stream 480 times every day and need attention and care quite as much as your bowels do. National Drug & Chemical Co. of Canada, Limited, Toronto, Canada GIN PILLS FOR THE KIDNEYS. 180 was hurt when struck with a frag- ment from the plane. Capt. Shayler's body was pinned fast when the engine of his plane was forced out of position, Several eye witnesses assisted in extricat- ing him and he was ruszhed to the General hospital unconscious, Late lagt night he rallied. Medical men ure now hopeful for his recovery. X-ray films will be developed today and the full extend of the injuries made known. The passenger with the Teronto flier was shaken up but only slightly. He lost no time in hurrying from the field, His name was not obtained, Capt. Parkinson sustained an ab- rasion across the forehead and had a lucky escape. Boy Spectator Hurt The Alexander boy was watching the aircraft perform and was only a short distance away. Debris was scattered when the planes collided and a piece struck him, causing slight injury. He was taken to the General hospital for treatment. Shayler was in a Moth plane aud the Montreal aviator was at the controls of a Pitcairn. Both ma- chines had been in the air and wero cruising to glide to the field when they came together, The Pitcairn plane dropped on top of the Mowh plane and demolished the portion that escaped the air crash, The engine of the latter was damaged. Both pilots have had years of ex- perience. They were making flights preliminary to engaging in stunt flying. : An article on the woman's page of a British newspaper is headed, "How to Iixercise the Chin." News- papers over there exert a lot of wasted effort--Woodstock Sentinel Review. : Cooper Smith Company 14 Celina St.,, Oshawa Phone 8 . SOME SURPRISES IN NEW CABINET 4 * War Secretary Shaw Stirred Miner-harvesters in » . Winnipeg London, June 8.--Rt. Hon. Ram- say MacDonald, in forming his sec- ond Labor ministry, has placed his best men with a considerable de- gree of skill and has brought into the cabinet one or two valuable ad- ditions to the Labor party ranks, in the opinion of political writers last night. Some of the appoint ments are of especial note to Can- ada, Raised Row in Winnipeg Thomas Shaw, as secretary for war, although not to be eclipsed as one of the surprises, has not enter- ed into the calculations of the po- litical tipsters. Many Canadians will remember this genial son of Lancashire with his schoolboy sense of enjoyment, who toured Canada {with the delegation from the Em- pire Parliamentary association iu 1928, On that trip he aroused some concern at Winnipeg when ha charged that some of the miner. harvesters sent from . Britain to Canada were being kept in cages under guard. Newcomers are Lord Justice Sankey, who becomes lord chancel- lor, and W. A, Jowitt, K.C,, a re- eruit from the Liberal ranks, who is the new attorney-general, Both are brilliant legal men and their inclusion is hailed with great ap- proval as bolstering up the Labor party- comparative lack of high le- gal talent. Mr, Jowitt was elected only last week as Liberal member in Preston, Nobody expected the chancellor- ship of the exchequer would fall to anybody but Rt. Hon. Philip Snow den, who held the post in 1924. The Snowden budget of 1024 was hailed by financial London us something like a model of pro- priety. With a cabinet made up so much of men originally drawn' from trades unionism it is worth re- membering that Mr, Snowden owes absolutely nothing to this great movement, which rejected him when he first essayed to enter par- llament through Blackburn in 1900. He started his career as a civil ser- vant and has valuable knowledge of administrative detail, He holds an unrelenting hatred of commun- fsm and is married to a woman who has incurred the hostility of the extreme left wing because of what ske said in giving her im- pressions of Russia some years ago. Mrs. Snowden was a member of the Labor commission of enquiry to Russia in 1920, SIR ESME HOWARD OPENS AUDITORIUM Says Nations Realizing the Absurdity of Reign of Force Atlantic City, N.J,, June 7.-Inter- national peace and goodwill was the theme of the address made here by Sir Esme Howard, British: Ambas- sador and dean of the diplomatic corps of Washington, at the opening of the Atlantic City auditorium, "It was a very. gracious and kindly thought which inspired the owners of this vast hall, the greatest in the world, to hang around it the flags of all nations of the world so as to pro- claim it from the first moment of its life as dedicated to the cause of in- ternational peace and good will," Sir Esme said, He continued: "Speaking for myself and my colleagues, I hope that in the days to come this audi- torium may be the scene of many useful international conferences over which friendship and good will may preside so that all knotty problems here discussed may be happily sol- ved and this hall may thus serve the purpose of its founders and become famous in history as the home of ship through MASTERS. puncture. Not one in service. There is safety with ROYAL AFE, secure, confident, the family that travels on Royal Masters. blow-outs and punctures -- safe from trouble and inconvenience, Safe from There have been accidents with ordinary tires ~ high speed -- a blowout -- flying glass. Women driving alone have suffered hard- blowouts or punctures in rainy weather, on muddy roads. Not one in a thousand will ever five thousand will blow out under two years of This crest appears in gold on every Royal Master Tire own family deserves al EL safely Built without regard to cost -- with a double thick tread -- with extra heavy sidewalls -- with an entirely new design and new structuml principles, the Royal Master is without exception the best and safest tire ever made. It gives easier steering, due to narrower tread and less road contact. : --Greater safety, surer traction, surer braking, no pide-slip, --Silence = that means no suction -- no lost power. --Smarter style -- adds distinction to the most luxurious car. If you buy a car for only one year, Royal Masters will give you and your family that added safety they deserve, If you buy a car for more than a year, Royal Masters will give you safety, plus unquestioned economy. You are never far away from a DOMINION TIRE DEPOT OSHAWA W. H. Rodd, Tire & Rattery Service Cor. King & Centre Streets peace. There can be no doubt as to the great and increasing desire on the part of all nations of the world whose flags we see around us now to settle disputes by process of law rather than by force." Refers to Facts Making reference to the Paris peace pact of which President Hoov- er spoke in his Memorial Day ad- dress Thursday, Sir Esme said, "Last year saw perhaps the greatest manifestation of this desire for peace in the signing of the Kellogg pact for renunciation of war. But this in itself is not enough. The old Adam is still strong and there are many who publicly deride the Kellogg pact. "The men and women of the vari- ous nations whose flags we around us are gradually being led to the conviction that there is thing so unjust, so illogical, so absurd, as the reign of force under which the world has lived up to now. When this conviction has become general, and there are signs that the time is ap proaching, 'surely though slowly, then perhaps this hall may be used for a supreme congress at which all the nations of the carth will gather to sing a Te Deum of thanks to the sce Almighty because the light of reason has at last illumniated the minds of men." STUDY PULPWOOD PROBLEM It is estimated that each year in Canada an average of 192,000 cords 'of pulpwood are lost through sinking in the rivers while being floated from the limits to the mills. This amount of wood is cut from trees covering approximately 32 000 acres of pulpwood land, and at an average of $13 a cord represents an annual loss of $2,496,000. A study of this problem has been une dertaken at the Forest Products Laboratories, Department of the Interior, in co-operation with tne the Canadian Pulp and Paper Ase sociation, . Mr. Ford does not bother about Washington's" wishes, and recog- nizes Russia on his own account.-- Toronto Globe. Tory candidate in Ipswich kissed every pretty girl in the constitu- ency. Of course, he was re-elected, --S8t. Catharines Standard. EVERYTHING THAT GOES TO MAKE UP A FINE CAR It offers a mechanical excellence and per- formance that few cars at any price can ess . . yet absolute master of road and grade . . the Oldsmobile 62-h.p. engine is a 26 39s LDSMOBILE SIX . . although it is one of the lower-priced sixes . . was not built to fit a price. It was de- signed to meet the need for a truly fine car, with every quality that up a fine car, but of convenient size and es to make Its Fisher Bodies are among the most noteworthy and original creations of an organization famous for authentic and pleasing styles. 0 Mot Athol St. West »ETTSHR surpass. Smooth, quiet, effo triumph of precision engineering. Judged by every quality of a fine car, Oldsmobile Six has won an astonishi Jopalasity among motorists who loo! or something better than any other car at Oldsmobile price has ever offered. LDSMORBILE PRODUCT OF GENERAL MOTORS OF CANADA, LIMITED or City Service, Limited ANDREW MOFFATT, President Oshawa, Ontario aru 1T*8 CANADIAN