PAGE TWENY-TWO THE OSHAWA DAILY TIMES, WEDNESDAY, MAY 29, 1929 Made in Oshawa Goods Rank First in Products of the Empire HOW CANADA TOOK PART IN EMPIRE SHOPPING WEEK IN 1928 The Empire Shopping Week of 1928 clicited support and encourage- ment among all types of people, from His Royal Highness, the Prince of Wales, to the humblest schoolboy in Canada. ii One hundred and forty-seven cities, towns and villages comprising. a pop- ulation of over 3,000,000 people, par- ticipated in the "Weck's" activities on a definitely organized scale. Every other municipality received and used the literature and retail trade aids. Unique combinations of merchan- dising and good fellowship took place in a number of cities and towns where friendly storckeepers lent their show windows for displays of their fellow-merchants' goods, and in some cases to create an exhibition of the manufactured products of the town on the main street. : In at least twenty places, "Made in Canada" shows some lasting the whole Week, formed an integral part of Empire Shopping Week. Women's clothing manufacturers put on style shows and demonstra- tions and hundreds of other manu- facturers made special advertising and window displays to capitalize on the decidedly preferential air in which the Week was held, One hundred and fifty thousand window streamers bearing the words "Empire Buyers are Empire Build- ers." Scores of cities, towns and vil- lages turned the "Week" into a gala occasion with band concerts, parades, special decorations and illuminations, guessing contests, entertainments, etc, Canadian, Empire and Service Clubs in many municipalities gladly heard the news about the "Week' and many of their members rendered yeoman service of local committees, Many hotels and restaurants put on special Empire and Canadian menus for luncheons, teas, dinners, etc., and used the crest and motto on their 'menu cards. CIN Film trailers with specially com- posed inspirational wording and the Patron's gracious - and thoughtful opening message were freely used in many large picture houses. Numerous meetings of teachers at- tending annual gatherings of educa- tional associations: cordially received Empire Shopping Week "speakers. Premiers and Cabinet Ministers used the radio freely to broadcast addresses on subjects related to Em- pire Shopping 'Week. The local chairman's report from a western city recounting simply their crganization and the work carried on covered four pages of print in the Executive Committee's Report. A large fraction of the matter pub- lished in newspapers was in the form of editorials endorsing the movement proclaiming its economic' value to Canada, and urging the steady main- tesiance of the policy, daily, weekly, and year by year, The design of special posters and decorations for the "Week" formed part of the regular school work in a number of art and technical schools. Numerous local arrangements were made with several picture theatres to show Canadian and British films, In- vitations to attend were accepted by many interested people. LENGTH OF KISS PROTESTED Just how long and how passionate- ly ought an actor kiss an actress in a love scene is being discussed in Paris following the protest of a member of the audience at the production of a new play, "Rolls Royce," at the Mathurin Theatre. The spectator, a Paris architect, laid an information with the police against M. Saturnin Farbe and Mlle. France Ellys, the actors, and the theatre management, declaring. that the kissing scene is carried to so realistic a point that it might endanger public morals, M. Farbe declared he did not know how the scene would strike a spectator. "Neither of us," he said, "knows ex- actly what our acting may look like, as we forget ourselves in our roles. But we cannot believe we have done anything shocking." Meanwhile the argument continues to rage. FINE EMPIRE DAY, PROGRAM, HARMONY »| Rev. E. Harston of Oshawa, and Harold Hart Are Speakers Harmony, May 25.--Mr. and Mrs, Harry Dafoe and family spent Sunday with relatives at Trenton. K. Fletcher and 'W, Lewis attend- ed the opening races at the Wood- bine on Saturday. ' E. Luke has his home near comple- tion on Wilson road south, Mr. and Mrs. McComb and Master Teddy McComb of the city spent Sunday with Mr, and Mrs, L. Ed- wards. There are still a few cases of chic- ken pox in the vicinity, Mr. Cochrane of the city visited Robt. Hinton on Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. N. Sanders Sunday with relatives ville, _Orma Terwillegar spent Sunday at North Oshawa with her grandpar- ents, Mr. and Mrs. Ed Figce. Mn and Mrs, A. E. Tonkin spent Tuesday at Niagara Falls. A few of the farmers expect to fin- ish seeding -this week, but a great many have much land too wet to work, The gardeners are getting their plants out this week, but some of the crops will be quite late. Mr. and Mrs. Ed Halcomb and Mr. G. Colbran spent Toronto with Mr. and Curry, Miss C. Lodge and Mr. B. Deene of the city visited with Mr. and Mrs. J. Saunders on Sunday, J. Luke is quite ill and confined to his bed. Mr. and Mrs. Roy Terwillegar and Miss Audrey Terwillegar spent Tues- day at Niagara Falls. About fifty friends and neighbors gathered at the home of Mr. and Mrs. N. Wagar on Monday night and gave a miscellaneous shower to Mr. and Mrs, Harold Wagar. They re- ceived a great number of beautiful and useful gifts. The evening was spent at Bowman- Sunday in Mrs. Fred enjoyably spent with games and mu- sic. Refreshments were served about midnight and the friends parted wish- ing Mr, and Mrs. Wagar a long and happy married life. A large number of parents and friends of the school children enjoyed the Empire Day program given in the auditorium of the school on Thursday afternoon, The program was opened by singing, "O, Canada." Harold Hart, who acted as chairman, spoke briefly on "The British Em- pire." The program consisted of a recita- tion, "Empire Day," by Talene Trull. A message from their Majesties King George and Queen Mary to the boys and girls of the Empire, spoken from a record on the gramaphone; song by the school, "The Empire is our Country ;" greetings from the Minis- ter of Education, read by Miss L, K. Mackay; recitation, "O Canada Be True," by Ross Edwards; motion flag 'song by pupils of the junior room; address by Rev. E, Hartson of*Sim- coe Street United Church; recita- tion, "The- Old Land of the Young Land," by Ethel Petrie; dialogues, "The British Empire as the Nation," by girls of senior room; song, "Flag of Briton," by the school; recitation, "Union Jack," by Vera Petrie; reci- tation, "Colors of the Flag," by Laura Trim; motion song by pupils of in- termediate room; recitation, "Cana- dian Born," by Edith Edwards; song by senior room, "God Bless the Prince of Wales;" recitation, "Empire First," by Ruth Tooley; song by school, "The Land of the Maple;" recitation, "Union Jack," by Vera Ma- son; "God Save the King" CANADA'S PART IN THE EMPIRE WEEK (Kingston Whig-Standard) The Retail Merchants' Association is taking Empire Shopping Week in hand, and that is an indication that it will be a great success. It will begin next Saturday. There seems to be a mistaken idca in some people's minds that the scheme is in- tended primarily as ameans of push- ing the sale of British goods in other parts of the Empire. That is alto- gether wrong. The Matherland is helping the Week with all its might with the view of promoting trade | throughout all the Dominions, We have frequently referred to the fact that merchants over there have, quite apart from this special week, been making special displays of Dominion products, - The probability is that the Dominions will benefit more than Great Britain, more especially as through the «Imperial preferential system they enjoy important advan- tages over foreign competitors, So far as Canada is concerned, it must be remembered, the British Empire is her best customer, Soh There is a principle in Empire Shopping Week which should be thoroughly understood. It is that a natural and constant first preference be given to goods and commodities that are the product of the eountry where the week is being held. Within Canada, for instance, Canadian goods' and commodities are the first con- cern, products bf other portions of the Empire are urged as entitled to the next preference, other factors be- ing equal. For goods produced in Canada are alsv produced within the Empire, and the whole consideration rests on the rightful general benefit of the whole commonwealth. Attention should be called to the fact that the United States openly acknowledges that a huge proportion of the $900,000,000 worth of the goods which Canada buys from it could be either made in Canada or' bought within the British - Empire. there is another opening for trade. Altogether the week means that it is a big effort to encourage national and Imperial trade, foundation of more industries throughout the Empire. Tt will lead to less unemployment, and the de- velopment of the Empire's huge re- sources. And the idea is making great headway for among the large bodies supporting it are the National Council. of Women, the Imperial Order Daughters of the Fmpire, the Canadian Girl Guides and the Boy Scouts - Associations, the Canadian Branch of the British Empire Service League, the Retail Merchants Asso- ciation, the Canadian Chamber of Commerce, the Trades and labour Congress, the Association of Cana- dian Advertisers, the Canadian Man- ufacturers Association, the British Agents. Association, and the Cana- dian Association of British Manufac- Thus | It means the' Our selection of exquisite jewel- Jory and modern silver ped si [UDOR PLATE beckons you to biuret ampli Rod is -- to see the latest ti Many leading hostesses are re- arranging their table settings to conform to mew-day standards. Youmaydothe same... i sively vith TUDOR PLATE. And about gifts-- when yon have to look twice at your gift dollar,come inand lock around, BASSETT'S On Oshawa"s Main Corner A clever and delightful way of |is to core baking apples so that there will be | with two teaspoons drained crus turers. RT 1 | the apples, fill each! g ar and a teaspoon butter. Bake more than apples in the fruit diet | ed pineapple, one tablespoon su-|in pineapple juice. { | A-------- MA Bk ~--tm---- £d N Window Shades White or green window shades of good service cloth and moun- ted on good strong spring roll- ers. Size 36 in.x6 ft. A splendid shade at a very low price. Com- plete with brackets, rings and etc. Regular 98c. Special 79 ve Cc ; Window Shades j Splendid value are 'these oil || opaque shades in seconds, They open up very well; some have slight: imperfections that can hardly be noticed, mounted on good serviceable rollers in white or green. Size 36in. x6 ft. Com- plete with brackets, rings and || etc. Reg. $1.25. Spe- ¥ cial, each . Opaque Windo Hand made oil opaque. shades made of best cloth and moun- ted on guaranteed Hartshorn rollers in white, cream and green. All sizes kept in stock. Complete with Tassel, Brackets and etc. Spr 31s. Sel §] 29 Duplex Shades Fine quality Duplex shades, white and green combination in seconds, These are good and will give the best of service; slight imperfections are the rea- son of the low price. Size 36 in. | x 6 ft, mounted on good rollers, | Complete with' Brackets, Rings, 'fi etc. Reg. $1.50. Spe- i cial, each ., - - bs i Special Window Shades 'We have an expert who will call and give estimates free to supply and fit complete, any shades that may be re- quired from oil opaques to the un- breakable linen quality finished with Bullion Fringe, Scalloped bottom. | ls: These Values Will No Doubt Appeal to Nottingham Curtain Nets Fine quality Nottingham Filet Nets in smart conventional designs that will wear and laund- er well. Comes 36 inches wide and finished with lace edge. Regular 49¢ yard. 35¢ Special yard, iv. soi ia sl Quality Nets We have a large range of better quality nets in Nottingham Lace, Filet and Lockstitch- weaves in white, ivory and Ecru shades, in widths ranging from 36 All at reduced prices for Empire Week. $1.29 yd. Special yard .... to 45 inches wide. $1.00 'Hammo Couch Hammo Couch in grey and fawn striped duck with ad- justable head rest and back. Has well stuffed cushions. The back is also upholstered for comfort. Complete with iron stand and canopy. 'Canadian $39.50 | TAN For this outstanding event " Empire Week " We feature merchandise produced in the British Empire of which 75 per cent. is manufactured' in our own Dominion of Canada and which for quality and workmanship cannot be equalled anywhere else. For instance such things as Furniture, Oilcloth, Linoleums, Window Shades, and a host of other commodities are made here by experts who have given their valuable time with a view of | producing. the best possible to suit the climatic conditions of our country. Therefore when you buy | || Canadian or English made goods you buy the best. | Canadian Barrymore Axminster Rugs are in a class hy them- selves for beauty and durability. There are many charming effects in the new patterns. Blue, Ground, with colored motiff. Others are wonderful Persian Rose, Fawn, Taupe, reproductions. These can be bought during Empire Week at a big savings. 4.6x7.6 Regular $18.50 for ....................$16.78 6.9%9.0 Regular $31.93 for .....svuesse0evs... 328.95 9.0x10.6 Regular $49.50 for .................$45.00 9.0x12.0 Regular $55.00 f Buy These On This club plan was instituted for your convenience we invite you to use it. You Pay One-Fifth Down | The Balance Divided Into 5 | Equal Monthly Payments $49.50 Our Club Plan This Weekend We Offer Interior eeds For Your Home-The Interior Is Important The Outside of Your Home is Beautiful, But What Can You Say of the Interior-- Your Blinds, Curtains Etc? Casement Cloths Géod quality casement cloth from England nice even weave and fast colors. Comes 50 in. wide in rose, blue, green, brown and cream shades. Ideal for making sunroom cur- 59 c tains. Regular 89c. Special per yard .. Colored Madras Colored English Madras for overdrapes in a variety of patterns and colorings odd picces that cannot be replaced account for the 75 c remarkable low price. Reg. $1.49 Spec 150-1bs. ICE FREE Refrigerators High class Canadian Made Refrigerators that cannot be bea- | ten in quality or for soundness of constructien. They are the result of many years research work to get the perfection they |! have attained. All the most convenient sizes are here for your approval. You also get 150 LBS, ICE FREE. 63 KING STREET, E. Phones 78-79 & 3 Ga Floor Oilcloth Heavy quality Floor Oilclath made in Canada, that will give good service, Comes in floral, fancy tile, and con« ventional designs, in a range of colore ings that will suit any room. 1 yd, 2 yds, 2% yds, wide. Reg. 9c. Special, 5q. Yd aressrene 55¢ Printed Linoleums 4 yards wide printed Linol- eum that will cover your floor without a seam. Good heavy quality and well fin- ished in fancy tile. Carpet and Floral designs. Regular $1.10 yard. Special 95¢ Congoleum Smart Designs. in Congoleum by the yard in tile and floral patterns has very heavy printed surface that will stand hard wear, and lay flat to «the floor without fastening dowm 2 yds. wide wees... 65¢ 5q. Yd. 3 yds. wide .eeese. 70c sq. yd. Congoleum Rugs New Congoleum Rugs are here in bright cheerful de- signs that would please the |i most fastidious. All sizes [| in stock | From 6x9 at ......cuu. $6.50 |i il To 9x15 at «iene. $18.78 Inlaid Linoleum Inlaid Linoleum in a fine Range of Patterns that will give years of hard wear. The patterns go through to the burlap; several grades to select from, ravsve * §1,20 052,252 price from