PACE SIX i etreet, yn A Mrs. John Stephenson, of ami, vid yin Sophent Mrs. Walter } rd, Bruce street, over the week end. . . Miss che Houston, of Toronto, is wisi inh friend, Miss Isla Bar- street, r. W. R. Aunger, of Alberta, who is Sending Je etal setion} of jhe i of Toronto, spent the ho- gc Mr. and Mrs. O. R. Hall, College street. i Mr, and Mrs. C. M. Mundy, son Glen, and daughter, Norah, Simcoe street north, spent the week end at their cottage on Gull Lake near Min- den. * * * : Mr. and Mrs. John Craig, Victoria Apartments, left Saturday. for Gull Lake, near Minden, where they have taken a cottage and will spend the summer months. ok 0% Xx Mr, Ralph J. Mackie of the G.M.C. staff, Walkerville, is spending the week end visiting his mother, Mrs. A. Mackie, 25 Arthur street. Miss Cora Leach entertained at bridge on Thursday evening in hon- 'or of her friends, Mrs. Cawlishaw and daughter Miss June, both of Grand Rapids, Michigan, who motor- ed to Os awa and are now guests of Mrs. Leach and her daughter, 18 Colborne street. Mrs. EF; W. Cowan, Simcoe street south, was a guest at a luncheon on Saturday by Mrs, H. J. Fisk, of To- ronto, in honor of Lady Allan, of Montreal. The 'luncheon was given at the Eglinton Club. Mr, and Mrs. W. R. Millichamp, Simcoe street north, spent the week end at their summer home 'at Lake of Bays. They had as their guests Mr. and Mrs, Selwyn Holmstead, of Toronto, * ; ¥ * ¥ . Mr, and Mrs. F. W. Cowan, Sim- cos street south, attended the final meet of the season of the Ontario Jockey Club at the Woodbine on Saturday. +e Mr. Dumoulin and Mr. D. C, Mg-, Donald were guests of Mr. and Mrs. R. 8S. McLaughlin," Parkwood, over the week end. ' Miss Isobel McLaughlin, of Tor- | onto, spent the week end with her parents, Mr, and Mrs! R. §. Mec- Laughlin, Parkwood. x Mr. and Mrs. Charles McDonald, Robson street, spent the holiday and week end with relatives in Hamilton. Mr, J Knowles and Mr. Stone, Sussex avenue, Toronto, were the guests of Mr. and Mrs. W. Jackson, urke street, over the holiday. x * Mr.and Mrs. J. Boaprey, Miss Jean Boaprey and Miss Millie Pasge, Eu- Ialie avenue, and Miss Mario Nich- olls, Christie avenue, motored to Kingston and spent the holiday with friends there. . . Mr, and Mrs. W. B, Turnbull, for- merly of Picton, are making - their home in Oshawa this eek. Mrs. R. Ray McLaughlin, "Elm- croft," spent the holiday and' week- end with. Mrs. Emmett Kelly, in Picton, 3 * * * Dr. C. E. Wright, Mrs. Wright and children, Jean and Roger, of Picton, are visiting friends here. * * Mr, and Mrs. Archibald, Mr. Jack Kingdon, of Peterboro, were visitors in the city on Friday Mr. and Mrs, Norman Buss and Mr, Walter Buss, Thornton's Corn- ers, 'spent the Jreek end in Detroit, LJ W.P. Fletcher, Athol strect east, tor of Centre street United ch conducted the anniversary services at Blackstock church yes- terday, while Rev. Mr. Griffith of Bl lock, was the visiting minister at Centre street United church, Miss Gertie Duncan, Church street, and Miss Bobs Fulton, Clarke street, spent Sunday in Orillia, Rev. Mr. and Mes J. F Seman, Agnes street, are visi their son, Mr. Lar. Ty Barnum in Lindsay. Mr, and Mrs. J. Hooper and son, visited relatives in Brantfor over the holiday and the week end. Mr, H: Falkner, of Alliston, and Mr, Lenard Falkner, of Toronto, vi- sited /their mother at the een's Apartments and attended the funeral of the late Mr. 7 Boddy. Mr, Herbert Porter spent the holi- day at his home in Kingston. Mr. Arthur Peacock spent the holi- day with his brother, Mr. Charles Peacock, and Mrs. Peacock, in King ston, : * + = Mr, George Sleeman spent the holiy day and week end with hi rid and Mrs, W. Steeman, "Khagsen, * Miss Daisy Callaghan is home from BR... Ly pi Ai Toronto and is with her parents, Mr, and Mrs. J. J. 4 sti Ly a vieit | re HB 3A 08 Manning of Toronto ' spent week-end in. the city, the guests of | Mr. J. W. Borsbery, f east, and attended the unveiling of the memorial window to the late Mr. H. M, ng street United Church last evening. chener, Shantz of Waterloo, holiday and week-end with the former's. mother, stra, Simcoe Jreet South. 4n Napanee. * ville, Colborne street, street, spent Cornwall, rand, of Walkerville week-end in the city. ; x» east, spent the week-end ronto, and children, visited the Lansing, Interests in the Home -- prs A nat eB Cr Mrs, H," wood, McLaughlin 'Boulevard. Rev. T. H. Manning' and' Mrs. the Bond street Manni at' 'Albert Mr. and Mrs, J. Lowry of Scar- boro Bluffs were the guests of Mr. A. Vokes and on Sunday, amily, Albert street * * % Mr. J. E. Mills, principal of Iro- quois High School and Mrs. Mills visited Mrs, O. M, Alger, street north, over the week-end. Simeoe Mrs. A. M, Fraser of Kingsion was the guest of her sister, Mrs. Alex W, Bell, Simcoe street north, over the holiday week-eng. Mr, and Mrs. D, Black, Fisher street, attended the funeral of the late Mr. Thomas Duss, Myrfle on Sunday. * Misg Muriel Schofield accompanied of Kit- by Miss spent the Mrs. Duizend- Mrs. Marion L. Richards and children, Charles and Helen, Clarke street, spent the holiday in Stratford. * Mr. and Mrs. W. P. Dowson and Mrs. W. Dowson and three daugh- ters, all of Toronto, were holiday visitors with Mr. and Mrs. R. A. Holden, King street west. Mr. and Mrs. William Gibson and Mr. George Gibson, Jarvis street, spent the holiday and week- end in Corsvall, rr Mrs, Hagel Jackson spent the weeR-end and holiday at her home * = Mr. Norman Wilmer, Albert street, spent the week-end at his home in Toronto. x x Mr. Frank Cassidy, Alice street, spent the holiday. and. week-end at hig home in Tweed, * J Se 5 Mr. and Mrs. Frank Love, Athol street east, nt Sunday .mith Felatives in he Po eB ua . fi Mr. "and Mrs. Carl Houck: spent the week-end with the former's parents in Uxbridge. * x * Mr. Claude Percy of Toronto spent Sunday with friends in Osh- awa. * * * Mr, William Edgar of Toronto spent the week-end with friends in Oshawa and Brooklin. * x x Miss Alice Harston Simcoe street south, visited friends in Cobourg over the Yoliday and week-end. * * A Mr. and Mrs. Russell Lockwood and family, spent the holiday and .| week-end with © Mr. Lockwood's brother at Lockport, N.Y. x x ¥ . Misses Eileen Sterling and Mar-; garet Brown, Oromo, were the guests of Rev, Ernest Harston and Mrs. Harston over the holiday and week-end. * * * Mr. George Stainton spent the week-end with relatives in Detroit. ¥ ok x Mrs. David Reeds and son, Mel- spent the week-end and holiday with friends in Lindsay. * * Stainton; Charles the week-end and holiday with Ielatives in. Windsor. LJ . Mrs. E. M. Cornwall, Mr. Jack King street west, and Miss Vera Cook, Wilson - road, * Mr. William visited with the former's -daugh- ter, Mrs. P. Muirhead, y and Mr. Muirhead in Windsor over the holiday week-end. LA - dO Mrs. L. Simpson spent the week- end and holiday with friends in Detroit. LJ] LJ LJ Messrs. Keith and Ralph Bert. spent the * Mr. Ed. Kiefaber, Celina street, spent the holiday and week-e: his home in ii Preston. LA Mr. Matt Sutton, Brock street in To- » L] * Mr. and Mrs. M. McIntyre Hood King street west, former's parents at Ontario, on Sunday. Mrs. K. Huxtable, Bruce stree', Fpeut the holiday and week-end n i Hamilton and Welland. LJ] » » Mr. John DeMille of Stratferd spent the holiday with Mr, Harold Barker, Arthur street. : ~ J "Mrs. A. Mackie, Arthur street, spent the holiday amd week-end with relatives in, London. Mr. 'and Mrs.-A, J. Bell of To ronto, formerly of Oshawa, visited with friends In Oshawa recently. LJ Mr. Sandy, M.P.P, and family of 'end, Mr. Wilson preaching in King street Brock street, visited in . 'th ests of Mr) recor, 201 Bond Street east. Ee ay Dr. E, EB, Richard- Alexandra street, Sunday, . orltr, Oy ston . ne BL ng. grandfather, MPC. L. Stons, Alfce streot. and other friends, gin Mr, and Mrs, R. B. Wilkins}: * Mr. and Sfrs, '* A. * C. Cameron, Beaverton over. the week end, KE The members of .the Christ Church AYPA, and ten members of St. Anne's 'A Y.P.A. Toronto, held a ple- nic on the property. of Mr. Switzer, Ross' road, on Friday, Games were played and .a. tasty supper enjoyed. ollowing the picnic the members left for. Lakeview Park where dancing was enjoyed. % RR Th _ Mr. L. S. Millman has been spend- ing the last week in Woodstock with Mr. and Mrs, Fred Millman. w meeting of the Institute took ar at roceedings an i rn E ; Mrs, Rawson, cha trimmings of the fish. the head the skelton and the fins. You pay for them and may as well have them for a fish chowder or tish sauce. OSHAWA DAILY TIMES, MONDAY, MAY 27, 1929 RECEPTIONS Mrs. J. H. Beaton, 55 Connaught street, will receive on Wednesday, May 9 from four. until six o'clock. Women's Institutes CLAREMONT INSTITUTE em a-- ] The Women's Corner For Anything of Interest to : the Homemaker and the Housekeeper | Claremont, Ma ~The al laremont Women's lace at the home of ard. Program: Mun- others' Al- M. Forsyth. The ue of a hobby, Mrs. fficers 'elected' were: Judson sure and , A. Scott. President, Mrs, Kilpatrick, re-elected. First Vice-President, Mrs. Dr, Tom- linson'; second. D, A. Scott; Sec'y Tr Bran, re-elected; pianists, Mrs. R. President, Mrs. Treas, Miss L. LE. Forysth, Mrs, Tr Gregg; directors, 'rs. Condy, Mrs. Ri- Mrs, J, Ward, Mrs. Flack, Solman, Mrs, J. Coates, Miss M . Gleeson. Home and School: commit- Johnson, Mrs, G. M. Forsyth; Visit- ing the Sick Committee, Miss C. Un- gor Mrs. Gibson, Mrs, Mrs. ker, Mrs. Flack. Director of commu- nity singing, Mrs. D. A. Scott. freshments were served by the host- ess. Mrs. M , Mrs. H. Gleeson, . A. Scott; auditors, Mrs. Wil- Re- When buying fish ask for the These are What gifts shall one take to thé not-too-sick? If a friend is very, very ill, flow- ers are the inevitable, and the most suitable way to express one's solic- itude, If one ig ill at hme, with all the advantages of mother's cooking to help .one recuperate, nothing but exotic fruits seem to add much to one's diet, But by far the greatest numbers of illnesses. lie between these two situations. A year seldom passes without everyone having some sick friend whom she would like to re- member appropriately. Broken bones, auto accidents, "flu" and varfous and sundry other things keep people in bed and in a mood to appreciate tremendously little attentions from friends. Especially if one is sick in a hos- pital, with uninterrupted long days and nights, thoughtful gifts are twice as pleasing. ' You need not spend great quan- tities of money to achieve quite a reputation for knowing just what to give to the not-too-sick. A little thoughtful attention given to the selection will turn the trick. Children, for instance," love to get mail and the thoughtful person who sends an animal or other dec- orative card .daily earns a child's gratitude. Adults become child- ren when sick. They, too, like pie- ture cards, especially pretty scenes of far-away places that will take their minds out of the hospital room on a romantic travel tour, For inexpensive gifts, there are colered handkerchiefs that will not get lost in the white bed sheets; a dainty little elastic ribbon brace- let to tuck handkerchiefs into: a cup, saucer, plate and porridge bowl of bizarre but cheap peasant pottery; modernistic boxes to hold odds and ends on the bedside table; a set of colored water glass with painted top, a big linen or silk bag to hang on the top of the bed as a catch-all for glasses, purse, com- pact. pencil, memos and other lit- tle things that get kicked around in bed; a bright leather memo with pencil attached or a pretty box of correspondence cards, with each envelope already stamped for that moment when the patient first feels like dropping some friend a line, or the Communi B f i 0 ~4 Brightens r a bright orange bedside clock with illumined hands. Tiny slumber pillows are one of the very nicest and most acceptable of all gifts, to men, women and children. Choose. very little ones, made of the finest down and sv small 'that they will tuck under an aching shoulder or the small of tuv back and quickly bring surcease from fatigue. Children's pillows might be the gingham dog or the calico cat variety. A couple of exe tra linen slips for the adult pillow § are acceptable, too, since freshness means so much when one is ill. Instead of giving expensive cut flowers, hunt out a cute cactus or a little striped green plant and usec your own brush and colors and paint the pot a bright blue, pink or gold polka dotted pattern or a mod- ernistic design. Since blood circulation is rarely good when one is sick, warm wooly bed-jackets, or soft Shetland wool shoulder throws or bed throws are more acceptable. A aqice warm dressing gown and fur lined slip- pers are fine too, if you happen to be affluent. Cologne to bathe the temples, soft lavender soaps, fine lavender salts and soft colored lin- en towels and wash rags are nice. But be sure that scents in soaps or salts are merely refreshing, not heavy enough to nauseate a weak stomach, Instead of the usual bundle or confetti that has a way of breaking in your pocket and sticking to your | LJ PENAME} "OPORCELAIN SE S---- | '""A WIPE AND ITS BRIGHT" clothes in a most' embarrassing way, take along to the wedding =a little box of silver paper horse- shoes and silver hearts and siip- pers to hurl after the bride. They mean love, luck and good fortune. Sometimes a few of these symbols are used to decorate a white wrap- ped shower gift, and at the bride's luncheon table that was centred with a bride with a long tulle train stretching down the table 'had the silver horseshoes scattered over it. = Mr. and Mrs. £. O'Dowd spent the holiday week-end in Woodstock, * 'nN -* . Misses Kathleen Conlin, Mae Storks and Eunice Nicholls spent Victoria Day in Toronto, Y el Mr. Francis Fallon spent the holi- day and week end at his home in Port Hope. " * Dr. and Mrs. Middleton, Peterboro, were in the city Sunday and attend- ed the unveiling of the memorial window at Albert street United church, to the latter's father, the late Mr, H, M. Manning. . Miss Mona O'Neill, of Toronto, vi- sited at the home of Rev. R. A. and Mrs." Whattam, Sunday, and while here attended the service in connec- tion with the unveiling of the window to the memory of the late Mr. H. M, Manning, * = Mr. and Mrs. Ernest Peeling, of Kingston road east, returned home yesterday from an enjoyable honey- 'moon in Picton and Napanee, Mrs. 'Peeling was. formerly Miss Bertha Frink, daughter of Mr. "and Mrs. == Frink, Verdun Joad. 'Mr. and Mrs. Earl Sharp and infant son, Wood street, spent the holiday with the baby's greatgrand- father, Mr. Alex Vivian, in Strat- ford, During the holiday the baby was christened at the home of the greatgrandfather by Rev. C. W. DeMille, formerly of King street United Church, now. of Straftord. There were four generations pres- ent to Witness the christening. # * Dr. F. L. Henry and Mrs, Henry, King street cast, Dr. S. J. Phillips and Mrs, Phillips, Athol street east, Dr. W. Lgagmaid and Mrs, Lang- maid, Simcoe street north; Dr, H: C. Arnott, Elgin street east, Dr. G.- M. Trewin, Mary street, Dr. L. Hubbell, McMillan Drive, Dr, W. H, Gifford, Brock street east will attend the den- tal convention, which is being held in the King Edward Hotel this week. A number of social events have been planned for those attending includ- ing a banquet at Hart house this eve- ning, 'a theatre party to the Uptown theatre this evening, a dinner dance in he Crystal Ballroom of the King - Edward Hotel on Tuesday evening, a tea for the ladies in attendance at the Granite Club on Wednesday evening and a golf tournament: on Thursday afternoon. : (FOR OTHER PERSON. ALS SEE PAGE 3). WEDDINGS McAMMOND-TAIT : The marriage took place at 8.30 o'clock Friday morning, May 24, 1929, at the home of the bride's parents, Brock street east, of Annie elia May, only daughter of Mr, and Mrs. H. A. Tait, and Joseph McMammond of Oshawa, formerly of Ireland. Rev, Duncan Munro, pastor of Knox Pres- byterian church, performed the cere- mony. The house was artistically de- corated with carnations, ' The bride was lovely in a brocaded silk frock. of a becoming blue shade. She was attended' by Miss Annie Peterson, who was charming in a beaded crea- tion of pink georgette. The groom was supported by his brother, Mr. .George McCammond, Immediately af- ter the ceremony Mr. and Mps. Mc- Cammond left for Bobcaygeon, Pet- erbora and Lindsay and on their re- turn will reside in Oshawa, b Canada Bread Phone your order for trial loaf to 2420 G. Bickle Manager Cream Loa Cuts into More Slices DOLLY DIMPLES AND BOBBY BOUNCE i WITH NOTHING BuT \ A 115 FUNNY To HAVE NURSIES HANDS T HOPE THEY HAVE LIVER FOR \.: 7. BREAKFAST t Omemee, were in the city Sunday apd attended the special services in King street Church in commec- tion with the burning of the mert- gage. * 0» - Rev, J. S. Ivison Wilson, B.A., B.D.,-and Mrs. Wilson; of Brighton, DOLLY BOBBY AND COMPY WERE ja) AN EN- CHANTED CASTLE - MAGIC HANDS UNDRESSED J THEM AND BUT oN COSY NIGHTIES Were in Oshawa "over -the 'weeks - a --_---- ¢ -1 THE NEXT MORNING THE MAGIC HANDS ; 1 DRESSED THEM IN THEIR OWN. CLOTHES b {WHICH HAD REEN WASHED AND {RONED THEN THEY PUT THEM cOSILY IN BED y AND THEY WERE SOON FAST ASLEEP ¥