Oshawa Daily Times, 16 May 1929, p. 16

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PAGE Sia lLEN THE OSHAWA DAILY TIMES, THURSDAY, MAY 16, 1929 [ARERR YN doped ded br bled bbl New Barn Hartington.--Mr. George Brown had a "bee" on Friday to raise a . mew barn. nas : ---- . Stella. -- a "commenced ' geeding operations the latter part of the week after being laid off tor some time. ---------- Rebuild Church Marsh Hill.--~Marsh Hill United Church Board at a meeting recent- ly. decided to rebuild their church destroyed by fire. Restoration will be rushed. Replace Signal Box Kingston--The signal box-at the foot of West street, from which the storm signals are hoisted, has been replaced, it having been swept away by the recent gale. Back Into Office Trenton.--The offices of two . Trenton dentists were broken into, Dr. Renton dnd Dr. Wright, and a quantity of gold stolen, the metal being embedded in bridge work. About $100 worth was stolen. Destroyed Church Marsh Hill.--Fire which caught on the roof of the Marsh Hill Church, near Belleville, Monday morning totally destroyed the edi- fice and by noon nothing was left of the fine structure but the bare walls. To Visit Felenon Falls Lindsay--Commissioner Maxwell, Territorial Commander for Canada Bast with Mrs. Maxwell, assisted by Major and Mrs. Ritchie, of To- ronto, will visit Fenelon Falls for Saturday and Sunday, May 18th and 19th. Ask Council To Pay Belleville.--The Parks Board sent .a resolution to the City Coun- cil respecting the expenses incurred trimming the trees and cleaning up the debris after the recent Phone 3066 : MALLETT BROS. QUALITY COAL EASTERN ONTARIO NEWS: storm. The Board asked that the council assume this responsibility in the future, where such responsi- bilities are uncontrollable, ig S------ Daylight Saving Belleville.~--After a lapse of six years during which it remained on regular time throughout the year. Belleville: will revert this year to its former policy of making day- light saving effective during the summer months. The city council voted to make it effective on June 14th next. Scouts Did Good Work Kingston.--It is estimated that during clean-up week, the Boy Scouts of Kingston collected ap- proximately two tons of waste pa- per. A great deal of this had ac- cumulated around buildings and' in cellars, and it is pointed out that the work done by the boys in re- moving it not only added an air of cleanliness, but removed a great fire hazard. Given Police Escort Kingston.--Arthur Young, who was found guilty of assaulting Da- vid Pollard, a blind man, and or- dered to return to his home oat- side the city or go to jail for fif- teen days, decided to shake the dust of Kingston off his feet and during the afternoon was escorted to the railway station by Constable Fowler. i Danger to Wharves Kingston.--The high water in the lake will be a constant ménace to the wharves until it recedes somewhat, which is not expected until July. A stiff wind blowing off the lake on Tuesday' morning swept the water over the wharves, and threatened to undo all the re- pair work which has been done during the past few days. By-Laws Carried Gananoque.--~Gananoque rate- payers carried Tuesday two by- laws to spend $43,000 in local 1n- provements. The one to spend $21,000 for a permanent roadway on Stone street north from the Linklater school to the town lim- its, and the other $22,000 for the purchase of a new fire pumper and improvement of the fire alarm sys- tem the vote was 255 to 56 for the first by-law and 236 to 72 for the second. © 3. McLaren Petei'boro.--One of fame in the Insurance field. J. Mc- Laren, . American Life Assurance, was the biggest producer for his company throughout Canada for April, 1928. In honor of this achievement the 'company has presented Mr. McLar- en _with a beautiful Sheaffer p and pencil in inlaid ivory. : A Did Well Belleville.--Sergeant Roy Claris : of the Provineial-Police, Bellevil has returped after spending the last ten days in Toronto at a ser geant's course for Provincial Po- lice. This course was to fit ser- geants for inspector's positions. It is understood that Sergeant Clarke stood very high in the summary. in revolver shooting he did excellent being tied with Sergeant Cressy for top standing. A Black Woodchuck Stirling.--Mr. Geo. S. Wallace, Rawdon farmer, displayed a skin of a black woodchuck to the editor of the Stirling News Argus, that he had caught. The hide measured 29/inches. This is a most unusual color for a ground hog, and anoth- er peculiarity was that the little animal was captured from the top of a tree. It is Mr. Wallace's in- tention to have the fur tanned and made up into wearing apparel Barn Burned Kingston.--Gideon Way, farmer residing two miles south of Stock- dale, near Frankford, suffered the loss of a fine barn and thirty head of cattle during Saturday night's severe electrical storm. The barn was struck by lightning about nine o'clock, and nothing was saved as the flames spread so quickly that by the time neighbors arrived it was impossible to enter the blazing structure. Hit by Storm King's Wharf--The recent heavy rain and wind played havoc with the roads here. Culverts were car- ried away, and there were wash- outs on the roads so that cars could not get over. The water in Flynn's Swamp was as high as in the spring," and motorists were obliged to go by way of the Down- eyville road to Lindsay and Ome- mee, Edward Sheehan Lindsay--The death occurred in the Ross Hospital, Lindsay, ou Thursday, of Edward Sheehan, aged seventy. He leaves to mourn his loss one son, Barth, of the Rockwood Hospital, Kingston, and one daughter, Mrs. J. J. Callaghan HE OSHAWA, Anniversary Sale LAST TWO DAYS FRIDAY ibe Remnant Day In Our Silk Wash Goods and Staple Departments 5 % DISCOUNT OFF THE MARKED PRICES ALSO A CLEARANCE OF Trench Showerproof COATS 25 Ladies & Misses Sizes at $3.69 Each 25 Ladies' & Misses' Sizes $2.39 Each 20 Men's Trench Motor Coats $4.25 Exh OUR BIRTHDAY CAKE WILL BE SERVED ON SATURDAY i Peterboro's | Life Underwriters has again won salesman -of the North| } » Bi condition -- due to constipa- tion? If so, you need eg) Ti daily cou ie] or 8 Shost pid 1h 'our eyes A Vegetable tell the story. Ld " Read about Chavact the Eyes in ture Beecham Advertisements. er Sales Agents; a & Co. Limited, Toronto 5 «No. 5 wheat, i y Heo | Produce Prices in the Commercial Markets ' TORONTO GRAIN QUOTATIONS Grain dealers on oe Toronto Board of h ; & 4 No, 4 wheat, $l. -4, 98 3-4c, "No, 6 wheat, 87 3-4c, 'eed Wheat, 75 1-4, (c.i.f. Goderich and Bay rts. Price on track, lc higher than ave yi TORONTO FARMERS MARKET The following are quotations in effect ou | the St. Lawrence market, Toronto: Eggs, extras, per dozen ., firsts per dozen Duck eggs, doz. Butter, dairy, per poun Do., creamery, per po Fruits and V Asparagus, bunch .... Carrotts, 11.qt. basket . Do., 6-qt. basket ... Beets, 11-qt, basket . Onions, dry, 11.gt. ba Do., 6-qt, basket .. Cabbage . lowes Spinach, Salsify, bunch of 198 Lansdowne street, Peterbor- ough. Interment took place in tue Galway R. C. Cemetery. Commencement In Belleville Belleville --Commencement exerci- ses of the collegiate institute and vo- cational school were held today in the new auditorium, with a large at- tendance. Rev. Canon Allen P. Shat- ford, of Montreal; spoke on "Essen- tials of Education.' Death Held Accidental Peterboro.--A Coroner's jury . last sight returned a cerdict of accidental death in the case of Captain Joseph Walsh, who lost one leg in launch- ing a scow at the Trent Canal ship- yards April 30, and who died a few days later. Board Meet Napanee.--The May session of the Napanee Board of Education was held at the Council Chambers Monday night. Mr. Alpine Wood, chairman, presided. Members pres- ent, Mr. J. L. Boyes, Mr. J. W, Rob- inson, Judge J. E. Maddon, Mr. E. J. Pollard, Mr. James Craig, Mr. Pat Gleason, Mr. J. E. Miller, Stole Car Roseneath.--Four young lads of 'teen age motored from Toronto on Saturday afternoon and shortly af- ter their arrival it was discovered they had stolen the car for their pleasure trip. Constable Storey from Cobourg was soon on their trail when he took charge of three of the boys, one of them escaping by beating '1t to the woods. Hydro Rates Critisized Smith Falls.--The reduction in hy- dro rates announced a few days ago hass caused some disappointment. At a special meeting of the Municipal Council it was contended that owing to high power rates, Smiths Falls and other Eastern Ontario towns are lo- sing industries to Western Ontario municipalities. Speakers contended that clectric rates were cheaper here when the municipality had its own plant, Horse Saved Kingston--A very valuable black horse, the property of the Crawford Coal Company, came within an ace of being drowned in the slip at Crawford's, wharf. The horse was in the water for about half an hour before being rescued. The horse was attached to a coal cart and left to take a drink at the trough, hacked into the slip while the driv- er was in the office. Would Bring Nurses Home Peterborough.--The Old Home Week office has addressed a vice and diplomatically word- ed letter to the superintend- ents of as many hospitals as could be remembered where Peterboro girls are in training for the nurse's profession, asking that if at all pos- sible the girls be released for vaca« tion during the weeks preceding and of the Old Home Week festi- vities. The girls deserve to get home and see the folks, and the fa- thers and mothers will be mighty pleased to see the girls. Officers Elected Belleville --The women golfers of the Bay of Quinte Club organiz- ed for the coming season this week at the Club House. There was a large attendance and plans were laid for a very successful season. At the conclusion of the meeting tea was served in the spacious lounge before an inviting grate fire. The officers elected were Captain Mrs. Roger Porter, Vice Captain, Miss St. George Wills, Games Com= mittee, Mrs. Roy Stafford, Mrs. E. H. Black, Mrs. S. BE, Carman and the handicap committee Mrs, E. D. O'Flynn, Mrs. (Dr.) Branscombe and Mrs. W, Reeves. Making a fool of yoursey~ 18n't such a serious mistake if you have sense enough to know who did it.--Kay Features. Bladder Weakness Makes Life Misery! Dail, Annoyance, Troublesome Nights Wrecking Lives of Thousands States Writer Who Tells What To Do For Quick Relief Backaches, Headaches, Pains in feet and legs, Ner Rest] s, freq but scanty Urination with burning and pain, getting-up-nights--are some of the more troublesome signs that should have prompt attention before they reach a more serious stage! No matter how stubborn your case may seem to be or how many medicines you have tried without results--don't think your con- dition is hopeless or the natural consequepce of advancing years until you have tried the amazing value of Dr. Southworth's "URA- TABS." . On a strict guarantee of money back on first box purchased if you do not receive swift and satisfying relief... . any goed druggist will supply you with "URATABS" ining «a ten days' relief inside of 8 derful improvenient in- side 'of ten days, you will be greatly pleased --if they do not help, they cost you nothing! Ask your drugeist today. Leaf lettuce, three for Head lettuce, each .. Leeks, two bunches Ginn Parsley, per bun Cress, three for ... Celery, per bundle . Oranges, per dozen .. Grapefruit, three for mons, per dozen . Bananas, per dozen . Sweet potatoes, 6 qt. Cranberries, 6 qt. ... Apples, 11-gt. basket ubarb, three bunche New potatoes, peck . 6 gt. .. oo ooo oN 8 « bd eo: © nN Sx COO OO O00 OOOCO0OO~OO00CO0O000C00 CO00o SRESESRINILIBRRIRSSRINSSRSNAVL/ERLE £28303 TORONTO PRODUCE QUOTATIONS 'Toronto wholesale dealers are paying the following prices: (Buying) Egsg, ungraded, cases returned--Fresh ex- tras, 27 to 28¢c; fresh firsts, 25 to 26c; weve onds., 22 to 23c. Butter--Creamery, solids, pasteurized, No. 1, 36 1-4-36 1-2¢; No. 2, 35 14-35 1-2c. Churning gream: Special, 3c; No, 1, 38; No. 2, 35c fob. shipping point. Cheese--No, 1 large, colored, paraffined and government graded, 17 3-4 to 18 1.2. 'oultry Slive Dressed Hens, over 5 Ibs. Do., 4 to 5 Ibs. .. Do., 3 1.2 to 4 Ibs Do., under 3 1.2 | Ducklings, over 4 Ibs. Old ducks, over 4 Ibs. Guinea fowl, per pair $2.1 Staggy chickens classed as old roosters. TORONTO PROVISION PRICES Toronto wholesale dealers are quoting the following priges to the trade: Smoker meats--Hams, medi um, 31 to 33c; 000! fast bacon, 25 se; da, ol A Be on om ured et clear 50. to: Tose B15 70 to 90 Iba. $195 0130 and 38; ght. wy Latd=Purg; tarcen 16 1o4c: Aube: | 16 1-2¢; pails, 4c; Shortening, fierces, x 1:2c; J5; pails, 14 1.2c; tins, 16 1-2¢; prints, Pork loins; 33; New York shoulders, 23 1-2; pork butts, 27 1.2c; pork hams, 28c. PRODUCE AT NEW YORK New York, May 14.--Butter, steady; re- ceipts, 24,306, Creamery extra (92 score), 42 3-4 to 43c. Cheese steady; receipts, 340,- 919, Eggs, firm; receipts, 61,151, All grades unchang, -- MONTREAL PRODUCE Montreal, May 15.~The butter market con- tinued steady today, with but a few sales made. Receipts were 83 boxes. The cheese market was unchanged, with trading quiet. Receipts were 1,081 A Egg prices remained unchanged, with re- ceipls at 3,754 cases. he potato market was quiet and steady at_the recent decline. Prices today: Cheese: Westerns, 17 1.4c. Butter, No. 1 pasteurized, 34 3-4 to 35c. Eggs fresh extras, 35c; fresh firsts, 32, NEW YORK PRODUCE New York, May 15.--Butter steady; re- ceipts 12,692; creamery, extra (92 score), 43c, packing stock,' current make, No. 1, 33 to Bol No. 2, 32%; cheese steady; receipts Eggs firm; receipts 47,280; fresh gathered firsts, 31 to 31 1-2c; seconds, 2 to 30.1.2; storage packed, firsts, 31 3-4 to 32 1.4c, CHICAGO PRODUCE FUTURES Chicago, May 15.--Egg futures on the Chicago Mercantile Exchange held their high levels well today. Moderate receipts and a ci v of s lative imi served to maintain what were close to season peaks. Butter futures also gathered strength from reduced arrivals and a steady spot market with trading interest a little livelier than in the recent past. Open commitments: May. eggs, 54; June eggs, 19; Nov, eggs, old, 222; Nov. eggs, new 819; June butter, 28; Dec. butter, 319. i Two market receipts: Butter today, 19,847, last year, 19,485. Eggs today, 67,465; last year, 80,327; Chicago spot market--Butter, extras, 41%c; standards, 41 1.2c; tone steady. Eggs, firsts, 29 1-2 to 30c; tone unsettled. New York spot market--Butter, extras, 43c; tone steady. Eggs, firsts, 31 to 31 1.2; tone firm. Street stocks--Butter today, 89,428; last vear, 77,196. Eggs today, 133,681; last year, 172.063. Movement at ten markets--Butter, net in, 486,391 last year, net out, 66,354. Eggs, net in, 50,765; last year, net in, 100,89. TORONTO HAY AND STRAW Local wholesale hay and straw dealers are making the following quotations to farmers (delivered at Toronto): No. 1 timothy, loose, per ton $19.00 to $20.00 No. 1 timothy, Nominal No. 2, do., do. No. 3 do., do. .. Lower grades Wheat straw Oat straw ... GANANOQUE GROGER AWARDED DAMAGES Kingston Traffic Officers Testify at Trial Toronto, May 16,--Full amount of the $8,000 damage claim for injuries received in an automobile accident was allowed W. G. Rog- ers, a grocer of Gananoque, On- tario, in a judgment handed down by Mr. ustice Kelly at Osgoode Hall. Damages were awarded against Anna Fitzgerald, of Northampton, Mass. The accident occured one mile west of Kingston in October of last year, The plaintiff declared the defendant was responsible for the serious injuries he received in a collision when his car was struck by that driven by the defendant. He also claimed that as a resalt of the injuries he could mot carry on his business and his car was completely demolished. Kingston traffic officers fied at the trial. testi- Panama and Peru have just been connected by an alr service. Seared itn bel | cof ed 8 reel, , 16 Constant daily testing and blending of the world's clioicest teas give Red Rose Tea its inimitable flavor and never-varying goodness. Every package guaranteed. os TEA: is good ted RED ROSE ORANGE PEKOE is extra good BAB.O makes bathtubs gleaming white . . . Cloudy film, stubborn water-lines, rust marks . . . vanish without scrubbing or scratching. 8AB-O a_---- --- ~% works like magic all over the house 3 HEAT YOUR HOME THE DIXON WAY BUY eneral Motors HARD WOOD BLOCKS TRUCK AND WAGON LOADS ALSO Smaller blocks and smaller pieces of wood that are taken out of the above loads and sold in large $3.50 truck loads for only .............. xssetovinsarE hres raras Now is the time to start thinking of filling the bin for next Jimter call and let us tell you of our Jeddo Coal, Solvay coke, C. Dixon Coal Co. Phone 262 Four Direct Lines A IN ---- - Rr wr St Ee TINY TOT SOAP : ] FREE! To prove the superior merits of these two products Baby's use, with each tin of Tiny Tot Talc.... Tiny Tot Soap A man used to be judged by the way he kept his clothes, the way he keeps his car, Increase your prestige the "Kozak" KOZAK looking like new, will save you at least $50.00 in washes and bring out all the WAY Will keep your car brilliancy of color. Also 25¢ We give FREE a 10c Cake of JE 0 0 EEL for prices. now it is of the shines up The Merry Month of May When all outdoors beckons you to health and happiness there are many articles which you will need from your Rexall Store where the highest quality prevails at economy $30,000.00 Prize Picture CONTEST TOOTH PASTE FREE! DR. WEST'S With every West tooth brush --large, medium, small --we give a large tube of West's Tooth Paste Free. S AL MONEY SAVERS. $1.00 Riker's Beef, Wine & Iron. .79¢ 65¢c Scott's Emulsion ......0.....49¢ 35¢ Chase's Kidney Pills .........25¢ 35¢ Cocoanut Oil Shampoo +......23¢c 50c Milk of Magnesia «.....s2.04.39¢ 75¢ Italian Balm .... cc 00veeese.49¢ 50c Ipana Tooth Paste «..cev0sas:39 25¢ Mecca Ointment «o.oo o vein 22C 75c Bisurated Magnesia ..........63¢c 50c Robinson's Barley ...........40¢c varnished furniture, Buy ~ a KOZAK cloth now .... $1.50 'The only motor car dry wash made Let us tell you how easily you can qualify for a major prize in this hig Eastman contest -- the great, in the hi y of photog- raphy. Entry blanks and com- plete contest information ave available at the Kodak counter now. Come to our store to fill any 60c Rubber Gloves .....c000....49¢ 60c Virol Infant Tonic ...........45¢c 75¢ Woodwards Gripe Water .....57¢c 35¢ Sloan's Liniment .......v00..29¢ 40c Eclectric Oil ......c0000....33¢ 25¢ Milk Chocolate Bars .........19¢ VACUUM FLASKS Keeps liquids hot 24 hours and cold 48 hours, Keep one in your Car 49 c ture taking tion in colo graduation. Low price VANITY KODAKS A beautiful pic- grand present for $23.00 $1.30 Pinkhams'. Vegetable Com. $1.00 30c Bromo Seltzer ......0000ee..28C 35¢ Minards Liniment ....¢..... 30c 25¢ Carter's Liver Pills ..........20¢ 40c Fletcher's Castoria «...«.+.«..29¢ 50c Dodd's Kidney Pills ..........33¢c 85¢c Kruschen Salts .....cc0000...69¢ 25¢ Baby's Own Tablets «ev v...20c photographic need. We have a complete stock of cameras and dependable Kodak Film. And our trustworthy photo finishing makes the most of every roll of film. During the contest an Eastman made No, 2 Hawkeye 98 Camera .... C crea- rs. A New tesessesnes 60c Household ber glo Heavy quality. , fOr s.ees $1.00 Armand's Com- pact with refill and puff 49¢ for ... MAKE OUR DRUG "STORE AND SODA FOUNTAIN YOUR DOWNTOWN RENDEZVOUS ve 49c¢ 50c William's Pink Pills .........35¢ 10c Palm Oil Soap .........4 for 25¢ 50EGIn Pills. ... cc coos caverns +356 25¢ Mennens' Talcums cco eeee..22¢ STATIONERY SPECIAL Fine shades of writing paper and envelopes tissue lined. Reg. 59 Rub- ves. 76c. Special per Box ,, For All Yow Drug ants, Any REXALL SERVICE STORES IN OSHAWA FREE DELIVERY TT CE

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