Oshawa Daily Times, 16 May 1929, p. 14

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AR SIGN WILL | MEMBERS OF MAFIA SENTENCED Ml" ~~ SPELL BELLEVILLE TO LONG TERMS OF IMPRISONMENT 9) GR A M ' i Belleville, May 16.--The mper- Palermo, Italy, May 16.--With( Crimes charged f{ncluded mur-. PAGE FOURTEEN i : : THE OSHAWA DAILY TIMES, THURSDAY, MAY 16, ial O11 Company are erecting one |gentences aggregating more than |der, arson, blackmail and highway ill| of the most novel signs which will | 700 years in prison imposed on 148 | robbery, committed over a period : g i ss=====J| be in the city of Belleville. The | members of the Mafia, the grip of |of years in the provinces of Pal- ' - g © (209)~Col 2 sign will be an "air" one, being 75 |that terrorist band on Sicily appar- |ermo, Messina and Cgltansetta. The 7.00 NBC po 1 0 ui yea vi bys, Trio; Eater. feet long andw 20 feet wide with |ently had been broken here, after |defendants sat In iron cages Sur 7.40 NB. Z)=-- yh hid a Men NBC System: Comfort Hour tol the ord "Belleville" spelled in |a reign many years. ing thec ourt: sessions of the 'long Calan U; 5, Marine Band. Weak whe» WIAR, WTAG,| jotters 18 feet high across. The | The trial of 161, members of tue trial, guarded by 32 carabineers, AF) g Singers, ; "Schenectad i Mafia, begun 'at Termini-Imerese, | with rifles. i Wis Chicago: Selections, from Musical bit, O73) fiche Bt Entertain, sgn wii ed Hie face % Wire near here, last August, ended on The jury was shut up for a week JZ) Maxwell Concert, WGR (545)--Duffalo, Charles program, | PU 0 DES : April 29 with jury convietions of | considering 7,000 questions put by 4% Columb: Sonora 3 ons, rE aw Xotk, Retold "Tales all but 13. The court pronouncvs [the court, divided into 30,000 sup. 9.00 NEC (WEAR)-H, Stugye Hour 7.00 Std Zam ntreal. French Pro. sentence recently. Those acquit nentions. i 4 clavisti ata: George Olsen's Hour, gram to CNRT, CNRO, CNRQ, g mad ted included a woman and a priem e trials an on ns 11.00 KOA Denver. 204 U. 5. Enginners band CRW, Akron, 134 One defendant received 23 years | brought to a climax the campaign J ibe (%3)s a; ifiron U.. Pro- ' in' prison; two received 22 years 9 Premier Mussolini ts erush Fhe , RES "olumbi k: besqu each, one 20 years; two, years; afia, Cesare Mori, prefect o | 9.30 2 FENUC Systm (WTA Marimba or Was whAG A tr six, 156 years; twelve, 12 years; six- |ermo, was given unrestricted pow=- 10,00 Cre Ay DoRCA Educational ot WLBW ray teen, 10 years, and the remaining [er by the Premier to bring the v 5 i iminals to justice. Hour: Walter Damrosch, NBC System: Buck ands, Wing to hy : 108, less than 10 years each, er! : ; a TP -- M PAF 3 3 D, on, eu 1045 NEC System (WEAF) ~Household In WEAF, WKC, "WEL, WCAE, Ks ror oid Will he 20 Toot OI Tho | John esterday i Te wan mammmre 1.00 p.m. NB C System (Central)=Farm and WGY ' (379.5)~Schenectady, Farm pro- JURY & LOVELL'S ground, Arrows pointing north, | by their union secretary, Thomus our, Wah: Atlanta, U RBC i 11 be on | E. Raycraft. Approximately 160 a SB Atlanta, U. of Ga. Program, NBC System: Lehn and Fink Serenade T ARLORS south, east and west wi 3 : j ; 1 Wiay Or Miatret ok the. Masters to Wiz, WIR, dh WKY, OPTICAL P. D the sign. When an airdrome is | men are affected. : 245 WMAQ cag Cubs vs, Cincinnati FRO WEEE AWE, _y. A J. W. Wonnall, Oph. . constructed in this city there will Although the workers announc- BO o 2 Nig Tn RR he Eyaitiony woal. 4 : Eyesight Spec be a special arrow placed on the | gd they would remain on strike un- hb LW, WIR, KW / Ny S Je NL Ay i WOR "(122.5 Newark. Merrymakers, PHONE - 3215 sign pointing out the airdrome and | ti] their demands will have been 0 ABancapciis, =v assay: St Paul va. ad a lant Citys, Gopal designating the airdrome, whether | met, Thomas J, Rensor, president WMAQ (447.5)~Chicago, Health Talk; -------- -------------- | it is commercial, private or a club | of T, J, Rensor and Sons, Ltd., intertainers, v TONIGHT'S PROGRAMS PRC (545)--H . Stuilios : one, said last night: "The woods are - (EASTERN STANDARD. TIME) RMA (337) Shenaioats "Varied peo- ish Sh EH iL. full of men necessary for our CMade in Canada Sold theWorld over Lo i i err it. d {a to WEAF gram; Markets, ; Stylish type of work and the labor involv- ; | NRE em ny . ' ac works, US Marine Band ed does not warrant the increase." : wiz PLD New York pMerkens, KAW WCAOQ," WJAS, EL L COLLIS Jil The steel workers now are re- "MOFFATS LIMITED WESTON, ONTARIO RMEDS .00 NBC System: Uncle Bol to f 4 { ; > \ 1 =" WLW, "WFAA, WMC, KSTP, KDKA, MON," KOIL, * WLIW," WMAL, & SONS ceiving one dollar ver hour. De: za] PRC ; WCAH (209)--Columbus. Watchtower | 4 50-54 King st. : roit workers p . i " EI -------d WADC_(223)--Akron, Dinner concert, ox 2 y n, however a NBC System: Sports Talk; Sherry's Hagen 4 1 2, outs) Orchestra to Ww. hour. The border men, ' MOFFATS ELECTRIC Music to WEAF, WCAE, WRC, JZ, KDK / KWK pointed out to their employers 5.15 WGR (545)--Buffalo, Science News; or- WHEN, DWHAL, WHAM WLW, i the cost.of living here ex- [J] el Sas oat 0 tm on | a imb HEE | The Bowra Electric Shop Core von von. ros rr] Si inge wha WL IPI QINIE RB 15 Cents Hour Ine | to and sontren, whore the same | | i Wiz SNe York. Pollack's or- W ; ( 4 WOWG, KMOX, cronse 8C pala, i OSHAW. A, ONT. WLW (428)--Cinci. Markets; Glad) - {MBG KOM» WSED, WHEL Bop Your Drug Needs . Mrs Sinclatr. has esrped this) I : I de hades 6.00 oi 8 (256)~--Phila, "Courtesy program Yea. (Z5)-Puils, Clean-Up ; Week 9 Windsor, "May 16.--Union {ron | distinction at least--that of all the ie Clay-Cleveland. Seecen; = Dog NBC Srstemy Veedd Ho Was: THOMPSON S and steel Workers, refused a 13 2 Sun Meta 2 pn EST official recognition. -- Detroit Sat- Bigamy is having one wife too | stances, is the same thing. --Lone NBC Soa hiladelphia, Uncle Wip. | * WREN, WHAM, Wik, WCFL, KWK,| 10 Simcoe St. S.--~We Deliver j Seut-andous Wage Increase DY [CoHiSHID urday Night, many. Monogamy, in certain in-| don Opinion, x ---- BI De Rose to WIZ, KWK, WREN, WKY Columbia Network: Somora Hour ---- ----~ " WOW (508)--Omaha. Dinner program; Ww. >» WCAU, WNAC, WEAN, . B Bill e RMBC AC, Wire" wore, wubs,| ELLA CINDERS--Continuing The Diiscussion : y Bill Conselmnn and Charlie Plumb gram, WOWO, KMOX, KMBC, i Columbia Network: Cino-paters to NBC System: Rapid Transit to WEAF v ABC, walt, WCAU, WHK, NBC System: Maxwell Hour ny . RUOX, WADC, "WAIU., WIAX, WEIC, KOA, KDKA, WK, ' ze, give yp tre stage : KYW, WIM), WMC, WLW, WT, She rnarries Firre-- MONEY | CAN MAKE! WHO, KSD, WDAF, WRVA, KSTP, - - ' /SM, WS. I'M JUST ON THE (411)--M , Program to : CNRO, CNRQ, C Ps Columbia Network: Olsen's Orchestra WKRC, WHK, , WBBM, WLBW, KMOX, Effective April 29, 1929, KMBC, WIS NBC System: Halsey Stuart Hour to WEAF, WEEI, WTIC, WJAR, WSAI, NBC System: Talk; May Breen and WSM border employers, walked off their | ate, he is the only one to receive £.30 KMBC (316)~Kansas City. Dinner pro. WADC, WKRC, 'WGHP, WBDM, to WZ Jim kas just told e WFBL, WGHP, WBZ, WBZA, WBAL, WHAM, WOW, Wer lhs op 2a 7 KPRC, WHAS, WFBL, WADC, 4 K \! SOIL, ~ WJAS, CPR, TIME TABLE. WMAL, WW, "WEAK, KV0O, WGY, WTAG, WSM, WCSH 3 Mik SEG ASD KO 2 » Daily except Sunday. JAX, KS1P, WOW, WFAA, C, Z\ Daily. WOAI, WSMB, WHAS, KFI, WRVA, 20 Bzaps oi WSB, KYW, WMC, WGR, WHO, Dail os East WIM], WAPL ' : A Daily WHAM (258.5)--Rochester, Eastman AY School, ; 1 A Sundays Ne System: Soprano, Orchestta to - NO Namota 822 duiia TEE TOEs® BE 11.10 p.m, Daily. y 2" B 22% am. Daily, bor ti frais 30 tem: Concert Bureau rg times shown above are times trains | 790% Ay ace! . i WSAI, WGR, WHO, WTAG, depart from Oshawa Station, WRVA, Wi WRC? Woy, WCAE, CANADIAN NATIONAL RAILWAYS V o WMC, KPRC, WKY, Effective April 28, 1029, :'Tso-Vis Orchestra to (Standard Time) Ww MJ, WDAF, WOW, KSTp .. Eastbound NBC System: Palais d'or Orchestra to 3 a.m, Daily except Sunday. WIZ, WREN, WKY, WHAM, 3 am, Sunday only, Ww TAM (280)--Cleveland, Recital; May. 39 am, iy. tag rogram, 17 p.m, Daily except Sunday. .00 CNRT 336)~ Toronto, Dance program BRINGING UP FATHER-- . Daily except Sunday. KDKA (306)--Pitts, Slumber music, Re : Daily except Sunday. WBAP (374)--Ft. Worth, Musical pro- - CT WOLZ HIM ALL .m., Daily. . "eS "TM so CAN .m, Daily except Saturday. Wea (242)~Pitts, Tracy-Brown's or- 2 pray ny OY ¥ i \J j Won ll A Tr ou aily. chestra, " SAY WHOO \\ 2 : Daily, WGHP' (246)--Detroit, Dance progra Sat jd .. Westbound WIHK (216)--~Cleveland. Rupp's. sic mi Mg re TT Sas SO I Aone Daily: School, WAITIN TO SE HE WAITED IN DID HE SAY IT DAYD 90 Dally coop Sunday. 1 $0)~Detroit, Bergin's orchestra, ME-BUOT LEFT THE PARLOR FOR ANYTHING ON THE il, Daily. i WRC, 'KDKA, WBAL, WHAM 2" LL BE RIGHT ONE HOUR HE ABOUT A CARD ty , B 0 In) Daily except Sunday. WNAC wi ¢ : 5 4) Pai exces Sunay: Nac (244)--Boston, News; Dance or 7A LEFT HIS CARD 0 a = ily SR Bewir Mba Deir Eien secs Whitty, Oshawa Bowmavile | [10 WEN Yor Ste, Drees So WEEK DAY SCHEDULE : Orhan BB S)-Rochester, Odenbach (Effective on and after April 28, 1929.) WISN (268)--Milwaukee. Dance music. (Daylight Saving Time) GANDER AS WATCHDOG Arrive New Bedford, Mass., Ma i Hospital | Manuel Maderios of this As i decided he has no need of a watch oem dog. The reason is Manuel's big 12.45 pm, | Bander. The gander guards the Maderios home as valiantly as any iS pn dog, furiously attacking all who "TF I seek to enter except members of 6.45 p.m. | the family, ) ! ] | Colds ~ py Best treated without M THE COCKATOOS ARE CLIMBING BIRDS ot 3 TLE = Shik hy, PN NB i Tie Tre cor 4 won } CLOSELY RELATED TO THE PARROT FAMILY, = Ei ¥ : ; LARCUND THE PAROS] \"4 Fs TOMMY. THEY ARE NATIVES OF THE | : aN f I parC. us {| £27 ores Arp ausTRALA. Ve y= "Ad -,. f cer.prmv? | 8s tn woe in v3 EE Pe NNS BEE omen 2 pooY ¥ akTusesies 838 puNAN COU A TPPTP EEE 88BBE8BE:E3 « TPT YETE esse 8S Se EEF EEEY: bod ng : ana 8 b- ARTEL E8828 . SONNE LEONA 8833s sanit > EERE EY PETE TOPO URE RS Boom snnlBom, 2838238 zd2 PPTPPTTTPOaRLE 28E3B b- 4-4 353 BE3EBEBEEERBEES SOON - bi - in a Eo) 8 £ 3 § ey NS » iE tt -- FOREN wR--- Soman 11.00 a.m, 1.00 p.m, wns S 4.35 p.m, 6.50 p.m. LRBusssnigae 23582335088} PPPPYPPPDeses EEE EE EPPA SSomoma PPP PPPPP eps »2333233335883 PPPPPPPPOTeE S33333338388838; ESONO AN ---- 84 30 pm, 1 Whitby Hospital, SUNDAY AND HOLIDAY SCHEDULE iy Lave Les Van Arrive EYESIGHT SPECIALIST RU ; Y 1 \ \ Fee fn Mi Sh ph hi / ® : A BUS SEARS TIED WIT EDA, m.1200 pan. J21S pam, 1225 pa. i Modern lh 1 ; 3 4 \ YELLOW AND OTHER COLORS. THE NAME 8 Care aid Eve Strain fi), - Bocienoos HAVE {ARGE, HARD BILLS, HIGHLY CURVED, S03 WRALM DERIVED FROM ITS HARSH CRY. COCKATO03 ARE Disney Block >» : LONG WINGS AND LONG, BROAD AND USUALLY ROUND: EASILY TAMED, LEADBETTERS COCKATOO BXFIS 1516--Phone--1516 AN wage ED TAILS: THEY CAN RAISE OR LOWER THEIR CRESTS = ALL OTHERS IN THE BEAUTY OF ITS PLUMAGE. AND EXPAND THEM LIKE FANS AT WILL. = ©1929, King Features Syndicate, Tuc, Grest Britain rights reserved | =) busses 3 F g \ S48 poms W. A. HARE | J 00 pm. 1115 pm. 11.30 pm. 12.00 pom, OPTOMBTRIEY TILLIE THE TOILER--A Test Of Courage ama For All Occasions 2% of S N | Sour : TOOT] \S U REALL LL BET Reasonable Rates and Careful Drivers with Fin Meng | NOT! Y MAC S SORE OH , NIFTY - YO sy 4 4 : FENDER HAS A A - AD THAT BEAUTIFUL ERVE A VY OU'RE ERR ah Hare's Faultioss Lenses oy ena ncRES AAI | _=osE "Ec ver Big SS AFRAID Oslawe Waiting Room, 10 Prince St.< z / MM J My CHANCE TO SoH Hlways the Best Equalled © 12, King Features Syndicate, Inc. Great Britam eights reserves. 3 +16

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