Oshawa Daily Times, 15 May 1929, p. 14

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PAGEL rucivieEN THE: OSHAWA DAILY TIMES, WEDNESDAY, MAY 15, 1929 Sa J | SABIE Management Committee Kingston.--A meeting of the committee of management of the Kingston General Hospital has been called for Friday night. Tax Rate 50 Mills Cobourg.-- Although Cobourg has a tax rate of 48.6 mills, it is | not the only town on the lake front with a high rate. The Coun- cil of Trenton has struck the rate at 50 mills. Veterans Honored Havelock.--A banquet was given at the Armstrong Hotel on Thurs- day evening, by the C. P. R. Re- creation Club of Havelock, in honor of the Canadian Pacific Railway men pensioned from active service. To Open Pavilion Kingston.--Mr. Roy Dougall, who is again in charge of the Rich- ardson Bathing Pavilion in Mac~ donald Park, will assume charge of the building on Wednesday, and as soon as weather permits, the pavil- jon will be open to the public. Dislocated Elbow Kingston.--Charles Martin, aged twelve years, son of Mr, and Mrs. James Martin, 368 Princess street, was taken to the Hotel Dieu Hos- pital, on Saturday evening suffer- ing from a dislocation of the left elbow received in an accident while at play. She Suffered from Bad Kidney Attack *T have used 5 skippers oi Kidneys about a Was so bad that hd tu OF over two months, My 1 aole system was affected, I Y @ppetite as three or four vel 3 dd's Kidney Pills and got elief and have felt well ever bing. uns ts ee, S08 EASTERN ONTARIO NEWS 150 Chicks Stolen Dunsford.--Chicken thieves, in a night raid on the premises of Leiht Laidet, near Omemee, stole 150 three-weeks-old White Leg- horn chicks from a coop contain- ing about 300 hatched in April. : _ Dies of Burns Pembroke. -- Lucelle, eldest daughter of Mr. and Mrs, Narcisse Cliche, Pembroke, died in the Geu- eral Hospital this morning from injuries received in the fire whizh destroyed the family residence early Saturday morning. fd Struck by Train : *"Whitby.--Gerald B. Russell, son of J. E. Russell, Toronto presideut of the Russell Construction Com- pany, Limited, Toronto, was: in- stantly'killed Mopday when he was struck by a Canadian National Railway passenger train on tne eastbound run from Toronto to Montreal. Auto Thief Jailed Kingston.--Timothy McKenna, age 30, arrested here on a charge of stealing an automobile 'he' property of Dr. J. P. Sinclair of Gananoque, came before Magis- trate Sampson at Gananoque yes- terday and was sentenced to six months at Burwash, ~ Car Damaged Peterboro--H, Bradfield, of R.R. 10, Peterboro, had his car badly damaged and an unpleasantly close escape from possible injury at the corner of McDonnel and Aylmer streets. Figuring in the smash-up was a taxi driven by Bert Cramer, for D. Dunford, Blaze in Motor Boat Kingston.--The firemen were called to the foot of West street just before two-thirty o'clock on Sunday morning where a motor boat was in flames. A lighted match ,accidentally dropped in the boat, 'had ignited some gasoline and inva few minutes the craft was a mass of flames, School For Young Women Cobourg.--It is expected that a hool for young women will be established in Cobourg within the next few months. Those interest- ed in the project have taken an option on the Langslow residence until June 1. The enrollment at the opening of the first term ia expected to reach 50. Beautify Town Port Hope.--Great progress 18 being made with the beautification of the grounds around the Town Hall and a bit of warm weather is all that is needed now to bring the the general elean-up which has been in' progress in all parts of the town is now showing to advantage and, with the coming of the leaves on the trees, the old-time appella- tion of '"The prettiest town in Can- ada," will be becoming. New Pavilion Port Hope.--Ground has heen broken for the new pavilion at the Mill Street park, and some progress has been made with its erection. Most of the material to be used in the building is on the ground and it is expected that it will be speed- ily rushed to completion. Appropriation Passed Brockville,--The appropriations of $9,600 to cover the cost of mak- ing repairs to the Government breakwater at Blockhouse island has been passed in committee of supply at Ottawa under the De- partment of Public Works esti- mates. "Old Time" Edition Peterboro. -- When Peterboro holds its Old Boys' Reunion early in August the Examiner will pub- lish, it is expected, one 'Old Time" issue under former members of the staff. Among those who will be on the staff of the day are, Mrs. Pattrick, of this city, Mr. P. M. 'I' Little, now of Montreal, and Mr. Vesey formerly of Belleville. Officers Restored a Lindsay. -- Provincial officers Purvis and Cook, who were suspen- ded from the service pending the outcome of the charges perferred against them at Lindsay in connec- tion with the shooting of "Pete" Brennan, near Bolsoever, in March, have been restored to their posi- tions. Officer Purvis is stationed at Collingwood, and Officer Cook at Orillia. Valued Citizen Dies Cobourg.--¥n the death of Thomas McInfosh Oddie, Seymour Township has lost a valued citizen. Mr. Oddie was in his eighty-seven- th year. He was a prominent agri- cuturist many years. Mr. Oddie was descended from Captain Mac- Intosh, who fought with distinc- tion under Wellington at Water- loo. . Increased Population Lindsay.--Vital statistics for Ap- ril show 16 births, 10 deaths ana 9 marriages as compared with 13 births, 8 deaths and five marriag- es for March. Rev. J. C. Grier holds the record for marriages perform- ed in April, as he officiated at three. He was closely followed by Rev. G. M. Holmes and Canon C. H. Marsh, each of whom had two marriages to his credit. Elevator Site Approved Kingston.-- Dominion Govern- ment engineers have reported to Mayor Craig that Little Cataraqui Bay, two miles west of Kingston, beauty spot to its best. Similarly |] Ave Your Stocks Held ever stop to comsider how close to the margin you are travelling in connection with your mervous system? Do you sleep well at nights? Do you get excited easily? Do you "fly off" frequently? All these are indications that the high-speed fluctas- tions of your daily life are reducing your margin of Do mot worry, however, but buy a bottle of Rexall SYRUP OF HYPOPHOSPHITES which will steady your nerves and pep up your digestion, so that yowll be able to face the big prob- lems of the day with a margin of strength and nerve. Save with Safety at YOUR REXALL STORE Juy&Lovell King E. Simcoe S. is a safe and satisfactory location for the grain elevator which W. H. Coverdae, President of the Canada Steamships Lines, pro- poses erecting here. The engineers have completed the soundings. Memorial Tablet Whitby.--A tablet in memory of the late Rev. T. G. A. Wright, M.A., B.D., former rector of All-Saints Anglican Church, Whitby, was un- veiled and dedicated at special ser- vices on Sunday. /The tablet is placed by the congregation as a mark of their appreciation for the faithful services of the late rector during the eight years of his in- cumbency. : Resumed Operations Lindsay,--The 'E. Durno Con- struction Company, Limited, which had the contract last year of re- surfacing the section of the Lind- say-Peterboro highway between Hill Head and the village of Ome- mee, have again resumed opera- tions. This stretch fared badly this spring as a result of the heavy rain. Produce Prices in the Commercial Markets TORONTO GRAIN QUOTATIONS Grain dealers on the Toronto Board of Trade are making the following quotations for car lots: Manitoba , Wheat No, 2 Northern, $1.16 1-2. No, 3 Northern, $1.12 1-4, No. 4 wheat, i 14, 75 1.4, c.i.f. Goderich and Bay ( rts. Price on track, 1c higher than ave) TORONTO FARMERS MARKET The following are quotations in effect ou the St. Lawrence market, Toronto: Pi Eggs, extras, pf dozen . ., firsts per dozen Duck eggs, doz. ......... Butter, dairy, per pound Do., creamery, per Fruits and Vi Asparagus, bunch ... Carrotts, 11-gt. baske Do., 6-qt. basket .. Beets, 1i-gt. basket Onions, dry, 11-qt. basket Do., 6-qt, basket Cabbage .... Cauliflower . Spinach, peck . Salsify, bunch . Mushrooms, per pound ... Leaf lettuce, three for .... Head lettuce, each ,... Leeks, two bunches . Potatoes, big ... Cucumbers, each .. Parsley, per bunch Cress, three for .. Celery, per bundle ... Oranges, per dozen .. Grapefruit, three for Lemons, per dozen . Bananas, per dozen . Sweet potatoes, 6 qt. Cranberries, 6 qt. ... Apples, 11-qt. Rhubarb, three bunches New potatoes, peck Green beans, 6 qt. Green peas, 6 qt Tomatges, pound aple syrup qt. Maple sugar, 1 1b, . Strawberries, pt. .... Watercress, 3 bunches ... COO OOO COO COO 0000O~O000Cooo000000 ooo ERESBENANSEIVRNOVESUINEERSRARESARLE rages TORONTO PRODUCE QUOTATIONS Toronto wholesale dealers are paying the following prices: (Buying) Egsg, ungraded, cases returned--Fresh ex- tras, 27 to 28c; fresh firsts, 25 to 26c; weu- onds., 22c to 23c. Butter--Creamery, solids, pasteurized, No. 1, 3c; No. 2, 35. NEL trea: Spa, Sci Mo Ti dhe} 0. -f.o.b. shi poin : Cheese~No, 1 Sasi pred govemment graded, 17 3-4 to 18 1-2. Poultry ned and Alive Dressed 2 Old ducks, over 4 Ibs, Guinea fowl, per pair fast bacon, 26 to 38; 38; do., smoked, 30 to Cured meats--] clear bacon, 50 to 70 Ibs., $21; 70 to 90 Ibs., $19; S0 to 100 Ibs. and up, $18; lightweight rolls, in barrels, $11.50; heavyweight rolls, $38.50 barrel. Lard--Pure, tierces, 16 1-4c; tubs, 16 to 16 1-2c; pails, 16 3-4c; Pets, 18 1-2 to 19¢. Shortening, tierces, 13 1.2 to 14 1.2c; tubs, lic; pails, 14 1-2¢c; tins, 16 1-2¢c; prints, 1 4c 3-4c. Pork loins, 33; New York shoulders, 23 1-2c; pork butts, 27 1-2c; pork hams, 28c. PRODUCE AT NEW YORK New York, May 14.--Butter, steady; re- ceipts, 24,306, Creamery extra (92 score), 42 3-4 to 43c. Cheese steady; Jeseits, 340,- 919. Eggs, firm; receipts, 61,151. All grades unchanged. MONTREAL PRODUCE Montreal, May 14.--Butter trading was quiet today, holders apparently waiting for better prices. Receipts today were 175 boxes. The cheese market was likewise unchanged with a small trade being done, Receipts were 1,752 boxes, Egg receipts were 7,314 cases, including 1,200 cases of frozen eggs from ina, The market ruled steady. The potato market 'was unchanged with arrivals still heavy, Fanotationgs Eggs, fresh extras, 35c; fresh rsts, TORONTO HAY AND STRAW Local wholesale hay and straw dealers are making the following quotations to farmers (delivered at Toronto): No. 1 timothy, loose, per ton $19.00 to $20,00 No. 1 timothy, baled Nominal No. 2, do., do, No, 3 do., do. Lower grades Wheat straw Oat straw . falls, and a great deal of work win be necessary before it is in first class shape for traffic. Shrubs Planted Peterboro--The plans for a more beautiful Confederation Square are beginning to take form and show their effect. Neat rows of small evergreen shrubs have been placed along the paths and in front of the war memomial. The green plants form a beautiful base and back- ground for the memorial and have the effect of relieving its former austere appearance. Increased Capacity Lindsay--Lindsay can now num- ber amongst its most active indus- tries, the Lindsay ited. The industry has from year to year increased its capacity, add- ed to its expensive and thoroughly modern equipment, increased the number of hands employed in the three branches, (chemical plant, distillery, and bottling plant), and added to the pay roll of Lindsuy. Enjoyable Evening Picton.--Past 78 local Branch of the Canadian Legion of the British Empire Service League, held a very enjoyable dance in the Veterans' Hall on Friday evening. Coopers' orchestra was in attendance. Ow- ing to many other attractions on that evening, the crowd was not so large as on former occasions. Mrs. HEAT YOUR HOME THE DIXON WAY Absolutely the Greatest Fuel Value Obtainable Buy. . . General Motors Hardwood All Small Blocks Taken Out Bone Dry, Clean and Good. Try a Load Today Dixon Coal COMPANY Phone 262 ' ; Four Direct Lines Thomas Heffernan was the lucky winner of the beautiful centre- piece on which several hundred tickets had been sold. Refresh- ments were served at eleven-thirty and dancing continued until the early morning hours. To Summon Owners Kingston--Inspector Ward has a list of twenty-five citizens who have not yet registered their dogs and stated that summonses would be issued against these citizens if they did not comply at once with the regulations. The Inspector also stated that it was his intention to check over his list again in order to make sure that no person had been overlooked. Flying School Kingston.--Curtis-Reid Flying Schools Ltd. have obtained a lease of the property on the shore of the bay just west of the old Country Club building on the Lower Barri- field Common, owned by T. Trues- dale, with an option to purchase, and work commenced on Monday morning in the construction of a wharf and the necessary buildings for the establishment of a flying school at this spot. Vistors at Hospital Kingston.--The doors of Kings- ton General Hospital and the Sick Children's Hospital on Sunday, from three to five o'clock, were thrown open to the public thereby marking hospital day. It is esti- mated that approximately five hun- dred people took advantage of this opportunity to see the building and were shown the different depart- ments under the guidance of some of the nurses. COMPLEXION IMPROVED «eo +» QUICKLY Look Fit! BeAlive? Get rid of that pasty, gallo w, blemished complexion! Instead of spending many dollars on fancy, creams and skin lotions, buy a 25¢ pkg. of Carter's Little Liver Pills and remove the constipation poi< sos. Your skin sho'd be bene fitc., . kewise your .ith improved. All Druggists 25¢ and 75¢ red pkgs. CARTERS [PILLS QUALITY COAL Phone 3060 MALLETT BROS. 3 Pinte Chesterfield Suife Here is your opportunity to purchase a 3-piece Chesterfield Suite at a remarkable low price. Upholstered in splendid quality mohair, The spring filled cushions are reversed with pretty patterned moquette that has a beautiful, rich appearance, and will give splendid service. 2 suites only at this low price. One in taupe and Reg. $155. Special .................. aasistieisarsiases one walnut shade. $125.00 Here is your opportunity 'to brighten up rooms with new drapes, 36 in. wide Chintz in a splendid range of patterns and colorings, There are de- signs suitable for every room in the house. Panels | New Swiss Panels that very smart and all the vogue at the present time. They come in fine quality net with pretty pattern in floral designs. 36 and 40 inches wiide, Special, $1.29, $2.25, $3.75 Each Curtain Special value in Filet Curtain Nets are offered this week. A very fine quality weave in a good assort- Comes 36 in. wide and finished Reg. 45c yard. Special, yard ....oiin Giannini ment of designs. with lace edge, 36 in. wide. WILTON RUGS Wilton Rugs in fine, close pile that will stand the hardest wear, In Oriental designs, in colors of taupe, blue, sand and grey. Re- duced to a low figure for this week's selling. Size 34x27. Reg. $2.95 for ......... unin n ..$ 6.95 Size 63 x36. Reg. $1.75 for ....v.......suviw. Size 46 x 7-6. Reg. $25.00 for .........c.000n.. Size 6-9 x 9-0. Reg. $45.00 for .. Size 9-0 x 10-6. Reg. $65.00 for ...... Size 9-0 x 12-0. Reg. $79.00 for ....... ' r ses esse aeien seen ses esc ene t Luke F BRIDES Should Come Here First! Come to our store for your furni- ture--for many years we have specialized in completely ~outfit- ting homes for brides! As special- ists in tasteful home furnishings we can be of real assistance, and save you money besides! Here are a few of our '"'Speciald for the Bride." Buy on Liberal Terms! Nets 35¢ Very Dainty Swiss Curtains by the pair, nice quality net with smart border down one side and bottom 6 Piece Gibbard 'Bedroom Suite a real good looking curtain at a low price, about 30 inch: wide, Reg. $3.25. Pair sonably. Reg. $4.95. at 9 Pce. Walnut Dining Room Suite Well constructed walnut Dining Room Suite at a much reduced price. Con- sists of buffet fitted with 2 drawers and 2 cup- boards; extension table on six heavy legs. Very smart china cabinet and set of 6 diners upholster- ed in blue leather. Reg. $198.00. Special, $165 $2.79 Another very handsome design. 36 inch. wide is priced very rea- $4.50 ip. SPECIAL 9 onl e size "Big Wonder" Oil Mops. hgh. handles. Reg. 89¢, while they 21 only, "Big Wonder" Mops, slightly smaller in size than the above. Complete with handle. t, Complete with last, each Reg. 59c. While they urniture Company, Oshawa Gibbard's Solid Walnut Bedroom Suite in a very pleasing new design. Guaranteed for quality and This Suite consists of large size dresser, dressing table, chiffonier, table with drawer and bench. Reg. $248.25. Special .......c...... bed, night $229.50 |

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