Oshawa Daily Times, 4 May 1929, p. 12

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THE OSHAWA DAILY TIMES, SATURDAY, MAY 4, 1929 "Easy-to-Find" | In Business | Special Programs: for Sunday THE REASON You Can Insure Your | LEM P RO GRAM | Foiertth | 12.30 NBC (WEAF)--Filipino Orchestra FOR AUTOMOBILE Car Against These 2.45 WMAQ CHICAGO Bassball Sox-Yankees also INSURANCE [3 id azar d % ] Our Drug Sto hore § is a use- | sdb NBO (WJZ) 2 Di WY WR st nese || many hg of classes | 6.30 NBC (WJZ)--At the Baldwin wDusing | 928 Thi So0,000 WHA 3 Tox HOW A POLICY PROTECTS agony Sym- Wi 428)--Cinci., Cincinnati Club or- and kinds of merchandise || 7.15 NBC (WJZ)--Colliers Hour J A a and United States AGAINST Dramatic 'Sketch "van Wow ata, Markets; Usiver- ||| 'for which there is a de- {II} 8.00 COLUMBIA--Majestic Theatre of the Air : : i Won (423)--Newask. Dinner 'Music; || finite need. | ~ 815 (WEAF) q-Atwater Kent Hour : In 1911 automobile accidents FIRE ig TRANSPORTATION covers : . 9.00 COLUMBIA--Ds Forest Program caused 2043 deaths and about AEA or 9.00 Columbia: ys Postmaster Walter 615 KDKA (306)--Pitts: Home Radio Ey: Our | 30,000 injuries. ; i Hi Shap amg of Vio WEL "WG |, Wes, "KS, Prescription WOR _(122.3)~Newark, News; ~ Dance WRZ, WBZA, KDKR, KOA, In 1928. automobile aceidents" Tors ota eo ray In isle Sisk an 12 Sew York Melodcams Jan with WT WAAL WRVA, OA WEL WRC GLO Washington | Wardman Xeip," BAL," WHAM, caused 27,927 deaths and over also includes lightning. This includes the usual haze 9.30 Compan Detroit. Amateur Theatrical 6.30 WBZ (us)--Springheld McEnelly's or- |} Department 010 Fk Qiches : a: N ie: 70 30 CKNC G1 Toronto, o Eveready Hour, half a million injuries. wads of Zinsvortailon. No owner can afford to be WBAP Ft. Worth. Ft. Worth Police WCAE' (42)~Pitts. Tracy Brown's or- [lj oop. o highly specialized {I 110.30 NBC System; Stumber Music to WIZ, Wree® whi WMAL Weal : The economic loss caused by THEFT THEFT INSURANCE covers - : ¢ attet. " Broil estra, A re Beso: spedal 4 VE TR Soiainy's, Music 10 protessionnl Jervis operat : 11108 Hae Yor open News' Reel; dance WHK, von , tL SN, these accidents amounted to theft of the earop to the BEC, WIZ) Champion Sotekers i WLW @8)--Ciael. Srostey. Disks, BE In Coss a eration (1 is tle Reverie WCCO, "WCAO, WOWO, "KMOX, $850,000,000. of the actual value at tho time of loss, If the car is 11,00 KSTP "St, Paul, ost ce Musical | «ypc with the medical profession, Af ttle; Reverie Hour, WSP Society. 4 " Sytem: on s of i fpped to fill 2 Co )--Mpls. St. Paul. Dance WDA¥ (492)--Kansas City, Entertain- not found the total amount is paid. If recovered this pen W Wah, "Whe EE A oa pe Je : Ee ; The prospects are that there protection includes the cost of repairing all MONDAY'S DAYTIME FEATURES pr LW, 3 scriptions accurately, promp W. {492)=Ransaa Sa Amos 'n' | 8.15 Nbc EA SYstem; be, I, oh will be no diminishing i in the ac~ done to the car as a result of the theft. It also in. 9.00 a.m, NBC System (WJZ)--Dr. Cope- 54, WD ia Sd A Sw Br "hy y a rect prices. Basen - we AA WEE id cludes theft of equipment. Owing to the very prevale ina x yo program KVO0, s clients forme ent evil every car should carry this protection. land Hour, 0.00 WENR Chicago, Sunshine Hour of Mu- Fheatra 416)--Chica 9 wed M oa, Wal NB Ge ir WON (10- Gear Sho, AD, i K N S Ryo h WKY, KPRE, OID obi . ois ff oem OVEAT omit | | SL SL VEY Fa Sis Bieta, ol | (0) Th oom Bore vere COLLISION - corusion coves he 1,00 p.m. NBC System (Central)~Farm and 4 x . nal loss or i eee 1 WhZA, WBZ, yw, WLW, WBAL! fi : to ther object: Dr u Store se ore, Childrens br. 830 ENG "(517)~Toronto," Music Conserva- 21,519 motor vehicles in Canada, either ring or. iio vith any other pnt 29° i (379.5)--Schenectady. Van ii 1.30 wiz New. ork. Nat'l Council of Jew- pe te Orchestia ye The 8 with YENr, Ha) Chica go, Sunshine hour. , ly Drug Store 'W. (294)~Chicago, Courtesy Pro- GD Piles Organ in 1928 there were about 900,000 TI ras System: Soliman Band to WIZ | He i the Lowest Prices am. Sel. Suiday School, hn AL Ga0--Baitimore. Concert Or- .(b) Autos are made to travel fas- in which collision can be written, the premium. based fiw wm--c hone ext 9.45 WCCO (703i Paul. Se ches P 378 Next P. O. etn. Old South shireh | 9.00 Columbia Network: De Forest Band to ter and so are not under éontrol oh the coveting Jelecied, (A) full coverage where . e Company is liable for all damages; (B) $25.00 | of the driver as they were. deductible, where the assured is liable for (hd first - | $25.00 of eacH claim; (C) $50.00 deductible; (D) K, WBZ, W! Wor Chicago, iv Re Waskess a WMAQ. 3.55 RSTP St. Paul, st. Paul, vs, Colum. 430 WIR Detroit. Fisher Theatre Group. VE 'wer, wy, kb et Year KY (W_(29%)--Chicago. Church of Christ (c) Roads and streets are better $100.00 deductible. TONIGHT'S PROGRAMS ; £ 1045 WAAQ (447.5)--Chicago, Peoples church | 9. made and are an incentive to 4.30 Nee System: Bill and Jane to WEAF, we, G9) --Chicago. Musie Publish. WHAM (268)--Rochester. Musical pro- | 1/00 (opr (309)--Chicago. Ethical Society WEI, WGY, WT WTAM, WHAS greater speed. PROPERTY PROPERTY DAMAGE 500 NBC Sratem: Waldort Astoria Music WHAM (285.5)--Rochester, Eastman Kic: Symem: Lackard Lads to. WIZ, DLN Pr-Miwauke. Servic (4 WR a Woe, Wa " : covers loss and / or ex= to WEAF, WRC, "WCAE, © WHO, OE Ek, ow, Wik ki? Vo% 11.30 NBC System: * Sylvestre Hour to (J " WRVA, (d) The people of to-day are D AM AGE - pense, and defends suits WEKiE G0)" Columbus. Kiddie, Clad od fig New 'ork The TEiard | 819. WCCh (SO -Mskac =r. Paul, Fireaide WCR (345)--Buffalo, Recital. 2 ERS: Si od coming more and more to feel for damage to th Hetha Sroundiess ox not) Wiz Go. .5)--New York. Yoeng's or- WCAH. (209) j~Colsmbus, Old Timers. WIZ Rus §)--New York, String quar- NBC System? Light' Opera to WJZ, that claims will be recognized Jor 4 age $0 She property of others due to the o ; WLW. (428)--Cinci, Bauer Program. ls rm : [aR RTP GID St Paul, Bank Concert. tet to, WRC WLW (428 and are taking advanta f this Por Maintenance ui your sar, 1 sl. coveis 4 WBAL (283)--Baltimore, Ensemble, wss (405)--Atlanta, Presbyterian ser | g 3 Colum 8) Cinel, Semis Jos ga geo liability for the resultant loss of use of the a work: Around the Sam. fact damaged. The minimum amount covered is $1,000. LW 5.15 WGR_(345)--Buffalo, 4- : wr 530 Wek' hey Phils: Gomeart. WSMB Xs Ak, WG wi Wesiip-Rochesiss, . Music WAY (23)--Phila, Norris pl C VAC, WEAN, . A --Phila, orri ayers. ; 4 CAG La WhZ RDKA Cold' Spot Pals to WIZ, , RV. ~ Columbia Network: Temple Hour. NBC System: Artists is ley WJZ, * KMBC. /KRC, /GHI (e) .Courts are granting higher TEST Amounts cay be itten as desired, 0 KDKA (306)--Pitts, U. of P. Address; NEC SYiiem: 71s BY VIZ Wiz, WBAL, WIR. OIL," WS WHK, . ; ; 30 WCAU_ (255)--Phila, Musicale. 3 5 RMOK, WAY, awards in case of accidents, PUBI IC PUBLIC LIABILITY covers loss Ww. Ww & Gown Club. Wi Ww BORA Soe. 9.00 WBAL (283). REN: The Mary. NBC System: String quartet to WJZ and / or expense which you may AU. (256)--Phila, Talk; Entertain. WOAT, KSTP,' WAPI, WTM]J. NBC Sytem Strin, Qrehegr ts y 5 big CFCA' (357)--Toronto. ' Jardine's orches. Wet (256)--Phila, Cathay_ Orches. JEAY, WWJ, WCAE, WCFL, WGR ) Cones ar" to TTT Tr I I ABI be legally liable for and . s LIT Y - defends suits whether. Nh System: Lucky Strike Dance or- | 1.00 NE Sy n: Biblical Dr WEAF, W WOW, WHAS, chestra to WEEL KTHS, ' Ww. / (STP, WCAE. © groundless or not on account of injury to or death of WSB WON, wey,' 'WFAA, KVOO, WHAS, KPRC, a Cay gr ok : 10.00 CNRW (384)--Wi Fi : 3 rsons caused by your car. It includes doctor's and woo 16) Chieago, : Vocal Cultar; GN Hoo) Winuipeg, Ft, Garey Ho- ! hospital bills and any costs which might arise in the ; KSTP @05)st. Paul. Amos 'n' Andy, ERE event of your having to secure legal assistance even WGY, Wi VOO, , WOAI, NBC System: Rosy mphony . N OTICE Power Off Wo, AT, W MB. En wi Re wiz, WBZA, WEAD. (258 Phila. Pipe Dreams; % : though you are not liable. 5)--New ut Melodrama to KDK. WBAL, WREN, Dar ae ; { WIR. WEBC Wi W, : The minimum amount written is $5,000 for injury to WE Network: Radio Fi 1.30 NBC System': cert to WEAF, KSD, 10.15 whan. (#92)--Kansas City. Concert or- es wil be. ax icsriplion. vo Electric Sorc me wor Radio rum NBC! un Coneert EA I chestra ba | » one, and $10,000 for two or more persons, but ine Th wi TV : 0X, W » Cs WAL, WOC, WOW, WDAF, WCFL 45 WDAF Gel. Musieale, a , 5% £16 Is' éan 16 as required, Thi is Bon Xa a) A hid) ; Colam ia Network: wo y. Amos an L 4 the most important covering of all, as there is no limit | Osh JABC, _WCAL WSM (461)--Nashville, Concgrt pro- 2 as to the amount, you may be called upon to payin event of an accident causing injuries. { J Y 9.30 KDKA' (306)--Pitts, Wm. Penn orches. (MBC, WKRC, WGIHP, KOIL, . p S NDA M A Y 5 WHAM (285)--Rochester. Organ; dance /C WOwo, 6 100 TAN: ¢ 2 280)--Cleveland, Dance Music | rn Columbia Network: Temple Hour, 'NAC, THs ' WEAR WMAL, | 1 RCC )--Houston, Amos 'n' Andy Pgh a , WOR (422)--~Newark. yin orchestra. WCCO, WIS / (7H--Ft, Worth, Maurices or- | on 9.45 WRVA (270)--Richmond. Old Fiddlers. WHE (G09 --Springfield. Concert, fiesta @ hours) © enis. N ¥ ¢ Ryw.§ S De) OX Jann Louis. News; Amos | Z| Wom 300 NBC C Siete (WIZ-U.S, Marine band TW WHAM T™, 929, from 6'o'clock q y 10.00 (294)--~Chicago. News; Orchest NBC System: Dr. Stephen S. Wise to 1929, m6 cl to 8 o'clock a.m. and 2 to 4 p.m. KOR (6 Denyen: gins Seroer VAR Wc WIAR WRC, WER, in that section of the City from NBC System: Wright. Sisters; WSAT. , lack's hestra to WEAF, WFI, NBC System: Young People's Confer. : ence to WJZ, WLW, KWK, WMC, Col. Lindbergh has been talking WCAE, WWJ, KSD, WHO, WKY, WIO YBAL, WSE, WBT, KSTF, WREN, | freely. Something must be the mat- - $ AN ~ TOD. ! < . | Bruce Street on the south to Colbourne Y, i hS)Sehenectady. Comm d. jor iis that boy.--Buffalo Cour- ! La it : ; | ! r- A | ' Street on the north also Rural lines. W We A WAL WHAM. EDEA ipl sy EA Insurance Service : ik, WREN, KSTP, WTMJ, WEBC, CAE, K WH AS, In addition to other periodicals Office 27 Warren Ave. Phone 168} WR WHAS, WMC, WSE, "WB, KOA, WGY, aa, AXA KPRC, WSMB, Wh, WOW, WKY, WSAI, WAX, published in Mexico there is also " ' Motor Car, Fire, Life, Accident, Etc., Etc. KTHS. Lh : : Xe Sipe: Musical vga to| the periodical uprising. -- Brant- ~CinclyHawalians; voeal, 330 W G (272)--Atlantic City. Concert pro- fotd Expositor. gra 4.00 CFC oA (357)--Teronto. Record Hour. NBC System: Cook's Feavelog to di wan (280)--Cleveland. ymphuouy 4.15 WPG (272)--Atlantic City. Services. 4.30 Columbia ark: Presbyterian Ser. vices to Co WEAN, v AS, ADC, IL, WOWG, KMOX, WAAL WLBW, NBC System: Twilight Voices to WEAF, WGY, WRC, WCAE, WKY, KOA, KSD. CFCA (357)--Toronto, Concert ensemble KDKA (306)~Pitts. Orchestra. NBC System: American Legion Band fo WTAG, WCSH, WOW, KVOO, WTMJ, WEAF, W EET, CAL, WRC, WIA WFI, WGY, WG WOAI, WBT, KOA, WHAS, Wor, WMC, WFAA, Han: wy, 'WGR, WTIC, KSTP, WCCO (370)--Mpls, St. Paul. Presby- terian Services. WCAU (256)=Phila. Devitt orchestra. NBC System: Mexican Tipica Orches- tra to WEAF, KYW (294)--Chicago. Musical pro- gram. NBC System: Old Company's Program to WEAF, WEEIL, WTIC, WFI, WJAR, YIAG, WCSH, WRC, WGY, WGR, KS JGEs A Chicago. {ring ensemble BC System: Chica pony st 0, WGN, WTMJ, WOW, AF, KSD, TP, | Network: Howard Fashion Columbia Meets Modern Titer. to WABC, WJAS, WEAN, > HAM (258. 5)--Rochesfer. Tw light br. 4 NRC System: The rads to olor. WBAL, KWK, WREN. WPG a RR City. Concert. 7 A aorvices, do NBC te: ajor wes Family to Durant 60" Six Cylinder De oS Concrete ng WEAE, WJAR, WRC, WHAS, WSB, , y Luxe Sedan pavi means WCAE, WGY, WTIC, KSD, WTAM, smoother, safer, more econ- WMC," WKY, ows omical motoring . . . and Wi NL Wark WR man | ERRES irate ! ew a Palin dual car. WABC, WEFBL, WCAO, KMOX/ Red Seal Continental Motor. 1 nu te S A ; L, 3 WADE, KR, Bendix Four - Wheel Brakes WISN, Morse Silent Timing Chain Every community should KMBC. ha : standardise on concrete a. a0-Cumen. rite. aoe Pull Force Peed Lubrication vm congested traffic ! roads see 0! gram, its own car for the 7.15 NBC System? Colliers Hour to WJZ, profitable tourist traffic OU will learn more about the fast pick-up, sure brake such roads attract, and to control and easy steering of 2 Durant car in 10 minutes save its taxpayers' money. 2 : M { | é y on a crowded thoroughfare than you could possibly learn in = h concrete roads, the any other wa | : : Torsnto-Mamtreal Highway, first cost is practically the y Js : last, and each ensuing year's Loaned Put it tothe test » + . today . . . you will find your Juchive of new mileage. os EH dealer most willing. dvocate comcrete paving : and U7 feast cee Ball ge. and wider Ways . . . ATONDBLES ander F DURANT MOTORS of CANADA LIMITED In - TORONTO, CANADA . growing | needs. . : Rugby Trucks % Toa 10 1% Ton Capacities Twelve Months « It's the little it costs to maintain that PERMANENT ress LR | C re) ww Cc | Canada 1ada Cement Company Limited ditional Gest, A deat. : rE 0 Cement Comp an tial, . RETE Phillipe Square Moning Daily 9 am, 9 Dye : ; HIGHWAYS a al G. R. HOLDEN A GOOD count Co., Ltd. Room 6, 143% King E. CONCRETE Phone 2790 | Thiekson Motor Sales Oshawa, Ont.

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