Oshawa Daily Times, 27 Apr 1929, p. 11

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THE OSHAWA DAILY TIMES, SATURDAY, AVKIL £/, 1929 : : : PAGE ELEVEN. py . or WHE, WBN, KOIL, xy wcco, Ti Wi, WOWO, KMOX, WSFD, H "» 7 Af WIZ 15 NBC Kent Hour to " Easy-to-Find"'. RT Daylight Saving Time A BEL KT Tomorrow morning, the city of Oshawa goes on daylight saving KVOO, Vi WFAA ALL RADIO P ROGRA M To. (A, 1 TiC, time, 5d Sitiaens shold, ronediber 4 Place Tet clocks one Hot NBC' 8 Sy stem! Erase Frogs - ; E, ahead before retiring tonight. n reading the radio program, grea care should be taken to note whether they are given in standard or wie & fd tlantic City, News; con- daylight saving time. In the programs which are published in The 820 CKNC Toronto Music Conser- 10 \ JoNigHrs BEST FEATURES a a 2) =Phila. Uncle le Wi. Xo Times the time given is eastern standard time throughout the whole io; Fria. Desc a 4) 'White House Dinner HH tic a ag A fv siewaices being made for davheht saving use whi broad [Lop HH Bl ens Ke a nme, Bull ic Or girs, ne Soup Dinner en i ps ane fo being. wa de oo, a will make careful note that the' 3 Noe aker Champions to ro tlagtic City. Rutgers U. Musi. Be Amos. and {ie Cl N orp Ns: Hn ge busied 2 are one hour behind the time which is in effect in WE, wars, Wit Andy. v " to y i 9.50 "Unsolved. Murders" tb. 3 Wi \ iit R ew wow, ay 2 Io. ept 2 8 10.00 WEW Cine U. of Cincinnati Glee Ni System Safety Se F, VW W ; ET, RETF, WEN wear | WMG WET, ine, WOAI, WHI E, wei CSI, KS Wowb XMBC, 1. XV Wap, Wa1, : ' Wak: WOW, wii HE er 2 : +4 Be VALS ; esis 'W » Xen, "We ; Na : {RE of the Samo: TORONTO Sidi Cy hot Woar 10.30, {ae XG Heimnd OU Songs, Qu gone 3 Fakes Sle aie] "° i "0 Eu, pa Hour; VE AK, 01d. va. Figters, |" Sheri swap. Neuro Goi. Buses" i : i Wid Wa war Wa Poy ie WE bi Si Whe WH 2 he g M EW SOLARIUM =LOUNGE CAR WRC, KM WNAQ Baud, Ft. Selling, he Fst Spitalny's Music to T 1. ¢ y id AL SN cor, orcheptia \ WEY, ¥8 Hoan oy 5 WoW, WORF, "ksb, health- -giving. vith glass Sua v's DAYTIME FEATURES wey np tady. "The Crear 9.45 Nic. # 2 i "At 5 Seth Parkers" to : WIA 8.00 a.m; ew York. U. S. Ny WLW (428)--Cinci. Aviation Talk; or- | 11. Hoe Eo se et AB( i) whe, ofp, ' chestra, ' tra S, Y, KST WCAE. PY AZ frum nr Raking ions 51] 5.00 WADC (220)--Akson. Musical Program pak Bo ic, Er § KRC, ia. po Pons oy Fe, , Suny 4 ws, Observation Lounge. / 3 i 3 -- a mos 'n' ; 1038 XB Syutem (WEAD)--Honsebold In eT & nt, News Hour. SE Crlrsiem: Slumber Musi to WZ, Wi, gr mt power Fami 3 ei a bo wii Lounge, lard Smo 1% pm. N. oh Apia gar and Mus WE 428 hit of the Lit- WE SD, WEG (22)=Atlantic City. Concert, Bgl Supa: (Jy Sn WY: t01s WAL Gh lime" sre NEW SLEEPING CAS, Wen" N He 245 WEW Cine, 4. Z Atlantic City, Concert pro-| ok . stem; aflie WEAF, , --Atlanta, Am pre? a ec Mee Vere: Cay WAY ies. Win. Wie | 11 box Be i i Wd Bg Tw hh Maniiase to] 7.0 Ee in La ade i Ba: High Here -- a i ned or greater omit fort by 4,0 Tos A We i 3 SEE 0 258 or mg, ess pi peaceful slumber by nif "ay AK, WoN C Chicago, on vs. Cleveland also NBC System: A: to WIZ, witk (216)=Cleveland. Williams Of. 379,5)--Oakland. Services, Ww. KW 3 A chestra 3.55 KSTP St. Paul, St. Paul, vs, Indians WLW, W H BC KMOX' (275)=St. Louis, Wili b. a And WRVA AX. STP, EBC ' (: ylic's os- . Record hour, » bh (216)--Cleveland. A: ) KWK. chestra, fnc's rng is fl ak grag BD sveland, Amos *w' Anlly, wWrD A ox Bi NIGHT g PROGRAMS Group, 3 wea i oars, Old Timers NE (400)--~Petroit. Organ; Dance bi gs ind Prey Jobilee 0 da Jans phtick WRAL wi el eo. Dream Ship; E ! INING C RS 5.30 NBC System: Bill and Jaue to WEAF, e 45 WSB {OAs Skytask, | Vesper services. , WIR, PRE, W 0s Am ! rl 0 KSEE Gin, Pio CU, no | RED (TAM er nus WO 60k Voor gees | ROS IRR WG SO WT i, Aon ar Sven / vinled and Salle d 4 by KSTF, KPRC, WKY, WHAM. " 11.30 Ww Ne ecie; Vaydeville, ich Waid Doherty's Trio. KMOX (275)--St. Louis, oats 6.00 3, ste dorf Astoria Music Theatre, chestra, % Networks pret yterian Ser X WERE KJR (309)--Seattle. Dance program (3 EAN, | 7.15 NBC ;, Hatem Colliers Ho our to WIZ, Jp Chicago. Vaudeville, Orchest ABC, WN. RC, WCAE,. WHO, NBC onl Te Wine ah Weal! WWeAD, w AC, hours.) w ) A , KMBC (316)~Ksnsas City. Popular REN, WE, WEALD WHAM VY) Sports; Repy's A : Titerwoven hm ) > fe wa WLR WOWG, Karp, ' 2 [1200 Rf (468)~Los Angeles, Concert Or- WHAM 268.5)--Roch x i! KA. K Whe," i. i WDAF (492)-Kansas City, Song Fest NBC Ry stem: Twilight Voices to| 7.80 CKNC (517, ~Toronto, Eveready hour. RR 2 Seattl pion \ ester... Markets; vA WEAF, WGY, WRC, WCAE, WKY, Columb Sonatron Pr Nl Jerseattle. ABC Network, r % DE SUNDAY PROGRAMS KOA, KSD, to WABC, WHNAC \N, WEB (9%4)--Vancouver, Little Sym. EASTERN STANDARD TIME A er. Music. 400) Detroit. Ni Orch : REN, WMC FE, BTN York Sosmgs or: i WNC WE, Nw, £00 WIZ Q9-New York. Childemrs be. NB tema Dr Hare Bo Fiadick RC, WEN, KOI : . 20¢ TORONTO. 0 4 4 WOWO, X, WE Go---cievetna, concert WHR" @loy-Clveland. Brigodes Or: viess 5.00 KpKa" Se esr, WHK' WLBW, witak, 'weeo, | Thousands of Acres hy at 00pm anadian arvwing Dinner 6.30 NBC System: Whitehouse Dinner Mu- Wee" 9.3 KYW (294)--Chicago. Ain, Pro- in... Org rol SB. WIM," WEEL | 845 WCCO (70)-Mpls. St. Paul. OUd Pro- WAL Cr hia sy oats orciies, | 8.00 Columbia Network; Majestic Air Th . WEY, omc Sunday, Schenk. | 0 WERT G52 piia Spianls osha, | 00 Columb Network; Majrie Aix Ther: | Heather Land Swept ic to WEI, WGR, 'WAM WEA 5 wey AG was, We KTH, Wh Nae 200 {FE we ) (0p. A a ey Wrap « y=Milvaukes, Services (2 NBC System: Dictograph Program to WFBL, WAAR. © Wea ,| WIAS, by Seri Fi WINNIPEG JO.15 22 g ' ' " , 9.49 Tus) ote WEAF, WEEI, WRC, WGY, WCFL, WADC, KMBC,"' WKRC, WCHP, y ous I'ires WGN _ (416) Chicago. Mig Castles WHAM (hy-Rochester, Masical pro- Wi in a a Sere 3 CALGARY 8.054m. NBC System: Gold Pals to WJZ, : Ti Galway, Ireland, April 27---Al. BK A FAN (os--Mitwaukee. Studio pro | 10.00 WER Cut though great numbers of wid ant.| VANCOUVER 8.304. WORLD'S REATEST TRAVEL SYSTEM BZ, KDKA, WL OHNSO WIP' (492)--Phila, Concert Orchestra; ri KDKA '( S ial P i S d Markets. 4 {BC system: The amoah Mystery to mals have been driven from their lr re io py au | WTR WEAR IA ily 38 Pk Sire pr pecia' TTOETams Tor JURCAY | itvithto Kod Sts pc 1) ing st, £25 © mn "Phone 0 -_ io pri f 3 ty or loss of life w ted od 9.30 Yau 3A bol Chicago Or- ed ¢ Ot ap Sing " perty of life were repor KBE System: Scores, Piano Twins 10 QE le Cudheston «0% 3 i ich EH 12.30 NBC (WEAF)--Spanish String Orchestra, in Accounts of extensive heather " te: hg 1.00 NBC (WJZ)--Roxy Symphony Thousands of acres of heather |OF intentionally started, but with-| Those who play whoopee must not : =n Jo Au' a= or Al la; Noa' payors. 3.00 WGN CHICAGO--Sox vs, Cleveland also WMAQ lands have heen bummed by the [in a short time after it began sev- | only pay the fiddler these days, but NBC 3 sls, il to WJZ, : Ys, . fires, which have occurred inter-|eral hundred acres of gorse and|pay the whole darned orchestra. = 6.30 NBC (WJZ)--Baldwin Concert mittently during the month be- {heather had been burned. y 1 m DEAN LAIRD'S SIXTH ANNUAL 1230 W Weal: dit al th --Colli tional) The fi fall fetur- 21-DAY TOUR NEC 8 i ry to wiz, 7.16 NBC (WJZ) Colliers Hour iy The hy yA quis at i pei hg i Don't Do It VASE a » 7.30 COLUMBIA--Sonatron Program ted, however, accounting for the Wfllerest, to hillerest, the flames 2 --Maiesti minimum property loss. were reflected as brilllant reds and| Cut Tonsils--save them, Mrs. Across Canadas Back i FAA, 8.00, COLUMBIA ~Maj stic Hour One of the most spectacular fires | bronzes in the numerous lakes |Sybilla Spahr's Tonsilitis treats WCAE, WC 8.15 NBC (WEAF)--Atwater Kent Hour started in the mountain area west [which det the Connemara moun- |successfully. Also unequalled for $ 40 From TORONTO 1.00 NBG System a 0g Dy te 9.00 COLUMBIA--De Forest Band of the valley ot Cloosh, near Ough- [tain district and the glow against |Cough, Bronchitis, Catarrah, Head including all expenses, WGY, WFAA RVOD, "WHAL " terard. Officials were unable to [the skies could be scen for many |Colds and Sore Throats. Absolutes - WCFL, learn whether it was accidentally | miles. ly guaranteed. Oshawa Druggists. Corresponding fares from other points. Leaving Toronto by special train vis oy Sys: AL Ri nt J 2 . / CANADIAN PACIFIC - Monday, July 22,1929 En route visit man important and interesti Seei miles of 8 Moustain Grandeur and Wort faces. Beary Spots Banff, Lake Louise, Emerald Lake, Yoho Valley | | EE 0 er CR lies Why mp SESS NEEENRENAEEEEEEEEENFEEN SNS SEENSEENENS NBC System: RAY to W a " -. N Motor Drives--Extensive sight-seeing trip on Banff-Windermere hi ay. WABC, WCA W Steamer Trips--Kootensy Lake, Puget Sound, and across the Great Viral, wibw, 3 im ra Ag ir sided mig gd lg oer ON t, WEED. to Wm. Fulton, Assistant General Passenger Agent C. P. R. cco, WISN. N D: Toronto, Ont., or to = NEW LA Et ns S. wie - DEAN SINCLAIR LAIRD Macdonald College P.O., Que. NRW PHA Youn iv Conler: ence to WJZ, WL K, WMC, | C. CHURCHLEY and Help Buil d Up "You Get Married--We Feather the Nest" ie ory Joti 12 - sold silver bought or for pew goods, Our Smee one The Credit Jeweller South' Oshaws -- SHOPPING When We Test Eyes--It Is DISTRICT [| radtos--ana the Wonder Done Properly Orthophonic Alse Exclusive Dealer for the Victor Record in Oshawa JURY & LOVELL Every Dollar Spent in Oshawa Helps _D. J. BR OWN _ Optical Parlors to Build Up Our City. King Strest West (id car Luxi attracted me" OT that its luxury is its shied Big- car attraction. Beauty and perfor. mance compete for that distinction. But such luxury as Pontiac Big Six provides is so unusual in any save the higher priesd cars that Pontiac is becoming the avorite with lady drivers. And "luxury" means more than the in- viting interior of Bodies by Fisher, Ri cludes Sis Saortlen steering care mastery o hill . . the cushioning comfort | doy Shock Absorbers. xperience its Big Six luxury, at the 'driver's seat , , oo road. P-27.4.200 YOUR LAUNDRY DONE PROPERLY Just Phone 2520 and a driver will call OSHAWA LAUNDRY And Dry Cleaning Co. Mill Street Oshawa PET SERA HEE LOREEN LEER HOTS PETER VM IRA ET He see GL Navy Blue Suits Tailored from pure wool Navy Blue English Worsted Serge, Indigo dye and guaranteed fast eolor. Perfect. ly lined and pro perly finished. Single or double breasted models. For men and young men, Sizes 83 to 44. Special . SIBERRYS' 27 King Street East Opposite Post Office [Moffatt Motor Sales Limited || Money Spent In Oshawa He Ips Oshawa {. Simcce St. North Oshawa, Ont. Phone 918 IRODUCT or GENERAL MOfORS OF CANADA MMI) | mE NMANEGNANENAANNENIRARARNARENENAANRARAES - " nu n sl Bs " |

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