IME USHA WA DAILY TIMES, WEDNESDAY, APRIL 24, 1929 MAY 10TH. DATE SET FOR HOLDING | F UNUSUAL SPORT SMOKER | Combined Sport Provide Best in Entertainment Smoker Will 'Baseball-Lacrosse Teams of General Motors Unite in Efforts to . Promote Gig- antic Smoker for May 10th -- Auditorium Will be Used as the Seating Capacity Must Be Great With the paramount desire in nind of making 1929 the most srilliant year in Oshawa's history _ n sport, together with the assur- ince that the event will lend great ly to a send-off in the right direc- :ion, it has been decided as the re- sult of a meeting held last night in the General Relations Building of General Motors, that a combined baselyrll-lacrosse smoker be held on Friday, May 10, in General Mo- tors' Mary street auditorium. The fact alone that two hither- to separate and unrelated organiza- tions---(ieneral Motors senior la- crosse club and (Genara] Motors baseball club, have united in their efforts to promote the interests of the success of the coming season, bespeaks much of what ig held in store for those attending this pre- season get-together of friends and players alike, which is made pos- gible through the baseball-lacrosse smoker which is being arrangea. At the well attended meeting held last night, the decision was unanimous to spare no detail in making the evening one which will long be remgmbered by the local sport followers. Already definite plans have been drafted and the entire evening's entertainment is now practically arranged. Various committees, anticipating the deci sion to go ahead with the event, have now been working for some time securing the necessary person- nel whose calibre assure the suc- cess of an entertainment, while the popular city-wide interest in these two senior teams, should leave no- thing to be desired by way of a capacity attendance, As mentioned above, the entire purpose of the smoker and enter tainment is te renew and revive the popularity of the summer pastimes as is now fitting with the opening of the seasons just around the cor- ner, and, in addition, to make many 1ew friends among the sport lovers in Oshawa. Everyone is invited to attend, the limit to the invitation being restricted only to the number of tickets which are available, and the seating capacity of the auditor- ium. The cost of the tickets, oy the way, merely defray the ex- penses. The headlining feature of the smoker from the entertainment standpoint is a card of boxing bouts which, providing they are sanction- ed by the Amateur. Athletic Union of Canada, will guarantee more than a solid hour, full of thrills. It is also whispered that an attempt is being made to secure a wrestling bout--something new for Oshawa. These features, however, mere- ly form a part of what ig being planned for the big night, and fur- ther details will be made known as soon as they are definitely arrang- ed al THEE TOY I A With both baseball and lacrosse 'seasons commencing around May 24, a better time than May 10 could not have been chosen for this baseball-lacrosse smoker, by way of starting the ball rolling for what should prove to be one of the most highly successful seasons in locat sport. The committee in charge of the smoker which comprises Si Dell C. R. Mcintosh and W. L, Mitchell of the baseball executive, and Fred Hobbs, R, T MacKenzie and Oscar Baird of the lacrosse executive, are BASEBALL RECORDS INTERNATIONAL LEAGUE .. Won Lost Pct. Rochester ...eeees 3 750 Baltimore 4 667 500 S00 .500 500 333 Newark .seceeceee 000 TUESDAY'S SCORES Reading ........ 6 Toronto ..... 4 Rochester ...... 5 Jersey City ... 4 Baltimore ...... 5 Montreal .... Buffalo ....0000020 Newark ccoees 6 TO-DAY'S GAMES Toronto at Jersey City. Montreal at Reading. Buffalo at Baltimore. Rochester at Newark. AMERICAN LEAGUE Won Lost Pct. Cleveland 4 2 66. St. Louis ....e000 Philadelphia ...... New York ..oeeeee Boston ..seeeneees Washington .eees. Detroit ..... Chicago TUESDAY'S SCORES «4 New York .... 2 xWashington .. 4 Philadelphia... 3 Cleveland ...... Chicago .....o 4 St. Louis « 11 Detroit .esee0 5 x--11 innings, TO-DAY'S GAMES St. Louis, at Chicago. Cleveland at Detroit, Washington at Philadelphia. New york at Boston. sevens NATIONAL LEAGUE Won Lost Pet. 3 1 750 J14 667 600 SL 333 333 250 Boston ... ChiCago ..ssseeees 5S New York .ceveeee 2 Philadelphia so0000 3 St. Louis ..ceeveee 4 Pittsburg .eeeesess 2 Cincinnati sesveeee Brooklyn sieeenees 1 TUESDAY'S SCORES St. Louis +9 Chicago ...+. 6 xPhiladelphia .. 3 New York ss 1 x--11 innings. xBrooklyn ..... 3 Boston ...... 2 x--11 innings. Only three games scheduled. TO-DAY'S GAMES Boston at Brooklyn, Philadelphia at New York. Chicago at Pittsburg. Cincinnati at St. AMERICAN ASSOCIATION Won Lost: P.C. 857 J14 667 S71 A429 286 uis. Kansas City . Indianapolis ...eee Minneapolis sesees Toledo ..ceesnseee St. Paul c.eeseeees Columbus Milwaukee Louisville .. OSHAWA NAIOTALS F.C, All players and signed play- ers are requested to attend Thursday night, at Alexander Park. esccnnse NNSA nO 286 143 vessane doing their utmost to put the even- ing across in no uncertain nner, and present indications af least, point to their efforts not going for SIX TEAMS IN THE INTERMEDIATE SOFTBALL SERIES With the closing of the entries at the weekly meeting of the City and Industrial Softball League the teams are to be an even half dozen in the intermediate series with games being played at the new Sta- dium, formerly Haley Flats. At the meeting the movement to play all the intermediates at the stadium was carried pending agreeable ar- rangements with the management of the Stadium. The juveniles and juniors will perform at Gowan Park leaving no chance of confusion.on the part of the ardent fan, The applications for paid um- pires and scorers were again con- gidered and there are still a num- ber of each needed to round out a full squad of arbitrators. The entry list now being com- pleted the league officials have promised to have a schedule drafted out for each series in the near future and will have it ready for publication the early part or next week. This schedule will have the date and the teams playing and the park in which the game will be played. In the intermediate se- ries with only six teams competing the probs are that fast softball will be played in each and every game as the number of smart play- ers in the city by fat exceeds the demand. TO STAGE BOUT Montreal, April 24.--The Mont- real Herald said yesterday that Jack Dempsey, former world's champion, now promoter of fistic events, associated with Humbert Fugazy of New York, may take a hand in the promotion of big fistic events in Montreal the coming summer. "Dempsey has been invitea rv attend the baseball opening next week," states the Herald. "It is the idea that the visit will give him a chance to cast an eye over the box- ing possibilities fn Montreal ana, as a matter of fact, there have been some informal negotiations between the baseball club ana Dempsey with a view to the latter setting in one of the big heavy- weight bouts in Montreal the coming summer." Dempsey Admits Offer New York, April 24.--"I am un- der contract to Humbert Fugazy, and therefore cannot participate in the promotion of fights for oth- er interests," said Jack Dempsey, former world's heavyweight boxing champion, here yesterday, when questioned regarding reports from Montreal that he might take a hand in the promotion of a heavy- weight bout in the Canadian met- ropolis this summer. Dempsey admitted that over tures had been made by Montreal promoters for his services in help- ing to promote - the bout, which would probably have Jack Renault, French-Canadian heavyweight, as one of the headliners. To Demp- sey there is Ittle chance of him becoming a party to it unless Fu- gazy joins in with the Montreai promoters. TO HOLD MEETING The Red Ace Softball Club will hold their weekly meeting to- night at the Y.M.CA. "Chuck" Mason, club manager, Bill Har- mer and C. Cannon, club as ants, will likely announce when the first practice is to take place. All officers and any new play- ers intending to try out with the team are requested to attend this no avail. meeting. There Is Bicycle pattern All Sizes ... BOY'S . Sizes 1 to 5 a MEN'S WORK BOOTS Bown or Black. Panco Soles and Heels $2.45 $2.6 SCHOOL SHOES kind that give wonderful wear. Sizes 11-13" $2.35 \ Factory-to-Foot We Have Our New Lines of TENNIS SHOES in Stock Now. They are all Dominion Fleet Foot Brand. No Better toe Caps. A&C -- The $2.85 They look gnew Surpass 23Y, Simcoe St. South TIES FOR YOUNG WOMEN in the new spring shades in spike or cuban heels. These are all real snappy shoes. All sizes in widths. ....... Men we have several news lines of and $4. $5. black and brown. good and will wear. = orm We Save You Money $5.00 OXFORDS in = INTERNATIONAL READING HITS DOYLE FOR WIN Reading, Pa., April 24.--Blast- ing Jess Doyle from the mound in three innings, the Reading Keys put together enough runs to carry them to a 6 to 4 victory over the Leafs in the final game of the ser- ies here yesterday. The Keys rak- including a home run over the right field wall by Joe Kelly, and three doubles, to push five rung over the plate in the three innings. The Keys' other run was scored at the expense of Clarry Fisher, making his first appearance of the season, and who did the flinging the next four innings, Rollie Naylor twirled the eighth. ORIOLES AGAIN BEAT ROYALS Baltimore, Apr. 24.--The Orioles made a clean sweep over the Mont- real Royals in the two games of their series that survived the wea- ther by taking the final contest yesterday, 5 to 4. A three-run rally in the eighth brought tho Baltimore victory. DECIDED WIN FOR BISONS Newark, April 24.--Base hits rained all over the lot yesterday as the Buffalo Bisons massacred four Newark pitchers to gain a 20 to 6 verdict. The Herd collected a to- tal of 23 safe blows. including home runs by George Fisher and Bill Kelly, while Slicker Parks and Howard Signor held the Bears safe throughout. ed old slom motion for seven hits SPORT SNAPSHOTS 'With the weather giving the clubs the breaks it is at the present time it will not be before the games in the City and Industrial Softball League get started. The only real difficulty, so far seems to be the trouble in getting umpires and scorers to act at these softball games. Notices have appeared before asking that any wishing to umpire or act as scorers send their applications to the league secretal Both the scorer and the umpires will be paid by the league and this seem to be a chance for some fan that would in all probability be at the games anyway to make his attend- ance profitable to himself and to the league. The games in the three series will be confined to two parks, those be- ing Cowan's Park and the new statdium at Haley's Flats. The juniors and the juveniles will be the performers at Cowan's Park putting on their act possibly. three days a week while the intermediates play all their games at the stadium, Last night the entries in all series closed shutting out any thought that other teams may have had as to entering teams, There are rumors that there were two teams that considered playing in the intermediate series, but owing to length of time taken to consider the question, the league is now closed to all. Ample time was given any club that had seriously thought of entering a team, with extensions of time being granted, so the league officials made no mistake in closing the entries. Another big affair to be looked forward to, and, after its passing, back on, looms up on the sport horizon. This affair will be in the form of a smoker extraordinary to be held in the General Motors auditorium on Mary street, Although a smoker is not a rare form of amusement, the classes of entertainment being planned by the backers of the combined lacrosse and baseball smoker will be rare, indeed. Another thing that goes to make this an outstanding affair is the fact that it is being sponsored by two distinct and different sport clubs, both of which strive to hold the interest of the fan at the same all seasons of the year. This would prove beyond doubt the excellent spirit of harmony ex- isting between these two clubs. . At the present time the much talked of niodified forward pass is get ting a great deal of "play" in all parts of the country with reports of var- ious rugby clubs' opinions of this new ruling, Reports from the great open NATIONAL 31 HITS FEATURE CHICAGO-ST. LOUIS TILT Chicago, April 24.--The St. Lou~ is Cardinals broke the Cubs' win- ning streak by winning a wild, heavy hitting game yesterday, 9 to 6. The Cardinals got 16 hits and the Cubs bagged 15. BROOKLYN WINS FIRST OF SEASON Brooklyn, April 24.--The Robins celebrated the official opening of their home season yesterday by shading the Boston Braves by 3 to 2 in 11 innings for their first 1929 victory. Dazzy Vance pitched great ball for the home team, but receiv- ed indifferent support. The game was won with one out in the elev- enth on a pass to Flowers, his steal, and Bancroft's single to left. PHILLIES DEFEAT GIANTS 8--1 New York, April 24.--A home run by Frank O'Doul, an ex-Giant, in the first and Barney Fribuix# triple with two on in the eleventh combined to spoil the home opening of John McGraw's club yesterday and to send Larry Benton to defeat by 3 to 1. Claude Willoughby was tight in the pinches. Although he passed ten men, he gave only 7 hits and left no fewer than 20 Giants stranded, 17 of them in 9 innings. i AMERICAN SOX DEFEATED IN NINTH Cleveland, April 24.--A ninth 4 victory over the Chicago White an even break in the abbreviated two-game series which ended yés- terday. BOSTON DEFEATS Boston, April 24.--The world champion Yankees opened Boston's portion of the American League season at Fenway Park yesterday by bowing before big Ed Morris, who held them to six singles ana tumbled them to a .500 standing. The Red Sox won by 4 to 2. ATHLETICS LOSE OPENER 4--8 Philadelphia, April 24.--The Philallelphia Athletics opened their home season yesterday before a crowd of 30,000, and lost a thrill- ing 11 inning contest to the Wasn- ington Senators, 4 to 3. Goose Goslin's home run off Wal- berg with one on base in the first inning gave the Senators a lead that held good until Haas tied the score in the sixth with a homer, that came with none on base off Bump Hadley. BROWNS WIN BY LATE RALLY St. Louis, April 24.--Overcoming a five-run lead, the St. Louis Browns bunched hits in the later innings to chase two Detroit pit- chers and win the final game nf the series yesterday, 11 to 5. Blue, Brownie first baseman, starred at bat, getting two home runs and ac- counting for three runs. Gehringer and McManus hit for the circuit for Detroit, Crowder, starting against the Tigers for the second time during the series, was batted out of the box. Yesterday's win squared the series. George Munro Appointed Coach In addition to unanimously decid- ing to hold a baseball-lacrosse smo- ker in General Motors auditorium on May 10, General Motors senior la- crosse club at their executive meet- ing -last nigltt, re-appointed George Munroe to coach the team for the 1929 season, George's fine ability as a coach was much in evidence last year, when the team, playing its first year in senior company, came through with colors flying to win the Ontario championship,' With him' at the helm again this year and every indication at present of having pos- sibly an even better team than that of last year, prospects locally are indeed bright for another success- ful campaign, inning rally gave Cleveland a 5 to Sox and enabled the Indians to get YANKEES IN OPENER paces are to the effect that the Western Canada Intercollegiate Football Union will adopt the pass, while 1t is still unofficial it is nevertheless un- derstood that Queen's Varsity, Ottawa, Balmy Beach, Camp Borden, Kitch. ener, and Hamilton Tigers, all teams of which are represented in two un- ions will oppose the passing game, Letters have been received by many that arc ihterested in the General Motor Blue Devil Rugby Club, winners of the Intermediate O.R.F.U. and these same letters request that an answer with the opinion of the players be sent at an early date. It will be! There is to be a meeting soon at which coach Cliff Pound will give the players a chalk talk on the advan- tages and "dis" of the proposed ruling after which the members can de- cide as to voting for or against the modified forward pass. Springtime Cheer That Lasts the Take the joyous spirit of Spring-time .by laying hardwood floors in your home, 'The one supreme make of Hardwood Flooring in Canada is SATIN FIN. ISH. You will be surprised how low the cost is, much less for example than average carpets cost, and further more hardwood floors can be put down over your present floors, room by room, in just a few days. We will be pleased to quote prices and if you do not know a competent man to lay them for you, we will put you in touch with one; Oshawa Lumber COMPANY, LIMITED 25 Ritson Road North TELEPHONE 2821-2820 Year CHAMPS STAGE RALLY TO WIN Jersey City, April 24.--Roches- ter Red Wings, champions of tho International League last year, staged a two-run rally in the ninth inning yesterday to beat out Jersey City, 6 to 4, and take the series from the Cats in 2 straight games George Selkirk, Cat centrefield- er, hammered out a home run in the fifth, PHIL GRANVILLE IS SEVENTH - IN FIRST THOUSAND MILES Collinsville, Ills, April 24.-- Finishing the long grind of 59.8 miles from Vandalia, Ills., to Col- lingville, Ills., in fifth place in 8.43. 45, Philip Granville, Hamilton, Ont.. retained his hold on seventh place position yesterday in C. C. Pyle's bunion derby, His elapsed time is 182.45.37, 0 Saf and Comfortable "the other fellow." DURABILITY--The dura- bility of the Ford car has never been fully measured because one year of consistent driving leaves it like ness. But it is possible to estimate by the materials that go into it, the finer alloy steels, higher grade equipment and better basic quality in every part, that many thousands of miles of service are built into its chassis. SAFETY --The fully enclosed six brake system grips the flying wheels with silent power. The windshield is of shatterproof glass. An all-steel body gives maximum protection, At high speeds the unique and effective Ford spring and shock absorber system provides perfectbalance. COMFORT -- Deeply uphol- stered seat cushions, set at a restful angle, match in comfort your easy chair. Large windows allow unobstructed vision and open wide in warm weather. of Ford Car Features Choice of colours 55 to 85 miles an hour 40-horse power engine Full balloon tires Fully enclosed siz-brake system 4 Houdaille hydraulic shock absorbers 89,20 40 miles DF gallon the Hi HE Ford car rolls down country roads as smoothly and comfortably as over trans- continental highways. Roomy front and rear compartments--Ilots of leg room, head room, body room--make it the ideal family car. The safety features of the Ford car give driver and passengers a sense of security and well. being. They enable one to avoid dangers in traffic and the inbuilt strength of the car resists damage from the careless driving of feature of transverse, semi- elliptic springs, give the effect riding on air. DEMONSTRATION--Ask your Ford dealer to let you drive a Ford car. He will be er at your command. » for the busiest streets. Drive alongside other cars. Try the quick getaway, the swift pickup in second, the easy gear- shift. Feel the smooth, action of the six brake system. A demonstration will convince you of the outstanding merit of the Ford car, Dtive it your self, there is no better Also requ to show you the hidden, inbuilc quality features of the car which make it so enduring. TIME PAYMENT -- If you prefer to. buy out of income, you will find the authorized sure test. est your Ford dealer Four Houdaille hydraulicshock absorbers, and the unique Ford FORD MOTOR time pay all Ford dealers most attractive. COMPANY OF CANADA LIMITED, plan offered by FORD, ONTARIO