Oshawa Daily Times, 23 Apr 1929, p. 9

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THE OSHAWA DAILY TIMES, TUESDAY, APRIL 23, 1929 " Easy-to-Find"' "RADIO PROGRAM NIGHT'S BEST FEATURES 1 rgderic Wm, Wile; U. S. ¥ Atlan fitie City. State Home si SEM) 1%) -Michelin Men 9.00 W. WLW for Cinel, Great Adventures "Sam- 4 Columbia: Old Gold, Paul Whiteman sorchestr: Nic (WEAF)--Eveready Hour--Elly Spar) pianist, WENR jhicage, Symphony Band. nstitute of Music. Rm Dl eae: licquot Eskimos. : 1nd Colum; Lombardo s orchestra, NBC (WEAF)--RKO Hour, EDNESDAY'; Wi DAY FEATURES ~10,00 a.m. N NBC System (WJZ)--Dr, Copeland NBC 'System (WEAF)--National Home y Columbia Network: Ida Ba Allen, NBC I ne CWA 2) ook. Schock : NEC System WEAF) "Household In- 1.00 Nec System (Central)--Farm and 3.0 NBC C gia MA Navy Band 3.45 WMAQ Chicago, Baseball--Sox vs. St. Louis also WGN. 4.00 NBC System (WEAF)--Pacific Vaga- bonds to WRC, WHO, WOW, WCIL, TAM. TONIGHT'S PROGRAMS 53 WEAE (454)~New York. Bill and Jane WRC. Wiz (34, §)--New York, Markets. "6.00 nae Z 225) Springheid. Lowes She Ie tomy Waldorf Astoria. Concert to Ea WRC, WCAE Y=A L' (283)--Baltimore. Sandman Cir- WHAM (258.5)--Rochester, Markets; Dinner Music wiz oo. New York, Old Man Sun- shine. WLW (428)~Cinci. Reo Orchestra. 6.30 CKCI 07 --uchec La Soleil News WBAL (283 altimore, Dinner Music 4 WGY 37, A Ski yg Ten. Eyck Concert. Wiz (394. 5)=-New York, Savannah or- chestra to WBZ, WBZA. 00 WADC LY Concert. WBAL (283)--Baltimore, Amoco Pro- gram, wa WBAP (374:8)=Ft, 'Worth, Varied pro. ficoo (370)--Mpls. 'St. Paul, Sports; anist. WCAU (256)--Phila, Sylvania prchiestis NBC System: Voters' rvice WEAF, WTIC, WGY, WGR, WRC WJAR, SSD, WCAE, WTAG, WCSH, WFI, WHA 5 WFAA, WDAF, wow, WALC, WB Or- ; Fauitiess Performance is built into every No matter how old or new your set, ask your dealer for Westinghouse Genuine RADIOTRONS WJZ (394.5)--New York, Smalle and Robertson to KW. WNAC: (24)--Boston, News; Amos ww (29~Cinci. Dog Talk; Gibson rches ree Cy ark. Songs; Orcliestva Siva {0 Richmond, ' An- Book Revi 7.30 Chea Ce Maytag Radio bo Entertain. WNAC, WCAO, S, L. WCCO (370)-- Mpls. St. Paul. Master Musicians, NBC System: Soconyland to WEAF, WJAR, WEEL we WGR, WGY, WTAG, WCSH. NBC System: Law Fundamentals to vis, A YIAM, KOA, WMC, WOAI, Ww WKY, KWK, WHAS, WES (428)~Clnci, Sohio Musicians to Wow "(508)--Omatia. Studio; Travel T "Washington Po- Band to WABC, DC, - WFAN, WIAS, KMOX, Columbia Networks Navy WCAU. (256)--Phila, Atmore Band. NBC System: Soprano Concert Or- chestra to WEAF, KSD, WFI, WRC, WCAE. WGR (545)--Buffalo. Flowergarden, WGY (370.5)--Schenectady. Concert Or cchstra, NBC System: Stromberg Carlson Sex- tet to WIZ, WBZ, WBZA, KDEKA, WSM, WBAL, WHAM, KWK, A wk KYw, "WREN, 'WMC, 'KVOO, Y AA, PRG, WOAI, KSTP, WHAS, 'WBT, WTMJ. WRvA Er Rchmond. Courtesy pro- fiw (428)--Cinci. Showbox Hour, WLS (345)--Chicago. Scrap Book; The Angelus, NBC System: Michelin Hour to WJZ, WBAL, WBZ, WBZA, WHAM, WIR, KYw, "WREN, KDKA, KWK, KVOO, Nias a KPRC, W OAL P BC System: phy actic vogran to WEAF, W TIC, WIAR, WWJ, WEEL, WCAE, KSD, WOW, WTAG, WRC, WCSH, WGY, WHO, WDAF, WEI, WGR, WLS, WPG (272)--Atlantic City. Program. CNRT (356)--Toronto, Studio program. Columbia Network: Whiteman's Or- chestra to WABC, WAC v WKBW, WAS, WADC, WKRC, /G WH) A M, WDB] , WOW! 0, Ww MAL, KMBC, WSPD, WC. KOIL, WFBL, WRR, WTAR, WHI, WLAC, WDOD, WBRC, w CCO, WISN, WREC, WWNC. NBC System: Eveready WEAF WGR, WTAM, WEL WAL. © WHO, WRC, WCAE, WGN, WGY, WEEI, KSD, KOA, WDAF, wwp WEBC, WHAS, EM, WSB, KVO! kere WMC, C : he Mediterraneans to WIZ, WBAL, KW WLW (428)--Cinci. WOR (2) Newark, Male Tango rchestra, 9.30 NBC System: Dutch Paster Minstrels WBZ, wheh, WBAL, Ww KYW, Musical Great . Adventures, quartet; WLS (345)--Chicago. Concert Orchestra CFCA (357)~Toronto, Citizens' Band. CNRW (384.4)--Winnipeg. Studio pro- ram. Columbia Network: Curtis Institute to WJAS, WNAC, WFBL, WFAN, J © WKLKC, WHE WOWO, WCCO, VBBM, WHK, WLRW, WISN, WSED, WCAO., WCAU (2 5)--Phila, Lig WE AN, X, KOIL WMAL, Radioette skimos to WIAX, WKBW, ot , KYW, KSD, WOW, Ww SM, WSh, WAM, $ERC, Wes, WFI, WRC, WGY, WHO 74 WKY, WGR, KOA, WFAA, WOAL, WO. RVA. NBC C System: WIZ, WBAL, KW: WIR, WHO, KOKA' WBZ, WhzA, "WGN. we Gry=Klantic City, © Musical Progr WCAD" '(256)--Phila, Golden Dragon or- chest WCAE (242)--Pitts. chestra, . WOR (422.3)--Newark, Music Scholar- ship Awards Gov, Larson. NBC System: Har Ligne WEAF, WFI, WTIC, west Wr!' wWGY (379. --'Schenectady. Concert or- chestra WGR (545)--Buffalo. Sheas studio. NBC System: Orchestradians to W. Z, WBZ, WBZA, WHAM, KOA, WF hi 10 YW NY RAL KDKA, WIR. KST KWK. WiC! gis NW ashington, Madrillon rches WRVA: (370) Richmond. Dixie Singers WSB (405)--Atlanta, Amos and Andy. Columbia Network: Lombardo's Cana: dians to WABC, WBBM, WNAC, WOwWOo, WLBW, WEAN,' WJAS, Paul, The Po- eT W to Tracy Brown's or- WMAL, WCCO (370)--Mpls, St. liticians; Walton League, NBC Sy 'stem: RKO Vaudeville Hour to WE. vi WEEI, WTIC, W, LAR, KOA, ' v WGR, { SI , WOAI, S » wwJ, WJ AX, W TM], WEBC, WHAS, WSM, WHO, WMC, YPak WSB, WBT, WRVA, KPRC, STOCKS S. F. EVERSON, 17 KING STREET TOBIE Ft ORLONG eB BONDS Head Office: Reford Buildin BAY AND WELLINGTON STS. TORON! Private Wire System Phones 143 and 144 GRAIN Local Manager EAST, OSHAWA ' always | Sore NEWEST FLEE HOLIDAY IN EUROPE THIS YEAR LRVRE S142 TOURIST THIRD CABIN MET teachers, students and holiday-makers will grasp the chance of going to Europe this summer by Canadian Pacific tourist third cabin. Join them! For anextremely modest sum you may enj pll the advantages of acific comfort: Canad service. Your travelling companions will be congenial. You will have plenty of lounge space . . . deck space, . . and op portunity for recreation. Reser- vations for spring and summer sailings should be made at once. ECONOMICAL TOURS All expense 32 day tours visiting and Continent $406 up. Extended Tours, 85 10 77 days, on equally low basis. See your local agent or J. B. MACKAY, General ] Agent, Canadian Pacific Bl Bldg. Toronto Canadian Pacific Steamships, "Carry Canadian Pacific Express Travellers Cheques . . . Good the World Over" BC System: Slumber Music to WJZ, W 'H AM, KDKA, WW. (4 ju Quintile ensemble. 122.3) Sy Dance Music. W PG (272) Atlantic City, Dance mu- K¥FI (468.5)--Los Angeles. Orchestra. WHAM (258.5)--Rochester. Organ, VLVW (423)--Cinci, Crosley Singers. KSTP (205)--St. Paul. Osborn's Or- KNOX (275)~St, Wylie's Or. chestr KOA" A 361)--Denver. Happiness Pro- KFr ' (468)~Los Angeles, Or. chestra, WOMAN DECLARES PROSPECTCR'S LIFE IS THE. ONLY THING Vancouver, B.C., April 23.-- Prospecting for minerals igs not an orcupation that should be restrict- ed exclusively to men, according to Mrs. Leonie Weeden, who has spent many years in the foothills of British Columbia searching for gold. In fact, Mrs. Weeden recom- BD al the rigors of this form of outdoor life to women "If they accept my advice and go out into the hills prospecting they will find good health and happiness as well as gold," she says. "It's a fine exercise for women", she added. 'It gives them a fine feeling of independence and a new ingizht into life." Iiven as a little girl Mrs, Weeden had a great yearning to prospect for gold. Years after- wards she was able to follow this inclination and she has never re- gretfed it. The happiest days of her life, she says, have heen spent in the wilderness, far from the fet- ters of convention, "Strength and rugged constitu- tion are not the only thing neces- sary for a prospector", says Mrs. Weeden. "Brains are of even great- er consequence. A woman's habit of looking into details is a great factor in their success as prospect ors. I can prove that by person- al experience; for I have discovered rich deposits of gold in ground that for fifteen years had been walked over by men. I found the gold simply because I kept on digging." Dunstedters Louis, Concert Six Killed San Diego, Calif.--Six persons were killed here Sunday when a passenger-carrying plane of the Maddux air line was struck in mid- air by an army pursuit plane which was flying overhead and suddenly lost altitude. Home Sweet Home Made Sweeter Still AL I | lj a, - W. J. TRICK COMPANY, LIMITED [ert Street, Oshawa Phones 230 and i372 A bow rudder is a unique feature in the equipment of the Princess Norah, latest addition to the fleet of the British Columbia "Coastal Steamships of the Canadian Pacific Railway. 'This facilitates the con- trol of the vessel in the narrow channels in Pacific coastal waters and between Vancouver Island and the mainland linking the ports of Vancouver, Victoria, and Seattle. Follows Her Nose. The Princess is shown here in d dock, her bow rudder being yy visible, On her initial voyage up the coast she carried a disting- uished company, including Their Excellencies the Governor General and lady Willingdon, Hon. Ran- dol h Bruce, Lieutenant Governor of British Columbia, and his niece Miss Helen Mackenzie, and prom- inent residents of the Pacific coast. PENETRATION OF ORIENTAL TRADE AGAIN DISCUSSED Er-croahment on White Man's Industry in Van- couver Aired Vancouver, B.C., April 23.--This city is again wrestling with the problem of Oriental penetration in commerce, The Provincial Government re- cently provided machinery for the establishment of municipal licens ing boards with wide powers, the assumption being that these boards would have authority to curtail the operations of traders practicing un- fair methods of competition. Asi- atics might be grouped within this latter class, it is contended, by rea- son of their cheaper standard of living. Oriental encroachment on retail trade, according to Alderman War- ner Loat, is steadily increasing in the suburban districts and white merchants, he claims, are suffering from unfair competition. There is a danger, he says, that the white trader will be driven out of busi- ness altogether unless restrictive measures are adopted against the Oriental. The provincial legislation recent- ly passed provides for appointment at the request of a municipal coun- cil of a trades license board within a city or municipality, consisting of a member appointed by the Lieutenant-Governor - in - Council, one appointed by the municipal council and the third to be the mayor or reeve of the municipailty applying for such a board. The board has power to issue, re- »ew or cancel any license to do business within the municipality in which it has jurisdiction and to regulate the conduct of such busi- ness. In addition, the board has power to refuse to issue, continue, transfer or renew a license if in the public interest. Alderman Angus MacInnes, rep- resenting Labor, opposes the plan on the ground that drastic meas- ures to curtail Oriental competition would be "an admission of their superiority". He says that the Ori- ental was brought to Canada orig- inally as a laborer and that so long as he competed with common la- bor. he. was tolerated and no atten- tion was paid to protests of trades unions. Nor did the white farmer complain of the Asiatics as long as they could employ them at fifty cents a day. As soon as the As- atics went into farming on their own and began to undersell the whites the Asiatics' were branded a menace. Retail traders were now feeling the pinch in the same way. Alderman Maclnnes characteriz- es the proposed regulation as "clasg "| legislation." APPLICATION TO ' BISHOP NECESSARY RECTOR'S MARRIAGE London, Eng., April 23.---Show- ing the restrictions put upon the marriage of the clergy in the time of Elizabeth, this letter, copied from one treasured in Winchester, is interesting:-- "The bearer here- of, being the minister of the parish where I dwell, being without a wife. is very desirous to marry a mayde dwelling in the same parish, and forasmuch ag by Her Majesty's injunctions a minister cannot mar- ry but by the examination and al- lowance of the bishop, of the dio- cese, and two justices of the peace, I desire your assent. The man is of honest and good conversation and the woman is of good years to- wards 30, and a very sober mayde. He hath the good will of her moth- er, her father being dead." HOOVER TARIFF ON CATTLE NO WORRY FOR PREMIER TOLMIE Kamloops, B.C., Premier S. F. Tolmie of Britsh Columbia, one of Canada's foremost livestock auth- orities, isn't worried about the threatened high Hoover tariff on Canadian cattle, "Canada has nothing to be dis- turbed about," said Premier Tolmie here recently attending a livestock exhibition, "The United States may jack up its tariff, but Canada will still be in a very happy posi- tion." He added that he had re- fused a suggestion that he make a trip to Washington to plead against the proposed tariff. "Whether or not we are hit by a high tariff wall, it is the duty of Canadian cattle breeders to in- crease and improve their stock." the premier declared. "Only ten per cent. of 'the cattle passing through Canadian abbatoirs is first class beef, The stock men ought to get together and do something about that, They cannot hope to increase sales of beef so long as they sell stuff like 'trunk hinges." Premier Tolmie naid a tribute to the various breeders'. assoclations which 'were doing important work in the way of improving stock. "Argentine is one of our chief competitors, and the. cost of rais- ing cattle there is comparatively cheap," he said. "But foot and mouth disease has been very pre- valent there and it has been prove ed that the disease can be carried by the carcass. That has placed Argentine beef at a disadvantage in world markets and Canada, be cause of its fine record in the mat- ter of health of stock, should cash in on that situation. On-e estab- lish a name for our cattle in the world markets and there is nothing else to worry about. If the mare ket is ours everything else is right. N. B. INSTITUTES AGAIN PREPARING FOR FALL FAIRS Fredericton, N. B., April 23. -- Once again New Brunswick Wo- mens' Institutes are preparing fall fairs, which are held in the cities of their province. This year the Institutes are asked to get ready the following exhibits a set of men's mittens and over sox, double knitted in fancy patterns; a linen luncheon set, cloth at least one yard square, and at least four ser- viettes to match; a patch work quilt. REGENT NOW PLAYING 'The Battle of the Sexes" The story of your neighbor Or your neighbor's neighbor USUAL PRICES BOLI a a SR RE RK + SEE THE ¢ "FOREIGN LEGION" Mary Nolan, June Marlowe "USUAL PRICES L. PRICES New Martin NOW PLAYING Sooner deed 2, 0 Ga Bete odedododedetototetetodetetotodte usted. eed a Se a a i Sa DE a a a opeepeegenteeder; SR I SR SECRETS OF GREAT PYRAMIDS MAY BE SOON LAID BARE Moses Cotsworth Positive Ancient Structures Used to Measure Seasons Vancouver, B.C., April 28.--The secrets of the great Egyptian pyra- mids which have been a mystery for thousands of years, are to be probed by Moses Cotsworth, histor- fan and calendar expert authority, according to advices received by his friends here. Mr. Cotsworth is now in England. Mr. Cotsworth has written to tne Egyptian government asking per- mission to erect a model of the original apex on the top of the Great Pyramid. By this means he hopes to test his theory that the pyramids were built to serve the purpose of sundials and were used by the priests to measure the sea- sons. The prosperity of the nation de- pended on increasing the produc- tion of grain, according to Mr. Cotsworth. It was the exact knowl- edge of the seasons acquired by the priests with the ald of the pyra- mids that first enabled the Egyp- tians to produce two crops each year instead of one, he believes, More perfect pyramids later pro- duced such accuracy in thelr cals culations that they were enabled to obtain three crops of durah, their most important grain, according to Mr. Cotsworth, PECULIAR SPECIMENS OF SUB - OCEANIC LIFE ARE CAUGHT Sydney, Australia, Apr. 23.- Specimens of many remarkable fish have been bottled, neatly la- beled and stored in the laboratory of the Danish expedition ship Dana, now in Newcastle harbor. The trim little vessel is on a two years' cruise of the seven seas with the object of making fresh discoveries in marine life and growth. A small army of scientists con- nected with the Carlsburg Founda- tion is on board. Already several discoveries unique in marine sci- ence have been made. The Pacific ig practically a virgin field, and its utmost depths are being probed in search for fresh specimens. One speciment of particular in- terest in sea science is the deep- sea angler fish. It is a very hun- gry individual. its mouth extending nearly the entire length of its body. It needs a big mouth, too, for be- sides supporting itself it reverses the accepted custom of life and supports not only ome but up to half a dozen males, much smaller and weaker fish, unable to get food for themselves. From differ- ent parts of its body can be seen insignificant males, small and pale, compared to the brown and robust rendered, and inside use. 85 SIMCOE ST. N. Money and Paint WW HEN you pai i save money by buying the paint that gives the greatest value, paint this year, The real cost of paint is measured, not by the price per gallon, but by the service FLINT NEW PROCESS PAINT 1s made from a combination of pigments and pro- cessed oils that are practically unaffected by atmospheric or climatic conditions, Think of having your house finished with a paint that will preserve its freshness for years and years, a glossy finish that will not be affected by sun, rain or snow. 'This superior paint is made by the makers of DUCO and is equally good for outside Popular Prices of $1.50 per qt. W. H. A. Patte Let us furnish you with quotations on your Painting and Decorating. PHONE 125 CANADIAN INDUSTRIES LIMITED Flint Paint & Varnish Division Factories: Toronto, Ont. - Regina, Sask, female. They attach themselves to the female of the species by blood vessels and get nourishment from the hard-working female in this manner, In another bottle is a fish remi- niscent of an ocean liner, with all lights on. Where these fish live, hundreds of fathoms below the sur- face of the ocean, there is no light, and they dre called upon to gener- ate their own light or go about fn the dark, A large white stripe is seen alongside the body of the fish, and through tiny '"portholes' light shines out and {illuminates the murky way. This is called the lan- tern fish, In another glass tray are thous- ands of little fish not more than an inch long and some only one- sixteenth of an inch wide, but these are regarded as just as important to science as a shark which was caught off New Caledonia. Keep Out of Council Winnipeg.--The United Farmers of Canada, Saskatchewan section, have definitely decided to reject the offer of the Canadian eouncil of agriculture to join the latter body, it was announced today in a statement by A. E. Darby, secre tary of the council. Hea Tablet--will promptly start the needed bowel action, clear waste and poison from your bring welcome relief at once. The mild, safe, all-vegetable laxa- VONU tive, Try it--25c, ALRIGHT Recommended snd sold by All Seven Oshawa Druggists Ev buco exa A This is DUCO. That car of yours «iss MERRITT PAINT & AUTO:REPAIR SHOP that Gleam + + « THROUGH city streets, down sun-warmed country lanes, eweep cars aglow with color » . . cars that gleam like jewels. Spick- - and-span new cars , . « yes, and spick-and-span old cars, made bright and colorful with ye 0 standards set up by Industries Limited. To assure the maine tenance of these standards, each job done by an Authorized DUCO Refinisher, in Joanisute with the methods specified the Flint laboratories, is registered at home office of the Flint Varnish Divison: makers of DUCO. Registered Refinishing car refinished by the approved to the anadian must measure u aint and arantee of a nuine Duco pd applied according to labora. tory methods ot specifications, sure to get your registration why not have it smartened and brought up-to-date with DUCO? - 'Those tempting new colors « « « " all'of them . { . are yours to choose : from. Drive in and let us show you how easy and economical it is today to get a genuine DUCO refinishing job, OSHAWA, ONTARIO i CANADIAN INDUSTRIES LIMITED=FLINT PAINT & VARNISH DIVISION RD1S

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