THE OSHAWA DAILY TIMES, FRIDAY, APRIL 12, 1929 : m-- 0G JT MEG " Easy-to-Find" | BEECH 4 : KOI . WGHP, WMAL, WLBW, WSPD, RA WJAS, KMOX, 'WCCO. : 4 - = = . 10.30 CFCA- (357)--Toronfo. Concert ensem- NBC. System: With the Senate to * FONIGHT'S BEST FEATUR 428)--Cinei, Educational series. WEAF, = WMC, © WIAX, KVOO, yy 8 Suey FEAL RES Wis $49). Chicago. Markets; Musical WE Ti, wa, AL Sp NB ory "Neato Hou. Guaeere: WOW (308) Omaha. Murphy Hour. WRG ok WR, WCAE, WOW, 0 NBC TE haley Review, i Wutfler, News} Sai: WBAL (283)--Baltimore. Musical mem- 30 NBC (WEA wn ai Tk WIZ, wha ; NBC: (WJZ) Philes 9 Tigatre Memorics 215 WHAM KOA, EW WBZ, WBZA, Columbia Network: Night Club Rom. nae bore ii J. Fra WCFL, WREN, KDKA, WIR, WTMJ, ance to same pitwork as dak Hour. % 3 Ei cab Bomte, | 720 CARN Gove TE er sume Seri INSULATING BUILDING BOARD , Dakota. i NRW y--Winni NBC. System: Spitalny's Coun nia, Night Club. Bomanées. 7.3 CNRW (384.4)--Winnipeg. Ft, Garry Tl oncert. Z, y V4 y . 4 [|] Tm WCAU (256)--Phila, Cathay Orchestra W(428)Cinci. Maytag program. ; nsurance 'TOMORROW'S DAYTIME PROGRAMS WOR. (540) Buflale, Msical Program | 10.45 WDAF (92)--Kansas City, Amos 'n' WARM IN 'VINTER . COOL IN SUMMER CUTLER & PRESTON 9,30 a.m. WEAF New York. U, Sy NBC System: Dixie Circus to WJZ, Andy. , fra Po biged + Band to WRC, WOC, WGR, WBZ, WBZA, WBAL, KDKA, WLW, | 1; 00 CKGW (312)--Toronto. Romanelli's or- : : +3, BING oF. W. Be OW, nla Women's Hour. WC WSB,' WIR, WHAS, KYW, sheatta; News, iis WN A ® ' ' fireplace and all modern NTR Dail ed 180. ls . SM, . Ta Vs | ; : % 1.15 NBC System (WEAF)--Household In- | 74 WCCO (370) Mpls. St. Paul. Enter- Rs Lous, News; Ame Oshawa, Ont. Sonvenigiicd "Pouvle. Gat SH U. of Ga. Program tuiners, WCAU (25)--Phila. News; Golden age, Party leaving ) 1.45 p.m. WSB Atlanta. U. of Ga. ih 8.00 CNRA (476)--Moncton. Instrumental will sacrifice: at EY a ops $4650 Panico Orches. Sextet. Dragon Orchestra. ; : , OISTRIBUTED BY go. Musical potpourri, i matis Musical "Ar NBC System: The Skellodians to WLS, with easy terms 2 NS, ct CWI Z)--RCA 'Demonstra- YAL Gr-Baimoe. Musical An KSD, WOC, WOW i , WDAF, KOA, tions or syndicates which cmpose Close r to Motors ¢ 2 tion Hour. ration "H Columbia = Network: "Breezes" to 0s Ree. St. Regis Orchestra to OSHAWA LUMBER COMPANY LIMITED the corvorate state. 4 2 op DLW Cine, Dehonstration. Hour. WOR, WNAC, WFBL, KFH, WMAL, WEAF, WWI 8 ew a Sais Beslan 2 THE TX CF] icago. . J ¥ LAF, I. - be WIZ New York. Vallees Orchestra to TA "MAG, ' WTAR, RECS int Sumber Maisie,» WyZ; OSHAWA, ONT. , Disney Real Estate g WLW, WCFL. WNC ROI, | WLBW, = WHK, WHAM (258.5)--Rochester, Denk's or- i 'l 29 King St. X.* Phone 1550 ir TONIGHT'S PROGRAMS WGY (379.5)--Schenectady, Concert or- chestra, Pi : Bill and Jane to WEAF, chestra, : 5.3% ART 4 and J. NBC System: Concert Orchestra; Ca- i. a LONDONER IN THE | 600 KDKA (306)---Pitts. News; Book Man. valiers to WEAL, . WRC, = WEEL . Rap--_-- WMAK (339)--Buffalo, Dance Orches- WHK (216)~Cleveland. William's and | i two weeks and assistance by the 283)--Baltimore. Sandman KYW, WGR, KSD, WTAM, WLIT, R t het . WFAA, KOA, WCAE, WTIC, WKY, J a hesin, vs: Dance Music, police was sought today by his wife 4 tra; ews. : Waldorf Astoria Music WWJ, WDAF, WOW, WOC, KSTP. WNAC (244)---Boston. News; Dance or- vinci. Gi . in the hope of securin ite | fishing boat Italia near the Graves fi NEAR WCAE, WRC, WHO, WIP (492)~Phila. Musical Shower. | DIAMONDS if chestra, WLW (428)--Cinci. Gibson Orchestra f D g definit g a A OW. WPG (272)--Atlantic City, News; Sil- trace¥of his movements. Only va- | Line early Wednesday was identi- w # WIZ (394.5)--New. York.. Baritone; |}! » St | Sti Orchestia : inf t . SY | (379.5)--Schenectady, Markets, "Old Man Donaldson," Burns' Jewelry Store | ver Slipper lS t Placed gue information on Murphy's | fied yesterday as the cabin cruiser NBC Sr Pati Orchestra to WPG (272)--Atlantic City. Dioner mu- Corner King and Prince yl | 11.10 WHK '(216)--Cleveland, Brigode's Or- Italians Are ; whereabouts has been obtained | Overland owned by Charles R. He Bie i Qhentsa, ; . : since he disappear M ' Le Wan (280)--Cleveland, Dinner concert | 8.20 WRVA ~ (270)--Richmond. Mandolin | ||| Cash or Terms WGR (545)--Buffalo, Statler Orches. : Under State Control Left His Family Two Weeks og He appeared ou March 25 Gangwell a Boston. A warrant $30 WBAL (283)--Baltimore. Dinner Or- Club, : ee ----------------------=--=--o1| 11.30 CFCA (357)--Toronfo. Organ; Vocal. Awo on sing His* Yet 'P that: tho missing 'Lor doncr was issued for the arrest of her chestra, " 3 8.30 Columbia Network: Veedol Vodvil to CNRV (291)--Vancouver. Ladies quar- ADHI1S. : wei THe Fascist g 0! Lo. g ! Pi captain, William Roberts of Bog- NBC System: Raybestos Twins to WOR, WNAC, WEAN, tet. Rome, Apr a is in the United States. ris ggiidiomaly oie Bile WEAF, WTAG, WLS, WCSH, WGY, AK,' WHE, WOC (300)--Davenport, Ferris Orches. plan for bringing every phase of Job : 3 g WEA, On evainers CAO, rs LY r PH ONE 22 wwy (326)--Detroit. Hollywood Friv- | the Italian people's activition under Hit and R 4 javigation Jaws by failing to stand 3 : Clopin Ei WIZ. LBW, WMA § 0 ities, te control, is about to be pu it an un Captain ; » To Jeriick Mo: WAL, KPH Wisy, : 11.45 Wyse (405)--Atlanta, Hawaiian ensem- 3a p London, Ont., April 12.--Leav- pta 4 e. into effect. Every man and wom- {, ri eo qe i 2 N, NB stem: A g the city after he had been dis ' : diss to" WABC, | WNAC, WEA C System: Armstrong Quakers to For Your Drug Needs an in the country who does any [mb re por After he had been dis- Sought for Sinking Nevertbiless s' wil 'tilled "With WJZ, WHAM, WBZ, KDKA, KWK, 12.00 CNRV (291)--Vancouver, CNRV play- 4 WBBM, EMOX, WLS, WBZA, WREN, WBAL, WIR, THOMPSON'S ers. ; wo sort of work whatever, except do- | Murphy, aged 54, of 344 Thames bootleggers is an improvement Mal, BMBL, SOILD. \WHAS. WB, WLW, WHY, Wi, WON (ne) Gnicago. Panico's orches: | mestie service is to be obliged to |street, married and the father of | Boston, April 12. -- The vessel lover a cemetery filled with drink- WADC '(223)--Akron. Musical program WTAG .(517)--Worcester. Fowler's Ha- 10 Simcoe St. 8.--~We Deliver Dance Music, 5 '| enroll in one of the many corpora- |3 children, has been missing for | which struck and sank the 35-foot | ers.--Toronto Telegram. WBZ (303)--Springfield. Maytag Ra- waiians. dioette. 9.00 Columbia Network: True Story Hour -- r---- v-- WBAL (283)--Baltimore. Esskay Hour. to WOR, WNAC, WEAN, NBC System: Kemp's Orchestra to * WOWO, KOIL, MAK ELLA CINDERS--Splitting Them Up L By Bill Conselman and Charlie Plumb WEAF, WRC. WCAU, WADC, WGY (379.5)--Schenectady. Speaker; WGHP, WMAQ, Dinner Mausic, KMBC, WSPD, WIP (492)--Phila. Uncle Wip. WCAU. Tq WISN (268)--Milwaukee, Organ; string NBC System: An Evening in Paris to wr WES, WEE WIC ue WEE JZ (394.5)--New York. Bonnie Lad. /CSH, WTAG, WGN, » WCAE, dics to W)Z, KOA, WREN. WW]. WDAF, KSD, WOC, WOW, NERVOUS NTE SPEAR ET or ar Nite wir Jo) --Phila. Recital. ELL TELL A MIRROR AND ASK NEC Syeten Wigey Koviow 0 WIZ Ar TR LACE aS WMC, KSTP, WIE, WREN, KDKA, * 5 : . ANY EXCUSE FOR | KYW, KWK, WHAS, WFAA, WSB, . ] f p WHAT YOU SEE! TIME TABLES | XmOk, WIAX, WBAL, KOA, WRVA, : \ 3 : WBZ, WBZA, WHAM, WOAI A 9.30 KWKH (352)--Shreveport. Studio pro- gram, WCCO (370)--Mpls. St. Paul. Mayt CPR. TIME TABLE, Wiayets. 4 yas New Schedule taking effect 12.00 am. NBC System: Schradertown Band Sunday, April 29, 190, WEAF, WGY, WTIC, WDAF, KSD, x Going West " WRC, WEEI, WJAR, WTAG, WCSH, 5.48 a.m. Daily, LIT, WCAE, WWJ, WOC, WGR, 6.23 a.m. Daily. xo. WGN (416)--Chicago. Courtesy prog. 4.35 p.m. Daily, NBC System: Philco Theatre ¥ A 2.34 p.m. Dail; greet Sudday, to WJZ, WHAM, KSTP, . [ KYW, WBT, WLW, WBZ, WBZA, / 10.05 a.m. Daily. WBAL, KDKA, WIR, WMC, WREN, ! Tl ql 2.04 p.m, Daily except: Sunday. WTMJ, WSB, KPRC, WOAI, W. 8.03 p.m. Daily except Sunday, WFAA 41, WHAS, 1110 p.m, Daily. WPG (272)--Atlantic City. Musical pro- \ 12.09 a.m. Daily. 3 : a - AN i e are times traing Wrva (270)--Richmond. String quar- AR ) ) - \_ I al 4 All times shown abov from Oshawa Station. tet. ---- 10.00 NBC System: Salon Singers to WEAF, CN. R, TIME TABLE WIIC, WTAG, KSD, WOC, WLIT, gE = Eftective 3 WCAH (09) _Columbus, Harmaniacks, Eh pol i y --Phila, ° ati hest; nmuDally SIBt Sunday NBC System: The Challengers to | BRINGING UP FATHER-- | 19:5) am. Daily. WioD, WiAX. Tawk KWBZA, Woy. a TROE THAT : - except Sunday. , ! : , WBZ, 2 : er LE om Daily exept Sundae WSB, WHAS, WHAM, WLW, WIR, Tr TrID Der USTEN! DINTY 16 MISSIN. | NE EE ces i &v p.m.--Daily except Sunday. PVE PHONED EVERY: WHAT? GO AN FIND WHOOPEE NECK- LACE TO DINTYX 2 EB oam-- Daily, oot Sutin 3 WHERE - I'VE GOT TO ; NO RACE OF DT ME GURK- HE WUZ THE | 120 am--Daily ? CO CUTAN SEARCH : : TRACE OF OI , SAT GO THNT WUZ. Ek B% amma. FER HiM- BLT You SA SEEN WITH DINTY- J a.m. Dally. . » - r WHOOPEE ME GUR IK QITTIN' ON A TRAIN? ow Oy ho U) i Co Hi i 7 ~ omelriy > ge oo da 1) = A 06 p.m.~Daily except Sunday. IS = ; 37 p.m.~Dail; Ld AS EYESIGHT SPECIALIST / a .27 p.m, --Daily except Sunday. Author of: i ; ' . ; & 'Dai . The Eyes in Modern Life i Vv 45 p.m, Daily except Sunday. DT I cae _-- Your Eyes and Health Whitby, Oshawa, Bowmanville Eye Care and Eye Strain BUS LINE : Opp. WEEK DAY SCHEDULE Disney Block P.O. CEfrectrve w. and after Nov. # 1516--Phone--1516 Going West . Leave Arrive Arrive Whitby Hospital 7.25 a.m, 8.30 a.m. s 9.45 a.m, 10.35 a.m, 10.50 a.m. 12.30 p.m. 12.45 p.m. 8 COKE m. 125 pm, 4.35 po «>| ll WOOD { 7 o oe 0 Pe 8 bod od od ot od BERBRS BREEDER ESonRuni aABGEALG PEPOD ©PPo 8 TR # -- or rg IRELAND WAS THE ff | some nv mrt | 1 y \ | 20 \OUHNON Sumi BT sone fi NR Cs | I ARE CALLED yl NAMED WHEN THEY POTATOES, lll BECAME POPULARAS ff | SAE NN y IN i Te orremAL NII , IRISH POTATOES, WERE GREEN. FOOD, TOMMY. 1} a Af) oor BETTY © B ESmuni EEE BEBEBaE OF CHILE. Waterous- Meek Limited : a, UPTOWN OFFICE 00 p.m, .30 p.m. == : ea Bai ORMESLW. | m : Li 9 RALEGH SHOHED SOME TOQUE / an HE Ra. ELIZABETH THAT HE HAD BROUGHT : : Vf E POTATO WAS USED AS A FOOD IN AMERICA LONG "a --u FROM VIRGINIA. THEIR IMPORTANCE s "31 Ih ari - BEFORE THE DISCOVERY OF THE CONTINENT BY COLUMBUS. © 28288 UNTIL W. A. HARE : NAS AFOOD IAS HOT RECOGHIZED OPTOMETRIST Ni © THE SPANIARDS CARRIED THE TUBERS BACK TO SPAIN AHD 7" AN RALEIGH CULTIVATED THEM ON A 23Y, Simcoe St. North eh MA \ KHOWLEDGE OF THE POTATO, SPREAD TO ITALY AHD HOLLAND. Wi LARGE SCALE ABOUT 1600,AF YOUGHAL gral Pug : | HE ENGLISH SEA-CAPTAIN, JOHN HAWKINS. CARRIED THE | 7 Y © iS RESIDENCE IN SOUTH IRELAND. Hare's Faulticss Lenses - 7 FIRST SPECIMENS TO IRELAND ABOUT THE YEAR 1565. © 1929, King Features Syndicate, Jac, BE ODN 00 a PAP at toi 8 pp AS pm. i BRB pom, 10.45 p.m | F el i res | TILLIE THE TOILER--Mac The "Bouncer" : : re ATI PEVIEVE TE, MAC - YOU \WON'T |] MAC, THROW THAT ida 1 he LEADING JEWELER : OUT Six SARRRG EN SRY ue (SEAT SHEN | | out OF THIS OFFICE: - aD bo able Rates on Established 1886 OOK PARTNES d I Pe Age IT QUICK. \F You VALUE YOUR Bowmanville--Phohe {12 or 34 12 Simcoe St. South v. a ) INV | J NAP S08! Phone awa Waiting Room, 10 Prince St.-- REPAIRING WATCHES OUR SPECIALTY bu your Watch is not giving satisfaction we can repair and H : make it tell the correct time : D. J. BROWN. THE JEWELER | Official 'Watch. inspector for Canadian National and Oshawa Railroads. . 10 King st. W. a Phone 189