Oshawa Daily Times, 30 Mar 1929, p. 11

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hoi Gil it {THE OSHAWA DAILY TIMES, SATURDAY, MARCH 30, 1929 wt -- | | Who's Who and What's What in the Amusement World | Interesting Pen Impressions of the Coming At- "in the Desert" is } vo: a ; "The Wolf of Wall Street" | Great Powerful Drama 1 at 1 : prrp-- L J ty new drama of desert ice, shaped by the same hand hat, Th norial glory for ; alentino in "The comes to the New Martin Theatre Monday, J "Phe production is "Love in the Desert," directed by George Mei- ford for FBO with Noah Beery, Olive Borden and Hagh Trevor in the leading roles. It is here for a three-day stay. It was Melford who showed the way to the lamented "Rudy" in creating a role which remains as | sreatest in film history and trans-' forme. ob- d him overnight from an scure ;ledding man into the most brilliant star that ever flashed actoss. the cinematic sky, In "Love in the Desert," Mes ford takes a story elementally dif- ferent from "The Sheik" and agéinst the same brilliant back- grounds weaves it into sparkling and intriguing drama. Here the sheik proves the villain and Noah Beery gives to "the role all his sturdy talent for things unpleas- ant. Toa-match the Beery scowl, Olive Borden contributes her smile. As the daughter of a desert chieftain the charming little star sets for herself a. new mark of achievement. Never has her beauty been in more startling relief than against the background of harem luxury. Hugh Trevor, popular juvenile, is seen as a daring young English- man who becomes the sheik's riv- al for .the affection of the desert charmer. Others in the cast are Frank Leigh, Pearl Varvell Ida Darling Gordon Magee, Allan Ros coe and Fatty Carr. Thirty-six mining claims were staked in the district north-east of Lac 'La Ronge, in Northern Saskat- chewan, during January, indicating the interest taken in the mineral possibilities of that district. Vancouver capital is achieving potable success in developing the Hyder Lead property, immediately across the Alaska boundary from the YPremiér Mine. Massive ore in the vein now under development rung 80 ounces silver to the ton and 70 per cent lead. 3 \ "Newest Sahara Romance efk™ |. 1. picted in. HBO's T J # x vi ; 7 Figo "1s Fr Sci ating' There is. a fascination for most people in' the. great Sahara = desert .@nd fits people~--the Arab tribesmen who sullenly resist the steady advance of the white races into their domain, the hard-riding Bedouins and the. interpid pioneers and soldiers who face the des- ert's dangers of civilization. Much of this color and luring 'atmosphere is de- cted striking photoplay; "Love in the Desert,"" which comes to the New Martin Theatre on Monday with Olive Borden, 'Noah Beery and Hugh Tre- vor in the featured roles. in the cause HOOT GIBSON Who is now showing at the New Martin in "Burning the Wind". The Mexican revolutig is running business, but not "exactly a going concern.--Dayton Journal, q x DEAN miles of DEAN SINCLAIR LAIRD LAIRD'S SIXTH ANNUAL 21-DAY TOUR AcrossCanadas&Back 3340 From TORONTO including all expenses. Corresponding fares from other points. Leaving Toronto by speeial train via CANADIAN PACIFIC - Monday, July 22, 1929 En route you visit many important and interesting places, ' Seeing 600 ge dundtin Moutain Grandeur and World-famous Beauty Spots Banff, Lake Louise, Emerald Lake, Yoho Valley Motor Drives--Extensive sight-seeing trip on Banff-Windermerc lLighway. Steamer Trips--Kootenay Lake, Puget Bound, and across the Great Illustrated booklet giving full information can be had on application to Wm. Fulton, Assistant General Passenger Agent and G. Bruce Burpee, District Passenger Agent, C. P. R. Toronto, Ont., or to kes. Macdonald College P.O., Que. anit. f] IRISH TYPE FITS " ORIENTAL ROLES That diminutive Olive Borden is enabled to portray with' such' fidelity the role of an Arab beauty in "Love in the Desert," FBO of- fering at the New Martin Theatre, is due in part to the fact that she is of the "black Irish" type of loveliness. . Her brunette complex: ion, raven hair and perfectly molded features are admirably fif- ted for the characterization .of Lat- in or Oriental types on the screen and she has won high praise for her 'work . in the new picture, which -was = directed by George Melford. Noah Beery and 'Hugh Trevor are seen in the other lead- ing roles of an absorbing story laid in the Sahara country. Fry President Of C.A.H-A. Winnipeg, March 30--A propgsition that would prohibit professional hock- ey teams from signing young ama- teur. players under 22 years of age has been placed before the National Hockey. league, it was disclosed at the annual meeting of the Canadian Amateur Hockey Association,' which concluded here early' Thursday 'after noon, So far, it was explained by W. A. Fry, CAHA. president, the N.H, L. has-made no move toward coming to such an agréément with thé ama- teur authorities, but President Frank Calder seemed impressed with the idea, he thought, In return, the National Hockey league would be given the right to try out such amateurs as wished to at- tempt the professional sport, without the players losing their status. The idea in making such a proposal to the professional leaders, Mr. Fry stated, was to keep as many players under the C.A.H.A. banner as possi- ble. He pointed out that a number of players had signed pro contracts during the past two or three years and then failed to make good in lost so far as the amateur game was concerned, and were failures in the professional game, while in/ many To Oshawa It's Coming p 57 / ¢ Entertainment ' {MARKET PRICE FOR . -MONDAY . TUESDAY WEDNESDAY WHAT IS THE moneyed ranks. These players were | Left, George Bancroft and Baclanova in "The Wolf of 'Wall 'Right, George Bancrofi. Centre, Right, Noah "Beery. Desert." g SHAWA ' Theatre fans will see the fol- lowing ' artists' on the screen. during the first "part of next week. Street'. Olive Borden and Noah Berry. These stars will. be. seen in "Love in, the cases pro clubs were 'forced to pay them money. in accordance with con- tracts: entered: int, Mr. Fry said. Fry Aggin President William. A, Fry, of Dunnville, was re-elected. to the. presidency of - the association, while - J. 'W. Hamilton, Regina, Sask, was re-elected vice- president, The positions of secretary ahd registrar-treasurer having been made permanent Wednesday, F. H. Harples, Winnipeg, and H. A. Hew- itt, Toronto, were-elected to these positions, respectively; A finance committee, . which will have control oi alt the association's funds with (the 'exgeption of Allan cip play-off receipts, was named, consisting 'of 'President W, Ery, thé vice-president, J. 'W, "Hamilton, and Claude Robinson, Winnipeg, for many years an Allah cup trustee, The same men were named Allard cup trustees for the coming year. It is within reason to say that the mineralized areas 'surrounding the 'ricoh agricultural plateau 'and valley lands of Central British Col- umbia contain as much if not moreé valuable ore closer to railway trans- portation 'than any other known district. Now that this vast area aiid dynaiiite we' may confidently' = J ONG SHO om -------- FLICKERS FROM FILMDOM AND GOSSIP, OF THE SCREEN A GENERAL REVIEW OF SCREEN ACTIVITIES Edith Roberts, who grew up on the Universal lot, will return to her first love. She has been chosen as leading woman in Ken Maynard's first Universal picture, "The Wagon Master." Lon Chaney completed snow scenes, at Greenbay, Wisconsin, last week, and then left for Philadelphia and Baltimore, for additional at- masphieri¢ scénes" for "Thunder." William Nigh is directing the new picture, in which the Metro-Goldwyn-Mayer character star has the part of a railroad" engineer. s+ Nancy 'Carroll introduces the catchy song number, "I want to go Places and Do Things," in Paramount's all-talking production "Close Harmony." Frederi¢ 'March is Clara Bow's leadiig man in her first all-taking pic- ture for Paramount, "The Wild Party." Ruth Chatterton, Paramount niifor part in motion pictures. featured player, never has had. a Miss. Chatterton was a stage star. and ! i came to the'sereen as léading woman for Emil Jannings in "Sins of the Fathers." ! Anna May Wong seems to have made the hit of her career. in "Piccadilly," according to the London reviewers who credit the: Chinese- | 'Amherican siren and another Chinese, King Ho-Chang, with. the domin- ating performances of the Dupont production. King Ho-Chung. is at ! present unknown'in America, but the English critics seem. to think that his work in "Piccadilly," which is soon to be hrought to this side by World Wide Pictures, will induce American producers to get busy. ! "Fhe only outstanding Oriental on the American screen today in So-Jin. Ea v £5 Jury & Lovell | ~ Easter Novelties from 5c to $1.50 | 'Large Chocolaie Filled Eggs 1 75¢c $100 and $1.50 'Easter Boxes, each with a Greeting Card FAMERS "+=: Come in and see our +" Large Rabbits and Roosters isplay, ad Confectionery A EEE SEE RR SR Sa - Phone 2223 EE expect that in addition to those al- ready opened up many other mines will be operating, thus creating a greater home market for farm produce. The British Columbia Depart- ment of Mifies is planning to issue a quarterly bulletin to answer the numerous inquiries received at Vic- toria. This should be a welcome addition to the already extensive service rendered by the Department to the public and the mining in dustry of the province, Not many of us ever expected Elinor Glyn and Calvin Colidge to be head-liners for the same maga- zine.--Indianapolis News. Symbols of Wall Street Revealed The mystic symbols of Wall Street's ticker tape, the thin ribbon of poverty or riches, fortune or fail- ure, is mystic no more to the George Bancroft com- pany at the Paramount studios in Hollywood, For "The Wolf of Wall Street", Bancroft's current starring picture, a com- plete brokerage office tick- er installation was made in the set used for the open- ing sequence and now every one from the property boy to Rowland V. Lee, the di- rector, feels himself pre- pared to take over the di- rectorship of Dow, Jones and Company and the House of Morgan, The tickers were connected to a direct financial wire and operated within the studio just as is done in broker- age offices from coast to coast, "The Wolf of Wall Street" is a story by Doris Anderson, Paramount scen- arist, and Baclanova, Nancy Carroll, Paul Lukas, Paul Guertzman and Brandon Hurst appear in support of Bancroft. The picture opens Monday at the Regent theatre. ¥ ROLAND MATTE OF OTTAWA CONSIDERS LEAFS' OFFER Ottawa, March 30. -- Reports that Roland Matte, whose brilliant work for the Shamrock Junior Hockey club J of Ottawa played a large part in ad- vanging the team to the semi-finals for dominion honors this year, had signed with Toronto Maple Leafs, With a laugh and a sneer for trouble and a curse for a weak- ling, George Bancroft drives his way powerfully and effectively in his new starring Paramount pic- ture "The Wolf of Wall Street", which opens at the Regent theatre on Monday. The bars of Wall Street, "the most fascinating street in the world," are thrown down in this picture. Here we see the inner workings, the operation, the stock broker at his best--or worst. Para mount, ever alert to capture ox celluloid that which interests th man on the street today, has pro duced one of the finest pictures of the current cinematic season. With two-fisted virility, Ban croft portrays the "Wolf" of Wal Street. He is the unscrupulous, self-made, ruthless stock brokes who deliberately loses a fortune to keep his faithless wife and her lover from getting it. Intriguing to say the least. Bancroft's work in this picture further stamps the accomplished actor as the leader in gripping dramatic characteriza- tions, Bancroft is not without 'stellar support in his new picture, There are Baclanova, Nancy Carroll, Paul Lukas and Arthur Rankin to share honors with him. Others in the cast are Brandon Hurst, Crau- furd Kent and Paul Guertzman. Rowland V. Lee, one of Para- mount's famous directors; is re- sponsible for the film. Doris An- derson, Paramount. staff - writer, wrote the story expressly for Ban- croft, has been offered a two-year contract by the Toronto National League club, with a lucrative stipend, but as the Detroit and Montreal Canadien clubs also are angling for his services, his mind is far from made up, he said. Matte, on the eve of his fwenticth year, is a stellar defensive player and has the unusual quality of being able to handle a stick either right or leit, were denied Thursday night. Matte with equal facility. After the Show- DINE at the 'Waldorf Cafe 11 Simcoe St. North £ Souls Torn by the Fren- zied Passions of The Orient LOVE "Hoa 1395 3:0% Olive 1310) 388) Sh Fox The Drama of \ a Girl Who Scorned the Love of a Sheik. : The burning sun -- the fiery drama-- the fiery love of the orient in a flaming spectacle of war and romance on Sa- hara's sands--The impassioned story of a desert girl whose love surmounted the barriers of blood and bondage! ADDED--COMEDY--FOX NEWS

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