Oshawa Daily Times, 28 Mar 1929, p. 10

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who 8 unwell. a, _. Pascoe. and 11 Eh r of Taunton. spent nday at the home of Mr. an 5. H. L, Pascoe, Mr, and Mrs. John Hepburn visited Mr, and Mrs. H. James lg week. y rs. Wilkinson and daughter and Mrs. G. Crabtree, from 'Clark- son are visiting Rev. and Mrs. J. F. Clugston. The Ladies' Aid is holding thelr Jar monthly meeting at the home of Mrs. Robt. Sutherland on Wednesday afternoon. Mr. and Mrs. M. Cook spent Sunday and Monday in Toronto viging relatives. s. J. Hulbert is visiting Mr. andl Mrs. Wm. Dyer. Mr Ed. Tarves spent Sunday at home with his mother, Mrs. Tarves of (Ashburn. i Mr. R. Gilroy of. Toronto spent | cher. of Oshawa operating, At last d|er to Miss Ethel Wood, the bride- (nice refreshments were served. Hoitls in Po ) Friday, Dr, Stewart and Dr. Ar- reports he is getting along fine. ~Mr. and Mra. P. G, Purves are under the Drs care. Miss Edna Robinson is nursing them. Lt happy gathering on Tuesday even= ing when a large number assem- bled to give a miscellaneous show- to-be of Mr L. Hindman. An ad- dress was presented as follows: Dear Ethel: We, a' few of your old friends have gathered here tonight to do honour to you, We 1 you have been a faithful frind and worker in the Church and Sunday School. As. the years go by may you be blessed with happiness and pros- perity and. may yeur. thoughts from time to time turn back to your ' Columbus friends, - Wishing: you a bright and prosperous fut- ure, we ask you to 'accept. these smail' token of our good wishes. Miss Wood expressed her thanks in a suitable manner and the re- mainder of the evening was spent in' games .and music after which . HERE it is Pep Bran standard. The famous flavor of PEP with more crispness! More good- ness! More enjoyment and health« fulness than bran flakes ever had before! You've healthful bran. Kellogg's Pep Bran Flakes offer the nourishing elements of wheat. vitamins. And just enough bran for health! Great for children. Just try Made by Kellogg in London, Ontario. Sold in the red-and-green BRAN w--another i H teed Bran Flakes RTANT -- Kellogg's Pep Bran Flakes are mildly laxative, po NT a 100% bran and guarane to reliev in bran flakes. Kellogg's Flakes have set a new always liked the idea of these better bran flakes! + PEP e constipation. [ eT WEASLES CASES 1 DATA! 9 she has just lost very dear sister in Scotland. The sympathy of the community is extended to her, Luke. "Ra Sorry to say that there are sev- 'eral: more cases of measles in the district. It is to -be hoped that the closing of the school during the: | Easter vacations will help to check 'the spread of the disease. The Ladies' Aid. are holding their regular monthly meeting on yWednesday, March 27th, 'at the Sunday school. A full attendance is asked for as there are two quilts to be completed. + The attendance at Sunday school on March 24th was 67. sn enjoyed a solo given by Mr, S. Wiggins, Next Bunday is Easter Day'and there will be special ser- Vices for the day, also special mus- ic is being prepared, All hope for a large attendance. The Young People are making plans for their annual box social to take place in the mear future. Plans are also forming for the presenting of a drama soon. Mr, George Scott was home from Toronto over the week-end. Miss Betty Robinson spent the past week in Oshawa with her aunt. Miss Cora Hughes of Toronto was a guest last week with her aunt, Mrs. J. Elliott. Glad to report that Mrs. W. A. Scott's father, Mr. Horn, is much improved after his very svrivus illness, Miss Elva Mills a nurse-in- training in a Toronto hospital, was a guest at her home on Saturday. Mr. and Mrs, Stanley Bagg and family were recent guests. with ; Mrs. Bagg's parents in Brampton. Glad to say that Mr. R. Bennett is improving after his illnes, Miss Wilma taken.a position Motors. Stephenson has in' the General She has the best wishes 1 of her many friends. Mrs. O'Donnell has also accept- | ed a:position in the General Mo- tors, "PRAYER" IS TOPIC AT COURTICE W. M.S. A Special Service Will Be Held Friday Evening in the Church Courtice, March 25. -- Mis i pi Toranto, spent the 3 ya d at home and was also Miss Mabelle Walters. Ries of Rev. J. H, Stainton was in Toronto for a few days last week. Mrs. Stain- ton and Master Ronald visited at her mother's Mrs, Johnson, Whitby. Miss Mabelle Walters was one of the guests in Oshawa Saturday night at the surprise birthday party held at the home of Mrs. Richards in honor of her sister, Miss Birdie Dean, To- ronto, Thursday afternoon Mrs, Jackson ened her beautiful new h t: H the 'Women's Society Missionary Society when they held: the monthly meeting with Mrs, Jackson's group in charge. The presi ent, Mrs, Clarence Pen- found, presided and after opening with singing and prayer, the devo- "tional period was in charge of Mrs. A: J, Gay when she took up the theme of "Prayer," bringing out the different thoughts as follows: "What is prayer," "Who should pray," "How to pray, " "When to pray" "Where to pray." Passages of scrip- ture bearing on each thought as it was presented were read by members present and Mrs, Gay's talk 'was most helpful and inspiring. In the business part of the meeting it was decided to hold our quilting which was postpon= ed on the second Thursday in April. Readings on the missionary topic were given by Mrs, Petley, Mrs. A. E, Ruridle and Mrs. Jackson. After the meeting oranges and home-made can- dy; were served by Mrs, Jackson's group and a social hour enjoyed. rs. Jackson made everyone heartily welcome. i On this Good Friday evening every- ANN THING iprompmess g accurity and surety. # By W. H. Kam HE'S Got, . You J410,000,000 7 vill "WE DocToR. Ml SAYS HE'S GOT HEART DISEASE / A Young and old will benefit through qur i : efficiency. Prescriptions. « A¥%) SHINE UPON MY BROW TODAY - LIFE 1 FADING FAST and | one is invited to attend 'the service held in the Sunday School room, Last Saturday afternoon the C.G.LT, met at the €hurch and Miss Arnold gave an address to the Eis and a sing song from their C.G.LT, book was en- Joyed. Sunday morning service was not as largely attended as usual on account of the road conditions, Our pastor, Rev. J. H. Stainton, preached a won- derful sermon, forceful and pathetic and one long to be remembered by those who listened. The evening ser- vice was withdrawn as the roads were impassible, Service was held in Mr. Goodell's hall, West Courtice, Sunday evening as usual when Rev. A. M. Irwin, North Oshawa, preach~: and the Knox Presbyterian choir, Oshawa, rendered some very' fine mu- sic. The hall was filled. The meetings held there each Sunday evening are most successful and are well attended by the people in the community half mile west of Courtice. Mr. and Mrs. Archie Muir were at home to some of their friends on Fri- day evening. Mr. and Mrs.' Jack Hicks, Toronto, were recent guests of Mr. and Mrs, Jas. Shortt, 4 Mr. H. D. Harris, Detroit, and Mr. Art Black, Oshawa, were Sunday vis- itors at Mrs. Jas Shortt's, 1 Mr. and Mrs. S. S. Brooks, Misses Ethel, Aura and Mr. Ray, spent Sun- day in Toronto, with Mr. and Mrs. Marshal Soules who have just re- turned from a three weeks' visit in United States and Cuba. Mr. and Mrs. Brooks also celebra- ted their thirty-ninth wedding anni- vedsary Monday at Mrs. Soules. Mr. Ed. Osborne, Manitoba, is vis- iting relatives and friends in this vi- cinity. NEWSY NOTES FROM KEDRON VICINITY Women's Assocation Will Meet Next Wed- nesday Kedron, Mar. 26. -- Miss Nora Werry has returned from her trip to Toronto, Hamilton, and st. Catharines. sr The Women's Association wii hold its regualr monthly meeting at the home of Mrs, W. L. Mount- joy on Wednesday afternoon, April 3. 'Mr. and Mrs, John McGregor, Mrs. Campbell and. her daughter Marjory, and Misses Gladys Doan and Doris Stainton and Messrs. Dudley and Lloyd McGregor were 'the guests of Mr. and Mrs, F. W, Lee last Sunday evening. .. Mr. and Mrs, R. J. Luke and Miss Nora Werry visited Mr. and iMrs. A. L. Pascoe Solina, on Fri- day. Miss Nora Wery is intending to spend a few days with her niece, rs. Harvey McGill, at Enniskillen. 2,200 BACHELORS COMING TO CANADA London, March 28.--Arrange- ments were completed here today between the Overseas Settlement office and the Canadian railways whereby 2,200 young single men will be conveyed to Canada be- tween now and the middle of May. THe men, who have as yet had no preliminary training, will engage in farm work, 3 The British authorities are un- undertaking the whole financial responsibility for those unable to pay their own transportation and the stipulation was made that at least 75 per cent. of the number must be of the unemployed. HELPED DURING - MIDDLE AGE Woman Praises Lydia E. Pinkham's Vegetable Sarnia, Ont.--"T am willing to : Jetbers from ue or 'women, to ur, il 3 1 WUNROFRIER +. GAYE ADDRESS = (Continued from Page 3) greatly by the work of the chamber if co-operation was made the by- he declared. Mr, Grier enlarged his subject, pro- gressing from the local angle of cor operation and allegiance as maintain. ed by members the C. of C, to ot gecko bg supporting projects. He made mention of the thro the Chamber of of industries for the city. No Cause For Pessimism "It is obvious from your attitude to the Chamber of Commerce work that there is no cause for pessimism when it comes to acquiring new in- dustries for' the city," he said. "The riumber of industries will gradually grow when C. of C. work becomes more settled and when a few major matters of business at the present fire, are brought te a a patos the spel ep! , 'the speaker di- gressed but in such an admirable manner. that his subject became no less interesting. . He spoke of Ontario but distantly linked the idea of co- operation and allegiance to city and Chamber of Commegce' work with that same thing to the province, and incidentally to the Dominion and fin- ally to the empire. Pride in Dominion "Although. I am. not C FY 'he repeated," because we know that e acquirement Ce ' ful when we talk about our herirage| | and the stock from which we come, when we do- talk about it faoadians, 3.8 He ho are 1 vote of t Mayor Robert on Con- Preston sts n irman for the ing and | ii] fain esident in the "Chamber |' of Commerce for the coming year, in- troduced the speaker. Other entertainment icaturés in- cluded 'a one-act play entitled' "Ser- vice First" which was directed by Mr, and r of the Oshawa Little Theatre, Their work in preparing the play was ap- preciated to a great extent an at the conclusion of the play Mrs, Craig was presented with a basket of flow- ers on behalf of the Chamber. Mrs. Leone Wallace, who played a lead- ing part, also receiving a basket flowers, for its Appreciate in pre- paration of the C. of C. play. The play was written by Leon Frazer, secretary of the Chamber of Com- merce and presented in such a man- ner that many enlightening detans of Chamber of Commerge work were brought to light for the benefit of C. of C. members. For the presentation of the play}, an improvised stage was erected at one end of the banquet hall. The characters were splendid in the in- terpretation of their roles, The | roles 'were taken by Oshawa people] and were: Willie the office boy (Wil- liam Smith); Sadie, the stenographer, (Lean Wallace); Ketchum, the sec- retary, (Lou Austin); Percival, the new ber, (A. L. Tosland): and born, I have become so vitally inter- ested in Canadian ideas and Canadian principles that I am glad to be living in Canada," the speaker declared. He went on to ate the splendid possibilities of the Dominion, He pointed out the fine features of the country, stressing the great scenic effects which are pages of natural history from Canada's book. He be- came strongly enveloped in his sub- ject and allowed himself to discourse widely upon Canada's great drawing cards, her newness, her attractive- ness, and wealth in untouched nature which was, he said, a distinct feature of the country, A Great Heritage - He spoke of British citizenship as a great heritage, and the privilege of belonging to the British race as an honor. "We do not have to be care- Makum, the manufacturer, (W. M. Gilbert), The characterization was excellent and the cast was accorded a loud round of applause when the curtain descended to announce thé completion of the playlet. Thomas Hamilton, of Toronto, pre- sented in splendid style, his interpre- tation of Scotch songs and received merited applause. During the course of the di . ity singing was a feature, with George the piano. ty sing Henley at NO APPRECIATION Judge-- How many times have you been convicted before: Prigoner--F'ive yer honor, Judge -- Then I shall give you the maximum sentence. Prisoner -- Maximum? Dont regular customers get a rebate? Mrs. John Craig, directors} YA ss « Youll drink it again" Bridge Partners After 11 Years Play Only 20,054 Points Apart Boston, Mass, March 28--James G. Harris has played bridge for 11 years with three Medford friends, George H. Peckham, Waldo S. Man- son and Chester L. Whitaker. Harris and Peckham have always been part- ners against Manson and Whitaker. In the 11 years they have played nearly 2,250,000 points and the total difference in scores has been only 20,« 504 in fayor of Harris and Peckham, No altercations are recorded, but what Mr. Harris doesn't know amout Mr, Peckham and what Mr. Whitaker doesn't know about Mr. Manson and what anyone of them doesn't know about the whole bunch probably wouldn't be interesting. 1 Arvwarer Kent RADIO ELECTRO: DYNAMIC Such reception could never be attained by good luck. It comes from patient work in the Atwater F course you want an Electro- Dynamic set. Of course you 'swant it to be an Atwater Kent. ' Now you can have it--and in your choice of table model or console (completely Atwater as always, at the most mod- 'grate price for which fine radio sam be purchased. So elear, so rich, so true to life, 'so mueh better in every way, that swhen you hear this new Atwater Kent Electro-Dynamic you ask: Kent). Kent laboratory. thousands of trials----tests--=elime. inations--a striving for perfec- tion by a maker never satisfied It represents with anything else. Just try the new Electro-Dy- namic! Now enjoy the most satise fying reception 'you have ever MWill auyone ever be able to. heard. You can pay more--but | why should you? SEE AND HEAR THE ATWATER KENT RADIO AT Frank L. Walter Courtice, Ontario Phone Oshawa 180 r 3, mazke a finer set?" John Meagher Radio Sales Phone 2380

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