dha d C ® Sa <@ p E 3 c 4 WR | MRL DIKE QP XE XG EDL LPP X IK & IA Vi e FX MN LOREAL 2 Ke MBLEMFLMEL GFX pee + WENTY SIX THE OSHAWA DAILY TIMES, FRIDAY, MARCH ZZ, 1929 a - enings Ba Afternoon and Evening For spring afternoons, an excellent choice is a green crepe suit with in-the back t of both the circular skirt and coat. The blouse silver, cherry red and green print, with a silver girdle. With a stun- ning flesh chiffon evening gown with crystal bodice and a that trails pinks clouds of chiffon glory--a jewelry ensemb ring, bracelet and belt buckle of square emeralds set im crystals. raceful skirt of choker, "22: LINGERIE SITUATION Bet § | ' i | ¥ fe BRIEFLY, IS BRIEF It's a slim and scam, :0unda- tion on which the young modern rs builds her smartness for spring! A foundation involving little cloth . and lots of comfort. Perhaps she has rushed the season a bit in W= adopting it, since the brevity of it hardly matches up with the gal- Te rw EE SISA RY Youn rg EET ERY TES PYRE eY Es BE a in deo ETRE CERT hgiud es) Gi Lod, 0d oR en A wings A ee FA ED TN PO SA TI PETTY oshes that still impede her. But 'what else hight one expect--when she's been wearing new spring frocks these many weeks, some mctually demanding changes in the fingerie plan? The young modern again agrees to the diea of a restraining gar- ment snug lines are smart lines, you know) but rebels at extra bulk. So she frequently chooses a foundation like the one sketched of satin or brocade, in which a bandeau is included--making one thing less to hook or button. The modern's new bloomers ore brief, as brief as little panties, stopping many inches above the knees. Scanty, saucy, smart--des- cribes them, X GOLD AND WHITE Nothing is lovelier for evening right now than gold and white. A brocaded georgette has an all- over design in fine gold flowers like dots against a lattice work of very very fine gold threads. It is made with gold shoulder straps and gold flowers at both sides of the hips. When. you set about your hunt for spring fabrics for your new spring wardrobe, we hope you en- joy it as much as we did our recent jaunt through the stores of the town. In the first place, we could not help but marvel at the new ways and means that fashion uses colors in the glorious new silks, that look for all the world like a lovely sum- mer garden in full bloom. Gorgeous and gay, they are . . . and in such lovely and unexpected color combinations, Fabrics are Glorious If we are any guessers, you will enjoy selecting these fabrics almost as much as we enjoy passing the good word along to you. However, words cannot do them justice. They must be seen in all their glory to fully appreciate them. But it might not be amiss to tell you just the sort of things that the mode has deemed her favorites. For instance, according to all the latest information from Paris, ador- able little frocks with hip-length jackets are much in favor. These are smartest when they are developed from any of the smart silk prints, either in chiffon, georgette, rosh- anara, flat crepe, 'satin or crepe de chine. The majority of the stores about town are fully prepared to meet the demand that is already being felt in all the silk and yard goods sections. Tuck-In 'Blouses Appear Ensembles for spring, as well as tailored suits, are favoring little tuck-in blouses, much in the manner of those worn by the male of the species. These are stunning when they are very tailored of silk faille, crepe de chine and satin in flesh, pale green, beige, light blue. or white. Then there are the ensembles to please the woman who loves color in her spring wardrobe. There are brilliant printed silks in glorious reds, green, yellows, blues and smart combinations of these colors with black. Stylists tell us that yel- lows are very important for spring. There are some lovely materials to be had in this striking color or in beautiful color combinations , . . yellow predominating. Colors on Monotones White prints on monotone pastel BE FAIR TO YOUR FROCKS They Deserve PARKER Skill and Care *\, When your frocks need cleaning select a really "experienced and scientific cleaner, The results There is an amazing It may not be so apparent just at 'are more than worth it. difference. first, but examine the details. With a Parker cleaning comes careful spot. ting, absolute cleanliness, perfect pleating and every little thing attended to. gasoline method the fabric is given new life and the whole dress refreshed and renewed. It will stay clean longer and hang better, Next Time Call PARKER'S By the clean Be Sure Your Clothes are Cleaned ~~ For Easter. PARKER'S Any Dyeing? We have all the new colors. Wouldn't you like a dress dyed? spring DYE WORKS LIMITED Cleaners and Dyers 434 Simcoe St. S. Phones 788-789 Live Out-of-Town Just send in your parcel. Tt will be attended to at city prices and returned carriage paid. ground strike another interesting note in the fabrics for spring. The very first to reach our shores from France showed designs of toile de Jouy inspiration, while others, more recent, and equally smart, feature various designs like large branches of leaves, or smaller effects. The soft and fluttery chiffons that are synonymous with spring differ this year in that they are being shown in large flower de- signs done in a fascinating modern technique, with a subtle, shaded ef- fect. These are simply the last word in frocks for semi-forma) and after- noon occasions. In many of the smartest new jmports, little printed chiffon frocks, with hip-length lace jackets, are attracting no end of interest. They are easily made, too, since they are very simply fashioned unlined and collarless, Cotton Again Important Since cotton played such an im- portant part in the wardrobe of every fashionable woman who went south this winter, we are all in- clined to believe that it will be un- usually important for spring. BIGAMY AMONG BIRDS IS FOUND Feathered Creatures Rank Among Noblest Forms of Life on the Earth Birds rank among the noblest forgns of life upon this planet. They are the only living creatures that share with us the joys of both flight and song; and birds have been flying for about three million years, while some of us have not flown yet. The interest in birds constantly 'grows. One day we hear that the Norbeck bill which provides ' government sanctuaries for migratory birds has passed the Senate of the United States. Next we hear that the Anderson bill for the same purpose has been intro- duced into the House of Represen- tatives by the committee on Agri- culture, . If every friend of the birds would write or telegraph to his or her "Tues ie and urge him to push that billlit would cer- tainly pass, even thotigh the pres- ent session is short and crowded with business. *Now we hear that the President of the United States has made a special trip to Florida to dedicate a bird sanctuary, and that ten thousand people had gathered to listen to his address. The song and flight of birds interest us, but none of their attributes excites our curiosity more than what may be termed their conjugal relations, which seem so like our own, Most birds apparently are con- tented with one mate while engag- ed in rearing a family, but this is not the case with some species and among others as in humankind we find individual exceptions to the rule. I hesitate to do anything to in- jure the reputation of the crow, for he is black anyway and that is the color of evil, and he has been traduced and vilified enough al- ready, but the fact is that in some cases there is a little irregularity in his family relations. Years ago I noticed that often when I found a crow's nest there were three crows complaining of my intrusion. At the time I thought that the third crow was a male from some nest nearby. Then, I learned that oc- casionally two sets of eggs were found together in the one nest, one set being differently marked than the ot¥er and hatching later. Then a friend in Connecticut wrote that three crows were seen to feed young crows in one nest. Then a scandalous tale came from the classic shades of the Back Bay in Boston, A few wise crows have learned that people do not carry shotguns there and that there is a plentiful supply of pigeons' eggs, sparrows' eggs and young birds oa which to fatten young crows. So in 1919 a crow's nest was built by three crows on Commonwealth Av- enue, in a shade tree on the mall, where their proceedings could be watched by all the neighborhood, While two labored at the nest build- ing the other stood guard on a chimney top. When the two des parted the othe came down from the chimney and arranged things at the nest to his own satisfaction. The eggs were incubated by one at a time while the others "played around" together. Ag all crows look alike fo us we do not know whetherthere were two. males or two females+in the trio. Prohably there were two males. The: sec- ond may have been merely a friend of the family, or perhaps a "star boarder." We now have records of similar cases among house wrens and tree swallows. In_one case there were two females with two nests, two families, and only one male, and in another two males, one nébt, and one family, Accord- ing to our standards these appear to be clear cases of bigamy, and at last accounts the criminals were still at large. Years ago when enormous flights of Eskimo curlews roamed over the two American continents, they, to- gether with great flocks of golden plovers, came up in the gpring from South America, crossed the Gulf of Mexico and passed up through the Mississippi valley to the barren Dressy Feminine Models Are Shown at the Spring -- from Club Bags Over 100 to choose from, in tan, black and russett. Prices from $1.25 to $50 Initials free Aeorpacks A wardrobe hat box for the new tempo of travel. Priced $9.50 to 'Oshawa Luggage Fancy Leather Goods & Novelties Repairing on Club Bags and Suit Cases neatly and promptly done. of prices. Easter Handbags A large assortment of the very newest styles, both in pouch and en- velope, with the new bone tops and back straps. A popular range « Ladies' Hat Boxes Square and round. Priced from Initials Free to $25 We are Agents for $30 to $175 INITIALS FREE Hartmann Wardrobe Trunks Prices from Suit Coat Cases $1.25 to A Initials Free Umbrellas $1.25 t0 $8 Harness, Harness Parts and Sundries - Repairing Neatly and Promptly Done. SAYWELL & SON 19 Bond Street West Cases A very large and new assortment. Phone 338 grounds of northern Canada, where they bred. In the fall they return- ed to South America by way of Labrador and the Atlantic ocean. The flight over the sea to the coast of Brazil was a long and trying one. How were the birds able to make it without finding food on the way? Possibly in calm weather some could alight and feed on patches of floating seaweed. But before they left Labrador all fed on curlew ber- ries and snails until they were very fat. When they they reached Bra- zil a few days later they were thin. The fat stored up in Labrador had served like food to sustain them on their way. Bobolinks fly to the - Atlantic coast, where they grow fat on the seeds of wild and cultivated rice, wild oats and reeds, and then start off from Florida on their way to South America. This is the only feasible way in which they can pro- vide against. the waste of tissues due to. the prolonged exertion of ex- tended flight over seas. It may be, however, that the up- land plover carries an extra supply 'of food in another way. Professor Beyer tells us that when these birds have crossed the Gulf of Mex- ico in their spring migration, and have arrived in Louisiana, many of them when shot are found to have thers of their sides. Doubtless these birds eat snails, but how the snails get under their feathers we do not know. I have seen only one ace count of a bird putting food under the feathers on its sides. A blue jay was seen to pick up numbers of ants and stow them there. It then flew away with them. Most small birds when gather- ing for for their tender young, stow it in their capacious mouths, gul- lets or stomachs. At first the young are fed by food thrown up from the stomachs or gullets Of the parent birds, and often partial. ly digested; later insects are car- ried to the young in the mouth or the bill of the parents. Eagles, hawks and owls carry their prey usually in their claws. Shrikes use either bill or claws, and sometimes, when their load is heavy, they use both.. Most of the sea birds carry food in their bills to feed their young. The pelican is provided with a great pouch under its long bill in which to store and carry food. If it ever got this pouch filled probably it could not fly, but when feeding its young it is sup- posed to carry most of the food in little snails tucked under the fea- |: its gullet. An old chronicler once wrote: "The pelican is the loving- est bird that is, for she feedeth her young on her heart's blood." Prob- ably he had seen a young pelican shove its beak and head into that capacious pouch and down its mo- ther's meck, and come out with something bloody which it had found there, for young pelicans get their food by exploring their mo- ther's interior. Corals and Sun-Tan Pearls Featured Necklaces are the most important feature of the costume jewelry count- er. Next to them come bracelets, which are very important both for dress and sports wear. Happy the woman who has a string of coral in her family treasure chest. No matter what the color, length or kind of coral she may wear it with confidence, sure of being in fashion. Coral beads of every size, the old- fashioned branched coral which we used to regard so indifferently, coral brooches, carved bracelets and ear- rings are all appearing on the spring jewelry counters, Perhaps the red coral both the oxblood and the light- er shades of red, is the most popular for the moment, but white and pink coral are offered as highly desirable. In line with the moment's devo- tion to sunburn and sun-tan color- ings, sun-#n jewelry is now an im- portant item of the spring or t \ UNMATCHED COSTUMES The ensemble for spring is Iike- ly to have its coat not to match its frock. They may have the same or blending color tones, with the frock silk and the coat woolen, or they may both be of the same fabric but different colors that complement each other, display. Sun-tan pearls, large and small, in perfectly found beads or large oval ones, are shown for wear with costumes of these shades or to match gloves and stockings in sun- tan, The pearls in this tone are quite lovely and very becoming to many people, Pearls have returned to popularity for evening wear, and among the newest importations seem to be more in favor than paste or crystal. Riv- aling them for evening popularity are the necklaces of red paste or crystals which are made up often with small white crystals. Pearl necklaces are made up with rhinestones, crystals, colored jewels or alone, and are of 'various lengths, according to the If the sweet grass basket loses its fragrance and seems just like any ordinary basket, dip it in boil- ing water. It will bri delicate odor. Hing back the If you rip out part of the hem of your skirt, sit down and mend it before you catch your heel in the loosened place and have a nasty fall. Mutton will be lovely and ten- der if it is spread with a little fat and then dredged with floyr before putting it into the oven. Then roast as usual. style of the wearer and the gown. No guess work. Automa Look Your Best For Easter! Get your Permanent Wave at the Betty Lox We have enlarged our ¥: to take care of our large increase in business. Machine Waving done by expert operators. Try Our New Shelton Tube Wave Also running our $5.00 and $7.50 waves as usual, with one finger wave free. 86 Simcoe St. N.