Oshawa Daily Times, 21 Mar 1929, p. 2

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ng to the re entomb- Jamp Coal dred men icials said find their ings when re believed le workers niles from tions, y shift of said there , witnesses : near the r, 21.--0fe r H. Glass f the Kin. sus, Pa., in today. m the act ine a mile where the They said re was an J ., 21.-~The vas informe of the 300 result of nassus had ely through jecretary of information opeful that } would be y casualties king in the e explosion. red in the vas visited | committee conditions rn Pennsyl- 10 mine and ded the ade r the explo- ated a mile ssus on the orted recove n-ripped pit t. This re ed here ds ld not be work on the when iad aa PAGE TWO Le HO0000000C » COURT OF REVISION CONFIRMS BASIS OF FARM ASSESSHENTS Allows Sliding Scale of Fx- emptions Based on Location of Property FARMERS TO APPEAL Several Property Holders Say Assessment Too Greatly Increased (By Staff Reporter) Wiiitby, March 21--The Court of |! Revision yesterday confirmed =the assessment of farm property within the municipality upon the basis of the assessor's valuation of the land and the valuation * of buildings as placed by thé farmers' comittee. The Court also adopted a sliding scale of exemption, allowing from one to ten mills off the tax rate for property inconveniently located and without local improvements, Property. situa- ted along the Kingston highway will | The Whit ertising, subscriptions and will be received at the Whitby Office, Dundas Street, Ady " a elephone 434 al post office.~T REPRESENTATIVE -- JAMES HOLD not be given any tax exemption on account of its increased value. A number of members of the farm- ers' committee including Joseph Mit- chell, F. Howard Annes, Ex-Mayor John Bateman, F, M. H. Irwin, and others were present at the session of the court. Several farm propérty holders were of the opinion that the Court's action provided too large an increase in the assessment of farm property and have stated that they will enter appeals to the Judge, The Court of 'Revision included Mayor Levi W. Dudley, Reeve J. M, Kenny, Deputy. Reeve C. E. Bowman, Coun- cillor Robert Deverell and Councillor |! Wm Davidson, : The action of the Court substitutes for five-year agreement with the far- mers which was renewed in 1923 and expires this year. Under the for- mer arrangement the town council adopted the assessment recommended by the farmers and farm property was taxed for the general rate and for no debentures, other than con- solidated debentures issued since While the new assessment will provide an increased revenue of ap- proximately $1,200 it is claimed that whereas the assessment of ordinary property has been doubled and in cases tripled, during the past twenty years, the assessment of farm lands has remained the same. BIBLE SOCIETY ANNUAL (By Staff Reporter) Whitby, Mar. 21,--Rev. Dyson THE OSHAWA DAILY TIMES, THU Les : DOE | mas vacation, who desired to tell Times NOOO0O0 DOOOOO SOOO Hague, noted Anglican) rector of Toronto, is addressing the local branch of the Canada Bible Socie- ty at its annual meeting being held in the Baptist Church tonight. A splendid program has been prepar- ed and a, large attendance is ex- pected. DRAMATIC CLUB OF LADIES' COLLEGE PRESENTS PLAYS One Act Comedy and Three Act Drama Prove Entertaining (By Staff Reporter) Whitby, Mar, 21.--Two splendid plays, "The Ghost Story" a comedy in one act by Booth Tarkington, and "Three Pegs," a delightful 3- act drama, were presented by the Dramatic Art Club of the Ontario Ladies' College in the college audi- torium last night. The actors in both plays gave a fine interpreta- tion of their various roles and evi- dence of genuine talent, "The. Ghost Story" concerned the amusing venture of George, a uni- wversity student home for the Christ- as well as low prices On Our Shelves You Will Find Food Products @® Noted for Quality-~-and at Prices that Offer SUBSTANTIAL SAVINGS Prices Effective March 22nd to 27th Inclusive Do your Week-end Shopping Friday or Early Saturday-- WE CLOSE AT 6 P.M. a) eA @ satisfying Cup of Full Flavor and Rich Aroma. Extra Special, Ib. « » » 39 Note These are Tall Tins--a Real Special for 27¢ -- "Keep that 0} Girl Com- i JAM i 410. pail §3J¢ i SPECIAL! Red Cohoe SALMON PALM OLIVE SOAP 3 Cakes for 23C | 3 Small Bars No. 1 EATON'S TEAS are distinctive In flavor and outstanding value--try a pound, EATON"S Jelly Powders Have the real flavor of frult 47 25c¢ &atonia Chocolate Bars A Wholesome Treat for the Kiddies-- ou too i 23¢ 1b. ) ) ) ~ $3: CIRCLE, S. PICNIC : HAMS $7 Without Shank sz : LA oC Size Tin for 10g |Perib. = - = Ripe Bananas 25c doz. Extra Specials for This Week Only! NIAGARA KIST RASPBERRY Aylmer Brand Sweet Pitted Cherries In Heavy Syrup 10c SPECIAL! Choice Marshmallow BISCUITS Weston's Tasty Biscuits with Marshmallow, Chocolate Coated Per 21c Ib. PETER PAN RICE Makes Nutriti uted ous Soups or 9c TELRBVBVVBBVBRBRBRBRY SPECIAL fAssunc anne 4 DELIVERY i . 3 Deliveries Daily i Phone 2400 ~ \ =) #T. EATON C2. ORDER OFFICE Take full advantage of the many. cata A LA a or th , and will filled Yoronto ror ons Brormation you AA EATON ROLE ER A STORE HOURS 9 o'clock to 6 Daily RSDAY, MARCH 21, 192% ---- something of great importance to Anna, a girl whom he had admired for a long time. Miss Margaret Reld, as George, took the leading part, and made a very anxious and ardent lover, while Miss Ruth Ed- gar acted as the innocent and une suspecting Anna. The parts of the friends were well taken as follows: Mary, Dorothea Ditchburn; Grace, Thomasine Arnold; Lennie, Bessie McBride; Tom, Lil Arnold; Floyd, Margaret Rogers; Lynn, Dorothy Bass; Fred Madaline Yeomaus, Kate, Nora Benson. Pathos and humor were mingled in the refreshing little play "Three Pegs," by Alice Willlams Chapman. Irene Hart fulfilled a difficult rue as the high-strung Aunt Euphelia and won applause with her clever acting, Olive Bird was the digni- fled but kind-hearted Miss Emily Weston. Claudia Engholm was the first "Peg" Marguerite, Aunt Eu- phelia's flapper niece, was personi- fied by Marjorie Dunn, while Kay O'Nefll played the part of the lov- able "Peg." Audrey Dickinson, as Mrs, Conti was a true type of well meaning foreign woman while Ma- bel Waddel acted the part of Mrs, Barclay. Margaret Kidd and Nina Edwards as Sarah and Lizzie, the Irish maids, added comedy to the play with their bright humor and sparkling Irish wit expressed in a brogue which might do eredit to anyone from Cork. At the conclusion of "The Three Pegs' all the actors gathered upon the stage and presented the direc- tor, Mrs. Adams, teacher of elocu- tion and the drama, with a beau- tiful bouquet of roses. Flowers were also presented to Misg I, Cole, honorary president of the Dramatic Club, and Miss Irene Hart, secre- tary. PEOPLE OF WHITBY (By Staff Reporter) Whitby, Mar, 21,--Whitby peo- ple, particularly residents of Port Whitby, are interested in the an- nouncement of the Williams Plano Co., of Oshawa, that it will launch small pleasure boats, known as "sea fleas" in the local harbor on Saturday, April 6, GIVE SHAKESPEARE PLAY (By Staff Reporter) Whitby, Mar. 21.--The Kings- ton Players, well known operatic company, are presenting Shakes- peare's immortal comedy, 'The Merchant of Venice," in the town hall, next Friday night. H. A. Kingston, owner and manager of the company, takes the role of Shy- lock. Bowmanville Daily Times ¥ EOE D LOCAL ARTISTS WIN FANE IN TORONTO Miss Gwendolyn Williams and Miss Jane Mason Win Laurels (By Staff Reporter) Bowmanville, March 20--Two Bow- manville artists have been in the lime-light in Toronto this week, namely, Miss Gwen Williams and Miss Jane Mason. Miss Williams was accompanist for John Goss, em- inent English baritone who gave a re- cital in Toronto Conservatory on Tuesday evening, The Toronto Globe critic in writing of the recital in to-day's paper speaks in the most superlative way of Mr. Goss' won- derful voice and his understanding mastery of every song he sings and also says, "Add to these points the fact that he had the assistance of two of the finest accompanists in Canada, Gwendolyn Williams and Dr. Healy Willan; that Mme, Jeanne Dusseau lent her beautiful voice and art to his duet numbers,--and one can eas- ily understand why the audience had such a good time that it was almost disorderly in its clamor for encores." Mr. Goss also showed his apprecia- tion of Miss Williams' playing at the conclusion of his greatest song by reaching across the piano and shak- ing hands with her. : iss Jane Mason, whose picture appeared in today's Mail and Empire as leading lady in "Honeyboy", has also been gaining mew laurels, Ref- erence was pi, in Wednesday's Times to the Toronto press notice given Miss Mason. Bowmanville is justly proud of these two clever young ladies, BOWMANVILLE BRIEFS (By Staff ) Bowmanville, March 20. -- At a meeting of the Bowmanville Soldiers' Club it was decided to hold the Vimy Ridge dinner at the Bowman House on Tuesday evening, April 9th, It is hoped that all returned mén will turn out on this special occasion, On Tuesday evening, Mar. 19th, Rt. Wor. Bro, W. J. Bragg, D.D.C.M. Ontario District, paid his official visit to Durham Lodge No, 66, Newcastle, accompanied by V. Wor, Dist. Sec. Thomas Annison, Wor. Bros, Comstock, E. H. Brown and F. F Morris, also twenty brethren of Jeru- salem Lodge AF. AM, Visitors were also present from other neigh- boring lodges, there being in all about 120 at the meeting. > After the work had been splendidly .| exemplified, an appetizing supper was served at which the usual Masonic toasts were honored. Fine music was provided by the Orono orchestra and there was also SouuunilY, singing. Wor. Bro. T. F. Branton, W.M., pre- sided. The 'meeting closed with the singing of Auld Lang Syne. The death occurred on Wednesday, March 20th, of a former resident of Bowmanville in the person of Jane Ruth Mitchell, widow of the late Robert Adair, in her 87th year. The late Mrs, Adair passed away at the home of her daughter, Mrs. J. C Hancock, Newcastle." from which place the funeral will be held on Fri- day, March 22nd to Bowmanville cemetery. CONFUCIANISM 18 TOPIC AT ST, PAUL'S MISSION SOCIETY Mrs. G. Mason Gives Inter esting and Instructive Address (By Staff Reporter) Bowmanville, March 20.--~The regu- lar meeting of St. Paul's Women's Missionary Society was held at the home of Mrs, Carruthers, Queen St., on Tuesday afternoon at which there was a good attendance, the President, Mrs. Wm. Adams, presiding, After- noon tea was served by the hostess after which the regular business was disposed of. Mrs. Best reported that Mrs. Ross, who is home from Honan, China, would give an address at the Easter Thank-offering meeting which will be held at the regular Sunday evening service in St. Paul's church on March 24th, The society decided to co-operate with the W.M.S. of Trinity Church in whatever arrange- ments were made by the committee for the Conference branch meeting next year. Mrs. Lunney and Mrs, Chase expressed the thanks of the Mission Band for the treat given them by the older society at their recent meeting. Mrs, Brown read the Easter message as contained in the Missionary Monthly and Mrs. C. Murdoff read an interesting article relating to educational missions of the United church in Chentu, showing the wonderful strides made in nurs- ing, kindergarten, college and univer- sity work, Mrs. J. L. Morden read an article dealing with the recent inter- view given by Prof. Chen Huan Chang to R. ¥. Knowles, Toronto, in reference to Confucianism. This was followed by a most interesting' and instructive address by Mrs, (Rev.) George Mason on Confucianism which we would like to give in its entirety but can only mention a few points touched, Mrs. Mason wished in no way to belittle Confucianism but spoke of how it went just so far. They believe in God, but notin Christ as being divine, To them He is a son of God ust as we are all chil- dren of God; an excellent teacher and splendid example, but not divine. Another thing, their religion has not love such as the Christian zeligion has. For instance, they have nothing that would prompt such an expedi- tion as was recently made Li Captain Maxwell who went to the aid of Rev. G. Morrow: Neither is there anything in their religion for women, Mrs. Ma- son stressed the fact that when mis- sionaries go into non-christian coun- tries, the lives they lead. and their actions day by day have far more effect on the natives than the spoken word and said how necessary it was for all to live the Christ-like life in order to gain the best results, An early spelling of Kiddermin- ster is Chideminstre, and it means the monastery or monastery church of Cydda. Evidently the town stands on ground where once was am onastery founded and built by some prominent man of the name of Cydda. ; to buck you up Sales Agents : Harold P. Ritchie Co. Led, Toronto Fren "dR ns TINE. | OSHAWA FOLKS By W. H: Karn WHEN I GETRICH| GETS MY | WHAT A FLL THROW THAT] NANNY /BEAUTIFUL CAWN/ { 7 [J AW'T IT? ER=BVERY SUNDAY MORNING | GET SABBATH MORNINGS )UP BRIGHT AND EARLY TO ISTER JONES TAKE A LONG WALK. TAKES WiLL POWER THOUGH! TAKES {= Will. POWER, / sem ) SH ZAEET ME AT KS ; ), av 3 : ¢)i Will-power must have a background of inspiring health. Our accuracy in fill'ng prescriptions makes it certain that your Doctor's tonic will be of the right strength, KARN THE DRUGGIST FOR SERVICE PHONE 378. NEXT THE POST OFFIO CREDIT as you like it You do not pay for credit here. When you have a charge account at this store, you can have all the stylish clothes you want at regular cash prices and yet take many months to pay. Beautifully styled, splen- didly made. The smartest combinations of the season. & LADIES' NEWEST Suits-Ensembles $24.50 A wide range in all popular colors. > Stunning New Charming dresses for the all popular models, gay activities of Spring. AQ 08 tremendous assortment in MEN! 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Phone 308 - CREDIT TERMS | EE] Hous of Stone rrr, BRS 10835 ETE Tea I REAL LK LET AEET EERE Oars CREF IAEA TW PARA 2 DAREN ARS gaan received by ficient peri removal to FUNER 10 (Conti the Allied i Great War, simple bed room of h ViStony and an coding triu: the courtys soldier's ho "Parisians

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