Oshawa Daily Times, 21 Mar 1929, p. 16

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TEEN v ST ken nent == sionally itnesses d to in- ACE JOON Gar orld - ir Wood » D. Se- ; ationally ace this 1 speed rst day's Miami pit his ca VII" ingland" PAGEL is diy THE OSHAWA DAILY TIMES, THURSDAY, MARCH 21, 1929 Bellevile--Harry Titterson, Chat- terton, operating a buzz saw today had his hand caught and the fingers were so badly mangled that two fin- _ gers had to be amputated. Fire Origin Unknown Campbellford--A fire of unknown origin completely destroyed the house be i contents of Victor Hay, farmer who resides about one mile south of this town. ; Fire Destroys Home Gananoque.--~In a fire which broke out about 2 o'clock yesterday morn- ing, the frame dwelling owned and occupied by Walter Dimmoch, situat- ed on the northern outskirts of the town was totally destroyed. Arena Locked Up Kingston--The Jock Harty Arena was yesterday afternoon locked up for the season, with all the necessary minor repair work and cleaning-up peing finished, The two inches of ice were fast disappearing today. To Clean Up Town Deseronto--The town council has decided that a clean-up week be put on before the end of May and that the council clean up and paint the municipal properties as an example to the townspeople. Diamond Wedding Lindsay--The diamond wedding of Mr. and Mrs. John Copp, of Fenelon Falls, parents of W. J. Copp and Mrs. W. Cresswell, of Peterborough, was celebrated a few days ago. Hanged Himself Pembroke -- The body of Robert Caughey, blacksmith, was found hanging from a beam in his shop here. He had tied the rope to a beam fixed the noose and stepped off a chair, Won Many Prizes Lindsay.--Mrs. Robert Bruce Hart, of Toronto, but formerly of Lindsay, won a gold megal-and 16 first prizes for dietitian work in competition with 900 others at Niagara Falls, N.Y. Taking Air Trips Lindsay -- The people of Fenelon Falls had an opportunity. this week of taking their first trip in the air as a result of the visit of the air- ildrens Colds Checked without "dosing." Rub on Vie "EASTERN ONTARIO NEWS plane G. Catz, of Petérborough. The machine was in charge of W. N. Mil- ler, pilot, and W. E. Preston, me- chanic. Qrange Convention Carleton Place.--Nothing of'a contentious nature came before the Orange Grand Lodge of On- tario East at its opening session hefe yesterday. City Tweasurer Dies Belleville. -- One of Belleville's leading citizens passed away in the General hospital, in the person of E. P. Frederick, city treasurer, He was born in Belleville 63 years ago and educated here. Tourists in Town Brockville. -- Indications that the tourist season is not far away were apparent by the presence in town of two motoring parties, one car bear- ing an Ohio license and the other a Michigan number. Probing Death Brockville, -- County Crown-At- torney M. M. Brown yesterday or- dered an investigation into the death of Frederick Graham, of North Crosby- township, who died in New™ro on Saturday last. Strengthened Ice Kingston -- Fhe frost on Monday night strengthened the ice from Kingston to Wolfe Island to such an extent that horses were brought across on Tuesday, and ice cutting operations were in progress. Take Convent Vows Peterboro'.--The impressive cer- emony of reception and profession was held at Mount St. Joseph here yesterday, when a number of young women took the vows and entered the convent. \ Enjoy Firemen's Ball Kemptville.--The largest gather- ing ever assembled at a single en- tertainment in this village met last night in the I.0.0.F. hall, when seven hundred people attended the Kemptville firemen's fourth annu- al ball. Holstein Men Organi Peterboro -- Another forward step for the betterment of livestock breeding in this county was taken when a number of representative Holstein breeders of the county met in the office of the Department of Agriculture on George street, and de- cided to form a Holstein breeders' VER 21 MILLION JARS USED YEARLY club for the County of Peterborough. Housecleaning Now while there is still some heat on in the house and before house- cleaning is completed, is the ideal time to have your new hardwood floors laid. We are prepared to refer you to floor-layers who are making a specialty of this work and who are handling the best on the market, namely, SATIN FINISH HARD- WOOD FLOORING. We have the flooring stock, kept in prime condition. Just telephone us and we will have a man come and give you an esti- mate on the time it will take, the cost, and he will also be able to sub- mit samples to you. .Oshawa Lumber COMPANY, LIMITED 25 Ritson Road North Phone 2821 - 2820 itself in BUY GENERAL PHONE 262 HEAT YOUR HOME THE DIXON WAY FOR ECONOMY HARD WOOD BLOCKS A Heaping Big Truck Load of Good, Dry, and Uniforms Wood For Just $9.00 Which Is $5.00 Cheaper Than A Cord Of Any Other Hard Wood. All Small Blocks Are Being Taken Out Of The Above Loads And Sold In Truck Loads For $3.50. Limited Quantity. Dixon Coal Co. MOTORS || who lives with her daughter, Mrs. J. C., Mahoney and Capt. Mahoney, 196 Ordnance street, celebrated her nine- ty-sixth birthday on Monday, many of her friends calling to offer their congratulations. Invitations Sent Out Gananoque--Over 2,700 invitations to the Gananoque Old Boys' and Girls' Re-union, to be held Aug. 2 to 10 this year, have been mailed from Mayor Wilson's office and more will follow later as names of former resi- dents continue to be received. Cars Collide Belleville -- An accident between two cars took place near the Country Club in which both cars were con- siderably damaged. Mrs. Fiddick, Brighton, was cut by flying glass and was badly shaken up but otherwise uninjured. . Large Walk Expected Marmora--Arrangements are being proceeded with in connection with the County Orange celebration being held in i Bhan on July 12. It is expected that the walk will be the largest of its kind ever held in the village. Ninety Licensed Trappers Kingston -- About ninety trappers' licenses have now been issued to resi- dents in this city and district, the majority of those obtaining licenses now being engaged in the trapping of muskrat, the open season for which commenced on Friday last and continues till April 21, Dairy School Examinations Kingston -- Examinations for the students in attendance at the regular course at the Eastern Dairy School were held on Monday, Tuesday and Wednesday of this week, with nearly twenty students being candidates in all the subjects taken up at the school. Water is High Kingston -- Local records indicate that the water in the harbor at the present time, is the kighest it has been at this season for a great num- ber of years. On Tuesday the record showed that the water was at a depth of 16 feet 10 inches. Point Home Burned Kingston -- The residence and household effects of Mrs. Harry Ful- ler, Point Anne, were completely des- troyed by fire. The cause of the fire is unknown as the occupants of the home were in Belleville when the blaze was discovered and the loss is estimated at $3,000.00. Struck By Car ; Belleville -- A four-year-old girl named Furmidge, living at '36 Great St. James St, ran into a car on Sta- tion street yesterday afternoon and was struck down unhurt. The child was attended by Dr. Forester and was found practically unhurt. The child was tdken to the hospital and then home. Had Good Year Belleville -- Belleville Waterworks Department has shown the best year in its history as far as profits from the year's operations are concerned. ingston--Mrs. Birthday cad é the best milk for the best cooking. Twiceasrich in cream as fresh milk. RECIPE BOOK FREE Use Coupon! Tue Boroen Co. Limrrep, 140 St. Paul Street West, Montreal -. Dept. A73. Please send me free St. Charles Name Address 73 district, is to put forward a request to the Ontario Governmeun. in which the members will ask that regulations go into force for the licensing of anglers who take game fish from the waters of the prov- ince "for sport," the cost of such a license being put in the recommen- dation by the asociation at $2 per person. Boy Re-Arrested Lindsay. -- Provincial Constable F. Wetherall yesterday arrested a juvenile. The boy was being sent from Omemee to St. John's Indus- trial School at Toronto, in charge of the conductor of the train re- cently, but he jumped from the train at Lindsay and made good his escape. Officer Weatherall was informed and he caught the boy yesterday. The boy had tak- en a watch from the farmer with whom he was employed. : Net profits for the year ending 1928 crease of $6,439.64. Gross profits this year stood at $27,562. Dairy Expert Retires Kingston. -- George C. Publow, instructor of dairying for Eastern Ontario, is to retire on April 1, af- FOR SHOE VALUES Salted, Produce Prices in the Commercial Markets TORONTO PRODUCE QUOTATIONS 'Toronto wholesale dealers are paying the follow: prices delivered Toronto: Eggs, ungraded, cases returned--Fresh ex- tras, to 32; fresh firsts, to 30c; sec- , 24c; pullet extras, 25c. Butter--Creamery, solids, pasteurized, No. 1, 42; No. 2, dlc. NS Cream~Special, 47¢c; No. 1, 46c; Cheése--No, 1 large, colored, parafiined and goyerhiment graded, 21 1-2c. Live Dressed Chickens, 5 pounds ......eeee 25 32-34 Do., 4 to ' Ibs, 24 28.32 ., under 2. 2-30 Hens, 5 lbs. .... 29 Do., 4 to 5 lbs. 2 27 Do., under 3 1-2 lbs, 20 Young turkeys 44 Roosters .... 14 18-20 Young geese ., 25 Ducklings, 5 Ibs. 2 Do., 4 to § lbs. 3 TORONTO PROVISION PRICES Toronto wholesale dealers are ting the following prices to the trade: Smoked meats--Hams, medium, %7 to 29c; cooked hams, 35 to 43c; smoked irolls, 25c: breakfast bacon, 24 to 3lc; backs, peamealed, to 30c; do., smoked, 30 to ie Cured heats=l ong 3 lear bacon, 50 to 70 Ibs., $21; 70 to 90 $19; 100 Ibs. and up, 18; lightweight rolls, in barrels, $11.50; heavyweight rolls, 50 ger barrel. Land--Pure, tierces, 17c; tubs, 16 to 16%c; pails, 16 1-2c; prints, 16 1.2 to 17c. Short- ening, tierces, 13 3-4 to 14 3-dc; tubs, 14 1.dc; pails, 14 3-4c; tins, 16 3-dc; prints, 15 3-dc. Pork loins, 30 1-2c; New York shoulders, 22c; pork butts, 25c; pork hams, 26¢c. MONTREAL PRODUCE Montreal, March 21.--An easier feeling de- veloped in the fresh egg market and values were reduced 1 to 2c per dozen, This was attributed to the heavy arrivals from Can- adian points, which were more than suf- ficient to take care of the daily requirements. Receipts were ),398 cases. Butter prices ruled steady under a limited demand. Receipts were 751 packages. Extreme dullness marked the cheese trade, but values were steady, Receipts were 70 Xes. Prices today: Cheese--Westerns, 22 1-2 to 22 5-8¢; butter, No. 1 pasteurized, 41 3-4 bo 42c. Eggs, fresh extras, dlc; do., firsts, PRODUCE AT NEW YORK New York, March 21.--Butter, steady; re- ceipts, 13,081; creamery, higher than extra, 47 to 47 1-2c; extra, 92 score, 46 1-2c; first, 88 to 91 score, 45 3-4 to 46 1.4c, Packing stock, current make, No. 1, 33 to 33 1-2c; No. 2, 32c, Cheese steady; receipts, 188,915, Eggs firm; receipts, 36,816. Fresh gathered extra, 30 1-2 to 3lc; extra first, 29 1-2 to 30c; first, 28 1.2c; second, 27 1-2 to 28¢c; storage packed, extra first, 30 to 30 1-4c; first, 29 to 29 1-4c. CHICAGO PRODUCE FUTURES Chicago, March 21.--March butter futures fluctuated at generally lower levels on the Giicago Mercantile exchange Jestarday, any lons were ti nervou: t others continue ip ating, a re hnn for the contract next week. Receipts were liberal and the spot considerably easier. March fresh s futures showed remark- able strength, selling above previous close practically all morning, Spot was slight. ly firmer and receipts not burdensome. Pro- t taking was noticeable on the advance, Tor Ser the us. Sey risers r the ol t i for the season at oN Fog 3 now A g commitments--Eggs, March, 630; Ap- ril fresh, 1; April, storage, old, 74; 0a ber, old, 149; November, new, 20. Butter, April, 3; June, 5; March, 198; A " ow Yorke spot market--Butter, extras, aH one al a act tome rm, t steady. Eggs, firsts, treet stocks--Butter, today, 100,315; last Ysar. L5H, Eggs, today, 101,091; last year, Chicago spot market--Butter, extra: 46 1-2c; standards, 46 1-2c; tone weak, hry firsts, 27 to 27 1-2c; tone steady. TORONTO HAY AND STRAW Local wholesale hay and straw dealers are making the followin, quotations to farmers (delivered at Toronto): No. 1 timothy, loose, per ton 19.00 to $20.00 No, 1 timothy, baled Nominal No. 2, do., do. . No. 3, do., do. 1.00 13.00 Lower grades 8.00 £00 Wheat straw . 10.00 Oat straw .... 9.50 .... TORONTO GRAIN QUOTATIONS Grain dealers on the Toronto Board of 11 Celina Street Ju Goodyear Tires ALL-WEATHER TIRE SHOP ROY WILLMOT Phone 2462 Retiree Drop in at your Goodyear Dealers today -- and ma.' the tests of Supertwist cord! 13 Trade are making the following quotations for car lots: 4 Manitoba Wheat No. 2 Northern, $1.31 1.2, No. 3 Northern, $1.28, No. 4 wheat, $1.24 1.2, No. 5 wheat, $1.14. No. 6 wheat, 8 1.2¢, Feed wheat, 87 1-2c, (c.if. Goderich and Bay Ports, track, lc higher than above.) Manitoba Oats No. 1 feed, 55 3-4c. Price on Ontario Motor Sales LIMITED FOR GOODYEAR TIRES Simcoe St. 8. Fhone 900 Moffatt Motor Sales "A STOCK OF GOODYEAR TIRES ALWAYS ON HAND" Simcoe St. N. Phone 913 No. 2 feed, 53 3-dc. (c.if. Goderich and Bay ports). i American Corn No. 2 yellow, kiln dried, $1.09 1.2, No. 3 yellow, kiln dried, $1.07, No. 4 yellow, kiln dried, $1.05, (Delivered Toronto.) . Millfeed, delivered, Montreal freights bags included--Bran, per ton, $33.25; shorts, per ton, $34.25; middlings, $39.25, Ontario oats--Good, sound, heavy oats in car lots, 50 to 53¢, f.o.b. shipping points. Ontario good milling wheat, f.0.b. shipping points, according to freights, $1.30 to $1.32. Barley--Malting, 73 to 76c. Buckwheat--85 to 87c, Rye--No, 2, $1.05, Manitoba Flour--First patents, in jute, both in size and in number. In- deed, it would appear from con- struction plans lately announced, that milder weather willb ring a building boom to Berlin, a boom, however, of a kind not likely to solve the housing problem or to decrease the shortage of hotel rooms and hospital beds, Goes to Oshawa Kingston.--Herbert Shane, iden- tified with the Haines Shoe Com- pany at Belleville for the past 21 years, severs that connection today to accept a responsible position in Oshawa. He has been appointed manager of a new store being op- ened by the R. Neil Shoe Company of Peterborough in the Motor City, The moon's speed in its orbit is 2288 miles an hour, or 3,375 feet a second. $7.70, Toronto; second patents, in jute, $6.70, our ; Ontario Track, Montreal, car lots--9 per cent. pat. ents, per barrel, $5.70. BERLIN IS FAGING BOOM IN BUILDING But Ambitious New Struct- ures Are To Be Palaces of Treasure Berlin, Mar. 21--Ever larger, ever Wore pretentious and ever more numerous coffee houses seem to be Berlin's present goal. Stim- ulated, perhaps, by the success of the Haus Vaterland, a unique, 4- storey eating and drinking estab- lishment, plans have been announ- ced for the construction of a dozen gigantic cafes and for the enlarge- ment and remodelling of several others. Two of these places have already been completed; the others will be roof gardens and luxurious: res- taurants are. expanding as well First Sip Shows How Different Buckley's Mixture is quite un- like old-style cough syrups. It's 8 scientific combination of proven BUCKLEY MIXTURE Acts like -- I. COLLIS & SONS Spring Open- ing Sale SPECIAL Friday Morning at 8.30 Men's Fancy Dress SOX 10 Pairs for $1.00 Friday afternoon at 2.30, Boys' Caps 25 Cents ter 55 years' service in the cheese business, during which time he has established a high personal record and has brought the stanaard of the cheese industry in Eastern On- tario to a most enviable position. Boys As Apprentices Peterboro.--Four Peterboro boys apprenticed as brick layers are in- cluded in the 312 apprentices rvg- istered in the province under the Ontario Apprenticeships Act, pass- ed last year. A. W. Crawford, in- spector of Apprenticeship told the members of the Peterboro Rotary Club at their weekly luncheon. stands at $20,342.77 as against $13,- 903.13 for the previous year, an in- Fur Firm Leases Road Cobourg.--In accordance with a request made by Fred Harris on be- half of the Rice Lake Fur Com- pany, the Council of the Townsnip of South Monoghan will prepare a by-law and submit it to the Lieu- tenant-Governor for his approval for the lease of a closed roadway through a marsh adjoining the company's trapping grounds. The rental has been fixed at $25 a year for 10 years. Aero Club Meets Peterboro. -- A meeting of the Peterboro Aero Club was held in the Chamber of Commerce office, the special speaker being Lee Cap- reol of Toronto, an aeroplane ex- pert with the De Haviland Aero- plane Company. The lecture ex- plained the development of flying and flying crafts during the past ten years. Ask Fish Regulations Kingston. -- The Commercial Fishermen's Association of this any headache 11 20 min- Quick Pile Relief Dr. Leonhardt's Hem-Roid is guar- anteed to banish any form of Pile misery, or money back. It gives quick action even in old, stubborn cases. Hem-Roid is a harmless tablet that removes blood congestion in the low- er bowel--the cause of piles. It brings joyful relief quickly and safe- 4 Direct Lines ly or costs nothing. Jury & Lovell and druggists everywhere sell it with this guarantee, i -------------------- A ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- = i ---- ' Summer. Br i the Juingle le 50-54 King St. W. Phone 733W h ing bi SETEESEEIY | coc, houses srowing bieser and | 75c and 40c RIKER'S RIKER'S mmm | JURY AND LOVELL, LIMITED | == There's "Pep" in every Gives Away "THREE FLOWERS" PERFUME Keeps the skin soft and dose of Peptona. It > white, Prevents rough, will speedily banish The firm of Richard Hudnut, makers of Three Flowers toilet preparations has come to our chapped hands and is that overtired feeling. assistance and made it possible for us to present to each purchaser of Three Flowers Pow- not sti or ticky greasy. Large bottle $1 der, dallas size, a handsome bole or "Purse Petite" of Three Flowers Perfume. Also to Regular 50c 39 ¢ Ee aaa very ly customer this w ill be given, on request, a tube of Three Flowers C FEB ciiirire sirens This is one of the many bargains offered this week at your Rexall Drug Store. fom oe TEE FRETADWEEK | it ja330000PHOTO PRIZE [2c [go u de er's in Magnesia Quinine . IN YOUR HOME CONT EST Pills Pills 39¢ 39c | 0 Bue your medicine chet contain | For which ue 20c 35¢ WITCH HAZEL CASTOR | simu v5.0 65c 5 78c 25¢ in prizes. Any ; 2 io : CASCARA OIL OF CLOVES | one car win Scott's White Suipisa Castile | COTTON ADHESIVE | 5, prise, Ask Emulsion Liniment GAUZES FOR BANDAGING tails and film 49c 19 59c 19¢ FILL UP NOW! supplies. e 50c 35¢ 25¢ 75¢ 50c "La Reve" Pint | Chases | Baby's Own | Ross Bath | Virol Infant | pans Tooth 'KLENZO Stationery Special Barley . ablets ts onic aste SHAVING CREAM & Dellcato shades of helo- 40c 25¢ 20¢ 59¢ 45¢ 39c RUBBERSET ro) ' tan, Io os Bi ee 35¢ 40c¢ 35¢ 35¢ 85¢ wt HER BRu=H. i buses. Envel- 50c * Sloan's Whisk Wild Lorie Lilse he poe i vil ve issue Ho H HS u SO) or Bay Rum Liniment Brooms Strawberry Hair Fix Vegetal y lining, 5 ng. 75¢ value 59¢ 39¢ 29¢ 29 29¢ 29¢ 69¢ $1.50. Both for , 98¢c i y 40c ssc BILLY BURKE Vitamalt Toffee $1.30 Fletcher Kruschen CHOCOLATES Pinkham's | Pink Pills Castoria Salts Are as pure and "THE SUNSHINE SWEETMEAT"" Veg. Comp. 35¢ 29¢ 69c¢ wholesome as candy : $1 00 fan oe: Filed wih A delicious butter toffce containing extract of ' eri ts, ri ¢ h | malt, cod liver. oil, butter, honey and other 50c 32.00 oie Mr truited vitamin-containing ingredients. Give your chil. 2. Bi ag, Dodd's Pills Kits vi ig Ina dren this delightful confection which is so Seltzer Tablets 35¢ $1.69 "60. ee Sevag in body-building vitamins, 35 c 25¢ 83¢c DELIVERY FREE FROM OUR TWO SERVICE STORES IN OSHAWA SODA FOUNTAIN KING E. PHONE 28 URY and L RSX NS FAV BR or ( LAN Jore -------- TE ME c - SAVE WITH SAFETY AT 7 /1¢ > LL DRUGS SUNDRIES = SIMCOE 8. PHONE 68. MAKE OUR DRUG STORE AND SODA FOUNTAIN YOUR DOWN- TOWN RENDEZVOUS + § AIA ASS Tree 2 3 Ba. New have I slaugh of the crashe( airport Todr 31 Sta childre {ation when ¢ nace fi Quin Crave about | this m acres Ww ing 12 'ger. § Chat mence( H. Ch townsh field This is in the Otta former the dis ment Centra jan Or Lon James 34.8 m ing of mates and th Toro in mon 'most, d Harvey against trate ¥ yester( Woo assista lic sdl ternoo! _county specto: Nort Railws improv Le, Co nounce a tour Sarr don, O the rec Intern which highw: Atlant! Milt Lowvi] this m his nei ardson sister, Trafal Mos: ing pi one er men, ° village ince, ¢ Mosco Niag hand ing in chant ening $3,000 The cf - investi CI Port double pit of pany Burro in pol charge ice an é

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