Oshawa Daily Times, 15 Mar 1929, p. 2

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a dll |Z ob w o, Pic ) man- th the Btcher, boy at as ad- Justice Spring a Tee punsel, at fur- ned by on the d the ial uc- jury 8 been en the 0 Wasi: ent at n Feb. urning 3 Was by an h fail- ce and lent to ne was turned rmony lent as srtuck ficulty in at- ticular ted to ) year m who panied to Pic- ght of lice on 8 later ) death to His 1, was idence 1d add up by as in- 1s hav- with cused. 2 main r out est of ion so hospi- n out- . Wil- lands from a -- rr THE OSHAWA DAILY TIMES, FRIDAY, MARCH 15, 1929 BOCOCOOO0CO0000 SEO OOOOOOOOOOOOOO0OOGOHGOO0OOOOOOOOGOBNOOOOOOOOHOOOO0OE | The Whitby Daily Times Advertising, subscriptions and news will be received at the Whitby Office, Dundas Street, / next the post office.~--Telephone 434. REPRESENTATIVE -- JAMES HOLDEN ST. PATRICK AND BAZAAR DRAWS LARGE ATTENDANCE Concert Given By Local Talent in the ~ Evening (By Staff Reporter) Whitby, Mar. 15.--The annual 8t, Patrick's bazaar, held in the school room of the United Church, yesterday, under the auspices of the Ladies' Aid, proved successful and large crowds were in attend- ence during both the afternoon and evening. The auditorium was pret- tily decorated in green and white, with tissue paper shamrocks and green streamers, The booths were tastefully arranged and presented a delightful appearance with their display of fancy ware, quilts, tow- els, fancy aprons, home made can- dy and delicious products of the culinary art, Many who came, un- able to resist the tempting display, made ample purchases and a brisk business was enjoyed, From five o'clock supper wus served at tables set in the east sec- tion of the auditorium, The pres- ence of shamrocks, candles and flowers reminded one that the feast was in honor of St. Patrick, Ire- land's patron saint, and at least one Irish dish, the potato, was re- presented upon the menu in many forms. Hundreds partook of re- freshments and were regaled with meats, salads, relishes, cakes, pies and tea, At the conclusion of the supper, Rev. A. L, Richards, the pastor, an- nounced that a concert would be given. On behalf of the congrega- tion he expressed appreciation for the splendid efforts of the members of the Ladies Aid and also thanked all those who were assisting in the program. The numbers included severa] fine vocal solos, humorous readings, instrumental solos, and duets, the audience supporting the artists with hearty applause. The program was as follows: Soprano solo, Miss L. Golden, student atthe Ontario Ladies' Col- lege; reading, Miss Buell, student at the Ontario Ladies' College; duet, Orville Dewland and Clayton Parker, accompanied by Miss Thel- ma Parker; piano solo, Miss Mar- fan Osborne; soprano solo, Mrs. G. P, Lynd; reading, Mrs, Wells; ten- or solo, Mr, Ed, Bowman; plano solo, Miss Kathleen Leask; vocal duet, Mrs, Michael and Mrs, Turn- er; God Save the King, SS SSN Frest Qatmeat I i FOG DESCENDS ON WHITBY LAST NIGHT ---- (By Staff Reporter) Whitby, March 15.--The streets of Whitby might well have been compared to those of old London last night as a dense fog settled upon the town shortly after six o'clock Street lights emitted but a sickly glow and where there were no street lights it was difficult for one to see beyond a few feet, Traf- fic on the highway through the town was slowed up considerably as motorists found that it was neces- sary to exercise caution in order to dvoid accidents, The dense vapor SERVICE STATION was probably due to the fact that ° | the comparativley mild air came in WILL BE ERECTED contact with the cold ground. COURT OF REVISION Fong TO MONDAY y Staff Reporter) PROPERTY PURCHASED | hid fF March 15.--Upon re- quest of the farmers, the Court of AT DUNDAS AND ANNES Revision adourned yesterday STREETS morning until next Monday mori- 13 at Eon o'clock, i order to con- . sider the terms of the new assess- Joseph Mitchell, Local Far-|ment to be submitted to the farm- ers, Owners of farm property plan mer, Confirms Report of to hold a meeting in the council Land Sale chamber tomorrow morning be- (By Staff Reporter) fore meeting the Court of Revi- sion, Whitby, March 15.--A modern| wiry, TELL STORY OF highway inn, one of a chain of inns "JEAN VAL JEAN" being built in Ontario, is to be (By Staff Reporter) erected shortly in Whitby accord-| wpithy, March 15.--Dr. 8. ing to information received yester-| cioaver, noted lecturer and preach- day, The location will be on the|a. will tell the story of "Jean Val south side of Dundas street west,| joan" the leading character of at the corner of Annes street, and | victor Hugo's epic, "Les Miser- included two acres of valuable|apieg" jy the United Church, next property which has been pur-| nponday night, under the auspices chased from Joseph Mitchell, welll or the Young People's Society, Dr. known local farmer, Cleaver has given this story some When interviewed by The Times, | geventy times in Toronto alone, yesterday, Mr, Mitchell confirmed | ang no doubt a large number will a report to the effect that he had | take advantage of this opportun- sold two acres of property to the|ity to hear him. J English Inns, Ltd, a company which is undertaking a chain of highway establishments from Nia- gara Falls east, Mr. Mitchell states that the representative of the com- pany informed him that the inn would be modern in every detail FACING DEATH Arthur, seven, paver near his home, three miles Cod Liver O11 and Meal Pure Motasses Here's a ration specially made for baby chicks during their first six weeks, It pro- tects them from disease, and keeps them growing rapidly. The pure, fresh oatmeal in Quaker Ful-O- Pep Chick Starter just suits the tender digestions, Its Cod Liver Oil acts like sunlight, and helps to build big, girong frames. Liver Meal sendsi§ight to the spot the nourishment of all the ther ingredients. MOLASSES IN DRY FORM tion by keeping the digestive tract ppen. An economical feed because every pound of it goes farther in producing plump, vigorous As a grain ration to go with Ful-O-Pep and would probably include a ser- vice station, The grounds sur- rounding the building are to be laid out by a landscape gardener thus providing a handsome setting. It is expected that work will be commenced shortly as it is the dntention of the company to place the inn in operation for this sum- mer's tourist trade. Word of the sale was received with favor locally as the erection of.the inn will greatly improve the highway approach to the town from the west, YOUNG MEN'S SERVICE BAPTIST CHURCH SUNDAY (By Staff Reporter) Whitby, March 15.--A special young men's service is being held in the Baptist Church, next Sun- day night, under the auspices of the recently organized Baraca class, Rev, T, F, Best, the pastor will preach on the subject "When you get what you want, will you want it,"" while members of the class will assist in the service. An invitation is extended to everyone and in particular to all young men (Continued from Page 1) ported to have taken refuge on house tops and in attics, The 52 mile jour- ney from Montgomery was negotia- ted by a fleet of army trucks in nine hours, Rain was falling in torrents, The Guardsmen have a dozen mot- orboats for use when they can pro- ceed no farther in the trucks. They plan to establish a base as far into the flooded area as possible, They are accompanied by regular army officers who will maintain radio com- munication with observation planes, The trip from Montgomery was over a highway badly damaged by the torrential rains of the past O60 hours and over bridges that threaten- ed to give way beneath the weight of the heavy machines. Water was within inches of the roadway. There was little prospect of the Guardsmen reaching the stricken city before noon. All bridges are re- ported to have been. washed away over the 32 miles stretch' of road to Elba, Flood waters from the num- erous streams were reported so swift that only the sturdiest of river craft could make headway, ONTARIO VISITED BY MANY FLOODS (Continued from Page 1) was swept into a m St, Mary's, and drowned, de- spite heroic efforts of his sister, aged 6, to save him, The worst flood in 17 years was reported at Galt, For a mile Wat- er street was inundated and fire- men in boats patrolled the district removing residents from their homes. The waters receded before darkness: The Scheifle bridge near Cones- togo, was swept away. At Free- port the water rose to unprecedent- ed heights, flooding the stables of the sanitarium and threatening to cut off access to thé sanitarium it- self, As the institution is on high ground the patients were never in danger, Dr, E, N, Coutts, superin- tendent, stated. At Paris, the highest water mark since the floods of 1912 was reach- ed. Serious damage was reportea. Preston, Kitchener, Blair all re- ported cellars flooded when the Grand river went on its rampage. At Port Hope, where merchants stayed up all night fearing a repe- tition of the flood which twe months ago caused $250,000 loss, the waters subsided without caus- ing serious damage, The high mark was reached at 3 o'clock in the morning, Worst Flood in 17 Years Galt, Mar. 15.--Downtown Galt.|}i wag visited by its worst flood in 17 years when the Grand river went on its annual rampage yesterday afternoon, Water street, which runs parallel to the river, was flooded for a mile and during the half hour before the waters reced- ed firemen were patrolling the street in boats to remove people from their homes and offices, Two bridges were considerably damaged by the pounding of the ice, the cellars of stores and fac- »| tories were flooded and damage You can win a prize in the big $30,000 contest, Start taking pictures today. Any kind of camera will do, But any kind of photo finishing will not do, For prints of the prize-win- ning kind, send your expos- ed films to us, Our experts will develop and print them ' skilfully and carefully, You can rest assured that every one of your prints will be which may run into a large sum was done to various business places where the flood waters enterea. Bridge is Wrecked Kitchener, Mar. 15.--The Con- estogo and the Grand rivers were in flood yesterday and though the situation was more abnormal than in recent years neither has created a record. It is anticipated that with the rainfall stopping there will be no more damage. The Con. estogo river between Conestoga and St, Jacobs was a raging torrent and two spans of the Schiefle bridge were swept away, Heavy ice cakes battered the centre pler of the bridge which gave way, precipitat- Ing the two spans into the water, One was washed 200 yards down the river, where it became lodged in a bush, The damage is estimat- ed at $20,000. Preston Cellars Flooded Preston, Mar. 15.--Flood waters coming down the Grand from the Freeport jam at noon yesterday, caused the waters of the Speed to back up to an alarming degree along the Fountain street water front, The water lapping at the back doors of a number of homes, while several cellars were flooded. The flood receded soon after noon. der water at several points, but not to so great a degree. Factories Menaced Guelph, Mar. 15, --~With the Speed river breaking loose on its annual spring freshet, employes of the public works department were stationed on guard at all the bridges in the city and remained on duty all night to prevent the ice from piling up against the structures and causing serious flood damage. Heavy rains of the past 24 hours caused the waters to rise rapidly and unless there is an im- mediate change in weather condi- tions there is danger that factories and homes bordering on the stream and those in the southern section of the city where the banks are low will be badly flooded, Avon on Rampage Stratford, Mar, 15.--Avon river is on its annual rampage as a re- sult of the recent mild spell and rain, but .as yet there has been no damage. The action of parks board officials in opening the gates of the dam to let the water from under the ice before the thaw came is now having its results in keeping down the floods, though it is ex- pected the waters will overflow their banks in the vicinity of the The Blair-Preston highway is un- collegiate flats and into gardens at the rear of Douglas street homes. Jee J Peterboro, Mar. 15.--~The spring freshet in the Jackson Park creek, flowing through Peterboro, gave city workmen a hard battle yeater- day when the ice jams formed at several points, flooding property in the vicinity and threatening bridges. Liberal use of dynamite, however, succeeded in a passage for the water and no t amount of damage was done, The city is facing a $15,000 suit of damages brought against the core poration by B. F. Ackerman and company, manufacturers, as a re- sult of the flood a year ago, but conditions this year have mot been so serious, Pact Ratified Warsaw, Poland, -- The Polish Diet has ratified the protocol con- cluded with Soviet government, en- forcing -the Kellogg anti-war pact in Eastern Europe. ---------- Vessel Released Shanghail, -- The steamer Bel- linham proceeding from Shanghai to Tacoma with a eargo of lumber which went ashore at the mouth of the Yangste on March 13, was pulled off today by tugs. STRA Paris says: Perle Visca WwW Crochet Visca Perle Remmalille | In the Smart New Shapes That Smart blocked hats--fcaturing the mew brims--the close fitting crown---the deep i back==the long side--in the straw bodies that are the mode for Spring. Soft and Hb supple are the bodies--intriguing are the styles in the new Sunburn shades that | are very smart indeed! For this week priced very specially from $3.08 to $5.98. Paris Sponsors For Spring ! Smart Straws Spring straws at this very and $4.98, While they last Again for Saturday § 1 59 Because the demand has been so great we are oontinuing our special sale of Each hat is new and smart---in line-- material -- style -- and color, Regularly they would sell at $2.08, $3.08 wt $1.59 Stems 79 These trig little blocked shapes are very popular with the younger generation, Smartly trimmed with straw and ribbon they are extraordinary in value at this price, Styles and sizes for girls 79 5 to 12, Special ............ c special price! Chick Starter, we recommend Ful-O-P: [Fine Chiok Feed. We can supply you with in the town and district, WILL LECTURE ON THE ARCTIC'S PEOPLES (By Staff Reporter) 'Whitby, March 15.--An f{llus- trated lecture entitled "Among the Indians and Eskimos of the ryyy CHICK STARTER Arctic" will be given in the parish hall of All Saints' Anglican HOGG & LYTLE, Limited Das A BUY THEEZFEEDS IN STRIPED SACKS Church, next Tuesday night, by Rev, J. M. Crisall, the rector, Rey, Mr, Crisall spent several years among the Indians and Eskimos in the north country, having been stationed as a missionary at Fort McPherson, the farthest north out- post of the Hudson Bay Co., on the MacKenzie river, The use of lantern slids will add consider- able interest to the address. Oshawa, Ont. ey SATURDAY SPECIAL Remember! Just Two Weeks Till Easter 25 Ladies' Spring Coats | Go On Sale Tomorrow Morning for $145 | On Sale for One Day Only W. A. Dewland, Limited The Guardsmen are under the command of Colonel W., J. Gayle, as- sistant state adjutant-general, who will be in charge of the bage and di- rect the rescue work, Another Town Flooded Mobile, Ala, Mar, 15.--~The last telephone connection with Brewton, Ala, went out at 1.30 this morning. At that time several houses were en- tirely under water. The water reached Opp. P.O, the finest it is possible to make, Load Your Camera With Dependable Kodak Film Karn's Drug Store Phone 373 the second floor of the telephone ex- change and the operators were res- cued by boats, 4,000 In Peril Troy, Ala, March 15--Grave fears were felt last night for the safety of the 4,000 inhabitants of Elba, Ala. 32 miles south of here, who weré cut off from all communication late yes- terday by flood waters of Pea river and White Water creek, that rosc suddenly to block all means of egress, Urgent appeals for help were re- ceived from the stricken town short- ly before telegraph and telephone communications were broken, pre- sumably by rising waters that flood- ed offices. Scores of lives were endangered unless boats reached the town by midnight, 'A, E, Lee, of Enterprise, informed local relief workers, Lee said his last reports were that water flowed through the streets of Elba up to a depth of 10 feet in midafter- noon, and was still rising steadily as the torrents came down from the watershed of Pea river and White Water. Rains that poured throughout last night continued unabated here tonight adding to the torrents feed- ing creeks and rivers throughout this section, First word of the tragic situation in Elba, the county seat of Coffee county, reached here at 3.30 p.m, yes- terday in a telegram to the mayor, saying: 'Send help at once. All El- ba flooded." Vorenor Makes Appeal Birmingham, Ala, March 15.--Goy- ernor Bibb Graves last night broad- cast an appeal over the radio station WAPI, urging that relief be sent to Elba, Ala., as speedily as possible, declaring unless aid is given to the stricken city of 4,000 population, within the next six or eight hours, that "all will be dead." Governor Graves urged residents of the area adjoining Elba to get there "now," as the town was in the gravest peril. Boats Reach Them Montgomery, Ala, March 15.-- Governor Bibb Graves last night re- ceived the following telegram from Enterprise : "Water in Elba 15 feet deep on square. Rising fast. People in dis- tress. No one saved yet. Water so swift boats cannot reach them. Ask- ing for your help if possible. (Sgd.) P. S. Searcy." a -- nly Smart I aA | 2 | Dress of a kind. At, 50 New Style Hats Ge omancs ditt; 5 42.93 Extraordinary VALUES for SATURDAY Tweed Coats from Our Fashion Show > The wnasiest of vw Stock Exception Each, $10.75 Dresses | as worn at our Fashion Show in Flat Crepes, Celanese and other fabrics, Only 1 100 Only Turkish Towels in serviceable grey color with colored stripes. $1 00 Sfor..) ... miley Shans rsnsnssRSIIIRISISIRSIRRISSS '} Pure Silk Thread Hosiery > Silk Bloomers Smart New Ginghams A pew range of jery that will give you excellent A : 4 sill a Ee new shipment of the best designs, 33 in, wide, Subs : They we oi pair Z over sbi 59¢ Regular 29¢, Saturday, yard 298000000000 000000080000 5005 25¢ Chenille Velvet Rugs : We have 50 only of these splendid Bedroom Rugs left Lovely Silkk Night Gowns Dainty in color and style, HEFFNER TARR YY UREN ET Ey a Beautifully trimmed. New Easter Merchandise at a Special price. $1.75 Carew Lumber Co. Phones 12--1¥12 THE ARCADE, Limited jegeEs, Bhindi REEEY the level after a Tr remained wards evi rise agalr was nece réd lante motorists risen to ® ter was rent over bridge to Pickering twenty o! covered t! eral inch so serious ous night. proceed ¥ 'Was no " as una a to th of the « booth of . close to t again las ported by stood the was piled of six to some ice | the dam . this being vicinity a flooding, Times thi erty had hl . | | | SN gees | 1 SN sSa-gkEe= am BFOLEXTH

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