Oshawa Daily Times, 14 Mar 1929, p. 3

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i282 2 his his his up eft ? RiiniVecalaleoioaan?] ER _ Raw 23. CITY AND DISTRICT NEWS gun Toma: into the death of reeks Thomsen of Raglan, while undergoing a local Ba etle in Oshawa General ospital some time ago will be oy this evening at eight o'clock the council chambers over the fire hall, Coroner Dr, F, J. Run. dle is conducting the inquest, FIBE 1% WESTMOUNT oe Oshawa Park Volunteer Repartment responded to its hy last Tuesday might aay the aid of the local de- ment, A blaze on Cromwell e, Westmount, damaged the Hing and contents to the ex- it or $250 but the department was quick in responding to the call and the damage was minimized, It was coverd by insuranc, This was the first fire since the organizaton of park department . and excellent work was done by all the members, No city alarm wag turned in, o OHECKER OLUB DEFEATED The Oshawa Checker Club was defeated last night at Port Hope 'when the club from that town en- tertained the Oshawa members at en informal tournament in their clubrooms, The Port Hope team won 41 games to 20 with 22 draws, Members from Oshawa who at- tended were Edward Pardon, Ed- Home Goodman, Norman McGee, mes Arnold, Edward Powers, J, Edmundson, W, C, Britton, H, Ig H, Quantrill, A, Twilley, T, E, Edmundson and J. Middle- ton, The Port Hope team was eomposed of A, W, Flindall, W, Burley, Edward Morton, M, Dick- inson, A, Lowe, W, Beattie, A J, Rae, Charles Goodman, George Relaett, W. McCallister and C, Bas. sett, Any RE-ARRESTED Harry Bennett, Oshawa, who was exonerated of the charge of having obtained two dollars through false pretenses by a jury at the Spring Assgizes in Whitby yesterday, was later re-arrested by a provincial constable from St, Thomas, On- tario, on a similar charge, Ben- nett is alleged to have obtained money at Aylmer, Patarie, by false pretences, REMODEL STORE 1 FRONT Work is progressing by A, V, Swall,, contractor, on the remodel- ling of the store front at John- ston's, Simcoe street north, A new copper store front {is being in- stalled and the whole front re- novated, This work follows the en- tive. renovating of the interior of the store that took place a few months ago, CURLERS IN 2080NTO The visit paid tq the Oshawa Curlers by the Tor®¥mto Victorias last Saturday is to be repaid to them this afternoon when five local rinks are going to the Queen City to play friendly matches with the Toronto Curlers, On Saturday eight rinks came from the Vie- toria club but as there is only ice for five to play the number playing the return game has been lessened to five rinks, In the first games the Oshawa crew came out on top by four shots and it is to be hoped that they can manage a victory in the Victoria Ice Palace, FLOOD ANXIETY IS ALLEVIATED (Continued From Page 1) and waiting, and late tonight sev- eral had moved their chattels to safety, keeping in mind the $250, 000 flood which swept the town last January, Hundreds of tons of ice are piled up in Corbett"s and Beamish's ponds on the outskirts of Port Hope and volumes of water are be- ing held back, A mile north of here the Canadian National road- bed is surrounded on either side by scres of water, and the C.N.R, train from the morth due here at ten p.m,, had to proceed cautiously as the water was flowing over the roadbed to the depth of a few inches, A number of employes of the Nicholson File"company are work- ing at the dam at the foot of Beam- ish's pond near the point where 8 washout occurred during the last flood, The stop logs are gradually being litted to allow the surplus water to escape and to prevent the Ice from breaking loose, At the downtown Ontario street bridge the waters are still rising end at midnight last night the swirling current is within a few inches of the structure, The resi- dence of L, Roberts in this section is partly marooned and the owner has abandoned the premises, American automobiles now lead in popularity in Danzig, WITNESS IN HOLDUP WAS KIDNAPPED (Continued, from Page 1) for a ride" by. three men who forced him into an auto-at gun point and threatened him with death, Almost naked, smeared with mud, bruised and in a state of ex- haustion, Bissell staggered into the Leaside Hydro station last night, For nearly three hours, Bissell told police, he was held cuptlive in the back of a Ford sedan, which finally dumped him on the road to the Thorncliffe race track in Leaside, During that time he was threatened with death if he *talk- ed too much at the trial" or if he told of his experience since the hold-up, he said, It was shortly after 8 o'clock last night that the lad literally crawled into the Hydro station, C. T, Drew, employe on duty in the station, listened to the lad's terri- fied tale and {immediately tele- phoned Chief of Police McCann of the East York township police, The latter telephoned Constable Masters, who in turn telephoned Leaside and the city detective headquarters. Because of the 410p J in the price of sugar, Cuba's wealth has shrunk in the past eight years from $8,000,000,- 000 to $3,000,000,000. THE OSHAWA DAILY TIMES, THURSDAY, MARCH 14, 1929 shawa Railway Agrees to Opening Third Avenue Over Tracks PAGE THREE Chief of Police Alex, Bruce at|g B.A. BROWN WARES ANEXPLANATION Makes Clear Part of Imm} gration Dept. in Securing Workers H., A, Brown, vice-president and general manager of the General Motors of Canada, Limited, today made a further statement regard- ing the part played in this action by the department of immigration at Ottawa, Mr, Brown's state- ment was as follows: "The department of lahor through its employment ser- vice, endeavored to locate tor us in Canada die-makers who could fill our requirements, The labor department, not being successful in tms, we, through the co-operation of the department of immigra- tion, located and brought in foreign die-makers capable of doing the required work," In the article which was publish- ed in Tuesday's Times, it appeared as if the department of immigra- tion had secured these die-makers for the General Motors of Canada. ERNEST JOHNSTON JAILED FOR THREE AND A HALF YEARS Also Serving Two Months for Two Liquor Offences Whitby, Mar, 14,--Ernest John- ston of Toronto was sentenced to three. years and' six months in Portsmouth penitentiary, Kingston, by Mr, Justice Rose in thé@Supreme Court here today, after a jury had found him guilty of committing a serious offence against a girl be- tween 14 and 16 years of age, The jury deliberated one hour before bringing in the verdict, Johnston, who was at one time employed at Cleaners & Pressers, Brock street north, Whitby, 1s also serving sentences of one month for having liquor in an fl- legal place and of two months for giving liquor to a minor, having been convicted of these offences in Whitby police court recently, His penitentiary term dates from (o- day. Mr, Justice Rose, In summing up the case, pointed out to the Jury that under the law it did not matter whether or not the girl had given her consent, His Lord- p hesitated in passing judgment r the verdict was brought fn, but sentenced Johnston to three and a half years rather than five years, the maximum penalty, al- though he stated that, in his opin- fon, the prisoner was not worthy of any great leniency, a tailor-made Suit. 11 Simcoe St. §. the many orders from our old When You Think of Clothes for Easter You will think of this Store in the terms of the new Suit or Topcoat that you will need for the new season! And what a wonderful selection is ready for your re- view--Cloths that are the finest we have ever shown at prices that bring these quality Suits and Topcoats down to pleasing levels. Values You'll Appreciate Our Stir ate vailosod to your sishiction anliadtiie Just Taotwe sttribuic customers. You cannot do better than purchase Place Your Order Now and Have Your Suit for Easter Scotland Woolen Mills MEN'S TAILORS 5. ROTISH Phone 597 Latest Financial News was headed § the market in point 4 act vit with a turnover of more than ares_ an eased off 25 vents to the 25.00 mark. Foot, hills follow: y behind the leader nd suffered a He Yocie to 9.00, while ternational Pattaleum scored a gain of 9 14 ts to 53 1.2, and Supertest, moved up to 1-2 for an increase of 1 34 Brazilian was strong an in ght ta rading advanced 2 5-8 points to 65 3-4 Wares came ooh with a 1 1.2 while, G8 at 33 1.2, ake Superior strengthen 112 to 3, alkene regained some of its strength lost in the last few days and at noon showed an appreciation of 1 The points to 79, G, W. Sadderly was lightly touch. ed and jumped forward 1 12 ints to International Nickel had tummover of only a little more than 2,800 shares and held with a fractional gain at 60 3.8, Sta dard Paving failed to retain its fin esterday and reacted 3 points to hile Bank, of Nova Scotia declined three points TORONTO Stock High Low 12.30 Abitibi 43 43 43 Bras, ,. 656% 661% Br, A, Oil 51% Cn, In, Al, 40 Cty, Dry, 68 Imp, Oil 93% It, Pet, 63% It, Nkl, 605 Ms, Hr, 82% Me, Frt, 33% N, Bak, 36 Sh, Wht, 84% Hr, Wal, 179 Amulet 225 Apex ,, 3 Br, Holl, 80 Bath, ,, 26 Bedford 60 Ask Bidgood 42 Bekghm, 0% Br, Hl, E, 22 Ch, Hg, 10 Clericy 24 CP, Res, b Dome 976 Bid Gold Hill 6 Goodfish 20 Gra, Bou, 21 Grdda, 23% Grdvw, 69 Gyr, Diy. 3 Holl, ,, 810 Howey 129 Kd, Lke, 185 Kt, Fir, 19 Lv, Que, 7% Bid Malar, 7 Mn, Bs, 70 McDoug, 62 Mdin, 21056 Mn Cr, ©0546 ih | Newbee 36% Norda, 60650 5950 Pion, ., 60 60 Sn, An, 14 Bid 8h, Gr, 970 930 Siscoe 93 90 Stadna, 13% 13% 13% 8d, Bs, 1125 1100 1126 St. An, 50 45 45 ed | Tk, Hg, 940 930 930 Tg. Oks, 4 Bid Tow. ., 251 260 251 Vipond '114 116 %.| wr, Hr, 210 206 206 Pd, Or, 1100 1070 1076 NEW YORK Stock High Low 2 p.m, Amer, Can, 120% 119 120% Atchison ,,2008 189% 200% Balt & Ohio 126% Briggs Mfg, 48% Can, Pac, 246% Can, Dry 84 Chrysler ,,111% Cur, Aero 164% Brie ......73% Fam, Ply, 70% Gen, Mot. ,,86% Gra, Paige 49% Gold Dust ,,71% Hud, Mot, ,,88% Hupp ......78% It, Com, ,, 89% in, Nkl, .. 81% Kly, Sprefd, 20% Mt, Ward 132% Mar, Oil ,, 40% 40 Mck, Trek, 108% Phil, Pet, 39% 39% Pan, Am, B 46% 44% Packard ,, 142 138 Radio ,,.., 99% 95% Srs. Rbck, 1686 163% Sin, Oil ,,.,80% 30% St, Oil NJ, 60% 49% St. Oil N.Y, 41% 40% Studebaker 88% 87% Simmons ,..,, 93% 02 U.S. Rubber 61 69% U.S, Steel 188 185% 187% U.S, Leather 24 24 24 Wiys. Ovid, 30% 205 29% Woolworth 198 196% 199% Wr, Aero 272 266 272 Vie, Talk, 176% 176% 175% Yellow Cab 44% 415 44 Moneyq 7 per cent, OBITUARY DEATH OF WILLIAM QUESTARD William B, Questard, 85 Phillip street, died at his home here this morning following a tive weeks' illness, He was in his 65th year and has been in this city for the last 19 years. Surviving are his wife, one son, Harold, in Toronto, and two daughters, Mrs, E, White of Wind- sor and Mrs, D, Watson of Detroit, Funeral services are to be cone ducted at the house on Saturday afternoon at 2.30 o'clock, inter- mont to take place in Union ceme- ry. FORMER BROOKLIN MAN DIES Suddenly seized with a heart at- tack while walking along the street and rushed to the Toronto East General Hospital, Reginald Camp- |° bell Warren, succumbed in that in- stitution yesterday, He was born in Brooklin, Ont,, son of the late Robert Campbell Warren. He was educated in the public schools and had been employed for some years by Grand snd Toy, and latterly by the Bilton Furniture Co. He fis survived by his wife, one son, Ken- neth, two brothers, Frank end A, M. Warren of Toronto, and three HOMEMADE sisters residing in the county, MRS. MARY UBQUHART Word was received here today f the death in Toronto on Tues- 'ay of Mary Walkie, wife: of the ate David Urquhart, Mrs, Urqu- hart was an old resident of Osh- awa, and is known to many of the older citizens of the city, She came to this city 40 years SEDER DONNYBROOK FAIR AT' KING St. School Saturdsy, March 16, ROUND AND SQUARE DANCE in Gene's Hall, Courtice, Thurs- day, Admisson 25 cents. me ROYAL TEMPLARS OF TEMPER- pecial meeting March 14, in the eral manager, Tom Robertson with other members will be present. All members are re- quested to be present. (61b) RESTORE YOUR LOST HEALTH Nature's No drugs. The Class Mineral Fame In- stitute, 45 John St. Phone 633F. William Fisher, Manager. (58-60-62) MADAME ROSE, PALMIST, AT 21 Maple St. Phone 2372F. Hours 2 to 9. (T7858. t1) MADAME ZEDDA, PALMIST, leaving April 1 for some time. 224 St. Julien St. (52h) COOKING AND sale. North Simcoe United , 3 p.m. Saturday. (62b) ago from Port Perry, and spent 26 years here, then moving to Toron- to, She was a Baptist in religion, She leaves two daughters, Mrs, Shirray of 618 Bloor street west, Toronto, and Miss Sadie Urquhart, and one son, Silas A. Urquhart, One son, Albert W, predeceased: her, The funeral service will be held tomorrow, Friday afternoon, from the residence of her daughter at 618 Bloor street west, Toronto, at 2.30 o'clock, Interment will be made in Prospect cemetery, BANQUET REPORT HELD OVER Owing to a pressure on space, the report of the annual Times newshoys vanguet had to be held over until tomorrow night, re ica, ar, iness aracter- ized the » wheat Darkest early today, Although bu; appear: s aggressive an fae "Bom of the buying today was based reports of strong winds in Kansas and Nebraska, as well a as on Nia a Advices ARREST MAN IN CONNECTION WITH ALCOHOL SEVZURE House Located in Pickering Township Believed Con- nected With Case A stock of alcohol estimated to be close to 34 gallons, and contains ed in one and five gallon cans was seized by local police as it repos. ed in an automobile on Gordon, 8t, late last night, and a man was ar« rested as its owner after a long chase by the police, Sergeant Dee tective Herbert Flintoff and Sere geant Edward Stauffer, who were exploring the south eastern section of the city in search of a stolen car, had their suspicions aroused when they came in sight of a Chevrolet touring car some little distance ahead of them as they drove along in the big police Buick, and follow= ing the Chevrolet on to Gordon St,, decided to investigate, Two men were in the car, the sergeants said, who halted their car near the south end of Gordon street, got out and for the moment disappeared, Detective Flintoff happened to notice the driver of the car in question and remembered him from former acquaintance, Af- ter searching the car, and noting the cans of liquor it contained, they took after the two men, who had jumped into another automobile and made off in the direction of Whitby along the highway, Thinking to cut off the retreat of 7 [the men who were probably on their way back to their hang-out in Pick- ering township, the sergeants took the highway to Whitby and from there to the Base Line where they proceeded in a westerly direction to a point about two miles west in» to Pickering Township, They turn- ed up this road, Chase Is On As they proceeded they saw an- other car approach, Apparently sure that this was the car they sought, Sergeant Stauffer with Chief H, Gunson of Whitby, who had heen taken on when they reached Whitby got out and sig- nalled for the occupants of the car to stop, The,two men in the car paid no attention to the demand, and drove right at the police who would no doubt have been rum down had they not jumped aside, Deciding that it was useless to draw their revolvers on such a dark night, the police again took after the receding car, Man Arrested As they neared it, the door in the front*ear. opened and a man Jumped out, gained the bank near the road and headed for the fence separating the road from a dense thicket, Sergeant Stauffer and Chief Gunson were not to be balks ed in their purpose and followed, arresting the man in his flight as he was about to scale the fence, They immediately put him under arrest on a charge of having liquor illegally, Stock in Mud Detective Flintoff, leaving the other two to apprehend Arthur Brayley, who was arrested, gave | chase to the other car and was al- most up to it when his car became stuck in the mud bound road, The fugitive drove madly on for a quar- ter of a mile and turned west to- wards Pickering. When the other police and thelr captive joined him the marooned car was successfully pulled from the mud, the party drove to the decline to 1-4 advance, wheat A eid near to initial figures, Corn, oats and pro- visions were also easy, with corn starting unchanged to 1-4 down and afterward seag- ging 8 little more, h alleged to be owned by the man who succeeded {in escaping, Here they found a regular bootleg ger's haven. Tin cans of every de- scription, bottles and wrapping 9 § § § What makes a good hen good? best hen in the world can't do her work unlessshe getstheright feed--the feed that con. tains just the things a hen must have to make eggs, FUL-O-PEP EGG MASH Em eae TE ec oe op molasses and cod Liver meal to keep the birds healthy and active in all weather. We have jt-- This come in you can start now, talk it over. Orders filled without delsy HOGG & LYTLE, Limited Phone 203 Oshawa, Ont. L A GENEROUS DONATION The largest single contribu- tion made to the Miners' Fund from this city was one which . was received this week, This contribution, from one of the leading citizens of Oshawa, was for $100, which brings the total of the fund up to $923.66, This benefactor cf the British Miners desired that his name be not mentioned, but that his gift be recorded as simply from "A Friend." OSHAWA'S PRIVATE (Continued from Page 1) know Ontario had an agreement with Quebec in anti-bonus legislation, "This legislation is hampering the growth of outside municipalities," said Mr, Sinclair, The Oshawa bill asked permission to purchase between 20 and 50 acres of land to be used for industrial urposes, but sections asking to erect uildings upon the land had been struck from the bill, Oshawa civic officials contended both Toronto and Hamilton under federal legislation have powers not granted smaller municipalities in connection with the disposal of their harbor lands, thus placing the small- er cities at a disadvantage, An amendment to the bonus limitation act to ermit 'municipalities wider powers in dealing with industries was urged, A, E, Honeywell, Ottawa, declared he had changed his opinion-and that an amendment to the bonus act should be brought in immediately. Favors General Change Col. Price It is too big a question to settle in one or two bills, I think we should make a general change that will safeguard municipalities when they have purchased land, not so that they can give it away, We will ask Mr, Wilkinson to frame something that will not go too far," Deputations from both cities and members of the commission ap- plauded. An act respecting the city of Windsor was reported. This act renews an agreement for a further per cent of fifteen years, enabling the £ity to assess the Detroit River unnel. company, for an annua Fumel upon $1,350,000, the asses- sed value of the tunnel, A City of Windsor Bill was re- ported granting power to appoint a city manager, paper, with no end of coloring mat- ter, presumably for liquor, were lo- sated Brayley Remanded Appearing in police court this morning on a charge of having li- quor illegally, Brayley did "mot choose to plead before Magistrate Willis of Whitby, Louis Hyman is being retained as his counsel, Mr, Hyman asked for a remand un- til March 18, Police are still investigating the case and further arrests may follow at any time. BILL DISCUSSED] Railway Board Orders Opening Third Avenue Across Oshawa Railway ! Railway Company Gives Voluntary Consent to this Action, so Formal Order Issued Without a Hearing Being Necessary SATISFY RESIDENTS OF OSHAWA STREET Order Enables City to Close Part of Oshawa Street and Sell to W, E, Phillips Co. for Development Purposes Permission to open Third avenue across the Oshawa Railway tracks has been granted by the Board of Railway Commissioners for Canada, the city council was notified at its special meeting last' night, The railway has given voluntary con- sent for the opening of the street so that all that was necessary was a formal order to open the street, The order was referred to the city property committee of the council, which will decide what work is necessary in putting the crossing in proper condition for traffic, and will probably author- ize the work to be done in the near future or recommend to the council that the work he authorized, All work on the crossing is to be done at the expense of the city. The city applied to the Board of Railway Commissioners for this order, to enable the city to close Oshawa street from First to Third avenue and convey this portion of the street to the W, E, Phillips Co, By acquiring this part of Oshawa street, the Filling company unites two large blocks bf land which it owns, one of which is now built up with plants of the Phillips and Du- Plate Safety Glass companies, and the other to the east, across Osh- awa street, Since Oshawa street was in the way of future develop- ment work, the company desired this portion of the street to bs conveyed to them to allow them to proceed with any expansion that became necessary, Enables Expansion Allan Phillips, vice-president and who is acting as president of the W. E. Phillips Company in the ab- sence of Col. W, E, Phillips, stated to The Times this morning that there was no immediate develop- ment contemplated by the company, but the assurance of being able to obtain the portion of Oshawa St, made possible by the Railway Board's order closing Third av- enue, would allow them to lay plans for development at any time withe (Continued on Page 5) Born oh SHREVE--On Wednesday, March 13, 1929 ,to Mr. and Mrs. G, FP, Shreve, 53 Ritson road south, a daughter, (628) Too Late to Classify ROOM AND BOARD, DOUBLE and single rooms, For one or two gentlemen, 156 Oshawa Blvd, (62¢) chase 2 mew radio soon. Hundred" Highboy is pon $250.00 complete! ao ei Proscar nd poring oy ri a Lome 1 *round source of AER = EXTRA COST TO Highbey | Rogers Batteryless Radio a a he into model, And the price remains ess lamas the same of chain broadcasting 2, public a Rogers. Why not have one in Ask us to demonstrate. Terms to 2a Wa a Be a

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