PAGE FOURTEEN EASTERN ONTARIO NEWS 42 Mill Rate Brockville.--A tax rate of forty-| two mills on the dollar, equal to that fixed last year, was struck last night by the municipal council for cted As Judge A ; Belleville, = Mr, Walter Reeves, noted dog judge, has returned to Belleville from San Francisco, where he acted as judge of the Golden Gate Kennel club's twenti- eth annual show, Hald Convention Belleville,.--Through negotiations undertaken by the Chamber of Commerce, arrangements have been made for the holding in the Hotel Manitonna here on June 17-18, of the annual convention of the Do- minion Credit Exchange. 'ee Class Growing Lakefield, --The class in house- hold science and home economies is still growing and at the end of the first week numbered well over sixty and the registration is not closed yet, Contract for Rignway Lindsay. -- The Provincial Gov- ernment has awarded the contract for the construction of seven miles of pavement on the Lindsay-Toron- to Highway, between Oakwood vil- lage, Victoria county and Sunder- land, Home Destroyed Warsaw, -- Fire destroyed the home of Fred Bolton about noon yesterday. The Bolton house, about two miles east of Warsaw, was one of the finest homes in the district, It was burned to the ground, Removed to Asylum Kingston,--~Wilbert Richard Wil- liams, who was convicted of the murder of his wife, granted a new trial and then found "not guilty on account of insanity," was taken to Guelph yesterday, to be placed in an asylum for the criminally in- sane, Girls Favor Uniform Kingston, -- Girls uycending Kingston collegiate institute may don a uniform, The board of ed- ucation has left the matter in the hands of Principal E..O, Sliter. The latter has put it up to the pu- pils, and they have expressed a de- sire to wear uniforms. Sanctuary Named Kingston, -- Wallace Havelock Robb, Canada's birdland poet, has given his Royal patrons' name to the commanding physical feature of "Abbey Dawn Sanctuary," a rocky prominence to be known as "The Prince of Wales Ridge." Warning to Autoists Kingston, -- Autos continually crossing over the hose lying on the road in use at the fire on Montreal street last night caused a great deal of annoyance to the fire bri- gade af well as much wear and tear on the hose, Present Jewel Prescott.--Officers and members of L.O.L. No, 160, with a number of invited guests, tendered a recep- tion and banquet last night to one of their members, Worshipful Brother John L, eid, who recently was appointed to the high office of Deputy Master, Grenville coun- ty, and presented him with a past master's jewel. Places Navy Men Belleyille,--~Col, CO, G, Williams of the Navy League left the city yes- terday quite satisfied with the pro- gress made regarding the placing of ex-Navy men and families in this district, Most likely three families will be placed in Hastings County in the very near future, To Speak in Kingston Kingston.--~Mayor Craig bas re- ceived a letter from BE, T, Scam- mell, British correspondent, in which he states that Albert Cham- berlain, president of the British Welcome and Welfare League, To- ronto, is arranging his Eastern Ontario tour and that he will be in Kingston on March 26th, Committed for Trial Picton,~Dr, Charles W. Twells appeared before Magistrate Nor- man yesterday in Picton police court charged with shooting with intent to commit murder, This charge deals with the wounding of Arthur Corfield at the time Twells is alleged to have killed his two 11 Celing Street Goodyear Tires ALL-WEATHER TIRE SHOP ROY WILLMOT Phone 2462 "ATE Ontario Motor Sales FOR GOODYEAR TIRES Simcoe St. 8, Phone 900 "A STOCK OF GOODYEAR : TIRES ALWAYS ON HAND" Simcoe St. N. Phone 915 BUY -- FOR HEAT YOUR HOME THE DIXON WAY ECONOMY Genera. Motors Woop Hard Wood Blocks, Big Loads, Dry and Good Size. No Small Pieces. . Loads of the Smaller Hard Wood Blocks Being as Scrap $3.50--Limited Quantity. Sor Wood Loads of Board Ede ed Sent. G1 00 'THE ABOVE ARE ALL LARGE TRUCK LOADS sossssssssssssss Wagon Loads of Scrap--Big Loads, Good Wood $3.00 JEDDO COAL SOLVAY COKE DIXON COAL CO. mR THE OSHAWA DAILY TIMES, THURSDAY, MARCH 14, 1929 children. The doctor was com- mitted for trial. Circulate Petitions ~The two petitions in connection with the proposal to include the township of Pittsburgh in the big tubercular free area for cattle being established in Eastern Ontario, are going out to the can- vassers in the different school sec- tions on Tuesday of this week and the circulation of these petitions is to commence immediately. Barn Kingston.--A barn at the rear of 223-225 Montreal street caught fire last nfght about ten oclock from some 'unknown cause and a lively blaze ensued. The barn, a frame structure of two storeys, was easy prey to the flafes, and when the firemen arrived on the scene, the upper storey and roof were a mass of flames, Unusual Ice Condition Gananoque.~A large crack and an upheaval of the ice in the river St. Lawrence opposite the town, from the mouth of the Gananoque river to Tremont Park, occurred yesterday afternoon, which is ra- ther umusual as the cracks gener- ally parallel the channel, Hydro Profits Lindsay.--At yesterday's Hydro Electric Commission meeting it | was announced that there is a clear surplus of more than $20,000 for the past year after every bill has been paid. Lindsay hes been op- year on March 1st last. Fatally Scalded Kingston.--Falling head-first in- to a pail of boiling water, Floyd Beverley, four-year-old son of Thomas Geverley of Mountain Grove, was scalded to death yester- day, The childs' mother was her- self badly burned in her frantic ef- fort to rescue the baby boy from horrible death, Aged Man Killed Gelleville,--~August Youker, 74- year-old farmer, residing on the second concession of . Sidney township, was instantly killed just before four o'clock yesterday afternoon fhen he was struck by a C.N.R, train two miles west of the city. Mr, Youker was walking eastward and did not notice the approaching train, Child's Eye Removed Brockville, -- Pearl Gellinger, young daughter of Thomas Bellin- ger of Spencerville, underwent an operation yesterday at the General Rospital here for the removal of an eye, due to infection caused when the optic was pierced by a fork while the child was at a meal about two weeks ago. The child is recovering nicely. To Continue Weekly Calls Brockville, -- It is understood that vessels of the Tree Line Navi- gation Company will this year, as last, make Brockville a port of call in connection with the package freight service from Montreal to the head of the lakes. A steamer belonging to the fleet will eall weekly at the C.P,R, wharf to load package freight for western points, Ready For Muskrats Belleville,.--~The trappers are all ready for the open season of musk- rat hunting, This season will open on Friday next and run until April 20th, both days inclusive, From in- formation, it is gathered that rats are as plentiful as in previous years an& as healthy, Ireland Extolled Belleville.--In song and story the beauties of Ireland were extolled at the regular convocation of Quin- te Friendship Chapter R.A.M, last night. An added attraction was the installation of Rt. Ex, Comp, W. H. Nugent as District Grand Superintendent of Prince Edward Distrfct No. 11, Dies in England Cobourg. -- Mr, Andrew Bash- forth, former well-known citizen of Cobourg, superintendent for some time of the. Cobourg steel plant, died on Friday at Sheffield, Eng- land, where he resideu. Mr, Frank Bashforth, Toronto, is a son of deceased. Start Construction ,Port Hope.--Real construction be- gan at Trinity College school yes- terday with the pouring of the con- crete foundation for the "gym." By the time work on that building has moved along apace the level- ling up process will have been pre- | bared for the site of another foun- ation. Better Than Soda for Sour, Gassy Stomach "For some time I used soda for gas and sourness, Then I tried Adler ika and find it far better than soda." --Ed, McNeill, Adlerika relieves stomach gas and sourness in TEN minutes. Acting on BOTH upper and lower bowel, it removes old waste matter you how much better you feel, It will Sursrise you. Jury & Lovell, Drug- erating the local plant just one |y Machinery Adanac Mahine Sh 161 King St. W. Phone 4 i COAL MALLETT BROS. | Produce Prices in the | Commercial Markets Turkey: Young hens, over 8 Ibs. each +ivivnes Young toms, each sis rcecinrcrannnnniens 00 8 to 11 lbs, each .evesseses 16 Over 5 lbs, each ,. we 30 4 to 5 Ibs, each ,ieieereee 28 Staggy chick lassed as. old S258 8 RACING DRIVER KILLED IN EFFORT TO BREAK REGORD Lee Bible Hurled to Death and Camera Man Also Killed '| DRIVER WAS A NOVICE ,| Machine Swerved on Course and Crashed Into Sand Dunes Ocean Speedway, Daytona Beach Fla, Mar. 14.--Lee Bible, 42-year- old Daytona Beach garage mech- have |anie, rode to a spectacular death Above ket range desveres basis, TORONTO DAIRY PRODUCE tions to Shi Creamery, pasteurized, No, 1 4214 to 42)§ do 5econds seivevrsersiieniense 4134 to 42 Chor hea iii delivered Toronto, LOR a Gustations wn. shutting Sam .0.b, shipping points, are: ia) ; eR a ea tie} Noy -- ' . NEW _ YORK PRODUCE New York, March 14.~Butter, unsettled; receipts, 12,611; creamery, higher than ex- tra, 48 3.4c to 49 1-2c; extra, 92 score, ke ing stock, sutrent make, No, 1, 32% to Bc: 0, *&Cy Cheese--Steady; receipts, 113,772, teady; receipts, 50,693; fresh.gath. 31 1.2¢ to 32; extra first, 30 1.2c rst, 29 1-2c to 30c; seconds, 9c +4c; near-by hennery white, closely selected extra, 35c to 36c; near-by and near. by Western hennery white, extra, first to average extra, 32¢ to.3c; Pacific Coast white, extra, 36 1-2c to 37 1.2c; do. t: 34 1.2 to 35 1-2, 740, wtia 0, MONTREAL PRODUCE Montreal, March 14,--~Owing to the grri- val of large supplies of eggs from the United States, an easier feeling developed in the local market for fresh grades, and prices were reduced 1 cent per dozen, Receipts were 1,621 cases, The feature of the local butter situation was the easier feeling' that developed and prices scored a decline of 1.4c per Ib, which was attributed to the weaker cable advices received from London, netting a decline of 1s to 2s per cwt, in prices for New Zealand butter, At the lower level there was a stea- & demand, and a scale of ome car of estern No. 1 pasteurized creamery butter, February make, was made at r f.o.b, Winnipeg, for shipment to ebec, which price was 1-2c per Ib, lower than that asked on Monday, and, in addition to this, Quite a few sales of 50 and 100 package lots were made on Eastern Townships regraded No, 1 pasteurized creamery butter, Receipts were 1,466 packages, CHICAGO PRODUCE FUTURES Chicago, March 14.--~Though combined Chi- cago and New York receipts were the high- indi the mar. of values in eggs and poultry on o s here. yt tras, 50c; POULTRY AT BUFFALO March 14.~Dressed poultry--Falr ls 3c to. 3c; medium fowls, ; light fowls, 33c to 34c; old roost. 24¢ to 28; Jousting chickens, 3c to dc; fancy, 25¢ to 28c; geese, 2c to 25¢; (young), 30c to 43c; turkeys, (old), 32¢ to 33¢; capons, 43 to A Live poultry--Supply light, demand good, firm, Heavy fowl, per pound, 33 to 34c; Leghorn fowl, per 32 to 33; old roosters, 20c to 2lc; colored springers, 3lc to 3%; Leghorn springers, 2% to Xc. TORONTO GRAIN QUOTATIONS Grain dealers on the Toronto Board of Trade are making the following quotations for car lots: tobe Wheat No. 2 northern, $1.33 3-4, No, 3 morthem, $1.29 3-4, No, 4 wheat, $1.26 1-4, Yor 5 wheat, $1.21 3-4, Feed wheat, 89 1.4c, (cif. Goderich and Bay track, 1c higher than above Manitoba Oats . 1 feed, 57 1.8¢c, No, 2 feed, 55 1.4c, (c.iif. Goderich and Bay ports.) No. 2 yellow, kiln dried, $1.10 3-4, No. 3 yellow, kiln dried, $1.07 3.4, No. 4 yellow, kiln dried, 4 (Delivered Toronto) Millfeed delivered, Montreal freights, bags included--Bran, Dev ton, $34.25; shorts per ton, $36.25; middlings, $41.25, Ontario Oats--~Good, sound, heavy oats in car lots, 52 to SS, fob, Shipping ints, Ontario good milling wheat, f.0.b. ship. ping points, according to freights, $1.30 to Barley--~Malting, 76 to 79, Buckwheat--88 to 90c. Rye--No, 2, $1.05, anitoba flour--First patents, in jute, $7.70, Toronto; second patents, in jute, $6.70. On Flour Track, Montreal, car lots--90 per cent, patents per' barrel, $5.70, Joris. Price on TELEGRAPH LINE Edmonton, Alta., Mar, 14, -- A thread of copper wire will be strung along the 300 miles of wil- derness between Peace River town and Fort Vermilion soon, linking up the world with the isolated set- tlements down the Peace River and making it unnecessary for men to risk their lives on a hazardous trip to civilization should pestilence again face people of the northland. Dots and dashes will carry messag- es over the projected extension of the Dominion telegraph line. Word has been received here that the House of Commons will be asked this session to provide for the line which will follow the old wagon road from Peace River town to Battle River settlement, Keg river post and so on down to Fort Vermil- rices | YOSterday in the 36-cylinder racing car with which he was attempting to break the world's speed record of 231 miles an hour, made by Major Segrave. Speeding at more than three miles a minute, the ma~ chine got beyond his control and crashed into the sand dunes, strik- ing and killing glso Charles Traub, a news reel cameraman. The accident, one of the most tragic in the history of beach race ing here occurred just after Bible had crossed the measured mile course at a speed of 202 miles an hour, and was witnessed by a crowd of approximately 20,000 spectators, who lined sand dunes for miles, Roaring over the course at such a terrific speed, the car, owned by J. M. White, of Philadelphia, quick- ly disappeared in a haze that hung over the beach, and those who sat in the grand stand a mile away were unable to see just how the ac- cident happened. Eye-witnesses, who were stand- ing on the dunes at the end of the mile, declared Bible attempted to run too far out on the course near the surf, They said the driver, evidently believed the car would run into the ocean, lifted his foot too. quickly from the accelerator. With the power shut off so sud- denly at that speed, the car started to swerve from the course, Turned Steering Wheel Too Far Witnesses said Bible probably slammed on his brakes and attempt- ed to swing the machine beek into control, but in doing so turned the steering wheel too far, The mach- ine went out of control, spun around twice on the beach and turned over, It bounced high into the air, going into a barrel roll and smash- ed into the dunes with a terrific impact, Traub, who was standing on the beach taking pictures of the race, attempted to get out of the way, hut the car was traveling too fast. He was struck squarely by the speeding car just before it crashed into the dune. His body was sev- ered and mangled beyond recogni- tion, While the car was turning over, and just before it struck the dunes, Bible's body was hurled from the machine onto the beach. Witnesses buildings. against Every structure worthy of long time service must withstand onslaughts of weather, strain, and vibration of a less. er or greater degree--your home, your church, the school, in fact * all your But, try as they may, these destructive forces spend themselves harmlessly resilient, shock-absorbing, strong woods, Cut true and square, seasoned dry to meet every requirement and graded on Standard grading rules. You may ob- tain your needs in this us with an actual guarantee of service and satisfaction not equalled by any- one else, let alone Oshawa Lumber Co. 25 RITSON. ROAD NORTH TELEPHONE 2821-2820 material from Limited sald he attempted to sit up, gasped and fell back on the sand, dead, Car Was Demolished The Triplex, which held the world's record of 207 miles an hour before Major H. O. D, Segrave of England, boosted the mark up to 231 last Monday, was demolished, After rolling for several hundred feet over the beach it struck the high dunes and rolled back on to the course, rightside up. All four wheels were torn loose and one of them rolled across the course into the surf, Would Tax Bachelor ufris Stratford, Mar, 14,--City assess- or T, M. Ruston {s heartily in fav- or of assessing all single women for poll tax, IK would mean that the city would benefit to the extent of approximately $1,600 or more annually, At present there are several hundred bachelor girls in the city who escape any form of mynicipal tax, while all males from 21 to 60, contribute their share of the tax burden in one way or another, The eity council is unable to do anything without an amendment to the municipal act, . In the British Empire are 8,000 mo- tion picture theatres, one-half ol which are in the United Kingdom. -- . A fourteenth-century barn of Ox- ted, England, has been converted in- to a church, For children's bronchial ailments--no Veno's Lightn and chest finer relief than ing Cough Syrup== love it. d TWO REXALL SERVICE STORES --IN -- OSHAWA J 800 THE NEW AND RAPID REMEDY FOR OOLDS Gives immediate relief. 50¢ KLENZO HAIR STIMULATOR A convenient way of getting rid of dandruff and to stop falling bair is to use this pre- paration. Reg. Toe Specials 99C only condition tri Aopen) Special 23¢ Riker's Emulsified Cocoanut Oil Shampoo Leaves the bair silken and soft, Regular Price 35c. sose you win any of the next 400 is that we receive a copy information i obtained at each BILLY BURKE CHOCOLATES Those delicious creamy hand-rolled candies with the pure chocolate 60c coating, Pound .... +00s0s0s Puretest Mineral Oil ofl for intestin. ubrication, with. taste, and as as can be bought. 50¢ snd $1.00 Genuine, set and giant tube Shaving Cream. value. Special " 85¢ SIMCOE 8. ' PHONE 68 Children's and adults' Iaxative and antacid. Reg. BOc bottle, Special HAVING CREAM BRUSH SPECIAL in rubber Shaving Brush worth $1, Klenzo a 38 JURY AND LOVELL, LIMITED OFFER BIG C"SH PRIZES TO AMATEUR PHOTOGRAPHERS To stimulate loca! interest in the Kodak Company's $30,000 prize picture-taking contest, Sehing Gru s Co i at Er IDI 3 eT ny, done at our store. $200,00 extra if you win the grand the next 22 prizes. $50.00 if submitted. (Entry fin. ir work prize of $2,500.00, $100.00 if you win any of prizes, and $25.00 if you win any of the last of your eniek asd 8 dupBeste print of the one Store). ; Magnesia mua anda e $1.50