Oshawa Daily Times, 12 Mar 1929, p. 6

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. quick, moving ulation ng and rnal re- hardt's et, suc- 8 blood the af~ a won- fe and rers, It money 'uggists ith this VAI OF ONIONS ' The onion {8 a Nealthful article af food, but it also has great value as a remedy, Grandma used to cure colds with onions, Feople are now, just as they were then so it might cure a cough or horse- ness now just as it did then, It is worth trying, anyway, Put one- half cup minced onions, one cup vinegar and one cup molasses into a saucepan; simmer half an hour and strain, A teaspoonful of the mixture should be taken frequent- ly. A physician recommends the juice of finely sliced onions sprink- led with sugar for heavy colds, To extract the juice put the onions in a pah, sprinkle with sugar and set pan on radiator or where the on- fons will heat very slowly, Tea- spoonful dose of the juice taken at frequent intervals will give speedy relief, TIE THEM DIFFERENTLY These square scarves, whether they accompany tailleurs or dress- es, derive their chier caarm from the new manner in which they are The Women's Corner te For Anything of Interest to the Housekeeper "hasty knotting at one shoulder and no woman 'who folds her square scarf into a triangle should have the effrontery to appear in a smart gathering, - The smartest practice is to have the scarf rather tight- ly tied, but loose enough to per- mit the whole neck to show, Ata point midway between the centre front and the ear a loose single loop is made with one very short and one long and drdoping down, It 1s not as simple as it sounds, Very filmy chiffon handkerchiefs, when they are worn with print or jersey dresses, may be loosely knot- ted in the centre froni sc as to give a sallor effect from the back, - JEWELLERY BACK TO FRONT Every fashion writer knows that the newest way to ewar a pearl necklace is back to front, with the jewelled clasp below the chin, It is entertaining to find that Rem- brandt approved of this mode 300 years ago! One of his ladies wears her necklace just like that; it is a double choker with an enamel clasp from which hangs an enor- tied, There is to pe no more of | mous pearl, ing, where the top and bottom join Helpful Hints the side pleces, s for Harassed An attractive combination Housewives would be coarse black linen with If the family does not like pota- toes why not use rice as a trequent substitute? As an energy giving building material than potatoes, It contains two thirds more flesh building material than pptatoes, Potatoes contain one-fifth starch, which rice is more than three- fourths starch -- this makes it a valuable fuel food, Then, too, as is well known, potatoes are three- fourths water, while rice has on- ly a negligible amount of water, LJ * LJ If yon have some expensive pleces of mahogany furniture in your room and you need extra chairs, you might do this, Get some unpainted chairs in graceful lines and paint them yocrself, * » w They will need several coats to look really well done and then make suitable cushions for them, I saw some really attarctlve ones recently and thef are very easy to make, w * Ld They arem ade quite flat and are of linen, The top and bottom are cut so that when the eushion is made up, it will folllow the lines of the chair, About half an inch should be allowed for the seams, LJ] * * There should be, two strips about two inches wide for the side pleces--so that the finished cush- fon' will be at least an inch thick. Put the cushion together with pip- A Big Range of Dresses at $9.75 See Our 'ine The Fashion St, Pre Phone 8083W color to mateh- the chair, THREE DEMANDS MADE BY PERSIAN WOMEN paint on the Teheran, Persia, March 11, -- In the modernization of Persia, along lines adopted by Kemal Pasha in Turkey and attempted by the de- posed King Amanulah in Afghanis- tan, Persian women make three principal demands, The first, and the most revolutionary of all, is the right to make the acquaintance of a future husband before marriage. Persian women also demand the right to work outside their own homes and that the law relating to divorce give women equal rights with men, BACK HOME There is the quiet of the wood, The spring's glad murmurs wake, And in its softly singing stream Bright birds their thirsting slake. With tender fingertips the wind, Down drifting through the lane, Uplifts the crinkling fronds of fern To feel the fine, sweet rain, The bluets clamber up the hill-- Up, up to greet the sky, And green-gold shadows vague and warm, In dreaming silence lie, Now foaming into fragrant bloom The orchard's clustered deeps Cast down their petal flakes where Spring Her ancient promise keeps, ~--Maude De Verse Newton, WHERE INGNORANCE IS BLISS The erintendent was examin- ing the'children at a certain school. "Who wrote 'Hamlet'?"" he asked A very frightened little boy rose and said, "Please, sir, I didn't." The superintendent was later re- lating this amusing incident to members of the school board, "Haw-haw!" guffawed one mem- ber, "I bet the little rascal did all the time." Cuticura Talcum Powder The finishing touch to the daintiest toilet. Cooling, refreshing, snd de- it 8 delicate and to the person i distin@ive fragrance snd leaves the sweet Have a Frigidine Permanent ave THE FRIGIDINE METHOD HAS WON HIGHEST AWARDS IN PERMANENT WAVING CONTESTS at LIEGE, Belgium; snd PARIS, FRANCE, licate of the machine which won the above awards, which is the only machine of its kind in OSHAWA, Ontario, THE SCIENTIFIC COOL, SAFE Method which gives straight hair being beautiful, natural, . the appearance of § a » Fellows, outstanding Permanent-Wave at the alee Baivisesins ator Book your appointment now for 3 genuine FRIGIDINE Wave, Phone $15, 70 Simcoe Street North a aR A BRA Bo oa I Ma a a Mk Ra Wedel "4 KY late of New York City, one of America's oF SMART BASQUE Paris chic at a small outlay! Previous experience in sewing isn't at all necessary to make it, as seen in small drawings, Another inter- esting thing about it is that it does- n't require any trimming, The low= er edge of the two-piece bodice is shirred at centre-front, forming pointed outline, The attached two- piece side-plaited skirt can be in straight or pointed outline, Style No, 381 {is sketched in printed sheer velvet and is designed in sizes 16, 18, 20 years, 36, 38, 40 and 42 inches bust, Crepe satin, silk crepe, wool crepe, georgette crepe, chiffon, plain transparent velvet, canton-faille crepe and sheer woolen are suitable fabrics that will make up extremely lovely in this fashionable basque model, Pattern price 20 cents in stamps or coin (coin is preferred), Wrap coin carefully, We suggest that when you send for this pattern, you enclose 10 cents additional for a copy of our Fashion Magazine, showing all the most attractive Paris styles, em- broidery, ete, fa | SOCIETY MEETINGS DR. THONNE AND CHOIR AT NORTH SIMCOE LEAGUE North Sintcoe street Young Peo ple's League was entertained last evening by Dr, Thonne and his choir from the "Church of All Na- tions," The singing of the entire choir, as well as the solo numbers, were greatly enjoyed, Dp. Thonne proved an interesting speaker, and emphasized the desire of his peo- ple to be real Canadians, whilg all they asked for at present was work, of any kind, Dr, Thonne showed a twelve-reel film, entitled 'The Maker of Men." The story was in- terapersed with humor and pathos but the moral throughout splendid, showing the influence one good life may exert over the | YOUNG PEOPLES _ | lives of many, The large number present were delighted with the program of the evening, SIMCOE ST, YOUNG PROPLE ADDRESSED BY DEACONESS The regular meeting of Simcoe street Young People's league was held last evening. The devotional exercise was conducted by Mies Thomas, deaconess, who spoke on "Purity," Miss Thomas showed that purity is an inward . attitude and not an outward act. Thoughts lead to actions and therefore to be- come pure one must have pure thoughts, The speaker stressed the necessity of choosing friends of good principles and selecting care- ful reading, and making God the central figure in one's life, The second part of the program was an unique cartcon contest, The members tabulated the Missionary element in each cartoon. Mr. J, D, Boddy sang "They All Love Jack." The meeting was closed with the usual Biblical crossword puzzle, In the contest the girls are leading by eighteen points, REV, G, W, IRVINE SPEAKS TO CENTRE ST, YOUNG PEOPLE The Young People's Society of Contre street United Church held its regular Missionary meeting last evening in the Sunday school room, The outstanding entertainment of the evening was a lecture on *Trin- idad" by Rev. G, W, Irvine, of Ce- dardale United Church, a former missionary to Trinidad, The lec- ture was accompanied by illustrat- ed slides, which were greatly en- Joyed by the large number present. The program of the evening was in charge of Miss Emily Watson and her missionary committee, Mr, Edgar Watson, president of the so- clety, acted as chairman, The fol- lowing program was given: song service; Scripture reading, Mr, Twist; prayer, Mrs, (Dr.) Fletcher; quartette, Misses Emily Watson, Mildred DeGuerre and Messrs, Ed- gar Watson and George Fletcher, The quartette contributed two num- bers on the program. A hearty vote of thanks was tendered to Rey, Mr, Irvine, showing the appre- ciation of the society, The meet- ing was closed with the Mizpah be- nediction. WOMEN'S MEETINGS 2 2 2 PW WWW) v v v Cle de ) 2.280020 2 PW) Ca A PATTERN PURCHASE COUPON To The Oshawa Daily Times Pattern Department Oshawa. Ont. Enclosed find .... .. cents Please send patterns listed be low; sonsrsrsrnnvies BI2O sossres ve BIZ 10000000 oo 8120 10000000 LIA a Se Jee Jen Ja J Jae oe Ja a AAGress ,ossssssrrersssnrssss 4 FOWD ,.0vsvnrrnnssrsssnnsrss ] E Provines ieee seessnnsrness | price, 20 cents each, Seno | stamps or coin. Wrap coin A arefully. F ", RE EE ~ KING STREET W. M, 8, PLAN EASTER MEETING The regular meeting of the W. M.S, of King street United chureh was held on Thursday, March 7, with Mrs, Hales Barker presiding. There was 8 good attendance, The secretary's, treasurer's and corres- ponding secretary's reports were read, also letters of thanks for flowers sent. The groups reported many new members, Mrs. Bebbington . was appointed Temperance secretary for the year snd read an interesting paper un prohibition in the United States. It was left with the executive to ap- appoint a first vice-president, this office having been left vacant with the death of Mrs. Lisle. The next meeting on Thursday, April 4, will speaker will be engaged, Mrs. Wadsworth gave a splendid description of Africa from the study book, "Drums in the Darkness," The speaker gave a description of the physical features of Africa and of the introduction of white races into that gréat country of darkness, Mrs. Winters' group had charge of the remainder of the program, The Scripture lesson was conduct- ed by Mrs. Craig, followed by pray- er by Mrs. Crozier. Mrs. Wigg gave a reading and Miss Joyce Edgar, a piano solo, The meeting was clos- ed with 8 hymn and prayer led by Miss Jackson. THE PEDESTRIAN'S PARADISE +#On the moon," says a writer, "gravity is so slight a man could jump thirty feet high." Wonder if that is where good pedestrians go when they die. was | be an Easter meeting and a speeial : THE OSHAWA DAILY TIMES, TUESDAY, MARCH 12, 1929 Women's Interests in the Home ~ and SOCIAL and PERSONAL The Times {invites the co- operation of its readers in contributing items to this column, Send in 'a postcard or phone 85, Mr, Ernest Broom visited at his home in Lindsay over the week- end, Miss May Holes of Peterboro spent the week-end with friends in the city, ve * Mr, Alan Bell, Oshawa Boule- vard, spent the weekend in Toron- to with his sister, * % 8 MY, Gordon Cook week-end at his home say, spent the in Lind- Miss Minnie Li'tle of Bewdley is visiting Mrs, Leslie Little, Division street, \ * . » Mrs, Hubert Smith and son, Billie, are visiting Mr, and Mrs Wiillam Little, Bewdley. LJ . . Miss Mary Forestell spent the week-end in Lindsay, the guest of her parents, Mr, and Mrs, W, J, Forestell, LJ LJ LJ Mr, Ernie Forestell spent the week-end at the home of his par- ents, Mr, and Mrs. W, J. Fore- stell, Lindsay, * * Misses Anna Willlamson and Ann Thornburn spent the weeks end with Miss Jean Thomas in Lindsay. J J bd Miss Veta Stephenson of the To ronto Conservatory of Music spent the week-end with her parents, Mr, and © Mrs. T, E, Stephenson, Aberdeen street, : * Ld * Mr, Wilfred Banks left Monday for New York, where he wiil set sail on March 14 on the "Duchess of Bedford" for a holiday in Europe, . A farewell party * was tendered Mr, and Mrs, Alvin' McIndless at their home, Gladstone avenue, on Wednesday evening, There were about seventy-five guests present, and the evening was spent in an old-time square dance, Mr, and Mrs. McIndless left yesterday for their new home in Toronto, "Blue Sky Law" Planned to Control Mining Companies Victoria, Mar. 12.-With the object oi controlling mining companies. as well as other concerns, British Columbia will enact a "blue sky law" it was intimated by Attorney-General R. H. Pooley in the Legislature recently when the House was discussing Amehdments to the Mineral Suryeys ct, H. F, Kergin, Liberal member for the Atlin mining district, asked how the government proposed to control Dominion companies, which would not be affected by the new legisla- tion, The Attorney-general admitted this feature offered serious difficul- ties, as other provinces had tried to enact blue sky laws which would cover concerns operating on federal charters, and had found their legis- lation ultra vires, SAVED EXPENSE "What@did your wife say when you got home last night?" "Not a word. I was going to have those two front teeth pulled any- way." SEEK BALLOT BETTER CONDITIONS Hon, Mary Ellen Smith Voices Aspirations of Women Montreal, Mar, 11, -- "Women seek the ballot for the power it gives them to create better condi- tions, to makes homes happier and hearts lighter," Hon, Mary Ellen Smith, former member of the Bri- tish Columbia government, told the members of the Montreal Cen- tral Women's club in a lunch the Comm tang to the taste. 80 popular, More cups to the d, more flavor in the cup, more y hats a Tea guaranteed, EAs good ted' TE ORANGE PEKOE is extra good address Saturday, Mrs. Smith congratulated the women of Que- bec on their efforts to attain great- er privileges and voting rights, as evidenced by the measures now being considered in the provincial parliament, Living conditions were bettered, she declared, by having women included in the na- tional housekeeping of the coun- try." Mrs, Smith praised Canada's war pensions system ana the finance generally, declaring that {it was such as to inspire confidence abroad and encourage others to make their homes in thig country, "Canada is a country well worth Hving in," she said, "and all should know it from east to west to appreciate it fully," She believed that every member of parliament should have a thor- ough knowledge of Canada gained by a tour from coast to coast, TIMES HAVE CHANGED "In days gone by the young men came around at midnight to seren- ade young women." "That would never do to-day; a popular girl ig hardly ever home Bucharest Rumania, Mar, 12-- There was a violent round of ma- chine gun firing on the range at Pennsylvania Military Academy yesterday and behind the gun lay a 16-year-old youth whose father is attempting to make over the political complexion of Mex- co, Leon Humberto Aguirro, the 16- year-old son of the Mexican rebel, General Jesus Maria Aguirre, sent the round of machine gun bullets spat ering at a target because he was so happy that his mother and sisters were safe, For several days the youn-ster feared that his mother and sisters might have been arrested because of the revolutionary tactics of his fa'her, But, Wednesday he re- ceived a message from them, and also one indirect'y from his father, who said he had the high- est expectancies that the present Mexican revolution would be scat- at that hour." tered, MEXICAN REBEL GENERAL'S SON STUDENT AT U. S. MILITARY SCHOOL Leon is known about the camp. us as "Rebel", 'How's the war?" "You're liable to be lined up in front of a firing squad." "Is the sham battle over?" are some of the many good natured taunts passed at him, He doesn't seem to mind much, and his popularity seemingly {is in- creasing. He is somewhat of an immobile youth with dark hair and dark, flashing yees, His herc is his father, "I want to fall in his footsteps," the youngster said, He cannot figure the revolution all out himself, He believed all along his father was a good friend to the Administration in Mexico, But he said he was positive that his father believed the masses of he people were not getting a square deal, ard had started the revolution. "I would like to be on my father's staff," young Leon said, "but I guess I am too young." / Bo Busis ol srmuny important Dishes on every Menu oLESOME, nourishing, well-balanced, homes cooked meals ensure 8 healthy, happy family, Such mealsarecertain if youuseplenty of pure, rich milk, which is in itself a complete, well-balanced food. Borden's St. Charles is not only a safe milk but it is more then twice as rich as ordinary milk, since over sixty per cent of thewater content is evaporated. Itgivestocook~ ing a texture and flavor nothing else will give, Send for our cook book and convince yourself of thisfact by trying a few of the simple, tested recipes, THE BORDEN CO. LIMITED, 140 St. Paul Street West, Montreal, Dept. A. Please send me free St. Charles Recipe Book Borden's I CHARLES: = MILK will personally be ede a MAYBE § cam fromm ovT swrsge THEY winT To ouvT Loup" Cesly Woosh y MEANING! For C pysne B48, in runs Sis, bo oun vs pp prt. IR ~--By Grace G. Drayton FosT Locka' Him Rvs CANT FinD Them 'Te savass Looks ALL AROUND AND | 'So 18 Tums ME will ST oN ONE Of THe STones AND REST AWIAE Beak - AND HE THOVENT So mETHNG BIT Hin f AND HE RAN AWAY AS FAST AS ME COviDEe TAuD ne SAT PLUME Om RoDEIE 6 LR AND DolLY - BoBoy- COMFY AND RoBBIE JvsT LASHED Ano LaveHeD i

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