Oshawa Daily Times, 4 Mar 1929, p. 2

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a be finals Penalties | Whitby, O0.H.A, 'of 2,000 fans score, als, local lineup . son was given Sleightholm way and often - protect and the defence, 'on Collins' Whitby Defeated By Toron- him "to Aggregation 3-2 at Burne' Arena in Second +. Game of OH.A. Semi- WILLOWDALE WINS ROUND, 10-3 SCORE Visitors Played a Defensive Game, and the : Was Marked By an Al ." most Entire Absence of (By Staff Reporter) March 4.--Whitby In- termediates were eliminated in the semi-finals when Willow- dale defeated them 3-2, in an ex- citing game witnessed by a crowd at Burns' Arena, Saturday night, and thus won the round 10-3, In spite of the mild weather there was a fair ice sur- face and a merry battle was pro- vided throughout with the locals assuming the aggressive, in an en- 'deavor to overcome Willowdale's strong lead, Whitby had the mar- gin of play, but hard luck in shoot- ing combined with splendid goal keeping on the part of Harris, the Toronto net guardian, keep them at the low end of the "Shrimp"' McPherson, visiting centre man was prominent on Saturday, and was responsible for two goals, The visitors have a strong aggregation and will now meet Kitchener in the O.H.A, fin- A change was for his o proved himself a good wing man and. several times threatened to score but the shake- up did not insure a victory, The locals fought gamely all the Willowdale hard pressed through the efforts of the Whitby forwards, The To- yonto team had a strong lead to employed defensive tactics in an effort to prevent the locals from scoring, In the last period however, Clare Rice, veter- . an right wing man, zero jinx, when he fooled Harris with a bullet-like drive from the . blue line, Hall repeated the per- formance shooting First Period Whitby forced play right from 'the drop of the puck in the first «frame but the efforts of Harris "prevented a score, Rice, Smith and Sleightholm were on top of the - mets several times only to lose through the ability of the goalie. + Atkinson and Hall teamed up well on defense but in ten minutes Mec- Wherson an Collins went through, MePherson scoring from close in pass. Five later Underwood secured Willow- dale's second counter on a lucky ¢shot from centre striking Hall and bouncing-"from Saturday with Sleightholm moved up from right defence to left wing while Atkin- from ice, he Whitb and news will be next the post REPRESENTATIVE -- JAMES ntermediates Ousted " From O.H.A. Race by Willowdale Sextette The ond ley, Contest for into two and lead nets was served to the wily made in the |o, 1d position. was broke the outside with minutes the puck leading 2-0, Second Neither side counted in the sec- even, The locals continued to fight gamely and the crowd roared en- couragement. Referee Ernie Wort- of play and watched carefully for offsides, He was not called upon to give many penalties however for both teams were giving an ex- hibition of clean hockey, Rice, manager and oldest player when he raced down on his wing prise shot from the blue line, The visiting goalie had no time to see the rubber disk as it soared like a bird and zipped past him into the nets, Five minutes later Hall went down the ice and shot from outside the defence for the locals' second counter. Sleightholm then threatened to put his team in the charged from the rear by Collins, The latter drew a penalty but pos- sibly saved a goal, "Shrimp" retrieved the puck be- hind his blue line and went right through to score, The game ended 3-2 in favor of the visitors, lineup: Willowdale--Goal, fence, Nugent and Barnett; centre, McPherson; Collins; sub, Beall, Whithy--Goal, Hawes; Atkinson and Hall; centre, Smith; wings, Rice and Sleightholm; al- ternates, Bradley and Bundy. Referee--Ernie Wortley, Toron- JUDGE J. J. KEHOE 'PASSES AT WHITBY Aged Jurist Had a Long 'Whitby, March 4.--Judge John Jame Kehoe, District of Sudbury, died here this morning following a brief illness. Judge Kehoe, seventy-fifth year, had a long and distinguished career on the Bench. He was regarded as an authority on mining law and was a gifted orator, and in his addresses spec- falize on British jurisprudence and British constitutional law and practice, Judge Kehoe Attorney of the District of Algoma, Marie, for 24 years, and was ap- pointed first Judge of the District of Sudbury in 1908. He was in office at the time of his death. He was born in 1854 in Ottawa, where he received. his early edu- cation at the past Hawes and into the nets, period ended with the visitors Period frame and play was fairly of Toronto, kept close track Third Period Whitby, brought the locals the scoring column within minutes of the final frame peppered Harris with a sur- and was rushing in on the from right wing when he was Willodwdale bottled up but the badly The Harris; de- wings, Skirrow and defence, and Distinguished Career (By Staff Reporter) first Judge of the who was in his acted as Crown headquarters at Sault Ste, Ottawa University. ity and clusiveness, s A New Fabric For Spring and Summer Dresses Wemsheen Rayon Silk Has the appearance of the richest of silks, patterns and colorings that bespeak individuali as every woman terial that looks like $2.50 yard, but at a price that will simply astonish you when gn, See Window Ldn 89¢ yd. Daily Times the Street, lived Viistey Office; Dundas . a THE OSHAWA DAILY TIMES, MONDAY, MARCH 4, 1929 Several years ago the honorary degree of Doctor of Laws was con- ferred upon him by the university, He was also a graduate of Osgoode Hall, Toronto, rr Surviving are his widow, who before her marriage was Miss Marion McFadden of Sudbury; a daughter, Miss Catherine, of Ot- twaa; one son, Frank J, of Tim- mins, and a sister, Mrs, T. A. Armstrong of Ottawa, The body was sent by train to Ottawa tonight where the funeral will be held from t. Joseph's Church on Tuesday morning. He will be buried in the Roman Cath- olic cemetery there, in which are interred - the bodies of four gen- erations of his family, CITIZENS' BAND HAS FINE PROGRAN Local Organization Gives Second of Sunday : Concerts (By Staff Re Whitby, Mar, 4.--A splendid pro- gram of marches, selections and hymns was provided by the Whithy Citizens' Band in the second of a series of Sunday night concerts pre- sented in the town hall auditorium last night. A large audience was in attendance and greatly appre clated the efforts of the band, Under the able leadership of Bandmaster Broadbent this organi- zation is Showing a marked im- provement and the various num- bers were exceptionally well play- ed, indicating that the winter months had been well spent in prac- tice, The band was assisted by Jack Lee, of Oshawa, violinist, who contributed a pleasing number, "Moonlight and Roses," and an en- core, The Holden Male Quartet includ- ing Messrs, R, A. Holden, Robert, James and Donald Holden also took part in the program and sang two fine numbers, with Mrs, R. A. Hol- den accompanying at the piano, Appreciation for the work of the band and the efforts of the assist- ing artists was expressed by Mayor Levi W, Dudley, who acted as chairman. Mayor Dudley referred to the band as an organization of which the town might well be proud and expressed the wish that it might be loyally supported, The program was as follows: O Canada; march, "Semper Fi- deles;" selection, *'Scenes of the Opera;" quartet, "Sweet Sabbath Eve;" selection, 'Maid of Or- rter) "Women Vs. Men" Will Be Aréd Tonight In * Church Debate NT Staff Re) ) Whithy! Mar, 4. Question whether women have made a dyrger contribution than men towards hu- man progress will be argued to- night in an interesting debate be- 7aen the Almonds United Church Young People, represented by Miss Leila Richardson and Jim McQuay and the Tabernacle United Church Young People, represented by Joe Bascom and Ed Oke, which takes e in the church school tonight, The Almonds team is taking the negative stand while the local de- bating team is enthusiastically in favor of the part women have play- ed. The judges are Mrs, C. R, Car- Church choir of Whitby under the direction of Arthur W, Lynde, has been engaged by the Ladies' Aid of King St, Church, Oshawa, to give COUNCIL MEETS TONIGHT (By Staff Reporter) Whitby, 4--The regular meeting of the town council will be held in the council chambers tonight. It is expected that much important business will come up for discussion and all members are urged to attend. STRUCK BY MOTOR CAR Toronto, Mar. 4,--George Money, 26-year-old' farm hand at Holland Landing is in the General hospital in a critical condition following an accident near the city limits on Yonge street last night. Money was struck by an automobile driven by William Rice, 74 Stewart street, Lansing. County police are investigating the accident. It is stated Money was walking along the highway from the city and was struck by the automobile travelling in the same direction.He was taken to the hos- pital by city police, TRACKMAN INJURED Toronto, Mar. 4, -- Police early today were searching for the driver of an automobile which struck down and injured Frederick Chap- man of 245 Silverbircn uvenue, T, 7.0. trackman at Bloor and services in were two solos fully sung Cawker and Mr, George E. Chase. therefrom lessons which could be applied to the lives of all boys and girls as they for their life's work. At the even- ing service Dr, Best preached an interesting sermon taking for his subject, "When Is a Man Free," The music at both services was In the morning the choir sang the anthem "We Bless Thee for Thy Peace", the solo being taken by Miss Helen Yellowlees, Mr, Henry Knight also sang in splendid "Galilee", most enjoyable, by DEATH OF OLD RESIDENT (By Staff Reporter) March highly esteemed resident of Bow- manville passed away on Saturday, March 2nd in the person of Phillipi Ann Johnston, widow of the lale James A, Johnston, in her 93rd year, Some years ago Mrs, John- ston gave up her own home and since that time Miss Ida Randall, at which place death took place. The funeral held Monday afternoon Bowmanville, Bowmanville Daily Times MISS MARGARET CLIMIE Representative Phones: Office 587; Resi. dence 511 TRAINING SCHOOL PRINCIPAL SPOKE Mr. Dobson Addresses Boys St, Paul's church on Sunday. In the morning there was an ordination service when Messrs, George Webster, William Dobson fit themselves voice, In the evening the an- them was "Spirit of God" in which that were beauti- Mrs. has lived with George street, Mrs. Johnston's Quick, sure relief--then the joy Been pital method that gives almost in- stant relief--then quickly drives the cold out of one's system, itself, Instead it started spreading so fast he called his physician, who i advised double strength doses of Ayer's Cherry Pectoral--a hospital certified medication of wild cherry, terpin-hydrate and other ingredi- ents recognized as the quickest and ere 2 come cough found Reports of icians Show Home | most effective to end colds. H Relief began immediately, when Use of ayia) Method he felt its soothing, healing Quickly Colds warmth--from his ndse es deep down into his chest, Within an hour or so the medication had Pleasant Way to Mrs, C. M. Hoover is still an- treated for a sev- caused her to bhe- pleasant to take and it gave relief + in just a few minutes, WA Inside of an hour or so conges- RELIEF BEGINS INSTANTLY WHEN COLDS ARE TREATED THIS WA Sm ------------ Many Here Use Method Doctors Advise to End Head Colds, Coughs and Chest Colds absorbed by his system, loos- scallen, Mrs, G. M, Goodfellow and : 2 0 of waking up without the misery Dr, G H Stevenson, A short m. si and Girls in St. Paul's and risk ome takes by neglecting Suing Op, Sougention aia rellevins cal program will also be provided. Church 3 Sold during this pneumonia fever was gone_--and in another . 2 : . or so, the doctor reports, ex- \ #7 wa IVE OSHAWA CHURCH Ld Reporter ) hore foyed by vast Tumbers of Oshawa amination showed 10 Urace leit of tion was clearing up rapidly and wiiely an Reporter. initea | Were good congregations at the Jeople, "For Suctols a a: she slept the night through with- out coughing, The treatment was continued as the doctor directed, and in a day or so she was out playing--as well as ever, End Child's Cold a concert in that church on Thurs- oN orgort ote dain Soon Ended "Achy" other, like numbers of Oshawa| Note: Other cases reported dafly--all cer- day, March 7, starting at 8.16 pm. |, "pc © He 2 are . The min. " LL Y . mothers, who appreciates how | tified by attending physician. The choir will be assisted by the | jo q,0 0 "on | ou preached a Feverish Feeling quickly Ayer's Cherry Pectoral ; i Trafalgar Quartette, of the O,L.C.; service, Dat n leading up to this RL Stok ue children's This "hospital certified" ine quickly Mr. Edward Bowman, tenor; Miss - Before the sermon, Mr, od Okes, / penetrates and heals inflamed linings of the Norma French, elocutionist; the | Dobson, Principal at the Boys'|for example, had colds. ' Bir passages, Absorbed By the system if Composite Male Quartet; Mr, Clare | Training School, gave a short talk | neglected a severe Mrs, Hoover's ich alley Rongestion and dre out' fie Thompson, bass, and Miss Kathleen | to the boys and girls, basing his | cold in the hope little daughter, po 4 J Leask, planist and accompanist, remarks on '"stamps', drawing|it would wear off Dorothy, was Just a few pleasant spoonfuls . of Ayer's Cherry Pectoral now and you, too, will feel like a different person tomorrow. Endorsed by leading druggists. cold which a sleep, She Pectoral feverish and so she could not Ayer's Cherry > PITAL borne cemetery, Mrs. Johnston is survived by three step-sons, Wal- ter and Norman Johnston, both of whom reside in the States, and Charles Avery Johnston, Bowman- ville, also one step-daughter, Mrs, John Gilfillan, Orono, D.D.G.M. VISITED much a solo, "Our C. Arthur Bowmanville, Mar, 2. -- Rt. Wor, 4--A|W, J. Bragg, D.D.GM, of Ontario District, paid his official visit to Hope Lodge, Port Hope, on Friday even- ing, accompanied by District Secre- tary V. W. Bro.-T, Annison and 30 meinbers of Jerusalem Lodge, A.F. & Florid After the work of the evening had been exemplified all adjourned to the banquet hall where a very appe- tizing supper was provided. A pro- gram of vocal and instrumental mu- sic was rendered which was very Toron Mrs was to Cam- Mr, a Mr, also gave a very interesting talk on Beatty, W.M., presided, BOWMANVILLE PERSONALS Bowmanville, Mar, 4--Mrs, (By Staff Reporter) Quek, Elgin street, was in Oshawa the end of the week to say good-bye to her mother, Mrs. E. Robins, Sim- coe stteet south, who has for New York where she would meet her grand-daughter, and proceed with her to Miami to visit her daughter, Mrs, Walder of in the south, ing in town, guest of her parents, enjoyed, Bro. F. C, Palmer | bourg, was a dinner guest of Dr, C, W. and Mrs, Slemon, Church strect, when in town on Friday, Mrs, (Dr,) Angus McKay, Toronto, is visiting her sister, Mrs, Fred Knox, Queen street. The many friends of Mr. John Horne will be pleased to hear that he is steadily improving in health and is permitted to sit up for a few minutes each day, Mr, Horne has been confined to bed since Christmas, Mr, Gurnsey McClellan, Toronto, spent the week-end at the home of his parents, Mr, and Mrs, A, J. Mc- Clellan, . Mr, Mcllveen has arrived in town to take over the position of manager of the Bank of Montreal, Flag" Wor, Bro, H, J. C. (By Staff Reporter) Wm. gone to a. Mrs, Robins left on Friday Mrs, Sharpe, to, who is spending the winter Woman Trips on Skirt and Falls, ~--Head-line, All we care to say about it is that she was some high- stepper.--~Nashville Banner, . John Hyde, Toronto, is visit- nd Mrs. A, J. McClellan, Hubert Higginbotham, Co- Yonge streets, Chapman was tak- en to the General hospital suffer- ing from slight hurts to the head and face, WOMAN DIES OF INJURIES Stratford, Mar. 4.--From the ef- fects of injuries received when the car in which she was a passenger crashed down the embankment leans;" violin solo, "Moonlight and Roses;"" chairman's remarks; band, | "Silver Threads Among the Gold;" quartet, "Po' Little Lamb;" selec tion, "Spirit of Youth;" Hymn, "God Be With You;" God Save the King. HOCKEY NOTES Whitby can now hang up its sticks and skates as far as SHA. hockey is concerned, for Saturday night's game eliminates the locals from the running. This is the first time since 1913 that this town has been repre- sented in the intermediate semi-finals and every citizen can be proud of the team. LJ] . Clean play has been the motto of the locals throughout this season, The boys have shown themselves true sportsmen and game fighters. They gave all that was in them and where- ver they went they won enthusiastic admirers, Saturday they fought gamely to the last minute even though faced by H hopeless lead, Goalie Hawes has given a consis- tently good performance in every game. Long shots proved pie to him while he was as cool as a morning | away at the General hospital on held tripped the light fantastic did music furnished by a chestra, the program including both square and round dances which were very much enjoyed. near New Hamburg last Sunday afternoon, Mrs, M, Collins passed Saturday, It has not yet been de- cided whether or not an inquest will be held. The son of the de- ceased woman, Heber Collins, was the driver of the vehicle, CALLED TO WOODSTOCK BY BROTHER'S DEATH (By Staff Reporter) Bowmanville, Mar. 4.--Mrs. Robert Warder, Concession street, was called to Woodstock owing to the death of her brother, Benjam- in Thomas Thornton, which occur- red at the family residence on Fri- day, March 1st, The late Mr. Thornton bad been ill for a long time, having suffered a stroke over a year ago. The funeral took place on Monday afternoon, ORANGE LODGE DANCE There was an enjoyable time at the Bowman House on Friday night when Loyal Orange Lodge No, 2384 nce. About forty "oybles en- ay or- dip when it came_to Light positions, %® Manager "Clarey" Rice may re- tire from active hockey according to rumor, In spite of many years inthe sport there seems no reason why he should give up because he seems good for the full sixty minutes and always finishes strong. He is a goal-getter and is famed for his wicked shot. Jack Sleightholm and Dick Hail have proved themselves a good de- fensive pair. Neither are giants in size but possess the ability of being able to check anyone or anything, and both are Strong on the rushes. ty and ex- ires. A ma- Smith and Atkinson gre two play- ers who have a good hockey future ahead of them. Smith is a tricky, heady player, while Atkinson posses- sed plenty of speed and is 2 good Basement Shoppe Special Here's a Real One! SUEDE CUSHIONS For Auto, Canoe, Lawn. or the Home Comes in Sand, Blue. Green. Red, Rose and Grey Absolutely waterproof Special, each | stick-handler. . . Bradley, Bundy and C. Sleightholm have proved themselves handy men to have on the reserve list. Bradley New Martin NOW PLAYING "The Man Who Laughs" Regular Prices 3-DAYS-3 especially, was used ext vely in every game and should become 2a splendid player by next season. CHOIR CONCERT By Staff Reporter) Whit key 4 annual con- cert of St. (By Staff Reportes) Whitby, March 4.--Four successive days of mild weather have practical- | ly cleared local streets of snow. drains are taxed to the ut- REGENT NOW PLAYING Cocoa Door Mats Quality Cocoa Door Mats in the useful 14 x 24 size. of strong Fibre that will wear well. Special, each Today We Offer Furniture Hints 'That Will Please The Housewife! The Spring Season is upon us and every housewife is looking about wondering where she can improve her home. Dining Room 9 Piece Solid Walnut ESO 3X RE CR CR A quantity of Remnants put out for clearance at half price. Remnants of Silk Nets, Cotton Nets, Poplins, Cretonnes and Tapesiries. Come in and look these over. 63 King St. E. uke Furniture Co. Phones 78-79

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