Oshawa Daily Times, 22 Feb 1929, p. 12

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RECEIVED APPOINTMENT Rockville BR herds Honor as RS apuiat ohn' W, Sonatomo. hy Te a X mn. -- An addition is to be made to Prince Edward county Hospital. Tenders are now being called by the architects, Thomson _.and Johnson, 224 Front street, Belleville. RE-ELECTED DIRECTOR Brockville, -- Hon. Arthur C. Hardy has been re-elected a direc- of the Frost and Wood Co. mited, the annual meeting of which was held at the head office in Smiths Falls this week, pc - and or G state secretary treasurer. 23% THERE PASTORS RESIGNING . Napanee, --Up to the present the Kingston Church has three pastoral changes to take place in June next, when the Bay of Quinte con- ference meets in Napanee, Those resigning their charges are Rev. Dr Cooper, Cataraqui; Rev, H, E, War- re, Athens; and Rev, Leach, Addison. James i | Sr 1 canning ories ad. canning panies generally are signing up growers of produce for the. 925 season. In the Quinte district greater activity along these lines is than ever before. It is stated tBat over 1,700 acres of produce is already contractéd for in the Belleville district, HAVING MOH, ton,--According to a mo- tion passed at the meeting of the Board of Directors of the Chamber f Commerce a few days ago, that ody is heartily in accord with the scheme proposed .by Principal R. Bruce Taylor of Queen's Universi- ty concerning the appontment of a medical officer 'of health for Kingston. . MAKING PROGRESS Kingston.--The foundation fund of the National Council of Women is making good progress. The campaign, begun in October last is still under way in all parts of The WILLIAMS PLAYER MA Nationally Priced at 09 tone: 0 pe THE JOHNS PIANO STORE 00 Plus Transportation To "Music Lovers" the Williams Player is a revelation in appear- ance, construction, design and ~» Simple to play by anyone, yet having perfect tone and easily operating key-board for the individual who wishes to play their oun pieces: ~ The reproduction of famous masters, or the strain of popular dance orchestra are equally easily reproduced. ~» Wesuggestthatyouseethis player, the result of eighty Manufacturing Amn bn will instantly recommend itself to you~ and it costs only $695.00, (plus transportation), years of Pia PIANO MANUFACTURERS SINCE 1849 an Manufacturers also of the famous WILLIAMS Supgr-Llectric Custom Built Radios and Phonoradios WILLIAMS PIANO CO. LTD. Oshawa Canada A ZF Ta Td Ad A 80 Simcoe Street North Oshawa, Ontario GENERAL MOTORS WOOD For Economy HARDWOOD SCRAPWOOD BONE DRY BIG LOADS REAL VALUE Adapted tor Every Purpose All Small Blocks in Hardwood Loads Eliminated Prompt and Courteous Service Always Jeddo Coal Solvay Coke Pocahontas and Cannel Every Kind of Fuel City Scale Weights It Desired DIXON COAL # COMPANY | Telephone 262 | . Four Lines to Central | that German tly | sum' to: vara its Bvt. LEBRATE SY Hepworth. --Mr. and Mrs, James McGee of 'Desboro' recently ~cele~ Es ging aunt hn at Keady by Rev, 1. oni er with dg oy mediate ig Fd Youre ago were uivergary togath INQUEST ORDERED 'Brockville.--An inquest into the death of David Empey, who'died in the Cornwall General Hospital, on February 6, ad the result of a frac- tured skull sustained in an aceci- dent at 'Dickinson's Landing, has eral's' Departmetn. Empey, who lived at Dickinson's Landing, was 'struck on the head by the beam of a holst while: haul- ing ice. MORE MONEY NEEDED Kingston, -- It was learned. yes- already placed i the parliamentary estimates 'for the Royal Military college, one of $20,000 for missing accommodation and the other of $3,100 that still furthér sums will be 'required by the minister of National Defence, It is quite pos- sible that the comstruction of a mess room and kitchen for the R. M.C, cadets may be commenced +] during this year. NORWOOD SOCIETY Cobourg. -~At the adjourned an- nual 'meeting of the Norwood agri- cultural Soclety the following of- ficers 'were' elected: Presdent, G. A. Brethren; first vice-president, Mrs, B, P, Cuffe; second vice-pres- ident, Mrs, I, H, Keefer; secretary, P, W, Gardner; assistant secretary, P, M, Grover; directors for two years: Mrs, P, M, Grover; Mrs, D, B. Cutcliffe; Rev, T. J. O'Connor, Denton; 1. 'B. Roxborough, R, Law- or, : TO VISIT PLANTS Kingston, -- Two of Cornwall's largest industrial establishments, the plant of Courtaud's, Limited, will this week-end :be visited by a party of students from Queen's Un- iversity, who will make a study of the various processes of manufac. y"'ng. The party will be made up of five final-year students of the chemical engineering branch, and they will. be accompanied by Dr. L. F. Goodwin, Professor of chemical engineering, OFFICERS ELECTED Prescott. -- The anpual meeting of the Prescott Horticultural So¢i- ety was held recently, when 'the following officers were elected: Hon, President, G, Howard Fer. guson; 'hon, vice-presidents, Mayor W. , Taugher and Senator D, J, Reid; president, W. P, McCarthy; vice-president, Dr, W, ' J, -Kertoot and George B, enkinson; secretary, F, C. Stone; treasurer, A. H, Whit- ing. Directors -- Mrs, William Leacy; Mrs. Jas. Hall, Mrs. Agnes Plumb, Mrs.. Duncan McKay, BE. A, Cook, Mrs. W. Clinton Brown, Mrs, E, C, Pelton, Mrs. R. T. Alexander, W. A, Cornell, Dunbar Ullman and J, E. Kingston. ' RETURNED FROM RUSSIA Pembroke,--~Declaring that the agricultural and 'industrial life of Boviet Russia is' showing a vast improvement in the last two years and that today there is such sectiv- ity in the lumber, ofl and coal in- dustries that there is no real want in that country, Colonel H, J, Mackie, former M.P., who return- ed recently from his "sixteenth trip to Russia in recent years, stated industrialists are making such strides in securing s market for their products in. Russia that Great Britain, Canada and others will have to apply them- themselves at an early date if they are to secure a prominent:-place ip this huge market, PROMINENT CITIZEN PASSES Bellville, -- One of. Beliville's most prominent business men, Thomas J. Power, died here yester- day. Mr, Power.was born in Can- ifton fifty-seven years ago, the son of the late Captain snd Mrs, Wil- liam Power... He entered the hote] business but later went into the amusement field. He staged the first world tour of the Belleville Kiities' Band which played in al- several times appeared by command before British Royalty, Mr, Power slso managed Brook's Chicago Mar- ine Band and Lieutenant Dan God- frey's Eng. Guards' Band on sever- al tours, For many yesrs he had acted as Chairman of the Belleville parks. board and the fine agricul- tural park in this city is a monu- ment to his efforts, Quebec, - Feb, 33.42 interpro- vineisl conference to deal with fhe veoblen of old pensions was uggestion. Hon. Pofar 37d Fre 4 minister of public works and labor made in the. legislative ss- prog Wednesday when the debate the subject was resumed. It was NESE siraisiael | 2% bee .ordered by the Attorney-Gen- Se The late Mr, terday in connection with two sums | C. the Howard Smith Paper Mills and | border. most every elvilized country and | lst. FRIDAY, FEBRUARY 22, 1929 TORONTO PRODUCE QUOTA vid EE Noy. 0, r il paraffined and government gr ed, Ca if 3 Rel Bampssserpyibie en, ve cents per a B, extras sold in a Wholesale 'way at 48c and t d6c. Ri 'firsts a de and p a 8 Wi trade in butter was moderately active pg prices were firm, Receipts were 1,366 oF cheese market was dull and feature- Receipt 469 By' Dean, market was steady. Canadian, inked, sel" $5.75, and yellow eye 8! Cheese, westerns, 17/5 to se c. Butter, 4 1 od pasteurized. 4 A, i as, 0,, stor: Ti Sorags: ig I Jd do., fresh extras, 82; do, esh firsts, 49 ODUCE AT NEW YORK New hota eb, 2 ~Dutter steady; 12,89. Creamery, firpt, 474 44 Choos + steady; Teceipts 1 90.22. . » eceipts 8,599, res) Wont ; ra, Set piers first, Sie; finely 51 1 not ted. Closely selected, a er ii 1 hiker bt nearby western hennery white, extra rst to average extra, 52 to 53c; mearby ennery m, extra, S55c; Pacific coast white, extra, 53 to 5dc; extra first mot quoted. CHICAGO PRODUCE FUTURES Chicago, Feb, 22.--All records. for Feb. Tuary ie futures within this month since I were smashed on Chica Mercantile e yesterday when the threatening fa- mine oo] actual eggs sent prices wp 10 | dle ury. Brune wide shortage of eggs caused by the severe od nd protracted aggravated b; ian buying, since the weather had even worse north of the Deferred deliveries again moved : yA? 8s, February, March, 61; April, 46; November, 9, TRA] June 1; 1; February, 2/9; March, 147; Decem. Chicago t Jatiet-Butter, Extras, LAL dards, 4 ew York spot a. Butter, Extras, 49%c; tone steady, Eggs, firsts, 51 to sac, TORONTO PROVISION PRICES WL ag Wholesale dealers a are quoting the low! vices to the tri ad meats Hom, medium, 29 to 3lc, hams, 3% to dic; smoked rolls, 25; ast 30 to 34c; do., fancy, 27 40c; By ' peamealed, EF) to 30c; do, smoked 0 to 40c, Cured joeste-Loog el clear bacon, 50 to 70 Ibs., $21; 70 to 9% $19; 90 to 100 Ibs. up, $18; ARR rolls, in barrels, 11.50; heavyweight rols, 50 per barrel, Land--Pure, tierces, 16¢; tubs, 16%c; pails, 17¢c; prints, 18% to 1%, Shortening, tierces, 14%4e; tubs, 16%e. INGREASED TARIFF ON HIDES ASKED IN U.5. CONGRESS Representatives of Cattle Growers and Tanners Make Application to Committee Washington, D, C., Feb, 22, -- Increased tariff on hides was asked of congress yesterday afternoon by representative of the cattle grow- ers and tanners appearing before the ways and means committee of the House of Representatives. The committee is taking evidence on which to base recommendations to congress. during the special sum- mer session on farm relief. Along with the discussion of hid- es which now are on the free list was the question of leather and boots and shoes. Some division of opinion arose as a result of the shoe manufacturers asking that hides re- main on the free list, However, there 'is 'a strong lobby in favor of a tariff en boots and shoes and leather and opposition to the tax- ing of hides may weaken. The posi- tion of the shoe manufacturers might appear too inconsistent and they are more anxious to get a tariff on boots and shoes than they are to keep hides on the free Canada exports about $12,000, 000 worth of hides annually but al- so imports a good many in certain . The chief export NE sections and shoes is in sports footweay not- ably hockey boots, With the yapid- ly increasing popularity of hockey jn this country it is probable that 8 determned effort will be mage fo get a tariff against hockey There is a small group ready to appear in support of a tariff on woodpulp and they will come up Some time during the present hear- The King has taken up his pipe and is able to handle a knife fork once more, 'These are weapons with which 8 man can best meet the last enemy.--Hamil- winter was | re No, Pork loins 175405 pork batts, 2c; . 2c; pork Hams, Fost Bunce, To et ae meh TLL and | Kh, v golds, pasteurised, No. is a Cream No. - dhecis, d6c; No. 1, 45c; |S wd lower; ik . 0s 4] $0. ep a ng Fh choke fT 3 to --t overs ed of sheep steady and Chote. 3 medium, $14.25 to 2s "fat ewes, Grain dealers on the Toronto Board of TORONTO SRAIN Trade are making the for lots: car i Manitoba No. 2 northern, §l. No. 3 northern i . Millfeed del d, b..s incudet Bran, per , $36.25; middli hi Bay oat car lots, 52 to S55¢, 'f.0.b, Ontario good milling wheat, f.0.b. ship. ing points, according to freights, $1.30 to Bart Malting, 76 to 79%, ey. LJ] oe, Track, Ci Prices in the Commercial Markets 25c; New York 3. packing ; hall-fat No, 4 wheat, $1 No, § (ec. h and Bay Poris, Price en track, 1c higher than above.) Mantabe Oats Xo. 1 34 e oid Goderich and Bay Ports), No. 2 yellow, No. 3 y yelow, (Delivered Toron ontreal f at Wf He 'ATIONS ng quotations pr hls, ckwheat--88 a2 bay 2, ie nitoba KT patents in Toronto; second patents in jute, Montreal, car lots--90 per cent, patents, per barrel, $5.70, $34.25; ights, base sound, Hn 44 points. sen HAMILTON RESENTS TAKING THIRD PLACE Hamilton, Feb. 22.--~ Complaint has been made by the chamber of commerce to Hon. Robert Forke, Dominion minister of immigration and colonization, that Hamilton has not been treated fair in the compila tion of the Dominion atlas. The city is below Ottawa in popu- placed pt i fg Oc|lation, but the figures contained are not correct, and Hamilton led i ofp capital by 7,000 when the re- rt was prejared. ov over a year ago. Xe diate to Toronto's claim as the leading centre, but Hamiltonians do not intend to be pushed out of second place, with- out a fight, Move to Abolish Tax on Windsor Incomes Windsor, Feb, 23.--A move to abolish the municipal income tax, which Windsor has tried to collect reat many years, will be dis- at the meeting of the Wind- sor council finance committee on fora cusse Friday night, when Ald, Frank J. a present his report on Ald Mitchell said that he was not prepared to say what recommenda- tions the report would contain until it is placed before the committee. The tax brings in about $60,000 a year to Windsor, city officials say. However, it is exceedingly .un- popular as it is regarded as double taxation by those who have to pay federal income taxes as well, and is not collected by several of the neighboring municipalities, which is one reason for the move to abolish it here, PLANES DROP FOOD TO STRANDED VESSEL Warsaw, Poland, Feb, 22.--Aero- planes have dropped food supplies to the crew of the Polish freighter Tezew which has been imprisoned by ice in Kiel Bay for the past week. German {icebreakers have tried to reach the vessel but thus far without success. V. A. Henry Insurance & Loans 134 Simcoe St. 8S. Phones 1198W--Office 1858J Residence Machinery Repairing || NOTHING TOO LARGE NOTHING TOO SMALL Adanac Machine Shop 161 King St. W. Phone 1214 QUALITY COAL Phone 3060 MALLETT BROS. ms THE ARCADE, LIMITED STUDY ECONOMY -- We can help you economize by selling high class merchandise at prices be- low present day market value. A Few of Our Economy Specials LOOK FOR THE GREEN TICKETS SATURDAY FOR LOOK FOR THE GREEN TICKETS Extra Special -- HOSIERY 300 pairs only of Pure Thread Silk Hose rein- forced Toe and Heel. In every possible shade. Reg. $1.00 at Penman"s Boys' Black Worsted Hose A real snap at 69¢ rar 79c pr. Fancy Turkish Towels An exceptional lot of high grade, heavy Turkish Towels, gold, rose and blue. 37¢C EACH white with At * From Our Silk Department A REAL SAVING 300 yards of lovely Satin Duchesse, perfect in quality and in all the new aquagreen, roseglow, Spanish wine, peacock, shades including chin chin, golden glow, navy, black, sand, white. Specially Priced at 95. per yard Pure Linen Tablecloth Size 66 x 66. Several good $225 - $1 09 58-in. Pure Linen Un- bleached Table Linen 98¢ Reg. $1.49, at Yard #0800080 Passssss Hemstitched Ready stamped for em- broidery. 42 in. " 08¢ Pir ssrs00s sr0000s EL i i Hemstitched Pillow Cases Fine cotton, made from one of the bust eiscular in. by 42 in. Each 29¢ Irish Linen Lunch Cloths ,Solorsd borden 79¢ Sleeveless style at Ladies' Cotton Vests An exceptional value in fine, woven cotton vests. 45¢ Each ium sssssnss Pure Linen Towels Red and blue check. Size Zirztta.nhe A Special Offer in New le with silk fronts. Look For The Green Tickets 1-2 RE ALN. VF eRe. Ben OO ™ Foy ora Al SR LE UB oe ™ weve OOD NM ww AD An ded Bo Bd BE Eh md

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