Oshawa Daily Times, 22 Feb 1929, p. 9

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rruDAY, FeBRUAKY 42, 1929 {HE OSHAWA DALI IME, RR - \ | Suburban and District News Gathered By Times Staff Reporters and Correspondents. EBENEZER Ebenezer, reb. 20.--The ban- quet which was held on Tuesday evening, February 19, under the auspic:s of the Young People's Lea- gue, was a success. Three large tables were put up in the Sunday school room and were laden with & sumptuous supper of all kinds of At about seven o'clock 1 took th:ir places at the tables and enjoyed a good supper. was followed by a fine programe, which consisted of community si and literary numbers, Sev- al young people of the League presented the "Trial Scene," from jpeare's play, "The Merchant of Venice." This was especially well given, eah and every player taking his or her part exceedingly well. Those taking part and the part 'they played were as follows: Portia, Mrs. R. C. Pearce; Nerissa, Miss G. Spence; Shylock, Mr. H. F. Osborne; Antonio, Mr. Gordon Osborne; Bassanio. Mr. Ian Rob- ertson: Gratiano, Mr. Walter Run- dle; Salerio, Mr. George Coverly; Duke of Venice, Mr. B. O. Young. Following the presentation of this scene, Mr. Ian Robertson and Mr. Walter Rundle staged a debate on the subjcct of "Resolved that it 1s safe to marry," with Mr. Walter Rundle upholding the affirmative. It 'was left with the audience to de- ¢ide for themselves who was the winner, This brought a very de- lightful evening to a close and those in charge have much credit due them, for the splendid success. Regular services will be held at Ebenezer church and Sunday school on Sunday, February 24, at 10.30 Thousands Keep Well- nourished Right Through The Winter-- They Take SCOTT EMULSION Rich In Cod- liver Oil Vitamins Scott & Bowne, Toronto, Ont. 28-28 This' a.m. and 2.30 and 7 p.m. Every. one is welcome at one or all of the services. ENNISKILLEN Enniskillen, Feb. 19.--Mr. and Mrs. Wilbur Smith and son, Ross iOshawa; Miss Mae and Mr. Ken- neth, and Mr, Clive Lamb, Bowman- ville, spent. Sunday at Mr, Lorne Lamb's. . Sorry to report that Mr. David Simpkins, Mr. Fred Ellis' boy, had to be taken to Bowmanville hospital Sunday, and operated on for appen- dicitis. We hope for his recovery. Miss Viola Benner, Burlington, was the guest recently of Miss Mar- fon Orchard. The C.G.LT. girls gave their playettes at Hampton on Friday evening. Mr. C, W. Souch, Hampton, visit- ed hig sister, Mrs. J. Pye. The Adult Bible Class intend holding a social in the basement of the church on Tuesday, Feb. 26. Come and bring your basket and enjoy the evening. Mr, and Mrs. Lorne Lamb enter- tained a number of friends to tea on Thursday. All had a good time. Mr. and Mrs, Pethick and fam- ily visited friends in Newtonville on Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. Theo Slemon and son, John, Mr, and Mrs. Hugh An- nis, visited their father in Bowman- ville hospital on Sunday. He is do- ing very nicely. Rev. J. M. Whyte preached an excellent sermon Sunday evening on Baptism; Those who did not hear him missed a treat. COURTICE Courtice, Feb. 20.--Mrs. Andrew Minto and little Miss Katharine of Toronto are making a lengthy visit at her fath:r's Mr Archie Muir. Mr. Minto spent the week-end at Mr. Muir's, Miss Frances Hancock, Bowman- ville Hospital was home on Sun- day. Mr. and Mrs. Albert Rundle are visiting in Toronto with their son and wife Mr. and Mrs. Elmer Rund- le and their little granddaughter, Mary. Mr, B. O. Young was in Toronto over the week-end. Our Young People were given a fine reception in St, Paul's Church Bowmanville, Thursday evcning, when they presented their play "Arnold goes into Business." They had a full house and a most appre- ciative audi-n-e., Afterwards were right royally entertained in the AP Electrophonic 10 Inch Double Sided Phcrograph Records A Precious Little I Faw Down Fox Trot Record No. 8878 Avalon Fox Trot Record No 8888 He Llecly N 10 CREA « ~ 65c A Gay Caballero Song Record No. 8861 Theme song of the motion picture The Shopworn Angel" 2 Fox Tot Record No. 8892 Fox Trot Record No. 8892 Where The Shy Little Violets Grow Fox Trot Record No. 8872 I Wanna be Loved by You Sweethearts on Parade Fox Trot Record No. 8866 My Tonia Theme song of the motion picture "In Old Arizona" Fox Trot Record No, 8890 I EX Pay More? Thing Called Love and go Boom Song Record No. 8879 Town \ Song Record No. 8885 , ar the new Apex 2 Vhonograpl- radio ag Wilson & Lee 71 Si coe St. North The Sun Record Co.. Toronto, Ont. Dealers Everywhere. HARRIS MUSIC SHOP 17 £.incoe St. S. Phone 1490 basement of the church to a delic- | fous lunch which everyone enjoyed. ! Scrvices are being peld Sn Mr. Goodell's hall one-half mile w of Courtice each Sunday eve from 8 to 9.30. Rev. Petley secre~ tary of Y. M. C. A. Oshawa con- ducts the opening of the services and on Sunday evening Rev, Max- good audience. west of the village and we trust th be helpful and ins who come. ; Mrs. A. F. Rundle and Miss Annie Holt entertained a number of their friends to most pleasant even- ing on Friday last. Mrs. Walter Snider has gone to Brantford to spend a couple of months with Mr. Snider. The League held its annual ban- quet on Tueaday evening. Tables were spread for one hundred peo- ple and the decorations of candles and hearts and cupids all in red re- presenting St. Valentine's day were very pretty. After the supper a very fine play whi'h was the fourth act in "Merchant of Venice," 'The trial scene" was given by Mrs. Ross Pearce, Miss, Spence, Mr. Robert- son, Mr. H. F. Osborne, Mr. B. O. Young, Mr. Walter Rundle, Mr. Gordon Osborne and Mr; Geo. Cov- erly, They tok their parts well, Mr. Jas. Hancock led in singing and al- together it was a most enjovable evening. Much praise should ve given Miss Aura Osborne who was in Charge of the evening's entertain- ment, ZION Zion, Feb, 19.--The Zion *"Volun- teer" class of young men entertain- ed the "Onward' class of young ladies on Friday night to a sleigh- ing party, when two sleighs con- veyed about thirty to the theatre and afterwards had supper at a cafe, Thursday night the Women's as- sociation held a very enjoyable night at the church. The president Mrs. Wm. Fice, was in the chair and called the meeting to order and all sang a hymn, after which Rev. Mr. Rick led in prayer. Mrs, W. W. Glaspel read the scripture les- son. For roll call nearly all the mémbers present gave a Valentine reading and some humourous ones were given. It was decided to send $10 to the Miner's relief. Af- ter the usual business, the members had community singing, with Miss Doris Stainton at the pauo in the absence of the pianist, Mrs, Rus- sel Stainton, Miss Ruth Fice fa- vored with a splendid reading and short encore. Mr. Alex. and Miss Amie McMaster gave a lovely plano and violin duet and encore. Mr, John Terry played several pieces very nicely on his mandolin, Mrs, Elmer Wilbur then put on a heart contest, when hearts were cut in two and had to be mended, the couple then singing piece written on the heart which caused a great deal of fun. Some refused to sing and so lost the prize. Mrs. Foster Snowden and Mr. Tom Jones sang the best out of ten couples and re- ceived a box of homemade candy. Mrs. Fice Mrs. B. Glaspel and Mrs, A. Stainton were judges. The fish pond cauced some merriment with the children, Other parcels were well sold and also the home made candy. Broken sentences were then passed around and the owners of the two pieces had to eat lunch together, Rev, and Mrs. Bick came up even if it did snow terribly in the evening. The box social under the auspices of the adult Bitle class will be held Friday, March the 16th instead of the 17th, it being Sunday. Quite a ' ot from here attended Mr. Wm. Van Nest's sale on Friday, The "Birds of Promise' class are preparing for an entertainment to be held on March 1st. A good pro- gram consisting of a two-act play entitled "Patsy," also reaaings and musical numbers will be given, after which a lunch of weiners and buns, pie and coffee will be served in the 8.8. rooms (cafeteria style), Prices very reasonabe reserve the date. .. NEWCASTLE Newcastle, Feb. 16,--Mr, and Mrs, Bruce Cotter and family have moved into Newcastle from Hope township and are living with Mr, and Mrs Wilson McManus, Beaver St. Miss Ruth' Hancock has started a course of training at Bowman- ville Hospital. Her many young friecds wish her success in her ne work, Mr, Farewell Blackburn of the Goodyear plant, Bowmanville, spen. Sunday with his grandpar- ents, Mr. and Mrs, W. C. Black- burn, Miss Dorothy Gileson who grad- uated as a dietitian from MacDon- ald Hall, Guelph, is home from New York after taking a six now a full fledee? dietitian and is receiving congratulations from her many friends. The Folly of Taking | Digestive Pills "Never force the digestion of fermenting food from your stomach simply to get tem- porary relief from indigestion." says a well wn authority. The habit of taking di- gestive pills after meals makes chréhic dys- peptics of many thousands of men and wo- men because artificial digestents, drugs and medicines have practically no influence upon the excessively 'acid condition of the stom- ach contents which is the cause of most s of i + and d i The after dinner pill lessens e of nerves and thus ives a false sense of freedom Jrom pain. If those, wi are subject to igestion, bloating, gas, sour stomach, belching, heart- burn, a after eating wild get a Jisle pure urated Magnesia ther powder or tablets) from any reliable ist and take a teas) powder of two of the tablets in 2 little water after meals, there would be no further mecessity for drugs or dicis b the Bi d Magnesia bi h acidity, stops me: + o' to do its work without hindrance. the well, Oshawa, 'preached to a very | These services are |: very well attended by the peopie will no deubt | they continue to have a good | attendance as they out tructive to those |. months' finishing course. She 1s . Mrs, Percy Hare Is indisposed and is under the doctor's care. Regular meeting of the Wo- men's 'Missionary Society of -the United Church was held Thursday afternoon with a spienaid attend- ance. Mrs, (Rev.) R~ : dent, took charge of devotional exercises and transa tion of regu- lar business. The meeting was then taken over by Mrs, T. H, Cleménce's group, who presented the following program: devotional leaflet, Mrs. T .H, Clemence; read- ing, Mrs, W, J, Clemence; duet, | Mrs. W. D. Bragg and Miss Lilhan Clemence. After this the after- noon was given over to the reports of the dele~ates to W M.S, Presby- terial. Branch, held at Oshawa, Mrs. George Allen ard Miss Annie Drummond gave splendid reports and a hearty vote of thanks was « visi ty them, An {1'v ion was extended to our W.M.S, to meet with St. George's Women's Auxiliary soon in Parish Hall for a National Day of Prayer, to which it is hoped al} our members | will be present. Members of L. O. Lodge, No. 265, were hosts to their families and friends at an enjoyable "At Home" and Dance in Alexandria Hall last Friday night. Mr, F. B. Lovekin, as mas er of ceremonies, conducted the evening's program in a manner assuring the greatest amount of pleasure to all present. Mr, W, M. Reid and Mr. Robert Crawther, were the dual cham- pions in pro-'ressive euchre, but in a draw for the prize Mr. Reid second prize. Fol'owing the play period the ladies served refresh- ments. Af er lunch the young | Ray Brown cal.ing oft with the ex || thelr tiddles and Mrs. Cowan at at Mr. Elmer Wilbur's, Taunton. '| was held on Monday evening last| Don't' forget the congregational i ~r's, recently, people danced until 3 a.m, Mr. Mr. Will Lymer, of Maple Grove, Isited at W. T. Baker's." periness of .a professional at the Messrs, John and W. T. Baker, game, and Messrs. Chas. Cowan, /lsited at Claremont on Saturday. Clarke, W. M. Reid, Shaws, with Mr and Mrs. J. R. Kivell visited the'piano furnishing the music. | Mr, and Mrs. J. W. Reynolds and Mrs. W. H. Gibson continues to baby, Ruth, and Mr. Jim Reynolds be in very poor health. were present at their brother Joe's Latest reports indicate that Mr. wedding fn Simcoe on Saturday Fel 3 who derwent in Congratulations! operation for some internal! Mr, and Mrs. J. T. Rundle and trouble, at the Toronto General Mr. and Mrs. John Pascoe; Mr. and Hospital some two weeks ago, is Mrs. J. W. Yellowlees and Mr. and convalescing nicely and expects to Mrs, H, Tink and Hilton attended be home again at an early date, | the funeral of Miss Mable Allen, of R $O The Young People's Meeting Newtonville, on Monday. E with a small but enthusiastic at- meeting on Tuesday, February 26, tendance. Devotional period was When all are invited to meet at El- in charge of the president, Miss dad church. Elizabeth Hancock. The Scripture| Mr. James Smales spent the Lesson and topic was taken by|week-end with his mother at Dun- J" "man Al'n, Tt was derided | barton, ; to invite Maple Grove League on| Epworth League at Eldad open- a return visit on the last Monday ed with president H. Tink in the of this month, Plans were made chair, who opened with hymn 194 'er holding a skating party at|followed by prayer by Rev. J. R. Bowmanville rink on Thursday |Bick. He called on the third vice- evening, Feb. 21st with which president to take charge. Mr. De there will be combined a sleigh- Barr called on Miss Mae Westlake ing party if there continues to be for the Scriptune lesson which was enough snow. The program was in | found in the first chapter of Isaiah, charge of Missionary Vice-Presi-| [iT8t, twelve verses, Mr, Allan Mc- dent, Minnie Selby, The topic con- Kessock then took charge of the sisted of an inteflesting and full RVorional topic and based his re- account of a chapter, "The Black- marks on the fifth chapter of the ATMO resort 20 Acres of gr in the A RT HOTEL witha COUNTRY CLUB PHERE AUTILUS MIAMI! REACH." FLORIDA One of America's finest and most modern fireproof hotels. An Unequalled Winter Playground of all sport activities. "he, '" same book. A plano solo by Georg. smi h's Hammer . Lesson study Werry, a reading by Miss Evelyn from "Drums in the Darkness". mini, "She Just Keeps House For by Gordon Ashton. A reading " bot o . » Me," constituted part of the meet- The Lost Chord" to plano ac- jng, Mr. B. G. Stevens then took companiment by Miss Elizabeth up the second chapter of the study Hancock. Reading "It Pays to Ad- book. The meeting was closed by vertise", Charlie Glenney. A talk hymn 279, after which Mrs. De- and demonstration on the Jew's bana put on a contest on candies harp by W, L. Lycett. A comic and valentines, closing the meeting dialogue, John Ashton, Charlie with Mizpah Benediction. Gilkes and George Cha field. Mr. Arnott VanNest spent a | Mr. Ed. Rowell has been dan- Week at home, previous to the sale gerously ill the past week with of Impl sments 2h fUPRi{ITe. The erysipelas, . contracted apparently Sale was a splen success. from contact with a rt gpd Mr. and Mrs, W. T. Taylor, Miss he was attending. Lena Taylor, Mr. and Mrs. E. R. Taylor and Master Bruce visited at Mr. and Mrs. Larmer's, Blackstock. Mrs. Harold Jebson and Miss Dorothy, Brooklin, visited at Mr. Walter Vice's for a week's holiday. Mrs. Donald Yellowlees and Jean Every known out-of-door 4 Polo Fields Connected with GEORGE SOLINA Solina; Feb, 19.--Mr, and Mrs. sport and health.giving re. creation under ideal climatic conditions. Superd Tennis Courts 3 Ezcéllent Golf Courses Bathing--Yachting--Motor Boating Fishing the Nautilus are sixteen non-housekeeping villas. 8. KROM, Manager and Helen, of Columbus, visited at Jones and children, of Oshawa, at Mr. W. Vices. J. Moorey's. Mr. Roy Langmaid drives a matched team of greys, having pur- Miss Edith Pas-oe, of Hampton, chased them from Dave McMillan, visited at H. E. Tink's. | Port Perry. He sold McMillan his | Miss Edna Reynolds, visited at big gelding. Toronto, over th~ week-end. Miller and Westlake are doing a Mr. and Mrs. Frank Thomnvon, big business with the buzzsaw Taunton. and Mr. L. C. Snowden, throvghout the countrv sde. Maple Grove. visited at Mr. T. Bak- Howsam and Williams, (Perry, were extensive buyers Mrs. J. W. Reynolds and Miss Ruth visited in Toronto recently. VanNest's sale. Jackson and son handled it in excellent style. LITTLE GIRL KILLED Aneroid, Sask., Feb. 22.--Maxine Perkins, 3, daughter of James Per- kins, a farmer near here, was al- most instantly killed when a high Port at wind blew down the heavy door of a barn, near which she was play- ing. To a Christian man the end of one duty should be the beginning , of another.--Montreal Star. SBERY $2.95 DUTCHESS TROUSERS SBERRY'S DUTCHESS TROUSERS $4.95 SHERRY $3.45 Without a cent of extra cost men can now buy styl'sh, well-tailored, well-fitting Duchess trousers in a wide variety of patterns with a guarantee back: SBERRY'S DUTCHESS TROUSERS $5.50 » BERRY $3.95 ed by a reputable firm, $1.00 for every rip in a seam 10 cents for every button that comes off ou cannot get better value anywhere or a more liberal guarantee. Come in, and let us fit you with a pair of these Dutchess trousers. You will get the biggest dollar's worth of value you have ever_ bought. Guarantee sewn on to pocket in each pair. Sold by all reputable stores where quality BERRY'S DUTCHESS TROUSERS $4.50 SBERRY'S DUTCHESS TROUSERS $6.95 's considered above extra profit. $2.95 vr DUTCHESS TROUSER COMPANY TORONTO Special | Sale Saturday 27 KING STREET EAST SBERRY'S DUTCHESS TROUSERS $7.50 IBE RR'YS- OPP. POST OFFICE See Window Display

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