Oshawa Daily Times, 21 Feb 1929, p. 7

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Pa *' rivage Island two and a half miles | THE OSHAWA DAILY TIMES, THURSDAY, FEBRUARY 21, 1929 PAGE SE fe " the tive of Belleville Canners bry Row Hubert MacDonald * of Bloomfield was appointed manager i ding Mr. F', BE. McMahon. fous oy Ha --Mrs. za) g- ited be 102 years old, Loca y , on the - road, about two Tiles A ¥ ovrain } home . TUXIS CONFEREN Kingston.--A conference of the Tuxis groups of Eastern Ontario is being held at Gananoque on Satur- day, to make plans for Camp Tux- is, which is to be opened on Beau- - from Gananoque, this summer, DIES IN DETROIT Belleville.--Willlam Elliott, a former well known and highly re- spected resident of Belleville, died terday in Detroit at the age of 8 years. He was born in Thomas- purg near Tweed and spent his early days there. REDUCTION IN TAX RATE Gananoque.--Tax rate for: this' year, struck by the council will he lorty-five mills, a reduction of five mills from last year. It is made up of 45.11 mills for general pur- iid and 19.49 mills for school axes, TO ERECT NEW FACTORY Dunsford--The shareholders of the Dunsford cheese factory held a . meeting to consider the ere~tion of a new factory to replace the old one which has been in use for 87 years. The stock of the old fac- tory will be transferred. It is prob- able that a new factory. will be erected sometime in the spring. ! DRIVE FIRST PILE Prescott. -- The inaugural step dn the mevelopment of this town as the new Great Lakes terminal, was marked yesterday when the first foundation pile for the mem- moth grain elevator was driven in the presence of the municipal fath- See hod many other prominent per- sons. COBOURG CITIZEN PASSES Cobourg. --The death of George E. Chapin here has removed a well 'known citizen. Mr. Chapin was born in Cobourg but spent a great part of his lite in Colborne. He returned to Cobourg to reside some twenty years ago. He is sur- vived by his widow. STOLE BASKET OF COAL Kingston.--A police constable caught Mrs. Carola Hamm stealing a basketful of coal from the How- ards company. She pleaded guilty before Magistrate Farrell, she was sentenced to one mronth in jail In admitting the charge, Mrs, Hamm stated that all she had in her home in the way of fuel was a little kind- ling wood. BROCKVILLE HARBOR REPAIRS Brockville.--An appropriation of $9,600 for repairs to the Govern- ment breakwater and wharf at Brockville is included in the esti- mates presented at Ottawa by the Minister of Finance for the consid- REGENT BUSTER KEATON 2, Steamboat Bill" BUSTER'S | i GAYEST COMEDY {|} Bi Now Playing New Martin THEATRE Now Playing ATTRACTIONS AR ---- eration of Parliament. The appro- peiation is intended to provide for the resurfacing of the breakwater at Block House \ TO HOLD SEED FAIR Belleville. -- A seed fair will be held in Belleville on March 14th 15th and 16th, according to ar- rangements made at & meeting of the Directors of the Quinte Seed Growers' Soclety. The best agri- cultural speakers will be on hand for the event and exhibits and seed cleaning demonstration will be in- cluded on the program. SENTENCED TO PRISON Cobourg.--Convicted on charges of disorderly conduct three men were sentenced to three months and ten days' imprisonment each when they came before Magistrate Floyd yesterday afternoon, anoth- er man was allowed nis noerty on suspended sentence and a fifth was dismissed with a warning to leave town. PASTOR TO RETIRE At the annual meeting of St, An- drew's Presbyterian congregation at Hastings, of which Rev. D. A. Thompson, D.D., is minister, very encouraging reports were received which showed increased interest and gratifying financial prospects. . Dr. Thompson intimated to his con- gregation that he would relinquish his pastoral charge in September of this year. DISCUSS NEW HYMN BOOK Yesterday in First United Church, Lindsay, the following payments were approved by Presby- tery to the mission fields: Carnar- von, $650; Coboconk, $300; Hali- buyton, $800; Kinmount $675; Minden, $800; Sebright, $375; Victoria road, $826; Tory Hill, $800; North Verulam, $6 per week. Brechin at the rate of $400 until une 30, 1929. A considerable part of the afternoon session was givan over to the discussion of the draft of the new hymn book, NEW RATE FOR OSWEGO Kingston.--The Interstate Com- merce Commission's affirmation of its previous decision that the Port of Oswego, N.Y., is entitled to a freight rate on grain from Oswego to the seaboard of one and one- half cents a hundred pounds less than the Buffalo rate means that the Lake Ontario American ports will handle a large percentage of be grain shipped from the Middle es . ; TO STUDY IN GERMANY Kingston.~-Miss Hilda = Laird, dean of women of Queen's univer- sity, has be:n granted leave of ab- sen-e for one year from her dut'es at Ban Righ hall to. date from Ap- ril 25th, the end of the present term to the fall of 1930. The leave has been granted to Miss Laird to By W. H. Kam and see if you don't. FOR AN) DRUG ACHING | STORE FOR AN ACHING Delicious chocolates, each bite is a pleasant sur~ prise. 'Smiles 'n Chuckles' --get a pound for 60c ONONE 378. NEXT THE POST OFF IY BUY HER SOME CANPY AT KARN THE DRUGGIST FOR SERVICE wa -- GENERAL MOTORS WOOD For Economy HARDWOOD SCRAPWOOD Adapted tor Every Purpose All Small Blocks in Hardwood Loads Eliminated A hte | BONE DRY BIG LOADS REAL VALUE Prompt and Courteous Service Always Jeddo Coal Solvay Coke Pokahontas and Cannel Every Kind of Fuel City Scale Weights If Desired DIXON COAL COMPANY Te fephone 262 Four Lines to Central ' fstér, that the first minister him- 5 STOPPED HIS . STOMACH TROUBLE |, ""Frait-a-tives'®" Made Him Entirely Well "a n | Bt allow her to study for a year in Germany for which country she will leave shortly after the close of the present college session. GRANTED SUM FOR REPAIRS Kingston.--The sum of $20,000 has been placed in the Parliamen- tary estimates this year for "King- ston R.M.C., messing accommoda~ tion," while the sum of $3,100 also appears in the estimates under "Harbors and rivers generally," for "Kingston R.M.C. Repairs and im- provements," the latter sum, pre- sumably, to be expended on mneces- sary repairs to the wharves and boathouses on the College grounds, OPEN VERDICT IN | Young geese ... Ducklings, 5 lbs. Do, 4 to 5 1 GRIMSBY DEATH Coroner's Jury Finds Mur- der Caused By "Person Unknown" Grimsby, Feb. 20.--Mrs Pearl Anna Mabel Stuart 'came tp her death by being struck on the head by a blunt instrument at ihe hand or hands of some person or per- sons unknown at her home near Grimsby, on Saturday, Feb. 9, be- tween the hours of 2 to 7 p.m." according to the finding of a jury which last night inves.igated the tragedy. Dr, J. F. McLay, Coroner, presided. Arhtur Grimes, 21-year-old farm-hand, and former Home boy, who is charged with murdering Mrs, Stuart, did not give evidence at the inquest. The Grimsby Town Hall was crowded with spectators. Crown Attorney E, H. Lancas- ter, K.C., of S.. Catharines, rep- sented the Crown, and Peter White, K.C, of Toronto, represent- ed Arthur Grimes. James A. Stuart, husband of the woman, was in a highly hysterical condition and was unable to at- tend. Five Witnesses Five wi nesses only were heard: Dr. W. J. Deadman, pathologist of Hamilton General Hospital; Dr. J. R. Smith of Grimsby, Margaret Stuart, Fred Stuart and Provincial Constable William Embleton, who arrested Grimes, Will Announce Later Attitude Regarding Recent Resignations Winnipeg, Feb. 20.--On Wed- nesday afternoon at three o'clock the premier of Manitoba will an- nounce to the legislature of the province what course his govern- ment has decided to adopt in re- gard to the resignations of Hon. W. J. Major, attorney-general, and Hon. W. R. Clubb, minisier of public works, both of which have been in the premier"s hands since Friday afternoon, following rev- elations at the royal commission probing the Seven Sister power site contract. Speaking in the legislature this afternoon, the premier staled that he had received these resignations and the government had mot yet decided what action to take in re- gard to them, He promised a definite and clear-cut siatement on Wednesday afternoon. Col. F. G. Taylor, leader of the Conservative opposition whose charges were responsible for the |of the royal commission, lashed the premier with whips of oratory. It was a strang thing, he said, that with two members of his cabinet thinking themselves sufficiently involved in the purchase of Win- nipeg Electric stock at a time when the company 'was negotiai- fog with the government of which they were members to tender their resignations to the first min- self should come into the house and ask for 24 hours longer in which to make up his mind as to his course, It should not, Col, Tay- lor said, take him 24 hours to de- ¢ide on the only course which he should adopt, having regard to the rights and privileges of the house. The matter dropped there but the to TORONTO PRODUCE QUOTATIONS Toronto wholesale dealers are th following prices, - delivered Coil n § ne the § (Buying) Eggs, ungraded, cases returned--Fresh ex. tras, 44 to 43c; fresh firsts, 40c; seconds, 32; Butter--Creamery, solids, pasteurized, No, 1, 42% to 43c; No. 2, 413% to 42c. Churning cream--Special, 46c; No. 1, 45¢: No. 2, 42 Cheese--No, 1 Jaigel colored, me i , 21 to 21 and government gr E Live Dressed " r Hens, over 6 lbs. Do., 5 to 6 Ibs. Do., 4 to 5 Tbs, Do., 3 to 4 Ibs. Do., under 3%3 Young turkeys . Roosters nl : BERRBITRERRRNSE he o Do., 3} to 4 Ibs MONTREAL PRODUCE | Montreal, Feb, 21.--Wholesale prices for eggs were marked up two cents per dozen. British Columbia fresh extras sold at 49 pullet extras at 44c per 47 firsts at J and He her dozen, The jobbing market was a fair demand. Receipts were 766 cases. A fair trade was done in potatoes values were unch d. Little was done in beans, but values were firm, Cana. dian hand-picked sold at $5.75 per bu hel, with yellow eye quoted at $4.40 per el, ex-car. A feature of the butter trade was the de- mand that developed for finest New Zealand creamery coming on the S.S. ry which vessel is due to arrive at Halifax March 6, and sales of car lots were made at 41%c|. per Ib, c.if. Halifax, which Jrice is equiv- alent to 43c per Ib, here. The demand for eastern townships was fair and values were firm. Receipts were 640 packages. Extreme dullness marked the trade in cheese, but rices were wil maintained. Receipts were '6_boxes, Prices today: Cheese, westerns, 17% to 18%c. Butter, No. 1, pasteurized, 43%c. Eggs, storage extras, 39c; storage firsts, 35c; stor- age seconds, 32c; fresh extras, 50c; fresh firsts, 47c. PRODUCE AT NEW YORK New York, Feb. 21.--Butter steady; re- ceipts, 13,676. Cheese steady; receipts, 214,- 880, Eggs strong; receipts, 15,279. resh ga- thered to S52; extra first, 49 to S03c; first, 49 to 50c; seconds mot quoted; storage seconds, 4l¢, Nearby henne white, closely selected extra, 50c; nearby and nea western hennery white extra first to average xtra, 48 to 50c; nearby hennery brown extra, 53c; Pacific Coast white, extra, 50c; do., extra first, 48 to S0c. CHICAGO PRODUCE FUTURES Chicago, Feb, 21.--A near famine in act- ual eggs propelled February futures to the highest point_for this month since 1921 on the Chicago Mercantile exchange, The peak was 38%c, compared with 45%c in February, 1921, Torrents of profit-taking rushed the le- vel down again, but the country-wide situa tion induced further buying support for a partial recovery. Deferred deliveries im- proved both in price and volume of trading Produce in the | Commercial Markets gnd_un §18; lightweight rolls, $30.50 per Lard Pure, tierces, 1 ' rd Bre, Sercte; Je ain H 17¢; lies tube, 14kc; pails, 154i i a oo Be a a, SR We $16.75 to $17.25; 40; modi 4 to $15; $12; gy on TORONTO GRAIN 'ATIONS Grain dealers on the Toronto Board of Trade are king the following i for lots: ' No, 2 North $1 : 0, erm, No. 3 Northen: L300 No. ty S wheat, $1.1 (ie? Chietich eq B ports. Price c.LL lo and | track, Ic higher than re - No. 1 fe Bee No. 2 fi sc. (cif. Goderich and Bay ports.) in-dried sine. llow, kiln. A lin-dried." 81.06 Millfeed divers oniral he ts, bags Jee ton 1 7 shorts, per sound, heavy oats in S5¢, f.0.b, shipping ts. Ontario good milling wheat, Lo. ping nts, to freigh Barley. Maltin; 76 to oe, ii Buckwheat--88 to 90c. ES Fis. wi Mani r~First i $7.70, Toronto; second an in ar fe Track, Montre: . tents, per Sue 3, te=m Pez cet: pA TORONTO SEED QUOTATIONS The following range of Prices . ping poin ie A Ontario, ] a i . 1, 97% rity, SITET : 2, 96% purity, ber bushy . 3, 95% purity, per bush Z 4, 90% purity, per bushel.eorssees 6.00 No. 1 grade, per bushel ,, 11.00 No. 2 grade, per bushel Ie 1 . 3 grade, per bushel Ho . 1 grade, per . 2 grade, per bushel .. . 3 grade, per bushel . 1 bright vor. pat) quantity, from machine, No. 2 off color, TORONTO HAY AND STRAW 7.50 bushel , as a result of the February sky 3 Butter futures were stronger also, despite a weakening spot market in the face of re- duced receipts. Open commitments--Eggs, Febriary, 293 March, 47; April, 46; November, 8. Butter, Li hy February, 284; March, 129; Decem- r, 3. Chicago spot market--DButter, extras, 4c; standards, 48c; tone easier. Eggs firsts, 43vic, tone firm, TORONTO PROVISION PRICES . Toronto wholesale dealers are quoting the following prices to the trade: Smoked meats--Hams, medium, 29 to Sic cooked hams, 35 to 43c; smoked rolls, 25c; breakfast bacon, 30 to 34c; do., fancy, 27 to 40c; backs, peamealed, 28 to 30c; do; smoked 30 to 40c. Cured meats--Long clear bacon, 50 to 70 br $21; 70 to 9 ; By $19; 90 to 100 Ibs, MUST DECIDE IF TELLING ' TRUTH IS IMMORAL Montreal, Feb. 20.--Is {it Iim- moral to tell the truth? Judge Cussen of the sessions court has to decide the point, raised yesterday by defence coun- sel, when David V. Bush, former St. Louis pastor, stood trial on the charge that he delivered an immoral lecture in an uptown ho el, "Because the double standard or mora.s as between men and women appeals to many people, is it immoral for a man to get up and denounce it?" Lucien Gendron, K.C., asked. "If that is immoral, then truth is immoral, and then also I have heard immoral teach- ings from the pulpit. of No.re Dame church." One remark by the judge par- ticularly interested lawyers, 'The law, that is the criminal code, does not seem to prohibit immoral lec- tures in Canada," his lordship said. He will deliver judgment next Tuesday. Bladder Troubles Bother Many Past 40 ng Reliet With Renewed Vital' Force "No one knows better than I, the horror of joyless days and Sleepless nights. There have been times when felt hopeless and help} nd when my k caused mie on so many distress] ailments whi lead Siting, that often to _ serious iy throug roi Pate bn frequent | s, scan urination, aap ur Nien Nocvow Tr stability and Lack of Force--should uy the amazing value s TABS at once! Any you on a guarantee of or money back, Loca! ha; making the follow. y 54 Saw dealers re (deivered at Toronto): ton. $18.00 to $19.00 Nominal No. 1 timothy, oose, No. 1 timothy, baled' No. 2, do., do. .... No. 3, do., do. .. er grades , Wheat, straw Oats straw ... 4 - No Doubt About this Fameus Cereal n years Proved ter of growiné Hs popu Key Mads by The Canadian Shredded Wheat Company, Ltd. % At the First Sign of a Cold USH for a box of Pinkham's Phen- rin. This new remedy will effectually break up acoldin its early stages. Phenrin is sold by leading druggists at 30c. a box, PinknamS PHENRIN EACH TABLET CONTAING TWO GRAINS OF PHENACETIN (ACETANILID DERIVATIVE) CONTAINS NO NARCOTICS Pinknuam LABORATORIES LYNN, MASS. V. A. Henry Insurance & Loans 8. house is waiting with int hear from the premier on Wed- nesday afternoon. Charles G. Dawes put over the debt settlement plan that bears his name, but he wasn't 2ble to reform the Senate rules, -- Detroit Free Press, Special Offer -for- To match above Bloomers at An Extra Special Offer FRIDAY ONLY 25 Dozen Rayon Artsilk Bloomers Heavy quality and perfect fitting. In peach, mauve and pink, Specially Priced at 590c¢ 25 Dozen Vests An Exceptional Bargain In wellknown Silk and Wool HOSIERY 30 DOZEN ONLY, TO CLEAR in the following shades--white, oxford, plarya grey, hogarth, nude, pearl blush, atmosphere, black, zinc, cameo. Reg. $1.25. 89¢ SEE OUR 'WINDOWS _ 49c¢

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