Oshawa Daily Times, 21 Feb 1929, p. 12

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I H | Vee Ia "+ RUE =3ig PAGE TWELVE _ THE OSHAWA DAILY TIMES, THURSDAY, FEBRUARY 21, 1929 " Easy-to-F ind dR RADIO PROGRAM | Tonight's Best Features 30 W_Cingi. Historical High! N Fr] a: i Thea Now lights. 820 0 ity. Harp ensemble. 3] AF)--Hoover Sentinels. 9 AF)--Seiberling Concert, 9.30 'J2)--Maxwell Concert, ° : Sonora T, 10.00 KM. City, Hockey--Kansas itr vs, St, s 100 KDKA "Pitts. adioette, "A Spanish ce. (¢; Chicago, Isovis eH & ST! WOW, WDAF, 1.30 WLW | Ciner." Little Jack Little, Friday's Programs 10.00 a.m, NBC System (WEAF)--National cago. Marimba , Orchestra; be Ch Met t R, KWK, WBAI 11.00 NBC System IWIDoRCA Edacational 11s NEE System (WEAF)--Household In. { 1200 NBC System (WEAF)--Teeth aud 1.00 pm, NBC System (Central)=Farm and 1.45 WE Adaia U. of Ga, Program 0 NBC (WIE) Ho ony if ec cal USICA 'ani, gl i 10 Tesh, "TAG, WCSH, WRC,' d WI, KYW, + 580 We X, WW LI, and Jane to WEAF, 6.00 KDKA (306)--Pitts. News; Book Man, NBC System: Waldorf Astoria Music to WEAF, WCAE, WRC: ! w 400)--Detroit. Vag 1 News, N ystem: Wilson's estra to 615 A a) Buffalo, Markets; Din. 6.30 i Sys 3 Raybestos Twins to UWTIC, WIAR, WTAG, "KOA, W : Cc; WGY, CAE, KSI, WOW, WDAF, OC, WTAM WIR (400)--Detroit, Din Music, NRE rem Chorin Elaihe to. WZ, 6.45 Slumbia Network: Enna LG Melo: BC, WNAC WHE, Ww, WAT, WIAS WANG, WBBM, ~ K OWO, Sr RS Hamp's orches. ical program aytag Ramb- WRAL casa Esskay Hour --RBaltimore. y NBC System: Wonder Hour to WEAF, WRC, WGR, 5.00 TIME TABLES | CPR, TIME TABLE, taking effect 1301 a.m y except Sundey, y except Sunday, shove are times trains shaws Station, a C. N. R, TIME TABLE Effective Jun, 6, 1929 Daily' t Sunday, sy et a ily, Dajly except Sunday, Daily except Sunday, pe, Sh. Fat, ally. Daily except Saturday, Daily, Ys Daily except Sunday, aily, aily except Sunday. ily except Sumnday, WEEK DAY SCHEDULE Eltecteve ». sod alter Nov, 4 be 2 Arrive Hospital 10.50 8.1mm. § RREERERLE 1245 pm. 4.35 pa. 6.45 pam. SEEEE ERERRERE] SeBgEsEr a8 ? 8 8 3 10.55 p.m. EBendus s° iH i! 114314114444 B 2 18 sk Be 3 Phun 88g SBcEstut SBE ebin: REERRERRER EEE Lh Eset 1111 ROH ! em jit HE SE Pah goes 113 Pees i i dali & FRRRRLS tral ese | 8 ; I: 432552 fe 3 : J § , WCAE, | GX (23) Schenectady, Speaker; HS New York, Landt Trio (428)--Cinci, Educational Series, 405)--Atlanta, Pomar orchear " "Th, GL. Whe whi Dich KYW, WIK, WIA], WK, EN, KSTP, WW (384.4)--Winnipeg, Ft. Garry NBC. System: Talk; Chas, E Hughes to WEAF, WCAE, WGK. Ww and others. » (492)--Phila, Instrumental quartet BC System: Dixie Circus to Z, WHE, WBZA, WBAL, KDKA, WLW, WSR, WIR, WHAS, KYW, WSM, 00 CNRA (476)--Moncton, Instrumental M "al Talk ei? alk, umbia Network: Close-Ups to WOR, COR CH WMAK, WCAO, WISN, MAG KMOX, KOIL, , 'WHK, WCCO, N ystem: Cities Service Congert ta WEAF, WRC, WEEI, KYW, WGR, KSD, WTAM, WLIT,' WFAA, KOA, WCAE, WKY, WWJ! WDAF, WOW, WoC, 0 System Musicale to WIZ, WPG (272)--Atlantic City, Dinner mu- TIC (500)--Hartford, Musical Fur- Tiers, 8.30 Columbia Network: Veedol Vodvil to WOR! WNAC, WEAN, WFR WHE, KMBC, WCCO, VADC, WKRC, WGHP, 2 KMOX, WLBW, WM. KOIL, WCAU, KFH, WISN! NBC System: Armstrong Quakers to WIZ, WHAM, WBZ, KDKA, KWK, S, WBZA, WREN, WBAL, WIR, 4 A SH WLW, WBT, WSM, 9.00 CNRA '(476)--Moncton, Musical pro am, umbia Network: True Story Hour to ore WNAC, WEAN, WFBL, OWO, KOIL, W WMAK, CAU, WADC, WLBW, WKRC, WMAQ, KMOX, WCAO, WSED, WJAS, WMAL, Ni % stem: An Evening in Paris to WEST WAS Wak. Wok WeAE: Ww! , WAR! KSD,' WOC, WOW. NAC System: "An 'Evening in Paris to WEAF, WEEI, WTIC, WRC, WGY, WCSH, WGN, WGR, WCAE, WWJ, WDAF, KSD,' WOC," WIAR, WLIT, WIP (492)--Phila, "Colonial Philadel: hia, Khe System: Wigley Hour to WIZ, WSB, WSM, WBT, KPRC, KSTP, WRAL, KOA, 'W. WRVA, WIZ, WHAM, WLW, WIR, KDKA, KYW, KWK, WHAS, KOMO, WEBC. : 6)--] efferson City, Oid time town Band to IC, WDAF, /CSH, wwJ, WoC, , A System: Phileo Hour to WIZ, KsTp KYW, KWK, WAT, WLW, WBZ, WBZA, WBAL, KDKA, TR, WREN, WTMJ, WSB, KPRC, WOAI, WHAS, WFAA, WSM, WTAM (280)--Cleveland. Friday Frolics 10,00 GRA (476)--Moncton. Concert orches, WANG, KMRBC, , WLBW, WSPD, EMO: TAS. WIAS. NAC System: Concert Bureau Hour to EA WTIC, AE, Wi 4 WOR, IT, WIP .(492)--Phila, NBC Svstem; The Challengers to WIZ, KOA, WBAL, KDKA, KWK, WRZA, WRZ, WSB, WHAS, WHAM, WLW, WIR, KYW, WRVA. WREN, KVOO, WFAA, KPRC, WOAI, WBT, WTM]J, L,| at the upper end © sire of Hon. William Fin- layson, Minister of Lands and Forests--Denies Pur- pose for Tourist Trade Toronto, Feb, 19.--~Approximatcly 20,000 square miles, embodying five great forest areas, will become pro- vincial forests, 'each under the con- trol of a forester who will employ the latest methods of reforestation as directed by a chief provincial for- ester with an office in Toronto, will be established if the bill given second reading in the legislature Monday is enacted. Second reading however, proved somewhat stormy with pro- mise of more extensive debate in committee, Hon, William Finlayson, minister of lands and forests, described the proposals, explaining that he would file an extensive plan before the committee, At present, plans call for the creation of bounded areas, one in the east, one along Georgian Bay Parry Sound, another on the north shore east of the Blind 'river, one embodying the Temagami reserve and the last tak- ing in the Mississauga reserve. "This measure is a companion bill to the pulpwood conservation bill" stated Mr. Finlayson. Because of the difference of the granting of timber limits and pulpwood limits, there was, .| however, a practical difference. For many years lumber companies were sold areas outright on a perpetual lease which they can renew as often 'as they wish. Because 'of this it was! difficult to select locations for the forests in which it is hoped to in-| Reforestration Program Bill © © May Yet Become Law Sustained Yield Basis is De? troduce the modern forestry methods. It is now the plan of the govern- ment 'to cooperate as much as pos- sible and offer the companies hold- ing leases on limits in the forests an opportunity to relinquish these areas for other limits that the en- tire forest may not be split up." Similar to European Methods Forestry methods will be introduc- ed similar to those employed in Ger- many, Finland and Sweden by which the forests will yield an annual cut- ting without becoming depleted. "Thus the old style of cutting everything and leaving fire traps will be abolished ?" said, Mr. Finlayson. "They will be placed on a sustained yield basis by which, year by year, something will be returned by them and yet they will be retained as for- ests. QUTOA SYSTEM FOR IMMIGRANTS TO CANADA SUGGESTED Ottawa, Ont. Feb, 21,--A quota system for immigrants entering Canada is advocated hy Hon, J. W, Fdwards (Cons.,, Frontenac-Ad- dington), Dr. Ewards, in a resolution plac- ed on the order paper of the House of Commons, seeks approval of his opinion that "Immigration to the Dominion of Canada should be re- stricted by an adoption of a quota system which, however, shall not be applied to the British Isles and the United States of America and from which certain specfied coun- tries may be partially exempt." $1,000,000 13 GIFT T0 GUELPH BY FORMFR CITIZEN Municipal and Structural De- velopments Included in Re. markable Donation Toronto, Ont.,, Feb. 21.-- The Toronto Telegram said yesterday iv is rumored that Arthyr W. Cutten, the Chicago Grain King, who was born in Guelph, Ont., will shortly present his native city with muni- cipal and structural developments totalling in cost about one million dollars. The Telegram says these will probably Inelude a new muni- cipal golf course and hotel. It is stated that the recent purchase ofr a large block of downtown proper- ty in Guelph was part of Mr. Cut- ten's proposition as a civic bene- factor, Authoritative announce- ment of the projects of the mu- lionaire grain man are expected to be made In connection with the visit of members of the Ontario 1.eg- islature to Guelph yesterday it 1s reported, IMPORTS AND EXPORTS FLUCTUATE WIDELY Ottawa, Feb. 19.--Remarkables fluc- tuations in the imports and exports through the ports of Montreal, Van- couver, Halifax and Saint John dur- ing the seven fiscal years ending March 31, 1928, are shown in statis- tics just compiled by the bureau of statistics, During those seven years imports into Montreal declined in value from $286,597,463 to $227916,- Real Estate Insurance ard Loans, Puone 8254 | mM King St. East, Oshawa rr arama 633, with the lowest figure at $167, 812,273 in 1922, while exports in value, declined from $263,743,335 to $187,- 612,703, , Imports into Vancouver increased in value from $64,731912 in 1921, to $74,002,310 in 1928, while exports showed a tremendous increase from $50,049,502 to $153,021,338, Imports into Saint John declined in value from $32,857,033 to $17,357,214, and exports declined in value from $81,440,495 10 $50,466,168, Imports into Halifax declined in value from $24,749,731 to $19,908,515, and exports showed only a slight net decline in the seven years, from $36,- 669918 to $35,819,784, THREE BROTHERS' AGES TOTAL 278 Apohanqui, N.,B.,, Feb, 20.-- Kings County takes pride in a family containing three brothers "DISNEY" Real Estate For that snappy Bungalow 7 Rooms--Italian Finish Exceptionally modern Reduced 8700 for buyer with fair terms Phone 1550 who have reached the ages of 10 90 ang 88, They are Robe Chamberlain, of Gondola Poi who passed the century marks March, 1928; Cornelius Chamb: alin, 90, of Collina, and Geor Chamberlain, 88, of Fair Vale. Th brothers are comparatively we.| and have retained their faculties t a marked degree. The three are the only survivir members of the family of the lai: William and Sarah (Hall) Chan berlain who came from Yorkshire, England, 105 years ago and settled in English Settlement, now known as Highfield, eight miles from this village, Of their eight children fivel ived to maturity, All the in- habitants of English Settlement were then pioneers, mostly from England, Real Estate Insurance CUTLER & PRESTON @4 KING ST. W. Telephone 572-223 Night Calls 510-1560 SR PHSNE J. C.YOUNG 4% Prince St! » Oshawa, Ont. FOR SALE $3,300 buys # roomed brick dwel ing on lot 35 x 134 ft. Ready fo trim and furnace, Wired stove, Can he completed for $7¢ Garage suitable for work shop, x 14 ft, with addition 7 x 14 1 formerly used as dwelling, Centra ly located, A bargain! J. H, R, LUKE Phone 871-687W King nt, ELLA CINDERS--Just Say Something ne ; pees (1111.2... . U.S. Pu. OF; 1929, ag Froid i hic gia MILLIONS OF DOLLARS INVOLVED IN A WHICH DEPENDS LE a AMERICA UNTIL T -- -- - > Bv Bill Conselman and Charlie Pl OGEEGOSH, ) (WS WEBC, WSM. 4 10.80 CFCA (357)--Toronto, Concert bl WHAM (258.5)--Rochester. Musicale NBC Svstem: Spitalny's Music to WTZ, WTAM (280)--Cleveland. Popular pro- ram, 11.00 Ew (312)--Toronto. Romanelli or- chestra; News, NRC System: The Stellodians to WEAF, WWI. WOW, KOA, WDAF, WIS, KSD, WKY. : : NBC Svstem: Slumber Mnsic to WIZ, WRC, WTMJ, WLW, WHAS, WMAK (333)--Buffalo, Dance orchestra, ews. y WNAC (244)--Boston. News; Gallagh- er's Orchestra. WOR (422)--Newark. News; Dance or: chestra 11.30 WGN (416)--Chicago, WGN Orchestra; Pat Barnes. Zi 11.45 WSB (405)--Atlanta. Hawailan ensem- 12.00 CNRY (291)--Vancouver. Vocal and iolin, KF (468.5) Los Angeles. Concert or- chestra. KYW (294)--Chicago. Fiorito's orches, KOA (361)--Denver, Music Album; triotic S, KO. (379) Baidand. Play "The Jinx Mate. 4 i WDAF (492)--Kansas City. Varied pro- gram, DENIES OBTAINING % Sault Ste, Marie, Ont., Feb. 21,-- In statement yesterday regard- ing Charges made in the legislature by Hon. James Lyons that he had seen a check passed from the brew- ery interests to the campaign man- agers of J. B. Cunningham, who defeated Sir William Hearst in 1919, Mr. Cunnigham denfed that the brewery interests had contri- buted to his canipaign fund. "I cannot see how it is possible that the breweries contributed to the campaign fund," said Mr. Cun- , "as it was entirely raised by the sale of memberships in the Labor party and unless brewery of- ticials bought memberships, I can- not see how they contributed. If sny contribution came from that source, it was certainly without mry Mr. Ep -- said that some of his supporters had been doing work for a brewery about that time and suggested that the check that Mr. Lyons had reference to had been given them for their wors. Felt Bros. 7 he LEADING JEWELER Estab'ished 1886 12 Simcoe St. South 4f your Watch is mot 10 King St. W. giving satisfaction we can repair and: make it tell the correct time D. J. BROWN THE JEWELER Official Watch inspector for Canadian National and Oshawa Railroads, Phone 189 WELL IN THE YARD * THE JOB ) HIRED A MAN TO DIC A MAGGIE - ODRESDED - THEN GO OUT ND WATCH HIM. SEE Tay DOESN'T LOAF Of ALL RIGHTY, GET ' WELL: IF 177 1oN'T JERRY CF CONNELL. SO 1TH YO THATS DIGGIN' THE WELL: TELL ME- HOW'S Youn © 1929, Int Pesture Service, Inc, Great Britain rights reserved. QUARRY TO CLEAN CLOTHES? B DO YOU REMEMBER THE TIME HE FELL OFF MY FISH WAGON INTO THE MUD AN' WE THROWED HIM INTO C we SNCYS By Geo. McManus AN REMEMBER THE GANG FIGHTS WE USE TO HAVE IN HICKEY'S BRICK YARD AN' THE TIME THE STOVE E FELL'ON YOU AN' DINTY ? DO i WATER WHEY YOU DROP A - PEBBLE INTO A STILL POOL. WHEN YOU SPEAK INTO THE TELEPHONE THE SOUND WAVES STRIKE AGAINST A DISK AND SET IT TO VIBRATING 4 TIME WITH THE WAVES. THE DISK FORMS PART OF A CIRCUIT CARRY 0 GOODNESS! I WONDER WHY IT IS ALWAYS 50 EASY TO START THE WRONG NUMBER TO VIBRATING 9 0 © 1929, King Features Syndicalls, lac, Great Britain rights rescrved. 46 A CURRENT OF ELECTRICITY AMD THE CURRENT 15 STRENGTHENED OR WEAKENED BY THE DIF- FERENT VIBRATIONS OF THE DISK , THIS SETS UP ELECTRIC WAVES IN THE WIRE THAT MATCH THE 'SOUND WAVES EXACTLY, IN THE RECEIVER ANOTHER DISK 15 SET TO VIBRATING ty UNISON THUS REPRODUCING THE SOUND OF THE VOICE IN THE EAR OF THE LISTENER. Y © 1929. King Featurcs Syndicate, Inc., Great Britain rights re £3 Q 8 B|EEER | 88%] 9 2 1 Hi |F2is

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