Oshawa Daily Times, 16 Feb 1929, p. 7

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THE OSHAWA DAILY TIMES, SATURDAY, FEBRUARY 16, 192 EASTERN ONTARIO NEWS HAS GOOD YEAR Spencerville.--Encouraging re- ports were received at the annual congregational meetings held at Spencerville-Ventnor and East Ox- ford Presbyterian Church, of 'the Presbytery of Brockville, APPOINT SECRETARY Kingston.--Queen's Alma Mater Society student body has decided to appoint a permanent Secretary s0 it there will be continyity in the pinistration of the office. It aj d Lieut,-Col, K, L. Steven. son; Warden of the Student's Un- ion, to the position, "'MUSEUM AT QUEEN'S Kingston, -- Although it is not genorally known to citizens in ingstoror even to many students, Queen's University has a r of its own In the Old Arts Bnild- ing, Plang are being made to open Cy museum to the students next fall, TEACHERS' SALARIES FIXED Kigston,--The board of education passed a recommendation of the management committee that the maximum of women teachers hold- ing first-class certificates be placed at $1,450 and of those holding sec- ond class certificates be placed at $1,400 to be reached by annual in- steno of $250 from January 1, 62 YEARS AS SEC..-TREAS., Cornwall.--A record of 62 years as secretary-treasurer of the Corn- wall Public School Board was ter minated a short time ago by Dune can Monroe, and to mark the oc- casion a complimentary dinner was tendered Mr. Monroe last night at the Hotel Cornwallis by the Board of Trustees. BUDGET IN PREPARATION Ottawa.--S, W. Jacobs. Liberal, Cartier, asked the minister of fin- ance (Hom, J, A. Robb) in the house of commons yesterdav, when the budget might be expected, Mr. Robb said that he was working on it now, It would surely be reday before the end of the fiscal year at any rate, WOMEN ORGANIZE Orillia,--The club rooms of the Orillia Women's Conservative As- sociation were filled h an enthus- fastic audience of women lact ov eping of occasion of a visit from Mrs, Howard Fallis, Dominion ¢ ganizer, who delivered an eloau- address on questions affectine the electorate at the present time, CELEBRATES 1018T BIRTHDAY Kingston,--~Thomas Gurren, rve- siding at the village of Liath, yes- terday celebrated his 101st birth- day. Up until New Year's day, Mr. Gurren enjoyed good health, a y Ki Box 38, er Tro They saved me a lar eep them in the house Dodd's Kidney Pills condition to do th purifying the bl own women si a trial at o; Best Remedy for Kidneys and Blad Says Ontario Lady who used Dodd's Kidney and Bladder were very bad," writes iddleville, Ont, "I was ad Dodd's Kidney Pills, which I did, They di whole lot of good. Anyone suffering wi Blackburn, DODD'S KIONEY B i of cleansing and # 8 Nervous, Run. Dodd's Kidney Pills hey give speedy relief, Dealers, or by Mail from The Medicine Co. Lid, Toronts 2, Ont, "You have tried the Rest, now try We are specialists in Tire Vulcanizing gif pairing, Battery Charging and Rex mada size for every tire, . of Firestone Gum Dipped Cord ire & Battery Service Successors to Dingman & Mason, ing and Centre Streets all Rodd's | 7 # at once, to be repaired on Oshawa, Ont. but since that time has been con- fined to his room. ne has excep- Helly good eyesight id i 28le to & newspaper ou e ald of glasses. ESCAPE FROM FIRE Peterboro'.--~The home of Mrs. William Calvert, three miles frow Hall's Bridge, was burned to the ground Thursday afternoon, The blaze started from overheated pines, and was not noticed until it ad gained such headway that it was impossible for the family to re- move personal effects, Mrs. Cal- vert and her 8 children escaped, |y although three of the children were confined to the house with meastes at the time. CELEBRATE LAST PAYMENT Orillia,--he Orillia Water, Light and Power Commassion tendered a a banquet to nearly 100 represen- tatives of other public bodies, in celebration of the fact that the last payment on original deben- tures for power plant was made, The project was started thirty years ago, when the ratepayers authorized the borrowing of $75.- 000 for the construction of a plant on the Severn river, WILLIAMS ACQUITTED Kingston Na Sone] on ac- count of insanity," was the verdict of the jury which heard the evi- dence in the case of the Crown vs. Wilbert R, Williams, retired high school teacher of Pieton, chargea with murdering his wife on Aug. 15 last, The verdict was announc- ed at 8 o'clock, after the jury had been out three hours, Mr. Justice Wright ordered that Williams be kept in custody at the pleasure of the Lieutenant-Governor. KILLED AT CROSSING Port Hope,--Percival L. Chris- tie, aged 45, of Bloomfield, died at the Port Hope General Hospital, early yesterday morning as the re- sult of injuries sustained in a level- crossing accident four miles east of Port Hope on the Provincial High- way Thursday evening, His truck was struck by an eastbound Cana- dian Pacific Railway train, and he sustaiined severe injuries including a fractured skull and broken leg, He never regained consciousness. MAY GO TO COURT Kingston,--The Queen's Univer. sity students' clash at the Pittsburg Township Hall in Barriefield Thursday night may be aired in the County Court, Crown Attorney T. J. Rigney has instructed Proyin- cial Officer G, V, Clubbe to continue with his investigation, and already the latter has secured the names of a numbep. of students who are al- eged to have taken part in the af- faig;, Charges may be laid in the gourse of a day or so. CLOTHES CATCH FIRE Peterboro'.~--Rushing from her house with flames from her gaso- line-soaked clothing enveloping her Miss Florence Greer, aged 18, had sufficient presence of mind to roll over and over in the snow until the flames were extinguished, The girl had been cleaning dresses, and con- tinued rubbing is thought to have ignited the gasoline, She first threw the blazing container out the door and then dived into the snow, Her hands were severely burned, but she was otherwise uninjured, DRAINAGE CAMPAIGN Kemptville. -- Through the ef- forts of Agricultural Representa- Machinery ring NOTHING, RGE Ni SMALL Adgefc Magliine Sho, St. , Phone 1214 TORONTO PRODUCE QUOTATIONS Toronto wholesale dealers are paying the following prices, delivered Toronto: uy Eggs, ungraded, cases returned--Fresh, ex- tras, 40 to dic; fresh firsts, 37c; seconds, 30c; | r pullet extras, 30c. ; : Butter--Creamery, solids, pasteurized, No. 1, 43 to 43%4c; No. 2, 42 to dic. Churning cream--Special, 46c; No. 1, 4Sc; No. 2, 42¢c, Cheese--No, 1 large, colored, paraffined and Government graded, 2!c. -- Live Dressed 6 pounds 25 3 6 lbs. . 3 5 Ibs. . Do.,, 3 to 4 Ibs, Do., under 3% 1 Young turkeys Roosters ....., Young geese . Ducklings, 5 lbs. Do, 4 10 5 lbs. . Do., 3% to 4 ths, .. vy PRODUCE AT W YORK New York, Feb, 16.--Rutter steady; re- cipts, 11,118, Creamery higher than extra, 50% to Sle extra (92 score), 50c; first (88 to 91 score), 47 to 49%ic. Cheese steady; receipts, 170.741, Eggs firm; receipts, 10,916, Tresh gathered extra, 43 to 43Vic; extra first, 42 to 42Vc; first, 41 to 41%c; seconds, 40 to 40%c; stor- age, first not quoted; seconds, 33 to 36e. Nearhy hennery white, closely selected ex- tra, 44 to 4ic; nearby and nearby western hennery white, first to average extra, 41 to 43c; nearby white pullets, 37 tn 38¢c; nearby hennery brown, extra, 46c; Pacific Coast Rlite, extra, 44 to 45c; do., extra first, 2 to A CHICAGO PRODUCE FUTURES Chicago, Feb. 16.--Butter and egg futures broke on the Chicago Mercantile exchange yesterday in an active session, Deferred de- | Produce Prices in the Commercial Markets Chicago closing . nervous, 3% to 1 2 hard, 98%ic; No. 3 white, 95% to TORONTO GRAIN Grain dealers GRAIN for car lots: - anitoba Wh No. 2 Northern, $1.34'4. No. 3 Northern, $1.3214. No. 4 wheat, $1.26!4. No. § wheat, $1,16'4. (c.i.f. Goderich and Bay ani No. 1 feed, 62%c. No, 2 § Vie. included--DBran, per ton, ton, $35.25; middlings, $40, liveries held firm, The nrvousness that had $1.3 been accumulating for a week or more burst in a flood of liquidation in February eggs which had improved on their opening 3fc before being swept down in the torrent, Buy- ing support came in at the close for a little rally, February hutter opened off Ifc and fell 34c more with many traders evidently anxious to unload as receipts gave promise of improving' and weather of moderating. commitments--Fcbruary eggs, 377; March eggs, 14; April eggs, 46; November eggs, 82; February butter, 278; March but- ter, 99; December butter, 8 June hutter;, 1. Chicago spot market--Buiter, extras, 50; standards, 49%c; tone steadier; eggs, firsts, to 3844; tone, easier, EGG MARKET REVIEW Ottawa, Feb. 16.--Canadian egg markets continue very firm with some adyance in prices reported. * St. John--This egg market is firm and higher. The demand is good, especially for firsts and there have been heavy importa- tions from P.ET, to meet the local de- mand, Dealers are paying country shippers, extras, 35 to 38c; firsts, 31 to 3dc; seconds, 26 to 28c, Halifax--There is no change in the situa- tion on this egg market, Eggs are scarce but prices are unchanged. Dealers are quot- ing country shippers, extras, 37 to 38c; firsts, to 32c; seconds, 25 to 26c, Vancouver--Prices to producers have ad- vanced here today. Dealers are now paying, extras, 33; firsts, 29%; pullet extras, # Prices to retailers are, extras, 40c; firsts, 37c; seconds, ic. TORONTO PROVISION PRICES Toronto wholesale dealers are quoting the following prices to the trade: Smoked meats--Hams, medium, 29 to cooked hams, 35 to 4c; smoked rolls, breakfast bacon, 30 to 34c; do., fancy, 2 to 40c; backs, pecamealed, 28 to 30c; do., smoked, 30 to 40c, Cured meats--Long clear bacon, 50 to 70 Ths, $2t; 70 to 90 lbs., $19; 90 to 100 Ibs, and up, $I8; lightweight rolls, in barrels, $11.50; heavyweight rolls, $38.50 per barrel. Lard--Pure tierces, 16c; tubs, 16}ic; pails, 17c; prints, 18'4 to 19, Shortening, tierces, 14%c; tubs, 14)5c; pails, 15!4c; tins, 17%c; prints, 1644c. s Pork loins, 25¢; New York shoulders, 17c; pork butts, 2lc; pork hams, 23c, EAST BUFFAEO LIVE STOCK East Buffalo, Feb. 16.--Receipts, of hogs, 1,900; hol ers, 300; market active, steady ts lower; bulk, 160 to 240 pounds at $11; few decks, $11.10; 275 to 325 to $10.75; 130 pounds down, $9.75 to 25; packing sows, $8.75 to $9.25 and better, Receipts of cattle ,400; vealers active, most- Iy 50 iE higher, good to choice, $17.50 to $18; cull and common, $10 to $15. Receipts of sheep, 2,800; lambs, yd to 35 cents or more higher; active at advance; good to choice, $16.75 to $17.25; few $i7.35; medium, $14.25 to $15. WINNIPEG GRAIN J Winnipeg, Feb, 16.--An erratic price trend ked day's wheat market. Prices > THRIFT Pays It Is Not What You EARN But What You SA J i BUY GENERAL MOTORS WOOD MORE HEAT FOR L Big Loads Value TELPHONE 262 FOUR DIRECT LINES 2 : opened easier, started an upward climb, then shot downward to close the day #4 to Zc lowes than the previous close. Trading con- sisted mostly oF spreading operations. Ex- riers took very little interest in the mar- Cash wheat trading was without feature ugh a small demand was in evidence for No. 3 Nor, and No, 4 wheat, Prices were hange a 4 ried a spurt on the coarse rain mgrket but it failed to hold its gains. ats- wis at a standstill with prices easier. Flax and rye weakened fractionally, Cash Prices | #AWheat--No. 1 Nor., $1.29; No. 2 Nor. ,26%; No. 3 Nor. $1.21%4; No, 4, $117; | 8.047%; No. 6 89%c; feed, 804; track, 29%; screenings, per ton. jr AE ar gic; No. 3 C. W., 64c; ex. No, 1 feed, 58%%c; No. 1 feed, 53%c; No. 2 feed, 51J4c; rejected, 48Yc; track, 134. 7 Barley--No. 3C. W., 78%4c; No, 4 C. W,, 78%c; rejected, 71%c; feed, 68}ic; track, 78%¢. Flax--No. 1, N.W.C., $204; No. 2 C. W., 3 C. W., $1.92; rejected, $1.90; $1.99; No. track, $2.05. Wheat, 500; last year; 912; contract grades 277. Oats, 41; last year, 80. Barley, 19; last year, 24. Flax, none: last year, 5. Rye, 3; fast year, 17; mixed grains, 1; last year, 1. tive H. L. Trueman the county of Grenville is starting an extensive drainage campaign in the low-ly- ing sections where felds are little more than waste land owing to the improper drainage. At a recent meeting held in Kemptville the community council appointed five men from as many townships as an executive to cooperate with the Reeves. The members of the ex- ecutive are: Wolford, 8. . Hana; Oxford, W. J. Moore; South Gower, 8. J. Bennett; Edwardsburg, R. Weir; Augesta, Robert Simpson. After hearing the program pre- sented by Mr. Trueman, which planned the work for the ensuing yea, they unanimously moved fits adoption. Buckwheat--88 to Rye--No, 2, $1.05, ents, per barrel, $5.70, CHICAGO GRAIN Chicago, Feb. 16,~Sharp setbacks in wheat values took place yesterday, after the market had again outdone all top record quotations yet this season, Selling to developed on a. 1 was accom eports that Argentina is offerin Europe 15c below wheat from Nort Furthermore, Missouri river markets were recly tendering wheat to come here. tations on wheat were gc, net' lower, Cos at Yc decline to Yc grain, oats 1-2c off a shade advance, Corn and oats paralleled the action of wheat, but received better sup- port than wheat did on the late decline. Cash Pen Wheat, Ne. 2 wd 3a; No - to $1.31, rn, 0, m hite, 533. 5424 Re, a 48 white, 4 to c; sample grade, 48%¢c, Rye, no sales, Barley, 60 to thy, Seed, $5.10 to $5.70, Clover seed, $22.25 o $30.25, UOTATIONS oronto Board of Trade are making the following quotations (c.iif, Goderich and Bay ports.) rican No. 2 yellow, kiln-dried, $1.12, No. 3 yellow, kiln-dried, $1.09%, No. 4 yellow, kiln.dried, $1.0615, ,. (Delivered Toronto) Millfeed delivered Montreal freights, bags $34.25; shorts, per 25, Ontario oats--Goed, sound, heavy oats ind car lots, 52 to Sic, f.o.b. shipping poi Ontario good milling wheat, f. ob. ping points, according to freights, $1.20 to Barley--Malting, 76 to 79c, 90c, Manitoba flour--First patents, in Toronto; second patents, in jute, Flows r Track, Montreal, car lots--9 per cent. pat- but not until ports, Price on track, lc higher than above.) Oats Would Go To Country Natives' Rights Bills Cape town, South Africa, Feb. 16.--At the resumption of the joint sitting of both Houses of Parlia- ment Gen, Jan Smuts, opposition leader, made another vigorous ef- fort to prevent the native guestion being made the issue in the com- ing general elections. The joint "sitting 1s considering two natives® rights bills introduced by Premier J. B. Hertzog and the bills are vio- lently opposed by the Opposition. Gen. Smuts asserted the proper course was to go to-the country and get a mandate before dealing with the bills and this was loudly applauded from the Government benches. Col, ¥, H, P, Creswell, Minister of Defense and Labor lead- er, asked however: "Are the na- tion's most important questions never to be discussed in the House or on the platform?" Col, Creswell declared. the Pre- mier's scheme of separate parlia- mentary representation for the blacks was the correct one because it was wrong to mix whites and blacks in the 'same electoral sys- tem, He added Premier Hertzog, was right in dealing with the ques- tion promptly, Great delays in home rule had provided examples of dangerous procrastination, The fundamental split on the na- tives' question is that the Govern- ment proposes to have the natives elect their own representatives to Parliament in a certain proportion of the whole Assembly; whereas the opposition would have natives vote alongside the whites and have full franchise privileges, something that exists at present only in one of the four provinces, the Cape, The franchise will be taken away from Cape natives under the Gov- ernment's scheme, and replaced throughout the union by the special representation, Aspirin as an effective antidote for pain, But it's just as imgrtant to know that there is only one genuine Aspirin, The e Bayer is on every tablet, and on the box, If the name Bay, rs, it's 'génulney and if it doesn't, it is not! Headaches pelled by Aspirin, -So are colds, and the pain that goes wij ; even neuralgia, geuritis, gnd rheuma- tism promptly reife Get Aspirin--g#" any dypgstore--with proven directiong 4 . Pk idan prescribe Aspiring' " he trade mark (registered in Canada) indicating Bayer $anufscture, While nown that Aspirin means Bayer manufacture, fo assure the public against mits. he Tablets will be stamped with thelr *'Bayer Cross' trademark, Aspirin Bendix Fows-Wheel Brakes Morse Silent Timing Chain Full Force Feed Lubrication Passenger Cors Fours and Sixes from $675 to $2097 f.0.b., Leasids, Ons. Standard Factory Equi Taxes Extra O QUALITY Drive It Away OU could walk into any Durant dealer's showroom | and drive the new Durant "60" away knowing that / you are buying an honest-value automobile. "You know that its Red Seal Continental Motor will supply all the speed and power you can use and the refinements and thoughtful improvements are additions to the Durant principles of quality. of any mode] wilkgevenbelag seasons for confidengé. Your Sealer will ghlige, at / « wr \ hy ae J BUILY BY DURANT MOTORS of CANADA LIMITED ' TORONTO, CANADA at URANT RUGBY TRUCKS IN !% TON TO 1% TON CAPACITIES Thickson Motor Sales Oshawa, Ontario

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