Oshawa Daily Times, 12 Feb 1929, p. 7

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\ ' i THE LSHAWA DAILY HIMES, TUESDAY, FEBRUARY 12,1929 Suburban and District Neus Gathered By SOLINA Solina, Feb. 8,--Miss Vera Bak- or, vigit.d with Mr and Mrs. L, C. Snowden at Maple Grove on Sun- Ye Mr. and Mrs. Reginald Sommer- «ville, Cherrywod, visited at Mr. and Mrs, J, W, Reynolds'. Mr, and Mrs, L. C. Pascoe, En- field visited with Miss Mary Ho- garth. Glad to report Mrs. Sidney Hork- aday recovering nicely in Bowman- ville Hospital from her recent op- eration, ; Cars with wheels off and others stuck in snowbanks is the latest af- fect of ice and snow at Solina and some even resort to old dobbin as ® means of travel, Mr, and Mrs. A, J. Reynolds, vis- ited in Toronto for a few days re- cently. Mrs, A. L, Pascoe, has returned after a pleasant visit with her brother and sister at Kedron. Sorry to report Rev. J. R. Bick, ill at his home with the prevalent flu. But hope he will soon be well again, . There is too much snow and ice on the roads so that Mrs. Robb our school music teacher has not bren able to get through for a couple of weeks but the children are looking forward to her coming again with a good deal of pleasure, ENNISKILLEN Enniskillen, Feb, 7--The Ladies' a\id held its annual social evening A'onday, February 4, Rev. Mr. W 'hyte acting as chairman in his jovial way. A program was given con sisting of orchestra music by Ren'. Mr, Whyte, Mr. Herbert and Mr. 'L. Staintan, Hampton, and Mr. Elm er Beech and Mrs. H, Stevens acco, mpanist., A trio "Three old Maid 8 from Lynn," by Mrs. Orr Jef- frey, Mrs. Lloyd Ashton and Mrs, Theo' Slemon, A recitation by Mrs. France is Werry, Reading by Mrs. Dr. Fe rguson and Mr. Will Moore; commu Ddity singing led by Mrs. .Uloyd iAshton, and an instrumental so by! Miss Marion Orchard, While th. % ladA 2s were preparing lunch Mr. Ths. McGill told some jokes. A goon \ Jun ch was served and all join- ed 'in' 'siny ving the Nation Anthem, Miss®, Mire Lamb has gone to train as'a nu vse in Bowmanville Hospital, Mr, | Val'ter Pugh, Fenelon Falls, ig vigitin €' Mr. Fred Bilis, Mr. an Mrs. Howard Stevens visited hi: ; mother, Mrs. Enoch Stevens, h ®mpton, Mrs. BE. C. Ashton, visited her brother, Rey + H. Stainton, Courtice, oh Sunday. Mr. and: M.*s. Wilbur Smith and sén Ross, Osh awa, visited his par- ents Mr. and .¥Mrs. Fred Smith on Sunday. | Mr. and Mrs. Wm, Stainton, Charlie and Mi. vw Bernice visited i at the home of Mr. W, G. Smith, Oshawa, Sunday. We are glad to say that Mr. John Slemon is doing: nicely in Bowmanville, after his recent op- eration, nurse BE. Brent, Tyrone, having returned to her home. Mrs. Jno. Curtis, Bowmanville, is stay- ing with Mrs, Slemon, Mrs, Levi Brunt spent a few days with friends In Courtice. 'Mr. Wm. Pomton, Toronto, spent He week-end at the ohme of T, Mc- The Misses Winnie and Gertie Oke, Bowmanville, spent Sunday with Mr, and Mrs. Wesley Oke. Rev. Mr. Whyte and Mr. J. A. Werry attended the Presbytery at Oshawa on Tuesday. . Mr, and Mrs. Russel Ormiston entertained a number of friends to an oyster supper on Thursday even ng. \ ' Mr. and Mrs. Arthur Brunt en- tertained a' number of young folk at tea Thursday, and a good time is reported, ASHBURN Ashburn, Feb, 8.--~The Dramatic Club is busy preparing the play "Go Easy Mary," which is to be given here in the near future, Mrs. James Balfour is recovering from her recent illness. Her daugh- ter Miss Florence of Chicago is staying with her for a time. Mr. Marshall Ballard of Alberta has been renewing old acquain- tances here, A number from here attended the Dryden-Miller gale of pure-bred cattle in Toronto on Wednesday and report splendid sales for all the animals, Mrs. Norman Anderson, of Kane, Manitoba has been visiting her brother Mr, George Lynde. Teams 'as been busy taking ad- vantage of the sleighing and grav- eling the town line, What might have proved a fatal accident happened at noon on Sat- urday at the Dagman gravel pit when Mr, Erle Carnigan who. was hauling out gravel with Mr. Clar- ence Harrison's team was unhitch- ing. The undermined top of the pit took a slide down on him pinning him so that it took some time for the two men who were with him to extricate him, On removal it was found he had received painful in- juries to his back and his right knee cap was dislocated besides other injuries, Dr, Mather, of Port Perry was summoned and he was rushed to the Oshawa Hospital, It is reported that he is doing nicely but it will be some month's before he will be able to be around again, Mr. Jno, Jones and Miss P. Jones who have been staying with the for- mer's daughter, Mrs. Fred Steph- ens, for a time have returned to their home in Utica. Mrs. Stephens is able to be out For children's ailments--neo i Veno's LIGHTNING ANG bronchial and chest finer relief than Syrup again after a very bad attack of the flu, Hampton, Feb, 11, -- Mr, and Mrs. Russél' Luke and som, Bari, Oshawa, spent Buay af last week 'with Mr. and Mrs. H. Cole, The Mission Circie girls pur- pose holding a Basket Social ony ¥riday, February 16th at 8 pm. in the basement of the church, A small admission will be those not bringing a basket, Having organized a W.C.T.U, the members are asked to meet for the firsc time at the home of the President, Mrs, Alvin Peters, on Tuesday afternoon. Mrs, James Jebson entertained a number of friends on Tuesday night of last week, Mr. C., H. Wailace has motored to British Columbia where he in- tends staying for a couple of months, Mr. Vivian of Toronto, has been busily engaged putting in a Frig- idaire plant at the butter factory. Mrs, Vivian accompanied him here, Miss Vera Carr, Orono, spent A few days with her sister, Mrs. Charlie Shaw, ° Messrs, 8S, Kersey and Gilbert Adcock are employed at the ice cutting on the pond, the ice be- ing a better quality than antici- pated, it being about fifteen In, thick. Miss Helen Virtue has returned from a pleasant two weeks' visi. with re.atives and friends in To- ronto. The farmers are taking advant- age of the good sleighing these days and making it busy at the mill, We are glad to see our pastor, Rev. J. R. Bick, able to be out again after being ill wi.h the flu, and taking his work as usual on Sunday, Miss Morie Rundle and Miss Aura Rundle, Bowmanvil.e Hos- pital staff, visited at 'Mrs. C. Horn's on Sunday. Mrs, Samuel Mountjoy is visit- ing her mother, Mrs. Brimacombe, and her sister, Mrs, Bird at Ham- ilton, Miss Ruby Clatworthy, Bow- manville Hospital staff, visited her mother, Mrs. Grace Clatworthy, on Thursday and attended the Wo- men's Institute jubi.ee celebra- tion. We were glad to see Mr, J. J. Virtue ou. again on Saturday since his illness with the "flu", Much sympathy is extended Mrs. Harry Payne of Oshawa in her re- cent bereavement in the loss of her husband. Before her marri- age Mrs, Payne (nee Alice West) was a resident of this village, mak- ing her home with Mrs, Wm, Greenaway. Mrs. Emanuel Martin has been under the doctor's care at the home of her daughter, Mrs. K. Winterburn. Mr. Albert Al'im, Toronto Uni- versity, spent the week-end at home. A heavy fall of snow fell dur- ing the night on Thursday, It al- asked | our pastor. so snowed gently most of Satur- day, making ii seem more Ifo inter to hear the sound of the sleigh bells once more, . Mr. Frank Rogers conveyed & '| number of our young people ta | the Bowmanville nk. on Satu: ; 'night in his truck, All report a good time, It is quite a common hgh to see a truck go through our village on a Sunday, but on Sunday after- noon it was quite' a novelty to, see a load of hay on a red bob sleigh, drawn by a grey team, journeying north, Mr, and Mrs. Will Baker and family, Soiina, visited at Mr. J, D. Hogarth's recently. : The Young Peoplé's League meeting on Friday night was presided over by Miss Sadie Vir- tue, Missionary vice president. After the opening exercises and the singing of a hymn and prayer by the vice-president in charge, Mr. Henry Watchorn read Bibig Lesson, Acts 17: 22-81, Mr. of the tople, dealing with a part of the Mission Study book for this rear, Miss Ethel Stephens and Reta Billeit took a second and third part, Prayer was offered by a hymn and the Mizpah Behedic. tion, A geography contest was engaged in during the recreation period, Tobogganning is the chief sport engaged in by our young people these days. Winterburn's hill is an ideal spot for Lhe sport. The ladies of the Women's In- stitute are asked to bring to. the March meeting their donation of an apron or some article suitable for the bazaar to be held later in the year, Will the members who have not been advised of ' this, kindly take note. Mrs, Harry Clayton is visiting her sister in Windsor. Mrs, Fred Densem, Bowmau- ville, visited friends in the vil.age on Thursday. It being the occasion of the twenty-fifth anniversary of the Hamp on Women's Institute, they held the Jubilee in the Sunday School room of the church on Thursday, Feb, 7th. The Insti- tute colors being purple and or- ange, Misses M. J. Katerson, N, Horn, and Mrs, C. W. Souch, the committee in charge of the table decorating, carried this color scheme throughout the artistic ar- rangement of the decoration, both on the tables and about the 8, 8. room, Streamers of purple and orange were arranged at the front of the room over a white back- ground in sunbeam fashion, in the cen re of which a large silver emblem bearing the words, "Hamp- ton Women's Institute Jubilee", was placed, Silver maple leaves were interspersed both on this and the white draped pillars which were also adorned with stream- ers of purple and orange, The tables were very pretty with candles, f.owers, house plants and purple and orange servie tes, holding their place arranged al- ternately, the district officers, and officers and honorary members of the Hampton Institute occupying the seats at the table bearing the "Bir. hday Cake", which was dec- orated with twenty-five pink candles, This table occupied a place on the platform. The rest of the members and their families occupied seats at two long tables The company was catered to by eighteen young ladies, oyster soup fn abundance, bread and butter, cakes tarts and apples being tha delectable viands which were much enjoyed, Mrs, Thomas Wilcox had the honor of putting the knife in the cake which was made by Mrs. C, Johns who with Mrs. Jas, Burns and Mrs. Jno. Colwill, Jr., were among the oldest members pres- ent, After supper Mrs. Herb. Rundle, Ra es "Tomorrow's"' Issue of the "Times" For Further ~ Reductions In Errol Bruton's Clearing Out SALE i -- Watch for it - It Will Pay You President, called the company to order, and announced the Insti- tute Ode as an opening number on the program, after which Rev. J. B. Bick Jed in prayer. Mrs. C. J. Kers.ake, secretary, spoke for a few minutes on the work of the Institute, relating to the past history of the society and its or- ganization, Mrs. Frank Jackman, President of Bowmanville branch, was in.roduced, and after a few words, repeated the following lines: "Oyster soup, oyster soup, we are the members of the In- stitute. We are not rough, snd we're not tough, but Oh! we are determined." Miss Weeks, Sec- retary of Bowmanville Institute, was aiso introduced, after which "A long, long trial" was sung. Mrs. R. J. McKessock, President of the Solina Branch, spoke op the work also, followed by "Spread » Little Gladuess" one of the favor- ite songs of the Hampton Insti- tue, iss Edna Reynolds, Sec- retary of the Solins Institute, read 2 fitting. poem, after which all sang "The Little Browns Church in the Vale", Mrs, , Presi dent of the Tyrone branch was the next to speak. Miss N. and Mrs. C. J. Kerslake favored with a piano duet. Miss Hayeraft, first District Secretary responded to ber name, giving a good deal of the f yond Burns took the first part] Meeting closed with | Hil Jturiation on penings ot the Saat n Insti speaking the increased interest taken in the Soclety, and' of it veing tue largest organisation in the world. She repea.ed the words of Mus, Sanford, in saying that the Insti- tute "was & good place to meet; a goad place to greet, and a good [place to eat. Im a few chos-n words- she ke very gratifying- ly of the reputable manner In which, everyone had been enter- tained, "Carry Me Back to Old Virginia" was sung and the Dis- trict President, Mrs, Jno, Baker, 'Solina, responded to her introdue- tion by a short speech, and sing- [12 a solo, "Just A'wearyin' for You," After a few remarks from the President, Mrs, H. Rundle, the 'program was brought to a close ALMONDS -- Almonds, ¥eb, 9--Mr. Clarence Hallet tand Mrs, Payne; of Tor- onto visited with friends in the 'neighborhood last week. "Miss Madeline Huff, of Oshawa, visited during the week with Miss da, Lee, Mr. W. H, Balsdon visited" with his brother in Markham on Tues- day and is glad to report he is able to be up again after his leng~ thy illness, Misses Camilla and Agnes O'Con- nor, of Toronto, visited with friends by singing "God Save the King': in the vicinity over the past week- end, Mr. Arthur Wilson the 'week-end with relatives in do A large number' atten party under the auspices skating of the Young Peoples' 1 also enjoyed. the. refnesh en by the ladies' at the e Mr. Rabin Nicholson following the ing a Valentine Soda in the ghurch op Brigay rans. Feb, is program js way fo Towed by a contest and a nty lunch. all far the small fee of 25c, Come slong and bring your friends. Mr, and Mrs; Harry Willcock and sons Bob and Jack, of Toronto, Mrs, Christie, of Owen Sound, visited recently with Mr; and Maw: Thomas Norcombe, : TARIFF INCREASE MEETS OPPOSITION 'of wool growers for a higher tar- if? on their raw product ran up against stiff opposition ~ from clothing manufacturers . at the third day's hearing on wool duties means committee, Appearing for the manufact ers. employing 50,000 people, Wi liam Goldman, of New York, op: posed the growers' proposal to jn- crease the present rate om the ground that it would place an un- necessary addi.iopal burden on skating, } The Young Ladies (lags are hold- h Washington, Feb, 2.~~Appegls| today before the House ways and | I?ACE § teed. yo then straight to ser w= |i bys ate gL pl vo TIE A good tee RED ROSE ORANGE PEKOE, ls extra good 4 FEE. REPAIRING WATCHES OUR SIPECIAV.TY ff your Watch is not giving satisfaction can repair » : » Sool gr Poni iid yy D. J. BROWN THE JEYVELER Official Watch inspector for Canadian Rail 0ads 10 Kimg 8¢, ov, ¢ National and 0 awa Paone 180 consumers' clothing costs. yo. EA A Hot Ov and easily. themselves to this vives sess body and sind all ripe barley A »_ fi | bX Delicious . . . delicious food drink. , . ends afternoon fatigue. . . tingling with new-found energy. le now treat grt fa male. Digests ates You ay 18° Also sold in handy tins for home use, 4 sizes, 50c, 75c, $1.25 and $4.50 altine why millions of people drink it regularly at home --why doctors all over the world recommend it, You'll like Hot Ovaltine, Tasty. Different. Warming, Heartening. 'Does you good. Take a glass in noon. You finish the day strong, eager for the evening's pleasures, Make a test. Step up to the near. "Hot Ovaltine, please}" Deo s0 to-day, : I ----

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