Oshawa Daily Times, 12 Feb 1929, p. 8

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i 70 W THE OSHAWA DAILY TIMES, TUESDAY, FEBRUARY 12, . " Easy-to-Find*' RADIO PROGRAM ht's Best Features roit, U, of Michigan Glee LW Cinel, Cincinnati Symphony or- (WJ 2)--Stromberg+Carlson Sex. e, umbia: "Sweethearts," 5 FAY )~Eveready Hour--Edgar lumbia: Paul Whiteman's orchestra, 10 SE WEAF)--Clicquot Eskimos, Hrd NBG (WEAR RKO" Hower" Stage ars, WEDNESDAY'S BEST FEATURES 10,00 a,m, NBC System (WJZ)--Dr, Cope. Nic System (WEAF)=National Home jour, umbia Network: Na Bailey Allen, 1 on WIZ Cooking, Sohal Hit] iA Tove w oF Heunehont In. insti ystem 1,00 pm, Whic System (Central)--Farm Jane to Symphony A 1,55 WMAQ Chicago, Ass'n, Commerce pro. 220 WON Chi ub, ca) A 4.00 Nee System (WJZ)---U, 8, Army band to WRC, WIR . ' 5.00 System: The Marionettes WRC EF A Wav (379,5)--Schenectady, 6,30 CFCA (357)~Toronto, Musical program Ww Bob, R (400)--Detroit, Dinner music, WCAE (242)--Pitts, Gospel songs, WGY (379.5)--Schenectady, Radio Skits ip, NBC System: Jeddo Highlanders to and Home Hou m, . 220 Fis Chicago, "Planning The Farm gO. Teme Cl , WLW 'Wednesday's Programs RBC AF, WRC, WHO, So NI FY en Bill and BC Systent: Waldorf Astoria Musi 0 VAT, WRC, WEAE ne Markets; hestra, NBC System: Pollack's Orchestra to WLW (428)--Cinci, Dinner musie, (294)--Chicago. Uncle Rk (306)--Pitts, Dinner music, 7.00 KYW (294)--Chicago, Hamp's orches, WADC (223)--Akron, Sax Sextet, WDAF (492)--Kansas City, Trianon en- semble, WGR (545)--Buffalo, Shea's to WHAM, WMAK, WIP (492)--Phila, Uncle Wi WIZ, WBZ, WBZA, WLW (428)--Cinci, U, of Cincinnati Series, : WSB (405)--Atlanta, Pomar's orches- tra; Question Box, WSM (461,3)--Nashville, Studio chestra, 9.15 WLW (428)--Cinci, iy (487)--Milwaukee, Dance Or. hestras; Talk, WHK (216)--Cleveland, Health Talk; Music Hour, CNRW (384,4)--Winnipeg, Dinner mu- WEAU (256)--Phila, Concert, NBC py stems Ta urine Contre, 10 WEAF, WGR, 3 WEAR: Wiki Wie. WAR, WOY, WTAM, WHAS, WSB, WHAM (258.5)--Rochester, U, of Ro- Wi AS New Yotk, Talk by Jno, enndy, NBC System: Washington Politics to Wiz, WBAL, KDKA, WLW, WRC, KWK, CFCA (357)--Toronto, Imperial Hour, NBC System: Sunkist Serenaders tn WEAF, WRC, WCAE, KSD, WOC, WTIC, WTAG, WWJ, WLIT, WGR, WOW, WDAF, : Orchestra pro» 7.28 7.45 8,00 TIME TABLES | CPR, TIME TABLE. New Schedule taki fF [] Sunday, Apri is sft "B01 am sm Daily. am, WGY {{75.5)-- Schenectady, General El- RHC System: Mobilial O stem: 0 rchestra to wi WHAL, WHAM, KDRA, WIk, WLW, KYW, KWK, WREN, KSTP, WTMJ, KOA, KVOO, WFAA, KPRC, WOAIL, WEBC, Columbia Nétwork: Crystal Gazer to WOR, NA! KOIL, WLBW, WCAO, WJAS, WA WMAQ! WEAN, WFBL, KMOX, WAAR: WIAM (280)--Cleveland, Black Face 4 ) eam, NBC System: Intimate Musicale to WEAF, TIC, TAG WCSH, WLIT,' WRC, WCAE, KSh, WOC WOW, WMC, WWJ, NBC Ristem; Pyivania Forsters to WJZ BZ, WBZA, KDKA, KWK, Kw WIR, WBAL, WHAM, WREN, Columbia Network: Tirty Minute Men o WO A . Works wea." WADE WHA, WEAN, WFBL,! WMAL, KMOR, WMAK, TAM (280)--Cleveland, Air oys;' CFCA (357)--Toronto, Shea's Hippo- drome, . WCCO (370)--Mpls, St, Paul, Musical rogram, BC System: Tgana Troubadours to WEAF, WEEI, WTIC, WGR, WGY, WTAG, WCEH C, ' WCAE, WTAM, WWJ, WGN, WTMJ, WIAR, WOC, KSD, WOW, 'WDAF,' WAP, KPRC, WOAI, WHAS, WSM, WSB, WRT, KOA, KVOO, NBC System: Smith Bros, to WJZ, WBAL KYW, WIR, Wiz, WBZA, WHAM, KDKA, KWK, WKEN, Columbia Network: Daguerreotypes to WOR, WHK, WGL, WISN, WNAC, WMAQ, * WCAO; KMOX, KMBC, WCAU, WADC, WKRC, W WLBW, KOIL, WMAK, 9.30 KYW (294)--Chicago, Mayta NBC System: Palmolive WEAF, WEEL ._ WTIC, WTAG, WOC, KSTP, WCAE, WTAM WI, WG WTMJ, KSD, WGY, WOW, 4 KVOO, WFAA, WLIT, KPRC, WOAL WHAS, WSM, WSB,' WBT," WIAX, NBC System: Cabin, Door to WJZ, KDKA, WREN, WBAL, WJR, Columbia Network: La Palina Hour to WOR, WCAU, WNAC, EAN, WFBL, WMAK, WCAO, WJIAS, WADC, WKRC, = WGHP, = WMAQ, WOWO, WCCO, KMOX, KMBC, WSPD, WLBW, WMAL, KOIL, ' WPG (272)--Atlantic City, Entertain- ers, 1000 KJR (309)--Seattle, ABC Network (4 hours), WBAL (283)--Baltimore, Day of Atone- ment Music, WHAM (258.5)--Rochester. ews, WIP. (492)--Phila, Adelphia orchestra. Nig ystem: The Continentals to Columbia Network: Kolster Hour Pure FBL, Program our to WIAR, Organ; ) I , WEAN, KMBC, WCCO, KOIL, WRVA (270)--Richmond. Richmond or- chestra, # WPG (272)=Atlantic City, Memories; Dance Orchestras, NBC System: Gold Strand Orchestra to F, WCAE, WGY, WTIC, woc, WGR, WOW, WTAM, WSM, Columbia Network: Night Club Roman- ces to WOR, WEAN, WFBIL, WMAK, WISN, KOIL, WSPD, W WLBW, WNAC, WMAL, WCCO, KMBC, y KMOX, WJAS, WADC, WKRC, WGHP, WMAQ, WLW (428)--Cinci, Fillmores Band. WBZ (303)--Springfield. News; orches, WCAU (256)--Phila. Orchestra, WCAH (209)--Columbus, Ohio Colleg- ians, NBC System: Kemp's Orchestra to WEAF, KSD, WOW, WCAE, WKY, WGR' (545)--Buffalo, Statler orches, WHK (216)--Cleveland. Brigode's or: chestra, WIBO (526)--Chicago, Dance program, '{ta of Palermo at 8 o'clock [ bask, because your firm supplied y, t x n > . Sig Joseph's attorneys jumped to their feet, while he himself half rose from his chair, waving his spectacles angrily, ' "Never has a single piece been re- turned becayse it was not genuine," he shouted, "I resent that insinua- tion, It is a disgraceful question." "Outrageous," echoed Sir Joseph's counsel and the trial proceeded, ROYALTY WEDS IN ITALIAN PALACE Palermo, Ttaly, Feb, 12.--Prince Chriotspher of Greeceand Princess Francoise were united in the eivil bonds of matrimony, by the pores ast evening in the Orleans palace, in the presence of a royal and prince- ly throng, The palace was where the Duke of Orleans, predecessor of the bride's father, as claimant of the French crown, died in 1926, The witnesses for the bride were former King Manuel of Portugal and the Duke of Aosta, brother of the King of Italy, The bridegroom had as witnesses Crown Prince Humbert of Piedmont and the for- mer king of Greece, George II. These same witnesses will serve to- day at the religious ceremony at 11,30 a.m,, in the Palatine chapel. Last night's ceremony was fol- lowed by a dinner with more than 100 covers, at which gathered more royalty and blue blood of Europe than had been assembled since the wedding of the bride's younger sister Anne tc Dn» Apulia at Naples on Nov, 6, 1927, The bride was given away by her father, the Duke of Guise, The Colorado state senate Is considering a proposed habitual criminal law, providing life terms for® persons convicted of four fel- onies, The measure is much simi- lar to the one in use in Michigan, IN TORONTO FIRE Fifty-seven Cars and Trucks Burned in a Big Conflagration Toronto, Feb. 12 -- Fifty-seven Ford cars and trucks were destroyed and total estimated damage of $200,- 000 was wrought on Saturday night when a spectacular three-alarm fire virtually gutted .a long one-storey cement block building used as a garage, storeroom and wagon repair shop at the south-west corner of Eastern and Heward Avenues, The causg of the fire remains. un- known. It broke out, police say, in the wagon repair shop kept by Brown's Bread company at the rear of the building, roared through the car-filled storeroom of the Riverdale garage and went on half-way through the garage and freight load- ing room of thé Red Star Transport 'company at the front of the building, Braving the heat and smoke, em- ployees of the Star Transport com- pany drove out the latter firm's fleet of 25 heavy trucks and 12 of the cars and trucks which were in the Riverdale garage storeroom, But flames were leaping through the stored cats as the last of the 12 was taken out and the valiant truckmen had to abandon the other 57. These which were valued at $45,000, were new models, all but six being kept in this building for the winter months, Several explosions occurring as the fiames attacked the stored cars made the fire a hazardous one for the firemen to fight. Firemen stated that they believed these explosions were the stored cars but J. C. Nicholson, president of the Riverdale garage, | said that he did not think there was any petrol in any of these cars. It was reported also that the fire was caused by an explosion in the wagon repair shop but Deputy Chief George Sinclair would not confirm this state- ment. NEWLY DESIGNED YACHTS WILL RACE Halifax, N.S., Feb. 12--A yacht de- signed as an improvement on the Acadia, built several years ago at Baddeck, and which has shown ex- ceptional speed on the Great Lakes under the flag of the Royal Cana- dian Yacht Club, Toronto, will be one of a fleet of at least six new craft to be constructed. for members of the Royal Nova Scotia Yacht Squadron in time for the 1929 racing season, The new R-Class boat will be huilt at Halifax this winter for W. R. McAskill, from plans of W. J. Roue, who designed the Acadia and the Bluenose, champion fisherman. She will be 40 feet overall with a 26 foot waterline, Marconi rigged. The five other new craft will be one-design, Marconia rigged cutters of 30 foot waterline, with staunch hull, and cruising accommodations, They will not be built privarily for racing, but members of the Squadron expect them to turn in some fairly fast logging. Lieutenant Governor J. C. Tory, who learned his sailoring as a hoy of 18 before the mast on coasting boats along the southeastern shore, will own one of these "Q" class craft, They will be 47 feet 6 overall, 10 feet in the beam, and 9 feet six in depth, with a 900 foot sail area and an iron keel of 9,000 pounds, The ships' sail plan and hull are so desioned that with a stiff breeze blowing they will be able to go to weather under fore-staysail alone. | EE NICHOLLS AND HALLITT | LETT, Real Estate Insurance ard Loans, Phone 3254 "MK that a jib-topsail may be added if the class should decide to add this kite to the sail area, The cabin will have plenty of headroom, the deckhouse heing car- ried well forward of the mast. As far as possible the yachts will be constructed of Nova Scotia material throughout. The planking will be of white pine, the frames of oak and birch, and the spars of spruce, The sails will be of canvas made in Nova Scotia, and cut by Nova Scotians, Elected "Early Bird" of the "First Fliers" Sydney, N.S., Feb, 12, -- After a lapse of more than twenty years, F. W, (Casey) Baldwin, of Bad- deck, has been officially recogniz- ed as one of North America's first aviators, as a result of his unsolic- caused by gasoline in the tanks of | The foreward triangle is so arranged | ited election as a member of the po LAUDER ROAD SPECIAL ONE OF OSHAWA'S FIN. EST HOMES, FIGURED GUMWOOD TRIM. BUILT IN BATH -- PEDESTAL BASIN--SUN PORCH, ALL OAK FLOORS, FIRE: PLACE. LOTS OF OTHER EXTRAS, SAVE $1,500.00 FOR A QUICK BUY, Disney Real Estate a PHONE 1550 TEE "Early Birds," an association of "First Fliers," which neid its in- itial convention at Chicago last December, The official citation, naming not only Baldwin, but also his associate flier, J, A, D, MacCurdy, a native Nova Beotian, was as follows: "F, W, Baldwin, fourth man in the United States to fly an airplane the 'Red Wing,' of Dr, Bell's Aer- ial Experiment Association, March 12, 1908, "J. A, D. MacCurdy, University Club, Toronto, Ont,, seventh in the United States to' fly an airplane, the Aerial Experimental Associa- tions 'White Wing,' May 23, 1908," , Pr---- Real Estate Insurance CUTLER & PRESTON fG4 KING ST. W, Telephone 572-223 Night Calls 510-1560 rod J.C. YOUNG 452 Prince St) w Oshawa, Ont, De i. ------ REAL ESTATE Automobile and Fire Insurance of all kinds J. H. R. LUKE Phones 871, 931, 687W, Money to loan at 61% first mortgages. per. cent, REGENT THEATRE BLK, -- i ---- = -- ---- ELLA CINDERS--The Big Offer Rad vr y (% ve Reg. U S Pu OF; Copright by Meuopolian Newspaper = By Bill Conselman and Charlie Plum}, i) { 1929, Service MY FATE RESTS IN THE ANSWER, MUST BE AYE OR NAY! BRINGING UP FATHER-- NOW: DON'T YOU DARE TO ORDER SUCH A LOW BROW AHL IF You WISH ME TO DUGGEDT A VERY GOOD MY ION"T THAT A PELICIOVS DIDHT? I'M CLAD YOU LIKE IT | DON'T KNOW JOST HOw | THE SAUCE 15 MADE - BU" By Geo. McManus I MOST ASK HIM WHAT (7 1% MADE OF DELICIOUS DISH" | WOULD SAY- TRY THAT: ANDRE - A LA PIERRE DISH AS CORNED BEEF AND AB BALE- DO You HEAR Duly . . Daily except Sunde; 835 pm Daily. % WE'LL HAVE 7.3 p.m. Dail Sunday, TWO ORDERS vig 4 Sunda, " pm. Daily except y, 03 p.m Daily except Sunday, 11,10 p.m. Daly. 28425 a.m. Daily times shown sbove are times trains depart from Oshawa Station. ular. girs System: Slumber Music to WIZ, THE MAIN INGREDIENTS WHAM, WRC. ARE CORNED BEEF AND WNAC (244)--Boston. News; Steven's - rchestra, 1115 WRVA (270)--Richmond, Organ, 11.30 RMOX (275)--8t, Louis, Wylie's Or- chestra, WCAH (209)--Columbus, Warr's Or- WLW (428)--Cinci, Dance music; or- gan (1 1-2 hours). Garden, WSB (405)--Atlanta. Concert, KIR 0)--Seattle. Salon orchestra al- EVERYBODY IN THE PLACE KIN HEAR YOU) chestra, (361)--Denver, "An Egyptian C. N. R, TIME TABLE Effective Jan, 6, 1929 Eastbound ~Daily except Sunday, ,~Sunday only, ag exegept Sunday, p.m.~Daily except Sunday, 4 Sdn Dally except Saturday, Daily, 80 4 KYW (294)--Chicago. Fiorito's orches. KMOX (275)--St. Louis, Dance music. KFAB (389)--Lincolp, Orchestra, DUVEEN RESENTS COUNSEL'S QUERIES Art Expert Wrathful at Sug-| - gestion Firm Sold Fake | FELLING TOMMY China 5 4 if Tm {l 1 [ pr TODAY 15 THE AHMIVERSARY OF THE * | % : ABRAHAM BIRTH OF ABRAHAM LINCOLH, TOMMY. LINCOLN YOU KNOW HE WAS A RAIL-SPLITTER AND INVENTED | PRESIDENT OF THE US. BUT DID YOU KNOW A BUOY, THAT HE WAS ALSO AN INVENTOR? 8.23 a.m 8.58 a, 9.5 1.17 pf oe 11.3 p.m.~ a.m, 12.25 a.m, ~| © 444a.m, 5.45 a.m. WELL,T WISH WE HADA BOY THAT WOULD rigs! 1 HAD 70,60 T0 THE GROCERY CAUSE YOU WERE LISTENING TO DADDY, ) New York, Feb. 12--"La Belle Ferroniere," the 16th century black- smith's daughter, went on display in mute protest at being termed a fat and uninteresting person. "La Belle," done on canvas either by Leonardo da Vinci or someone copying the famous Venetian's style, was presented in court by her owner, Mrs. Andree Hahn. Mrs. Hahn is asking $500,000 from Sir Joseph Du- veen, whose assertion that the paint- ing was mot genuine is alleged to have prevented sale of the portrait to the Kansas City Art Museum. Propped on an easel in front of the jury box, "La Belle" appeared as bored with the proceedings as the men who have been called from their daily tasks to decide the merit of Mrs. Hahn's contention. vo Bex ow ® ro ay £ seciee L-3-] ° pERERRRED & ® i h | was ne SAO Net wa wo | AY A a ANYBODY EVER TRED LINCOLN [L2JATENT NO.6469 WAS ISSUED T0 ABRAHAM \ 4 SHR ; Ne 3 > 1 8 1] : Witness Sir Joseph, a harassed witness since the first day of the "trial, will continue on the stand until the plain- tiffs aggressive attorney, T./Law- rence Miller, has exhausted his ques- tions on the defendant's inions, qua s and reasons for dis- ng "La Belle" Sir Joseph started.to repeat some of his criticisms of the painting, but adjournment checked him. 'Preyvious- ly, however, the witnes3 had flamed into anger at a line of questioning adopted by Miller, who so far has proved most of the trial's dramatic moments. Miller brought in the name of J. P. Morgan as one of the wealthy Ameri- .| cans with whom Sir Joseph, reputed to be the world's outstanding art dealer, had had business relations. He established Sir Joseph's acquaintance with Miss Belle Greene, Morgan's s At Morgan's Library "Do you remember going to the Morgan library one day and point- ing to some porcelains and saying: "You shouldn't have. that pottery around here; it's fake'?" Miller asked. "And Miss Greene asked you if you were sure; and when you said you were, then said to wom, 'Well, you had better take them 43334 sE3stst FREERERNE 11131133311 fStresnaneitoc ; ® 8 8 = © 1929. King Features Syndicate, loc. Great Britain nights nese

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