Oshawa Daily Times, 11 Feb 1929, p. 10

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. BLIND PASTOR GETS POST Broekyille.--Rev. W. E, Hamil- ont rance of the Church, of ure of his al Military 'College has been ex- | STAYS AT RM.C. * Kingston, -- Colonel C, F. Con- 'ton, blind pastor of the Wesleyan | stantine, D.8.0., Commandant of st church at Winchester, | the Royal Military Seles has. ] head of uel been notitied by the wart : ! | T Tent Te Appi imen, of the Re COLLEGE ope, -- From information | tended for one year, from July 81 (he morning gg 1929, to July 81, 1930, learned that the main contract for rebuilding Trinity College school was given to 'Dickie Construction M.P.'S FUNERAL Carleton Place. -- All parties in Co., and that they will start the | both Houses of Parliament and the work this week. SAFE BLOWN OPEN Ontario Legislature sent represen- tatives to this town to join Lanark county in mourning Dr, Richard F. Brockville.--A safe i nthe Cana~| Preston, M.P., one of Canada's vet- dian National Railways' station | eran politician, whose funeral was at Athens was blown open some.| one of the largest ever held in East- time during the night and a sum, | ern Ontario, The remains were estimated by the agent to be in the | placed in the vault of st. James' feinity of $200 was carried off | Anglican Cemetery. i yeggmen, who are believed to have made use of a motorcar. . -_ POSTMASTER RESIGNS Birch Cliff, -- A. H. Mitchell, HYDOR COMMISSIONER Havelock,--The election Friday to fill the office of Hydro Commis- sioner, resulted in the election of ¥. J. Squire, hy a majority of 756 over his opponent, L, Rowat. Very little interest was manifested in the election, only 183 votes being polled, 129 for Mr. Squire and 54 for Mr, Rowat, GREER TO DEFEND Kingston.--R, H, Greer, K.C, To- ronto, will assist in the defence of Wilbert R. Williams, come before the supreme court on Monday, when his trial to deter- mine his sanity will open. idence will be mainly that of alien- ists, though other evidence will also TO PLAY IN KINGSTON Birch Cliff's first postmaster, has resigned after 20 years of service. When the district was given its name, it was he who chose "Birch Cliff" and received congratulations from the postmaster general for his choice, Mr, Mitchell was a pion- eer in the district and has been as- sociated with many public develop- ments in Scarboro. CAPTURE DEER Brockville.--The large buck deer weighing close to 250 pounds, which was chased into the village of Westport by dogs, swimmmg the mill race before being caught in a fence on the farm of Charles Stoness, was captured by villagers and placed in the stable of Dr. Ste- vens to await word from the De- partment of Came and Fishéries, concerning its disposal, Kingston.--Word has now been received by the Commandant of the Royal Military College, Col. C, F, PRESCOTT AS TERMINAL Prescott.--Development of Pres- Constantine, that the hockey team | cott as the new Great Lakes termin- of the United States Military Acad- | al will start the first of next week emy at West Point will be in Kings- | when the Thunder Bay Harbor and ton on Saturday, February 28, | Improvement company starts work and will play the R.M.C, team on | on the foundation of the new $5,- the evening of that day. During | 000,000 grain elevator {in Johns- their stay in Kingston, the West | town bay. H, Paul Becotte, super- Point team will be the guests of | intendent of construction for the the Commandant and eadets of the | company, has been here for several R.M.C. Several social functions | days in preparation for the start- are being arranged in their honor, | ing of work, THE OSHAWA DAILY TIMES, DESTROYED .- |= , -- William O'Brien Downe, of Downeyville suffered a heavy loss from fire Friday night when a large barn and other buildngs on the farm now occupied by Michael Garvey, his son-in-law, were de- stroyed by fire. Due to assistance of the neighbors the crops and farm implements were saved, but seed, stock feed and poultry were de- stroyed, cr vaste pell, V.0.; Bast Surrey Regiment, Military College vice Major R, H. Dewing, D.8.0., M.C., Royal Engin- éers, whose period of loan for this duty to the Canadian authorities expires this year. . Major Roupell sails for Canada from Southampton on March 16. JEWELER PASS Gananoque.--Gananogque lost on February 8 one of its most respect- ed citizens and one of its leading merchants in the person of Herbert J. Reid, King street jewesur. He was born in Warsaw, Ont,, fifty- eight years ago and had been in business here for over twenty-five years. Some time ago he suffered a stroke, but recovered and resum- ed his duties at the store, Two days ago he was about as usual. Death was due to a stroke and arterio- sclerosis. CHOOSES KANDAHAR AS WORKING BASE Constantinople, Feb, 11, -- The Afghan embassy at Antora inform- ed the Turkish foreign ministry re- cently that Amanullah Khan has chosen Kandahar as his capital during his drive to recover the throne of Afghanistan : The embassy stated that ten towns and several tribes. who had begged Amaniillah to rescind his abdication, have also renewed their allegiance to him, Dispatches from New Delhi state that Ali Ahmed Khan,'gover- nor of Jalabad, under King Aman- ullah was reported to be march- ing on Kabul, They were stated to have met with a defeat, however, at the hands of the troops of Bacha Sakao - the so-called water boy, who set him upon the Afghan throne under the title of Hababul- lah Khan. THE ARCADE, LIMITED low prices, Throughout the entire store you will find scores of Special Prices, on New Spring Merchandise. You know this store for its quality, know it, too, for its. In our Staple Department you will notice 8.0. ATRMC. |] Ri oor J. R. P, Rou- Imperial Army, has been appointed || | General.8taff Officer at the Rover | MONDAY, FEBRUARY n 1929 "The Rexall Stores Celebrate 26 YEARS OF PROGRESSIVE LEADERSHIP | The following items are || il Just a few of the many | hargaing by Shion your by phone or come in and take advantage of these big savings, Rikers Syrup of Tar With Cod Liver Oil, Reg. 50c, Birthday Sale PO sss 5x s 9c Russian Mineral Oil 16 oz, Bottle, Reg, $1.00. Sale Price . 89c¢ Riker's French Balm tras, 'Produce' Prices in the Commercial Markets TORONTO PRODUCE QUOTATIONS 'Toronto wholesale dealers are paying the following prices delivered Torvata, Eggs, ungraded, cases returned--Fresh ex. Me; fresh firsts, 36c; seconds, 27¢; puls extras, 27c. ey . tes Go merts solids, ized, No, No, 2, % ing cream ial, 45¢; No. 1, de; e=No. 1 e, Solered, parafiined and co t graded, . » "Py Chickens, 6 pounds seeseseerees 25 3 ae ow 24 Ibs. +» Do, 4 to 5 Ibs, Do., under 4 Ibs, Hens, oyer 6 lbs. Do, § 6 lbs, Roosters ov geese gs, 5 0 4 10 5 1bS, «ee Do., 3% to 4 lbs, . PRODUCE AT MONTREAL Montreal, Feb. J1.--A moderately active business was done in eggs on Saturday and futures of Sfcc, equivalent to $75 a car. February butter declined $c and March 3c. The market is sensitive to even small varia- tions in supply and demand, The butter made the past week, though under a year ago, was larger, than the eceding. week. e nt spot butter are is S¥c high- er et dear. g Pub ne mmitments :--Eggs ruary, i Avil 4; November, & Hutter, Jute, 1; Febtuaryy 285; March, 69; December, 2. 93 i oPet Tarket: Rutter, extras, 4c; standa ; tone steady th firsts, 38%c; tone weak, Lid TORONTO 'PROVISION PRICES 'Toronto wholesales dealers are quoting the following prices to the trade: Smoked meats: Hams, medium, 29 to 3ic; cooked hams, 35 to 43c; smoked, 25c; break- fast bacon, 30 to 34c; do., fancy, 27 to 40c; backs, Er amealed, 28 to 30c; do, smoked, to A Cured meats--Long clear bacon, 50 to 70 Ibs,, $217 790 to 9% Ibs., $19; 90 to. 100 ims, and up, $18, lightweight rolls, in barrels, $11.50; heavyweight rolls, $38.50 per. barrel. _Lard--Pure, tirces, 16c; tubs, 16%4e; pails, 17¢; prints, 18) to 19c. Shortening, tirces, 14%4¢; tubs, 1434¢; pails, 15%c; tins, 17%c: prints, 16%4c, . Pork loins, 26c; New York shoulders, 18¢c; pork butts, 22ci pork hams, 2ic, NURSE FINDS QUICKEST WAY TO RELIEVE COLDS Hospital Method Doctors Now Advise For Home Use Helps Many Here to End Colds Miss Bertha Lee, trained nurge, is sill another, like numbers of Oshawa people, who has found the pleasant hospital method doc- tors now advise for home use is the quickest to end a head cold, cough or chest cold. Miss' Lee awoke' with a slight fever and *'achy," irritated feeling in her nose, throat and chest, In- stead of ending it at once hy prompt treatment, she neglected the cold to nurse a patient who was seriously ill, That night the 'cold bothered her so she could not sleep and by morning conges~ tion caused her to fear pneumonia Ayer's Cherry Pectoral--the hos- pital certified medication of wild cherry, terpin-hydrate and other ingredients used to help reduce fever, clear up congestion and drive the cold out of one's sysiem. Relief began almost instantly, She felt its comforting, healing warmth--from her nose passages deep down into her chest. In a few hours her fever was normal, the "achy" feeling had disap- peared and in just a day or so all trace of the cold was gone. Note: See other cases--all certified attending physician, by the ust a few leasant spoonfuls of Ayer erry Pectoral now and you, too, will feel like a different person tomorrow, Endo- sed by all druggists, Soothing and healing skin cream. Large bottle Reg, 50c. Birthday Sale 39¢ Price ,,.... Sale lasts until Feb. 23rd | Jury & Lovell's I THE REXALL STORES/ King E. Simcoe 8. Phone 28 Phone 68 MPLOYMENT prices were firmly maintained, Receipts were 4,802 cases, or : . Owing to the limited supplies available and the good demand the undertone to the butter market continued firm, Receipts were 40 packages, 'The tone of the cheese market was steady but the volume: of business was small. Re- ceipts were 161 boxes. 5 'The bean market was steady, Canadian hand-picked sold at $5.75 per bushel, while yellow eye and brown beans were quoted at S per bushel. 5 ¥ Prices Cheese, westerns, 23 to 23%c, But. storage extras, 3 to 38¢; do, firsts, 32 to 34c; do., seconds, 28 to 30c, do., fresh ex- tras, 46 to 47c; do., fresh firsts, 41 to 42c, PRODUCE AT NEW YORK New York, Feb, 11.--Butter, steady; re- ceipts, 10,875; storage packed, current make, No. 1, 31 to 31%c. Eggs, steady; receipts, 13,342, Storage firsts, 33%, to 35c; seconds, 30% to 3; Pacific Coast white, extras, 41%: to 42, Cheese, steady; receipts, 203,69. CHICAGO PRODUCE FUTURES Chicago, Feb, 1l1.--Bearish sentiment on the Chicago Mercantile Evchange brought about a recession in butter and egg futures. reflected in a yielding of February fresh IN br ANCE IS fhe drop in the spot market for eggs was AT ITS PEAK REGARDED AS ECONO- MIC ENIGMA OF EURO- PEAN CONTINENT England and Germany Both Hard Hit By Unemployment Situation economic enigma of Europe, While thousands of workless men walk the streets of the mining vilages of Eng- land, while unemployment is grow- ing in Germany, France is virtually without any unemployment at all, In the,employment office in Paris one finds each morning a line of ap- for instance, at the office which LITTLE GIRL DIES INATTENPTING TO SAVE HER COUSIN Two Girls, 8 and 11 Years Old, Drown Near Port Credit Port Credit, Feb, 11.--Two chil- Paris, Feb. 11.--France is today the dren were drowned here yesterday morning when they broke through the thin ice covering a pond in the pit of the Port Credit Brick Com- pany. The two were cousins, Joan Worthington, 8 years old, of Lake- view avenue, Long Branch, and Ei- len Lewis, 11 years old, of Manor road, Lakeview, who died in an at- plicants for work. It was so today, tempt to save the younger child. Joan Worthington was the handles applicants for work in the daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Herbert metal industries. But officials in Worthington and was one of six and call one of the hospital ter, No, 1, pasteurized, 43%c to 42%c. Eggs, $ EAST BUFFALO LIVE STOCK East Buffalo, Feb, 11.--Hogs, receipts, 1,- 000; holdovers, 300; market barely steady; bulk, 100 to- 220 Ibs, $10.75 to $10.85; 240 to 300 lbs, $10.25 to $10.75; 130 lbs. and down, $10 to $10.25; packing sows, $8.75 to Cattle--Receipts, 50; for week low, steady; good steers and yearlings, $12 to $12.25; few inward to $13.25; bulk short feds, $10.50 to $12; medium and good cows, $8.50 to $9.5; Sutiers, $1.75 to $7; medium bulls, $8.75 to Sheep--Receipts, 700; lambs, 25 to 50 cents under last week, good to choice, closing $16.50 to $17; medium, $13.75 to $14.25; culls downward to $10; fat ewes, $8.50 to $9.50. WINNIPEG GRAIN | Winnipeg, Feb, 11,--Price bulges on Satur- day's wheat market were the signals for a flood -of offerings and consequently all gains were reduced. The market finished the day '4 to Sc higher. Good buying by continental houses occurred] Cash wheat was in demand, grades Nos. 4 and 5 leading the trade, and showing an physicians, Acting on the doctor's advice she' took double strength doses of . # The coarse. grain market strengthened. Flax was run up 25ic and barley recorded fractional gains. Oats held steady, Rye with only a fractional increase, started an early advance of 1%c, but closed Cash price No, 1 Northern, §I. No, 2 Northern, $1, No. 3 Northern, § 4, $1.1234; No. $1.01; No, 6, 8c; vac; track, $ screenings $4 per ton, Oats--No, 2 C.W., 73l4c; No,.3 CW, 63'4c; extra, No, 1 feed, 60%c; Ne. 1 feed, 53%c; No. 2 feed, 50)ic; rejected, 473c; track, 71%c, . Barley--No, 3 CW.., 77%c; No, 4 C.'W., 72%c; rejected, 69%ic; feed, €7%c; track, 77%e, Flax--No, 1 N.W.C,, $2.0434; No. 2 C.W,, $1.93; No. 3 C.W,, $1.9134; rejected, $1.89); track, $2.03 3.4, Rye--No, 2 CW. $1.095%. Inspections--Wheat, 355; last year, 945. advance of Ye, Other grades were unchan- ged, Contract grades, 158, Oats, 44; last year, 76, Darley, 19; last year, 34. Flax, 4; last year, 4. Rye, 6; last year, 23, Mixed grain, 1; last year, 3, i CHICAGO GRAIN Chicago, Feb, 11.--Friends of higher pri- ces for wheat took fresh courage Saturday, Yo. chiefly as a result of adverse crop develop- || ments in Europe, Evidence that foreigners were buying wheat for further deliveries both here and at Winnipeg received special attention, and there were predictions that world import needs for breadstuffs would exceed any estimate which has been cur rent up to this time. Closing quotations on wheat were firm at Jc to $c net advance, with corn at the same as yesterday's finis to Yc lower and oats '4 to 4 to 4c down. Cash prices: Wheat, No, 5, $1,152; samp! grade, hard, 98c. Corn, No, 3 yellow, 91 to 93Y4c; No, 4 yellow, 87% to 88tic, Oats, N 4 white, 5034 to 5034c; sample grade Rye, No sales. Barley, 60 to 76c, Timot! seed, $5.70 to $5.80, Clover seed, $22.80 to 50, $30.50, LUKE'S "Clearance" of Fine Furniture Hundreds of Chances to Save Money at Luke Furn- iture Co., 63 King St. E. Chesterfield Table Beautiful Walnut Chesterfield Table with carved frame, fin- ished in two tone effects. Reg- ular $42.50, for ' charge histenod to eiplain that the | opjjdren. Ellen Lewis was the men were merely passing from one]. , , William job to another and that there was galy shila ve 20s: 80d ss no employment in the sense of men Both children were visiting their being out of work for a continued grandfather, John Keeler, garden- period, er on the Port Credit estate of J. Factory Cotton Suitable for Aprons Full 40 inches wide, fine, even weave and excellent quality and splendid weight ert 29¢ Extra Large Bath Towels Large size Towels with fancy colored borders, English make, fine absorbent quality. Odd Chesterfield 1 only, Chesterfield belonging to high class Suite. The chairs have been sold and the Chesterfield can be bought at a bargain. Upholstered in fine quality Taupe Jacquard with spring , filled reversible cushions, Reg. $98.00, for $79.50 -- fp ---- -- HR ENERAL MOTORS WOOD ForEeonoms man; eager for precise information, tay with Mr. Keeler on narrowly escaped being placed in gether Lo slay 3 . mong the government departments a similar story was told that France had no unemployment. Among gov- ernment officials the explanation was BRUTAL MURDER workmen are less controlled by trade unions, and that transfers are a RE $200 STOLEN WHEN Killed SAFE IS BLOWN OPEN Orimaby. Feb, Tierluic: §.gro? Brockville, Feb. 11.--The safe in the | murder came in the dusk of Satur- Canadian Natoinal Railways station |day's late afternoon. discovery of the theft was made by|9-year-old daughter at six o'clock A. E. Watts, agent, in the morning. |in the evening, it was to find the In fact one inquisitive newspaper- |r Godfrey, K.C., having gone to- the line himself and given a job. Down along the Quai D'Orsay a- given that France will produce more cheaply than England, that French more readily made from one class arm Hand ound Behind of employment to another, Fi F . Barn After Woman is farmhouse etched against the white (By Canadian Press) fields of North Grimsby township, at Athens was blown open Friday When James Stuart came home night and about $200 stolen. The|to his farm at Grassies with his HE EAE wife, aged 42, with whom he had GRAIN MARKETS shared the sparse comfort of the Chicago, Feb. 11.--Wheat prices av- | rough-boarded house lying dead in craged higher early today and corn|the woodshed, her skull smashed lower, largely as a result of spread;in by blows from an axe that lay transactions in which wheat was|blcodstained nearby. He went out bought against sales of corn. Pess-|of the farmhouse a crazed man and imistic crop reports from Central|ecries of "I know--I know where I Europe and severe low temperatures | found her" were the words that in Kansas and Nebraska tended to|first told of the murder. encourage buyers of wheat. The op-| Three hours later while the hus- ening was unchanged to 1-4 to 3-8¢|band held down on a couch in his off, wheat scored some advance all|father's home nearby still repeated HARDWOOD | BONE | BIG LOADS SCRAPWOOD | DRY | REAL VALUE Adap ted for Every Purpose a general sag. Oats were easy. farm's 22-year-old hired boy, hud- : ; pm ------------------------ dled in helpless fright behind a All small Blocks in Hardwood Loads uncarined a. Sheri. Ths very | the (armhouse where the dead wor sa Eliminated | ine for fe TORTI fae came wavana 8 Gan NES. killed Mrs. Stuart. . Prompt and Courteous Service Always RELIEF FROM CATARRH , it C0381 Sr St tut TAREN : CITY SCALE WEIGHTS IF DESIRED DIXON COAL CO. Telephone 262 Four Lines to Central "x, line" is 20.18 vour mostrils. Feel yourself but surely freed from Catarrh. is splendid for Colds and all mose So soothing and pleasant. S0c. Get it from Karn's D; Store, next Post Office, King 'St. East, hawa. Your Nose Needs "Nostroline" . : -- A N---------------- Chesterfield Suite 3 piece Chesterfield Suite, Snyder's Sani-bilt, cov- ered in high grade quality Jacquard in preity London.--Britain's newest inven- tion is the "Radiovisor." It consists of a small, light-sensitive instru- ment, which can be used to operate alarm bells, switch on lights, con- trols trains, work signals, ete. It occupies precisely the same rela- tionship in regard to light that {the radio cccupies in.regard to the | ether, A ag Mga Tg RE ETE ad a & EERE

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