Oshawa Daily Times, 7 Feb 1929, p. 7

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J THE OSHAWA DAILY TIMES, Li URUDAY, FeorRuARY 7, t.a7 Mig ration Official Would Educate Parents London, Feb. 7.--J. Bruce Walk- . er, Buropean drector of migration for Canada, believes that while the framework and facilities for a large movement of people from Great Britain to Canada has been set up, some greater iffcentive is needed to start a vigorous migration to the Dominion. And he believes the main hope for such a movement Mes in educatirg the youth of Bri- tain to the opportunities afforded in the Dominion and in this connec- tion particularly educating the par- ents, He points out there are 200,000 young people unemployed whereas the movement of these to the Do- minion is only about 2,000 yearly, Writing to The Times, Mr, Walk- er says:-- "The New Year sees the inaug- uration 'of a new and intensive ef- fort to promote Briti~h migration to Caroda, and the most caustic critic of the alleged hindrances which were said to deter the flow of desirable settlers from these shores must admit that neither the Canadian nor the British Govern- met has failed to open every door and offer every inducement, Even go, however, there are factors in the situation which unless they are to operate as gerious obstacles, must be carefully examired and dealt with, Rate Will Help "The new 10 pound rate permits the migration of all Briusn sub- jects of sound health, and good character to take up industrial vo- cation in the Dominion, Ww. J. Egan, Canadian deputy minister of immigration, intimates that 6,000 traired farm workers whose fares will presumably be advanced by the British Government, can be placed in agricultural employment this year and the recrunment of migrants from non-preferred countries by the railway companies is to be reduced to 30 per cent, The framework of a successful scheme which in its practical application EATS BIG STEAK AND FRIED ONIONS--NO GAS "Every time I ate I had terrible stomach gas. Now, thanks to Adler- tka, I eat steak and fried onions and feel fine,"'---Muws, J, Julian, Just One spoonful Adlerika re- lives gas and that bloated feeling so that you can eat and sleep well. Acts on BOTH upper and lower bowel and removes old waste mat- ter you never thought was there. No matter what you have tried for your stomach and howels. Adlerika will suprise you. Jury and Lovell Druggists. will express the strong pro-British sentiments of the Dominion is therefore complete, Will the Mother Country rise to the occa- sion? The Ministry of Labor's two training camps at Brandon and Claydon with a complement of 250 apiece, but can this be taken as complete criterion? Fallure in Wales "The experiences of Mr, Pym, of the Caradian Immigration and Col- onigation Association who has fail- ed to date to recruit a single boy in a recent campaign in South Wales are, it is to he feared, symptomat- fc. At the end of last year, there were in this country over 200,000 young people of both sexes hetween the ages of 14 and 20 out of em- ployment, yet for ths past year or two the average flow of children going out to Canada under assisted schemes, has not exceeded 2,000. Were there any real chance of sound prospects opening up for the majority of the remainder in the Home Country the discrepancy would not be so deplorable, but the facts point clearly the other way. There is little apparent disposition on the part of young people to ap- ly themselves seriously to the problem of vocation and this aim- lessness must persist so long as strenuous juvenile education in the potentialities of the Empire re- mains absent. "Happily the Empire Marketing Board is doing something in this respect, while so far as teachers in the schools are concerned -- and they are the key people--the omis- sion of Imperial instruction is steadily being made good.The iden that Imperial propaganda is mere commercial publicity, has gone by the board, and children are being made to understand potentialities of the Empire and their own per- soral responsibility for mainten- ance, while education authorities, both national and local, are under- stood to be turning their attention increasingly to the amendment of the school curriculum with this end in view, The exchange of teach- ers between Canada and the Moth- er Country for periods or several months is also all to the good. Forty-eight such changes are tak- ing place this year. The True Solution "But does this activity on the part of recruiting and education authorities really strike at the root of the problem? The strength of British family ties is a great and commendable feature of our na- tional life, but has not the time come for the parents to think of Britain in terms of Empire? And cannot the consideration of the per- sonal well-being of the young be OSHAWA KINSMEN 1st ANNUAL Midnight Show Entire Proceeds for 1020 Regent Theatre, Friday Night FEB 2UARY 8th, 11.15 p.m. A Melodious Medley of "TOO MUCH MARRIED" A Musical Farce in Two Acts BIG DANCING AND SINGING CHORUS +----HEAR--+ | Sally of My Dreams Googily Goo | Buy Buy for Baby {1 Faw Down and Go , Boom | Pickin' Cotton Now on * ale at Regent Your Ticket Will Help -50c¢ Kinsmen's Kiddies' Karnival Music, Mirth and Melody. | In one The troubles modern beset. teresting 23 BITSON TOAD "iOXT'] Telephone 2821-2820 have for your inspection those doors we spoke of a month ago. tively guaranteed against warping, checking, splitting or swelling. have enabled to get around: the troubles with which aver- ace made doors have been We will have another in- this subject for you in the cor--2e of two weeks--watch Oshaws Lumber Co. week now we will door that is posi- Your door are over because sciefitific methods announcement on limited made to counterbalance that of physical separation? There still persist among parents many grave misconceptions regarding life, conditions and prospects in Canada and the story of those settlers who failed to make good are apt, by their very vociferousness, to viti- ate the good impression created by the huge preponderance of silent successes, Repeatedly the influ- ence of the parents has prevented adventurous and ambitious youth from having its way, "Unfortunately, there exist at the moment few facilities for in- structing the parent, The average man and woman is hard to get at and eventuallly, hard to convince. Something is already being done by the adoption here of the American system of parents' school associa- tions, through which conferences between teachers and parents are periodically held to discuss the fu- ture of the pupils but there is room for considerable extension of this and other educative schemes. Loc- al effort and enterprise, backed hy discreet national propaganda, should not be fruitless in this re- spect. HUMAN SKEJFTONS FOUND NEAR SUVA Suva, Fiji Islands, Feb, 7, -- A gruesome discovery, made a few weeks ago, is taken as proof of the old Fijian custom of burying war- riors alone in the holes required for posts being used in the erection of a house or bure for a great chief, Commissioner Wise and Dr. Montague, chief medical officer, made the discovery after inspect- ing the leper colony at Makogal. On completirg their business they struck inland and climbed to the highest point of the island. This they found to be an old Fijian fort- ification surrounded by at least a dozen war d"tches, On top of the hill, an {deal bure of a warlike chief, they were inspecting the ground when they suddenly came across a skull projecting from the earth which had been washed away by heavy rains, Skeletons Complete The visitors made further irves- tigation and before they left the spot had found no less than six skeletons, all more or less com- plete and all in a standing postion, Four of them were at the four cor- ners of a rectargle and the other two in the centre of what would be the ends of a bure, ard from the spots where the poéts which would hold the ridge pole of the bure would rise. Down in the earth beside the skeletons ran a column of dark earth, showing where the posts had rotted away. The hones were very brittle and Dr, Montague put them down as being about 100 years old, These skeletons are the first to have been found in the colony in such a position, The story that a chief had warriors standing in the holes and holding the posts = up while the holes were filled with earth ard that they were buried alive is a well-knewn one. In some tribes, indeed, it was considered a great honor in a family to have some of their members so buried, Publicity To Aid Of Religious Changes Bombay, India, Feb, 7.--Pub- licity seems to be the best remedy for a measure of this kind, says The Times of India, which is in- formed that the Uni ed Church of Canada Mission of Central India las appointed a committee to give the utmost publicity to a drastic Bill proposed by the Gwalior State Council. ""A rough synopsis of a Bill con- cerning change in religious faith, has been sent out in draft form by the Gwalior State Council," The Times says. "It seems that the measure contemplated in the State makes it a criminal offence for anyone to change his religion with- out the permission of the State, deprives parents of their right to be the spiritual guardians of their children, makes it criminal for any missionary or Indian pastor to re- ceive anyone into the Christian Church ,and seeks to interfere with the license given by Government to ministers to conduct the mar- riage service. A paper to which we have referred, published for the Christian Council of © Mid-India, says there is but one motive back ot this Bill and that is to defeat the work of Christian missions, For over 20 years efforts have continually been made to secure a church site in the State, but the officials have always found soine way of preventing it. Now it seems that in one last final effort trey would wipe out evemy sign and race of Christianity." ; Increase Your Weight 5 Pounds 30 Days Or Money Back Real pharmacists and chemists everywhere know that McCoy's Cod Liver Extract Tablets contein just the proven essential ingredients that increase weight, ereate appe- tite, build up the power to resist ' disease and puts good solid flesh on skinny men and womren. | So now men and women who keep up with the times are taking | McCoy's Cod Liver Extract Tablets | ~--rich in health building, strength creating flesh producers and as easy to take as candy. | So why not start to-day? Why | not fill out those deep hollows in neck, cheeks and chest? Why go on through life with sunken cheeks iand narrow chest when you can , take advantage of this straight for- ward offer. | Try them for 30 days if you want to gain five pounds or more. | | And bear this in mind, if they don't help you in that time your money will be refunded. 60 Tablets 64 | cents--Economy size $1.00. At Jury | {and Lovell, T. B. Mitchell, W. H. 'Karn and druzzcists everywhere. E Bao while away What are YOUR eyes saying to-day? Your eyes have no voice, but they speak mthey Bl they show Fouds | tei . more, the po a phi a CE Try a regular dally capt ay A Vegetable period. Youreymwill pp yy story. Read about Character from the Eyes in future Beecham Advertisements, Sales Agents; ~Harord F. Ritchie & Co., . Toronto pa SEA SCAVENGERS STUDY SCHEDULE Vancouver, B.C., Feb, 7.~~Great flocks of seagulls, sending their raucous cries sounding over the water, arrived in Vancouver har- bor with the Australian Liner Niagara and waterfront peop:e and members of the crew of the Niagara declare in all seriousness tha, the guils must study the ship schedules of the Antipodean pas- senger vessels, as there are more of the birds accompany the out- ward sallings and go to sea to meet the arrivals of these ships than any other vessels, From Vancouver and Victoria they accompany (he ships three days to sea and meet them about two days off the Vancouver Island coast in bound, joyously® cracking their throats as they hopefully follow. And then they secure their reward, The birds' at.achment to the Antipodeans is not that of | .0ove for union ships, or admiration for the Aussies, but is merely one | of devotion to their crops, They | relish the food they get off the big liners, a fac. which proves the | birds are more Aryan than Mon- golian in their palates, the saflors | declared, PUBLIC WHIPPING | NOW A REALITY | Quebec, will Indianapolis, Ind., Feb. 7,--The' Indiana State recently amended the whipping-post bill, now before it, s0 as to require that the whip- pings be public and be administered on the County Court House lawn by the Sheriff, after due printed no- tice, and that women be included | among those who may receive lashes. The measure as amended then, passed to third reading. The bill, introduced by Senator Robert I. Moorhead (Republican, Indianapolis) provides that per- sons convicted of carrying firearms while in the act of committing a fel- ony, hall be whipped with a cat-o- nine-tails, in addition to the regu- lar penalty for the felony. The bill in its original form pro- | vided that the whipping be done by the prison warden, re ---------- Bung wish to authorize Expedition on behalf of Tield Museum, Chicago, left for Abyssin- {of $850,000 ia. | ment of the city 'to Newcastle to Hors and There (233) Large cargoes of wheat are bee ing shipped to Japan and the Orient through Vancouver these days. It seems like sending coals send flour to "The Flowery Kingdom." Some foundation for the old nickname "woolly" west is found in the report that Alberta's wool output for 1928 amounted to 3,033. 181 pounds. Altogether the Domine fon produced over eighteen and & balf million pounds. Steel is replacing wood in freight service on the Canadian Pacific Railway as 7,600 box cars now on order for the company will be of | Seal construction. They will have | a capacity of about 2,000 bushels | of grain and a load of 120,000 pounds, Fur-farming is developing many branches, one of the most recent | being the organization in Manito ba of the Manitoba Muskrat Breed- ers Association. The body plans to study muskrat breeding condi- tions and to investigate all phases of the industry. In a recent speech at Kitchener, Ontario, B. W. Beatty, chairman and president of the Canadian Pacific pointed out that the aver- age freight rate per ton per mile in Canada is about 6% per cent lower than in the U.S, -and that the average of Canadian grain rates is 40 per cent lower, The Trans-Canada will cross the continent in an hour and a half less time eastbound, and an hour less westbound than it did last year, This does not mean that Canada has got any smaller, but that the Canadian Pacific Railway | is running the famous flyer on an improved schedule, Penny postage, inaugurated at Christmas, is working well and bringing about a notable increase in letter malls from Canada to the British Isles, according to federal postal officials, It is estimated that the increase in the course of a year would be such as to offset the $200,000 estimated re- duction in revenue by the penny rate. In Manitoba, there is one tractor for every 4.6 farms; in Saskatche- wan, one for every 4.7 farms; and in Alberta, one for every 7.5 farms, If all the tractors were hitched together, how long could it take a garage mecuanic to reach the moon. For the sixth successive year Dean Sinclair Laird of Macdonald College, Ste. Anne de Bellevue, conduct an all ex- pense tour across Canada and back, starting from Toronto on July 22, and lasting for 21 days, The party travels in a special train with a baggage car filled up as a sixty-foot dressing-room. Equipped with a how.rudder, a new device that wil aid in navi. gating the harbours of Victoria and Vancouver and the waters of the British Coluinbia coast, the Princess Norah bas arrived on the Pacific seaboard to join the fleet of the B. C, Coastal services of the Canadian Pacific Railway. She is the cighteenth ship to be built for this work and has just been con- structed at the shipbuilding yards on the Clyde in Scotland. Winnipeg © ratepayers "will decide 15 'whethor or not they the expenditure for the re-establish- v's exhibition, Old Dutch Cleanser chases dirt-- it looks like a fine powder harm the hands. only mar its beauty but are Made in Canada and safeguards your family with Old Dutch Cleanser homes are healthful homes Old Datch Cleanser protects your home with Healthful Cleanliness because it removes the danger- ous invisible impurities as well as the visible unclean. liness. Old Dutch chases all dirt--none is left behind. There is nothing else like Old Dutch. To the eye scope you see thousands of flaky, flat-shaped particles of distinctive character. These particles possess natu. ral detergent qualities--they erase the dirt. This drawing of a highly magnified Old Dutch particle illustrates how completely and safely Old Dutch works. Being flat-shaped, these particles make a perfect contact with the sur- face. They make a clean sweep and leave the surface smooth and free from scratches. Old Dutch doesn't Old Dutch doesn't scratch. Avoid damaging grit. This drawing shows a highly magnified Ry particle of hard, scratchy grit at work. Being of irregular shape the sharp, hard points dig into the sur- face and leave scratches which not places for dirt and impurities. but through the micro- Dutch €dnsel lodging IRISH PLAYWRIGHT STRIKES NEW NOTE INPOETRY RECITAL Tells His Audience that He Would Prefer to Have No Applause. Toronto, Feb. 7.--Very tall, very dark, very interesting, pale and thin, with marvellous long narrow hands -- such was the impression | one got of Lennox Robinson in his lecture at Hart House here recent- | ly: as it might be the Bliss Car- man of 30 years ago. He says he is a playwright and denies he is a poet, but that is his Irfsh humor, because none but a poet could have | talked of the Irish poets as he did {that night, In Dublin he directs the Abbey Theatre, which within the past generation has had a more disturbing and vivifying effect on English drama than any other agency whatsoever, not excluding the spring days of the Theatre Guild in New York, nor kindred Little Theatre enterprises in the outskirts of London. There was applause after the first poem Mr, Robinson read, but this he brushed aside, saying in characteristic fashion he preferred no applause because the audience might applaud in the wrong place. He treated us, in fact, a little cav- alierly, and 'we liked him the het- ter for it. Quite a young woman in the audience afterwards said she had lost just a little of the aura of her pride in being a Canadian, because she had now discovered she was not of Ireland, Certainly | the effect he produced was of an Ireland, in culture and in artistic creation, guite unique in the world today. H's beautiful, persuasive voice, reminiscent of that of "A, E," made all this possible, even | inevitable, It was of "moderons-- Unwarying Quolity, In every province a favorite Fy the handy pack of five Bachelors 132 we moderons" he spoke, not just mere "moderns." And he brought the same charm of diction to his inevitable indict- ment of the crushing effect on Ir- ish culture, of British rule in Ire- land, quite devastating, but with- out trace of offence for even the | mist English-minded person in his audience. Quite apart from what he said about Irish poets ancient and mod- ern, an impression he made was of a young Ireland healed of her tic endeavor. en motion picture extras. people, That chance to get nine pedestri Meaford Mirror, scars, and with her face very def: initely set to the heights of artis- Rheba Crawford, New York 8 vationist, is in Los Angeles to es- tablish church and hotel for wom- Canada has a car for every ten give every driver & ans. Pancake Tuesday - Feb. 12th Lent Begins - - - Feb. 13th Valentine Day - - Feb. 14th A week of Entertainments preceding Lent and we are entertaining with attractive Valentine Specials. Prices advertised effective February 8th to 14th inclusive. SURPRISE SPECIALS! During Valentine Week there will be featured each day a particularly outstanding special for that day only. WATCH FOR THE SURPRISE VALENTINE TICKETS. Quantities limited. SE ga SPECIAL OATTELLIS Macaroni Opaghetti Vermioeill 2 or * 19¢ OAKE FLOUR Swansdovm, for light cakes, pkg. 36¢ POP PP PPP PIII IIIIIIIS Something Different Every Day! Come Early--Every Day! --y-- SPECIAL PANCAKE FLOUR Aunt Jemima's 2 pkgs. for 29c¢ COFFEE EATON'S plantation (fresh ground), Ib. ... PANINI WAAAY YY > ntine §aI0 and 430 Ay peg 2 pam, 430 pm, and 6 pan. -- -- RR ) ) ) ) ) ) ) WAAAY Limit 101bs. neon: 10 LBS. 54° A A) SPECIAL SPECIAL | lo Owe SALMON | ** 2 dozen for ........ RED SOCKRYE "It Pays to Buy the Best" FLAT 19¢ mt 38¢ TIN good 3c Fresh Pineapples, each 25¢ > 27¢c Cyl icious Pa Comtactions' 1 19 Deliveries leave daily at 2 we 5 sam. to og Dail ini Warnes: Sanda; OPERATED BY <T. EATON Clue f= [A Bal PSE al -- a "bhp bt =) Brom EONS ~ rpbom BE

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