Oshawa Daily Times, 7 Feb 1929, p. 5

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THE OSHAWA DAILY TIMES, THURSDAY, FEBRUARY 7, 1929 PAGE FIVE Suburban and District N ews : Gathered By 7 mes Staff Reporters and Correspondents. week with his - parents, Mr. and «Mrs. O'Neil, have returned to their home eity. The public school attendance is gradually getting back to normal. Several of the pupils have been out two months or more with whoop- CR ---- " HARMONY rmony, Feb, 6,~Mp, and Mrs, W. Wound visited on Saturday with Mr, and Mrs. Langmaid at Thorn- tons corners, rs, Ed, Vice, of North Oshawa visited . Mrs, R. Terwillegar, on Tuesday, fsses Ada and Jean of Toronto spent Sunday with their parents Mr,'and Mrs, Geo, Barlow, . Mr, and Mrs, R. O'Neill of Port Perry visited at Mr, and Mrs, T. Oke, on Monday. An enjoyable time was spent at the school Saturday afternoon and evening when the Sunday School pupils were entertained, The after- noon was spent skating and playing games, A hot supper was served about six o'clock, which everyone enjoyed, A few more games were played and music which brought to a close a happy day. RAGLAN Raglan, Teb, 4 --- Miss Hazel Grose who was visiting at the home of her parents Mr, and Mrs, Grose has returned to Toronto, We are glad to report that Mrs, Wm. Bright is much improved in health since the last report. We hope this may continue, Mr. and Mrs. J. Sutherland and family spent Sunday with the form- er's sister, Mr, and Mrs, Gordon Brent, Mr, and Mrs, J. Bray of Prospect recently visited the latter's sister Miss 8. Bray, Miss Gean Miller of Utica was a guest of Misses E, and G. Brown, on Sunday. Miss Jessie Slute of Bowmanville spent the week-end at the home of Mr. A, Slute, Mrs. J, Thompson has been re- moved to the Oshawa General Hos- te cae goal] Instant Ease J (4 Get a bottle of "Buckley's" ® that's the pleasant, sure way ey of immediately relieving any (3 kind of Cough and preventing lo Lhat "mere cold" from develop. ¢ o ing into a serious illness, '| very first sip of Buckley's Mix. ture reveals its remarkable power, For severe colds accompanied V ® by fever, headache or neuralgia, \/ od take LAXPYRIN and Buck" & 5 Mixture and quick relief 2) follow, ° BUCKLEYS Acts likes flash--s single sip proves it ing cough and some still continue to whoop a little at times, Monday evening proved go gala evening for the young people of the United church. It being the fourth Monday, events took a soc- ial and literary tone, and the boys under the captaincy of Austin Turner, did most of the entertain- ing, as a long delayed penalty for their losing out in the attendance contest a year ago, After the usual al devotional exercises and busi- ness session, the President, BE, Hancock, introduced Miss Rosa- mund Duff, field secretary of the W.C.T\U, Miss Duff gave an ex- ceedingly interesting talk on the liquor traffic, and captured the whole-hearted attention of her audience for some time as she pointed out the inroads made by this traffic in the last year or two and urged both young und old to fight against it with all their might, Miss Duncan of Orono, favored with a vocal solo "God's Way Is the Best Way" The boys then took charge of the program, with Miss Alva Robbin, chairman of the program commitee in the chair, Mr. John Buckley of Orono rendered two splendid piano solos, which were followed by a fine address on the blind poet, Milton, by Mr. W, J, Bradley, Charlie Thackery and John Ashton contrib- uted readings, a number of very fine amusing stunts were put on by the boys who exerted them- selves to the utmost to display their athletic prowess, and contests for all were conducted by Ernest Gil- bank, The losers then put on the final touch to their entertainment by passing around cake and ice cream in liberal quantities, Mr, F. Allin, with the assistance of Miss Rena Thomas, has been busy the past week auditing the municipal books, the Board of Ed- ucation, the Community Hall and the Library Board books, plan- ning when he is through to take Mrs, Alin to Toronto and together spend a week's holidays there, Mr, W, J. Bradley, owing to sickness in the home, was unable to undertake the work of auditing this year. HAMPTON Hampton, Feb. 4.--Mr, Bunner of Bowmanville occupied the pul- pit on Sunday evening in the ah- sence of our pastor, Rev, J. R. Bick who was ill, taking for his text, Hebrew 13: 8th verse, and for the responsive reading Psalm 27, A fairly large congrega- tion was present, pital, where she is undergoing a serious operation, Her many friends wish her every sucecss, My. and Mrs, Wm, Kellington, spent the week-end with their daughter Mrs, Roy Brown of Osh. awa.' The icy condition of the roads of late has made travelling rather dificult. But the February thaw has made 'them much improved, Several from here attended the Carnival which was held in the Brooklin ring on Wednesday night of last week, The hot supper and concert which was held last Wednesday night proved a great success. All enjoyed the concert and report a good time. Mr. Charlie Fox of Toronto spent Sunday at the homes of Mr, A. J. Grose and Mr, C, Brown, Mr. C, Brown elected as a dele- gate from the Raglan Circuit at- tended the Presbytery meeting held in Oshawa on Tuesday. Mrs, Wm. Luke has returned home from spending a few days in Torento with her daughter, Mrs. B, Latimer, NEWCASTLE Newcastle, Ont,, Feb, 4, -- Mr, Ww, M. Eilbeck of the In- ternational Silver Co., of Toronto, paid a recent visit to his parents, Mr, and Mrs, George Eilbeck, be- fore leaving on a business trip. for the firm to the western cities as far as the coast. Mr, H, Pearce spent the week- end in Toronto, the guest of friends there, Mr, Murray Eilbert spent the week-end with his friends here, Miss Duff, Provincial secretary of the W.,C.T,U., accompanied by Mrs, W, E, Beman, visited the pub- lic and high schools on Monday and addressed the teachers and pu- pils on the subject of temperance, Mrs, (Rev.) E, R. James, who has been staying with her daughter, Mrs. Harris, Alliston, while Mr, Harris has heen in the hospital re- covering from an operation, return- ed home last Saturday. Mr, and Mrs, George Eilbeck, who have been confined with the flu since New Year's, are now able to be out again, Mrs, C, Kemp, from down cast, spent the week-end with Mrs, O. Neil in Toronto. Friends in Newcastle and vic- inity were sorry to learn during the week-end of the very eritical illness of Mr, and Mrs, George Robinson's eldest daughter, Mrs. The Women's Institute meeting J. Turner, of Oshawa, following an | this month wil be held in the operation in one of the city hospi- | basement of the church on Thurs- tals, ' | day, Feb. 7th, when a supper will Mrs. Thom, of Toronto, who has | be served of oysters and other heen visiting her sister, Mrs, (Dr.) | appetizing edibles, to the members McLaughlin, the past two weeks, and their families. = A good pro- returned to her home in Toronto. - | gram is being prepared, it being Mr. Frapk O'Neil dnd lady |the occasion of the twenty-fifth friend, who recently motored here anniversary of the Women's In- T hat Beautiful Baby of Yours! | "Nol is too good for my Baby," you 'will say, and we heartily agree with you. All other members of the family "take a back seat" s0 to speak, when Baby needs attention, and, when Baby fusses and cries you will rush to find the reason, Many times when Baby is restless and crying it is from irvitated or chafed skin conditions, The very best thing to soothe these conditions is Tiny Tot Toil ot Powder, Used afier bathing it will prevent all irritations and skin affect. Tiny Tot 2 Toilet ). Powder This is a combination of the choicest grades of talcum, boracic acid and zine stear- ate, with a delicate pers fume, Sold only at THE REXALL STORES Jury & Lovell's King 1, Simcoe 5. I of the congregatio Phone 28 Phone G8 Mr, and Mrs, W. W, Horn company with Mr, and Mrs. C, Wallace, motored to Toronto, on Monday where they spent the day. Miss Marjorie Martin, Enniskil- len, spent the week-end at home. Messrs, Harry and Percy Cowl- the parental roof, Miss Lulu Reynolds is spending a few days in Toronto, J Misses Evelyn Tink and McKessock, visited relatives on Sunday. Mr, and Mrs, C, tertained a number of friends on Saturday evening. Miss Bernita Wallace and friend visited her parents on Saturday, The Young People's Le: con Friday evening, Januar in charge of the President, Miss Norah Horn in the absence of Mr Wilfred Smale, 4th vice-president who was attending winter school at Cobourg. Devotional part taken by Mrs, Lewis Allin. Bible Lesson was read by Miss Jthel Stephens. The topic, *A Good Book I Have Read', was given by Mrs. (Rev,) Bick. The singing of a hymn and the Mizpah benediction brought the meeting to a close. Mr. Tom Sykes ans Mr, I'rank Hastings, Toronto University, spent Sunday at home, WE in| MH. | ing, Toronto, spent Sunday under | Ruth | here! HH. Wallace, en= Wis | Naomi and Ahoha, visited at Mrs, C. Horn"s on Sunday last, Mr, and Mrs, Chas. Wood, Orono, visited at J, L. Jobus, re- cently, . Mr. and Mas. Bruce Ferguson, visited Cadmas relativés on Mou- day last. Mr, Arthur Wakely and son, Gordon aud Earl, Oshawa, visited his parents, Mr, and Mrs, Jno. | Wakely on Sunday. Mr, and Mrs, ~ Milton Slemou, Haydon, at Mrs, C. Johns, Mr, Chas. Johns and Mr, J. L. Johns enjoyed a trip to Saginaw recently, Miss Duff, Iield Secretary of the W.C.T\U, for the Province of On- tario, gave a very splendid address at Sunday School on Sunday after- noon, Qur Temperance Superinten- dent, Miss M, J. Katerson, is to be congratulated on securing the ser- vices of Miss Duff for the session. Our Young People's League en- joyed-a visit with the Maple Grove Young People on Wednesday night at Maple Grove, The annual congregational i meeting of the church was held on Friday evening in place of the Young People's League, There was a fair representation present, Pleas | ing reports were iven by the various officers, and matters per- taining to our church discussed, in a manner bor constructive and in- structive to all present, A social time was spent the company being divided into groups by the lines of some familiar song written on slips of papers which was handed to each one. When the circles were completed, each had to sing their song in turn, everybody joining in the choruses and enjoying a real sing song. Refreshments of home made candy and apples were served at the close, Miss Wilmah Leach spent Sun- day with her sister, Miss Beatrice Leach, Oshawa, Miss Mary Jebson has been | spending a few days at home, We are enjoying the real win. | ter weather of the last week, with lots of sunshine and fear there is more cold weather to follow if by | chance the bear saw his shadow, We are sorry to report Rev, J, Bick, having been on the sick the last few days, We wish him a speedy recovery, Interment took place at Hamp- ton Cemetery, of Mrs, Jno, Rey- nolds, Solina, on Monday after- noon, Janiary 28th, Mrs. Lyons, Neepawa, Manitoba, {is visiting her sister, Mrs, Edna Ruse, ' Mr. Bunner of Bowmanville will supply for Rev, Bick at our Sun- day evening gervice, Obituary of Wiliiain John Clemens, Hampton passed to rest at Bow- Hospital on Saturday, January 19th, 1929, William John Clemens, a well-known resident of Darlington township, He was born' on the old Clemens homestead near | Hamplon in 1854, being a son of Shephen and Mary Ann Brant Clemens, He lived on this farm till a few years ago when he sold this property and has since lived on another farm quite near. The Jute Mr. Clemens was a Liberal in R. Vist There manville «Mr, and Mrs. Sykes, Mr. and Knox, Miss Knox, Mr,~and Mrs. J, | Mr. and Mrs, C, Batty, | Chyigtiess Biscuits Safest and best for Children or Invalids because they are Christie's Arrowroot Biscuits. In the store or on the 'phone always ask for man, ever using his influence on the side of right, He was always interested in his home and munici- pality, a good friend and neighbor, always ready to lend a hand when needed. He was of a quiet retiring disposition duu uy who knew. him best loved him most, He leaves to mourn his passing, his wife, Maria Taylor and -on Albin, his wife and two grandsons, Laverne and Norman, two sisters, | Mrs, W. Rosegear, Toronto, and Mrs, Harry Brock Bowmanville, also two brothers, ¥red of Osh- awa, and Albert of Minnesota, U, | S. | The funeral took place from his | late residence on Tuesday after- noon at 2.30 p.m, the service being conducted by Rev, J. R. Bick of Hampion, assisted by a nephew of Mrs, Ciemens, Col. Levi Taylor, | Field Secretary of Salvation Army, Toronto, ¢ number of | friends and neighbors came from far and near to pay their last hom- | age to the useful life and sterling | character of the departed. | The sympathy of the community | goes out to Mrs, Clemens and | family in their bercavement, . | The pall bearers were Messys, | L. D. Sykes, J. BR Knox, P.O. Honey, E. J, Doidge, W., TP, Sy-! mons and W. J. Cann. The flower | bearers were Messrs, J. Cowling, 1°, Cowling C. Colwill, II. E. Run-| dle, Howard and Herbert Gand. The floral tributes were beauti- ful consisting of pillow {rom the | family; sprays-- Mr, and Mrs. Fred | Clemens, Oshawa, Mrs. -'W. Rose-! vear, Toronto, Mr, and Mrs, Ii. Brock, Bowmanville, Mrs, Rennie, | Toronto, W, Taylor, Orillia, Mrs McClean, Mr, and Mrs. 8. Honey, Mr. and Mrs. A. W. Annis, Mr. and Mrs. W, Henderson, Mr, and | WwW. G Werry, Mr, and Mrs. | Stevens, Gand - Drothe | R. R. Colwill, Sr., Newcastle, Mr, and Mrs. J. Brant, Mr. and Mrs, I). W. Allin, Mrs. Alex. Taylor, Mr, and Mrs. F, Bat- Mrs. | anger and Mrs. N. Taylor, Mr, and Mra.gincreasing Italian and French cruis- BE. McRae, Mr, and Mrs, L. Gamble, | op and submarine program. Mr. W. Scott, Miss A. Scott, Osh-| yo moral which the cabinet is awa, Mr, Mrs, F, Preece, To- x Ta. + By w. Ww. Hen- | 88king to draw is that Great Bri. derson, Women's Institute and [tain can ignore the navy of the U. Adult Bible Class, Hampton, S. if she choose; but must go on ErE---------- | building cruisers in order to main- CHURCHILL HOPES {tain supremacy in the Mediterran- \ | naugnts in the battle fleets are be- | ing rendered obsolete hy the new | powers, ON SHIPPING PLANS 1929 WALL PAPERS As low as '4¢ per voll | Apparent Challenge May Be 21 in, wide and semis | trimmed New Vessels That defies the clements LR Made by the Klint Paint & the Exchequer Winston Churchill price of $1.50 quart London, Feb. FLO-GLAZE Paints, Enamels qt. $1.25 Velvet Flat Finish, gt. $1.35 losglaze Varnish Stain $1.35 PATTE"S 85 Simcoe St, N. hones 1925-- 1846 Have us estimate your Papering and Painting hopes shortly to be able to an- nounce a dramatic response by Bri- tain to what in many quarters here i garded as a challenge by the ; in cruiser-building. | That response is likely to take | the form, not of more building here, but of dropping* two out of three British cruisers, the keels of which should have been laid down this year under the existing naval pro- gram. Such a gesture appeals to | many members' of the cabinet a] fitting demonstration to the United States that this country is sincere | in refusing to recognize America | as a rival at sea. | This view is, of coure, means unanimous. The sea | and a large section of the Tory | party are fighting to keep to the | program calling for construction of | three erunisers and some of them want to build more. Realizing the of embarking upon an avowed naval race with the United States, the admiralty seems to be concentrating, in the fighting go- ing on inside the Government, upon parading the dangers to British su~ 'ean now that British super-dread- 10 ANSWER UJ S | and faster cruisers of the vival 2» Ue and 2¢ per yard for border Met With Dropping Two | NEW PROCESS PAINT { 7.--Chancellor i Varnish Co, at the popular l quart as Eat What and When You Please You don't need to be bother- »d with indigestion, gas or any other stomach disorder. Just get a box of PINK CAP- SULES FOR INDIGESTION om your druggist, They arry an absolute money- yack guarantee to end ALL stomach troubles, Sold by sarn's and all 'good drug- by no | Jords | tle, Mr. and Mrs, 1°. Rundle, Mr. |premacy in the Mediteranean of the 75¢c and 40¢ from Philadelphia, and . spent a | stitute, | Mr. J. B. Horn and daughters, politics, and a staunch temperance a i a = ---- z ne ---- Plain Knit Bloomers Also Silk Striped ELASTIC OF ART SILK Winter Bloomers A surprise clean- up you cannot well afford to 2 overiook, Big Value Gingham A Saving For You GLOVES OF SUEDE FABRIC i i » id gis 38 4 quality it a price io low yom night ques- tion the quality, but come Attractive Glove styles in good varietly at a very low price, 'ome early for this Special, This assoriment conta.ns fine ribbed heavy-weight Bloomers in plain knit as well as plain knit with Silk stripe. Made with double gusset, elastic at knees and waist, and ALL NEW GOODS. In colors of Peach, Sand, Pink, Cream, ete., and in sizes from 36 to 44. Usually sold at from 75c¢ to 95c. DURING THREE BIG Gingham, ins, wide. splendid Dress Gingham, in all the pewest patterns and colorings in both Checks and Plaids. A rare op- portunity to get your early spring supply. (Another great mill-clearing lot in which we shared). Usually sold at about 23¢c. Come early while the pattern range is complete. 14 DURING 3 BIG DAYS, per yd. 1%C it's A Fact Our Fi TURKISH | | os Sale presents an unusual - 31[32 A ind see for yourself 14-inch Art Silk Bloomer Elastic in a quality that will greatly surerise you. A veqs fine cord inga bright, silky finish, Full of snap and lots of stretch. In White only. Note our price and come early. DURING THREE BIG DAYS a good oppor- tunity to stock up. 2 Yds. for 25¢ All new goods and latest styies in fancy embroidered and turn-cuff effects. Some with fancy stitching. In col- orings of Modes, Sands, etc. In sizes from 6 to 8. Gloves in this assortment usually sell at from 60c to 8jc. While they last. 4ic DURING THREE L Value in An Extra 1 Strong Police Braces Secure these vew, when you can make such a saving. A good, strong Brace in "Police and Fireman" style. Wide, heavy elastic webbing, with strongly sewn leather attach- menis and solid leather e n ds, leather cast-off ' with patent metal reinforcements. Another, example of big quantity buying. We offer you our share of this purchase at a very low price while they last. DURING THREE BIG DAYS, per pair BOYS' AND GIRLS' SWEATERS - rt Demonstration of Vatue~ Giving FEB. 7 TEU. | FEB. 8_FRI. FEB. 9 SAT. 'SALE'ENBS RLM ING| Ci skin. Especially made for Outario water conditions. in odors of Lilac and Rese. Secure your share early this month. A regular 10c¢ ake. DURING THREE BIG DAYS, each .... Not more than five cakes lo a customer tunity thrifty folk buy many of needed house- hold merchandise at less than usual rices. Siveaters, suitable for boys or girls. Unusual in both quality and price. A V-neck Pull over Sweater, fine knit with wide ribbed effect, with vari-colored contrasting hit and miss bar stripings. In body colors of Garnet, Peacock, Cow- boy and Beige. In sizes for boys and girls from 6 to 14 years. A regular $2.00 item. DURING THREE BIG DAYS it will pay you to secure several of $1 39 > these sweaters at, each SPECIAL PURE LINEN PILLOW CASES A rave opportunity to save on an everyday meed. Made irom a fine-quality Pure Line. that will stand hard wear aud improve with washing. Size is full 21x33 dns. with 2-iach hemstitched ends. Reg. price 82.00 a parr. It will be worth your while to seize this once- in-a-long-time op- portunity DURING THREE BIG DAYS per pair $1.29 This quality and size of towel at our price is most unusual Unbleached Turkish Towels measuring L about 19x36 Inches, natural color, with Red and White Stripings and Fringed Ends. A real good serviceable weight. (Our share of a big mill cleanup which we pass on to you at a big saving). You would usually pay about 35¢ for this Towel. 23 DURING THREE BIG DAYS, each Cc BLEACHED DAMASK TABLE CLOTHS A great Irish manufacturer's co-operation made this wonderful value possible--take advantage of it. A "remarkable extra value in Hemmed Damask Table-cloths measuring 54x54 inches. Bright finish Floral designs Several dif- ferent patterns from which to choose. A heavy, close weve, that will stand hard wear. This cloth is regular $1.25 3 25 value. t hk DURING THREE : . BIG ARDS e A good quality in a big cake at a low price. A Bath Soap called *"'Bi 3 Beauty," four full ounces in size. A delightfully

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