Oshawa Daily Times, 7 Feb 1929, p. 14

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1" .<e "PAGE FOURTEEN THE OSHAWA DAILY TIMES, THURSDAY, FEBRUARY 7, 1929 CANNING FACTORY Picton. -- Messrs, Sylvester «Church and "Eddie Carson have tormed a » smvering 2 for the - e Ol r a canning fac- do Rie | it the coming Ey years ® married life were concluded Tues- day by Mr. and Mrs. John W. Barn- hart, who were married in Corn- wall. The former was for 44 years a locomotive engineer in the ser- vice of the Grand Trunk Railway, retiring on pension in 1915. pp---- FORMER R DIES Kingston.--Word was received in the city today, of the death at Vancouver, of Mr, J. Russell Stu- art, former school inspector of Kingston, who resigned his post in Kingston a year ago last fall, and went to the coast for the benefit of his health. ANNUAL OONFERENCE | Kingston.--The annual confer- ance of the Bay of Quinte United Church is to 'be held in Napanee the latter part of May. It is ex- pected that over 500 delegates, ministerial and laymen will be present. It is years since the con- ference was held there. GOOD SALE Cobourg.--Ernst Carveth, Cav- an Township, held a successful auc- tion sale which showed the trend of prices in this district. Fowl sold at $1.60 each; small pigs, $8.50 each; brood sows, for $50; calves, $34 eaca; stockers, $55 each; cows, from $100 to $123 each. APPEAL DISMISSED Cobour. -- The appeal of L. K, Bosheff against the decision of Magistrate Campbell, who convict- ed the accused on a charge of sell- ing liquor and sentenced him to two months' imprisonment, was dis- missed by County Judge L. V. O'Connor, yesterday. SAVING OF 840 Lindsay.--If the Ontario Governp- ment passes an act rebating the gas- oline tax on municipality owred and operated motor vehicles, it will mean a saving of about $40 a year as far as Lindsay is concern- ed. Lindsay hs only three vehicles that can come under the specifica- tions, the fire truck, a street flush- er an a power driven grass cutter. KINGSTON'S COST Kingston. -- 1t was learned that it the Old "Age pension scheme is put into offe:t it will cost the city of Kingston Boo, to meet its share of Je cat. The proposal of Premier Ferguson is to levy 25 per cent, of of the. cost of the old age pensions on the municipalities. ' AGED MAN DIES Smith's Falls.--At the age of 83 years, and following a short ill- ness, Robert Johnston, a highly re- spected resident of Augusta Town- ship, died at his home, near Bish- op's Mills, For several years past he uffered from blindness, During his life he was a successful farm- er,and for some years lived with his son. DEPUTATION TO TORONTO Belleville, -- Alderman George Reid, W. A. Woodley and Mr. John Elliott, chairman of the Board of Education, interviewed Premier G. Howard Ferguson, recently, at Queen's Park in Toronto. The mat- ter under discussion was the as- sessment of the bay bridge as it afffects the city of Belleville. No decision was given on the matter, IDENTITY UNKNOWN Belleville.--The identity of the man discovered frozen in the ice in Pleasant Bay on Sunday has not been ascertained yet. Provincial Police stated yesterday. The police are working on the case, but have nothing to report. There is a gen- eral concensus of opinion in Con- secon and Wellington ¢hat the vie- tim was a member of the "Sea Hawk" crew. ' MINISTER BEREAVED Madoe.--Rev, T. G. Marshall of St. Peter's Presbyterian Church here received a cablegram on Sat- urday informing him of his moth- er's death at the old home, "Prim- rose Villa," Belfast, Ireland. Out of sympathy, the Session cancelled all services last Sunday. Rev. Mr. Marshall is Moderator of the King- ston Presbytery of the Presbyter- fan Church in Canada. MURDER CASE RETRIAL Kingston.--One criminal case, two ury civil cases, and two non- jury cases will be heard at the Spring Assizes here of the Supreme Court Monday. The only criminal case is that of Wilbert R, Williams, former Clandeboyne, Ont., and Picton school teacher, Williams was convicted of the murder of his wife, and had been sentenced to hang on Dec. 6. He was granted a new trial on winning his appeal, ENDS COLD QUICK WAY DOCTORS NOW ADVISE Taste! Instant Relief old Quickly Dissppears Treated ay No long is it ry for colds to cause needless misery or risk of pneumonia, according to experiences of numbers of Oshawa people. For doctors are now ad- vising home use of a pleasant hospital method that gives almost instant relief--then quickly drives the cold out of one's system, Mrs. Alice McNeil, for example, | , neglected a cold because it was mild at first. A day later conges- tion started to spread rapidly; she|s felt '"'achy'" an feared pneumonia. On the advice of her doctor then she started using double strength doses of Ayer"s Cherry Pectoral-- a hospital-certified medication of wild cherry, terpin-hydrate and other ingredients mow used by leading clinics. Relief began {imstantly! With the first pleasant swallow she felt its comforting, healing warmth-- from her nose passages deep down into her chest. In a few hours the "feverish", "achy" feeling was re- lieved; congestion began to clear up, and in another day or so, the doctor reports, all trace of the cold was gone. Note: Other cases reported --all cutified by attending physician, dats '| held near the Limestone City. The MATCH IN KINGSTON Kingston.--Such a strong ease was put up by Kingston officials that the iho Plowmen at the annual meeting in Toronto yester- day approved the motion by Secre- tary J. Lockie Wilson that the next International Plowing match be site chosen is the Penitentiary Farm, where there will be 300 acres of land available free from stones and weeds, The city and county are putting up a grant of $2,000 and a banquet. GIRL INJURED Toronto, Feb. 7.--~While running across College street, Joan Mori- arity, 11, 661 College street, was knocked down and injured last night by an automobile "driven by A, Woolfish, 437 Crawford street. The driver of the car took the girl to the Hospital for Sick Children, CELEBRATES 99TH BIRTHDAY Port Hope.--On Tuesday, Febru- ary Gth, Thos, Stapleton, McCaul street, celebrated the ninety-ninth anniversary of his birth, At the present Mr, Stapleton is conifned to his bed, being ill since Curlin mas, HAS NECK BROKEN TWIGE, STILL LIVES Vancouver Man Needs Care- ful Attention When He Visits Dentist When Dan Aymour stepped into the upholstered chair in a city den- tal parlor recently to have three teeth extracted he asked to be treated as gently as possible, "You see, I've had my neck broken twice in the last seven years and I've got to be careful", said Aymour, Aymour claims that he {is the only man who has survived two fractures of the vertebrae, and while specialists give long and somewhat complicated explana- tions of this interesting case, he has a reason all his own and to him it's a very simple one. "I've got a double heart," said Aymour, "A fellow with a double heart is kind of hard to kill--Ilike a cat with rine lives." Dr. Nelson, of the Mayo clinic at Rochester, Minn,, discovered this abornomality several months ago, Working at a bench when em- ployed as a machinist seven years ago. Aymour was thrown heavily onto his back when the wrench broke, thus receiving the first fracture of his vertebrae, Four months ago he slipped on the street, once again snapping his spine. X-Ray photographs confirms Aymour's story. In order to pre- vent any movement of the head he is forced to wear a specially built head harness. One of the things about the mod- ern girl -that puzzles us is why she thinks she has to appear cold to look hot.--Detroit News. Toronto police are very critical of a sermon preached by Rev. Mur- doch MacKinnon in which he eriti- cized the sentence recently passed on two young bandits as too severe. In the last police raid in Chi- cago 344 known characters were taken to police headquarters, That makes the total 3,344 since the first of the year. oon): MALLETT BROS. Produce Prices' in- the Commercial Markets on TROI0, PROBICE ros vo oronto wholesale following prices, delivered ond Eggs, ul REN) cases B amedeTseeh ex- tras, 38c; fresh firsts, 35¢; s, 25 to Ze 5, 26 to he AT games, a ri Bi -- x Churaing crea to 1, "oy 2, dlc, Ne se--No, 1 lal colo: fined and ovens ent graden Zio, ed, Yara BEERS ATRREBREE TORONTO PROVISIONS Toronto wholesale dealers are quoting the following prices to ae} trade: » cooked hams, 35 " or A smoked A Sees breakfast bacon, 390 to Hei Jo. fancy, to 40c; backs, peamealed, 28 to 30c; do., smoked 30 to 3 Cured Jeats=Long clear 'bacon, 50 to 70 Ibs,, $21; 70 to 90 Ibs,, $19; 90 to 100 lbs,, and up, $18; lightweight rolls, in barrels, heavyweight rolls, $38.50 per bar- rel Lard~Pure, tierces, 16c; tubs, 16}4c; pails, is) prints, 18% to 19c. Shortenin, tierces, 14%4c; tubs, 14)c; pails, 15%c; tins, 17%c; Pinta 16%¢, Pork loins, 26c; New ork shoulders, 18¢; pork butts, 22c; pork hams, 2c, gleied ate! 2] a Te track, actically grains lt ey althou ugh a fair quan- ay. of oats ae bon ht, with a slight ad- |, F| ried 'a slight as Northen, $1.2434; cj track, $1.23 s~No, 2 CW. 73%c; No, 3 ge No, 1 H screenings, No, 3 C\W,, 7%¢c; No, 4 C. "rejected 68¢c; feed, 5rde track, NWC, 1.99; No, 2 C. 0, ' , $l, ped "rejected, $1.84; Rye-- o. 2 C.W., $1.08%. CHICAGO GRAIN Chlsage, Feb, 7.~Fresh broadening uro] United Sates effect on grain values yesterday, Export buying of corn was acknowledged as amount- ing to at least 700,000 bushels, with further demand for corn from quantities, baie being, sought, especially in iw heh quotations on corn were strong, 1%4c to 1%c a bushel net higher, Wheat fin- ibhed vance and provisions varying from 20c de- cline t Cash price Gash, prices: 2 red, $1.45. Corn, Dined 93%%4¢c to 94c; No. 3 yellow, ie to No. 4 ee 50c to Sle. Rye, no sales. Barley, 60¢ Timothy seed, $5.40 to $6, Cloverseed, $23 to $31 0 to 73c, Southwest, and with speculators actively purchasing corn future deliveries in %e to 1%c up, oats Yic to Yc o a rise of 2c, ats--No, 2 white, 53%c to 55c; orthern, $1613; 1.2; Noy wr 0034; fers, Sn 1 feed, Glc; No, 1 feed, No. 2 feed, Sic; rejected, pro track, "ll Extra Special FRIDAY & SATURDAY Duchess Satin 98c 27 Different Colors to choose om, inches wide. A few yards will make a Dress, had a decided strengthening. No. C3 out the the 3 quality. | Sl Our Silk Sale Continues Firm, even weave, full 36 Pongee Silk 37c 33 inches wide, Satin finish, Natural color. Montreal, Feb, An active busi was done in all grades of fresh and storage eggs and the tone of the market was firm, Re- ceipts were 792 cases, | A feature of the butter trade was the con- tinued strong undertone that prevailed and prices for New Zealand creamery butter made another advance of Jc per Ib, but thers was no change in Eastern Townships grades, New Zealand finest bnutter sold at He Jo 4ll4c per Ib, Receipts were 10 pack- ag he undertone to%the cheese market was firm, with a small volume of business pass- ing, Receipts were 58 boxes, Quotations: Cheese, westerns, 23¢ to 23%c. Butter, No. 1, pasteurized, 43)%c to 42. Eggs, storage extras, 36c; storage firsts, 32c; storage seconds, 23c; fresh extras, 46c; fresh firsts, dlc, A NEW YORK PRODUCE New York, Feb, 7.--Butter steady; re- ceipts, 13,199; creamery, higher than extra, 50c to 50Vic; extra, 919 score, 49%c; firsts, 88 to 91 score, 47c to 4%c, Cheese--Steady; receipts, 80,288, Eggse~Unsettled; receipts, 22,482; fresh- gathered extra, 42 to 43¢c; ex- tra firsts, 40c to dlc; firsts, 38c to ic; storage firsts, 32)ic to 34c; nearby hennery white, closely selected extra, 42c to dic; nearby and nearby Western hennery white, firsts to average extra, 3% to 4lc; nearby hennery brown, extra, 44c to 45¢c; Pacific Coast white extra, 43c, CHICAGO PRODUCE FUTURES Chicago, Feb. 7.--Bulls had their way on the Chicago Mercantile Exchange yesterday, with butter and egg futures marching higher, They were heiped by smaller pi ts, and a firm spot market in both lines, February butter shot $96 a car above the previous close early in the session, but yielded to profit-taking by smaller interests, February eggs did almost a cent better, until similar factors shaded the top of 283%. Shortage of butter reserves compared with last year is approaching the four-million pound mark on the ten leading markéts, Open commitments--¥ebruary bi , 232; April eggs 46; November eggs, 77. June butter, 1 February butter, 2 March but- ter, 48; 'December butter, 1. New York spot market--Butter extras, 49%c; tone unsettled, Eggs, firsts, 384c to 39¢; tone irregular, Chicago spot market--Butter, extras, 49%¢; standards, 48%ic; tone steady. Eggs, firsts, 7% to 38; tome firm, CANADIAN EGG MARKETS Ottawa, Feb, 7.--The condition on Cana- dian egg markets Eontiniies firm, with no chan) e in flees repo repo Halifax~This egg A is holding steady Prices are unchanged, with dealers quoting country shippers, extras, 36¢c to Se; firsts, 30c to 3ic; 2c d. Pri- ces to retailers are extras, 43¢ to 45c; firsts, 3c to 42; seconds, 32 35¢. St. John--The egg market here is stead and firm, with the demand for firsts g rices are slightly firmer at, extras 7c; firsts, 3lc to 33c; seconds, Receipts recently have been lighter ks are well cleaned up, but heavier receipts are expected soom, as the weather has fi favorable for production. meager; 38¢c; Feb, 28c; April, 4c, TORONTO GRAIN QUOTATIONS lid dealers in Toronto are ting the r ain in ca following prices for Hi 2 in ey 04; No. 3 Northern, $1. rn Yo, 4 wheat, $1.23%; No, 5 wheat, $1123; No. § wheat, 93%c; feed wheat, 89%ic Fad bushel (c.i.f. Goderich and Bay Jorts), rice. on tracks lc higher an a Manitoba Oats--No, 1 feed, 68%c; No. 2 feed, elie per bushel (c.i.f, Goderich snd Bay ports t poll el No. 2 yellow, "itn dried, GENERAL MOTORS HARDWOOD SCRAPWOOD Adapted for Every Purpose All Small Blocks in Hardwood Loads Prompt and Courteous Service Always Jeddo Coal Solvay Coke Pocahontas and Cannel | Every Kind of Fuel CITY SCALE WEIGHTS IF DESIRED DIXON COAL CO. Telephone 262 Four Lines to Central WOOD BONE DRY Eliminated BIG LOADS REAL VALUE For Economy $1113; 5 3 yellow kiln dried, $1.08; No. 4 ey kiln dried, $1.06)5 per bushel, de- "3 pg YES, shorts, $99.25, Lin jute, ping points, aceording yo Wy $1.30 to bushel. i milling, f.0.b. shipping ints, according to freights, 50c to 55c per shel, Malting, 76c to 79¢ per bushel, £ ob. shipping potas, sccording to freights, shioing oi 2 BLE por ag 23 ship- t pias pein according Track, wo breil, carlots, 90 per cent, patents, per barrel, $5.70, N -- ir Bd Wheat straw gn r ton, $io per" ton, and oat Stray at at $9.50 per ton, or loose, Wi is at for Sis os. No. 1 pri Ng baled, nominal, Turnips, 15¢ to 1c outside points, BUFFALO LIVE STOCK Fast Buffalo, Feb, 6.--Hogs, 1,300; hold- overs, 1,500; market -- active to ship- pers, mostly steady to 10c lower; bulk, 2 o 220 lbs., $10.40 to $10.50; 240 to 300 Ibs $010: to $10.40; 130 Ibs., down, PIS to $10} WINNIPEG GRAIN Winnipeg, Feb. 7.--Every advance on_the focal wheat market vesterday brought a flood of offerings into the pit and drove prices downward, bu a strong revealed itself near the close, and final quotations were unchanged to 34c higher. A good busi- ness was reported in exnort circles, and seaboard houses entered the Cash wheat demand showed a slight im- provement, but the market failed to disnlay much acti ity, and prices held unchanged to Ye higher, V.A.Hen Insurance & nry | SPECIAL STRAWBERRY JAM 36. LOBLAW GROCETERIAS| Splendid wearing = for on dee ig SAS EPT iw Since Motaer comm y wl) 4% i od shopping at Loblaw's | have never enced hesitated to go with her, for it gives me great pleasure to assist while shopping under such ideal conditions; and then again I know it saves money. "THE STORES WORTH WHILE, WHERE YOU SHOP WITH A SMILE." Items Marked Special for Feb. 3--Feb. 9 TT -- vo alan 1 10 a.m.-3 p.m, Daily 7 wduaeduy. 11 gam, only Gillex QUEENLAND Sweet Gherkins Pickl. 190s. Jor 31° Gillett's Lye Pure Maple Syrup Boright's 16-0z. Btle. 33¢ Boright's ....0100enrer 32-02. Bile, PRUNES 3-2 te court of York county, as re- i | ported in a local morning paper. It was reported that Col. Thompson caused by s after an CH: one of the Je the suburb Your Table ~EATURING GILLETT PRODUCTS Magic Baking Powder 16-0z. Tin 34c 6-02. Tin 17¢ "Pkg. 7c Softener" .....,, Phg. 14c "A Fore Fal Pip Lye" ... Finest Potatoes i 15¢ Peaches Toronto, ha: legislature, said to- he had not been offered osition of clerk of the surro- was to resign. The Canadian Press is able to state definitely that at least he will not resign during this session of the house. WOULD BAN CADETS AND SUBSTITUTE PHYSICAL TRAINING ( Otten asian E-A Lisi] to sub- stitute physical ing for cadet training in the igh po will be brought up in the igh, Schos of Com- mons on a resolution by D. M, Ken- nedy, (UF.A. Peace River). The resolution will urge that the govern "ent consider the advisibility of sch 2 change and tha ts be en provincial "ministered for IDELMONTE TOR Bartlett Pears 3o7 22% Tin 3lc Faney of a a Tin.. Tin 3c LaT3., for st. Da-|; the treaty cord at bet Italian gover, poned from afternoon, Wisnipeg, Feb. ob, 8) of foreign-signed po) West, a protest a limiting immigratis s, signed ny is Ottawa in anounced vo Pr 156 Simcoe St. South 29 Stmeoe St. North ROBINHOOD RAPID OATS "Pan Dried" Large Pkge. pr 6- Rolled Oats. BE Torrens srsrsssssesssrsses 3 IDS: 185e Wheatlets 25%, ..... 1b. 6e Go.den Bantam Corn a VETS Tin 16¢ Peas Soe Sarr 2 Tins 17¢ Fresh Valencia Cake EQbIAW'S .s0ss00000s000ssssssssses 15. 21¢ Rich Fruit and Nut Cake Made in Our Own Pure Food Kitchens CROSSED FISH oA RDINES Y< INE QUALITY SLICED" PINEAPP a ah wh

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