, p. 20

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THE OSHAWA DAILY TIMES, WEDNESDAY, FEBRUARY 6, 1929 *" Easy-to-Find"' RADIO PROGRAM To-Night's Best Features 7.30 NBC (WEAF)----La Touraine concert. 8,00 NBC (W hestra, NBC erenaders, 19.00 NBC (WEAF)~lIpana Troubadours. : NBC (WJZ)--Snith Bros. Columbia: Daguerreotypes. 9.30 NBC (WEAF)-Palmolive Hour, Columbia: La Palina Smoker. $0.00 WBAL Balti Day of At Music, 10.30 Columbia: Night Club Romances, 1145 WSB Atlanta, Spanish program, ) oe il Sunkist THURSDAY'S BEST FEATURES | 9.00 a.m, WEAF New York, U.S, Marine Band to WRC, WOC, {000 NBC System (WJZ)=Dr, Copeland hr, 1.00 WMAQ Chicago. Overture Hour, School, il i NBC System {WI Est aoking 11.15 NBL System (WEAF)--Household In. titute, 1,00 hg NBC System (Central)=Farm and ome Hour, 245 WGY Schenectady, WGY Players, 4.00 NBC System (WJZ)--U.S, Army band to W " THURSDAY EVENING PROGRAMS 5.30 Nee System: Bil and Jane to WEAF, WRC, NBC System: Waldorf 'Astoria Music to WEAF, WCAE, WRC, W s WJZ (94.5)--New York, Old Man Sun- shine, WIR (400)=Detroit, © Dinner music; News, WTAM (280)--Cleveland, Dinner music 15 WGR (545) --Buffalo, Statler orchestra, 30 CKCI (340,7)--Quebec, La Soleil" News KLKA {300)=Ritis. L.T.E. Pictures, WGY (379.5)--Schenectady, Dinner mu- sic, 0 iz (394,5)--~New York, Furville, KDKA (306)--Pitts. Entertainers, KFAB )=~Lincoln. Dinner concert, WCAU (256)--Phila. Concert; Enter. tainers, NBC System: Hymn Sing to WEAF, «+ NBC Beate; St. Regis Orchestra. to WIZ RC, W. Wow, / x REN, Ww Ac (244)--Boston, News; Amos 'n' Andy, WSB (405)--Atlanta, Pomar Ogchestra; Ouestion Box, WRVA (270)-Richmond, Amos and oA Songs, WTIC (500)--Hartford, Music Memory Contest, : 7.30 CNRM (411)--Montreal, French pro. gram to CNRT, CNRO, CNRQ, CNRW NBC System: Comfort Hour to WEAT, ' "'WEEI, WJAR, WTAG, WCSH, WTIC TIME TABLES -- CPR, TIME TABLE, New Schedule taking effect (2.01 Sunday, April 2, 1928, " West 5.48 a.m. Daily, 6,23 a.m. Daily. 8.40 a.m. Daily except Sunday, 4.35 p.m Daily, 7.34 p.m. Dail t Sunday, 10.05 a.m. Daily, 2.04 p.m. Daily except Sunday, 8.03 p.m Daily except Sunday, 1110 p.m. Daily, a8 a.m. Daily, i 4 iad] times shown above are times tr @epart from Oshawa Station. C. N. R, TIME TABLE Effective Jan. 6, 1929 thound .m,~Daily sasept Sunday, ,m.~Sunday only, .m,~Daily, .m,~Daily except Sunday. .m,~Daily except Sunday, .m,~Daily except Sunday, m,~Daily, i ~Daily except Saturday, ~Daily, .m.=Daily, Wes a.m,=Daily," a.m,~Daily, ~Daily except Sunday, .m,~Daily, a.m,~Daily except Sunday. p.m,~Daily except Suaday. p.m, Daily, p.m.--Sunday only, .27 p.m,~Daily except Sunday, p.m,~Daily except Sunday. Whitby, Oshawa, Bowmanville BUS LINE WEEK DAY SCHEDULE (Etreciave ». wand aiter Nov, 4 » BRE 8 8, 9, 1 2 6. 9, 1 2, BEE, LILY PRPTETT : Sata dk 28a vow EN GRERES > Arrive 10.00 p.m. Tae 8 SUNDAY AND nULIDAN SCHEDULE Going West Arrive 9.45 a.m. 12.15 p.m, Arrive 2 vp BB 343 & 11111 EE ity il FERRE fy Fries g 8 & » B 43333 11333 soeect FRRREES Beit J FERERE E & 1 | i WFLA (333)--\waiwater, Moses band, WGY (379.5)--Schenectady, Farm pro. ram, fon (416)--Chicago. Nighthawks; con. cert ensemble. : { Wi (508)~Omaha. Musical program 7.50 WCAE (242)--Pitts, Uncle Gimbee, uartet, 8.00 WBAP (375)--F¢t, 'Worth, Orchestra} WADC (223)--Akron, Dixie Harmonizer WCAU_ (256)--Phila, Blue Anchor Hr, NBC System: The Song Shop to WEAF, WTIC, WIAR, WII, WGY, WEEI, WCAE, WRC, WOW, KOA, WTAG, WCSH, WGR, WTAM, WiAM WWJ, WIM], WDAF, KSD, NHC System: Lehn and Fink Seren ade to viz, WJR, WBZ, WBAL, WKY, WBZA, "WHAM," KDKA WFAA, WLW, KPRC, KYW, WFAA, WE WREN, WES 18)" Chicago. Scrap Book; The 8,15 WC Th St. Paul, Common Sense in he. Wh (272)~Atlantic City, Crescendo ub, 8.30 CNRM (411)~Montreal, Markets; Spe- cial feature, 4 NBC System: Hoover Sentinels to WEAF, WGY, WFAA, WGR, WFI, WHO, iN, WEEI, CAE, WRC, AM, wi WDAF, WBT, KSD, WOW, WHAS, WSM, WSB, NBC System: Champion Arhers to WIZ, KDKA, KYW, KWK,. WHZ, WBAL, WEEN, WHAM, * WLW, A 3 9,00 CNRM (411)--Montreal, Studio program to CNRO, CNRQ, CNRT, CNRW, Pacific Network: Seiberling Program, Columbia Network: Aunt Jemima to WABC, WEAN, y WFBL, KOIL, WKBW, W WKRC, WBBM, KMOX, WMAL, WHR, 'WLBW, WC. WFLA (333) Clearwater. NBC System: WEAF, WEEI, WT WHO, 'W WFI, 3 WCAE, WTMJ, W WDAF, KPRC, W WHAS, WSM, WT NBC System: Milady's Musicians WJZ, KDKA, KWK, WHAM, WLW (428)--Cinci, Garden of Music, 9.30 Columbia Network: Sonora Hour to WABC, WOR, WFAN, WNAC, WEAN, WCAO, WIAS, WBBM, WOWO, OX, WIBW, WISN, ~ KMBC WSPD, WHK, WKBW, WLBW, NBC System: Rapid Transit to WEAF, WTIC, WIAR, /RC, WCAE, WCSH, WGY (379,5)--Schenectady, The Joneses NBC System: Maxwell Your to WIZ, vr JWBZ, WBZA, WBAL, WHAM, WIAX, WBAP, WEBC, KOA, KDKA, WIR, KYW, WTMJ, W, _KSD, WHO, WRVA, WDAF, KSTP, KPRC, WHAS, WSM, WBT, Wow 9.45 WPG (272)-- Atlantic J ENRR™: 10,00 CNRR (312)--Regina, Studio program. Columbia Network: Columbians to WABC, WCAU, WFBL, WMAK, WCAO, WJAS, WADC, WGHP, WMAQ, WOWO, KMOX, KMIC, KOIL, WSPD, WHK, WMAL, WBZ (303)--Springhield, Sports; music. NBC System: Halsey Stuart Hour to WEAF, WEE]L = WTIC, WJAR, KVOO, WGY, WTAG, WCAE, WCSH, 'WJ, WFI, WRC, WBT, KSD, . WTMJ, WFAA, KPRC, WOAT, AS, WSB, KYW, KOA, WGR, Ww , WIR (400)--Dettoit, Singing School. WLS (345)--Chicago. Minstrels. NBC System: Sevillans and Cassinelli to WJZ. WPG (272)--Atlantic City, Entertain- ers, 10.30 KYW (294)--Chicago. Bookman; vocal, orchestra. KDKA (306)--Pitts, Penn orchestra, NBC System: Palais dor Orc'hestra to WEAF, WFI, WGR, WWJ, WRVA, WHO, WGY, WTIC, WBZ (303)--Springfield. McEnelly's or- chestra, Columbia Network: Close WABC, WFAN, WNAC, WEAN 'F WCAO, wi , WADC, ; 1G thi , _ WOWO, ., WSPD, WHK, WKBW, T DAT, KSD, wow, WSB, WBT, to City, Boy Scout - CUps to , > System Iso Vis Orchestra to WTMJ, WDAF, KSD, WOW, KS8TP, WHO, NBC System: American Singers WIZ, WKY. 11,00 CNRM (411)--Montreal. Organ; Dance program to CNRO, CNRQ, CNRT, KYW (249)--Chicago. News; orchestra KMOX (275)~-St, uis, News; Amos and Andy. WLW (428)--Cinci. Instrumental; Theis orchestra. WLS - (345)--Chicago. Popular concert (1 hour.) Inc System: Slumber Music to WJZ, C. RC. 11.10 WDAF (492)--Kansas City, Orchestra. WIR (400)--Detroit. News; Orchestra; to organ, 11.15 KTHS (375)--Hot Springs. Dance tunes, specialties, 11.20 WCCO (370)--Mpls. St. Paul Long's orchestra. 11.30 CNRC (434.5)--Calgary. Artists quartet. KFI (468)--Los Angeles, Courtesy pro gram, KGO (379.5)-Oakland. Memory lane. WaGY (379)--Schenectady. Organ to; WHAM. NBC System Park Central orchestra to WEAF, WOW, WHO, WRVA. { 11.45 WDAF (492)--Kansas City. Varied pro- g gram. | WSB (405)--Atlanta. Organ. 12.00 KNX (285.5)--Hollywood. Nature i gram, { Columbia Network: Variety program to} WBBM, WNAC, - WEAN, WGHD, | WCCO, KMBC, KOIL. { KYW (2%4)--Chicago. Fiorito's orches. WENR (345)--Chicago. Variety pro- gam (1 1-4 hours.) /HN (297)--New York. Studio gram, LW (428)--Cinci. Showbox orchestra | Felt Bros. 1 he LEADING JEWELER 12 Simcoe St. South pro- { pro- | WE BUY OLD GOLD AND SILVER and pay the highest price for it. We Repair Anything Bought in a Jewelry Store, ETT'S ON OSHAWA'S MAIN CORNER Orono, Feb, §.--Mr, Harry Cow- an who has been employed in' the General Motors at Oshawa the past year, we understand will work his mother-in-law's farm at Antioch this year. A Mr, W, M., Watson has moved from North Mill street.to the Rain- ey residence, formerly the A. J, Leigh home, Messrs. O, A. Gamsby and Mil- ton Morris attended the concert given by the Westminster Glee Club, under the direction of Ed- ward Bramscombe in Oshawa on Saturday night, This musical or- ganization is conceded to be the gest that has ever visited in Amer- ica, most of their numbers being rendered with a humming accom- paniment, Boy soprano voices were birdlike and the 1aale alto was a marvel. The Scottish bass, Charles Draper, is one ur the best before the public today, It was a musical treat of the season, Mrs, Sarah McPherson, who has been critically ill following a relapse of the flu, is now reported much improved in heath, It was with much regret that word was received here Sunday morning that General John Hughes had suffereda stroke of paralysis at his home in Bowmanville, The latest reports are that he is rest- ing easily and that his condition is very much improved. All hope for a speedy recovery, His daughter, LUMBER F.L. BEECROFT Whitby Lumber and Wood Yard, Phone Oshawa 324 . Whitby 12 'Mrs, Adolph Henry of this village," is assisting at his side, ' It is with pleasure we notige 'that musical talent of this town is welcome into Some of the best musical organizations, The Osha. wa Symphony Orchestra which is attracting wide attention at the present time has four of our peonle playing instruments: Mr. A, A, Drrmmond, violin: Mr. A; J, Knox, 'cello; Miss Dorothy Rowe. 'cello; Mr, W. H, Rowe, bass, This or- chestra is billed to give a concert in the Martin Theatre, Oshawa, Sunday evening next, and sevaral of our citizens have signified their intention of hearing them, At the meeting of the Scarlet Chapter L.0.., District of Clarke, held in the Orange Hall here two candidates were ndver J was a large attendance, twenty charter members with » d team from Oshawa, the latter con- ferring the degree, the work being well done. A lumth and social hour was enjoyed afterwards, An excellent photo of Mr, and Mrs, Alfred Johnson fs shown fn the Toronto Telegram of Janu- ary 17th, and also their sto » at 195 Sorauren avenue, where arm- ed bandits attempted a hold-up, but were compelled to beat a re- treat, Pluck and resourcefulness were shown by both Mr, and Mrs, Johnston, when two gunmen de- manded money at iheir store but were put to flight when Mr, John- ston's cries for assistance brought his wife armed with a piece of iron pipe. Together the elderly couple drove them from the store, One of tha gunmen fired point blank at Mrs, Johnston us she chas- ed him but it was with a blank cartridge, Mr. Johnston called for his gun to repel the thugs, but his wife, unable to get it, quickly re- lied on the iron pipe and used it effectively, Alf is an eld Orono boy, born a short distance north of the town, A Social evening will be held: in the town 1] on the evening of Monday, February 11th, under the auspices of the O,P.A. Admission will be by 1928 or 1929 member ship cards and members are ex- pected to bring thelr ladies, Mem- bership cards may be obtained at the door. The entertainment for the evening will be games and a contest for old time fiddlers resi- dent in the township of Clarke, of at least fifty years of age. The op- era reel, Durang's Hornpipe, or turkey in the straw and any old time waltz, Now is a good time to join this organization, WESTERN RATWAYS CLAIM MANY UNSETTLED LAND DERTS IN U, 8S. . Washington.--The General Land Office, Department of the Interior in an attempt to balance its hooks, has found that, as a hang-over from the United States era of develop- ment of generations ago, the rail- roads of the west that received land grants from the Government to aid in construction work claim areas not yet adjudicated of somewhat more than 26,000,000 acres, an area as big as the State of Kentucky. A staff of experts has heen at work on railroad land grants for decades, but there remains 45 "op- en" grants on which an Infinite amount of detail' work must be done before they can be relegated to the "dead" files along with the 27 sim- ilar grants already "closed." Recently a report has heen pre pared in which an attempt was made to estimate the present situ- ation with regard to these railroad grants, The report reveals various little-known facts of the early road- buildings days. A donation of $85,000 has been made to the medical faculty of Mec- Gill University by the Rockefeller Foundation for surgical research work, , NICHOLLS AND HALLITT Real Estate Insurance ard Loans. Phone 32514 11 King St. East, Oshawa a SE SMILES AND SUNSHINE now be mostly history but its at- tractions are equally inviting though of a different hue, The gold of sunny days and the frostless moonlit evenings now lure the holi- day adventurer to thid land of The gold lure of California may | winter playgrounds, Great sweeps of golden heaches to laze away an afternoon or byways fringed with palm trees for leisurely exploration, Then . there is golfing, owing, | boating, fishing, riding for those so inclined. And to get to Califor-| nia, hoard a de luxe Canadian Pa-! cific train. It leaves Toronto daily | at 9,00 p.m. and traverses a route | unsurpassed in scenic heauty Any Canadian Pacific Agent will | smooth out yeur travel problems | so that you will enjoy a care free! vacation, and will tell you more of the excellent service to this land of sunshine, M. R. Johnson, City Agent, C, P, !R, Oshawa, Ont, | | | | 91 LAUDER ROAD SPECIAL ONE OF OSHAWA'S FIN- FIGURED BUILT BATH -- PEDESTAL BASIN--SUN PORCH, ALL FIRE. PLACE. LOTS OF OTHER EXTRAS, SAVE $1,500.00 FOR A QUICK BUY, Disney Real Estate PHONE 1550 EST HOMES, GUMWOOD TRIM, IN OAK FLOORS. Real Estate 64 KING ST, W, Telephone 572-228 Night Calls 510-1560 Insurance CUTLER & PRESTON D 4% Prince FOR EXCHANGE Wonderful opportunity for the laboring man or invest- 6-roomed exchange, modern, with garage. Very General Motors, with pavement, Will property Price of prop- Renting for or, Beautiful, house for convenient to exchange for to $6,000, erty $4,500. present time monthly, Apply 5 King Street East or Phone 1380 CARTER'S REAL ESTATE HONE' 8 {- 1 ld .C.YOUNG Sti Oshawa, Ont.. CATTLE IN CANADA IN All ada with earliest the founding permanent uj place where "hay has been ut for the cattle". In 1699 the $50 ernor of New plies of beef from: his troops in Europe, '|ELLA CINDERS--Trying to Los: -- By Bill Conselman and Charlie Plumb 1610 , Cattle were introduced into Can- of the settlements, Champlain mentioned having "cut hay for the cattle" in 1610, and a map published in 1613 showed a grown French King in hig despatches to the Gov- France desired the Governor to foster the raising of cattle as he hoped to draw sup- the colony for HERE'S MORE STORY oF Me. XS -- | \ | OF RESPONSIBILITIES DERS OF BLESSING, TOO FOUND ITS Jus Qrervt you sorry for THEN 1 TRIED STOCK SPECULATION, MAKING FANTASTIC, FOOLISH Ll THROW! INVESTMENTS, ING MONEY AWAY--BUT MY -6 Xx! get poor! * him 2? AND CAPITAL BRINGING UP FATHER-- By Geo. McManus LSTEN' DON'T YOUL DO YoU HEAR MET COME DOWN TO THE T WITH THAT BATH: ROBE ON- & BY GoLLY- MAGCIE-) Kin HEAR YOU EVEN WHEN YOL'RE NOT 1% TALKIN MR- IGG WILL BE RIGHT DOWN -HE DUCH A BLSY MANKN- HE DOES 4A LOT OF HID OFFICE WORK AT HOME. - WELL: FOLKS! HERE | AM- WHERE DO ! I'M GOING | TO FAINT- ©1929, Int'l Feature Service, Inc., Great Britain rights reseryed. THE FIRST LITERARY RECORD OF THE USE OF 0.K." IS THAT OF OCTOBER 6, 1790, TOMMY.. UPON ALL APPROVED ACTS OR DOCUMENTS HAS PUZZLED PHIUOLOGISTS FOR NEARLY |_A CENTURY AND 15 STILL UNSOLVED. FIRST RECORD OF 0. USED It THE DATED OCT.6,1790. THE RECORDS SHOW THAT ANDREY JACKSON £5Q. "PROVED A BILL OF SALE FROM HUGH) MEGARY TO GASPER MANSKER FOR A NEGRO MAN, WHICH WAS O.K, WELL, OC MAY PUZZLE PHILOLOGISTS BUT THAT WORD PHILOLOGIST 15 WHAT PUZZLES ME, THE DICTIONARY SAYS IT 15, "ONE DEVOTED T0 PHILOLOGY." IT WOULD TILLIE THE TOILER--Perhaps She's Looking for a Clae L-- I'M GOING SIiCis ~ THE Poor \ KAD! SHE'S VORRIED THESE FLOWERS 'Ll. VM GLAD You CROPPED IN, MAC - THAT RITZOFFE PERSON RANG LP TILLIE AND SHE WENT OUT

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