Oshawa Daily Times, 28 Jan 1929, p. 5

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PAGE FIVE THE OSHAWA DAILY TIMES, MONDAY, JANUARY 28, 1929 -- il fi 1 ) ) ' : : + I Women's Interests in the 0 the Community | y Ee ese =z2= === = E gs . » RTE Tn RE SR ER = === = Ease 3 EE) = i Ea i aa a ae rE 3 = Es RN NR - -- coco ae... a ev. offe . . i The W % C "NICHT WI' BURNS" --_ N.Y. Millionaire is Sentenced 3 . e Women's Corner i - - Social and Personal - - To Shovel Coal For Speeding * * * ; * wo . . The Times invites the co-operation of its readers in New York, Jan. 35.--DBecause or en er Auschach vas one 7 -- mother of e © ren-- 00 u For Anything of Interest to contributing items to this column, Send in a postcard ||| te 0 CIE, oO speeding | charged With speeding and like of ted the Homemaker and the Housekeeper Entertainment of Scottish||| or telephone 35. Automobile, the untort unten IL te | 1 felt" Ewald said tonday, "th li- : N ombs prison last night were bein ' s -- ature at Home of Mr, and % b ol. [the best way to stop speeding was of . ept warm by a millionaire shove g | . to humiliate the offenders, I decid- hat : AN INTRODUCTION ment with twenty cents and the pat: n- t Il spend the winter |ing coal, of tem WH 16 Shi directly to You. Mra. J. MacFarlane Ee ih friends [moaths. They wil he joined by | The millionaire is Dewey Auer- (ed to put them in Jail, Toa often ue- With today's issue of The Oshawa | It will take time to make this page . : v 8 zon aturday Ww Mo Bailes on the first of March, |back candy manufacturer. when they are fined, it means Daily Times the women's page takes | reach the ideal at which we aim and 0 Wa " : " in the city. . '|" He finished the first day of his [nothing to them. They pay it and i 'A Nicht wi' Burns" was thorough- v4 9 #ho will remain in California for > : and do it in." act on a new form, Starting with this |it Will be attained only with the co- ly enjoyed by a large party which| Mrs, A, L, Pascoe of Solina is [th th of March two day sentence in jail for speed- |80 away and do it again, - nt page, it will be tho endeavour of |2Peration of all the women who read y en eyed dy 8 hig party aie rs, A, L, ase © o ia e mon bid bLai ing late yesterday afternoon and his he Hl a this page, It would help in the pro- WES EnierAine Be home OI Ki |e guest of her nelce, Mrs, Gibson, friends of Miss Made- [Pack was aching from it all. He by j 8 newspaper to provide a page of | gress of this page if every organiza and Mrs. James Mactariane, Alexander Boulevard. The many friends of Miss had Ehovaled 1 ell. dav. The da Woman Trips on 8kirt and Falls. he J Paramount interest to its Women tion, the activities of which are son Road, on Friday night, al) of the WEE line Kelly, Division street, will| oid is yg Bs oh fire --Headline, Phe must have Fn us : Sealers Srogresa sau never § made printed on this page, would appoint Na} Meompaiments wa Sums Mr. Willlam Orchard of Delisle, | regret 2 hea? of der Sdden Je he ont wh dons and cell{valking on her kieef~ Arkansas | 3 J a press secretary, who will be re- : v , | ness, ss- Kelly has been take 1 be that a fest oie elfora Jay ol 2 nails for ai or recelving the Rae Draughi iu by Jolin Jeld, Piper gn yi i Mr. en to St. Michael's Hospital, Toronto, a ae hindi Ewald picks Gazette, See | 4 accounts of the meetings or ial h , n tion | .° yt > oh del as we would like them to be, activities. The Bi Ings OF (Soca) while the, halruan of the Syening Masson street, = Wiete She Inderwent #1 operas el uw bit mornig Paper Jere We wouldn't: mind dodging | t i8 our desire, however, to present | also asked t ir recited "The ress to a Haggis, wR TR, sly Thy if y rou rea J hy to the women readers of The Times [promptly § I en J tee Tepons Mr. Campbell also paid an eloguent| Mr. M. McIntyre Hood spent the | in Toronto today with her daugh-|goman killed by a speeder, and of ining Sa.Bch ir the drivers would be a page that will be truly their own |thejy accounts the day following the tribute to the worth and the work of | week-end in Toronto visiting his [oT es % eight children left without her care. Stop giving us such dirty looks.-- ~--a page to which they can turn for | meeting, News, which is published Robert Burns as the interpreter of {gon Angus M. Hood, Upper Cana- : ¥ : It enraged hinm itchener Record, ei assistance and inspiration, for the|ihpee or four days after the day of Scottish life and character, da College. The Friendship Fireside Gather- " news of their own and their neigh-|the occurrence, may he of interest to Following supper, an excellent pro- a ing of Simcoe street United church, bour's activities, and for the report- | {, gram was presented, the songs: of Wi which was held last evening in the ot a the organization concerned but is not B bel Notanal Necture Mrs, J. Saylor and daughter, h nt ing of the achievements, alms and |of gy great interest to other people, une belig Suistand Bg Ia TO, | ol To a thE aets | Sunday school room after the ser- gr purposes of the many splendid wo- go we would appreciate prompt ac- Mrs. I larke opened the program me Re aad cont vice, was well-attended. The pro- fy men's organizations in the Oshawa |gounts of the various meetings. with, There was a Lad was orn (of the 3 era kL, Bell, si ' {gram was in charge of groups of Ie A district, In regard to the "Sogial and Per- in Kyle," which ag received Li Mr, and Mrs, A, W. Bell, Simcoe |} "canadian Girls in Training, and le In order to make this page & Suc: |gonal" column we again ask your ; Pa loud applause, and Mrs, ames pas street north, consisted of group songs and & aL cess it is necessary to receive the co- |help, It is impossible for us to know Farlane sang very sweetly, The iy "5 story of the Holy Crail told by ~ ff operation of all the women readers. |of gvery stranger in a city, which is Rig" Other singers who sonts | Mr, Russell Wiginton, Richmond | gleanor Fleming. Refreshments a { § If there is a cooking problem which | a5 Jarge and as progressive as the buted to the program were Pete} street, has returned from spending | were served. ot Is troubling you or a choice recipe | city of Oshawa, so if you have a Gow, Billie Glen, Joi Saipbel # a week in-Montreal--where he was De hla 44 you would like to see published, a gyest, telephone 35 and ask for the David McDowell, The dances, in wending the Motor SHOW. : t card or letter addressed to the page | gocial column, There may b keeping with the occasion, were most- | attending the Motor ' A pleasant evening was spent a I will receive close attention and Wwe | friend of ini Whi A y Ro i ly old Scottish favorites, including rr the home of Mr, and Mrs, F, Swith- 4 will do our utmost to help you with | the city and would like very much to the eightsome reel, highland Scot-| Rev, W, T. Gunn, DD., Modera- | enbank, on Saturday evening, when ¥ your problem, If a request is sent|ges your visitor and will learn of \ tische, quadrilles and waltzes, accom- | tor of the United Church of Cana- Miss Edith Swithenbank entertain- 4 out for a recipe, which one of our ger or his presence in the city only panied on the accordeon by Billy |da, was the guest of Mr, and Mrs. |ed a number of her friends, Miss a readers desire, or for an answer to through the Social and Personal Myles. The piper, Hector Cametal 0. M. Alger, Simcoe street north, Joyce Edgar played a piano solo, a household problem, we would ap-|column. Accounts of dinner parties also entertained by playing old 8cot-| qyuring hig stay in the city. George Holt contributed a comie A tish marches and strathspeys, x 4 8 reading and James Pickup also en- cipe for the article desired or their answer to the problem. The fashion plates will appear daily and if there is one which appeals to you it may be purchased by sending your name and address to the Pattern Depart- preciate the co-operation of the read-|and dances will also be appreciated, ers in sending in their particular re- In short, we ask you to help us in ; 1 every branch of the activities and interests of women in the city and province, sn that the Oshawa Daily Times may boast of a page, which is not written by one or two persons but by every weman reader, | i All present thoroughly enjoyed the occasion, and al the close expressed sincere thanks to Mr, and Mrs. James Macfarlane and Mr. and Mrs. John Reid for the hospitality shown and the splendid entertainment pro- Those who attended were Mr, and | Mrs. J. MacFarlane, Mr. and Mrs. | John Reid, Mr, and Mrs. Peter Gow, Coulson, Hilleroft street, réeturred on Saturday from | was served by the hostess, follow- where she was attend- 'ing the funeral of her sister, the late Mrs, L. C. Daugherty of Mont- vided for the Burns' anniversary. | real, Mrs, Fred Bailes apd son, Don- ald, Simcoe street south, left Sat- tertained with a reading. Supper ing which all joined 1n commun:ty singing, The invited guests in- cluded: Irma Rutledge, Joyce Ed- gar, Edith Swithenbank, Jean An- i derson, Jack Lowrey, James Pick- up, Doore Peacock, Warren Holt, Aubrey Thompson, George Holt the hospital board, received the 3 rh dis 4 ic y selon: tt 1. . 4 J (UEEN 1AYS STONE Queen, SIMULATES TWO-PIECE MODE »- 2nd rs. Wiliams, Mr. and Mrs urday for Los Angeles, California, and Kelvin Edgar, § PLY] "Our Thankfulness to Your Ma- 1ar4e, Ar, hrs. a : » gai The popular tweed dress in cop- | Mr. B. Glen, Mr. B, Boyd, Mr. T, jesty is all the greater," said Prince eo Os J Mr ) d , Arthur, "because we sincerely trust |Pery red toves, that simulates a Cleland, Mr. Hector Cameron, Mt. of hot water for an hour or so and J we may 'accept your presence here [two-piece model with shapeq hip- Dayid McDowell, i I will be freshened. This makes it un- 4 as a sign of better hope for the com- | yoke and belted waistline. Cluster Mr. W alter Campbel), " gh 2 necessal'y to gend the dress out to be J w---- plete recovery of His Majesty the |plaits at center-front of skirt, com- Williams, Miss K. Anson, Miss ©. presged, : Receives U 1 QGift| King." Prince Arthur added a refer- | bine with center-closing bodice Marshall, Miss B. Mackie and Mrs, pe £.% ¥ : V en BUS 1 ence to the help given the building | with button-trim, to vais, way ver-| 1' Bouckley. Lo ints For A tasty sandwich is made by plac from ihe Cousin of of the nurses' home by an anonymous | tical line, The fronts of bodice | EE -- arass d ing eheese sen iid Jess of . donor, who also invited the Queen |are rolled, forming revers, Note ) A TY e read and t adin gp on King Gong to ecept barber surgeon's bowt of ina turn-back area cutis ot dare: | PANATE PIRTVIS Seuvives ||| sma pisc of butter in the trying merrsme silver, date » B3 4 2 °L| titteq sleeves, and shaped inset | d a 4 wi sidad fon London, Jan. 28, -- Under the [the occasion, He il Fei a ie at | ouseww pan and fry the sandwich, This ssible conditions id ti tone, but x A ig af makes the bread similar to French quietest possible conditions, Queen| The Queen duly laid the stone, in sizes 18, 18, 20 46. 3% A i ! ! F yi i e i S ilingly ac- 5 4 ' years, us, #3, toast and at the same time melts Mary last week laid the foundation [made no speech. She smilingly po 40 and 42 inches bust, and is made the cheese. stone of the new nurses' home of the | cepted the antique gift. Her Majesty . A : 4 Cn Middlesex Hospital, While Her |looked extremely well, She wore a| With 3 1-8 yards of 40-inch mater- A Recipe which bas Appesled to ue ¥ Majesty's route was not announced [long sealskin coat trimmed with fal wih Lz Yass ot S6-Ineh go. : & Many is the Following for Mn Selicinus Sunacy Right supper p ved @ y y tificial pink roses on -inch bust, at- ' . : u.ierscol; 8 is nay be ma 3 ating 25 ee | am ape. at, PI TOSC% 8 iormed wool forsey with piain for. |Ledy Diana Manners Spon: pine wri puns with good pastry, land conned peas together in a bowl. London, The fact that the direct i -- sey, black wool jersey seli-trim- | gape an Unusual Type of |and fill with filling made as follows: Fry and serve on toast, road from Buckingham Palace to the JES med, light npavy blue velveteen, PR 1 cup brown sugar, 1 egg, 1 teaspoon hospital took the Queen through MY KITCHE} printed rayon velvet in subdued Entertaining SECRETARY IS GIVEN many of the city's busy shopping -- . wine-red tones, dull silk crepe in - ed a of centres made the popular demon |T love the gay bine chira clock |mahogany brown with marching : > a silk or velvet dress i sed| SPLENDID POSITION AT : : This was only the second public | And hanging near, the mirror, t00, land bone buttons, and new light | outstanding interest was the Pirate grees a i I nd oreF » P LGLTD 10 DOWNING STREET engagement the Queen has under-! That tries to flirt with me. green homespun are strikingly |ond Buccaneer fancy dress party ¢ 8 taken since the King's iinges hesame smart and wearab'~. Pattern price | Eiven by Lady Diana Mopners, fag -- grave. The first was the unveiling ups pecs bright lish actress, aboard the 1-West, aM ith r * e ETA S Torr Tol War mera! 1 I oye the £upe and oi idl g 20 cents in stamps or coin (coin is i a to Captain Fitz-Patrick. |} London, Jan. 26. Miss Judit! Washing your stock- ; seamen of the Merchant-Marine who! , That Pere : Rbom 35 ol tna prelsrred). Wrap coln carefully, 10, "in ihe eariy evening the Mid- Jackeon, private sec retary Jor some more t n ings wiih unknown " Ti, 70. n ue stripe bow, 3 © suggest that when you send 0 A aj" : é . time to the Duke o tholl, has G ar, di- y Xk by Ms Ben ; Jost Hiei; Lives 1a lie w ¥, IG row, i for this pattern you enclose 10c Wem wos altanied i Y Major Ben : ' ' been appointed private secretary to soaps (whether flakes, Their Majesties' cousin, Prince| I put them there myself. 2431 ional fof a Sopy of our wie ter from Major Benson's Pioneer. Constipation Ms. BEI ron 10 Dovyink ' chips, or cakes) may rthur of Connaught, as chairman of . agazine, showing all | giyrockets and red flares added a p i street. iH A i . I love the glint of snowy sink, the most attractive Paris styles. Be or to the "fight" Later|]| A prominent physician of been relinquished by Lady Water- twice do more than weeks of The cabinet filled with spice, |Also embroidery and interesting |the party, numbering forty, sailed to Batiie Cycek, Mich, BAYS. house, for her husband, Lt.-Col. hard, everyday use to RR, And 21] the sturdy pots and pans |jdeas you can make, Munson's Beach, where supper ta- *Constipation 1s a diseast Ronald Waterhouse, who was for- | weaken delicate silk CIAL VALUES Phat ook our food £0 Bice, HlibwiaIioiuiit bles were spread under palm of civilization. Wild men merly private secretary to Prem- . > h SPECIA BAA bbb dd % | (hatehed huts lighted by red flares. [|| amd wild animals do mot }ijo.jor Stanley Baldwin, Rt. Hon. as n or chiffon fibres, to [ in Ladies' Coats and I love the oilcloth on the floor % | Native musicians sang during the suffer. from this malady, |} Ramsay Macdonald and the late pull threads, start a Dresses, at the Linoleum, ore should say-- PATTERN PURCHASE % | supper and dancing in the palm- which is responsible for Andrew Bonar Law, and at ome --to fad 1 n FASHION SHOPPE It's blocks of tile so shining are COUPON % | thatched pavilion followed. | more misery tham any other |} (ime equerry to the Duke of York, Fing==10 lace col0I%, b If only clean they'd stay. To The Oshaws Daily Times +] Lady Diana appeared as a glorl-{}| single cause." has joined the hoard of the Cana- For many soaps contain harmful alkali 1 84 Simcoe 5t. 5. Oshawa Pattern Department %|fed pirate with skull and cross The research laboratories og General Investment Trust hich inj y d he te fabrics and col y I love the smooth, enamelled stove, Oshawa. Ont. % | bones on her red and black suit. She of the United Drug Com- Vtinour wie. Tor some which injures delicate fabrics and Colors. : S = WHDout it we igh! gare util oo. CODIS. WE a a South Sea pany have developed a tab- |}| time secretary to the Duchess of Lux is safe! Lux has no harmful alkali, f : The ice box, too, good, faithfu Please send rns listed be + | let which a tracts water York. : y canal t friend, low; Bane 4 Jeiand me B +g Sone | from the system into the | Miss Jackson before sho be- nothing to harm even the sheerest, wisplest $ Wherein there's meat to carve. sosses BlZ@ ,000sns. BO Ee pres and Mrs. Newell {|| dry, lazy evacuating howe! came secretary io the Duke of thread, the palest flesh or champagne color, 0 I love the ruffled curtains shite, sessss 8126 20ssesss £1 Ward were beachcombers, and Miss This fluid softens and Atholl was secretary to Lady As- Because Lux is so safe, stockings washed in p i The painted chairs and stool % | Rosemary Ward a fascinating pirate loosens the sluggish food tor.Like Lady Waterhouse she or- Li dooki ha eas) ". e : le That close beside the table sit-. Z| in red and blue with gold earrings. waste and causes a gentle, iginally belonged to Northallerton. ux stay new-looking more than twice as long! q : Our alcove's dim and cool. N HN z Coptain FitzPatrick ore a red hii | complete evacuation, id] Her Sather is prospective Jiveral Save your stockings with Lux! Buy it in the b ASNEY-COTT - 11 tore my mitcticn, every juci~ Dr a i tert poner Rexoll Orderlies = []'cocdidste fo} the South lejdcn regular size or large-size blue box. Lux is . AMBULANCE I sing it songs so op x comber. 2 Kastan wis a. Dlstor (The Ame. of use wou- | son, who is iu her 30th year, did never sold loose, by the pound. And with ¥ ; iii! And best of all, I love ean assa -14 derf i id : ; : i . i 87 Cetita ui, Phohe 1082 | Srnen it charms your ceres away. |£ Provinee sesssssscsssssssssss %| esque buccaneer and Mr. and Mrs. | 25 Some mar work With the NLA, genuine Lux you are sure of extra wear! FS - 18 ' - » - po » . Price, 20 cents each. Send % Conde Nast ¥, ere oyhere In approp i Cc typist with the League of Nations *Every musical show in New York uses Lux in [1] I Jove to See your {ised yO stamps or coin. Wrap coin + | Pkg. of 24 Union at Geneva, where she was washing the hosiery worn by its choruses. By ght up ome carefully. + i Sold only at nearly three years. She was with actual experience, the producers found that with I love the way your Rose says 4 Five men seized a New York Lord Cecil when he was taking Lax, hosiery od Nik A 1g Gore " ! b f y x, hosiery stayed like new twice as long! Gave " rio " truck containing $4,000 worth of " part in the League of Nations dis- 1 ey | Bet dinner's nearly done! hosiery and wé can't help wonder- cussion. When the Labor govern- Ice as Y pe esr i a hE Emile Tourer I to N 2 ing if -- maybe =. ticle ake hire REX STORES ment came into office she con- 2 i. 5.» ove the way my s ou rave New Bruns- | daughters in New York who w THE ALL tinued her secretarial work under ren't 1 When you, dear, brew our tea-- |wick by auto from the United | have "enough stockings" for a King E. Simcoe 8. [Ml Lord Parmoor and remained with If it isn't in the blue box i isnt Lux Woman Strengthened by 1t breathes the benediction true: |States during 1928 was 37 percent. | year or so. -- New York Evening i Phone 28 Phone 68 Sir Austen Chamberlain when he Taking Lydia E. "God bless us, thee and me!" |greater than in 1927. World. J ee. __W| took over. Lever Brothers Limited, Toronto. L923 " » . Pinkham's Vegetable EDNA ALICE BOYD. f Port Colborne, Ont.--"After having an operation, I was very miserable, MADE AS SMOKE | ang SEEPS INTO CHURCH | ---- Ottawa, Jan. 28.--More than one | 8 E ) thousand persons attending the 10 Ero D> yov Op Wi 1 o'clock Mass at St. Patrick's Ro- T Bove? vou BAD AND : man Catholic Church here vester- day morning, made an orderly exit when smoke seeped into the edifice following an outbreak of fire in the rectory. The church was in no way dam- aged. Damage to the rectory was practically confined to the base- ment where a smudge from an ofl burner caused the outbreak. Loss is placed at $3,000. Mass was be'ng celebrated by Rev. Father J. J. Macdonald of Summerside, P.E.I., when the fire SPECIAL Al U broke out. Rev. Canon G. Fitzger- gs ee y ES ald, parish priest, stated that he in Ladies els and did not consider the church in dan- Dresses ~er, but counselled those present " TT -------- : * 3 Te PREIVE ComF T AS THE VEN THE CORNER THE 5 ONFY STOLE McTHER LWBBARD'S Dod i Doll ProMISES Te £ : Jus xm ™e "l AND TMERE WAS A CUTE LATTAS MenKEY 7 : SHOPP; to leave in the interest of s-fety. » ' FASHION a The parishioners filed out while Boyz Md Boil y and BefBY ScolD¥im AND WE SAYS HE woNT STEAL » BoNE BEAR GAY Msi 84 Simcoe St. 5. Oshawe Father Macdonald continued the | PLayisc A Rao NoGRAPH 1-2 ------ cclebration of the Mass. From - yr Vail. TME NEXT Time ® 1920. Ving Features Syndicate, n°, Great Briain rights coserond,

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