Oshawa Daily Times, 25 Jan 1929, p. 8

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PALE BIX I'HE OSHAWA DAILY TIiMeS, THURSDAY, JANUARY 24, 1929 Woman's Daily Interest SOCIAL and PERSONAL eolumn, Send in a postcard = 'or phone 35. The Governor-General! and Vis- pountess Willingdon are holding a tate drawing room on February 5. * * wx Mr, S. H. Everson has returned from a business trip to New York and Montreal. *® LJ Mr, Reginald Dawson, who has been spending the past two weeks In the city, has returned to his home in Desertonto. * * ® Mr. W, R, Thomson of Toronto was the guest of Mr ,and Mrs, John Craig, Victoria Apartments, last pvening for the Little Theatre presentations, of which Mr, Craig was director, w * » Colonel and Mrs, Frank Chappell, Connaught street, had as their guests on Tuesday evening for the opening night of the Little Theatre plays, Mr. and Mrs, J. P. Owens of Poronto and Mr, and Mrs, Babbitt of Toronto. ToS a A, R. Hamilton, Athol street east, is attending the fif- leenth annual convention of the Presbyterial, which is being held in the Victoria Presbyterian church, Toronto, as a representative of Knox Presbyterian church, Mrs, Hamilton will be in Toronto at the convention today and tomor- row, Mrs, * ¥ % Holy Trinity Church choir supper was held Thursday evening at "Duska" The Newest Toilet Creations : A new odour created by a master perfumer, which has been acknowledged country- wide as the most distinctive in character, It is the per- fume of mystery, of ro. mance, of bewitchery, of delicacy, It is elusive, yet its fragrance lingers, The "Duska" line is complete; it [ ins every tial for keeping the complexion clear and the skin youthful. Face Powder .. ....$1.00 Toilet Water ..,, ..8$2.50 Bath Salts .... ....$1.25 Talcum ,.....o sos: 85 Bath Powder ..., ..$1.50 Compact .... .....81.25 Foundation Cream .. .75 Lipstick ,... ..s00. 50 BOBD s+ +550: 25 Bouge ',..... .,::ss 863 Perfume, 1-4 0z, ... .75 For Sale Only at JURY & LOVELL'S THE REXALL STORES King E, Simcoe 8. Phone 28 Phone 68 SPECIAL VALUES | in Ladies' Coats and . Dresses, at the FASHION SHOPPE L Simcoe St. S. Oshawa i inent personages in fairs, but probably no first lady in . - EE ---- Welsh's parlors. after supper .the evening was spent in singing and short addresses, Rev, 8. Jarett was host of the party. on» The Ontario Temple No, 1 of the Pythian Sisters held their regular meeting last evening with Sister Iva Cliff," Most Excellent Chief, convening, Three new members were initiated into the degree. The officers, degree staff and degree captain, Sister Mabel Cunningham, were complimented on the excel- lent manner in which they exemp- lified the degree. LAST BIG FUNCTION FOR HS. COOLIDGE Army and Navy Reception First Lady's Final Major Affair Washington, Jan, 25. -- When Mrs. Coolidge quits the White House she will leave a record as hostess that succeeding White House mistresses will find diffi- cult to emulate. She will preside at her last ma- jor White House fitnction tonight, when, with President Coolidge, she receives at the army and navy re- | ception, the most colorful event on the presidential social calendar, Mrs, Collidge's finesse and charm durng her reign as arbiter of the capital's social life have made her comparable, in the opinion of many, to Dolly Madison, generally | referred to as the ultimate in White House social management -- yet) tragedy has added its bitter touch through the years. small Receptions She has added to her own popu- larty, as well as given an intimate touch to White House hospitality during the Coolidge Administra- tion, by holding small receptions, teas and musicals, sometimes sev- eral a week in the historical east room, Continuing the custom started after the Taft Administration, the Coolidges do mnot serve food at their receptions, Cake and wine were served guests by President and Mrs. John Quincy Adams. The Jacksons served cheese, which uncouth guests trampled into the upholstery of the east room furni- ture, William Henry Harrison had such pride in the White House cuisine that he himself went to market, basket on arm, and per- sonally made his selections, Mrs. Lincoln, too, prided herseit on her kitchen, The menu at Lincoln's in- augural ball included cakes, orna- mental forms of jelly, ices, char- lotte russe, game, fowl, terrapin, and oysters. Charming Habit Though the Government supplies her with a social secretary, Mrs. Coolidge has the charming habit of answering personally the greater part of her corespondence. Mrs. Coolidge gained the sympa- thy of the entire nation when in 1924 her younger son, Calyin, Junior, died. Her health has not been robust since and many times she has been compelled to forego social engagements, However, when she did appear it was always with her same charm. Washington's whispering gallery is not noted for being kind to em- national af- recent times has had such univerial sympathy and admiration as Mrs. Coolidge. She ends her White House reign without having per- mitted ady social cliques to devel- op in White House social activities, and she has balanced her friend- ships so that there never has been the slightest whisper of favoritism. Hats ina Wide Variety and $1.98 The smartest styles and the most popular colors are represented in this attractive group of felts, velvets and metallic hats, All are tr ins see ..98c and $1.98 reduced for quick clearance to ' Full Fashioned, First Quality Silk Hose $1.29---$1.39 A real buy! Every pair perfect and in the newest shades. All sizes. Square heel, Reg. $1.50 to clear at .. Pointed heel, Reg. $1.65, to clear at .. SILK AND WOOL HOSE--89¢ Very serviceable and good-looking are these first quality silk and wool hose. In every shade and size, Reg. to $1.25 to clear at he scsannn ...51.29 | cea 8189. | I Sr sans ser sssasenste, 80C a | RUSSIAN PRINCE TO WED WEALTHY WIDOW New York, Jan. 26--Mrs. Allene C. Tew Burchard, wealthy widow of New York and Paris, is to marry Prince Henry XXXIII of Reuss, a member of one of Europe's oldest reigning houses. Mrs. Burchard inherited an es- tate of $3,000,000 on the death of her husband, Anson Wood Burch- ard, vice-chairman of the General Electric Company, in 1927, She is now in Egypt and has chartered a Nouseboat on which she will be hos- tess to the Prince and five friends on an extended cruise on the Nie, Announcement of the engagement was cabled to friends. It will be her third marriage. YOUTH--GRACE The youthful draped silhouette has entered the daytime mode as il- lustrated in novelty silk crepe in combination with plain silk crepe in Style No 348. The scalloped treatment is latest vogue or Paris in dresses of semi-sports charac- ter, that are so entirely serviceable, The swathed hipline makes it es- pecially suitable for woman of av- erage full figure, It is very effec- tive, too, in printed rayon velvet, lustrous crepe satin, canton-faille crepe, crepe Romaine, plain trans- parent velvet and wool crepe. It is designed in sizes 16 18, 20 years, 36, 38, 40 and 42 inches bust. For the 36-inch isze, 3 1-4 yards of 40- inch material with 7-8 yard of 27- inch contrasting is sufficent to copy it exactly, Pattern price 20 cents in stamps or coin (coin is prefer- red). Wrap coin carefully. We suggest that when you send for this pattern you enclose 10 cents additional for a copy of our Win- ter Fashion Magazine, showing all the most attractive Paris styles. Also embroidery and interesting ideas you can make, 000% 0% e220 ete ofesle ole etoslontes sel ontuntents fod. CCC ol a SS a PATTERN PURCHASE COUPON To The Oshawa Daily Times Pattern Department Oshawa, Ont. Enclosed find .......... cents, Please send patterns listed be w: ss0vssessssssses 8120 s.000.., dodged tls ol sesseses BIZO s0vssnss ess sesssssssssnsnsnse PrOVIRED soesrsnssssrssssisss Price, 20 cents each. Send stamps or coin. Wrap coin carefully. CORR AA a a a Se Jae Sh Se a0 at Sa Ja Sa SNe SRS IS XBR Sel eedorderforfordonlosfenforforfenordonfenordenforfortentondents Collegiate Chatter Hockey Victory Tuesday afternoon saw the local Interscholastic Hockey League get under way, when the O.C.I. de- feated Port Perry High School in Burns' Arena, Whitby, by a score of 4-0. The loacl lads, considering the fact that this was the first time on the ice together, presented a smart fast-checking team and kept the Port Perry team continu- ally bottled up, giving them little chance to score, After 10 minutes = of real fast play in the first period, Fletcher broke through the Port's defence and scored O.C.I.'s first tally. Be- fore the period ended, Fletcher again counted, following a nice ex- hibition of 'stick handling. The second period was considerably closer than the first, both teams checking hard. Port Perry shot from outside the Oshawa defence consistently, but were held score- less, while Evans with a nice shot from close in added one more .to the O.C.L.'s total. The Scugog town lads were de- termined not to be blanked ana played 4 men up for the whole ¢ the last 20 minutes without suc- cess. Green's goal in the las. frame was the final tally, thus tht game ended 4-0 for the 0.c.7 The play was fast and clean, very few penalties being handed out. The Line up: 0.C.1.----Goal, Daniels; defence, Green and Irwin; centre, Evans; wings, Fletcher and Peterson; al- ternates, Hazelwood, Deymran and Campbell, Fletcher Injured George "Beer'"' Fletcher, captain of the 0.C.I. ffbckey team, ran into some tough luck during the game with Port Perry on Tuesday. . He ran into somebody's stick with the result that he is now minus two teeth. To make it seem worse the accident happened with about two minutes of play left. To a certain extent one can understand "Beer's" condition and can feel sorry for him. Basketball A win for the O.C.I. seniors and a loss for the juniors were the re- sults of the basketball games with Scarboro in the school gym last Friday. The juniors have now a win and a loss to their credit In the league, while the seniors have cne win, their first game two weeks ago with Vaughan Road, being only an exhibition tussle. Today the boys' teams travel to East York high school, for their games with the junior and senior teams respectively, of the school. The lad's have the benefit of an- other week's practice, and are pre- pared to bring home from East York a 100 per cent victory. The girls' senior basketball team lost to Scarboro last Friday afternoon, 48-38. The girls' team which is composed, with one excep- tion, of new recruits, is improving steadily with time, the score of their last game with Scarboro, com- pared to that of their first will prove that statement, East York girls are the guests of the O.C.I. team today. This will be the first meeting of these two teams and some sort of a surprise is' expected. It is understood that the referee for the game is to be Miss Thomas. Many will remem- ber Miss Thomas when she was girls' physical instructress of the 0.C.I. a few years ago. Jerry Bradd, of Form 4B, who has been very {11 with pneumonia, is nearly himself again and is ex- = SIMCOE ST. NORTH thats any 29 Simcoe St. N. Phone 227 Diamonds! Bassett's On Oshawa's Main Corner i |sembly, pected to be back at school before long. Address by Miss Duft At the Wednesday morning as- following the announce- ments, the student body was ad- dressed by Miss Duff, representing the W.C.T.U. of Canada. Miss Duff who has been speaking in all the Oshawa schools, dealt briefly on the subjects of Alcohol and Tobac- co. Her important message, made interesting by stories of personas experience in her work, illustratiy charts and humor, was very atten- tively received by the students, A Famous 0.C.I, Boy The Oshawa Collegiate has rea son to be proud of Wilson Clark, who has made a name for himsell in Canadian aviation, Wilson Clark is a well-known former pu- pil of the O.C.I., having established a record for himself in all school athletics as well as in junior O.H. A. hockey. The case of Wilson Clark who received such a write up in Wednesday's "Times" ar- fords an example of the stuff that boys from the O.C.I. are made of. The presentation of three one- act plays by members of the 0.u.1. staff dramatic club is expected about the 14th and 15th of Febru- ary. The program will include the following three plays by populan writers. "Autumn Blooming." writien by Fred Jacob, who was formerly dra- matic critic of The Mail and Em. pire, Toronto; '""The Bishop's Can- dlesticks," written by Norman Mec- Kinnel, The Title of this playlette may suggest its source--RHRugus "Les Miserables." Brothers-In-Arms," the 'scene of this play is laid in Hastings coun- ty, the home of its writer, Merrell Denison, and is a super comedy to say the least. It is the desire of the club to in- troduce, and emphasize Canadian drama, hence the reason for the first and third of the above men- tioned plays being strictly Cana- dlan, Considerable effort is being put forth by members of the club to make this first offering an out- standing success. At present the installation of the curtains and new stage equipment is being com- pleted. ISLAND OF ROTUMA Suva, Fiji, Jan. 25.--Broncho- Island cf Rotuma, except two Euro- peans and 50 Fijians, There have been 31 deaths said information re- ceived here. The epidenric is de- creasing. pneumonic influenza has affected | RYMNS. all of the 2,300 inhabitants of the the happenings of the pioneer days, PORT HOPE WOMAN CELEBRATES HER |00TH BIRTHDAY Port Hope, Jan. 25.---8till able to be about her home at Church and Baldwin streets here, Mrs. Eli Maybee will celebrate her 100th birthday today. At her centennial celebration, many friends and rel- atives came to congratulate her and Port Hope's oldest resident was also remembered by telegrams and other messages from a wide circle of friends. Is Hale and Hearty Mrs, Maybee is hale and hearty and is able to be around her home every day, but is somewhat han- dicapped by failing sight, She had a severe attack of grippe two years ago, which weakened her considerably, but she has gained health to a great extent, so that she is remarkably well for her ad- vanced years, : Mrs. Maybee was born in ¥rince Edward county in 1829, and came here a bride of 16. She resided in Hamilton township for eighteen years, the first nine years in a log cabin, Before coming to Port Hope, the family "lived for five years at Dale, just to the north. Mrs, Maybee went to school with the late Senator William Kerr, father of Crown Attorney W. F. Kerr, K.C.,, of Cobourg. Has Many Descendants Mrs. Maybee has a great line of descendants, but out of the original family only three survive. Her husband predeceased her in 1894, and only three out of the eight children remain, They are vr, W. J. Maybee of Richmond, va.,; Mrs. W. J, Harns and Miss Victoria, the youngest daughter, at home. Be- sides the three children, there are eleven grandchildren, thirty-one great grandchildren and five great- great-grandchildren. Mrs. Maybee has been a Meth- | odist all her life, and besides taking an active interest in the work, was an attendant at church until the SWEPT BY SCOURGE last twelve years, Mrs, Mayhee likes to sit in her rocking chair and sing favorite She clearly remembers ---- Mr. E. 8. Percie Maybee, Simcoe street north, is a nephew of Mrs. Eli Maybee, 7 a Announcing A NEW SPARTON EQUASONNE FOR ONLY $2660 mame ... & genuine delighted wit if only to listen. [= DON Sra. COMPLETE WITH TUBES Worthy of its distinguished i parton EQUASONNE, with the "Rich- est of Radio Voices" that has captivated the entire world. The purity and richness of its mag- nificent tone will be a thrill you will never forget. You will be this beautiful console cabinet and its incom- parable reception, Visit us... The New SPARTON Model 930 with DYNAMIC Speaker { Dealer's Signature} SPARTON RADIO "The Pathfinder of the Air" Luke Furniture Co. Radio Department ona] Try this flavoury blend when nextyouordertea 'Fresh from the gardens' Watch the Suds Pile Up Swish a cake of Sunlight Soap through a tub of water a few times and watch the rich suds pile up, Unlike other soaps Sunlight dissolves freely and goes to work at once, Its pure solution thoroughly cleanses more clothes--quickl! --safely--and leaves them wich that delightful fragrance ich only fresh, natural cleanliness can give. 0. one Let Sunlight Soap help you. LOOK FOR THE GUARANT URITY PROVING oN ~~ ON EVERY CARTON THAT THIS It means real Sronompeslonger life to your SOAP CONTAINS nds. clothes--protection to your ANY FORM OF £95 "Lever Brothers Limited, Toronto ADULTERATION $50002° REWARD WILL BE PAID . "A Rare Musical Treat Choral Music at Its Best a St. Andrew's Church Saturday, Jan. 26th 2.30 and 8.15 ENGLISH, IRISH, SCOTCH WELSH FOLK SONGS Evening--75¢, $1, $1.50 "THE AFTERMATH of influenza, bronchitis, cough, cold or other respiratory infection, is usually a period of great weakness. There is special need for well-selected vitamin-rich nourishment to rebuild resistance. Many people have found nothing quite so beneficial as SCOTT'S EMULSION OF PURE VITAMIN-RICH COD-LIVER OIL If you are now passing through a time of weakness, why not let it help nourish you back to strength and vigor. Scott's Emulsion is cod-liver oil that is pleasant to take and digests easily. Scott & Bowne, Toronto, Ont, »n-64 | Dolly Dimples and Bobby Bounce . By Grace G. Drayton Au lon REMEMBER , COMFY. Mo FicHTineg N come nTo MOTHER HUBBARD ASKED Our PETS To HER COTTAGE | SNIFF ~ DNIFF SHFF - Congy AND MITHER HUBDARD S DOGGIE SAY, How=- Pe -- po"? ~ THEN METHER HUBBARD OPEAED THE CUPBOARD AND TT WAS Full of ALL SORTS Of CoecDIES ~ THAT Bone CERTAINLY LeeKS TAsly Bp Tus { Ano THEY OAT Powis To 4 FARTY Supper-- TRESPASS ENE. NE H a EE = J -- } oa »» 8 8 88 ia eb od Te oo 2.00 8 (1

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