THE OSHAWA DAILY TIMES, THURSDAY, JANUARY 24, 1929 PACE rive - Suburban and District N ews Gathered By 7.mes Staff Reporters and Correspondents, TTT TT -- COLUMBUS Columbus, Jan, 23, -- Miss O, Bea- cock from Blackstock is visiting at her sister's, Mrs, Fred Tarvis, Miss V. Appleby spent the week- end at her home, Mr, and Mrs, Ap- pleby's, Mr, and Mrs, L. Cook, Ruth and 'Willard spent Sunday at Mr, and Mrs, Morley Cook's, Master Bobby Pollard of Oshawa; Miss E. Wilson, of Toronto, is spend. ing a few days at Mr, and Mrs, Henry. Wilson's, Mr. and Mrs, W, Sutherland, Neil and Eric, of Oshawa, spent Sunday at their parents', \ Mrs. Aikins and daughter, Mar: paret, from Saskatchewan is visiting her brother, Mr, Fred Goodman, ®.y NORTH OSHAWA | North Oshawa, Jan, 23, -- The fun- sral of Eliza Rowe, wife of the late James Stock, took place Monday from the home of her daughter, Mrs, gam Glover. The late Mrs, Stock was beloved by all who knew her, especially the children, She was in her 88th year. She leaves te mourn her loss two daughters, Mrs, Edward Glover and Mrs, Sam Glover, at whose home she died, and one son, Robert, also of North Oshawa. A daughter, Jennie, and son, George, in New York, and a son, will, in British Columbia, The flowers which 'were many and beautiful were a silent tribute to the esteem in which the dear old lady was held, The bearers were Messrs, Norman Brown, Alfred Jones, Philip Conlin, 8r,, Robert Jewell, Archie Bishop WOMAN EATS ONLY BABY FOOD 3 YEARS -- "For 3 years I ate only baby food sverything else formed gas. Now, thanks Adlerika, I eat everything and enjoy life."--Mrs. M., Gunn, Even the FIRST spoonful of Ad- lerika relieves gas on the stomach and removes astonishing amounts of old waste matter from the sys- tem, Makes you enjoy your meals and sleep better. No matter what you have tried for your stomach and bowels. Adlerika will surprise you, Jury & Lovell Ltd, and Frank Conlin, Interment took place in the Union cemetery. Rev. Mr, Clugston of Columbus conducted the funeral services. Mr, A. L, Masters, who has been {ll with flu while visiting his cousin, David Sykes, 18 better and has ve- turned home to Toronto, Mr. and Mrs. J, Brown, Jr, and children, Mr, and Mrs, Norman Brown and son, Clifford, Miss Mabel Brown and Mr, A. Jones all were visitors in town of Mr, and Mrs, R. Shorters', Miss Hazel Pogson was at home for Sunday, : A drama given by Harmony talent will be given in the school on Feb, 14, Auspices North Oshawa Home and School Club; full particulars later. MYRTLE Stewart Graham and baby visited at the former's home in Claremont on Monday. Mr. Cecil Wilson has moved to Oshawa where he will be nearer his work in the General Motors. A number from here went to Whithy on Monday night to spec- tate the Port Perry-Whithy Hoe- key match but was much disap- pointed on arrival there to fin, the game had heen called off. Our local garage man Mr. Elmer Cook has had a very busy time hauling cars out of the ditches on to the road bed, since the recent icy spell, Mr, and Mrs, James Cook have been spending a few days with their daughter, Mrs, Will Ellins of Col- umbus, Mrs, George Painter who has been taking treatmnet in the Oshe awa Hospital for the past three weeks has returned to her home here and is much improved in health, My. Hugo Bradley was on a bust- ness trip to Toronto on Monday. Mr. Victor Hudgens and Miss Beryl Willing, of Toronto, spent Sunday with the former's mother Mrs. Hattie Hudgins, Mr. James Tarvis of Detroit, Mr. Murray Tarvis of Cherrywood and Dr. R., Clarke of Cleveland were called to their home here last week' owing to the serious illness of their father, Mr. William Tarvis. Congratulations to this the Osh- awa Daily Times who has as its Lditor a "Mon irae the Heather," and the future success of the paper is not to be doubted as he will be endowed with all the Scottish characteristics that the "Aberdon- fans" are so noted for, Miss McKailan was the week-end guest of Mr, and Mrs, Rosswell Dobson, Owing to the very heavy rain last Thursday the Women's Mis- sionary Society which was held at the home of Mrs. David Broome was not as largely attended as ua- ual, But some of the faithful ones braved the elementts and were pre- sent, Owing to the absence of the President Mrs, Merriman, Mrs, Clarence Harrison occupied the chair and a very interesting pru- gram was given after which the hostess served refreshments and a social time was spent, Since the cold spell the local ponds have afforded the young people of the neighborhood ideal skating, r Mr, Mark Duff was in Toronto on Monday, Mrs, Tom Price spent the ] end with Peterboro Th ng Wet Mr, and Mrs, Dave Leury have returned from a three weeks visit with the former's people near Bon- ar Law, CLAREMONT Claremont, Jan, 21.--1In spite of the very unfavorable weather conditions, about one hundred enthusiastic resi- dents of Claremont and vicinity at- tended the banquet held in the Community Hall on Friday evening last under the auspices of the Public Library, Following a deliciou® sup- per prepared by the ladies and served by a number of young ladies in the community, the usual toasts, interspersed with community sing- ing and musical numbers, were in order. Rev, A. MacLellan fulfilled the position of toast master in his usual genial manner. Following the toast to the King, proposed by the toast master and responded to in the usual way, the toast to the *"pub- lic library" was proposed by Rev. Stevens and responded to by Mrs. G. M. Forsythe, the capable president of the Library Board, The toast to "the Ladies" was proposed by War- den Forsythe and responded to by Mrs. Thos, Brown of Brougham and Miss Margaret MacLellan of Clare- mont. The toast to "Education," proposed by Mr. M. J. Wilker, prin- winal of the Continuation school, was responded to by Mrs. Edyth I, Groves, well-known eduentinnigt, an- thoress and lecturer, chairman of the Board of Education of Torento, SERVICE At an A & P Store you are assured of swift, courteous service at all times, No need to search crowded shelves for your requirements. Your shopping time is cut in half as you can buy all your food needs at our stores. These Grocery Specials Good at All' A & P Stores in Ontario Until Wednesday, Jan. 30th VERYTHING TOILET PAPER 4 Rolls 11° FANCY COOKING FIGS 31s 25° LAYER 2 ibs. 33¢ CHOICE, NO: 2 SIEVE PEAS 25.2 33¢ CHOICE 4 CORN 2 5. 23¢ GLASSCO RASPBERRY JAM AYLMER SLICED Pineapple 2 3.' 4S¢ HALLOWI DATES BULK Soap Chips 3 lbs: 29¢ Post Bram races 2 re. 23° oz. Jar 36¢c 2 lbs. 17¢ HEINZ Memium {3 2 Tins 25 FOR CLEANSING SHEER FABRICS Large pkg. 22° KRAFT CHEESE Ya Ib. pkg. 17° WEEK-END SPECIAL EGGS i 41° 5 47° Storage Extras Doz. Every Egg Guaranteed COFFEE SALE BOKAR :lb. Tin 28¢ 71. 55¢ 8 O'clock b.' 47¢ AUNT JEMIMA ANCAKE ,,. FLOUR 15° BORIGHT'S Pint LE SYRUP 29° IVORY Et aze Week-End Sposials on Fruit and Vegetables CALIFORNIA NAVEL ORANGES Doz. 25¢ YELLOW COOKING ; » 4lbs. 21¢ CAPE COD Cranberries 21bs. 45¢ ET, me CABBAGE 2 bbs. 17¢ NEW CALIFORNIA 2 Bunches £9€ GOOD SIZE FLORIDA Gra 4 For 28¢ MESSINA LARGE SIZE » Doz. 27¢ THURSDAY FRIDAY All Government Inspected BEEF ROASTS PRIME RIB 1b. 27¢ PORTERHOUSE b. 35¢ Wine Ib. 28¢ RUMP Ib. 25¢ MEATS ~-- PORK FOR ROASTING Lean, 1b. 28€ BUTT 2. bb. 23¢ FRESH SHOULDER Ib. 17¢ and SATURDAY SPECIALS EXTRA SPECIAL ! Peameal Back BACON wis b. 29° 1b. 27° Sweet Pickled Pork SHOULDERS Ib. 17¢ Fresh Milk-fed CHICKENS For Roasting ~ 5 b 40€ ib. ave. Ib. 10€ Peameal COTTAGE ROLL 5y the Pisce Ib. 22€ FRESH FROZEN WhiteSish b. - 17¢ ROWES CERTIFIED DEEP SEA Oysters Jar BTC FRESH FROZEN Sea Herring - b. 10¢ YOUNG LAMB FRONTS bh. 18¢ 'OLD FASHIONED SLICED FISH FRESH Cod Steaks - b. 15¢ FRESH Flounders . - b. 14¢ SMOKED LARGE Back Bacon 1. iv. nig 23€ Finnan Haddie Ib. 14¢ m= ATLANTIC & PACIFIC = LIMITED OF CANADA. MAKE THIS YOUR LAST DAY OF CONSTIPATION "'Fruit-a-tives"" Restores the Liver to Healthy, Normal Action MR. DUPERRON ~ Mr, Donald Duperron of Maxvill Ont, is only one DF Thai of i who feel that "Drie a-tives is Shel sure protector against Bilious lo oT Bick gona In or Kidney Trouble, which are usually cal by constipation, As Mr, Duperron says: 'After trying many remedies for Constipation, 'Fruit-a- tives" was recommended--and the results were marvellous, ~All the ill effects of this disease left me, and 'Fruit-a-tives' really made a new man of me." Try this great fruit medicine, 25c. and 50c, a box--at dealers everye where, i | Mrs, Groves' response was the main feature of the evening. She chose as her subject, "The Children," il- lustrating the various traits of chil dren, and incidentally showing her keen understanding of the younger generation by selections from her well-known book entitled, "The King- dom of Childhood." Mrs. Groves is a most. entertaining speaker with a de- lightful sense of humour; frequent applause from the audience showed that . her humorous illustrations were not unappreciated, The Com- mittee in charge felt that they were particularly fortunate in securing the services of Mrs, Graves for the evening, for' since her appointment to the position of chairman of the Board of Education of Toronto two weeks ago, she has been a very busy woman. In addition to the duties imposed 'by her position, she has been the guest of honor at various functions given by her friends and colleagues to show their &pprecia- tion and approval of the honor be- stowed upon her. Mrs. Groves is the first woman in Toronto to occupy the position of chairman of the Board of - Education, Others con- tributing to the evening's entertain- ment were Miss Aldine Ward and Dr. N. F. Tomlinson, who sang a ered a piano solo; Mr. Goddart, who gave a reading entitled "The Little Moses:" Mrs. W, Ward, who presided at the piano during the community singing; Miss Stuttaford, who gave a reading, and Miss Anna Forsythe, a solo entitled *Crusts," the words f which were . composed by Mrs. Groves. E At the annual meeting of the Lib- rary Board the following officers were elected: President, Mrs. G. M. Jorsythe; vice-president, Dr. N, F. Jomlinson; secretary, Mr, R. J. lowe; treasurer, Mr. M. J. Wilkes; librarian, Miss H. Walker. Mem- bership fee for the year is only 50c; several new books have recently been added to the shelves, so resi- dents are asked to join the library, vocal duet; Miss Burgess, who rend- |. at one and the same time support- | ing a worthy public institution and | insuring for themselves many plea- | sant and profitable hours of enjoy- ment during the year at a very, small expense. | , Born, to Mr. and Mrs. Jack Fraser, a daughter. ! | A number of Claremont residents attended the motor show in Toronto last week. We are pleased to see Miss Mar- garet Hamilton out again after be- ing confined to the house for some weeks with a heavy cold. On Wednesday evening of last week a number of young people gath- ered at the home of Mrs. Reuben Rawson where they held a miscel- laneous shower in hopour of Mr. and Mrs. Robert Rawson who recently returned from a honeymoon spent in Barrie and other northern points. Mr. and Mrs. Rawson were the reci- . pients of many useful and beautiful | gifts. Congratulations were show- ered upon the young couple. The ! very pleasant evening was enjoyed by all. A dainty lunch was served by the young ladies present. | Members of the Baptist Church held a wood bee one day last week where a two years' supply of wood was cut down in Ross Evans' bush. Another bee will be held shortly to cut up this wood which has been hauled down to the church. Mrs. Bushby is able to be out again, after being confined to the house for two weeks with influenza. Mr. Len Pilkie has been under the doctor's care for some days, but is showing marked improvement. Miss Bessie Graham spent last week with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. James Graham. | Mr. Nicholas Burton, of Wood- stock, is visiting old Claremont friends, Mr. and Mrs. D. A, Scott were in Toronto on Sunday visiting the former's nephew, Mr. Thos, Scott, who has been seriously ill in Christie St, Hospital for several months, His many - friends will be pleased to know that he is now greatly im- proved and able to get around a little, , Messrs. L. Pilkie, F.. Barclay, Charlie Cooper, and Mr. and Mrs. G. M. Morgan attended the banquet put on by the Durant Motor Company on Wednesday of last week, We are glad to note Frank Cooper out again after being confined to bed for some time, The outbreak of influenza which has been pretty wide spread in the village and vicinity is gradually sub- siding, Miss Mabel Gregg of Toronto Nor- mal School spent the week-end with her parents, Mr, and Mrs, David Gregg, The brick and cement company have been fortunate in disposing of the machinery installed in the works. BERNARD SHAW'S NEW PLAY KEPT SECRET London, Jan, 24,--Only four per- sons know the secret of who is in George Bernard Shaw's new play, ' "7p, Applecart," which is to be pro- duced by Sir Barry Jackson at Mal- vern in August and later in Lon- don, They are Sir Barry, Mrs. Shaw, the author himself, and his secre- tary, Miss Patch, All that has been divulged of the play is that it is a political sat- ire. Miss Patch said here recently that Shaw wrote it between Novem- ber 5 and December 29 at his coun- try home near Welwyn, Hertford- shire, sending the manuscript to her to be typed in London, ' Shaw gave Sir Barry Jackson the first chance at the play in gratitude for his having arranged a full- length production of "Back to Methusaleh." The new play will be the first production of the Mal- vern festival of modern plays, EXPEDITION FANS T0 TRACE DETOURS OF CARIBOU HERDS Eskimos Threatened With Famine Says Leader of The Tolstoy Party | | | 24. --DBack from the Canadian they have been Count_1lia Tol- Winnipeg, Jan. the sub-Arctic in hinterland, where since last August, stoy's party of explorers reached this city admitting that, while their visit to the Northland had not been unsuccessful, they had failed to reach the head of the great cari- hou herds, whose migrations and haunts they were sent out to inves- tigate. At least one more visit will be necessary before their research is e~mpleted and they are able to sub- mit a comprehensive report to the American Mugenm of Natural His- tory .in' New York, under whose ansgpiees the expedition was under- taken, The party consisted of Count | Tolstoy, a grandson of Count Leo Tolstoy, renowned Hnesian author; Horare Ashton, official photograph- er, W, J. Casel, assistont, and tecrge Yandel, guide. The count | and Yandel are proceoding to Tema- | rami, Ontario, wher they will | study and photograph life | After-tonrnevine ns North as the northern edge Canadian barren lords and making elose | wild for ol the Featuring The Good Puritan-Maid Hosiery at Very At. tractive Savings on Friday & Saturday Women's Full-fashioned Hose, reg. $1.95 for $1.57 Women's Thread Silk Hose. Reg, $1.00 for 83¢c "Women's Silk & Artsilk Hose. Reg. $1.00 for 77¢ Women's Silk & Artsilk Hose, Reg. 79¢ for 62¢ Women's Silk & Wool Hose. Reg, $1.00 for 84¢c Women's Silk & Wool Hose, Reg. 79¢ for 58¢c Women's Ribbed Cashmere Hose. Reg. $1 for 49¢ Women's Silk & Artsilk Hose. (2nds). Reg. 79¢ for .. vv ER i | Girls' Silk & Wool Hose, 7 to 84, Reg. 69¢ fo Girls' 1/1 Rib Cashmere Fie . 8. for 55 Reg. 75¢ for ... ' sri vies +300 Men's Silk & Wool Fa g. 58¢ for 44¢ ncy Socks. Re study of the covibou er" thn more Count Tolstoy is convineed that ed their habits in th last | in theee antleved nomads have chang- three years thon the century which preceded, "Pach year it is hecoming more | ~ diffienlt for the natives of the North fan to ret the carihon on their trels and unle some provision made for a ible failure, will he a shortace of meat and con- sil |it sonthern | isd nos tnoere (ho sequent jtemplate," he sa famine appalling to con- s. "Even this year was bad, with much hunger wong Indians and Eskimos." Inroads of civilization and the | struction of the caribou's winter mes hy forest fires are respon- ole for their irregular movements Diamonds! Bassett"s On Oshawa's Main Corner THE BEST HUMAN ANTI -FREEZE HOT IT STIMULATES, GIVES YOU A GLOWING WARMTH, REVIVES YOU, AND GIVES YOU ENERGY AND ZEST Consistent Good VALUES at The REXALL DRUG STORE "You can rely on the efficiency and safety of the drugs we offer" Money-Sar 25¢c Carter's Pills ... 35¢ Chase's K. and L. Pills 25¢ 50c Fruitatives .... $1 Vacuum Bottles 25¢ Baby's Own Tabs. ... 60c Healing Oil ............. 10c Palm Oil Soap ...4 $1.00 Hair Brush ........... vers Wedgewood Portfolio o= 2s > 30 Envelopes This handy package of smooth kid paper and en- !velopes in por. folio siyle is big value, 50¢, for " rm Gray's Balm An invaluable remedy for "olds, bron- hitis, ecat- rrh, cuts, sores, ruises, etc. Be warm and cozy in bed these cold mights with a Leakproof Hot Water Potle The Leakproof Hot Water Bottle is made without a seam, and is guaranteed for years, 82.50 two Each FREE | cluding biade, 49¢ Auto Strep Blade and Strop A complete Auto Strop Razor Outfit in- strop and razor will 'ven with a 530c¢ tu be KLENZO ~ AVING CREAM he will be given with a purchase of: Jonteel Talcum . . . Jounteel Face Powder Jonteel Rouge Jonteel Combination Cream Jonteel Cold Cream .. rs 39¢ for 25¢ . ...69¢ 50c Magnesia Tooth Faste 39¢ Cocoanut Oil Shampoo 23c Fountain and Tea-Room i Kine Service Phone 28 "Save With Safety" by purchasing your drug wants at JURY & LOVELL'S Henao SLE yuo busy . STORES Simcoe St. 8. Phone 68