Oshawa Daily Times, 19 Jan 1929, p. 10

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PAGE | EN v THE OSHAWA DAILY TIMES, SATURDAY, JANUARY 19, 1929 Yellow is Color For Love, Says : Women's French Dress Expert New York, Jan, 19.--Yellow not crimson or purple, is the color for love, according to Marceline D'Alroy, visiting French expert in the psy- chology of dress, whose theories have been praised by Poiret, : <A woman aware of what colors will do to her--and for her--can be al- most any sort she wishes, Miss D'Al- roy has decided. If she desires to look pure, let her wear blue, symbol of truth and in- tegrity. If she wishes to be vital and | gee full of life, she should wear reds, For love, beautiful love, there is nothing like yellow. "But," said Miss D{Alroy, "only a woman of personality should wear black. White, with a color, spiritual- izes the effect. Black materializes it. In black a woman may be vivid, but it is in spite of the color, She will probably look dowdy if the black is unrclieved by any light. : "When she looks dangerous in black, it is not because of the black, but because of herself. "The body reacts to color. One realizes that when one sees that it is impossible to rest in a scarlet negli- The French expert urged women to change colors as the day progressed, going about their household tasks in the morning in brown and brighten- ing up bit by bit as night approach- ed. KING IS RECIPIENT OF MANY CURE-ALLS Flood of Old-Fashioned Remedies Are Received at Palace London, Jan, 19, -- Aromatic herbs, linseed mixture, and toad's blood, religiously stirred all the night--ring doves whose '"'hreath- ing purifies the air"--chest pastes --and all the old-fashioned rem- edies handed down from genera- tion to generation have found Herbs to Heal Those Sore, Sick Bronchial Tubes Gallagher's Indian Lung emedy comes right from the Heart of Hare 'Don't be miserable i " Wbjeot £0. Bronchitis cr smite STS es Jak uD 3, nasty, clinging au Gallagher's Indian Lung Remedy, kt is com solely of healing herbs, 8 paral ronal, Portoct for killing f or i pilment, "A pn blood ue ho pody builder, This and other reliable x Th al hold Remedi pow ie Ba PY) F. W. THOMPSON 10 Simcoe St. S. Oshawa TIME TABLES CPR, TIME TABLE, New Schedule taking effect 12.01 ; Sunday, April 29, 1926, si Going Wess 5.48 am Daly. 6.23 a.m. D: 9 Daily times shown above arc times trains @epart irom Oshawa Station. -- C. N. R, TIME TABLE Effective Jan, 6, 1920 Eastbound 8.23 a.m.--Daily except Sunday. 8.55 a.m.--Sunday only. 9.59 a.m.~Daily, 1.17 p.m.--Daily 2.32 p.m.--Daily 6.47 p.a.--Daily Sunday, Sunday. Sunday. except except except their way to Buckingham Palace -- gilts of an anxious people to their King. The prolonged and serious ill- ness of King George has brought a flood of medicines, some of them made irom hundred-year-old re- cipes, So great has been the in- flux that a special staff has been assigned to the task of handling the hundreds of parcels containing "cure-alls" which continue to ar- rive at the Palace by every mail While the British public is quite aware of the fact that some of the best physicians and specialists in the country are at His Majesty's beside, it is apparent that a cer- tain portion of it is not satisfied, Phials, Philtres, and bottles pour in daily and they are carefully stored away, unopened, in a spe- cial room, for to return them to the donors would hurt their feel- ings, Many of the bottles contain potions brewed from herbs des- cribed in ancient writings in the days when a doctor's duties main- ly consisted of leeching and bleed- ing and their administration usu- ally was surreptitious for fear the patient would suspect.witch-craft. Asks for Physician An aged, kindly woman rode te the Palace recently in an ancient automobile, She demanded to be taken to see Lord Dawson, of Penn, one of the King's physicians, When she was convinced that it was impossible, she told Palace officials that she had sat through the night stirring a potion for the King,--one that had been handed down in recipe from her great-great-grandmother, She drove back to her home in the wilds of Devon, smiling and happy in the belief that her medi- cine would quickly cure her Sove- reign; A dignified, white-haired gentle- man, faultlessly attired in morn- MOVING ANYWHERE HIGH GRADE EQUIP. MENT KEPT IN PER FECT CONDITION MEANS RELIABLE SERVICE Phone 82 9.42 p.m.--Daily. n m.--Daily except Saturda: 12.09 R wy: 12.25 a:an.--Daily. Westbound v except Sunday. except Sunday. m.--~Daily except Sunda. pa.--~Daily. p.m.~--Sunday only. ) daily except Sunday. --Daily except Sunday. Whitby, Oshawa, Bowmanville BUS LINE WEEK DAY SCHEDULE (Effective on aud aites Now, 4 Going West Leave Leave Arrive Bowmanville Oshawa i 7.10 am Aurive 10.50 a.m. 12.45 pam 4.35 pam. 6.45 pam. 41.00 pm. Time marked "x" AVhitby Hospitai Special Busses tar All Uccasions Reasonable Rates ang Cacefu) Drivers 1 A GARDON Peoprictor Bowmanville Phone AZ ox 36 Felt Bros. 1 he LEADING JEWELER Estab ished 1886 12 Simcoe St. South WHY SUFFER Rheumatism o NEURALGIA, LUMBAGO SCIATICA or NEURITIS RHEUMATONE Brac CicArILACRERIL EA fal The wonder remedy will banish all your aches and pains Rr iE RHEUMATONE LABORATORIES Oshawa, Ont. Phone 2283 Wsbana Waiting Room, 29 Prince St of the Laxative Habit In all history, no Indian was ever known to have constipation. Nor need YOU. He chewed the bark of a tree called cascara, To- day, we have the candy Cascaret, Cascarizing the bowels . never orms a laxative habit, If already formed, an occasional Cascaret will usually break the habit, For cascara strengthens the muscular walls of the bowels, and their need of any aid at all grows constantly less, What other cathartic has this characteristic? The knows of none, An evacuation brought gently about by cascara will, nine times in ten, be followed by full func. tioning of the bowels on the mor- row--angd for days after, For there is no REACTION as with sickening salts, or any of the man- made purgatives that go through one's system like a bullet, Physicians tell us cascara is the writer CASCARETS They Work While You Sleep! ideal laxative---and the tongue tells us candy Cascarets are fits ideal form. ~ At least a million people know this; what a pity there are any 'who don't! Hspeci- ally parents; because children love to take a Cascaret, After which, for days-on-end, the bowels will be seen to work of their own accord, The only that of regularity! and train the bowels. But at the first sign of returning sluggish- ness another Cascaret is as effect- ive as the first, There isn't a druggist who hasn't Cascarets, so WHY experi- habit from cascara 'is Cascarets tone 'ment with laxatives? ing coat and top hat, applied at the Palace gate for an interview with a Palace official. He was a well-known society 'figure and was immediately passed in. To the amazement of the official who interviewed him, the man sald he had come to tell the King's doc- tors that they had diagnosed the case wrongly and the King mere- ly was suffering from his accident during the World War, when he was thrown from his horse. The use of a well known emaorocation for sprained and stiff limbs must be used im frequent rub downs to cure the King, he was sure, There is 'a whole drawer full of protective amulets sent to the King by villagers from nearly ev- ery county in the British Isles. LARGE AREASIN AFRICA MAY JOIN BRITISH EMPIRE German Hopes Hit By the Proposal to Enlarge South African Union London, Jan, 18.--Inclision of the vast territory of Kenya, Uganda and Tanganyika in a single union of East Africa, with an area of nearly 700,000 square miles, is recommended by the Hilton Young Commission, whose long-awaited report was is- sued Thursday. ' The administrative machinery pro- posed is something unique in the his- tory of the British Empire, Incidentally, it seems to ohservers to put a period to Germany's hopes of recovering her lost Fast Africa colony, but the Commission merely remarks that the inclusion of Tan- ganyika in the new union does not involve any action which could he regarded an inconsistent with the terms of the mandate. The new unit would he neither a Dominion nor a Crown colony, but something between the two. Its administration would triple-cylindered 'affair--in the Colonial Office; in Africa Governor-General, with his secretary | cently. controlling | were 435 failures of women, the and Advisory Councils, be a] London | nual bankruptcy report for 1927, the | issued by the Board of Trade re- | Do YouOwn Your Own | LETT, NICHOL | HALLITT Real Hstate Insurance ard Loans, * Phone 82514 11 King St Oshawa I | | | the common policy of three terri- tories; and in each territory a Gov- ernor and his Legislative and Eexecu- tive Councils, eh BANKRUPT WOMEN. ARE INCREASING British Board of Trade Pre- sents Figures Showing Many Failures London, Jan, 19.--What is he- lieved to be the alrgest number of women bankrupts in this country for one year, is shown by the an- During the year there 6 Rooms--Burke St.--Elec. tric 'Stove and Lights, Bath conveniences, Oak Floors. Only $8,600, Very easy terms, The Disney Real Estate 20 King St, E, Phone 1550 majority of whom were in busi- ness as drapers, milliners and dressmakers, Evidence of the effect of trade depression is shown by the figures for the total number of insolvencies under Bankruptey = Deeds of Ar- rangement Act, There were 6,170 insolvents during 1927, an increase of 168 over 1926, Farmers head the list of failures with 468, while drapers, haber- dashers ad builders come w-at. the figures for publicans. drapers ana haherdashers, confectioners, and boot and shoe makers and dealers are an increase, | YET HARD TO FIND (Chicago Daily News) A married man says that he was] always fond of tongue--and he likes | it still, 1 REAL ESTATE, INSURANCE Cutler & Preston 64 King St. West Telephones 872 28 Night Calls 510, 1560, Pug 4% Prince ST) » Oshawa, O nT. yi aa REAL ESTATE Automobile. and Fire Insurance of all kinds lH. R. LUKE Phones 871, 031, 687W, Money to loan at 6% per cent, first mortgages REGENT THEATRE BLRK, STIRS HIM UP (Brantford Expositor) It takes Jack Frost to make King Coal a merry old soul, ELLA } CINDERS--You're All Invited eee SSO By Bill Conselman and Charlic Plumb THE FLOW AND EVERYTHING i, Copyni 1929, by Meuopolia acini BRINGING UP FATHER-- HERE COMES THAT SAME DEGLAR | SAW LAST WEEK- HELP A POOR fn MAN: DIR? § AH SIR | WOZN'T ALWAYS LIKE THIS et gl » YOUR $n | KNOW IT: LAST | J WEEK IT WUOZ FOOT © 1929, Int Feature Service, Inc, Great Britain rights reserved. xT eld JH B OTHER E Ne i (HF TELLING TOMMY OH I'VE HEARD A RHYME ABOUT THE PELICAN. 1T CAN STORE IM TS BEAK ENOUGH FOR A WEEK" UITL 17 15 LARGE ENOUGH TO HOLD SEVERAL QUARTS OF FOOD OR WATER Wi masa ENORMOUS BILL LARGER THAN ITS HEAD, SHAPED LIKE BRIGHT COLORS. M0 SATISFACTORY EXPLANATION HES EVER BEEN GIVEN FOR 175 EXTRAORDINARY SUZE CORBIS ALSD HAVE ENORMOUS BILLS AMD ABOVE THEM CURIOUS HORNY GROWTHS CALLED CASQUES. __#D 1929, King Features Syndicate, lnc, Coent Batam rights sescrved ME ABOUT SOME BIG DADDY TOLD BILLS, BETTY. HUH! MOTHER THINKS 17S ABOUT TIME THAT HE QUIT FUSSING ABOU CHRISTMAS BILLS! MR. RONCE. GET HM ON THE WIRE. I'NE SEEN WAITING TO GWE | | wAITZ | . WAITING FOR A LONG- 30 I'm bi T AnD SOD DONT || THIS NONSENSE YoULU

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