Oshawa Daily Times, 18 Jan 1929, p. 10

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PAGE LEN THE OSHAWA DAILY TIMES, FRIDAY, JANUARY 18, Section of London Terrified by Another Street Explosion | vi London, Jan, 18. -- Five cases since last Saturday of upheavals in, this city's streets caused by burst- ing gas and water mains have set Londoners wondering just how solid the earth is on which they live. Incidentally, the eruptious have further slowed up traffic in the downtown district. Monday, two more important streets--Bishopsgate and Edgware Road were closed to vehicles while water mains were repaired, With | Holborn and Oxford street, Lon- don's most important east and west streets, undergoing repairs after last month's gas explosion there and with the Strand effectually bottlenecked by road repairs at busy points, London is experienc- ing a succession of what the papers tall "bottom gear days." Another explosion Tuesday afl- ternoon in Gray's Inn road terri- fied the neighborhood, but proved to be a relatively minor affair. Of- ficials of the gas and water com- panies repudiate the suggestion that there is any grounds for alarm lest the citys' maze of un- derground tunnelings should col- lapse, and suggest that the recent series of explosions and collapses was merely a coincidence. Other explanations offered blame the long. cold spell, vibration caused by increased traffic and inefficient drainage of underground streams. Since a list of fifteen upheavals in the London area during the last three monhts was printed, it does not seem that the entire blame can be attributed to the weather as the present freezing spell \has lasted less than a fort- night, ND REASON FOR SPECULATION IN FORD STOCKS W. R. Campbell, Vice Presi- dent and Treasurer, Says Company Suffered Defeat Windsor, Jan. 18.--That, on the real facts of the company's busi- ness there is not the slightest ground for the present wild specu- lation in the stock of the Ford Motor Company of Canada, was the positive statement issued at noon to-day by W. R. Campbell, vice-president and treasurer of the cerporation, As a matter of fact, Mr, Camp- bell said, the Canadian Ford Com- pany has suffered a deficit of ap- proximately $4,000,000, on its op- erations during the year 1928, and there is not the slightest possibility of a dividend being declared in 1929. . "I am calling the public's atten- tion to this matter," Mr, Campbell said, "only because we are being besieged with enquiries from many sources and I believe that it is in- cumbent upon us to make a state- ment, "Reports have gone around from a variety of sources, that the Cana- dian Ford Company earned a profit of $5,000,000 in 1928. As a matter TIME TABLES C.P.R, TIME TABLE, New Schedule taking effect 12.08 Sunday, April 2, 1928 am, Daily. Daily except Sundsy. Daily except Sunday. Daily. 12.09 a.m. Daily. All times shown above are times trains Bepart from Oshawa Station. C. N. R. TIME TABLE Effective Jan, 6, 1929 Eastbound ,23 a.m.--Daily except 58 a.m.--Sunday only. L59 a.m.--Daily, 17 p.m.--Daily ,32 p.m, ~Daily Sunday, Sunday, Sunday, Sunday. except except except except Saturday, 12,25 a.m.--Daily. Westbound 4.44a.m.--Daily. 5.45 a.m.--Daily, 5.53 a.m.--Daily except Sunday, except Sunday, except Sunday, p.m.--Daily. p.m.--Sunday only, 27 p.m.--Daily except Sunday. 45 p.m.--~Daily except Sunday, Whitby, Oshawa, Bowmanville BUS LINE WEEK DAY SCHEDULE (Effective on and aftes Nov. 4 Going West Leave Arrive Bowmanville Oshawa Whitby 72.10 am. 7.25 am, 810 a.m. 8.30 a.m, 9.30 a.m. 9.45 a.m, 20 a.m, 10.35 a.m, p.m. p.m, p.m. p.m, p.m. .15 p.m, .40 p.m, 5 pan, Arrive Hespital 10.50 a.m. 12.45 p.m 88 wes & g 4.35 pm. 6.45 p.m. Qua Shee oN =a % 10.55 p.m. 11.00 p.m. , 11.55 p.m. Leave Arrwe Oshawa Bowmanville 6.50 am. L2L a.m. 8.20 a.m Leave Hospital 9.40 p.m. 10.45 p.m. 12.00 : busses to Whitby Hospital SUNDAY AND HOLIDAY SCHEDULE West Arrive Arrive 10.00 a.m. 12.25 p.m 9.45 a.m, 12.15 p.m, 2.30 p.m, 4.3% p.m. 6.30 pan. 8.30 om, 10.30 pm, 10.45 pam. Going East Leave Leave Whitby Oshawa 10.15 a.m. 10.30'a.m. 12.45 p.m LU p.m 245 pm 3.00 p.m. 4.45 p.m 5.00 pm 6.45 pm 7.0 p.m. 8.45 pan. 9.00 pm 17oL pm. 10.15 pm. 11.30 pm. Nme marked "x" are through busses to Whitby Hospital Special Busses for All Occasions Reasonable Rates and Careful Drivers f A GARTON Proprietor Bowmanville Phone 412 or 346 Phone 2283 Oshawa Waiting Room, 10 Prince St. 9.00 a.m 11.90 p.m. Arrive Uw am LY pao 3% po lof fact, it shall have a deficit of approximately $4,000,000, All the figures are not yet available but there is little doubt that the loss will reach that figure, In spite of this situation our stock closed at $725 yesterday and opened this morning at $825. All this wild trau- ing is due, of course, to the spread of ficticious stories concerning the company's operations and I cannot say to strongly how much we are opposed to this sort of thing. People will buy stock at $825 and expect us to earn dividends on a valuation of this kind. Let me say, for the benefit of the public, that our fin- ancial position does not warrant this assumption. "I would call attention, also, to the many rumors in circulation as to possible issues of new stock. I understand this morning that on the New York Curb Market to-day 'Ford stock' is being offered 'if, as when issued." The directors of the company have never at any time considered such a move, I fancy that the issuance of stock for the Ford Motor Company of England his given rise to this idea. Denies Ford is Buying "1 give positive denial also to the rumor that Mr, Henry Ford and members of his family are trying to acquire all the stock of the Can- adfan Company, We have approxi- mately 5,000 shareholders at pre- sent and Mr, Ford has made no move of any kind to acquire the holdings of those: who are interest- ed with him in the company. As a matter of fact, it is several years since any member of the Ford fam- ily purchased a share of Ford stock, Our books show this. I suppose this rumor has heen responsible, in no small meaure, for the extensive trading in Ford of Canada. "My only purpose in issuing this statement is to set the public right on the matter. Buyers and sellers of Ford stock should be governed accordingly so that the stock may find its proper level, If anything were needed to show that the pre- sent speculation is unwarranted, let investors consider the fact that the company's surplus has been impair- ed to the extent of approximately sixty dollars per share by the losses incurred in 1928. As matter of fact the company lost approximately as much last year as it ever made in as I have said, there are no pros- pects of a dividend in 1929, al- though we naturally expect to im- prove our position, "We have hestitated to make this statement, but in justice to stocl® sellers and buyers, we feel that it is our duty to make the real facts of the situation known," FLAMING PLANE FLOWN TO SAFETY Toledo-Detroit Mail Burned --Pilot Escapes Injury When Fire Ravages Detroit, Jan. 18--Flying high over the frozen wastes of Lake Erie this afternoon, a big tri-motored metal plane loaded with 2,500 Ibs, of mail taken on at Toledo and destined for Ford Airport here burst into flames. A thick haze hung over the lake, making it impossible to see land. but WHY SUFFER Rheumatism NEURALGIA, LUMBAGO SCIATICA ox NEURITIS RHEUMATONE nda aaa | Sold at all good Drug Stores or direct from the manufacturers RHEUMATONE LABORATORIES Oshawa, Ont. Yard--89 Bloor Street E. Orders Promptly Delivered its bizgest profit-making year and | George Brandon, the pilot, headed the nose of the monster toward the Ohio shore and threw his throttle e n, As lane roared onward, great gusts of flames spread out on cach side of the fuselage, forcing Arthur Gruitch, the mechanic, to leave his seat and crawl forward, where he clung to the back of the pilot's seat. Using every trick he knew to coax the last ounce of speed out of his machine, Pilot Brandon stuck to his post while his mechanic did what he could to keep the flames_-from ex- tending farther forward, Then, 15 minutes later when it seemed impos- siple to keep in the air an instant longer, land was sighted. Brandon swooped downward and landed in a are available, The wise man never waits till is driven by necessity. Becure your CONGER COAL now while best services Conerr Lemieh Coan Co. LiMrren, J. H. R. LUKE Manager Phones 871 -- 931 -- 687.W stubble field, The plane struck a rut and sheared off the under-carriage, turning about on one wing. Gruitch managed to extricate himself, and a farmer who witnessed the flight of the burning airship pulled Brandon from his cockpit. He was hurried to a hospital at Toledo, where his condition was found to serious, The plane, being all metal did not burn, but the mail bags blazed for several hours, FANTASTIC CRUISE Do YouOwn Your Own Home 70 DREAM ISLAND * PACIFIC OCEAN Californian Plans Fishing and Outing Paradise All Made to Order .Cleveland, Ohio, Jan. 18.. -- A "dream island" sunk in the Pacific Ocean off the California coast is the destination of a fantastic cruise headed by B. M. Bramley, paving contractor, who has bought the steam yacht Peary from Donald B, MacMillan, explorer, for the expedi- tion, Bramley's Island lies under twenty feet of water, where it was first revealed to him in a dream while in Cleveland, So vivid was his dream and so inviting was the pros- pect of twentieth century explora- tion and discovery in seas sailed for centuries hy ships of every nation that Bramley set out in search of this island while in California. A ship was chartered and he made soundings for days without success, He gave up the idea and was about to return when persis- tent promptings to find his "dream HALLITT Real Estate losurance ard Loans. Phone 3254 11 King St. East, Oshawa airplane for further, search. He found it, plainly visible from the cockpit, he said, in fifteen or twenty feet of water, Now he means to build a break- water about the place, pump sand from the bottom of the sea to make new land, and erect thereon a fisn- ing and outing paradise, "It may be fantastic," Bramley said, but investigation of stone prices for the wall about his island demonstrate his earnestness to go through with the plan anyhow. The Peary is a fitting ship for the cruise. Its history is as color. ful as some aspects of Bramley's dream. It was built first by the French Government as a mine sweepcr, but lay in dry dock 'until a private purchaser fitted it luxur- expedition of 1925 with Commander MacMillan bought it for the Arctic expedition of 1925 with Commonder Richard E. Byrd. He named it the Peary in honor of Rear Admiral island" caused him to charter an |Robert E. Peary, his commander Buy This Home 6 Rooms--Burke St.--Elec. tric Stove and Lights, Bath conveniences, Oak Floors. Only $3,600, Very easy terms. The Disney Real Estate 20 King St. E. Phone 1550 on the expedition which discoverva the North Pole. MacMillan, here for a series of lectures, was in negotiations for the sale of the ship to Haiti which planned to make a war vessel out of it when Bramley appeared with the purchase price. It is now at anchor in Boston. NEW C. P. R. SHIP ENTERS ATLANTIC SERVICE MARCH 13 Toronto, Jan. 18.--The third of the 22,000-ton Duchess class steam- ers was officially accepted in an an- nouncenrent just received from Can- adian Pacific headquarters by the company from the builders, John Brown and Co. This new ship, the Duchess of Richmond, christened by Lady Nanton of Winnipeg last REAL ESTATE, INSURANCE Cutler & Preston 64 King St. West Telephones 572. 223 Night Calls 510, 1500, G 4k Prince St "Oshawa, Ont. Bedford. While the Duchess of Ath- oll is cruising to South America and Africa and the Duchess of Bed- ford to the West Indies, the new sister ship will cruise the "Isles of the Blest" before entering the Atlantic service on March 15. Things are simply remarkable un- til you understand them and then very often they are remarkably sim- ple--Kitchener Record. The bachelor confirmed says fall, is expected to have a speed of | "girls no sooner acquire a coat of half a knot in excess of her older tan than they begin to look for one sisters, the Duchesses of Atholl and j of fur."--Ottawa Journal. ELLA CINDERS--A Very Exclusive Gentleman By Bill Conselman and Charlie Plumb ; ERE BOUGHT HOUSE FOR --iT COST HM 45.000] -- JUST TO SEE AND Hi Sy 5 SELF By Geo. McManus DO YOU LIKE MY HAIR THIS WAY - DAUGHTER? Tr. © 1929, Int Feature Service, Ine, Great Britain rights reserved. YES-MOTHER- BUT DO YOU REALIZE-MOTHER, THAT YOU'VE BEEN) ADMIRINIG NOURSELW |/ GRACIOLS-DO YOU THINK MY VANITY (1-3 GETTING THE THAT 1 DONT VANITY: MAGGIE - THAT'S IMAGINATION - anes YOU CERTAINLY GOT THE BEST OF ME - TELLING TOMMY THAT HAPPENED IN JANUARY, DADDY, GEN.ROBT. E. LEE HR JAN. 19,1807 [ZAMIEL WEBSTER WAS BORN JAN. 18,1782 {3 0AN.27,1854 THE CANADIAN GREAT WESTERN RR.OPENED. JAN. 3, 1661. UP TO THAT TIME ALL PARTS WERE PLAYED BY MEN AND BOYS. + LBROE YLHELM ROENTGEN MADE PUBLIC HIS OF X-RAYS, JAM. 27,1896. OE rs hier © 1925, King Features Sydicst, Suc. Crent Britain righte semi GOODNESS' TOMMY OUGHT T0 ASK AUNTIE ABOUT JANUARY * DATES. SHE'S HAVING SOME "HEAVY" ONES . TILLIE THE TOILER--Mac Gets His HERES A LETTER, TILE a os INTER AND YOU CUT TLL CALL MILLIE AND SEE | | OA OF El 4 A IF SHE WANTS ME TO HEL N GETTISG BILL ON HER GET IN TOUCH wrtH BILL RONCE ' IN--- --

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