Oshawa Daily Times, 17 Jan 1929, p. 6

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Ey ii i, PALL Lia "THE OSHAWA DAILY TIMES, IF 10) VOT 5 FE ' JA. DP PE met wma Woman's Daily Interest SOCIAL and PERSONAL The Times it Javites the co- operation of its readers in contributing items column, Send in a postcard or phone 36. to this Mr E, J, Black of/Sqlina was a yecent guest of friends in the city. * Mr,-H, J. Armstrong, of the teaching staff of the Osha- wa Collegiate Institute, was the week-end guest of Mr W, E. Loyst, Napanee, w The many friends of Mr, Arthur Whattam will be glad to hear that LR * » a member he spent a' quiet night last night, FIRST BAPTIST ANNUAL MEETING PLEASANT AFFAIR Gratifying Reports Received of Year's Activities-- Officers Elected The fifty- tgighth annual meetin, of the First Baptist church was held last evening under circumstances which made it one of the happiest events in the long history of the church. Supper was served in He school- room at 6,30 under the leadership of the Ladies Aid Society which made a successful effort to do something better than their previous best. The increase of interest in the work of 1 teaching on. the part of the teach- ers, as manifested in 100 per cent increase in the number taking the Training Course at the' Standard School lately held in Oshawa. The || Primary Department had to its cre dit some decided improvements in system, and in equipment. The re- port presented by Mrs, Howard, as prepared by 'the Secretary Mrs, Fen- ton, was heard with pleasure, Officers Elected Acting on the report of the nom- inating committee officers for the en- sueing = year were clected as fol- lows i=church clerk, Mr. i H, Wil- kins; treasurer, Mr. G. Henry; assistant _ treasurer, Mr, YD Rice; Deacons, Messrs, J. G. Anderson, R. A. Hamilton, A. E. Crook, G, M. Henry, N. Stocks; Sunday school superintendent, Mr, aH Wilkins ; deaconesses, Mrs, Willis, Miss Hall, Mrs, Waram, Mrs, Hele, Mrs, J, G Anderson, Mrs. Rosser, Mrs, €rook, Mrs, Cosser, Mrs, Keenan; ushers, Messrs, D. Rice, H, Bentham, F. Waram, T. Hele, H, Thompson, S. Broots and Roswald Leach, Finan cia! secretary Miss Ada I etson; pro- perty steward; Mr, J. G, Anderson; choir master, Mrs, Jas, Hurst; or. ganist Mr, David Jenkins, Fresentations A pleasant incident of the even. ing was the presentation of tokens lsuccessful year in its history. The sum of $349.34 had been raised for all purposes. One hundred dol- lars had been given to the budget and nearly two hundred ollars had been given for improvements around the church. Ladies' Aid The Ladies' Aid Society report which was read by Mrs. Frank Mec- Laughlin gave a summary of the year's work which showed the re- markable work that is being done by this efficient society, while the treasurer's report presented by Mrs, Babe, gave the interesting de- tails, Total receipts for the year were $2,140.49. One thousand dollars had been given for the 1e¢- duction of the mortgage; four hun- dred dollars had been given to the managers, and numerous con- tributions were given for benevol- ence and relief, The manse rooms had been decorated and consider- able equipment had been provided for thee hurch, Hearty applause was given by the congregation, ex- pressing appreciation of the work done by the ladies. Women's Missionary Society The Women's Missionary So- Storie, They had a successful year, The Thank Offering had been the largest in their history clety 'was represented by Mrs, S. J. | SKATING PARTY, PLAN OF RITSON Citizenship by Mrs. L. L, Corrin on the sub- ject "Citizenship." Mrs. Corrin SCHOOL CLUB spoke of the necessity and benefits The January meeting of the Ritson Home and School Associa- tion was held last evening with the president, Mrs, O, D, Friend, con- vening the meeting. There was a splendid attendance and many new members were enrolled. It was arranged that a skating party be held in the near future, refresh- ments to be served by the ladies of the Association, An interesting talk was given lof patriotism as well us the fact that the program of the Home and School Associations should be car- ried out along an educational line. fusical Progam A musical program followed and comprised the following numbers: Piano solo, Mr. Buchanan Docher- ty; vocal solo, Mrs, A, C. Cameron: reading, Ted Friend; vocal solo, Miss Peggy 'McNabb; reading, Hel- en Lee. A vote of thanks was ex- sisting artists, after which refres ments were served by the ladies charge. A social hour was spen AMBITIOUS PROGRAM FOR PERCY WILLIA} Vancouver, Jan, 17.--Percy Wi liams, Olympic sprint champio! left Vancouver yesterday mornin; for Winnipeg on the first leg of hi tour of the Eastern indoor athletic meets. An ambitious program hus been lined up for the Vancouver youth, He will be met at Winnipeg tended to Mws, Corrin and the as- |by B. M, Armstrong, one of Mani- r leading sportsmen, with gm Perey will stay until Sun- r, when he leaves for Toronte h Jimmy Ball, Olympic quarter- lo star, The first meet in which Percy to take part is the Boston A, A, tourney, February 2. He will mpete with other members of the anadian team, in a 400-yard rint, From Boston Percy goes to the lelrose games at New York, Feb, 9. Williams and Ball will go to Philadelphia from New York on February 13. yu ES LOBLAW GROCETERIAS | Where the Quality his alec choice supper was greatly enjoyed, as was the tasteful layout and atten- tive service so much so that all were tempted to linger over the meal and and their allotment had been met. Tos! contributions were $1,047.35, he Jessie Panton Auxiliary, through Mrs. Brant, also reported a good year with all obligations met, One hundred and seventy- one dollars and seventy-five cents had been raised. This organiza- tion was commended for their faithful service. The Olive Branch Mission Band's report was read by Erma Rutledge, Eighty-one dollars and thirty cents had been raised by its 40 members and the children were being edu- cated and {instructed in this im- nortant work, Treasurer's Report The church treasurer's report was presented by Mr. W. H. Ross, showing that a total of $13,979.54 had been raisd, $3,875 of which had been given to the missionary and maintenance fund, and two hundrd dollars to the city mission board. Mr, Mr, Whattam, although showing plow progress, will he many weeks gonvaleseing. of appreciation of the skillful and de-' voted setvices of the cheirmaster, | 7 Mr, Hurst ond the crganist, Mr, the fellowship engendered by the|Pavid * ienlius, The presentations same token. were made by Mr, Ilenvy to Mr, Business Meeting Hurst and by Mr. Hao lton to Mr. The business. meeting which fol- Jenhine, Suitable replies were made lowed was conducted while the mem-| by the recipients "euch ¢f which bers sat at the tables and from first | ev¢ked roids of hearty applause. | to last it was marked .by a happy Pastor's Address vein of comradeship and good feel- After the routine business had ing. The pastor, Rev, John Galt, occupied the chair and carried the business through with the least pos- sible waste of time so that the meet- ing was over about ten o'clock in spite of the large volume of business transacted. » Membership The report of the Church clerk, on membership, showed that al- though losses far in excess of what is usual had been sustained through dismissals by letter, removal, and by death, the gains had also been great- er than usual, so that to all intents and purposes, membership is practi- cally the same as last year and with the very great advantage that non- active membership is greatly reduced. Financial Report The report of the auditors was a very great surprise to nearly all present showing, as it did, that in spite of very considerable losses of income sustained during the year by reason of dismissals to other churches; removals and deaths, the amount raised and administered was considerably in excess of that of the previous year, The and total, in- cluding amagints which did not pass through the treasurers hands, was a little over $4,000. Renovation Fund The church renovation account showed that while it was intended to do work to the amount of $300, the work done cost $415, all of which was paid for three months in ad- vance of the time given for payment Specials On Sale at These Low Prices from January 18-24 STORE HOURS 8 AM. DAILY 12 P.M. WEDNESDAY 10 P.M. SATURDAY * * * Messrs, W, Y, Mills and W, M Moore of Kingston were among the guests attending the charter pres- entation of the local Kiwanis Club, which was held last evening in the Genosha Hotel, Ll * * Messrs, N, Thickson, T, L. Wil- gon, M, Hart, W, Elliott, R, Flin- toff and G, A, Goodfellow, of Whitby, attended the banquet ten- dered the Durant Motor 'dealers, which was held last evening in the King Edward hotel. * » been disposed of the pastor addres- sed the mecting, recalling the accom- plishmenis of the past four years and pointing out that what has been done constitutes a challenge to the church to take its mission in the community more seriously than ever, preaching new testament doctrine, practising and teaching new testa- ment ordinances and maintaining a New Testament church in polity and in organizations, suggestions for the better prosccution of the work were also made. Al the close of the pas- tor's addrcss, committees were ap- pointed to consider the suggestions made with a view to carrying them into effect, This brought to a close the business of one of the happiest mectings in the history of the church. ST. ANDREW'S HAD SPLENDID YEAR Gai Every Organization Had En: Storie, Mr. A. V. Swail, Mr. Wal- couraging Report for the ter Lynde. The new members elect- by MacKay" s--CocLis ed were: Mr. George H. Lander, Annual Meeting Mr. Harold Sproule. Mr, Jas Moore, bY in 3 Minuiss ........ i EoD. : Cake Floor Mr. H. E. Tripp and Mr. Jas Thom- The annual congregational meet- Tribute to Pastor ing of St. Andrew's Church ae A hearty expression of apprecia- BB ES irri s held last night in the Sunday schoo tion was given to Bev. Mr, Max- a a ume Fd room, when reporis were preashied yj; nd family for their. faithful S.0.8. Cleanser when 1c und was opened. he seve organizations if a When Things Leok A, Missionary giving of the Church had from » me wi Word oni and Mr. service rendered throughout th Blackest, I: 5.0.8. 3-pad Pkg. le been well sustained during the year Rev. Ms Ha b S year. Several of the members ex- possibly bec: alse of the interes st en- F. 2, Daniels was appointed seere- pressed their confidnce and appro- Lima Beans h Sv the of tary. val and the congregation by a BR. & M. Brand gendered )y the church, or its mem- The session report presented by dinz vol d hearty lause No. 2 Size Tin ... bers, being responsible for the sup- Mr. C. A. Sadler save a general Standing vote an Ary app ause port of three native pastors in India vay or the work duri tho-year endorsed their words. who minister in th spel to about |28rvey of the work during the y In replying, Mr. Maxwell com- 15.00 or I i 20 iT od about | oa)ling attention to encouraging re- |... q.q the congregation on the ro. i By is Lo sav the popu-| poris from every department of the |p CX 0, To, co-operation and un- tion of rr 5 church. There were one hundred |, which made his work so pleas- The Ladies Aid account indicated [30d twenty-two new members add- among them. that a great deal of strenuous work ed to the Church Roll. After all Votes of Thanks had been done during the year over | reductions and renewals had. been Votes of thanks were also tend- $900 having passed through the |made the church membership Was |ereq to the choir for their splendid hands of the treasurer. . over eight hundred. work; to Mrs. Brant and others for The Ladies Mission Circle and the Reports their work in the Sunday school. Young Women's Mission. Circle pre-| The Missionary Allotment had| ~The chairman reported that the sented reports which showed that in |Deen met and a specially fine spirit | ota] budget was considerably over addition to the substantial amounts|Of co-operation was prevalent (g37 000, while over $6,100 had raised for Missions a great deal had |throughout the congregation. The jhep given to missions and benevol- been 'done to foster the Missionary [Sunday school report was presented [oy ces. : Spirit among the members and ad-|by Mr. J. C. Young who rejoiced { This very enjoyable meeting was herents of the church. | in being able to report that they |brought to a close by sing the Dox- Sunday School were presenting the best financial |olozy. rt of the Sunday School, {and statistical report in the his- by Mr. R. A. Hamilton [tory of the school. Tribute was a prosperous year from |paid to the loyal and efficient staff wints of view; including the [of teachers who were carrying on vintenance of its fine Missionary [the work of the Sunday school. better organization and an Finances The financial report was present- ed by Mr. J. J. Scott, who reportea that the total receipts of the school were $1,122.97, and $575 of this amount was contributed for the missionary and educational work of the church. The school has reached that ideal standard of ex- cellence where it is contributing as much for others as they are using for themselves. There was also an increase of 51 in the average at- tendance throughout the year and a remarkable increase in enroll- ment. All accounts had been met and there was a small balance in the treasury. Bible Class Mr. Harold Sproule the Bible Class report, which was ELASTIC HOSIERY optimistic throughout. Most of optimistic throughout. 2 Abdominal contributed to missions. . Nr. NA Young read the report or e oung People's Society, claiming that it had been the most AUTHORS s COX LTD SPECIAL~ STONELESS -- PURE PLUM J. AM = 40-0%. 2 7 Glas Watch for Yellow Price Tiskets--They Demote | ctUAT gp Specials Satin Mixed .... Ib." 12¢ Al Secap Powder Holiday Mixed :... ....oconsneennn. Ibe 11c Poet apon .. 3 Phgs. l4c 2 Cakes 8c Ivory Seap $is™ fotiva=No, 2 2 Tins 27¢ SPECIAL. AYLMER CHOICE QUALITY CORN ::: 11. Size Every Item of Regular Good Value Corned Beef Fray Bentos No. 1 Size Tin Mr, and Mrs, George Montgom- ery, Miss Norah Montgomery and Mr, Stacey Montgomery, Jarvis street, are in Hastings attending the funeral of Mrs. Montgomery's mother, the late Mrs, Isabella Rob- erts whose death occurred in Has- tings on Monday, SIMCOE STREET UNITED CHURCH SHOWS PROGRESS Various Departments Report Splendid Activity--Officers Are Elected A large and representative gath- fring of members and adherents bf Simcoe street United Church gathered for their annua congrega- tional meeting in the Sunday pchool rooms, last evening. Rev. EB, Harston, LLB., Minister of the khurch, occupied the chair, and presided over the gatheripg. Reports from the various depart- ments of the church's activities were received which gave evidence that the church is a growing con- ern. The reports were inter- spersed by congregational singing, polos by Miss Garrow and Mr, Pat- ferson and readings by Miss Eve- yn Trick. The election of offic- ers followed the receiving af re- ports. Light refreshments were served at the close by the ladies of the church, and this meeting was declared one of the most sat- fsfactory and encouraging on ree- ord. A. J. Cook, chairman of the hoard, in a neat address, referred to the important phases of tha Board's work and expressed appre- ciation of the assistance rendered by the ladies and the young people. Mr. W, A, Young reported that the mortgage indebtedness would be reduced by $3,822.43. This in- formation was joyfully received and heartily applauded. Elections following managers were sesssssssssrsnsree 00 Tin 24c Fruit Drops True Fruit Flavor Assorted--1-1b, BOX .,,s000s0s Box 19¢ Coffeelsinicer, Lge. Tin 27¢ Licorice Allsorts Finest Quality Imported--10-0Z. BOX ,....000000 20c Tin 22¢ SPECIAL~ MCLAREN'S INVINCIBLE Jelly Powders Assorted Pass, 2 in Family Size L- 'Carton Pkg. 23¢ . Fsr Rel Nourizh:ent BOVRIL c=. CORDIAL Bil. 4 7 ec LOBLAW'S CAKE Delicious Cherry Cake . ....... Lb. 36¢c Rich Fruit and Nut Cake ...... Lb. 32¢ Fresh Valencia Cake ......... Lb. 2lc Spinach? Muffeis You Can Always Depc nd These Eeing Fresh " Pkg. 12¢ Pare Honey?" "ia" Tin 66¢ Pure Honey sin Tin 36¢c Cream of Barley Red Pitted Cherries No, 2 Size Tin Vita Weat Peak F The irik 2 rispbread "rans Ingersoll Cheese ron su Small Pkg. 7c Ingerzoll Cheese Dlire 2 Phkgs. 21c Pimento ,.esssepnnsees Phg. 28¢ Tins 17¢ seesssssnse A Meal in a Glass TODDY 15-10. 23. Tin Baking Pcwder Charm Brand Nome Better 1-1b. Tin 21¢c Ecwniree's 15-16. Tin 24¢ Elcct Magic BAKING POWDER 16-02. 3 4. Tin Marshmallows Campfire B: Finest for oo PO C hocolates Queen Anne--A Hard a Soft Centres SPECIAL~ MONARCH PASTRY FLOUR ©9. 24-1b. Bag EGGS . 32 Tin 34¢ SENATOR McDOUGALD'S SON NOMINATED FOR SANDHURST Ottawa, Jan. 17--His = Excellency Lord Willingdon, has nominated Wil- frid . Joseph McDougald, cldest son of Senator Wilirid Laurier Me- Dougald, to a cadetship in the Royal Military College zt Sandhurst, Eng- nd. to? ldeal; Delicious Assortment of Cocca 1-1b. Box 39¢ > Tep( Crisco A Sweeter-Tasting Fat Makes 8 Suecter asting 1-16. Tin 24¢ Table Raisins, 5 Crowns Special Packet 29¢ Skipper Brand Dainty, STORAGE EXTRAS .. Aesoried Piasomeer.... 2 Pkgs. 15c STORAGE FIRSTS .. ........ ELASTIC HOSIERY SPECIALISTS IN FITTING, WEIGHT AND PRESSURE. presented Hiéh \ajue at low cost Ides} for Winter with hot mi Proved by 34 years of growing popu k. ty Made by The Canadian Shredded Wheat Company, Lid Selves £iThiaG only om The Rim of Tus BRACE YoVR- YY SELVES! is just what you need to buck you up Scie; Agents: Harold F. Ritchie Co. 12d, Toronto © 1929, King Fasturoe Syndicate, lnc. Gonat Mritain cighis reserved»

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