Oshawa Daily Times, 16 Jan 1929, p. 6

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oO a t- FN -Ed T PAGE SIX THE OSHAWA DAILY TIMES, WEDNESDAY, JANUARY 16, 1929 === Woman's Daily Interest SOCIAL and PERS ON AL The Times invites the co- operation of its readers in contributing items to this eolumn, Send in a postcard ~ or phone 35, Mrs. Herb Hopkins, Rowe street, visiting her cousin, Miss Grothea vias Belleville, * LJ * Mr, Ross McGahey spent the week-end with his parents, Mr, and Mys. J. A, McGahey, Dunsford. x * » Mrs. J. H, Renwick, Counaught ptreet, has returned home from To ponto, after spending a few days with her mother, Mrs, W, M Klingner. * * * The many friends of Mrs, George Montgomery, will sympathize wita her on the loss of her mother, the Jate Mrs, Isabella Roberts, whosa death occurred in Hastings on Monday. The funeral iakes place in Hastings this af.ernoon, ow» Kemp entertained at a tea yesterday afternoon at her home, Olive avenue. The guests were received by the "hostess who wore a becoming gown of black gatin, Among those present were Mrs, L. Pittman, in green crepe; Mrs. A, Baird in blue georgetie; Mrs, A. Austin in mauve silk; and Mrs. G. Anderson in brown crepe Mrs: J, REV, MR, HARSTON IS SPECIAL SPEAKER AT SCHOOL COUNCIL, "The Home and School Council held their regular cntertainment Jast evening in the auditorium of Centre street school, The program, which was in charge of the Ritson road and King street Home and Bchool Associations, was convened by Mrs. G. B. Norris, in the ab- pence of the president of the coun- gil, Mrs, R, 8. McLaughlin. The program was very enter- taining. The speaker of the eve fng was Rev. tor of Simcoe street United Church, who gpoke on the subject: *Doe; Education Really Educate," The following musical numbers were given: piano solo, Mr. Buchanan Doherty; vocal solo, Mrs. A, C. Cameron; reading, Migs Frick; piano solo, Mrs. R. Holden; readings from Stephen Leacock, Mrs, L, Stevenson; vocal duet, Mrs. ¥. Noble and Miss Evelyn Trick. o { January 30, All Testity to Its Quick Action A steady stream of voluntary testimonials tells the same story ~Buckley's Mixture literally acts like a flash in relieving Colds, Coughs, Hoarsencss, La Grippe, *Fiu" and Bronchitis. Men, woe men and children find * Buck- ley's" 8 pleasant, safe, sure way to throat and chest health. 1 under a money-refunded guar:n- tee by druggists everywhere. Try it today. W. K. Buckley, Limited, 142 Mutual St., Toronto 2 BUCKLEYS asingle sip proves it For Colds ~ How many people you know who end their colds with Aad how often you've heard of its prompt relief of sore tonsilitis. No wonder millions take it sheumatism; and the aches and pains that der is that anyone still worries tablets! They «heart. Friend Ernest Harsion, pas-| Evelyn | bor. Lunch was served by the Jan- INSTALL OFFICERS VICTORY LODGE Visitors Present--Ceremony 'Conducted By Sister Kennedy # ---- At the last regular meeting of the Victory L. O, B, A. lodge, No. 583 a large number of friends wit- nessed the installation of officers, conducted hy Right Worthy Grand Mistress of Ontario West, Sister Kennedy. Among those present were visitors from Lindsay, Tren- ton and from the Vimy Rilge lodge, Whithy and the Oakleigh and. Queen Mary Lodges Oshawa, Instal Officers The following officers were in- stalled for the year 1929: Worthy Mistress, Mrs, Beatrice Gardner: Deputy Mistress, Mrs. Mary Foole; chaplain, Mrs, Elsie Youds; record- ing secretary, Miss Muriel An- drews; financial secretary, Mrs, Howard; treasurer, Mrs, Flora Dse- Marsh; first lecturer, Miss Beat- rice Badgley; second lecturer, Mrs, Edna Bint; director of ceremonies, Mrs, M, Smith; first committee, Mrs, Alber.a Dainty; second com=- mittee, Mrs, McKnight; third com- mittee, Mrs, Merritt; fourth com- mittee, Mrs, Lee; fifth committee, Mrs, Saunders; ardian, R, J. Andrews, Sr.; Mrs, San- ders and Mrs, Andrews; trustees, Mr, H, Foote, Mrs, R, J, Andrews, Sr., and Mr, R, J, Andrews, Jr. Presentation I'ollowing the installation cere- mony Sister Kennedy was present- ed with a tray on behalf of the Victory lodge. After the presenta- tion all the members were enter- tainedg at supper, which was served in the banquet hall, ---- Engagement Henry Webber, Burketon, announce the engage- ment of their cldest daughter, Myrtio Helena Webber to Harold , Wreford Frankland Cornigh, son of Mr, and Mrs. George Cornish, Salem, the marriage to take place the lat er' part of January, Mr. and Mrs. MISSION CIRCLE MEETS The Mission Circle of King street Uni.ed Church met last even ing at the home of Miss Helen Branton, Clarke street. The meet- ing was convened by the new president, Mrs, H. M. Myers, The officers, who were elected at the led. During the business meeting two delegates, Miss Ruby Armour {an Mrs, Harry Stickells, were ap- | pointed to attend the meeting of | the Preshyterial, which is 10 be i held in Simcoe street Church on | Following the husiness meeting, | Miss Velma Blewett, vice-president { of the Circle, took charge of the | program. The followi | w given: reading, | Edgar; uary group and a was extended to vote of thanks Mrs, Branton, CHRIST CHURCH, YOUNG PEOPLE On.Monday evening, January 14, Christ Church Young People held their weekly meeting and amateur ight. After the business of admis- sion of new membe a program, consisting of recitations, | dialogues and game followed. { The program of the association { for next Monday evening will con- y feature in which A.Y.P.A. wil broadcast a novelty. A pleasant hour's #s assured, further will be made of a novelty | sist | station | radio | entertainment notice of which through the press, last meeting for 1929, were_insial- | NR. BLOW SPEAKS ON BOY SCOUTS {okie Home and School As- sociation Has Pleasant Evening Meeting The Monday evening meeting of the Centre Home and School Asso- ciation was unique in the history of the club, Two former assistant principals of the school were pres- ent, Mr. Arthur Slyfield, librarian of the Oshawa Collegiate Institute, and Mr, J, Blow of Upper Canada College. Mrs, Andison the president, conducted the meeting. The past president, Mrs. Colpus, on behalf of the Home and School Club, presented Mrs. A. Barton, nee Evelyn Currie, a retiring teacher of the Centre School staff and secre. tary of the club, with a beautiful gift, Boy Scouts The speaker of the evening, Mr, Blow, spoke on "I'he Boy Scout Movement," which is a hobby of the teacher. He gave a brief outline of the history and growth of the movement, and told |" of the values of scouting, its aim and its advantages, At the close of the address the scouts of the 5th Oshawa J. Blow Troop, which is under the leadership of Mr, Terrett, presented a pantominc illustrating the values of seouting, Regret Departure Mr. Slyfield expressed his regret, on behali of the Collegiate Institute boys as well as for himself, for Mr, Blow's retirement from . Centre School. I'M A, CLUB The P.M.A, Club held their first meeting on Monday, January 14, at 3 o'clock, The election of of- ticers for 1929 took place in which Mrs. J, J. Meyers was elected president; Mrs, W, Cullins, Sr, vice-president; Mrs, Collings, sec- ond vice-president; Mrs, W. Severs, secretary; Mrs. J, Pollard, Sr., treasurer; Mrs, Buckley, convener of the Sick Committee, Following the clection of of- ficers the secretary read an inter- esting report of the activities and financial standing of the . lub for the past year, A hearty welcome was extended to all the mothers in the ciy of Oshawa to attend the meetings of the club, which are beld every Monday at 3 o'clock in the Legion Hall, Duke street, BEGINNER'S LUCK WITH VENGEANCE San Francisco, Jan. 16.--The hand that her husband had sought in many years of poker playing --a royal flush--was captured three times in succession by Mrs, Wil- liam Schaumberg, ; She had played poker only once before but had heen induced by her husband and ano. her couple to Join them in a friendly game for small stakes, They decided on draw, "The first time I had a royal flush my husband said it was one | of those things that oply happen once in a life time," she said after- ward. "4 think I was just excep- tionally lucky to get two more." Two were diamond flushes and one was in clubs, she said. Two were pat hands and she drew one card to get the third royal. If Stomach Hurts Drink Hot Water Neutralize Stomach Acidity, Prevent Food F, ion. Stop Indi ey Aspirinf Biel of & throat or or , meuralgia, go with them. The won- "1 gas, those t who suffer from indi i Bn ol indigestion, or flatulence, stomach idi Or sourness, gastric catarrh, ves lg would take a teaspoonful of pure Bisurated Magnesia in half a glass of hot water im- mediately aiter eating they would soon for- get they were ever afflicted with stomach trouble, and doctors would have to look else- where for patients." In explanation of these Words a well known New York physician sta- ted that most forms of stomach tre due to stomach acidity and fer {roubles ra DIPPING HEMLINE A gracious new drape silhouette, It's new! Smart! And so entirely wearable. A bow trims diagonal cut neckline. A swathed through the hips, which makes it so appropriate for woman - of average full figure, The wrap-around skirt is in three sections, with two-piece upper tier. The left side of skirt and upper tire hangs loosely, dipping below hemline. The bodice 1s in two sections. It's unbelievably casy to make! Try it! Style No. 331 uses printed and' plain rayon velvet, and comes in sizes 16, 18, 20 ycars, 30, 38, 40 and 42 inches bust. In the 30- inch size, 356 yards of 40-inch mater- ial with 54 yard of 36-inch contrast- ing is sufficient. It's very chic in black lustrous crepe satin with girdle and tie of dull side of crepe. Navy blue wool crepe, cocoa brown canton crepe, silk crepe in tweed pattern and scarlet red georgette crepe, other interesting ideas. Prttosn nri preferred). Wrap coin carctully. PATTERN PURCHASE 7 COUPON . ERRER Pelee eee Ree ee To The Oshaws Daily Times Pattern Department Oshawa. Ont. Enclosed find Please send patterns listed be low: sorrrnsrrsrssrs BIZR 454s, srarsrrrr BIER srrsrrrs sassnnsnsss BiZ€ ,.,., Seneletelen! ee Address Town .,. Province possssnssrprrs eaten; Price, 20 cents each. Send stamps or coin. Wrap coin carefully. aaa EE ak x hk ANNIVERSARY OF PLANTS UNDER MUNICIPAL CONTROL Kingston, Jan. 16.--Yesterday marked 2 quarter century since the gas and electrical plants were plac- ed under municipal control, while the water works department has been carried on as a public utility for 43 years, and all three depart- ments are operating with success. The commission received a letter from the Great Northern Utilities Company, of Chicago, making a bid for the gas plart, but the members replied stating that the plant is not for sale. | phy! the food contents of the stomach combined with an insufficient blood supply to the stomach, Hot water increases the blood sup- ply and Bisurated Maguesia, which can readily obtained at any reliable drug store, in either tablets or powder, instantly neu- tralizes the excessive stomach acid and stops food fermentation, the combination of the two, therefore, being marvelously suc- cessful and decidedly preferable to the use of artificial digestants, stimulants or medi- cines for indigestion. in tiered | girdle creates necessary slenderness | JUNOR SOCIETY BOWNANVILE HAD SPLENDID YEAR Sick Remembered, Thanks Received for Many Cour. tesies-- Officers: Elected Bowmanville, Jan, 15=The first mecting of the year of St. Paul's Junior Missionary Socicty was held Monday evening, January 14, at the home of Mrs, C, Lunney, Silver street, and despite the stormy wea- ther, there was an excellent atten- dance. The meeting took the form of the annual meeting and election of officers was held, 'the devotional exercises were taken by Miss Kath- leen Hall who read the scripture, and Miss 1. Stephens who led in prayer, The treasurer, Miss H, Car- ruthers, read her report which show- ed that the society had an excellent year, having raised $50 more than the previous year, The Society also gave considerably more than their allocation called for. The sccretary's report, given by Mrs, C, Rice, was also most interesting. Remembered the Sick .... Mrs, IFFrank Williams, who looks after the sending of fruit, flowers, ete, to the sick and shut-ins, was given a hearty vote of thanks for the excellent way in which she car- ried on this work. Over 80 people were remembered in this way during the year, These remembrances are not confined to members or adhier- ents of St. Paul's church only, but are sent to any one in the commun- ity who. perhaps is not being looked after by any in particular, Twelve letters of thanks were read from people to whom fruit or flowers had been sent since the last meets ing. There is also a work committee who look after the giving of bed- ding, clothing, cte., to the needy. The work carried on by this society is really worth while and all the members arc most enthusiastic, Officers The officers for il are as follows ;--1 (Rev,) DD. W, Be ( I. Stephens; 1st vice-pres., Mis Jewell; 2nd vice-pres, Miss Percy; sccrctary, Mrs. Chas. Rice; treasurer, Miss Helen Carruthers; Strangers' secretary, Mrs, Frank Williams; cheirman of work com- mittee, Mrs. Mort Murdoff; chair- man of decoration committee, Miss one 20 cents in stamps or coin (coin is Jean Ramsay. After the election delicious re- i freshments were served by the hos- | tess. The next meeting will be held at the home of Miss Helen Carru- thers, Qucen street. ELECTS OFFICERS AT BOWMANVILLE Reports Show. Splendid Ace tivities of the Society During Past Year Bowmanville, Jan, 15--The regular meeting of St. Paul's Women's Mis- sionary Society was held at the home of Mrs. John Morris, Beech Ave. on Tuesday afternoon, January 15. There was a good attendance. Be- fore proceeding with the meeting, Mrs. Morris served a cup of tea, assisted by her daugther-in-law, Mrs. Frank Morris. The President, Mrs. Wm. Adams, was in the chair. The meeting open- ed with the singing of the Doxology after which Mrs. Tod read the scrip- ture and Mrs. Adams led in prayer. The secretary, Mrs. Wm. Quick, read the minutes of the last meeting also her annual report which told of the year's activities. The treasurer, Mrs. G. E. Chase, read the treasurer's re- port. On account of the small attendance at the last meeting, the election of officers for this year was postponed until this meeting. Elect Officers Mrs. Tod was asked to take the chair and the following officers were clected : President, Mrs. Wm. Adams; vice-presidents, Mrs. (Rev) D. W, Best, Mrs. (Rev.) Geo. Mason, Mrs. W. Carruthers; corresponding secre- tary, Mrs, R, D. Davidson; record- ing secretary, Mrs. Quick; asst. scc., Mrs, Nicholls; treasurer, Mrs, G. E. Chase; auditers, Mrs. Tod, Mrs. Brown; social helpers, Mrs. Percy, Mrs. M, Mayer, Mrs, Brown; stranger's secretary, Mrs. Nicholls, assistants, Mrs. C, A. Cawker, Miss Stephens; missionary monthly scc- retary, Mrs. Brown; supply commit- tee, Mrs, Tod, Mrs. Murdoff, Mrs. Morris; finance committee, Mrs. Morden, Mrs, Chase, Mrs. Carru- thers; delegates to Presbyterial at Oshawa, Mrs. Best, Mrs. Davidson, Mission band officers are:--Hon. president, Miss Margaret Allen; superintendent, Mrs, Wm, Adams; assistants, Mrs, Geo. E. Chase, Mrs. C, Lunney. The society had a suc- cessful year and are looking forward fa Sven greater activities during Viscount Dunwich Weds Miss Grosvenor London, Jan. 16--=Traffic in Trafal- gar Square was held up yesterday by a crowd that thronged outside St. Martin's Church on the occasion of the wedding of Viscount Dunwich, cldest son of the Earl of Stradbroke; to' Miss Barbara Grosvenor, a rela- tive of the Duke of Westminster, The church itself was packed with 000 invited guests. For her wedding veil the bride wore old lace which had been wrapped around the bride- groom at his christening. This was worn by the bride over a shimmering gown of white satin, The twelve bridesmaids and the pages were in yellow velvet. : The bridegroom, whose full name is Viscount John Anthony Alexan- der Ross, is a dieutenant in the Royal Navy and is twenty-five years of age. LADY BARRISTER PLEADS FOR BOY AT OLD PALEY In Wig and Gown Defends Youth Accused of Murder London, Jan, 16----A rather grim step forward for feminism was made today at the Central Criminal Court, generally known as the "Old Bailey," when Miss Venetia Stephenson, a woman barrister, defended a man charged with the murder of his grandfather, Miss Stephenson, who served in the women's naval service during the war, has been practicing in the criminal courts for some years, but this was the first time she had accepted a brief for the defence in a capital charge, Although the places reserved for the public were filled with the cus- tomary half-morbid crowd which in- variably assembles even when there is little possibility of a dramatic de- tail, it is rather curious that this feminine cssay in advocacy aroused little interest among members of the Bar itself. The remainder of the counsels' scats were almost unoccu- pied, although one other woman barrister was a hearer, Miss Stephenson applied herself to the task almost prosaically. Her wig and gown went some wi to depriving her of any incongruity of appearance, In fact, from a view from the back of the court, it might have seemed that it was merely very young counsel with a rem: j ably clear voice who was addressing ke judge and the jury. The prisoner, John Holmyward, 24, was indicted because his grandfather, a bookmaker, living in that rather sordid quarter of London called Pim- lico, was found with his skull frac- tured. Onc or. two mild exchanges occurred between counsel and the judge. Canoe] referred to her client as "this boy," "Don t you think he is old enough to be described as a man? He is twenty-five," suggested the judge. Counsel caused a mild shock to His Lordship when she spoke of the dead man as "a bookie. "A what 2" asked the judge. : "A commission agent or a bookic My Lord," she quictly replied, The case was adjourned, REUNION TO BK HELD RY AYLESWORTH FAMILY Madoc, Jan. 16.----According te an announcement by Fraser Ayls- worth, Secretary of the Aylsworth Reunion Association, descendants of Bowen Aylsworth, who settled in Lennox County about three miles north of Bath in 1788, will hold a reunion on the homestean at an undetermined date during the coming summer. The farm, which 'was taken by Bowen Ayl worth, who was a United Empi Loyalist, has remained in the fam- ily name and is now owned by Da- vid Aylesworth of Napanee and is occupied hy his son, David Jr, The following officers have heen elected by the association: Homor- ary President, Sir Allen Aylsworth. K.C., K.C.M.G., Toronto; President, David Aylesworth, Napanee; Sec- retary, Fraser Aylsworth, Madoc. Advisory Committee: David Fras- er Aylsworth, Bath; Morley Ayls- worth, London; Dr. Ralph Ayls- worth, Trenton; W. R. Aylsworth. Cataraqui; Mrs. Emma Burritt, Napanee; Mrs. William Deroche, Napance; B. George Hamm, Odes- fa. Guard the Skin Health of Your Children To the child, the cut finger, the scratched hand or face, or the bruised knee, may- be just a cut, a scratch, or a bruise= something to be endured or even boast about, But to Mothers these little cuts and bruises mean possible infection-- real trouble-makers, In the bath Lifebuoy soothes the little nicks and knocks of the day's play. Its creamy, antiseptic lather goes deep into the countless tiny pores, cleanses opens them up and lets them breathe . » » and stands guard like an invisible shield. Many mothers have found that Lifebuoy is a real two-purpose soap--that it both cleanses and protects from germs. These are some of the reasons why in so many Canadian homes the orange-red cake of Lifebuoy is as familiar a sight as the bath tub itself. Doctors, nurses and school teachers endorse Lifebuoy. Let your family, too, enjoy its benefits, > Lever Brothers Limited Toronto [X1 eccan To RAW Rpry Doss Ano Pussy CATs AND Comfy BEGAN To 16er Ampal Ex~ CTED AsO They WIERE AFRAID HE wou Fume ovi™ of THe clock AND CHASE Tae PUssy-CATS - oR GET ant A FioHT Wild Tile DOGOAES, So The GopLn TLD THEM 78 clme oul of THE clos AnD wile His HAT AND Tey Would GET AWAY Fon Tos Stora ten Tis Gobi Drisappeanso ano Tey | WERE only STTiNc on This SIM of The MAT THE REST HAD OBL. Fovnio FLEW AWAY . TC Asmaance SID CAME AND LAUCHE! AT THEM Dolefvily Ane THEN i ~E § i i i I

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