Oshawa Daily Times, 16 Jan 1929, p. 5

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1nE OSHAWA DAILY [IMtS,*WEDNESDAY, JANUARY 16, 1929 Suburban. and District N ews Gathered By Times Staff Reporters and Correspondents COLUMBUS ;olumbus, Jan, 16--Mr, and Mrs Wi rhilips of Whithy, visited . and mrs. C. Hayes, . "t Pho Ww. M. S, met at the home of Mrs, H. L. Pascoe last week. Come and try Columbus rink as they hae good ice sk. ting 8 nights a week, Come Saturday night and a try. Be Mrs. N. Pollard, Mr. and Mrs, brea wilson, narold Wilson, of Oshawa, spent Sunday at Mr, and Mrs. Henry Wilson, Mr, and Mrs, Fred Tarves, John r BBuvures psi wulilay #t wlack- stock, at Mr, apd Mrs, Beacock's,' Mr. Wm. Dyer spent a few days at Guelph last week, = ° Ed. Tarves is back at work again after spending three weeks at home with his mother Mrs, J, Tarves, Mr. and Mrs, H, Wilson have gone In the basement of the Meth- odist church for a while till they can build, They are hauling home lumber to build again here, Hoping them every success, Mrs, Wm. Dyer spent the week- end at Port Perry with friends. Miss Smythe spent Sunday at Mr, and Mrs. J. F. Cugston's. Miss V. Appleby, spent the week- end at home with her parents Mr. and Mrs. T. Appleby. The Late John Prescott After being in failing health for over eleven years, and for'the last eight months fi~hting a gallant battle for life, the last week confin- ed to hs Led vorn out, John Joseph Prescctt died in his sleep at 12.20 noon on Saturday Jan. 5th at his home in Columbus, He was the third son of the late Charles and Elizabeth Prescott, who settled on the ninth concession of East Whit- by about 85 years ago, where he was born on Februrary 24th 1857, The late Mr. Prescott was twicé married his first wife Mary Matilda Harrow of East Whitby township, whom he married on April 19, 1882 who died on Nov. 8, 1890, Of this union two sons and two daughters were born, one son and two daugh- ter's survive him. They are Ernest E, and Mrs. Richard Dunsmore, of lonia Mich., and Mrs, A, E. Howe, of Waukegon Ill, after the death of his first wife he lived for about 3 years in the United States. He returned to Canada and on Oct. 11, 1893 he was united in marriace to Hulda Emaline Bearden, of Mart- wright Township. who with fonr scns and four daughters survive him, they are Mrs. C. H. Nash, of Carbon Alta., Mrs. T. A. Walker, of Lethbridge, Alta,, Mrs. Irma Laing, Mrs. Robt. Hannah and Wilfrid N, of North Oshawa. Nor- bert E. of Fnf' 12 = Leo. Denzil at home, for about six vears after his « ~ farmed on the first concess's f Cartwright, moving to north cf Rarlan, where he remained till the fall of 1900 when %» Shirley, where he followed up his trade as a mason. ti"l the en ~ 1911 when he moved to Lot 4, con- cession 2, Cartwright, where he liv- ed till the spring of 1923 when through failing health he retired from active work - and moved to Raglan were he lived for five years, coming to Columbus last Anril Of a quiet almost retiring disposition, he bad a wide circle of friends in the district where he had spent the most of his life. Although not a strictly temperance man he had vot- ed for prohibition whenever op- portunity was offered for the past thirty years. He was in politics a lite long Liberal and loved to hea: the views of all parties addressed from the political platform. After the death of his political ido! Sir Wilfrid Laurier he lost all interest in politics and of late years reffain- ed from voting. In religion he wa 2 Methodist, owing to ill health of late years he was forced to give up his interest in church and never joined the Union. He is also sur- SIMCOE ST. NORTH .HE NM RH vived by two brother and two sis- ters, they are. Thomas of Raglan; and Sydney of Oshawa, Mrs, Ste- phen Short of Vinland, North Caro- lina and Mrs. Stephen Moore of Palmerston Ont, He is also survived by twenty five grandchilaren, His funeral was held from the United Church at Columubus on Tuesday Jan. 8, which was largely attended, The service was conducted by the Rev. J. Clugston, and Messrs Levi Elling, Herman Pascoe, Thomas Scott, Moses Doolittle, Wm, Mount~ joy and Wm. Ward were pallbear- ers, he was laid to vest in Pine Grove Cemetery, Prince Albert, alongside of his two infant daugh- ters who predeceased him many years ago. THORNTON'S CORNERS Thornton's Corners, Jan, 15.-- A number of our young people at- tended a theatre party in Toronto last week and all report a pleasant evening. Mrs, G, H, Robinson has return- ed from a two week's visit with her sister in Oshawa, Mr, Roy Lick is one of the new West Whitby councilmen for 1929, Our congratulations to him, We are also glad to report that he is much improved after a severe attack of the popular "flu," All will be sorry to hear of the illness of Mrs. Lloyd Johnson of Oshawa, Mrs Johnson was former- ly Miss Lowry, a teacher here a few years ago. We wish her a speedy re- covery, Mr, and Mrs, Baley, of Toronto, were recent guests for a few days with Mrs. Baley's sister, Mrs, Jas, Luke, Mr, and Mrs. Norman Gilbert spent Sunday in Utica, the guests of Mrs. Gilbert's parents. The Ladies' Aid will meet this week at the home of Mrs, Arthur Jackson, Mr. and Mrs. G. Southwell of Guelph, spent the week-end with their daughter, Mrs, Georgg Web- ster, Ge Conrcratulations to our Oshawo Collegiate students who received a number of first class houcurs on their Christmas examinations, It is reported that a number of our respected neighbours took a trip to Toronto recently and half of them got lost in the great met ropolis, We sug~est a guid. . There fis still a great deal of illness in the neighborhood, We hope this cold weather will clear it up. SOLINA Solina, Jan: 9. -- Mr, E, J. Black spent the week-end with Oshawa friends. and Jessie of Hampton, Mr, and Mrs. Elmer Wilbur and Gordon, Taunton, { Mr, and Mrs. L. C. Snowden, Maple Grove, Mr. G, McClellan and Mrs. J. by McClellan, Bowmanville, at Mr, | a Baker's. Much sympathy is expressed to the friends of the late Mrs. Cowling of Hampton, who passed away at the home of her daughter, Mrs, Sidney Harkaday. Solina Women's Institute met at the home of Mrs. Elgin Taylor with some 30 ladies present. The meet- ing opened by singing opening ode and repeating the Lord's prayer in unison. Business old and new was gone over; it was moved by one of the members that we send $10 for relief work in Northern Ontario. Miss Edna Reynolds' group then took charge and gave the following pro- gram: Piano solo, Miss Gladys Yel- lowlees, and a splendid talk on her trip to England by Miss Lulu Rey- nolds, Hampton, and a vocal duet by Misses Evelyn Millson and Fanny Smales. Meeting closed by singing the national anthem. The next meet- ing will be held on Feb. 13, Wed- nesday, at Mrs. Gordon Leusk's. League meeting was held on Wed- nesday night this week with a good attendance. Mrs. McKessock took charge and Mr. Elgin Taylor took up the devotional topie. r. Bick took the other topic. Messrs. W. J. and Allan Balson sang a duet. Meeting closed in usual way. Solina Sons Temper nce are holding 2a box social on Thursday, Feb. 14. A good program will be Nation. us. This In Canada The Oldest Homes Are Of Pine Since the early days, Pine has been the building material of the You can still build and plan your homes of the tested building materal of our ancestors as there is a plentiful supp'y of Selected Pine for you to use. The side-walls of the new Dry Lumber Sheds built this Fall for General Motors are constructed of Genuine White Pine supplied by the superior lasting qualities of . genuine White Pine. Surely no other argument need be advanced. great Concern realizes Mr. J. D. Hogarth, Misses Jean to attend the funeral er, Mr. Brown of Harmony, whose given and the ladies are asked to | bring boxes and make this enter tainment as profitable to the division as possible. Mr, and Mrs, A. J. Reynolds at Toronto recently. Miss M. Bray with friends at Pickering. Miss Elva Griffen of Toronto with Mr, and Mrs, Motten. Miss Myrtle Vice with Mrs. Har old Jebson at Brooklin, The friends of the late Mr. Archie Arnott of Lashburn will learn with deep regret of his passing away on Dec, 24. Messrs, John and James Reynolds were called to the bedside of their mother, who is very ill at the home of her daughter, Mrs, Pat Whitnel, Mr, and Mrs, Clarence Tink with der brother in Oshawa, Mr, and Mrs, W, T, Taylor at Mrs, Larmer's, Blackstock, also Mr, Alan Balson visiting at the same home, Mr, and Mrs, J, T. Rundle with Mr, and Mrs, M, H, Staples, of Orono on Saturday, Mr, and Mrs, H, B, Tink visited relatives at Columbus recently. Mr. Cecil Bush, Columbus, at home over the week-end, Municipal elections provided a bit of excitement for this locality, We are highly honored, having two councillors and former resident for reeve for this year, We congratu- late Mr, Wright on his splendid run for the wardenship, Elmer Wilbur (The Watkins Man si visiting the householders showing them the way to health, wealth and happiness, °° Mr. and Mrs. A, A, Rolph and Mr, and Mrs, John Thompson, Orono, at Mr, and Mrs, Frank Thompson's, PORT PERRY Port Perry, Jan, 12 -- Mr, 8, Farmer and Mr, J. C. Cockburn were in Toronto on Wednesday, when they attended the Conference of the Angler's Associations at the Parliament buildings. The sympathy of the community is extended to Mrs! S, E. Allison and family in their recent bereave- ment, Mrs, T. H. Follick, is going to Toronto, where she will stay for a couple of months, Mr. Lorne Brown, of Detroit, was in Port Perry last week. Mrs, Goldring, of Cobourg has been staying with her mother Mrs. "1, Roberts, who has been fll. Mr. Walker, who was forinerly onnected with the Beacon Electric Tompany here has secured a posi- tion in Toronto, and he and Mrs. Walker are moving back to thr City, shortly, The Port Perry Council and Members of the Board of Education were re-elected by acclamation Re"ve, Robert Somerville; Coun- illors, J. BE, Jackson, Jas. McKee, W. W. Crozier, Madison Williams. Board of Education, Mrs, Figary, W. J. Anderson, G. R, Davey. A free mbtion picture demonstra- tion will be given, at the High School on Thursday, Jan, 19th, by Mr. Black of, Oshawa, District Manager of the Bell Telephone Co, Everyone is invited and a good attendance is hoped for as the pic- tures are most interesting. The en- tcrtainment is under the auspices of the Literary Sotiety of the High School. : Mrs. Neill Sweetman is in Tor- onto with her son Mr. Earl Sweet- man who has been quite ill, We hope for a speedy recovery. Mr. Martin Luther Crandall. was in Toronto on Wednesday. The New Year's Party given in the Assembly Hall of the High School, by the I.O.D.E. last Thurs- day proved to be a success in spite of the stormy night and epidemie, quite 8 number of out-of-town vis- itors were present. Mr. Armour Mec- Millan and Miss Kathleen Hood won the Lucky Number Dance. The Euchre prizes were won by Mrs. Jas. Owen, ladies' prize and Mr. R. Levia, men's prize. The Women's Guild of the Church of the Ascension held their 'annual election of officers on Tues- day Jan. 8th, the following were elected. Persident, Mrs. A. H. Rose; Vice president, Mrs. Turner; See,y. Mrs. G. A. Woods, Treas., Mrs. M. Orde. The Misses Helen and Edith Lucas of Whitby, were in toWn for the I1.O.D.E. dance last week. We are glad to report that Mr. G. A. Woods, who has been quite ill has recovered sufficiently to be able to return to Toronto. NORTH OSHAWA N. Oshawa, Jan. 11. -- Our con- "ratulations to o three newly "lected Councillors™ Messrs. Dyer Columbus, Scott, of Taunton and Glover of North Oshawa. There is still quite a lot of sick- ness among the residents, Mrs. Stork, one of the most aged and loved residents is seriously ill at the home of her daughter, Mrs. Sam Glover. The School children will be treated and will exchange presents on Friday afternoon at the school Their Christmas concert was can- celled cwing to the illness among 'he pupils and the epidemic of in- flucnza. Mr. Burnard, of Toronto, visited Br. and Mrs. Bob Heaslip, Wednes- ay. Mr. William Scott, Oshawa, spent Wednesday with his brother, Mr. ry . George Scott. Miss Willma Powell spent the weck-end in town with Mr. and Mrs Vic Ireland and baby, George. Mr. A. Brown and Mrs. Annie Clink, of Redwood, New York, and Airs. Joseph Delair, of Hammond, of the U.S.A. wisited Mr. Robt. Brown, sr., and family while here their broth- funeral took place Wednesday. a i a a a HAMPTON Hampton, Jan, 15, -- The Wo- men's Institute will meet at the home of Mrs, Bruce Ferguson, in- stead of at the home of Mrs. J. Cowling, as announced previously, on Thursday January 17th at 2 o'clock. Mrs, C, J, Kerslake, and Mrs. H, Rundle, delegates to the recent convention held in Toronto, will give their reports. Much sympathy is extended Miss Wilmah Leach, in the death of her father, Mr, W, Leach, whose funeral took place from the home of his son, Mr, Norman Leacn, Taunton, Interment at Bowmanville cemetry, y The snow fall of Monday night made the sleighing still better, and the school children are enjoying the toboganning on Grennaway"s hill north of the school house. Mrs, Maud Robbins, and children spent New Year's with relatives at Enniskillen, Mr, Arthur Stevens, Buffalo, N, Y, visited at Mr, Enoch Stevehs. Miss Marjorie Marty, visited at Enniskillen recently, Reserve the date of February 14th for the Mission Circle con- cert, Further announcement later. The heavy snow stagm of Friday last, made the traffic mather diffi- cult for cars in some places, A num- ber of cars had difficulty in making the grade at Doidg"s corner, some of which had to have assistance, The funeral service of Mr, Enoch Stevens on Monday afternoon was fairly well attended. A number of friends and relatives being pre- sent to pay their last respects to a well respected friend and neighbor, Mr, Stevens contracted the flu, which developed into pneumonia, which caused his death after an fllness of abont two weeks, which he endured without murmuring, In- terment took place at Bethefda PAGE FIVE Cemetery, The floral tributes were pillow (husband), from his wife, who is convaleseing since having the "flu" alse, wreath (family), Pillow, Mr. and Mrs, Elmer Boyd, spray Mr, and Mrs. Arthur Stey- ens, sprays from the grand child- ren, Laverne and Harold Buryess, Mr, and Mrs, Carlyle Stevens, Luel- la and Gordon 'Stevens, spray, Jean McMaster, basket, e neighbors, spray, Mr, and Mrs, C, H, Wallace, spray, Hampton Sunday School Bible Clas and Institute, and oth- ers, Those who bore him to his last resting place were his three sons, Albert, Herbert and Howard, and hi three sons-in-law, Mr, Arth- ur ttevens, Mr, Elmer Boyd, Mr, Robert Burgess, The flower hearers were Messrs, A, BE. Billet, H, Cole, B, Cryderman, G. Carr, H, Clayton' and W, G, Doidge, Besides hi wife he leaves to mourn his loss four sons, Albert, of Hampton, Howard, of Enniskillen, Herbert, of Toronto, Sherwood of Vineland, and three daughters, Mrs, Robert Burgess, of Tyrone, Mrs. Arthur Stevens, and Mrs, Elmer Foyd, of Toronto, Mr, Stevens was in his eightieth year, Children Almost Hate Cross, Nervous Mother "My children almost hated me, I was so cross. Thanks to Vinol, my nervousness is all gone and we stone, Vinol is a compound of iron, phosphates, cod liver peptone, etc. The very FIRST bottle makes sleep better and have a BIG appetite. Nervous, easily (ired people are surprised how QUICK the fron, phosphates, etc,, give new life ani {pep Vinol tastes delicious, Jury | & Lovell, Druggists, many and beautiful inrluding, al! CE A Ta TH J Da DDB a Ja TT Ta Ia? LATIN are happy again,""--Mrs., T, John- } NAST $24 OC 8 ZC 2X Ir 2 J Lower and Lower Go The Prices. Greater and Greater The Crowds. The Peak of January Sale Bargains Is Reached in the Two Great Dollar Days On Thursday and Friday When the doors will open at 8.30 to our final effort to move out surplus stocks before inventory, The Windows Tell The Story Don't Miss It. Come Early A PROMISE FULFILLED WwW HEN the New Ford was promised to the motoring public our reputation, established by twenty-three years of undisputed leadership, came to the test. Restric- tions as to price, raw materials and labour did not exist, The new car should be a masterpiece ~the ' contribution of its makers to the automotive history of the age. Practical idealism would fash. fon it into the fleet, sturdy, beautiful car of today, It was promised. Curtains of rumour and uncer tainty cloaked the months. It appeared. One year on the highways of the world proved its speed, power, endurance; one glance, its beauty. The promise is fulfilled, You haye seen Ford cars glide by, moving into traffic, manoeuvering, taking the lead. §Now drive one your- self and feel the superabundant power at your command. §Any Ford dealer wil: be glad to give you a If you prefer to buy out of income, you will find the authorized time payment plan offered by all Ford dealers most attractive. Mr. and Mrs. Norman Brown ana Oshawa Lumber Co. (J. ix sion Lim it { day of Mrs. Edward Brown's grand- father, Mr. Drinkle. Mr. and Mrs. Norman Brown and g 28 RITSON ROA NORTH Telephone 2825-2820 de mend oe sendy 55) EORD MOTOR COMPANY OF CANADA LIMITED, FORD, ONTARIO Choice of Colours v FullyEndosed Six Brake System v Shaserproof Glass Windshidd ~~ # Thefs Proof lgnicion Loch. 'd the funeral on Monday of thé little Dart girl on Wilson Road. Aliss Margaret Kelly, of Oshawa, | visited the Misses Yallant, on Thursday. b

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