Oshawa Daily Times, 16 Jan 1929, p. 11

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-yy « SO aq "~~ ww 0 | la Office, | Kin lil {SHAWA DAILY [IML>, WEDNESDAY, JANUARY l6, 1v29 AGE ELEVEN ey THE SL" where SORELED SE Seller CTION 4 1 NNNNNNO \\ BM Legal Transportation 2% (2 j CONANT & ANNIS, BARRISTERS, . Solicitors, Notaries Public, Etc. Con ses 7% Simcoe St. south, Phone G. D. Conant, ww LL.B.: AF. Annis, BA, LLB gp (38tf) veyancin| d general practice of ye ; cing. an A n . FRANK S. EBBS, BARRISTER, tor, Notary Public, Convey- anger. Money to loan. Third floor 1 Alger Building, Opposite Post hone (af) W, E N. SINCLAIR, K.C, BANK of Commerce Building, (116-1 yr.) JOSEPH P. MANGAN. B.A.~BAR- ister, Solicitor, Notary Public, Con- veyancer. Money to loan. Office 1414 St. East, Oshava, Phone 445. Residence phone 837. | GRIERSON & CREIGHTON=BAR. visters, Conveyancers, Notaries Pub- lie, etc. Office over Standard Bank. Entrance Simcoe St. Phone 13. J. | J, Grierson, K.C., T. K. Creighton, B.A, LOUIS 8. HYMAN, BARRISTER, Solleitor, Notary, over Dewland's Store, 16 Simcoe street north, Phone 07, Residence SV. , ' (9311) PARKHILL AND FIELD, BAR- visters, etc, Money to loan. Alger Bldg, Opposite Post Office, Phone 16143 A, J, Parkhill, A, C, H. Field (Dec, 28 tf) Medical DR, HAROLD W, TRICK, PHYSI- cian, Surgeon. Obstetrician, Special references to maternity work and di- seases of women, Two years' post raduate experience. Office and resi- guy 167 Simcoe St. N., (cor. Brock) phone 303, (119-tf) DR. Me¢KAY, PHYSICIAN, SUR eon, Accoucher. Ofiice and resi- nce, King St, East, corner Victoria St, Oshawa. Phone 94. DR. GRANT BERRY, PHYSICIAN, Surgeon, Obstetrician, diseases of infants and children. Office and residence, 97 Bond East, Phone 1155. DR. B. J. HAZLEWOOD, PHYSI- cian and Surgeon, special attention given to X-ray work and Electro theopy, Office, Disney Block. Phone 2050. Office open 9 am. to 9 p. m, Residence 161 King East. Phone 2416, DR. ALVIE E. STEWART, SPEC falist in Surgery, Office 142 Sim- coe street mortb, residence 166 Simcoe street north Phone 3020. (Dec 20-Jan. 20) el ARTHUR LYNDE, VOCAL TEA- cher (Hambourg Conservatory, To ronto) pupils prepared for all exams (Oshawa, Wednesday, 93 Simcoe St. North. Phone 2764F, (129-t1) HERBERT C, TRENEER ORGAN- ist and chcirmaster of King street United Church will accept pupils in plana, organ and vocal music. Voices tested free, 63 Drew St. Phone 498W, JOHN H. RENWICK, ORGAN- ist and choirmaster Simcoe United Church. Teacher of piano, organ, vo- cal. Studio at the church and Il Connaught St. Phone 2609W. pro ) Mrs, Jack Lee, A, T.C.M., Teach- er of Pianoforte and Theory, 613 Carnegie Ave., Phone 2851J, Down- town Studio, (Jan, 16-Feb, 16) insurance DAVIS AND SON, INSURANCE, 19 King St. west, Oshawa, The old- est Fire Agency in Oshawa. 30 Re putable Fire Companies, (118tf) SERVICE TAXI -- DAY AND night service, 199 William St. B. Phone 3114, (Dec. 24-Jan, 24) CARTAGE, MOVING, GRAVEL sand ana cinders. Local and loug distance hauling, Phone 3048 and 2392F. Smith and Cox, 44 Bond St. w. COLEMAN CARTAGE and STOR. age. 65 Bond St. West. Phone 82. 6 trucks for prompt service. Moving van and storage warehouse equip- ment. Baggage transferred to aud from all trains, (64tf) PERRY'S TRANSPORT AND Cartage, local and long distance mov- ing. 91 Ritson Rd, N. Phone 0 tf) PHONE 6508 NORTH END TAXI Service, W. C. Werry, 109 Agnes St. (Jan, 4.Feb- 4) MOTOR CARS AND TRUCKS TO rent, Conns Drive-Ur-Self Sta- tion. All closed cars. Moderate terms, 12 Athol St. Phone 1236), _(Jan 8-Feb, 8) WHEN PLACING INSURANCE consult R. N. Johns, 80 Simcoe north, Your insurance wants attended to and your interests protected. ; (Oct, 1-1 yr.) C, LE. HEPBURN, 77 ONTARIO St, District Representative for the Great West Life Assurance Company, Phone 1365]. (Feb. 1-1yr.) INSURANCE--~OSHAWA HOUSE and Land Co. Local agents for one of the best English companies. Of- fice 38 Simcoe St. N. (86-1f) Money to Loan AUTOMOBILE LOANS AND CARS re-financed. Louis 8S, Hyman, Bar- rister, 16 Simcoe St. N, Phone 67. (148tf) CITY AND FARM LOANS, PRO- gress loans arranged. Parkhill & Field, Barristers, etc, Alger Bldg, Phone 1614 (49tf) Building Supplies FOR SALE-CEMENT BLOCKS, sand and gravel Quality guaranteed. Good loam for lawns. W. Borrow- dale. Phone 1618. (89th Painting and Decorating R. GUTSOLE, PAINTING, PAPER- hanging, graining, etc, Twenty years' experience. Prices right. Work guar- anteed. 151 Huron street. Phone 2067W, (45-tf) DR. MACLEOD PHYSICIAN AND Surgeon, recemt post gradua:e course in medicine, surgery and gynecology at Montreal General Hospital, Office 74 Simcoe St. N. Phone 3174, residence 3296M. (Jan 4tf) DR. DAVID ARCHER, M.D, C.M., L. R. C, P. and 8. Edinburgh, Physician, Surgeon and Obstetric ian, Office 142 Simcoe St. N. Phone 8020, residence 161 King St. E. Phone 3155. (Dec. 31tt) - rm Ear, Nose, Throa* Specialist DR. F, T. BRYANS OF 160 BLOOR Street West, Toronto, will be at his office over Jury & Lovells Drug Store each Saturday, from 1 till pan, for consultation and treatment of diseases of ear, nose and throat only. Appointments may be made at F. C. HILL, DECORATING paperhanging, painting. Work guaranteed. Estimates given, Phone 942W, 135 Brock east. (148tf) DAN FENTON--PAINTING, DEC- orating, paper hanging. 164 Celina St. Phone 1366J. (146tf) Auctioneer PHONE 716J, W. J. SULLEY, auctioneer, 346 Simcoe St 8. We can sell your odd pieces of furni ture and other articles at our yards 41 King St. W., Oshawa, Ontario. .20tt) E. J. POMERY, AUCTIONEER. 18% King St. E. Phone 1013M. (Jan. 9-Mar. 9) Undertaking drug store. Phone 97. (49-tf) Eye, Ear, Nose and Throat Dr. E. F. Richardson, office over Mitechell's Drug Store. Hours 10 to 12 a.m., 2 to 5 p.m. Evenings by appointment. - Office phone 2660. Residence, 432J. (9tLf) RNA LUKE BURIAL CO. 67 KING ST East, Ambulance, Residence, 542 Simcoe street north, Phones 210J and 210W. DISNEY COTT FUNERAL HOMg 87 Celina street, Oshawa. Corner Bruce street. Ambulance. Phone 1082, 96-tf) Beauty Parlors BETTY LOU PERMANENT Wave Shop. Permanent wave, special $5.00, Marceling, finger waving, 86 Simcoe street north, Phone 2908, (97tf) PERMANENT WAVING (DOES not need Finger Waving), $1.60. Evalyne 8ranch, 111 Colborne St. East, Phone 608J, (59-t) EXPERT MARCELLING BY Betiy Ward at Betty Lou Perman- ent Wave Shop. Marcel and sham- poo $1, Phone 2968, (Jan, 6-Feb. b THE POWDER PUFF---7 BOND St, east, Expert operator on hands, face, scalp, marcelling a specialty Phone 3051, (Dec 20-Jan, 20) | Rates for Classified Ads. First insartion--11§ cents por word. Minimum charge--30c. Each sub t insertion gle wipe Three consecutive inser. tions fer the price of two first insertions (three cents a word) Minimum charge for three insertions, 60 cents. Box number 10c additional Professional or Business i per month for 20 words or less; 10 cents a word per month for each additional word TIMES CLASSIFIED ADS COST LITTEE; AC- COMPLISH MUCH TELEPHONE 38 Ask for Classified Ad De- FOR SALE -- STRICTLY NEW laid eggs in any quantity, Deliver- ed anywhere in city. Phone 896. (Dec, 24-1 mo) MIXED HARD AND SOFT WOOD slabs, $3.50 per load, Also bone dry body wood. Waterous- Meck Limited. Phone 1288. (Apr. 20tf) DIAMOND RINGS -- GUARAN- teed blue white quality stones, Set in green or white gold, only $25. Special terms this month, One dollar deposit, and the balance pay- able at fifty cents per week, O, H, Dell, 26% Simcoe South, Phone 1666, (Jan, 5-Feb, 5) Veterinary Surgeon DR. SHIRLEY, VETERINARIAN, Specialist diseases domestic animals FIRE SALE OF NEW AND USED bicycles and automobile, tires, Must sell regardless of cost, 12 Athol St. Ww. (Jan, 10-Feb, 10) Cat and Dog . Hospital, 203 King west. Phone 629. (56tf) Work Wanted RE-UPHOLSTERING, CHESTER- fields made to order. We save you money. Estimates free. G. A. Con- stable, 74 Mechanic street. Phone 1595). (56t1) RADIO SETS, ALL MAKES, RE- pared, cleaned and overhauled. All work guaranteed. Phone 382rill. Address 595 Kingston Rd, W, (Dec, 18-Jan, 18) BATTERIES CHARGED, CALLED for and delivered 75c, if rental supplied $1. 8. Bligdon, 20 Mil] St. Phone 1885W. Dec 31-Jan, 31) Automobile Repairing STEPHENSON BROS. GARAGE 18 Church St. Repairs sll kinds cars. Special attention to bumping apd welding, Snappy Battery service charging and repairing. (107t0) J. G. ASHMORE, GARAGE, RE- pairs all makes of cars. Work guaranteed, Reasonable prices, 138 Gibbon St. Phone 3186W. (Dec. 24-Jan. 24) Room and Board BOARDERS AND ROOMERS. Opened under new management for board and room. Extra meals also. 11.30 meals. 199 William St, E. (Jan. 2-Feb. 2) TWO YOUNG GENTLEMEN friends may have board and room at 163 Celina St. (8tf) FOR SALE--CUTTER AND SET of light harness. Good as new. Ap- ply 241 Nassau St. (llc) FOR SALE--VICTOR VICTROLA Almost new $30 cash, 78 McLaugh- lin Blvd. (12e) FOR BALE -- BUFFET, TABLE Congoleum Rug, Couch-Bed., Apply Phone 1387J or 322 Kingsdale Ave, (12¢) ONE SET HEAVY TEAM BOB sleighs, Nearly new. Two new Saskatchewan robes. Two new strings of bells, Phone 110, 655 Burk St, (12e) FOR SALE--1 CUTTER NEARLY new. 67 Wilson Rd., South, Phone 23197. (13¢) FOR SALE--TWO CHINA CABIN- ets which have been used for dis- playing China. Cost $40 each. We have no further use for them and will sell at $10 each. Felt Bros. 12 Simcoe St. S. (13-15) FOR SALE--ONE DRIVER, CUT- ter and new harness. Bargain. Two farm horses and one pony. Willow- dale Farm. Phone 2026. (13¢) MAN'S BICYCLE FOR SALE -- Drop frame. Good condition. Snap. $12.50, 123 Arlington Ave. : (13b) For Rent THE GBORGE 804 SIMCOE ST, SOUTH Beautiful spacious apartments, four rooms and bath, All conveni ences In exclusive resiaential dis- t let Electrio re.rigeration, kitchen mald cabinets Beach stoves, elec: tre laundry, storage rooms, shadas, curtain rods, janitor. New, clean and without doubt Oshawa's best constructed apartment, Telephone 1660 or call at 20 King St, East Opposte Post Office, L. V, Digues. tL) MODERN APARTMENTS North Simcoe 8t.,, Simcoe Manor and Buck! Manor, South Simcoe St. Victoria Apts. Four and five rooms all latest conveniences including, Electric refrigeration, stoves, and fixtures, laundry rooms, with Electric Dryers, incinerator, and shower baths, For further par. ticulars, Apply Your Local Agent or Janitor on Premises. The Trusts and Guarantee Co,, Ltd, Manager tor Owner, Toronto, (111ee) TO RENT--FRONT OFFICE ON Simcoe St. Heated, Apply Bradley Bros, Phone 169, (10t) LARGE FURNISHED ROOM FOR one or two gentlemen, All conveni~ ences, Breakfast if desired. Close to Motors, 2656 French St. Phone 3207TW. (11e) FOR RENT--FIVE ROOM BRICK venegr house, Side drive, Three minutes from G.M.C, Apply 266 French St, (lle) FURNISHED BEDROOM TO rent, Suitable for gentlémen, 108 Rosedale Avenue, (11e) FOR RENT --- COMFORTABLE three room bathroom flat, Huron Crescent. Phone 1716J. (11c¢) FOR RENT--FURNISHED BED- room, suitable for two, All conven- fences. Apply 79 Mechanic St. Phone 2329W, (11c) FOR RENT--TW0 ROOMS, COM- fortably frunjshed for housekeep- ing. Ground floor. Private en- trance. Central. 96 Centre St. (11e) TO RENT--ONE BRIGHT FUR- nished room, well heated. Apply 69% Simcoe St. N. (11c) TO RENT--ROOMS FOR LIGHT housekeeping. All conveniences, 159 Wililam St. E. (11e) TWO FURNISHED OR UNFUR- nished rooms to rent, Near Mot- ors. Phone 1461M, (12¢) ment to rent. All conveniences. Ground floor, Apply 199 William St. E. Phone 2216. TO RENT--FURNISHED BED- rooms, very central, suitable for light housekeeping, heated, im- mediate possession. Cheap, Apply 12 Athol St. W. (12¢) TWO FURNISHED BEDROOMS to rent. Apply 185 Simcoe St. N. Phone 3176W, (12¢) FOR RENT--BATHROOM FLAT. 3 rooms. All conveniences, 133 Clarke St. or phone 3073W, (12¢) FOR RENT--SHMVEN ROOM NEW house. All conveniences. Apply 507 Rogers Street. (12¢) Lost and Found TEN DOLLARS IN GREAT AT- lantic and Pacific Store. Owner may have same by paying for ad and proving property. (13a) JOST-- AIREDALE DOG, TAG 645. Phone 3171. (13e) Dental DR. S. J. PHILLIPS, DENTIST, over Basseits', Phone 95; i 4-1 yr. DR. FRED A. FLORA, DENTIST, 27 King street east. Alzer building. Phone 2860. Evefilngs by appoint ment. (48t0) DR. H. M. COOK%, 9 SIMCOE ST. over Mitchell's Drug Store extraction. Phone 54. DR. L. E HUBBELL, DENTIST, Nitrous oxid oxygen gas for extrac- tions. Office, Royal Bank Bldg. Phone $48, residence, 1378M. Bi -t. PR. J. F. BROCK, DENTIST, 13 Simcoe St. N., cver Dewland's. Phone 1957. Evenings by appoint- went. (July 9tf) DR. W. H. GIFFORD, OFFICE Regeoe Theatre Bldg. Phone 1780. e 66Y. 66-1f = a= Contracting CONCRETE MIXER WITH OPER- ator for hire. Reasonable prices. W. L. Borrowdaje. Phone 1618. (110tt) Architects C. C. STENHOUSE -- GENERAL architectural work. Second floor, Royal Bank Building. Phone 149. Res. phone 909). (8-tf) THOMSON AND JOHNSON, AS- sociate architects, Simcoe St. 8. Over Felt Bros. (66tf) Dressmeking ALL KINDS OF DRESSMAKING done at reasonable prices. Apply 21 Rowe St. Phone 1347M. (47t0) Tire Repairing DR. LANGMAID, DR. DAV.ES, Dentists, 27 King St. E. Special at- tention to gas extraction and X- ray work. Nurse ip attendance Phones 1243 and 231. (9518) {i lle CLS ALL KINDS OF TIRE RBPAIRING at Ideal Tire Shop. Tires for sale. Jamieson Bros. Phone 438. (tf) Wanted to Buy Engineering and Surveying DONEVAN AND SMITH, ONTAR- io Land Surveyors and Civil Eugin cers, subdivisions, town planning municipal engineers. 365 or 411 King St E. Phcnes 2532) or 2544. (89tf) Window Cleaning OSHAWA WINDOW CLEANERS ~House cleanmg. woodwork and floors polished, screen and storm .sandows put on and removed. Phone IBF. SECOND HAND DEALER. FUR- niture bought and sold. 186 Bloor St. East Phone 1617M. Dec. 24-Jan. 24) MR. 8, JACOB, DEALER IN RAGS and all kinds of metals. Buying scrap batteries, old cars and poul- try. Goods called for. Phone 2060m tesidence 99 Mill St. (134¢1) --- ROOM AND BOARD. TWO MIN- utes from G.M.C. Apply 156 Agnes St. Phone 8107. (91) ROOM AND BOARD FOR GEN- tlemen desiring to share with an- other in comfortable, clean, warm room. Excellent board. No other boarders kept. Phone 2189M. (11e) TWO GENTLEMEN FRIENDS may have room and board in priv- ate family. 151 Colborne St. E. Phone 520F. (11ec) ROOM AND BOARD FOR FOUR Gentlemen. $7 a week. § minutes from G. M. C. 318 Jarvis, St. (12¢) ROOM AND BOARD FOR ONE OR two gentlemen in private home. All conveniences. Apply 235 Eulalie Ave. Phone 1519J. (13¢) Wanted to Rent DOWN-STAIRS FLAT, SMALL bungalow or apt. not more than $30 In month's time. No children. Near G. M. C. Box "R" Oshawa Daily Times. (12¢) BY YOUNG COUPLE, SMALL house, with option of buying. Must be reasonable Apply Box "0" Osh- awa Daily Times. (13a) GENTLEMAN : WISHES ROOM with private family. Central. Box "5" Oshawa Daily Times. (13¢) WANTED TO RENT -- SMALL bouse or four roomed apartment. Central. Phone 2928J. (13¢) Conscti Woodworking Help Wanted--Male WANTED--MAN FOR DEBIT salary and commission, Good op- portunity for man who is willing to work. Apply London Life In- surance Co. (12¢) Help Wanted--Female WANTED--EXPERIENCED STEN- ographer for permanent work in Bowmanville. Apply Peerless Busi- ness College evenings. (12¢) WANTED--EXPERIENCED COOK general, Apply Mrs. C. R. Bailes, 215 Simcoe Street North. (12¢) WANTED--MAID FOR GENERAL housework to go to Toronto. Ap- ply Mrs. (Dr.) sifley, 654 King- ston Road, Toronto, Grover 4220. (13b) Room and beard Wanted BOARD AND ROOM WANTED BY refined young married couple. Husband is travelling salesman. Kindly give all information in your reply to Box "Q" Oshawa Daily Times. (11e) ENGLISH CLERK REQUIRES comfortable room and board. King, Simcoe district. Box "F" Oshawa Daily Times. (12¢) Watch Repairing F. A. YON GUNTEN, EXPERI Swiss watchmaker, repair shop at 44% King, Street West. Your pat- ronage is solicited (296) MRS. PENTLAND, SPIRELLA Managing Corsetiere, Sprrella Shop 8 ELigin St. E. Phone 936. CARPENTERING -- NEW, RE- pairs, alterations, flooring, done (8611) st. proniptly. Phone 1256W. 104 Alma (Jan. 10-Feb. 10) Motor Cars FURNISHED ROOM TO RENT.-- Suit two gentlemen. Phone 1293J. (12b) FRONT ROOM FOR RENT. 26 Brock St. E. (13a) FOR RENT--2 BEDROOMS IN new home, suit ladies or gentle- men, Private family. Apply 147 Agnes St. Phone 2640J. (13¢) TO RENT--TWO ROOMS WITH heat and bath. $20 a month. Apply 111 Elgin St. W. (13e) Pets and Live Stock THREE GERMAN POLICE PUPS, male. Seven weeks old, Willowdale Farm. Phone 2026. (13e) FOR SALE -- PURE BRED AN- cona pullets. $1.25 each. PD. A. O'Donnell, Thornton's Corners or Box 37, Oshawa. (13e) Notice Be it understood that.on ana after January 15th, 1929, the bust- ness and practice of my late hus- band, Dr. D. R. Cameron, will be carried on by Dr. R. E. McMullen and myself at the same office, 102 Simcoe street North. Signed Mrs. Edna Cameron, Sole Executrix of the Cameron (131) Estate Auction dale AUCTION SALE AT LOT 8 CON- cession 4, East Whitby, January 24, 1929. Sale at 1.30 sharp of 25 acres of land with small house with about six acres of gravel pit with about a 20 foot face of gravel situated 24 mile north of Five Points on part of lot 8, con- cession 4, East Whitby, 25 acres of land with house and henhouse for 200 hens, on part of lot 8, conces- sion 4, East Whitby. One five roomed cottage with stable for 4 borses; shed for 3 cars, situated on lot 6, concession 3, East Whitby. Terms of sale. 10 per cent. cash on day of sale. Balance in thirty days. 1926. (12¢), CHEVY COACH FOR SALE. Phone 487M, William Maw, Auctioneer. (13-16-18) HEATED, FURNISHED APART- (12¢) Real Estate for Sale REAL ESTATE, OSHAWA HOUSE and Lani Lots on Oshawa Park, Victoria Park and Peace Park. Terms to suit you, Office 38 Simcoe on Xx t! NEW 6 ROOMED BRICK HOUSE for sale on paved street, Extended sun room, Electric fixtures install led, Cable for electric stove. New- ly papered throughout, Divided con- crete cellar, Laundry tubs, Phone 2106W, (2tf) NEW EIGHT ROOMED BRICK house for sale, Hardweod floors, throughout, Gum panel doors up- stairs, 3 plece bath, Pedestal basin, Gumwood trim downstairs, Three French doors, Clothes closet with bevelled mirror in hall, Extended sun room, Side entrance and side drive, Sidewalks and pavement down, Phone 2106W, (2tf) $3,900--A BARGAIN ON GOOD paved street, six room brick house, All conveniences, Garage. Private drive, Must sell as leaving town. Terms. Apply Box "J" Oshawa Daily Times. (11le) FOR SALE--HOUSE, 7 ROOMS, Conveniences, Paved St. 3 car gar- age, Lot 66 x 160 ft, Fruit, ete. Must sell, Price $3,200 only $350 down. Horton & French, Mundy Bldg. (12¢) SPECIAL VALUES In Oshawa right now, $3,600 buys an attractive 6 roomed home, while $3,800 buys a dandy § roomed bungalo on Christie St. See Bob Holden, 92 Simcoe north. Phone 371W, (12b) Agents Wanted MEN WANTED TO SELL WAT- kins 160 Quality Products in rural districts of Ontario,. Permanent money making business, World's largest factory to consumer or- ganization, Credit furnished :o suitable party. Established #/0 years, For full particulars write stating age to The J. R. Watkins Company, Hamilton, Ontario, Dept, AD, (MWF J 25) MAN OR WOMAN TO TRAVEL and appoint local representatives, Position permanent, yearly guaran- tee $1092, (being $21 weekly aver- age) and expenses, commission and cagh bonuses besides. Winston Co., Dept. E, Tower Bldg., Toronto, (Wed. & Sat, tf.) (00D WIFE GREAT NEED IN STARTING LIFE ON A FARM Successful Farmer Says Chances Are Slim Without One Ottawa, Jan. 15.--Western Can- ada holds unlimited possibilities for the settler adapted to farming and with the will to succeed, ac- cording to Andrew Anderson, of Alsask, Sask., who passed through the capital recently for the West Indies, where he will reap the re- ward of his . personal success--a holiday with his wife. It is the first vacation he has enjoyed since he came to Canada 18 years ago. With a group of fellow country men, Mr. Anderson emigrated from Sweden in 1908. He took up a homestead of 160 acres in sparse- ly settled district of Alsaska, build- ing a small log frontier cabin in which he lived for years while he cleared the land and prepared the virgin prairie for crops. When he first came to Alsask Mr. Anderson had to haul all his equipment and provisions 90 miles from the village of Provost. It Was no uncommon thing to start for the village on a Monday morn- ing and not return to the farm un- til the following Saturday. Transformed The Anderson farm today pre- sents a picture in striking contrast to its original appearance. It has been transformed from its prairie cloak to a farm of 4,500 acres, studded with artificial lakes and ponds, and abundantly treed. Ten acres have been set aside as a gar- den with small fruit trees, shrubs, ties, Starting with limited machinery and four horses, Mr. Anderson to- day has 70 steeds, threshing out- fits, tractors, electric power and running water, in addition to other luxuries, mot generally found on the average farm. v On farming help, Mr. Anderson had the following to say: "Don't expect too much from labor. If the hired man did and knew all we wanted him to know he would never be in the class of hired help. And pever speak disrespectfully to or about the hired man, for it must be remembered that they are what you and I were yesterday. As for temporary harvesters, treat them for it is well to remember that we shall need them every year we have a crop to harvest." 3 Suitable Lands The foreigner who could not be assimilated had no place in Can- ada, Mr. Anderson maintained. Nor did he think it a good policy to foster the grouping of different na- tionalities in self-contained settle- ments. He also expressed himself 2gainst any scheme of settlement which did not provide for adequate inspection of lands available to lilacs and flowers of many varie.| Ji as well as you possibly can afford ed HARDWOOD FLOORS LAM BY EXPERT MECHANICS 014d floors finished like new. Storm windows, combination doors, General Contractors. B. W. HAYNES 161 King St. W. Phone ¢81, residence 18072, Stylish Shoes 1. COLLIS & SONS 50-54 King st. LL A i td E Greer & Humphrey's General Law Practice Unlimited Funds for Motor Car Financing and Mortgages 24) Simcoe St.N, LUMBER F.L. Beecroft Whitby Lumber and Wood Yard hone Oshawa 824 Whitby 13 We Repair Anything Bought in a Jewelry Store Bassetts JEWELLERS On Oshawa"s Main Corner W.A. HARE OPTOMETRIST 3 King Street West Hund egs of pe. le wear with utmost comfort Hare's Fa 'Ic - Lenses For Your Drug Needs THOMPSON'S 10 Simcoe St, 8.--We Deliver V. A. Henry Insurance & Loans *1 3% Simcoe St. S, Phones 1198W--Uffice 1858) --Hesidence For Dotter values in | DIAMONDS Burns' Jewelry Store Corner King and Prince, Waterous-Meek Limited UPTOWN OFFICE 80 KingSt. W, Phones 1 and 660 elrigt EYESIGHT SPECIALIST : Author of: The Eyes in Modern Life Feature Service Your Eyes and Health Eye Care and Eye Strain Disney Block: 1518--Phone--1516 11927 Chev Sedan ROSS, AMES & GARTSHORE CO. HUDSON-ESSEX DISTRIBUTORS V Prince 8+, Oshawa "hone itm LIFE INSURANCE One of the largest Cana- dian Companies requires a capable representative for Oshawa and district. Salary and commission contract. Apply Box 1042, PETERBORO. 85 Acre Farm County highway, near star tion, school, store, good house, barn, stabling, hennery and piggery; 5 acres bush, creek, Price $7000 with stock, machinery and feed. Will take Oshaws or Toronto house (priced right) om exchange, LYCETT Oiflee Heat, Light DESIRABLE TO RENT About 1,200 Square Feet andJanitor Centrally Located Apply Box "N" Oshawa Daily Times colonization be successful, he add- "Don't start farming without a good wife, for if you do your chances of success are slim," he concluded. | i EPISCOPAL CHURCH WILLED $1,000,000 Chicago, Jan. Y6.--A friendship of 45 years ago between two col- lege youths has resulted in a be- newcomers. Only by providing suit- ; Episcopal Church of metropolitan able lands could any scheme of i Chicago. quest of mearly $1,000,000 to the Bishop P. P. Anderson, while attending Trinity College, Toronto, formed a friendship with Richard Cox. The two men never saw each other again 'after their courses were completed. But recently Bishop Anderson sent word that- his college friends mother, the late Mrs. Jane Cox, of New Jersey, had named the Episcopal Church of his diocese in her will. There is talk of linking the two Americas. Maybe it could be done with chain stores.--Taledo Blade. :

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