=n Ww ra, TTP, 8.00 WLW Cinei. Cincinnati Symphony, Col 9/0 NEC ( hi; NB ( Dutch Mastens Minstrels Nae Wiz) 10% wai Atlanta, © 1,00 Sambi: Lombardo's Regular Daytime Programs Dally Except Sunday, uniess otherwise 6.30 WLW | (428)--Cincinnati, 1 6.45 NHL System: voxel wee nto 2.00 KIN 337) doah. Music. 2 MA wl wond 8.00 WOI Ln WHAQ 9.00 white = Kansas City. Bible les: 9.15 ror WS 2Y-Omata, 9.30 9.45 10,00 10.30 WO! (535)--Ames, (a. Markets; Wes: Pro, 10.50 WOLo 700 Als. St. Paul. Stock re- 11,00 i] (416)=Chicago. is (306) Pitts, Markets. THE OSHAWA DAILY TIMES, TUESDAY, JANUARY 15, 1929 PAGE SEV "" Easy-to-Find "' RADIO PROGRAM [\ 4 0S (476) lefterson' City Tfomight's Best leatures Nos « NBC ( WEAF)-Edison program, Columbia: School Daz Jumbia ; Beautiful Th WEAF)--Eveready Hour, WJZ)~Three:1n-One_ Theatre, Soret a: Simmons Show Boat, [4 11.15 NBC Syme, WCSH, WLIT, WRC, WGY, WCAE WTaM, WW), KYW Singers, Army D Ft. Worth, Ft. Worth Police ] (535) ~Ames. Royal Cana- {12.00 CNRM (411)= Montreal. "Tues, I'hur 5.) dians, CAE (242) Pitts ets, WGN (416)=Chicago. cale, Nias (232)=Pitts. St. Chur! Top O' The Lxercis: Vian WG OR 2) Nema | ion Milk Men YRS (400)= Detroit, wi Wr (428)~Cinci, Songs; Music; MAG fr Setting Up (256)=Ft, Wayne, Exercises, 535) - Ames. Markets; Music NEA Radi Morning Devotion to RSE (205)=St. Paul. Musicale; Set- Yet (309)=Chicago. Early Risers wit (428)~Cincs. Setting Ups De ional (ex. Sat Morning WTAG (517 kets, WW] (326)= Detroit. eon Program, (Mon, Wed, WIM] Program, WCCO (370)--Mpls-St. Paul rts, WEAK {1659 =New York, Luncheon Mu Wian Wit ro0zbeon, Homemakers bow) WiP (492)=Phila. WHO (300)=Des Moines, Records, pro- WRVA (270)~ Richmond. am, Hour (Mon, Wed, Fr.) iw (428)--~Cines, WIR (400)= Detroit wi 2 (345)=Chicago. Eihs (375)=Hot Springs. tures (ex, Wed.) WCFI, (309)=(Chicago. Organ, WBBM (389)--Chicago. Farm at. (47. 5)--Chicago. Worship WEE {508)= Berrien Springs, ight Servi Beacon Women's Hour. Correct Time: Dinnerbell i 426) = Detroit, Ponight's Dinner; 408. 5y={olumbus, Educational alks; KINY (99) Shenandoah. Varied pro. Kiic (316)=Kansas City, Columbia our, WCCO 4370)=Mpls- St. Paul. Hamline U. Program NBC System. Dr, Copeland Hour to WIZ WELW, WBZ, WHAM, KDKA, WIR. KYW, KWK. WREN Fri, and Sat). (535)=Ames. Hog Flash; Wea: Markets; Markets; sic; Markets (ex. dat.) WEMC (508)--DBerrien Springs. program, NBC System: to KYW wow, Yuan Talks. WIZ (394.5) --New Music tv WRC. WOS (476)~]efterson City. Farm Flashes. Music KMBC (316)--Kansas City, gram, wol alk CNRA (476)~Moncton. WDAF, WSM, (447.5) --Chicago. York. ther, WOS (476)=Tefierson City, Bulletins WSUI (309)--Iowa City. News; Feature, Markets; (535)--Ames. ther, Music: WTAG a J=Worcester. Women's ets, am; WGY (379)--Schenectady, (Tues,. Thurs., Fri 0 WUN (416) ~Chicago. WDAF 447) Kansas City. side Cha wi.w 1428) Cini, Home manage: x Akron. Musical program WHAG § 447.5) )=(hicago, Overture hr (ex. Sat.) WGR (545) Buffalo. Home economics: KOA (361) =Denver. markets, ets, Urgan CKNC (517)~Toronto. Weather; Musical F.C. 29 Simcoe St. N, Program WCFL 309)=Chicago. WOES (254)~New York. WGY (379.5) ~Schenectady Program (ex. dat.) WIR (400)- Detroit lalks, kets; Bulletins id My (487)=Milwaukee. Wan (461)--=Nashville cert (ex Sat [ Ohtes { gt satisfy WCCO (370)2 Mpls-St, Phone 227 | ™ or: Markets (ex. Sat.) Paul Music Shoppe. WGR (545)~ Buffalo, Weather: Mark. Morning musi< Patrick's l'elevision, Music Matinee Markets, wsB (405) Atlanta Weather; Mark: 118, INTM] (487) Milwaukee. . News: an, or Household Institute to Aly. WGR, KsSD. 11.30 CKNC (517)=Toronto. Studia program ? Markets, Weather. wo WOW (508)~Omaha, Market opening 'Music period Wik" (216)=Cleveland. Noon music, Farm Markets, WMAQ (447.5)--Chicago. Homie econo Ten (476) Jefferson City Markets. OW bt Bruns San Weather; Lunch WRVA (270) - Richmond, Aunt Sammy (487) Miiwaukes Housewives Stock re. Markets; (280) Cleveland. Dinner my- Luncheon music, Sunshine Musical Matinee, pro Noon tea. pro» {on F1 (535)=Philadelphia Luncheon Mu- Noon Farm and Home Hous p WLW, SB, KDKA (ex, Sat.) Melodies ; Luncheon Markets; Dinner bell Farm Mark- lelevision Luncheon music Country. Matinee Program Mark- pro Recreation hodr WOS (476) = Jefferson City Grain Mar- Musica! pro- t.uocheon Con. Weath- N V --~ Health is the Foundation Upon Which Success Depends Every child should enjoy good health, this being a price- less advantage for promoting a brilliant career, You natur- ally do not wish your child's progress jeopardized by illness. Yet how quickly a happy, promising future can be trans- formed. A neglected cold may easily cause bronchitis or pneumonia to supervene, During the winter mon hs the wise mother fortifies her children's constitutions by the regular administration of oun 2.45 WO! eX, . 8.00 CNRy (44.5)=~Ottawa, Music; Mark. 5.00 WADE (223)--Akron, 5.30 NBC System: VRC, 6.00 Wal (283)--DBaltimore, ime. 6.30 CFCA (357)--Torento, | alks. oR Nr 0) 88 ark, Musici Ma estic ymbus, 2 (535) Ame: (508)--~Omaha, Cpe, Soot Receipts L G2 -Phila, Concert ( ea; ot. wos 6)~1efferson ir: ot WIP 0) Phila Musicale, WEAF. (4543)=New York, "Studio pro. i S (M8) Chie A Homemakers (ex, Thurs, Sat.) C. iE) Berriey Springs, After. : we NTT ham (3 hrs. ho ~Chica, 5 WER GE-EIRE" § mere Qu, WoAL nse fitin ig KDKA a-h itts Markets, 389)~Chicago, Urchestra con. (309)~Chicago, Matiriee dance Wek- oe Detroit, News Bull WoAk (492)~Kansas City, oat Ho (e0)= Davenport. Homemakers WCOU (370) ~ o, ris (ex Sa pls-St, Paul, Stock re. prt ~|efferson City, Iheatrical Ww, (294.5)~New York, Studio pro- Nh 487)=Milwaukee, Dudd (326) = = Detrolt. lieth, Wednesday Pr Programs WEDNESDAY'S: BEST FEATURES 10,00 a.m, NBC System (WJZ)=Dr, Cope. land Hour, Se Sr (WEAF)~--National Home 11.00 NBC System (WJZ)--~Cooking 8 h 11,15 NBC System (WEAF) STs popool. stitute, 1.00 han, ne 3 System (Central)=Farm and Home 1.55 WMAQ Chicago, Ass'n, Commerce pro. gram, 3.30 Wa N Chicago, 'W 4.00 NBC Sytem (WITS ow. Al B VENING PROGRAMS way Bend Dinner concert, WBBM (389)--Chicago, Sherman's i chestra, Bill and Jane to WEAYF, Sandman Cir. W ou (389)--Chicago, Organ. : Waldorf Astoria Music Ww WRC, WCAE WCF (309) Chicago. Labor Federa- tion Hour, WGY (379.5)--Schenectady. Markets; Orchestra, Wig (216)=Cleveland, Recital; Dook WISN (268) ~Milwaukee, Peter Rabbit; Organ, NBC System: WJZ. WLW (428)--Cinci, Dinner Music, WNAC (244)=DBoston, Dinner music, * WOW (508)~Omaha. Markets, WRVA (270)--Richmond, Sport Talk; Varied Program, Pollack's Orchestra to 6.15 WGR (545)--Buffalo, Orchestra, WMAQ (447,5)--Chicago, Topsy Turvy Musical program KYW (294)--Chicago. Uncle Bob, KDKA (306)--Pitts, Dinner music, WBAIL (283)--Baltimore. Dinner or- chestra, . WDAF (492)~Kansas City, Air School; Orchestra, WCAU (256)--Phila, Entertainers, WEAF (454.3)--New York, Fox Fur '(rappers to WTAG, WGN (416)--~Chicago. Air Castle, WOC (300)--Davenport, Broadcaster's Club, WJR (400)--Detroit. Dinner music. WTIC (500)--Hartford, Dinner music, KYW (294)--Chicago. Hamp's orches, KMBC (315.6)--Kansas City, Musical Program. KSTP (205)-St., Paul. Dinner. concert. KFAB (389) --Lincoln, Concert (2 hrs.) WBAP (375)--Ft. Worth, Organ; 7 Aces. : Wceo (370)--Mpls, St. Paul. Civic Ass WC. AU (256)--Phila. Orchestra, WCAE (242)--Pitts, Gospel Songs. WDAF (#92)--Kansas City. Johnson's Orchestra. WEAF (454.3)--New York. Services. + WGN (316) ~hicago. Lice Quin. R (545)--Buffalo, Shea's Symphony Wek (379.5) --8chenectady. Radio to WHAM, WMAK, WISN 268) = Milwaukee, Dinner music, WIP (492)~Philadelphia. Uncle Wip. WIR (400)--Detroit. Musical program. NBC Svstem: Jeddo Highlanders to 0% JZ, WBZ, WBZA. WM AQ (447.5)--Chicago. Concert Orchestra, 3 WNAC (244)--Boston. News; U, Ss. Army History. WOW (308)--Omahs. Orchestra. WSB (405)--Atlanta. WSM (461.3)--Nashville. chestra. WTAG (517)--Worcester. Coal Miners. WCFL (39)--Chicago. Organ, WL w (428)--Cinci. U. of Cincinnati Synagogue Dance and Trio; Nordin's Pomar's orches. Studio or 725 WHK (216)--Cleveland, 7.90 Health Talk; Music. Hour, CNRW (384.4)--Winnipeg, Dinner mu. sie, WBZ 2 Sein field, Nature Lea; Way (256) has. Cone y ue ¥ {198 Kansas Lanes Trianon Eaeble, Studio WGN (416)--Chicago. Nighthawks; Al- manack, Nac Stems La Touraine Tableaun WEAK WG WTAG, We H, WEAR, WEEI, WTIC, WAR, WGY, AM Wits (258,5)--Rochester, U, of Ro- chester Program. yz L4, Sr New York, Talk by John Wik e Cio0)--Detroit, Bergin's orches, (428)--Cinci. Theis orchestra. WNAC (244)--Boston, Musicale, WOC (300)--Davenport, Talk; Man WB (405)--Atlanta, Concert, WSM Len-Nagivilie, Craigs orches. m: "Washington Politics" VAL, KDKA, WLW, WBZ, Peerless Repro- Book WJ CFCA (357)~Toronto. ducers, KOA (361)--Denver. Markets; Palace Orchestra, KPRC (515)--Houston, Studio, KSTP (205)--St, Paul, Golden Hour, WBAL (283)--Baltimore. Recital, WBAP (375)--Ft, Worth, Orchestra; Entertainers, WCFI. (39)~Chicago. Health Talk; Paul, Concert Ensemble. weeo (370). St. 1 The Mediterraneans WEAF, 'I, WCAE, WRC, Ksi, WTIC, WOW, WTAG, WWJ, WGY, wip (492)--Phila. Male Quartet; Four Hawaiians, WGN (416)--Chicago, Floorwalker., WGR (545)--~Buffalo, Warner Bros, WGY {3735)=Schenectady, General El- Brown Musical ectric Hou WHAM 25%. 5)--Rochester, "On Wings of Song WIR Bergin's orches, NBC System: May Breen and Peter de Rose to WJZ, KDKA, wi S (345)--Chicago, Scrap Book; Ang- High- (i00)-- Detroit. Wh (428)--Cinci. Historical lights. Columbia Network: Musical Episode to 3 WNAC, KOIL, WLBW, WJAS, WADC, WKRC, WMAQ, WEAN, WFBL, KMOX. WPG (272)-- -- Atlantic City, Concert or he! Wen "(461)--Nashville, Fireside Hour. WTAM (280)--Cleveland. Black Face > System: WBZ, WBZA, KDKA, $, Wik, WBAL, WHAM, WREN, Sylvania Foresters to WE co (370)--Mpls. St. Paul. Spick and Spruce. Columbia Network: Mern IC) ' 4 akers to WEKRC. WMAL, WNAC, KOI WCAO, WIAS WADC, WMAQ, i Al WE WEBL, MO. WMAK, Lt feveland. Rabbi Brickner. WRVA (270)--Richmond. Church Hour w TAM (280)--Cleveland. Pure Air Shea's Hippo- Concert Or Be CFCA (337)--"Toronto, drome. a WBBM (389)--Chicago. WEA (333)--Clearwater. Musical pro- Ke%0 (370)--Mpls.-St. Paul. Musical Program. s I Troubadours to SY WEF wiic, WGR, way WRC Ww SH, Es WWI, WGN, wiMJ, Ks TP, WOC, WMC, KSD, WOW, WBAP, 'KPRC, WOAI, WHAS, WSM, WSB, W BT, KOA, KVOO0. NBC System: Smith Bros. to WIZ, WhAL, KYW, WIR, wh, WBZA, WHAN, KDKA, KWK, WEES, "ol or ag rerreol Ss Jumbia Networ agree y) Rg wSPh, KMOX, WFBL, WCAU, WKRC, WGHP, KOIL, WMAL, WT AM, WIAR, WDAF, WEAN, WLBW, WMAK. WLS (345)--Chicago. The Round- Up. } 12.0 12.45 1.00 (Copy KOIL, - WPG (272)--Atlantic City. ame (220.4) ~Chicago, Hyman pro. 0 (526)=Chic: Concert Vie ai a oA ala ches wie" Lio2)--Phila, Adelphia orchestra, WISN (268)--M wake, Feature; WLW, ML KS Network: Kolster Hour to WCAU, WNAC W. WKRC, WGHP, © WMAQ, 'WOWO, KMOX, WSPD, WMAL, WICC, WHK," WLBW, WFBL, WMAK, WCAO, WEAN, KMBC, WCCO, Dance or- chestras, KPRC 5)-- Houston, Studio, Pacific Network: Cab Gayeties. KOA (361)=Denver. Nat'l, Bank pro- Syotems SRitatmre Music to CAE, WGY, WTIC, WOC(, WBBM' (389)--Chicago, Lombardo's Canadi: ang, WCCO (370)~Mpls, St. Paul, Concert Orchestra, WDAF (492)~Kansas City, Katz Boys, WFLA (33)--C --ClomWater, Varied pro- gram, Way (416)~Chicago. Gioldkette's Or. we ai (220.4)~Chicago, Dance program Columbia Network: Night Club Ro- WHok, oll Ws, fine Wilk: WLBW, Wve or WAL, WCAD, , AZ, © WADC, WKRC, won, IMAG! WOWO, KMOX, WSM Pr WOR 4 TR CKO w (312)~Toronto, Orchestra; Lic, M, B (389)--Lincoln, Studio program, Kil Son)=1oeq Angeles, Concert Or- Ks om. 5)=Oakland, Poetry and mu. KOA (361)--~Denver. Novelty Shop, KSTP (205.4)--St. Paul, Entertainers; Dance Music. KYw (294)--Chicago, Man; Orchestra, WBZ (309) --Springfield, News; Ne- combs Orchestra, WCAU (356) phira, Orchestra, NBC System: Kemp's Orchestra to WEAF, KD, WOW, WDAF, WGHP (246)--=Detroit, Arcadians, WGR (545)--Buffalo, Statler orchestra, WGN {45)=Chicago, Tomorrow's Trib, Hungry F WHK (216yCleveland, Drigode"s or- chestra, WHO (300)--Des Moines. Dance Band, WIP (492)---Phila, Warren's Orchestra, WIBO (526)~Chicago, Dance Program; i News; Book WJR (400)--Detroit. Dance music, W (428)--Cinci, Variety Hour, NBC System: Slumber Music to WIZ WMAQ (447.5)--~Chicago, Musicale, WNAC (244)--DBoston, News; Steven's Orchestra. WEVA (270)~Richmond. Richmond or- chestra, WOR (422)~Newark., Dance orchestra. WoC (300)~Davenport, Soprano; String Trio, WPG (272)--Atlantic City, Dance or- chestra, WSM (461)--Nashville. WSM Minstrels WTMJ (487)--Milwaukee, Dance music WTAM (280)--Cleveland. Vokoun's Orchestra, WCCO (370)--Mpls, Erick- son's Orchestra, KOA (361)=~Denver, "On The Emerald sle. W (294)--Chicago, String ensemble. WGN (416)--Chicago. Concert and Dance Orchestra. ; WGHP (246)--Detroit. Riviera Thea, WISN (268)--Milwaukee, Organ, WLW (428)--Cinci, Dance music; or- gan (14 hours), WOR (422)--Newark. Witching Hour, WOC (300)--Davenport, 'len Banjoleers WRNY (297)--New York. Chain Gang. WSB (405)--Atlanta, Conc KR (309)--~Seattle, Salon sti el Ky YW (294)--Chicago, Fiorito's orches, KMOX (275)--8t. is, Dance music, KFAB (389)--Lincoln. Orchestra, BOA (361)--Denver, KOA Orchestra. pacific Network: Roads to Romance, oN (416)~Chicago. Dream Ship; Dance Music. WHK (216)~Cleveland. William's or- chestra, . IR _(90)--Detrois, Organ; Cotton Benson or Ww MAG (447.5)--Chicago. O'Hearn's or- chestra. Gangplank St. Paul, WOC (300)--Davenport, chestra, 4 i AM (280)--Cleveland. KTP (205)=St. Paul. KSTP Limited. KOA (361)--Deaver. College Songs. KGO (379.5)--Oakland. Quintet. WISN (268)--Milwaukee. Kruegers band WDAF (492)--Kansas City, Nighthawk Frolic. KYW (294)--Chicago. Insomnia Club. KSTP (205)--St. Paul. Midnight Club. Pacific Network: The Trocaderans. right 1928 by Audio Service, Chicago) WLW (428)--Cinci. Franklin E WPG (272) --Atlantic City, Coucert or- chestra TEAR GAS BOMBS Better Food hour bat using tear three and a half squads of police, that had existed for nearly prison at Holmesburg. Armed with table legs, pleces of wood, bits of iron and other make- shift weapons, 600 convicts, shout. ing "We want food!" had held throughout Friday afternoon night, tions of the prison, where t them, A number of venturing near the yelling mu eers were clubbed and dri back, of rebels had dwindled to 150, it out to the last, Set Fire to Mattresses bombs, some of the corridors, ists. The prisoners, their began staggering against e other and falling in groups. Before the battle ended pol artificial respiration was appl Nowy ha diinlol such quanti of the gas that they had to be to bed for further treatment, MAN'S LIFE SAVED Occupants of Cutter F in Snowdrift Cargill, Jan. 15.--A horse ing on the highway saved the of John Kramer, Greenock Township farmer, a he became bewildered and fell side while wi'king to his he west of here during a severe sn storm Saturday night, Kramer, who resides two an half miles west of Cargill, home arourd and left for o'clock. their horse jumped to one side. The driver did not pay much distance the doctor suggested t END PRISON RIOT "1600 Pennsylvania Convicts ie o passenger and mail service Mutiny on Demand for Philadelphia, Jan. 14.--After' a bombs, Saturday, quelled a mutiny) three-score or more guards at bay and They had taken full pos- session of three of the eight sec dared the guards to advance upon prison overseers When the police tear gas squad took over the battle the number they showed determination to stick In retaliation for the barrage of the prisoners pulled their mattresses apart and set them afire, hurling them into The prison guards thereupon brought in fire hose and turned the streams upon the flam- ing bedding and the insurrection- eyesig blurred and throats burning with the fumes from the homb fusillade, men were carrying the fallen reb- els into the hospital quarters where WHEN HORSE SHIES Half Frozen Farm:r Buried | iil a well-known | been in town during tie evening, About two hours later Dr. H, G. Joyce of town, and A, Hanmore, a local liveryman, were driving along the same road with a horse and cutter when suddenly became frightened at some object by the roadway and | tetion to the action of the horse, but after they had gone a short Aerial Service Linking Large . Australian Cities is Planned ment that considerable interest i being shown by the Hankow au therities in the plan, to ingugu ate commercial air services bes between Melbourne, Sydney and|tween the principal cities of Brisbane, is planned by Squadron| China, A commercial aeronauti Leader Kingsford Smith and Flight | association has been formed Lieutenant Ulm, Australian trans-| which will endedvor to raise Pacific fliers, Trade Commissioner | capital of $200,000, Comsul Mil 0 Charles F, Baldwin, Sydney, re:|bourie repokts, 16, | ported Tuesday to the Department| Thé' airport at Hamburg, Ge Bas | op Commerce, many, is to undergo extensive im One of the types of machines|Provements, $75,000 being ap planned for use is _ practically | Propiiated by the town autho identical with the "Southern | ities, Trade Commissioner Jame Cross", in' which the fliers crossed | 1; Scoit reports to the departmen the Pacific. Another type under This sum will be spent prineipall consideration is the DeHaviland|On drainage and regrading, and the | Hercules. it is thought the work will pro Consul H. vide employment for a large num L. Milbourne, Han- kow, China, reports to the depart- ber 2 Jn ployed, Mr. Zoot 15.--~Forma- Nationu) Washington, Jan. tion of the Australian Airways, Ltd., which will oper- 24 hey tin- ven but ht ach ice- ied, ties put ind @ | lifa fter | ' un- | 3 ® conscious in the snow by the road- i v1 ki is homa ring Jere Snow= » da Lad Quick "pick-up" for busy people ET into line with those who know. Step up to the nearest soda foun- 19 at- | hat they investigate and prevailed up- ee on the driver to turn back. Re- tain say, Hot Oval- ; 163,009 CANADIANS 10rning to thie spot they discovered Py 1 sty S2y= Shiver Stasi 2 ramer partly buried ip a snow- lease No More Piles 9 Rw (352)--Shueveport. Buda pro IN GREAT WAR drift and almost frozen to death. tine, P ud Kw &0- Chicago, Mayug Fs Program He was hurriedly taken to his oo PY ystem Palmolive home, regainin i Ic, deli And h WTIC, WIAR, WTAG, g consciousness WEAF, Sikes wi some hours later. He was badly 8 cious. ow it " Sti does "pep" you up! Stim- ickl you quickly. Ban- RC, Won, Plaques and Scrolls Issued frozen about the body, but will ishes bodily fatigue. Sets wwr, WOW, WDAF, 4 wit kPRC| to Next of Kin Reveal [recover Musical pro- the Total NBC System: Aunt Jem Wiz, Ottawa, Jan. 15.--A total of 63,- WHAM, KDKA, WREN. 669 Canadians lost their lives Columbia Network: La Palina Hour tol oither during the Great War or |the League of Nations--'"The Com- ER EB TY WEAY: | died subsequently from causes di- mittee of Intellectual Co-operation" A # tired minds asparkle. td L ] ] Not an artificial sumulant, but a / remarkable concentration of fresh is » . = eggs, creamy milk and ripe barley Ed » PY malt. Easily digested. Quickly puts back in a natural way the energy you need to complete WADC, WKRC, WGHP, WMAO, | rectly attributed to war service. --said that fifteen outstanding men your work at top speed leaving Bottled in England expressiy 2 Oz. Bottle $1 50 3 $s: 5 then affected parts. Hem-Roid has a wonderful record for quick, safe Wows, | KMOX, KMBC, WSPD, ts disclosed in the figures of (and women from all parts of the WHK, WLBW, KOIL, WMAL. plaques and scrools that have al- world who gather annually at Gen- » a reserve for enjoyment Ld evenung, JURY and LOV ELL and lasting relief to Pile sufferers. ie will do 'he same fof You Vil gs Wiss (224)--LChicago. Sendo Pier ready been issued from the De- |eva had accomplished much. Part King E.--~Phone 2 Simcoe 8.--P) 0 1 £, le | id 28 Simcoe 8.--Phone 68 money back, Jury and Lovell and BE 426)-Chiago. Cliuelide Time. ment of National Defence to |of its work is the co-ordination of . » . ommend Ovaltine. Millions of Bagada ; BO : : Jy Srageiste SarWhere sell Hem-Roid |) 09 WBBM (389)--Chicago. Orchestra and |p "0 oe' 0 kin of the natioz's fu- [university standards, so as to have so ee. riiste. tal war casualties. it fs more |university degrees recognized in people drink it regularly at home. LAMBLE'S 5 than ten yars since hostil.te; ceased, y those plagues |Vide mall countries, whose langu- get many of yay ages are little known, with transla- remain unissued, while thousands | n' ~ that important scientific and of war medals continue to rep other findings may be accessible to Also sold in 4 sizes, Eads Handy tins for home se. Jury & Lovell's Malt Extract with Cod Liver Oil Every boy and girl should be made to understand how good this body-building food is for them. It supplies every ele- ment needed .to ensure the healthy nutrition of the deli- cate or growing child. w RVA (270)--Richmond. Variety pro- gram 5 wre (272)--Atlantic City. Concert of- chestra, Pile sufferers can only get quick, safe and lasting relief by removing Cod Liver Oil the cause-- bad blood circulation and in the lower bowel, Cutting and pre- salves can't do 'this--an internal remedy must be used. Dr. Leon- hardt's Hem-Roid, a harmless tab- let, succeeds because it relieves this blood congestion and strengthens E, TAM, 2 Keb, WGY, , WFAA, WOAI, WHAS, WSM, WSB, WIAX, KOA. WBAF (375)--Ft. gram. Jury and Lovell"s Extract of Malt and contains the purest ingredients it is possible to procure, is made by one of the largest manufacturers of malt parations. LEAGUE OF NATIONS Toronto, Ont. Jan. 15.-- Prof. Norman MacKenzie speaking on a little known aspect of the work of Worth. for us in Be doariment sncaimat, Ths oho 0 om Sonic: ca De Gront War, for of 11,390 Can-(dardize weights and documents go adian service medals mot vet de-|*® to ensure their permanency. livered to their owners, about 190,- 000 are for the Fenian Raids of 1866 and 1870, and for the Red River Rebellion of 1870. It is pointzd out by CG. J. Des Barats, Deputy Minister of National De- fence, tha only those who receiv- ed the bounty ir connection with the Fenian Raids are entitled to the medal. With regard to the Great War the department has issued 376,787 - British War medals, 321,624 Vie- tory medals and 79,943 stare, (the 1914-1915 star). There remain unclaimed 60,992 war medals, 36.- 439 Victory medals and 1,789 stars. Additional to these, there are 75 decorations that have not been delivered, including one Die- tinguished Conduct medal. The others are Military medals and for- eizn awards. To the mothers and widows of deceased soldiers there have been issued 60,195 Memorial crosses. From time to time the depart- ment ha ssought to get in touch with those former service men who are entitled to those medals but who have not yet received them. Postcards are sent to the last giv- en address, urging the men to ap- ply to Ottawa for their medals, but in thousands of cases it is indicat- ed that the men have moved and their present whereabouts are un-. known. This GREAT January i Clearance NS* Started This Morning Wonderful VALUES! RHEUMATONE LABORATORIES Oshawa, Ont.