Oshawa Daily Times, 11 Jan 1929, p. 3

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THE OSHAWA DAILY TIMES, FRIDAY, JANUARY 11, 1929 PAGE I'HREE Orange Lodges Will Erect Modern Structure on Bruce Street WILL INTRODUCE MATGR MITCHELL, REGENT THEATRE Splendid Program Arranged By Regim-ntal Band for Sunday Night The band of the Ontario Regl- ment, under the able leadership of Mr, Thomas Dempsey, the popular bandmaster, will give another in- teresting concert in the Regent Theatre, Sunday evening. By pop. ular demand, the band will he as- sisted by Mrs. (Dr,) Grant Berry, soprano soloist, who has delighted music audiences in this eity and is always warmly received, An interesting part of the pro- gram will be the presence of ex- Mayor Preston and Mayor-elect Mitchell, on the stage. Mr, Pres- ton, one of the most popular ma- yors, not only in Oshawa, but all through the Province, will intro- duce Mr, Mitchell, who will give a short addresy, Program of Morit The Reximental Band which has had a most envious record of con- tinuous years service in supplving music to Oshawa, has arranged a prorram of outstanding concert numbers and has invited the 1929 City Council to the concert to hear the class of music that is being given to the citizens. The opening march for this particular 'concert will be the well known and most diMienlt, Washington Grays, by Grafulla, and the veteran banas- man Lambert will give a piccolo solo. Canary Podka, which is sure to nlease as Mr. Lambert is alwavs well received and very popular among mvsic lovers, Out ill N Other outstanding numhers on the program will be 'Poet and Peasant," by Suppe, Hungarian Comedy, by Tobani and Providence by the same well known writer, "The Glow Worm," by Lincke, is most popular over the radio, and the band has included it for the benefit of the radio fans, NEIGHBORS HAVE DISPUTE ABOUT JOINT DRIVEWAY Charge of Assault Against Nalson Smith is Dismissed By Magistrate The charge of assault against Nel- son Smith, 173 Celina street, prefer- red by Finley M. Dafo, 45 Burk street, was dismissed by Magistrate Hind in city police court this morn- ing. h Dispute Driveway The case revolved around an al- leged assault upon the complainant which occurred following a dispute about the rights of the defendant to use a driveway, a portion of which is the property of the complainant. The latter is at present in the course of constructing a building on a lot, over a part of which the drive- way "extends. Two witnesses were called, one for each side, each of which bore up his own side of the case. Injured Site The alleged assault was supposed to have taken place after Dafo had come down from the scaffolding up- on which he was working. What ac- tually took place was a mystery since the defendant claimed he acted in self defense, and the complainant swore he was hit and then kicked by the defendant. As a result Dafo received a lacerated face, which took several stitches to close. One Way Although Smith may use the drive- way as long as he does not go upon the other's property, he has only the one method of getting to his own property--by the driveway. CAR CONTAINING BOOZE CONFISCATED UKRAINIAN FINED Two Gallons of Illegal Lig- uid Found in the Car of Peter Simon A fine of $300 and costs was im- posed today by Magistrate Hind up- on Peter Simon, aged 31, of foreign birth, for having liquor illegally. The accused admitted having the liquor in his Ford roadster, which was confis- cated by the crown. The liquor, which was in two one-gallon cans was hidden under the hoods of the car, and was located by police, whose suspicion of the car had been aroused. uspicion D. A. J. Swanson, counsel for the de'endant, declared that the magis- trate was not right in acceding to the request oi the crown that the cor be confiscated. The magistrate, kh wever, believed that a car in which liquor was found, and in such large quantities was certainly an object of suspicion by the police. Crown At- torney McGibbon, mentioned the fact that there were a number of such gal- lon tins found at the place where G. L. SCOTT Councillor W. D, DYER Councillor JOHN ROSS Reeve THESE MEN WILL BE IN CHARGE OF EAST WHITBY TOWNSHIP AFFAIRS DURING | 1929 ROBT. SMITH Deputy Reeve ROYAL TEMPLARS INSTALL OFFICERS FOR YEAR 1929 Officers from Danforth Lodge, Toronto, Conduct the Ceremony Officers were installed'last night by Oshawa Council No. 58, Royal Templars of Temperance, Several officers of Danforth Jubilee Coun- cil, Toronto, including the select councillor, Bro. John Steel, con- ducted the ins. allation ceremony, After the Dhusiness session, ad- dresses were given by Bro. Steel, by Bro. J, Richards, new S.C. of Oshawa council, and by several of the local and visiting -members. Offticers The officers of Oshawa Council for the present term are: Select councillor, Bro, J, Rich- ards; past councilor, Sister Mus. D., W. Dalton; warden, Sister Mrs. E. Kirby; vice-counciilor Sister Mrs, C. Howden; chaplain, Sis er, Mrs. J, Comrie; recording secre- tary, Bro. A. C. MacDonald; fin- ancial secretary, Bro. G. L. Crouse; treasurer Bro, A. C. MacDonald. herald, Sister Miss M, Walker; guard, Bro. Ray Kirby; sentinel, Sister Mrs, J. Massey; auditors, Bros. Booth and W. H., Tonkin; pianist, Sister Miss I. Comrie: di- rector of junior work, Sister Miss I. Comrie, ---- ASSAULT CHARGE, STOVE PURCHASE, AIRED IN COURT W. J. Mudge Gets Suspend. ed Scntence for Attack on M. Collis William Totnes Mudge, aged 26, 228 Verdun road, charged with com- mon assault upon Maurice Collis, of the firm of M. Collis, 8-10 Church street, on December 12, was this morning given suspended sentence by Magistrate Hind in city police court, The defendant pleaded not guilty. Decision Changed The case, which took up a great deal of the court's time, was a uni- que example of the law in that it bore out the principles relating to a citizens' right to take the law into his own hands. Although he was convicted and fined $20 and costs af- ter evidence showed that he had act- ed unwisely in catching hold of the complainant's, coat in a defiant atti- tude, on recommendation of crown attorney MecGibbon, the fine was changed to the suspended sentence, The crown, it was stated, was in pos- session of facts which would make the heavy fine scem rather preposter- us. Showed Dispute Over Stove Evidence, that Mudge had bought a stove at the store belonging Collis', had paid $9 for it, and had taken it" home, where it was found not all it was claimed to be. Maur- ice Collis, the complaintant, refused to take it back, whereupon, to im- press it upon him, Mudge was said to have seized the complainant by the coat collar and forcibly bent him backwards over a radiator in the store. to Looked Like Hold-up At this juncture, Max Collis came into the store, According to Max Col- lis, who thought he had burst in up- on the scene of a hold-up, Mudge was just preparing to strike the com- plainant. Magistrate Hind scoted the de- fendant for his acticn at the store of Mr. Collis and but dor the crown's intervention he said he might have given him a much heavier sen- tence. Simon boarded, 634 Brassey Festive Holiday Mr. Swanson based his case up- on the fact that at #he time the lig- uor was found, the Ukrainian popu- lation of Oshawa was observing a festive holiday, a period which ex- tends over three days. He endeavored to explain that the car was the only logical place to keep the liquor, so that it would not be taken by anyone prior to the beginjing of the festi- street. vities, WEATHERMAN jesdododrdordoodroododordodondodrfodrododondodondods The wild, wild wind of winter, Blows cold o'er land and sea, The snow is up to the ankles, And creeping up to the knee, Today its the wind of Winter, x » ® Today Oshawa is having the first real snow storm of the year. Falling, falling, falling, the gen- tle flakes are covering the land- scape and if there's a sleigh around Oshawa the merry tinkle of sleigh bells will soon be heard in the land, Mostly cold is the word of The Weatherman and Oshawa today changes from a city of ice to a city of beautiful white. Gone is the January thaw and in its place is His Majesty, Old King Winter, Now the youngsters will be able to bring out the sleds that Santa Claus brought them at Christmas and the hills will resound with merry laughter as the iron shod contraptions carry their loads of merry passenger, Just about time the snow king made an appearance, seeing its only a little over two months till Spring is ushered in. Motorists today were thrcading Oshawa's heavy traffic carefully. Some motorists, however, drive as if they were anxious to have their accident over quickly and have it over with, Pedestrians, too, were nimble to- day in crossing the streets, Seems, indeed, as if they offer silver cups for almost anytmug these days except dodging automo- bileg. The cold weather and the snow will §elp to check the flu epidemic. * % % - q 3 3 3 3 The flu, the flu, It makes you flighty, Best place is bed, In a flannel nightie, ®t o% 1929 is away behind the times, so far there has been no first robins paged. But the crows are flying north- ward, we are told, so its going to be a short winter. Price of eggs hasn't soared very hivh this year. Which raises the question as to whether its correct to say the hen is "sitting" or *'setting." Most poultry owners don't care which is richt--al Ithey want to know fis, when the hen cackles iz it "laying' or "lying." Meanwhile--colder. Some snow. One little Oshawa boy today asked his mother where the light went when it went out, and mother said she didn't know any more about that than she did where father went when he went out. Meteorologieally speaking, snow | flurries. It's going to be a white January 11th all right. Oshawa's City Council meets on Monday when there will be some speech making and oratory. The proper time for inaugura- tion of the aldermen would he when golf it at its peak. Some of tife finest speeches are made, they say, when a fellow misses a long drive and foozles in- to the rough. Meanwhile--cold and snowy we may have said before. EDWARD FLETCHER The death took place last night at his residence, Park Road south. of Edward Fletcher, in his 61st vear. He was the husband of Aice Regina Johns who survives him, aslo two sisters, Mrs. G. Anderson, of Cleveland, Ohio, and Mrs. (Dr.) J. Allen of Willoughburg. Ohio, and Mr. Fletcher's mother, Mrs. Allen Fletcher, at home. Funer- as 'al services will be held from the late residence, Park Road south. on Saturday afternoon, at 2.20 o'clock, Rev. Canon de Pencler of- ficiating. Interment will be made in Union cemetery. HARRY R. DALGLEISH Harry Rattery Dalgleish 16- months'-old son of Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Dalgleish, 201 Nassau street, died at his home here yes- terday. Besides his parents two brothers, five and sthree years of age, survive. Funeral services will be conducttd at the residence tomorrow afternoon at 2.30 o'clock, intement to be made in Union Cemetery. Boastfulness and self-satisfac tion are even less becoming on the part of a mation than that of an individual. --Dr. Nicholas Murray Butler. { i {tion CITY NEWS BOY INJURE was hit by a He was taken eral Hespital, slight, and ce head. TRUCK DAM King street c ley, 410 Ki swerving, . br brace, doing The hoy was dent took pl noo. CARY COLLII The front were night when a Centre = stree Rose Hill north on with the Street, The Rev. erintendent odis called at The zens of Osha generous supported his wish him wel After cyeles, conveyances been are to Most of time or anot some Oshawa er heen from the auct fill a fairly la fers of the ci property in time or anoth or stolen" me curics at the be so Oscar Shaw, W. Trick at 6. AGED James Clar driving a truc damage ace damaged Blvd., Centre Service driven hy J. Sheridan, 17 John St., which was going south on Centre manner found, c¢ these claimed. D 298 Division sireet, car driven by Dr, H, 30 o'clock last night, to the Oshawa Gen- The injuries were ntred on the hoy's ke, R.R. k, license 4, Oshawa, 43-989, on struck Ray Odd- street east, and off a telephone to the truck, unhurt, The aceci- yesterday after- ast, ng oke 119 wheels two cars considerably. last collision occurred on t. J. McAfee, 116 who was coming street, collided Cleaners' truck of THANKS FOR SUPPORT Wiliam IF. of Episcopal Church in Canada, Sup- Meth- Seay, the African Times office today to express his appreciation to the citi- wa for the kind and in which they cause, Rev. Mr. Seay is well known by the donors who 1 in his work. POLICE TO HOLD SALE many the Oshawa police station, tricycles and other months' repose in 20 bi- wheeled have' either onfiscated or stolen, ld at public auction. have been, at 'one her. the property| of citizen, but have nev- The revenue ion sale will no doubt rge corner in the cof- and anyone whose his line has at some er been "lost, straved 4) find it among the police station. which | [ VITAL STATISTICS Vital statistics for issued by city clerk F. E. Hare, were: births, 57; deaths, 27; mar- riages, 17, FATHER SURVIVES In a recent death pubished in The Times the name of Mr. George Metcalf was omitted as a. surviv- ing relative of Mrs, George R, Judd. Mr, Metcalf was the fath- er of the deceased, BECOMING COL DEL The ing the snowfall of today. flurries will also occur to a lesser extcnt than today. disturbance centred near Michigan is passing eastward, ing snow over Ontario today and farther east in Quebec and the Maritime provinces. It is fair and cold in the Western provinces. Snow The Lake cans SUIT AGAINST CITY Suit has been entered against the city of Oshawa hy ("eve Nick- iforuk for damages which he claims arose out of water draining onto his property from city streets, which he says destroyed his sea- son's crop. At the last meeting of the 1928 city couneil, the claim was referred to the finance com- mittee of the 1929 council. WESTMINSTER GLEE SINGERS Speaking of the Westmipster Glee Singers who appear in Andrew's Church on Saturday, St "If you were a millionaire yon would have them sing in Massey | Hall for a whole week, and see to it that every choir, glee club. quartet, soprano, contralto, tenor, and bass so.oist in the city heard them. Easy singing expressive be- yond description or praise; singing which is pure, faultless, perfectly balanced and blended in ensemble, and clear and s.eady as the light of a beautiful planet. You needed no book of words, for every word came to you first, and the glorious your heart," Regular R " Weekly Meeting and Tells Kiwanians That Being Mayor is Not "All -- Arrangements Made for "Charter Night" "I do not think that at any time in the city's been faced w history has Oshawa ith such a large ex- penditure as it is this year," stat- ed Mayor-elec tT. addressing the local B. Mitchell, in Kiwanis elub at a well attended noom luncheon today. The modified his newly elected-~mayor remarks to point out that not one dollar would be spent without the of the city council. ing to public septic tank. technical school, come to the attention which may of the council Mr. Mitchel consideration He was referr- works such as a city hydro-electric plant, and other matters careful in 1929. I's public appearanee today was the first since his elee- as Parkhill, pres eon and he ¢ mayor. President A. N. ided over the lungh- alled upon Ex-Mayor W. J. Trick to imtroduce the speak- er of the day. Mr. Trick "It ds our new task of great ed Mr. Trick, easy perience gaine ciation with municipal affairs. complimented Trick upon his good mayor to understand that has undertaken a responsibility," stat- who spoke from ex- d in previous assoc- Mr. the speaker work as chairman of the Board of Education, and at thir juncture hearing of th E. W. Drew, referred to Mr. expressed regret upon e resignation of Mr. from this body. H« Mitchell as a pub- Oshawa Faced With Heavy Expenditures During Present Year: Mayor-Elect Mitchell Ad. lic-spirited citizen who would ol FY NI. new dresses Kiwanis Club well able to look after the hest in- terests of Oshawa. : Mur. Mitchell Mayor-Elect Mitchell told his audience that he had practically grown up with Oshawa, and during his long residence here had seen the city expand from comparatively small beginnings. It had always maintained a constant growth and | be maintained indefinitely. Critical Period "This is a ceritical stage in the city's career," he declared. The mayor-elect was pleased that such dent that they would exercise cau- tion in the many important mat- ters which would come to their at- tefition. Tn referring to the fact that a technical schocl must be built this year, Mr. Mitchell prom- ised that he would do all in his power to have it built on "the | hill." Not All Roses Since his election he had been asked by many how it felt to he mayor. He them tcld several lit- tle incidents Which illustrated that the path of the city's first citizen was not all roses. In concluding his address, the speaker nrged that service clubs such as the Kiwanis take a keen interest in all public affairs and he gave assurance that any ed. Charter Night Arrangements were made at to- day's luucheon for the Charter Night banquet which will be held in the Genosha Hotel cn the night of Janvary 16. On this occasion the Oshawa club will be presented «i its charter and representa- tive~ of other clubs in Ontario, Quebec Maritime and the Prov- December, | Weatherman promises cold- | er weather at the week-end follow- | tomorrow | January 26, a Toronto paper says: | tone foliowed to hear it straight to | he hoped that this growth might! a splendid body cf men had been | elected to council and was confi- | suggestions would be welcom- | E. GLOVER Prop erty Purchased, Load Being Cleared For Erewetion Work Affiliated Organizations Plan'. Building That Will Be a | 1 1 Structure Credit to the City With Iu the ER ea i ge Hall, Accommodation for Oth- provision will be made for acconmio- | dation for other lodges and societics er Lodges and Societies-- in (hc city that wish to lease lodge rooms, The building will be a moder: Home for Orange Orders fraternal hall in every particular, and 2 will no doubt be 'a credit to the city. to Be on 'Bruce Street Be-| A building committee is now working tween Simcoe and Celina | on the project, I, Goodell, 123 Buri ! street, being chairman of the cowm- Streets mittee, can inove in to it immediately after | they are forced to vacate the pres- & nt lodge rooms, Plans are being laid by all of the Orange lodges and affiliated organi- Councillor TORONTO STC CKS (Supplied by Stobie, Forlong & Co.) High 421, 169 79% 04 31 40 2 80 11 100 57 new 55a 1054 921, 12,30 1y 1359 Low 4124 169 Stock Thitibi | Bell Tel, | Braz. | Br. A, Carl, Cn, In. AL | cy. Dry. Imp, Tob. {1p 0il | Int, Pet, {It NL Loblaw Ms. Hr. Me. Frit, Md. Nl 55% | 8. Station 69 Sh. Wht. 99 Hr. Wal. 83 Oil 09 350 350 31 37 30 48 42 Amulet Abana Amity Br, Holl. Bath, | Bedford | Bidgood Cn. Mn Cx, Cop. Dome lowey Holl. 8935 Hd. Bay JK. Mn, Kd. Lake Keeley Kt, Flr, Lv. Que, Mandy McDoug. MclIn Malar. Mn. Cor, Nipis. Noran, | Pion. 33 | Pd. Ore. 1100 | Prem 23 230 { Sn. An, 21 | 8d. Bas, $50 Sh, Gor. GRO { Tk. Hg. 900 | Tow. 315 Wr, 180 995 120) Bid 2030 34 170 35 281, 9 135 b2 2150 91 140 ra 5. 330 438 325 6400 23 1100 230 21 855 685 9205 315 180 6400 Hr. boo NEW YORK STOCKS | Stock High Low 2 { Amer. 1183 11668; L198 198 123 121% 59 7% 5814 .2393 239% tJ 121% Can, Atchison Balt & Ohio Briggs Mfg. | Can. Pac. | Can. Dry Chrysler bc ongoieum Cur. Aero | Erie | Fam. Ply. Gn. Mt. new Gra. Pa. .. old Dust Hd. Mot, Hupp "Int. Comb 1155; 198 155% ©° & ws or 1 Lo I or ERS BR 2 Mad Sve, Ww ard oil. Trek. bo Le OF = ov 2 te ER a a NAR - = of el RAR ER SR RR Mt. Mar. | Mek. { Phil. Pet. | Pan. Am, Packard Radio ..... g | Srs. Rbek. | Sin. Oil .. St. Oil N.J. | Studebager | U.S. Rucher | U. Steel | U.8. Leather | Wiys.- Ovid. Woolworth Wr. Aero .. Vie. Talk. Yeliow Cab Money 7 per cent, The recognition of differences, after all, is the beginning of un- | derstanding, understanding means mutual contidence,--Hon. Vincent | Massey. a 13 » - o RE EER ae © o-oo - pe LE Osa LEER re RTE GE EN 2 GY CIS =) SY we nN oo 21, 1 39% {inces will be present as guests. The Kiwanians will meet at the hotel at 3.30 o'clock in the aftermoon. following which they will make a tour of inspection of the General | Motors plant and other of the eity's {chief industries. The banquet takes piace later in the evening. Admiral Campbell Announcement wae © alsp made © the president, of the lecture to be given in the Oshawa Colegiate (on Tuesday, Feb. 26, at 8 pm.. by Rear-Admiral Gordon Campbell. {C., D.S.O.., on the subject on {the British 'Q"" Boats - Fought the lGerman Submarines.' Rear-Ad- {miral Campbell, who {suished naval officer, being | brought here under the auspices of the local club. is , | possible > [lease of the Orange lodges on. their | God colieu the ¥. Sadly missed by . sr. ang Mrs, D, Owen. * | supper 121%} "4 4 | Secretary, & som; s | RS.8, is a distin- | | zations in Oshawa for the erection of an Orange Hall here during this year. | Property has been purchased « | Bruce street, between Simcoe and ] : sa { Celina streets, and work has already Funeral from the family resid- {commenced clearing this. land in lence, Courtice, Burda), January preparation for the excavation work, |12, 1929, service at 3.15 p, oi? In- First Unit jterment in Union Cemetery. Priv- While working plans have not yet | ate, (9a) been drawn up by an architect for | this job, members of the Orange] order here say that the building will lle a modern three story structure. It is expected that only the first floor | will be built as a first unit, but that | provision will be made for the addi- tion of the upper stories at a later date, The estimate cost has noi been divulged. Begin Erection | SNUDDEN ~-In Courdee, Thursday, January 10, 192), vo dlbam snudden, aged 76 years, 14 On January ; 1929, to Mr, and Mrs. H., Witter- ick, 226 Eulalie Avenue, the gitit of a son (Gordon Henry). WITTERICK-- cost of the total | MeGILL---At the Oshawa General | Hospital, Friday, January 1%, The first unit of work will be pro- 1929, to Mr, and Mrs. John C, ceeded with immediately, as it is th McGill, a daughter. (9a) desire of the other order to have it --- ready for occupancy at the earliest | in Memoriam date. It is stated that the BROCK ---In loving memory of our dear brother. George, who de- parted this life one year ago tv- day. One year has passed since that sad day present hall, in 4 oclk, pire they the Orang one we loved away (9a) BROCK In loving memory of Ceorge, lLeloved only son of Thomas and Louisa Brock, who passed away January 11, 1928, ine his 14th year, Sadly missed by father and sister Evelian, (9a) JOINT MEETING, INSTALL OFFICERS | Phoenix Lote No. 22 and | Mother, Corinthian Lodge No. 61, Have Pleasant Union The Oddfzliows' Hall on King] St. West, wis crowded to capacity jast evening, the occasion of a join: instaliation of the two local lodges , AR of the three link order, Phoeait i STRONG--In loving memory of No. 22 ang Corinthian No. 61. did our dear daughter, Clara, wi the absence of District Deputy passed away January 11, 1927. Grand Master Honey of Port erry, i She had a nature you couldnt' Liolp P.G. Bro. G. Bunker, of Oshawa loving 3 : a jee ' deputised in his onerous du.ic "| And a heart .that was purcr The installing ceremony was car-, gold ried out by Bro. Bumker and his{ , , ® 0 0 oho en officers in a very able manner, | ioved her, Speechmaking and a review of the | Her memory will never grow ol: work for the.coming term closed | Sadly missed by the proceedings of this Intercstin: | i... rather, sister and bro her. | ceremony. (92) | BROCK--In sad but loving mem- ory of our dear brother George, who depar.cd this life, January Sadly missed | Sister Fernie and brother Emer:zon Brown, (2a) th=n ber aud Banguet The brethren tnen retired to the MeNAUGHT---In loving meinory of room here hey were| our dcar husband amd fathe:, | regailed with light refreshments John McNaught, who departed ! which took the form of an oyster! this life Jan, 10, 1928 supper. The fo.lowing are tho ie | As we loved him so we miss him, who were elected and appointed to, In our memory he is de:cr, the various chairs of the two|Love remembered thought of Lodges for the next six months' | ways, term: Bringing many a silent tear. Phoenix Lodge He bid no one a last farewell, N.G., Bro. C. Foster; V.G., He said bood-bye to mone G. Robinson: Lec. .. Bro. Fred |The heavenly gates were opzned H. Parsons; Fin. Sec., Bro. BR. Keel; wide, Treasurer, Bro. W. Evans; War- A loving voice said come, den, Bro. J. Guttman; Conducior, Sleep on dear father your caris Bro. Rotish; Chaplain, Bro. Mc- are ended, Quade:; 1.G., Bro. is Knox; O.G., Rest in peace your work is (one Bro. R. Brown; L.S.8, Bro. ¥. Har- | You are gone where those who ris; R.8.8., Bro. L Fung L. 8. loved you V. G., Bro. F. Williams. Will meet you one by on: Corinthian Lodge No. 61 Ever remembered, N.G, Bro. T. Leonard; V.G. by wife and. family. | Bro, W. Willoughby; Recordin: (92: Bro. J. E. Norsworthy Financial Secretary, Bro. W. WwW. Bickle; Treasurer. Bro. A. KE. Fiin- | ders; Warden, Bro. C. Wauna- | | maker; Conductor, Bro. 8. Atkin- 0. G., Bro. G. Hamilton; I. |G.. Bro W. Stilwell; R.S.X.G,, Bro.| LOST--BETWEEX 310 E. Rorabeck; L.S.N.G., Bro. G | Albert St., pair dark' Shemilt; R.8.V.G., Bro. J. Tomyp- | Slasses. Finder please son; L.S.V.G.. Bro. J. Bradshaw; [1089W. - Bro. Jno. Roscoe: L.S.S., #ro. W. Cobourne; Chaplain, Bre. M. Selby. | MOXOCLE NEARLY PROVES DANGEROUS TO EX-PREMIER | " Paris, Jan. 11. -- The monocle | always screwed tightly into the right eye of Joseph Caillaux, form- | * er Premier, nearly caused him to lose the sight of that organ when | OPENING 1 he met with an automobile acci-| Afternoon at 2 p.m. a: "Notes dent near Chartres yesterday. City Stadium" and at 7 pow M. Caillaux's mishap occurred 'Come and enjoy yourself ou L: when his machine skidded on am | largest ice palace in Ontario. icy pavement and collided in a fog Admission adults 25 cents, child- with another automobile. The for-| Yen afternoons 10 cents, even- mer Premier, snug in the closed | ings 15 COME. Season tickets « oy car, was reading correspondence | sale at "Stadium". Adults $2. when the crash occurred. children £1. 50. 2. 0 nose was broken and his eve Js |THE BAND OF THE ONTARIv profusely. I was at first teareg | Regiment by kind permission of [that the sight of the eye had been | ihe officers will give a sacr destroyed. concert in the Regent The:t Later it was announced that no Bungay evening, January 13. permanert injury had been suffer- £.20 p.m. Silver collection at th: ed, and that he would be able to | door. (92) resume his political activities losHAWA GARDENS, within a few days. . Square dancing every Friday. - { Music by Towsend Edgerton Or- |. chestra. Gents 35 cents. Ladies 25 cents. (ic) t 32.00 each.| MADAME NEV. PALMIST, 45 King St. W. 'Ross Corners. appoint- (9b). ments 2894. (81) al- No. 22 Bro. "Ton Lote fo Chasify. GARAGE FOR RENT. week. 163 Brock St. BE. $1 A (Yc AND 125 rimme J phon (91 Coming Events 3 Cents per word each in- serdicn. Minimum charge tor ceca inscation, 35¢. SKATE SATURDAY WINTER MILLANERY All hats on sale Miss V, Caldwell, SALE ? ADA, Phone

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