Oshawa Daily Times, 8 Jan 1929, p. 5

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I'HE USHAWA DAILY 11MeS, TUESDAY, JANUARY 8, 1929 Woman's Daily Interest I SOCIAL and PERSONAL Miss Marion Lick left today for Kingston, where she will continue her studjes at Queen's University, after spending the holidays at her home, Simcoe street Bork, * 0% Miss Jean Hall returned to To- ronto today to attend the Univer- WOMEN'S The Times Invites the co- operation of its readers fn contributing items to this column. Send in a postcard or phone 3%, Miss Grace Mitchell of Cobourg spent the week-end with friends in the city. iw Mr, Clifford Earle of Cobourg was the guest of friends in the city over the Jyeck-ond, Mr. W. Evans Boaprey of De- troit, Michigan, is visiting his par- ents, Mr, and Mrs, J. R, Boaprey, sity of Christmas holl Mr, and Mrs, Donald Hall, visiting her parents, Mr, an A. returned to the College, (Trafalgar Castle), by. * % % Mr, Ralph J, has accepted A the Walkerville General Motors of * % % ail, who has been Miss Harriet Swall, a Mrs. , Masson street, has Sal, Ontario Ladies' Whit- Vv. * & % A Miss Lois Mundy left today for in the city, the Ontario Ladies' College, Whit- * * Miss Wilda Knight left for the University of Toronto today after spending the Christmas vacation at her home here, » 5 Mr. Alan Williams has returned to Queen's University, Kingston, t by, after spending the weeks with her parents, Mr. Mrs, C. M. Mundy, Simcoe street north. past three and x 0% Miss Betty Walton, a pupil of he Ontario Ladies' College, left or school today, af.er spending the 1 after spending the holidays with Christmas vacation with her aunt, his mother, Mrs, A, Williams, Division street, * % ¥ 8 Miss Jean Merritt left today for Toronto University, after spending the past few weeks with her father and mother, Mr, and Mrs, W, Mer- ritt, Elgin street, kk * Miss Margaret Luke has return- ed to the Ontario Ladies' College, Whitby, after spending the holidays with her mother, Mrs, W. A, Luke, King street east, * »" * Mr. Wilse McKay has returned to Toronto University af.er spend- ing the Christmgs vacation with his parents, Dr, and Mrs, T, W. G. McKay, King street east, * * * Miss May Storie left for the On- tario Ladies' Coliege today, after vi visiting her paren.s, Mr. and Mrs, A, G. Storie, Simcoe street north, for the past three weeks. ; spending the wich her Mrs, Stewart Storie, east, returns today to the Univer x ¥* ¥ Mr, Howard Adair, who has been spending the holidays with his par- ents, Mr. and Mrs, T. A, Adair, Col- 8 borne street east, has returned to Mrs, R. Duizendstra, Simcoe street outh, ss Miss Phyllis Wright has return- ed home after spendng Christmas and New Year's guest of her aunt and uncle, Mr, and Mrs, avenue, Toronto, * in Toronto, the Chamberlain, Jones * Miss Margaret Anderson, who has been spending the holiuays wich her dersun, Division street, today to Ontario Laales' College, Whitby. rents, Mr. and Mrs, C, mM, AD- returned * % 0» Messrs, Edwin and Eric Henry have returned to the University o. 'voronto, atter spending thrge weeks wilh their pareuts, Mr. and Mrs, E. M, Henry, the past King .reet east, CI Miss Anne Storie, who has been Christmas hoiidays Mr. and mrs. King street parents, ity ot 'toronto, 8 ® Mr. Maurice Hutchinson left to- Toronto, after spending the ays with her parents, Mackie, 285 Arthur street, left on Saturday for Walk- erville, where he position with branch of the Canada. GEORGE HART L. V. DISNEY F. J. PERRY PRESENTATION T0 "REV. MR. REEVES BY YOUNG PEOPLE Address Expresses R-gret at Departure of Knox Church Minister The Young People's Society of Knox Presbyterian Church met last evening at the home of Mr. and Mrs, A. R, Hamilton, 311 Athol street east, Miss Beryle Robertson led the meeting, while .{iss Mar- garet Roy was in charge of the topic, which was an appropriate one for the new year. An Address The second part of the meeting was of a social nature, the program consisting of music and games. During one of the intervals, Mr. John Morrison cal.ed on Rev, A. C. Reeves and read the following address: Dear Mr, Reeves: The members of Knox Presby- terian Young People's Socie.y wish to take this opportunity of convey- ing to you their thanks and ap- preciation for the service and friendship you have so kindly shown while in the office of honor- ary president of our society We have always felt (hat we've had a you with this small token of esteem and appreciation which we, as a group of young people, will always feel, We heartily wish you and Mrs. Reeves happiness and success for the New Year, which we have entered into, Expresses Thanks Miss Ruth, Hamil.on then pre- sented Mr, Reeves with a gold mounted fountain pen. Mr. Reeves in his reply, after thanking the young people for the gift, which would always be in daily service, referred to the fact that it had al- ways been a pleasure for him to attend the meetings, He stated that as a society (hey would very likely have their 'ups and downs', and that two important things were regularity in attendance and faith- fulness in taking part in the meei- ing. He said that he hoped to meet with them on some future occa- sion: and wished them every suc- cess in the present. Supper was then served and an enjoyable and happy evening was brought to a close, OPENING OF CAMPIELLFORD HIGH SCiiOOL POSTPONED Peterboro, Jan, 8,--Peterboro schools opened yesterday morning after the Christmas holidays with an attendance of about 75 per cent. Only two teachers were absent. .ighteen cases of flu in" one publje chool were report.d yesterday. At Campbelliord flu conditions were in serious that the opening of the high schools has been postponed for another week, as only thr e of | ELECT OFFICERS EPWORTH LEAGUE Albert Street United Church Society Holds R- gular Meeting The Epworth League of Albert street United Church held their regular meeting las. evening, The meeting was opened with a hymn, which was followed by prayer, led by Mr, Naylor, Reports for the year were given by the treasurer and missionary treasurer, The officers for the 1929 season were elected and are as follows: president, Ross C.ark; secretary, Glacys Hurlbert; firs. vice-presi- dent, Irene Brown; second vice- president, Mrs, Q. Eagle; third vice-president, Harold Lemon; fourth vice-president, Jack Naylor, Ray Lee; treasurer, Mable Can ning; pianist, Norman Williams; corvesponing secretary, Ora Wil- son, Mr. Bickell gave an interesting talk concerning young people and Miss Mable Coakwell contributed a piano ins rumental, The meeting was closed with prayer, led by Rev. R. A. Whattam, Time was whin the mercury ent so low we had to breathe on COATS Prices That Have Never Before Been Equaliled 0, 50 VALUES 49.1 at $19. 75 Beautiful French Broadcloth and Vella. blooms, with finest quality American Opposum Collars in Shawl and Paquin styles and novelty cuffs to match. Fancy silk linings, warmly interlined. 20 Coats to choose from at this price in black, navy, brown and blue, GREAT LAKES BULK FREIGHT REACHES NEW PEAK RECORD -------- Cleveland, Jan, 8,--A new peak record for movement of bulk freight on the Great Lakes was set during the season just closed, During the navigation season of 1928 shipments of the four major commodities of lake commerce to talled 127,312,069 net tons which is an increase of 6,651,069 net tons over preceding year and of 6,022,667 over previous record year of 1926, Iron ore headed the list with 53,» 930,874 gross tons compared with 51,107,136 gross toms for 1927. total est'm-te of Nova Scotis and |More fron ore, however, was mows only 300,000 bores short of the en- eq in sc en years dating from tir- rroduction of Ontario and Nova 1915, The ore movement in net Scot'a, {tons registercd 60,456,579. Grain "No account has been taken In reached a new record high mark figures, the committee report says: "The estimated number of boxes is given as 4,378,970; deducting the Coast districts, 4,339,350, 'Nova Scotia Is credited with an estimate of 847,850 barrels, which at 3 1-3 boxes to the barrel, gives an estimated production of 2,826,- 167 boxes, or practically 1,500,000 fewer thas the estimated production of British Columbia. Eastern On- tario is credited with an estimate of 177,390 barrels, or 591,300 box- es, Western Ontario is credited with an estimate of 366,500 barrels or 1,221,933 boxes. "The relative importance of the production in British Columbia may, therefore, be summed up by saying that the est'mates show it to be 1,513.183 bo~es ahead nf the B.C. APPLE CROP NEARLY EQU!L TO REST OF CANADA M'llion And A H:If Boxes Ahead of Toa! Estimate of Nova Scotia Victoria, B. ¢., Jan. 8.--British "olumbia's aprle crop this year to- tals 4,378,970 to <3, or only 300, 000 bo:es short of the ent're outnut nf the chi f fruit « ts of as t rn Car-da, a~ror r to fizures given out here by the Committee of Queen's University, Kingston, * * * it to see how far below zero it was, Market D'recticn which sunervices but now a thermometer if it went th> sale of British Columbia fruit to a few feet below zero would ex- crops. plode, In a memorandum covering these THESE SIX ALDERM:N WERE ELECTED BY ACCLAMATION i ES F friend as well as a leader and we deeply regret your going away from among us and on this occa- sion we take pleasure in presenting day tor Mungston, where he is at- tending Queen's University, after spenuing the holidays with his par- ents, Mr, and Mrs. W, H. Hutchin- son, Quebec street, ss + Mr, M, Rombough left for King- s.on, where he is attending Queens Unversity, after spending the vhristmas vacation with his father and mother, Mr, and Mrs, VY. » Rombough, Arthur street, ss 5 » Miss Evelyn Pearce, who has been spenuing the Curistwas ho. days with her parents, Mr. and mrs. J. rearce, haig sireet, has re- turned to Toronto to continue her studies at 'Loronto universi.y. * * LJ Misses Beatrice and Helen Fraser, who have been spenuing the Christmas holidays with their parents, mr, ang Mrs. Jawes 3S. rraser, Simcoe street north, re- turned to .he Ontario Ladies' Coi- lege, Trafaigar Castle, today. * 5 =» * * The Ladies' Auxiliary of the Canauian Legion, Yost 43, held their regu.ar Monday evening whist arive last evening in the Legon all, On account of the election .ay and the amount of sickness in .ae city the a.tendance was small. he ladies' prizes were awarded 0 Misses L. Smith and R. slack. Fv ELE Dolly Dimples and Bobby Bounce - By Grace G. Drayton the staff of seven teachers were well enough yesterday to resume work. 'The public schools were able to open. the foregoin~ figures of Quebec, [for the period, 16,372,095 net tons which is credited with only 85,520 [of grain being shipped from the barrels, or 285,069 boxes." head of the lakes, Mr. Bill Hart has returned to Queen's University, Kingston, after spending the Christmas holidays with his parents, Mr. and Mrs, G. Hart, Kingston road east. 9 Miss Edythe Cawker has return- ed to the University of Toronlo, after spending the past three weeks with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. E F. Cawker, King street east, * LJ * Mr. Ralph Schofield, Simcoe street south, 'left on Sunday for Winnipeg and Western Canada, where, for three months, he wil demonstrate the new Chevrolet. * * * Miss Elena Stacey, who has been visiting her parents, Mr, and Mrs. J. Stacey, Simcoe street south, dur- ing the Christmas vacation, re- turns today to Toronto Universi.y. * % =» Miss Evelyn Gay, who has been visiting her father and mother, Mr. and Mrs. B. J. Gay, Ar hur surect, for the Christmas holidays has re- turned to Whitby, where she is at- fending the Ontario Ladies' Col- ege. S. H. JACKSON DAN M. DOUGLAS South-West Ward GEO. T. MORRIS South-West Ward R. D. PRESTON North-West Ward North-West Ward South-West Ward RUSSE 3, Ent North-West Ward LN ENGAGEMENT Mrs. Edith Myers of Oshawa, Jvntario, announces the engagement of her daughter, Margaret Alice ~onant, 10 Mr. Roy ¥. Severn of J soronto, the marriage to take piace the latter part of January. EAA Deny, BoSoy AND ComFy HAD Gomx To. THe Panmy CLOSET To GET A FEW COOKIES - OR A eT of JAM OR MAYBE A LUCE piece of CHocolATE CAKE ~ WHEN IN RUSHED THER olD FREAD MovsiE V-NORg (o] Nr Nelo) I 4 135 CHURCH ST. TORONTO ow DID HE GET THE CROVP ~ MOUSIE 2 OW Quick- Cons HELP pe - my BABY MovsiE Has. THE CRovp AnD I CANT FIND A, DocTOR YOUNG PEOPLE'S LEAGUE His AVBPERS mp The opening meeting of the new £7 Now us 15 AWgvL year of 1929 of Simcoe street * BE Young People's League was held 3 last evening. The social evening, which was held, cemented this ga- thering of young people for the work of the coming year. The meeting opened with a sing song. Many games provided fun for the evening, the most hilarious being the Kiddy Kar race by the young men. A stunt song "Clementine," was cleverly featured by several of the young people. The agility of the girls was proved when they 14 GREAT Dis. outskipped the boys. An interest- Tess -- ing contest racked the brains of all Coin ---- present. Next Monday evening an inter- --- esting topic, "The Place of the Church in Industries," is being pre- pared, it was announced. The young people were asked mot -to forget the Standard Training Class, which is being held at King street Church every evening this week. In the care of baby's tender skin Cuti- cura Soap is the mother's favorite. Not guys it vntivaled io pusity and refrcsh~ HEAR 7° Moisi Bor we win MELP you Know WHAT To Deo THE Poor Mousies FOR cRouvp BABY. HAS Tg CROVP~ AND MpVsiE RusHES % Dolly, Boesy AnD Comfy BE ~ CAUSE HE coulD HoT FD A Decor ~ THEY FIND TRE Bay Mouse ALMOST BREATHING His LAST - AnD- GRACIOUS ME They Hao To work FAST, IT crn ToL You Dont cry, rama. Dolly ano Bossy, AND Comfy WiLL SAVE Him {es #oo) Hoo, Tvidh BAVC Somp WARN BLANKETS MY DOLLS HousE --e SS Fou ¥F 18 wii | On- BARKMG Lake A Puppy Doce BoBBy RAN HOME AND GOT" SoME CAMPHORATED - Oil. FROM THE MEDSCINE | CABINET JO Dolli€ ced aA LTE En AES FRom ser Toy Kmzeep ~ BW Cuticuts Shaving Stick 28c.

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