---- "WHITBY Representative--JAMES HOLDEN Phone, House 15---Office 484 WHITBY Bylaw . Reeve i J Sub-Division Nd, 1 217 84 105 192 48 49 140 16 51 101 60 99 116 36 87 75 780 244 391 624 Mayor ~ 4 79 113 11 49 67 18 69 70 17. 62 68 65 370 444.3 Council Hl 15 111 129 114 142 164 98 98 77 158 132 105 100 67 106 86 33 67 34 112 72 63 97 59 76 72 42 42 27 95 69 67 60 72 84 93 B4 61 54129 111 78 100 44 79 68 59 42 36 79 69111 8 -- 56 487 483 316 310 228 570 453 424 411 Dudley Elected Mayor of Whitby by Majority of 536 Over Underwood Defeated for Rooveship ~ | teated WARREN DEARBORN Who lost out by a narrow margin in try for fourth term as Reeve of Last Whithy, SNAPSHOTS OF MEN ELECTED T0 SEATS WHITBY COUNCIL Nearly All Have Had Muni- cipal Experience and All Are Valued Citizens MAYOR LEVI DUDLEY, Whit- by's mayor-elect has had previous experience in municipal life, bav- ins served in the town coupeil sey- eral years ago. Mayor Dudley is 8 general insurance agent and is a prominent member of the Baptist Church. He is an enthusiastic bowler. REEVE JAMES M. KENNY eame to Whitby from the north-west and bas resided in fown for the past 14 years. He was a member of the town council for seven years and on more than one occasion was chairman of the streets committee, He operates a large chicken farm DEPUTY, REEVE CHAS. E. BOWMAN, was a new member of council last year and served as chairman of the fire and lizht com- mittce. He is a real estate dealer and insurance agent, and formerly resided in Brampton. He takes a keen interest in local sport. CHARLES BROUGHTON, was the youngest member of last year's council, but has had two vears of experience in municipal life. sr. Brou-hton is a farmer residing om Dundas street west, and is a grad- uate of the Ontarjo Agriculture Colleze at Guelph. WM. DAVIDSON is the proprie- tor of Davidson's garage, Dundas street east. He is also agent for Chrysler cars. ROBERT DEVERELL is a part- per in the firm of Wilder and Dev- ercll, Ford motor car dealers, Dun- €2s stre't west. He has had one yer of erperience in council. JAMES ORMISTON, who last yoar was chairman. of the eouneil r-lief committee is a nrewspaver- ron and editor of the Whitby Gaz- ctte and Chronicle. He is a native of ®cotland and =ained his first editorial evpericnce 2s a member 0° the staff of The Oshawa Daily Ti~ag (Oshawa Reformer.) 'WM. PRINGTE has served four yeas im covneil, always as chair- rn of th- finence committee. He sneer for the Hatch Manu- footvpin~ Co, and an experienced arc nvntant, § POTTTT RFID. of the Reid- Nah Motors. is the mronrietor of #2 oerroe ond a dealer in Nash cars. Po wos ot ove time a member of the staf of the Ontario Hospital. REFUNDED { Stomach Ills Linger cE FAT'S the way your druggist | antes Pink Cepsules for | I~ on. Lipating, heartburn and ALL stom- § ach toguble or he will relund the fll purchase price. Such a fair of | fer ic worthy of trial. You cap get | them ot Kara's and all good { {feated . Every Polling Division Piled Up Majority for the New Mayor -- Kenny Defeats Jackson for Reeve and Landslide Removes Sev. eral Members of the Old Council -- Ormiston Heads the Poll and Pringle and Broughton Survive in Electoral Race (By Htaff Reporter) Whitby, Jan. 8.--Levi Dudley was yesterday elected mayor of Whitby by a majority of 536 over his opponent, Russel J, Underwood, deputy reeve for the last two Years. Every polling subdivision gave 8 large majority for Mr. Dudley, as indicated by the fact that the de- candidate made his best showing in subdivision No, 4, where he received 60 votes against 157 'for the mayor-eleet. Dudley was especially strong in subdivi- sion No, 3, where he received 139 votes to 16 received by his oppon~ ent. Kenny Wins Reeve Jackson, for four years Whitby's representative in county council and ex-warden of the countv, also was included ip the landslide which removed three other members of Iast year's coun eil, when he was defeated by James M. Kenny with 233 wotes, in the contest for reeve. Mr, Kennv has served seven years in council put was defeated by Mr. Jackson for the reeveship in 1935, The new reeve enjoyed 8 majority in every subdivision but Neo, 5, where the ex-reeve has always polled a heavy vote, New Men in Connefl Councillors Dave Mowat and Frank Threadgold also suffered a defeat at the polls, while counefllor James H. Ormiston headed the list with 570 votes, The new men to be elected to council gre Wm, Da- vidson, Robert Deverell snd Rob- ert Reid. Councillors Wm. Pringle and Chas. Broughton survived in the electoral race and eame fourth and fifth respectively in the vot» ing. Heavy Vote It is interesting to mote that of lacy year's couneil only four mem- bers remain, Mayor Bateman hav. iny resigned end four other mem- bers being defeated. A feature of yesterday's election was the heavy vote polled in sub- divicion No. 1, which includes the northwest section of the town. All subdivieions, however, reported a heavier yote than last year. CROXALL DEFEATS MACKEY FOR REE7E WHITBY TOWNSHIP Lick, Stover, Cook and Grant Are El-cted to the Township Council (By Staff Reporter) Whitby, Jan. 8.--W, F. Crozall was f§2-clected reeve of Whitby township yesterday when he de- bis opponent, BE. L. Mackey, by eight votes thus bringing to a \conclusion a hard fought contest. A heavy vote was polled the township in spite of the fact that the journey to the nearest po booth. Reeve Crox- all polled 276 votes, while Mr. Mackey came a close second with 269 votes. R. F. Lick came first in the race for council with 329 votes. Others to be elected included Percy Stov- er with 319 votes, W. Cook. 276 votes and Innis Grant, 233 wotes. Sidney Lockyer the can- didate, received 160 wotes. h | WILLIAMS ELECTFD REEVE IN CONTEST IN DARLINGTON in Darlington Silos Williams and George F. Councillors In the elections township yesterday was elected reeve, Annis, deputy reeve. i1elected were C. A. Blanchard, A. G. Pascoe and J. H. Mutton, THE QaiiawA DAILY Lived, TUESDAY, JANUARY 8, 1929 'REEVE OF WHITBY WHITBY RETURNS REGEIVED SLOWLY, AT TOWN HALL Large Crowd Waits Patient. ly and Final Poll Comes at 840 (By Staff Reporter) - Whituy, Jan, 8--The town clerk's omce became the centre ot Jterest last night as voters and waluidates gathered to hear the res Jults ot the elections, ' All polls viosed at tive o'clock and the tirst coturns came in from subdivision no, 8, which is situated in the «quneil chamoers. It was shortly «Iter six o'clock when the first re port was received from leputy Res curing Officer Disney who was. in charge of this booth, The returns {or mayor, reeve and park bylaw were first received and gave falp indication of how things would go in the remaining four subdivisions, Crowd Grows As time advanced more and wiore voters crowded into the town clerk's office until space was at a premium, Every time the tele- phone rang a hush prevailed as the audience strained ears for possible pews on the elections, A pumyber of candidates were included In the throng and eagerly awaited any in- formation regarding their treat. ment at the hands of the electors, Long Count The large number of candidates for council made the counting of the ballots difficult and it was not until an hour had elapsed from the time the first returns were heard that the complete returns were se» cured from subdivision No, 3, A minute later 8 messenger arrived from subdivision No, 4, with com. plete returns, The phone rang and the voice of D.R,0. Lou Northam was heard giving a report from No, 6, the old south ward, Park Bylaw "How about the park bylaw?" queried town clerk John Frost, The audience laurhed audibly when some unintelligible answer came over the reesiver, "They for. got about it down there," someone sugrested, But the south ward hed not for- gotten and the park hvlaw vote was received a few minutes later, A lull ocevrred interrinted from tinve to time by eood-natvred ban- ter on the part of the supnnrters nf the various eandidates, the pros- nective memhers of council] and the evident slsn-rans, "Not So, John" Ex-Mavor John Peteman arriv- eA shortly before eivht o'rinck and evaminine the chert bn the town elark's desk, © remarked invinelv, "I evesg I Aid well bv nat punnine." "Not so, John." ¥W~-Reeve Jark- son renlied, "I think von wonld hava been elected anvwav." The tiral retnrns from srhdivi. =lon No. 1, the larrest nolling ser. tion wera not forthcoming until 8 40 o'clock. PARK EXTENSION NOT POPULAR WITH WHITBY ELECTORS By-aw for Purchase of Fac. tory Site Defeated By 305 Votes R---- (By Staff Reporter) Whitby, Jan. 8.--The bylaw pro- viding for the extension of the town park by the purchase of the old factory property to the north of the present park was given scant treatment by the electors yesterday end was defeated by 370 votes to 65 votes. In every polling subdi- vision there was a heavy majority against the bylaw and in subdivi- sion No. 2, the ratio was almost twenty to one in opposition to the measure. No Surprise Only property owners were pers mitted to vote on the bylaw with the result that few women were able to east a vote unless they had been declared joint owners with their husbands. The supporters of the measure claim that they were not surprised at the result of the vote as there had been previous in- dications that the bylaw would be rejected. 'They are satisfied that 8 fair concensus of public opinion bas been obtained. SEVERAL WHITB VOTERS' NAMES NOT ON THE LIST However, As List Had Been Prepared and Posted Several voters in Whitby found their names missing from the Voter's omission was of course accidental. It was pointed out that the onus was on the voter as plenty of time was given the voters to scan the puibliste- od list and mote omissions and errors, a 5 JAMES M, KENNY Whe as syesierday elected reeve of Whithy, Mr, Kenny is a for- mer meniber of the town council. HEADED THE POLL JAMES H. ORMISTON Whose re-election to the Whitby town council was assured yester- day when he headed the Biv with 570 votes, Last year Councillor Ormiston was chairman of the rer lief committee. Promoted! MAJOR "BO3"" SMITH Popular member of 1028 East Whit- by Council who will now be De- puty Reeve, BOWMANVILLE MISS MARGARET CLIMIE, Representative Phones: Office, 687; Res, 6511 Bowmanville, Jan, 8.--~Election for seats in the council passed off gently yesterday and a fair vote was polled, despite the cold weather. The fact that the contest was for council only detracted from the usual interest, Six 139 & 216 192 68 120 143 227 193 West ,, 167 North South » 124 Total ..., 63! 473 423 0 Keen Contest Features Bowmanville Flections councillors were elected from the eleven who were nominated, Edgar, heading the poll, J, W, Bunner was sixth on the list and was elected by 1 vote over William Brock and two votes over Alan Campbell, Bowmanville Election Ward Edger Rohder James Gibbs Corbett Bunney Brock Campbell Smith Bagnell 106 217 14 200 75 35 71 78 TE -- -- -- 394 362 360 SCHOOLS REOPEN AFTER HOLIDAYS Won In Close Vote . JOHN ROSS Who Defeated Reeve Dearborn for Reeveship of East Whithy Detailed Figures for E Roeve . Harmony , Westmount A to K LioZ . Stephenson's Cor's, 3 2 , North Oshawa 2 1 . Columbus . Raglan Totas 526 571 4 est Whitby Township Deputy Reeve Council 4 [=] 47 32 Burrows Fleming -- 1S 36 27 23 17 IN BOWMANVILLE Prizes Donated By Cana- dian Clubs Presented to Pupils Bowmanville, Jan, 7.~The Pub- le School re-opened this morning ttep prolonged Christmas holidays ith a full staff of teachers and 00d attendance of pupls. The older weather seems to have put 4 check on the flu and few new .ases have developed during Lhe ast week. Owing to the school iosigg sooner than was expected, 10 priges won by the pupils which are to have heen distributed tuc st day of school, were presented .is morning. The prises donated by the Wo- men's Canadian C.up for he high- | est standing in Canadian History in the eatrance clags were presented by the Presiwent, Mrs, (Dr,) Clark Bell, the winners being Gordon Jodow and Char.es Cawker, Prize donated by the Men's Canagian Glup for hispest stavu ing in Capadian History ip the Junior Fourth Class, was presen.- ed by the Fresiuent, Dr. J, C. Devitt, the winner being Mary +0WRS, A special prige for the bighest standing in Aritaigetic at the en- trance examination, uonated and peesen. ed by yrincipal J. mn. Jousn- ston, was won by rayhis CUia..ds. 'Ine prizes uonated by the »caool Board to the highest stanaing 95 124 65 08 166 27 107 FRAY IE Ty 42 646 109 412 66 237 273 501 392 395 NEWCASTLE Newcastle, Jan. 4.--~Miss Eileen Cooke, daughter of Rev. and Mrs, E. B. Cooke, of Tweed, is visiting with Misses Dorothy and Evelyn Rickard. Miss Annie Shaw, hospital super- intendent, Piqui, Ohio, is visiting with her aunt, Mrs. S, Jose, and also with her sister, Mrs. A, Cowan and family, Miss Beatrice Cryderman, Shaws, with her sister, Mrs, J, H, Jose. Mr. and Mrs. C. F. Cannon and children, of Oshawa, and Mr. and Mrs, Earl Wynn, of Port Hope, at Mr. and Mrs. T. M. Gibson's, "The Towers." Members of the Dudley family from far and near convened for Christmas dinner at the home of Major and Mrs. H. W. Dudley, Toronto, where Mrs. Jobn Dudley, mother of the Major and his several brothers, is spending the winter, Miss Minnie Barrett has leased the rooms in Mr. W. M. Henery's house recently va- cated by Mr. James Robinson and sis- ter, and will make her home here in the future. Mrs. Elford and Mrs. C. J. Staples, of Welcome, visited the former's sis- ter, Mrs. George Rickard, recently. We are sorry to report that Mrs. Bell sustained serious injuries in falling down the cellar steps at the home of her sister, Mrs. John Rick- ard, with whom she resides. Mr. and Mrs. Rex Thynn and son of Brantford with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. D. J. Galbraith. Mr. and Mrs. Allan Lockhart and family with her mother, Mrs. W. T. Lockhart. Misses Marion Allin and Nora Cow- an of 'Peterboro Normal school are Thos. Couch and to spend a portion winter. eF 8 ki ] EERE Mr. and Mrs. A. H. "Fisher and daughter, Manion, of Belleville, at her mother's, Mes. George P. Rickard, Mies Neitie Caswell, of Toronto, and Mr, Walter Caswell, of Peterboro, at Mr, and Mrs. John Caswell's. Splendid Christmas services were held in the church ¢n Sunday. In the morning the pastor preached from the text, "Glory to God in the High- est," and on "Earth, Peace and Good Will Toward Men." With spe- cial emphasis on the latter phrase. Splendid Christmas music in ae- cordance with the message, was rend- ered by the choir, in the morning the anthems, "Christmas Awake" and "Little Town of Bethlehem," and a male quartette, "Glorious Things of Thee," by Messrs. W. J. 8. Rickard, W. D. Bragg, Mark Allin and Har- old Allin; and in the evening the anthem, "There were Shepherds," and "We Adore Thee." The solo parts were taken by Miss Minnie Pearce, Mrs. C. R. Carvetto, Miss Elizabeth Hancock, Miss Beatrice Bragg, Mr. Harold Allin, Mrs. W. D. Brags; obligato solos were sung by Miss Grace Bragg. Duets by Miss Beatrice Bragg and Mr. Harold Allin apd Misses Beatrice and Grace Bragg. Quartette by Misses Beatrice and Grace Bragg and Misses Harold and Howard Allin. During the evening, Mr. Robert Walton cast a spell over usual initmitable way, "Consider and Hear Me." M. Fisher, organist, played the or- gan accompaniments in a very sym- pathetic and effective manner and rendered as well beautiful preludes, offertories, ete. Mr. and Mrs. Chas. Midget and daughter, of Toronto; Mr. and Mrs. Lorne Kerr, of Picton, at the home of their parents, Mr. and Mrs. Wil- liam Cowan. Mr. A. E. Mellow, accompanied by his brother, Rev. F. E. Mellow, of Manilla, spent Tuesday and Wednes- day at his home in Napanee. Mr. and Mrs. Russell Colwill, Ray and Jean, of Toronto, are visiting her sister, Mrs. W. H. Pearce. MAPLE GROVE Maple Grove, Jan. 3. -- Sundey .| services were well attended des- pite the fact that the "flu" is quite prevalent. Mr. Stainton is here He gave a splendid New Year's sermon. An anthem was rendered by fhe choir, also a solo by Miss Edna Swallow. The sac- rament of the Lord's Supper was administered at the close of the service. Ernie Laird, Toronto, was at his Bible reading, Greta Munday; votional topic, Hilda Foley; nread- ing, Vera Trimble; topic, Edna Swallow. .|rothy Barton; Jr. pup.is in ewen class were presenieu ny Cnas, Rice, Chairman of Lhe poard, as fo.lows: kntrance C.ass--~Charlie ker pisie Carruthers, Room 2--Mr, Brunton, Jr, 4th-- Leonara wllson, Mary 10wus, Room 3---Miss Jennings, br. 4th --iupey Dilidck, Made.lue Jones. Room 4--Miss Morris, br. srd-- Chester Jury, Byron Vanstone, Room b----.mise Wicke t, Jr. 3rd ~sommy Dustap, Fred Wood. Room 6--miss Robins, »r. 3rd --Jean Morris; Br, 2nd--Audrey Elliott, Room 7--Miss Bragg, Sr. 3rd-- Eileen Hately; Jr. 3ra--John Mor- rison. Room 3--Miss Jewell, Sr. 2nd-- Dorothy Richards; Bert Johpston, Grace Chi.ds, equal, Room 9--Miss Moore, Jr. 3rd-- Joey Caveriy, Helen Foster, Class B--Marion Scott, Room 10--Miss Bunner, Jr, 2nd --Ruth Ives; Sr. 1s.--Omery Mit- chell. Room 11--Miss Moptgomery, Sr. Pr.--Eddie Biglew; Int. Pr.--Bea- trice Kembring; Jr. Pr, -- Orval Berry, Room 12---Miss Sargent--Jr, 1st to Sr. 1st~--Chas. Churchill; Sr. Pr. to Jr. lst--Dorothy Hernden; Jr. Pr, to Sr. Pr.--~Jean South Ward Schoo} Room 1-Miss Coliacutt ~ Sr. 2nd--Lilllan Barnes; Sr. lst--Do- ist ~-- Helen Broo A Room 2--Miss M. McGregor, Jr. let--Patricia Wilson; 8r. Pr.-- Joyce Large; Jr. Pr.--Louise Wil- Caw- RESULTS OF ELECTIONS IN EASTERN ONTARIO Carleton Place--Mayer, = Willia Barclay; Reeve, Herb. Sinclair De: puty Reeve, L. J. McDiarmid; Couns cil, Dr. J. Allan Johnston, Dr, Ivan Yr Res, Yilian ia Matthews, illlam W, Polloc eorge Carson W. E. Donaldson, 88 Carson, Cobourg--Edith Kerr MeDonald, only woman Mayoralty aspirant in Ontario, went down to defeat last night when W. MacArthur headed the poll with 663, - MeDonald with 333 followed closely on the heels. of the second aspirant, Cochrane, with 357, and surpassed ex-Mayor Cooper in last place, with 255, Deputy Reeve Wilmott was elects ed tc a second term of office. Couns cillors elected were; Taylor, Jackson, Pratt, McKinnon, Lajoie, Vivian, Nepanee -- Mayor, W, Howitt; reeve, George Tustin; councillors, C, N, Loucks, J, G, Daly, W, G, Paul, k H, Fitzpatrick, E, O, Ungar, C, A. Viserfian, Port Hope--Deputy reeve, G, T. Hancock; by-law to extend for ten years the fixed assessment for Mathews Gravity Manufacturing Co. passed. Prescott--Water and Light Com- missioners--W. J, Hoy, Charles De- beau. School Trustees--James Hall, T. W: Ralph, C, E. Judge, The vote of property-owners eon by-law to borrow $150,000 for the erection of a new high school was defeated by a majority of 68, : Sturgeon Falls--Council, R. Bour- assa, John Jacques LP Le E C Roy, E H b i Alired Cartier, Mayor A. A. Aubin was re-elected by acclamation, Durham--Council, R, Whitmore, W. S. Hunter, P, McLean, B. Stone- house, Albert Noble, C, Howell, Ti Adolphustown--Reeve 8, John- ston. Councillors. Owing to storm report incomplete. Amherst Island--Reeve, A, N, Hit- chins, Councillors, W, A. Scott, Wesley Brown, Herman Williard, John Hagedorn, Bath -- Reeve, Geo, M. Loyst M, H. Mellow, G. L. Hawley, C. J. Hoselton, Herbert Bulch. Brighton--Reeve, Oscar Morgan; deputy reeve, W. Goodfellow (accl); councillors, Kenneth Ames, F, Den- yes, F. George. --Reeve, John Judge, De- reeve, Fran McLaughlin. Kenneth Weese, J, A. Salisbury, Harr Robertson. Emestown--Reeve, A. C. M Deputy Reeve, Frank Smith, cillors, John Kenny, D. F worth, D, O. Frink, Councillors, puty Councillors, i SERTT TEE ERE Bovmville Council, 1920 MAYOR Milton Elliott REEVE W. H. Dickson DEPUTY REEVE W. H. Carruthers . COUNCIL SCHOOL BOARD Charles Rico T. A. Dustan Sydney Little MYRTLE -------- . Myrtle, Jan. 4, = School re-opened after the Christmas vaeation on Thursday with a splendid enrollment of scholars, despite the fact that there ig still a number of homes that are infested with the flu. Mrs, William Tarvis is confined to her bed suffering from heart attacks as the after effects of the flu, Mr, Tarvis is still in the General hospi- tal, Toronto, taking treatment for the growth on his face, Mrs, Ivan Rodd has been under the doctor's care for the past few days, suffering from the flu, Mr, Andrew M, Lawrence of the College of Pharmacy, Toronto, spent the holiday season with his parents, Mr. and Mrs, John C, Lawrence. The highway has been a very dan. gerous thoroughfare since Tuesday's ice storm, a number of cars having skidded into the ditch apd had to be hauled out by other power, The Toronto-Lindsay bus has managed to make regular trips twice daily, al- though ft almost turned around on the road different times, The annual Sunday schoo! meeting was held on Friday night, when the secretary, Mrs, Tardiff, gave a very encouraging report of the year's work. The average attendance dur- ing the year was sixty, the most re- gular attendants being Mrs. Elmer Cook, Mr. Robert Chisholm and Mel- vin and Roy Painter, The followi teachers and officers were instal for 1920: superintendent, Mr, Wilfred Graham; assistant, Mr, Harry Lane; secretary, Mrs. Levi Tordiff; assist- ant, Miss Ruby Cook; treasurer, Mrs, Oscar H, Downey; pianist, Miss Vera Cook; assistant, Miss Olive Harrison; teacher of Bible Class, Mrs, Edward Mole; assistant, Mr, H. Lane; Young Ladies' class, Mrs, Al. Carmichael; Senior girls, Mrs. H. Hudgins; assistant, Mrs, Merri- man; Junior girls, Mrs. Clarence Harrison; Senior boys, Mr. B. Mole; assistant, Mrs, Broggn; Junior boys, Mrs. W. Graham" assistant, Mr, Henry Merriman; Primer, Mrs. Dave Leury; assistant, Mrs. Tom Price; superintendent of Cradle Roll, Mrs. Robert Chisholm; grading officer, Mrs, James Dickson, The finaneial report showed that the school had raised during the year by plate col- lections and Christmas tree, one hundred and forty-three dollars and twenty-nine cents. The officers and teachers feel very thankful for the success of the year's work, and trust for still greater results during the coming year. Strangers and new- comers will always be made welcome every Sabbath afternoon at a quarter two, Much sympathy is felt for Mr. Roy y few miles from here, at Prospect, un- til he moved to Brooklin to retire respected Marmo:a--Recve, T. E. Laycock, f Council, W, Billings, J. Downard, W, O. Leonard, L. E. Leal, Mu:ray--Reeve, N. R. Hart. De- puty Reeve, Herman Morrow. Coun- cil, G. R. Ireland, Sam Milligan Walter Priddy. North Fi W. Clark. Councillors, James Keech, H. Martin, G. A. Johnston, Geo. F. S th. exsmi Reeve, 1 Frodericksburgh-- . Councillors, Hepry Coo- Wm. Hill, Frank Gallagher, cillors, W. H. Ross, Chas. McCall, James Skuce, . A. McCrae JVs Vor s Dr. Beaverton--Recve, Js ncillo ir (J fed), Com 5 cale, and Joe C. J. Devine, Geo. any yi , W. Fingle, Coun- vie, 1" Edwards, 1. Wil- «Reeve, R. Sanderson. , Zeney, J. Howe, H. Gor- shel